Bass Fishing Tips - A Must Read...

Post on 02-Apr-2016

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These bass fishing tips are design to help bass fishermen to become better bass fishermen.

Transcript of Bass Fishing Tips - A Must Read...

Bass Fishing Tips ­ A Must Read… By: Stephon Anderson

Chapter 1:

What’s Hot with Bass Fishing?

For years businesses have rode on the vast interest Bass fishing has generated. Many people are hooked, pardon the pun, on this hobby and have elevated it to a sport and a passion. Resorts, sports gears and lines have been built

and many more aspects have benefited from these interest.

Today, there are more and more people trying to learn and find out what the buzz is all about. Bass fishing is

more than just catching a fish. Its now about getting those prized big bass and having the opportunity to show it off. For beginners there are lots more to bass fishing that

meets the eye.

First, try to know the lures that you must have to enjoy bass fishing.

And do you know what the top 3 lures for catching Bass are? Although there was no particular gauge that was presented by the researchers, a survey was performed among the pro bass fishermen and it was found that plastic worms was the most patronized and ranking on

the second and third place were the spinner bait and then the crank bait.

However, picking one of these 3 is not enough. Some factors are still needed to be considered. Primarily, you must consider if it is better to cover a smaller segment of water thoroughly or skim across a larger area as quickly as possible to find fish. Using a worm is slower, but

absolutely effective and is very seductive to Bass. They do best when the fish are schooled over a particular


The problem that usually arise with fishing with a worm is the inability to sense strikes. Usually the inability to sense them is due to a sinker that is too heavy and a line that is

too thick.

To help you to overcome this predicament you are advised to use a variable buoyancy worm using lead strip

sinkers. Here are some of its advantages:

• No moving lead on the line to dampen the feel of a gentle pickup

• You can apply the precise amount of lead to deliver the worm action needed

• It makes it easier for a bass to inhale the worm • It aids in hook setting

• It's easier to shake loose from snags • You can cause the worm to hang virtually suspended

over the bottom when fishing shallow water.

To tell how much lead strip is needed, wrap one strip around the hook and bury the barb in the worm. Ease it into the water and watch it sink, it should barely settle toward the bottom. If it sinks to fast, take some off, etc. Make sure to use no heavier than 8­pound mono line ­

preferably 6 pound.

On the other hand, a Spinner bait can be moved more quickly across the surface and can be bounced on the bottom, sent against a tree limb and moved in many different ways in order to stimulate strikes. It is a great probing lure for the shoreline because of its tangle­free


Lastly, Crank baits cover a lot of water in a hurry. Using them, you can check out a spot without wasting too much

time. You can use them for locating fish that may be scattered.

The most important thing is, no matter what lure you

select for the particular lake that you are fishing on, you need to make it as easy for the Bass to get at it as

possible. Drop that lure right in front of them. Scientists have proven that Bass calculate the amount of energy it

will take them to go after the prey.

Discover and learn to use one of those lures that you preferred to use for you to really find enjoyment in bass


Aside from considering the lures, it is also important to determine the accurate time in going for bass fishing.

Dawn and dusk are definitely when the biggest bass can be brought in. First, remember that bass love ambush spots offering lots of cover from the baitfish. They like to

hid, and pounce on their prey.

These bait fish are most active in the early morning or evening. When they feed, bass follow because the

baitfish is less aware of threats when they feed. Go out fishing during these times for the best success.

When retrieving an underwater lure in poor light, keep it coming at a steady pace once it is set in motion. This will

make it easier for bass to locate and grab it.

The last thing is, don't bother going out in the dawn/dusk when water is below 50 degrees Fahrenheit. This

temperature wipes out certain aquatics and terrestrials, which nullifies the food chain feeding.

Lures and proper time of going on bass fishing are ample factors only that must be taken into account because other aspects such as water quality considerations and weather conditions are also necessary for you to win the

game on bass fishing!

Chapter 2:

Locating the Best Bass Fishing Areas.

What is it in bass fishing that everybody are driven on to engage on such activity? People get fond of bass fishing

that is why every trend that they hear about it really catches their interests and as much as possible get into it.

“Where are the what...? Where are the bass!” How many of the anglers (tournament and recreational) go to a body of water you've never fished before, drop the boat in the water, then, ask this question to yourself? This is probably one of the biggest topics in bass fishing that an angler

should learn more about.

Here you will be getting information on how to locate areas best for bass fishing.

Locating bass and understanding the water would be the number one question among bass anglers today. The next most asked question would be is which baits they

should use to catch a "big" bass.

Now when you think about it, there are really only two (2) main topics that go hand­in­hand when it comes to bass fishing. If you understood more about these two, you

would definitely become a much better angler, and they are:

1. Knowing how to locate bass.

2. Knowing how to catch bass using all the different techniques, presentations, and baits.

Learning how to locate bass can be somewhat of a challenge to most anglers because there are so many different factors that need to be determined such as:

1. Knowing how to read a map ­ this is the fundamental skill that you should try to learn because through a map it is easier for you to take on the appropriate location good

for bass fishing.

2. Knowing the most practical places to look for Active Bass just after cold fronts and during early spring and late fall periods ­ weather condition must be especially

considered as well.

3. Understanding water depth­ this is an important element because the depth or the hollowness of the water

will serve as a factor for you to know if it is a good location.

4. Water clarity­ it could be easier for you to now have

your bass fishing if you are well­oriented about the water clarity of your location.

5. Water temperatures

6. Seasonal patterns­ this is in relation with the trend whether bass fishing is seasonal or not.

7. Locating structure areas

8. Finding vegetation areas

But there is more! Being a consistent bass angler is so much more than just getting in your boat, hitting the

water, and casting your baits. That's why bass tournaments are so competitive and exciting, because the more you learn about locating bass the quicker you can start catching them right? And hey, isn't that half the


Let's start by looking at a lake map. There are two general types of lake maps that most anglers will use which are referred to as the; “Hot Spot” and “Topographical” maps. The differences between the two is that a “Topo” map

shows more detail, and the “Hot Spots” map shows more fishing spots (well, at least they’re supposed to).

The secret (or key) in learning how to use a lake map

would be to sector the map. What I mean by this is that I will take the map and study it for a moment (looking for areas where the fish would most likely be.) Next, I will

(using a highlighter) divide the map in sections based on how much time I have to pre­fish for a tournament or how many days I have to just fish the body of water for fun.

The size of the sections will vary depending on contours, structure, and how many places I may want to check out during the course of the day based on what the map

shows me. I am certainly not one to just cast bait into the water and work it for five minutes and leave; I will try an assortment of baits if I see signs of fish in any given area

to try to establish a working pattern.

Here are some key elements that you can usually look for when it comes to locating bass on any given body of


1. Vegetation areas

2. Irregular contours

3. Shallow water close to deep water areas

4. Points and point drops

5. Various types of structure

Chapter 3:

Bass Fishing Facts You Need to Know

Some people may not be aware of what bass fishing is. Bass fishing has an interesting story. It begun in the late 18th century and it still continues to develop until today. More and more people have been hooked up with bass


It is in fact one of the most popular hobbies of many people and in most countries. More and more countries

have been adopting bass fishing.

It had probably in the beginning practiced in search for food from among the people in the south of the United States. From that day onwards, it has started getting numerous audiences of all ages and nations. Today,

several countries such as Australia, Cuba, South Africa, United States and most citizens from Europe participate in

this kind of event.

The year 1768 or 1770 was the birth of bass fishing sports. Onesimus Ustonson was the one who introduced his first multiplying reels to the fishing gurus and lovers of bass fishing. From then on, it was developed into bait


William Shakespeare Jr. have materialized the construction of a level wind device and secured its patent

on 1897.

Then after, the William J. Jamison Co introduced the excessively ornamented Shannon Twin Spinner in 1915 and was enhanced to create today's spinner baits.

In the year 1932, President Franklin D. Roosevelt has

instituted the formation of Tennessee Valley Authority and has encouraged the construction and building of several dams. These dams were later used for culturing different varieties of bass fishes. If these dams were not built, the people would not have the place to go for bass fishing.

Five years later, the famous DuPont Company filed copyright for nylon fishing net, and this was later urbanized into nylon monofilament fishing line.

The year 1992 is one of the most glorious events in the history of bass fishing. Larry Nixon, the famous fisherman in the history of bass fishing won $1 M total earnings for

this sport on this year.

A lot of fish species that are being caught in the bass fishing events include the following:

Micropterus punctatus ­ Kentucky Bass

Micropterus dolomieui ­ Smallmouth bass

Micropterus salmoides (Lacepede) ­ Largemouth Bass

The other known classes of Micropterus are also wedged but in those times, one that remains most accepted is the

Largemouth bass. On the other hand, it should be emphasized that some of the Australian Bass are different from the above North American Bass variants even though

most share comparable features.

Possibly, the most vigorous success of Bass Fishing was in the 1950s. The popularity of the game during this age is the springboard to the development of modern fishing equipments from bass boats, rods, lines, lures and

various fishing gears.

The contribution of bass fishing industry to the US economy records $50 to $70 Billion and the number

continues to grow. Statistics show that the audience base of this sport is increasing and that more and more people are getting interested in it compared to tennis and golf.

Electronic gears during that time were also integrated and incorporated among the host of equipments bass fishers which were used at that same time. Reels of different

types, which function in carrying and hoisting, were also created.

Now that you have a little understanding about bass fishing, you can already start your own bass fishing in

your place. It is important to know the certain facts about bass fishing so that you will fully understand how it


In addition, you must know how to build up a victorious bass fishing pattern. Having a larger bass will really help

you in your fishing trip.

Some may also go bass fishing at night if they want to so it is good that you be taught professional night bass

fishing techniques.

Besides, the others may also be benefited by learning the professional winter bass fishing techniques for those who

have experienced the four seasons.

These are only some of the many styles and tips on how to progress and enhance your bass fishing strategy. But if

you do not have any plan at all, you may really get dissatisfied from time to time. But, it is optional that you first learn and read adequate information and guides

about bass fishing.

Chapter 4:

The Fantastic Bass Fishing Experience in Central Florida

When you go fishing from one place to the other in the U. S. you will see many different types of lakes and rivers. Each body of water has its own endearing characteristic but they also have a lot of things in common. And that is where the lakes and rivers in Central Florida differ from all the others lakes in the United States – it

has its own uniqueness.

It is popularly known that Central Florida is

famous for fantastic Bass fishing. They have the best lakes in the entire Florida because they

have the finest largemouth bass any other lakes could give.

Bass fishing in Central Florida is world class throughout the year. The reproduction of

this fish occurs between December and April at which time the bass will be at their heaviest. Eight to ten pound trophy­class fish are

possible on any given day, with a chance at even a larger bass.

You can also find in Central Florida the famous Kissimmee Chain of Lakes where the finest

largemouth bass can be found.

Central Florida bass fishing is known world wide. Avid fishermen from all over the world take their vacations here in order to see and catch their own world­class wall mount, a sure

pride of their collection.

Before you go on fishing for bass fishes

in Central Florida, you have first to consider that fishes have different characteristics. And

they are as follows:

1. Shallow water fish or literal zone fish: These fishes lives and survive in shallow water

near the shore line.

2. Of course when there are fishes in the shallow, there are also fishes that live in deep


3. The last are the classes of gypsies. These fish live in deep­water home but they van also

survive near the shore.

Now, if you are done categorizing to what characteristic does the bass fish belong, start

the ultimate fishing.

But wait! You might be wondering where on Central Florida you can get these bass fishes. Here is a list of lakes where you can find the finest and the best bass fishes in the whole

Central Florida.

•The Lake Tohopekiga or the Lake Toho ­ the Florida’s trophy Largemouth fisheries are

found in Lake Tohopekaliga or "Lake Toho”. It is actually the place where B.A.S.S is held. This is also know as the Kissimee Chain of Lakes.

•The Lake Cypress

•And the Lake Kissimmee

Try to visit these lakes! And you will never

regret it.

While there are so many seasoned Bass fishers from Central Florida and some from out of state, there are also those who have little or no experience just yet but want to takes up the sport. It is necessary to know that it is not

just about throwing a line in the water and wait. There are some necessary procedures and laws to follow.

The following are important guides for fishing

bass in Central Florida:

1.Be sure that the boats you are going to use are fully equipped with all U.S. Coast Guard safety equipment and cell phone for emergency


2.It is a must to consider the weather condition. You should leave the water when a storm comes or if there is lightning in the


3.You should start to fish early in the morning or in the evening because bass are active on cooler temperature.

4.Use artificial or live bait to trap the

bass. This is an effective technique because bass are not aware of the bass fishers when they

are feeding.

5.Bring extra rods and reels. You might need it.

But if you feel like you want the guide services to help you, you can just search for them at the

internet. Because they already have an advertisement regarding the services they offer.

Different bass fishing guide agencies will

assist you with your tour. It may charge you a certain amount. But it is an expense I am sure will be worth it.

You will like the pleasure that bass fishing will give to you.

As a reminder do not forget to bring with you

your sunglasses and sunscreen because it might get hot out there! But of course, do not forget to bring

food. You don’t want an angry stomach on your bass fishing trip, do you?

And best of all be sure you have your camera so,

you can take pictures as a memoirs of your fantastic bass fishing in Central Florida as well as that

whopping 15 pounder that you caught.

Chapter 5:

Some “Don’t Forgets” Before going into a Bass Fishing Charter

Bass fishing charters are now in, because definitely bass fishing is really rocking our boats with a flowing number of patrons already. It has been the talk of the town since it was introduced in the late 1700s and has reached its level

of popularity to the extent that even young kids are enthralled to join such an activity.

Bass fishing may be fun and enjoyable while you’re your sitting beside the lake as you spend your spare time with your family and friends but if you want you may plan a charter for all of them and experience the thrill and

excitement of watching a school of bass fish run after your baits.

Below is a list of the things that you should be reminded of when you plan to have a charter. See for yourself.

• You must have a fishing license so that you will be authorized to take or possess either saltwater or

freshwater fish and have a chance to participate fishing games but you should be mindful that we are consistent with the state and federal regulations. Securing a fishing license also contribute in ensuring the future of fishing in

the state where we have the activity.

• It is also advisable that we wear a soft soled shoe for our comfort. Boots, especially those that are intended for

work, are big NO­NOs.

• Bring with you seasickness pills if you that it is needed. It is important that you pack up enough of it for the whole trip. You should make it sure that you are physically fit before going into a charter for you to enjoy every minute.

• Being on a charter means being exposed to the sun so you should not forget to have your sunglasses with you

for protection.

• Coolers should also go with the trip. This is intended for the fishes that are going to get caught. It is one of the vital things that we should not fail to remember for the reason that it would help retain the freshness of the fish. You do not want to have a spoiled­looking fish right?

• Check the weather forecast of the day. You would surely want to go out if the sun is up right? But you should always bring with you rain gear for special purposes. You should always expect for a sudden

change of condition.

Well, what else should you bring?

Food, of course. You will be out there in the middle of the sea or lake so you better bring enough food and beverage for all of you because, for sure, you do not want to eat

raw fish or gulp the salty water when you get hungry and thirsty, right?

To add up, have your camera, video cam or the like so you will have something that would remind you of your trip anytime you want. Be sure that you have all of these things to have a really pleasurable trip while you are in

the fly fishing charter.

There are a lot of bass fishing guides that could offer you great charters. You may check their websites for

information or you may also ask some friends of where’s best, if they are also into bass fishing. Find a charter now

and go with bass fishing, it is one way of comforting yourself and have precious time with your loved ones.

Chapter 6:

Learn some Basic Guides on Bass Fishing.

As you spend more and more hours and days on bass fishing, you will acquire lots of knowledge about the right lure and technique for the proper way to do this sport. The best advice most experienced and seasoned bass fishermen, is to examine the fishing conditions, ask for tips from anglers familiar with the waters you are fishing in, and finally, try many different lures and bass­fishing techniques until you discover what works most effectively

to the situation, and which one you are most comfortable with.

Here are some Guides to Bass Fishing to become a better Bass Fisher.

The Technique:

The bait must fall to the preferred depth, then you have to

shake the rod tip. By this, you'll be getting the fishes attention. Do this for at least 30 seconds, then shaking again for about 2 or 3 seconds intervals, stop and pull

slowly about six inches. Then dropping again, slowly back and down and repeating the process. The first thing to

remember if they're not biting is to slow down.


•During Springtime, fish uphill (position the boat in shallow water and cast to deep water) and use a 1/8

ounce weight.

•Fish downhill in Fall.

•Try to use a Texas rigged worm to prevent hang­ups.

•Fish out the worm and keep suspended 90% of the time.

•Always try to sharpen the hooks to make sure you have maximized your hookup percentage.

•When doodling, it is critical to keep your presentation natural by downsizing your hooks to 1/0 or lower, and paying delicate, attention to how straight your bait is in

order to maintain a natural presentation.

•Crystal clear waters can be tough. The secret to fishing weenie worms is to keep slack on your line and "shake" the bait instead of dragging. The shaking of the rod and

your light line gives your worm, grub or reaper an amazing action.

When to Go:

When the bass quit hitting during the daytime and when it becomes uncomfortably hot on the lake are good signals that it's time to start night fishing. Night fishing is usually practiced when the water is in the mid­60s or warmer.

Places to Fish:

Where to fish at night is a question commonly asked by bass fishermen. Bass don't move great distances in most

situations. Smallmouth bass, especially, are proven stay­at­homes. As the summer wears on, the bass tend to move deeper and won't come up shallow, even at night in many lakes. Night fishing is productive when the bass are

within the 20­foot zone

Tips and Guides

•Position yourself only as far away as water clarity dictates; stay close enough for consistent accuracy.

•Try to make the lure land on the water with as little noise

as possible. Cast past the target when possible.

•In windy weather, put tension on the line just before the lure touches down. This will straighten out the line and

prevent it from blowing across obstructions.

•Learn casting techniques that permit a low trajectory, such as flipping, pitching, sidearm casting and

underhand casting.

•Use a quality rod and reel matched to the weight of the lure. Rods with a stiff blank but relatively fast (limber) tip

are easier to cast than extremely stiff or uniformly limber rods.

•Cast with the wrist, not the arm and shoulder.

•Lower the lure a few inches below the rod tip before casting; this gives extra momentum for the cast.

•Be sure to "load" the rod tip, causing it to bend

backward, on the back­cast, then whip the rod forward smoothly.

•Fill the spool of any type reel to within 1/8 inch of the lip

of the spool. DO NOT OVERFILL!

The Flip­Cast; use your wrist, NOT your arm.

•Concentrate on the spot you want to hit, not on what you want to miss.

•Use plenty of scent when trying to penetrate thick cover ­

it acts as a lubricant.

•Stick to basic jig colors (black/blue, brown/brown, black/chartreuse).

•Use a plastic worm with a glass bead between the worm and the weight for inactive fish.

•If you think it's a strike, reel down until your rod is in a

hookset position before you check.

•A strike is anything different (something you wouldn't feel in a bathtub!).

•Tighten your drag all the way down for better hooksets.

•Use 17 to 25 pound test line for bait casting gear, 10 to 14 pound test on spinning (for flipping finesse baits).

In order to establish a pattern it is essential you

understand how a bass lives in its environment. Knowing where the bass can be found at any given time or place is something you must develop. Always go fishing with a

plan in mind.

Remember that every fish you catch can reveal clues on how to catch another. After establishing a pattern, realize that when the action slows down in the area you were

fishing, you can then search for more areas that would fill the same criteria.

Chapter 7:

Florida the Center of Bass Fishing: Convenience at its best with Bass Fishing Rentals.

Florida has gained an international acknowledgment for its exceptional saltwater fishing, but the outstanding

freshwater fishing has not yet captured the widespread attention of the same amount of visitors. Residents of this state are in on the secret, however; that they have three very active freshwater clubs here in Collier County.

Tourists and out of state bass fishermen are very much welcome here with the amenities and lodgings available for them. Boats, equipments are for rent and this provides

much convenience for travelers.

Since Florida has more than 7,500 lakes available, anglers sometimes face a tough decision about where to fish. It is really very important to consider the lakes. The following list of Top Bass Fishing Areas with Bass Fishing rentals aims to help anglers find a quality place to catch either a good numbers of bass or to catch a trophy bass.

1.Lake George

Lake George is one of the many natural lakes on the St. John’s River. It has extensive vegetation that provides excellent habitat for bass. Wade fishing in eelgrass with plastic worms fished on the surface, and other top water artificial lures are productive. Fishing with live shiners is an excellent method for catching trophy bass during the

spring spawning season.

2.Stick Marsh Reservoir

Anglers in this river can locate bass throughout the reservoir among a variety of habitats including woody stump fields, submerged canals and hydrilla. Summer 2004 hurricanes drastically reduced levels of hydrilla

throughout the reservoir, however, which can affect where bass are located. Anglers should keep this in mind when

trying to pattern fish. Plastic worms, spinnerbaits, crankbaits, soft jerkbaits, and topwater propeller baits are

effective. Wild golden shiners are the top choice for anglers looking to catch a trophy fish.

3.Lake Tohopekaliga

Most anglers here target trophy bass use live golden shiners during early spring. Shiners are fished inshore

near native vegetation or topped­out hydrilla . Plastic baits (worms, crawfish and lizards) flipped along grass edges, hydrilla, and bulrush will also catch quality­sized bass. Spinnerbaits, soft jerkbaits and chugging baits can

also be very productive at times

4.Lake Kissimmee

Lake Kissimmee is the largest of five main water bodies on the famous Kissimmee River in central Florida. Lake Kissimmee is nationally renowned for producing high

quality fishing. Tournament anglers on Lake Kissimmee are posting winning weights of 18 to 20 pounds of bass. Results of an angler survey indicated that bass anglers

had an excellent catch rate of 0.54 fish/hour during spring 2004.

5.Rodman Reservoir

Rodman Reservoir, east of Gainesville and south of Palatka, covers 9,500 acres of prime largemouth bass

habitat. Since its creation in 1968, Rodman Reservoir has been known for trophy largemouth bass.

6.Lake Tarpon

Anglers in this lake are most successful in flipping or pitching plastic worms along canal and bulrush edges. Offshore bass fishing is productive for anglers who fish around ledges, humps, coontail, and eelgrass beds. Popular lures offshore include shad­imitating jigs,

crankbaits, jerkbaits and topwater baits. Fishing with wild shiners and live shad is also effective.

7.Lake Walk­In­Water

The lake is located south of Orlando and east of Lake Wales, and it is just south of S.R. 60. Lake Walk­in­Water has a national reputation as an outstanding spot to catch largemouth bass. Anglers frequently catch up to 25 bass a day with several ranging from four to eight pounds. The

lake also produces many trophy bass exceeding 10 pounds each year. A 15­ to 24­inch slot limit regulation and a three­bass daily bag limit are in place to help

maintain quality bass fishing. Anglers may keep three bass per day, either under or over the protected slot

range, of which only one bass greater than or equal to 24 inches is allowed.

8.Lake Istokpoga

Istokpoga is the fifth largest natural lake in Florida and has an average depth of only six feet. During angler surveys conducted from October 2003 throughout May 2004, anglers caught 124,993 bass, of which almost

55,000 were 2 pounds or heavier, and 1,448 bass were over 8 pounds.

9.Deer Point Lake

Deer Point Lake is a popular largemouth bass fishing

destination in Florida’s panhandle area near Panama City.

10.Suwanee River

The Suwannee River is a pristine, black water stream flowing 213 miles in Florida from the swamp­like region at the Georgia border to salt­marsh tidal creeks at the Gulf of Mexico. This river is known for trophy largemouth bass.

11.The Everglades

The Everglades are south Florida marshlands intersected with over 200 miles of canals. Most anglers fish in the canals rather than in the marsh. Anglers work canal

edges with plastic worms, soft jerkbaits, and minnow imitations. Flipping the vegetation is also a popular


Wherever you decide to go, you can be sure that you can have the time of your life fishing and all at a convenience. You can just rent out a boat and eliminate the need to tow

your own boat or worse have to buy your own. Other gears are also available as a rental for your own

convenience and ease. There are also many lodges and inns plus cabins you can rent out for a weekend or more.

Chapter 8:

Highly Enjoyable Bass Fishing at Puerto Vallarta.

The world’s finest destination for vacation is Puerto Vallarta Mexico. It is well­ known for its legitimate

environment located on a large bay of beautiful sandy beaches and they are filled with big lunkers.

This is the real Mexico complete with cobblestone streets and colonial architecture with beautiful weather that goes

along with, and friendly people bringing their warm smiles.

Puerto Vallarta is one of the loveliest places you can spot on the globe. It combines a unique ethnic culture with

today’s resort facilities, reflected in a variety and inspiring activities and convenient accommodations. Puerto Vallarta’s geographical diversity is represented in its

mountains, jungles, waterfalls, rivers and weather is not a hindrance for your fabtastic vacation. They always have a great weather that will not spoil your ultimate vacation in


As the Puerto Vallarta’s popularity has grown bigger and bigger, more tourist flock in, luckily it does not get

crowded in the view of the fact that it is located on the huge Banderas bay (“also known as Bay of Flags”), one

of the largest natural bay of Pacific Ocean.

Banderas Bay is one of the most excellent locations for sport fishing in the globe. Angler’s from around the world come back every year to find out if they can beat the last year’s big fish that had been caught. It is a brilliant place to find bass fish, mahi­mahi, marlin, tuna, Dorado, rooster

tail, and red snapper for the reason that it is a 40­ mile­wide bay, with a depth of two miles.

Some of the other species that can be caught in the area include Amberjack, Pargo, Snook, Jack Crevalle,

Snapper, Grouper, Rainbow Runner, Red Snapper, Rooster Fish, Sierra, Spanish Macarel, Triggerfish, and

many more.

One of Mexico’s hottest bass fishing lake is known as Agua Milpa, which opened in the fall of 1997.the 70,000 acre lake, one of the most easy to get to of Mexico’s hot bass fishing lake can get to by paved road in 3 hours,

either your heading from Guadalajara or Puerto Vallarta or by air to Tepic, Nayarit then a short 45 minute ride to the


The largemouth bass fish lake was secluded from fishing until the fall of ’97. It is an ideal food base and has an ideal growing temperature for bass fishing making it as there own paradise. Agua Milpa Lake is loaded with

aggressive largemouth bass, averaging from 2 ½ to 10 pounds. The most numbered healthy bass fish caught was over 50 fishes for just 4 hours and the largest fish

caught that time weighs six pounds.

The best fishing rigs in Mexico are the bass fishing boats and motors. They are all equipped with new or nearly new

outboards, troll motors and swivel fish.

Fishing fanatics from all over the world meet on this lake to try their luck in catching the largest creatures that are hard to find. They are required to have a fishing license either for daily or annual purposes. Tournaments and

most of the fishing activities are coordinated at the Puerto Vallarta Bass club located at the lake Agua Milpa

Catching and releasing fish is now starting to get known

in Puerto Vallarta and in the world which make the anglers more concerned about protecting and increasing the sport fish population. Practicing good catch and release techniques provides a first class fishing

experience while recognizing our responsibility to maintain our valuable fishing resources for future generations.

When properly handled and released, fish will continue to repopulate the waters for our continued enjoyments. If fishes are not released and handled properly, there will come a time that in the next generation fishes will not be

transparent anymore.

Pity the children of the next generation for they may no longer see the beauty and exquisiteness of the fishes that swim in the oceans, seas, rivers, lakes, bays and other aquatic forms. Still pity to them for they can no longer

taste the deliciousness of these fishes.

Come and visit Puerto Vallarta if you want to have the big chance of a life time. Choose this place for your next

vacation and you won’t regret the adventure you’ll have to experience and the beautiful sceneries and exotic

beauties of the place.

Chapter 9:

Get to know more about Bass Fishing Lures Part 1:

Bass fishing has evolved to a near cult popularity with so many anglers through the years that there have been so many products made, clubs formed, and articles written about it. Here you will read about the types of Bass fishing lures you can use to catch them. Also, there is also a list on the necessary equipments to have when

going bass fishing.

The type of bass that will bite almost anything is the largemouth bass. Minnows, worms, or other live bait, plus poppers or streamers presented with a fly rod, or plugs thrown from a casting or spinning rod are ways where

they can be caught. Since bass is usually associated with

weeds, a weedless bait will often be necessary. Morning and evening are the best fishing times when warm

months come. They usually like to stay in warm water and warm weather. There is only little bite during winters.

Smallmouth bass pound for pound are the scrappiest fish of all fresh water bass. They are usually associated with a rocky stream or lake environment where its favorite food, the crayfish, is plentiful. The best lake fishing takes place in the month in June and just after, the spawning season, and in early fall. Natural lure like hellgrammites, dragonfly

larvae and crayfish are especially useful during early morning or late evening. Most likely, the best artificial

lures are those who are used on the surface. Light tackle is ideal. Fish quietly, casting toward rocks or logs,

keeping the rod tip up and the line tight. Many fishermen debate on the colors used for their lures. This may vary

on the bass fish that is to be caught.

Fishing requires more than just a simple fishing rod and some lure for serious fisherman. People who fish for

leisure are those who fish because it’s their hobby, they can have some tools and accessories that will help them make it easier and be able to catch more fish. Here are some suggested tools for starters that will help them

improve in catching fish:

­Fishing Rod. The most important piece of equipment and should be chosen with care. A basic rod­and­reel set is enough for beginners. It is necessarily important to have more featured materials. The most important is that you should learn how to use the rod and be comfortable to it before moving into another difficult type of equipment. Professional fisherman can experiment different types of

rod for them to know what works best for them.

When buying a fishing rod, know before you enter the store what kind of fishing you'll be doing, and under what

conditions. Rods come from different varieties of materials, from wood laminates to fiberglass to carbon fiber. Rod handles should fit securely in your palm, and practice casting with the rod, to test how flexible and easy to use it is. In addition have the proper length of the rod. For using lighter lure, or catching tiny fish, a 4 inch to 6 inch rod is advisable to use. For using larger lure, which gets larger fishes or casting longer distances, a rod of at

least 6 inches may be required.

­Waders. It is a water­ resistant covering you wear over your pants to keep them dry so you can wade out into the water. A lot of are made like overalls, covering the chest

and the legs, and with boots attached, for ultimate

defense. Make sure the boots are warm and secure, to supply better balance while walking on wet rocks.

­Fishing Vest. Contains several pockets for storing fish equipments and your hands are free to manage the

fishing rod. Also, should you have to wade out into the water, wearing a vest will let you to have all of your gear with you at all times. Make a decision beforehand which gear is necessary; if you store too much in the vest, it may make it too heavy to wear, which could bring you down.

­Tackle Box or Fly Box. In fishing it requires a lot of

supplies and you need a something big to store all your gears. Spend in a durable tackle box, in which you can

store your entire lure, keeping it easily to get to. Styles are classified into simple and inexpensive, and large and costly. Fishermen may only need something small, but the more advanced fishermen may want something handier. Furthermore, you should consider a fly box.

Small enough to fit a vest pocket and allows you to keep them with you as needed.

Chapter 10:

Part 2: Effective lures for bass fishing.

Many say and believe that a bass fisherman is only as good as his Bass Fishing lures. Well, this is fifty per cent true to some circumstances; because in reality, a great bass fishing lure is useless unless you know how to use


There are accurately thousands of different bass fishing lures available all around the world and chances at the local bait and tackle shop doesn't make all of the variety of lures available to you. Lets accept the fact that the world of bass fishing changes nearly every day, trends come and go, and if the attack that you usually knew will always be the attack you’ll going to use is from twenty

years ago, well it’s time to let your self escape in traditional way of hunting bass.

There are many kinds of bait that looks like a fish, exactly look like one, topwater, lightest lure that can able to float in the water, the worms that attract bass for them to think that they are just a worm, the jerk baits that is usually in

light color, the craw cranks who look like a small crab, the crank baits that look like a fish with a long mouth and lastly, the buzz bait that releases a noise that calls the

bass for it will be in attraction.

High Roller Fishing Lures (salt water) trigger explosive strikes in the open saltwater flats, possesses the ability to finesse trophies from oyster lined creek channels as well as shallow mangrove lagoons. In saltwater, High Roller Fishing Lures deliver thrilling action, strength, cast ability and the durability needed to catch Bull Redfish, Gator Spotted Sea Trout, Massive Snook, Monster Kingfish,

Tarpon, Bluefish, Spanish mackerel, Stripers, Amberjack and Jack Crevalle. The Original High Roller, a

custom­walking lure, spooks the competition. Designed for exceptionally long casting, the Original High Roller is

possibly the most versatile fishing lure we make.

The Pop Roller is a delicate Trout, Snook and Redfish bait, ideal for calm conditions and creek channel fishing. The Chug Roller, with its echoing, deep chug, calls fish from great depths triggering acrobatic strikes. The Rip

Roller series is the most often lure of fishermen, because it sales almost double than other lure. Due to the noise that the prop makes when ripped thru the water, it totally rips the competition, the Crank Roller and the Wiggle

Roller round out the series with un­paralleled buoyancy, flash and structure bumping reactions.

The High Roller (freshwater) is designed for professional fisherman, High Roller fishing lures are proven tough and performance tested. Originally made for Largemouth and Smallmouth bass, High Roller offers poppers, aggressive walking baits, noisy crank baits and world­class prop baits that outperform, out­cast and out­catch the competition.

There are also the so called Classic Bass Fishing Lures, like the Pro Series Jig, it is weedless designed with dual rattles, the Pro Series Spinner Baits a premium plated

blades, the Tournament Series Spinner Bait it is commonly used while in a tournament, and lastly the Clacking Buzz Bait it is the noisiest buzz bait that is

existing around the world.

Lures are important in bass fishing for it is the life and the link of the fishermen to the bass. It creates a big

connection to them that in line in fishing. This lure may be the cause of the last breath of the fish who dares to eat them and it is also the start of one person to consider

him/her self as a fishermen.

Chapter 11:

Keeping in touch with bass fishing reports.

Fishing nowadays is already considered as a form of sport. In the past fishing is a form of occupation and used to strive for living. They catch fishes for their food and

some are for earning some money.

Fishing activities are done in water. This maybe in sea, rivers, lakes, bays, and in other form of water. Almost all bodies of water are rich in fishes and other water products

that the fishers are after to. So fishing can be done anywhere and anytime because we are surrounded by

bodies of water.

It is a fact the world is composed of seventy five per cent water, and the land is only composed of twenty five per

cent. So fishing is very usual to people especially to those who live in nearby shores and water reservoir.

Fishing is fun to do. It brings lots of enjoyment and relaxation to the fisher. Not only these, fishing also

contributes to the development of human body because it can be used as form of exercise, not only for human body, it also help our mind to function well, for mind

should be used properly in this sport.

There organization groups for bass fishing. They provide education program and enhancement of methods and techniques in bass fishing. They are educating people about fishing through books, flyers and leaflets, and the

most sought out way of education that the fishing enthusiasts choose education through the internet.

These organizations for fishing have their very own sites

in the web for easier access of their members. Educational materials, advertisements, and tips are

posted in their updated pages.

Fishing tournaments are also offered by these organizations. The fishing enthusiasts are very much interested with this. In tournaments, all outgoing and adventurous fishers are joining because of the fun they

can have.

In the pages of these sites, fishing reports are being posted for the other fishing lovers to read. These articles

are being posted for them to be able to share the experiences and activities regarding fishing that they have


These reports are much patronized by the enthusiasts for these are providing tips to a better and more successful

fishing. Articles’ regarding the activities of fishing includes some anecdotes and newly discovered new


Pictures and images are also present in these reports to more entertain the fishers that are visiting the sites. These pictures are usually eye catching and make amazements

to the part of the viewers.

Tips for better fishing are also available in the sites of these fishing organizations. They provide advices that will help in the enhancement and improvement of the fisher’s

capabilities in fishing.

Some of the tips and advices in some of the pages that are posted in the bass fishing reports are the following. They are already summarized for easy understanding of

the readers

You need to fish bass differently in different kinds of water quality. Following these general guidelines will improve

your fishing quality:

Muddy Water: In low­visibility water, a bass finds food using its sonar senses. You must use lures with the best vibration and noise. You can tell if a lure has a high

vibration by feeling the shaking of your rod as you bring in the lure. Use your heaviest vibrators and keep them coming at a steady pace so that bass can detect it.

Clear Water: Bass are overly cautious in clear water with high visibility. Their survival instincts kick in, and they are wary of anything out of the ordinary. Use lighter lines that are less visible. Also, use longer casts and lures that

resemble bass food in the area. Spinners usually work in clear water, but if they are not working try a black spinner

blade to reduce the flash.

Normal Water: This water has normal algae and plankton that filters out sunlight. It is ideal for all types of lures, as the bass are not timid. Use the shotgun approach here

and set up 3 outfits, one using a surface lure, one using a deep diver, and the last using a plastic worm. Do about

10 casts with each, and then switch them up to different variations. This is a great way to find out what is working.

Bass fishing reports are of big help in for the enthusiasts of fishing. Other fishers should also contribute and send their reports for the development of the fishing sport.

Chapter 12:

Bass fishing reports to the rescue.

Sometimes even the most techno­oriented person would like to live his life in the streams where living comes on hand. Bass fishing report either be coming home with

nothing bass on hand, or getting your camera to capture the moment of having your finest catch.

Bass are fishes with different kinds; the striped bass and the largemouth bass, small mouth bass and spotted bass. The striped bass comes from the family of

Percicthyidae and its other members include white bass and white perch. The striped bass and white bass are also known as temperate basses­ exercising moderation

and self restraints.

Stripped bass fishing can sometimes be very different activity compared to chasing those regular bass. The important thing to remember is that each and every fish

requires a slightly different approach to maximize the possibility of success. The best way to go about things is to know the fish itself. Learn its movement and capability

to escape as a prey.

The largemouth bass, small mouth bass and spotted bass­ belong to the sunfish family Centrarchidae whose other members include: bluegills, pumpkinseed and rock bass. These basses are also referred to as warm water

basses or black basses.

A smallmouth bass is a greenish brown color, with a vertically striped side. The most suitable way to

distinguish the two is simply by looking at their mouth.

If you recognize the upper jawbone extends past the eye then you know you have a large mouth bass on your

hands. On the other hand, if the fish has a reddish eye, and the upper jaw bone stops before the eye, then you

have caught a smallmouth bass.

Another good clue is the weight, a small mouth bass ways and average of seven and a half pounds. The best place to go small mouth bass fishing is near rocky streams.

Once you have caught them, they pretty much taste like a large mouth bass.

Bass have progressively and gradually grow to be the most well­liked freshwater sport in the United States.

Their popularity has increased due to the rise of the bass fishing tournament industry that helps sell recreational fishing products and train other fishermen on how to

catch bass.

Modern Bass Fishing has its roots in the Southern United States, originally for the purpose of food­hunt. The sport has evolved into a multi­billion dollar industry. The sport has changed radically since the 1950’s from modest beginnings and has develops into the second most

specifically sought after game fish in the USA. The sport has driven the development of all manner of fishing gear, from rods, reels, lines, lures, and electronics to modern

'Bass Boats'.

Competitive bass fishing alone generates approximately two billion dollars annually. Overall the latest numbers place the value of the sport at over seven billion US


The majority of participants no longer views Bass as a food fish. Nowadays, most fish are released as soon as it is caught. In competition anglers are penalized heavily for

dead fish, in some cases dead fish are not weighed. Fish turned in for weighing are immediately released or placed in tanks and treated for stress and injury to their slime

coats, then released back into the water.

Sports fishermen and governmental wildlife departments have initiated the Largemouth across the world.

Largemouth bass can be found worldwide, Japan, Australia and South Africa have active programs of

stocking. The subculture of competitive Bass Fishing has followed the fish across the globe. There have been a

number of tournament events in the USA involving invited participants from Japan, South Africa and Australia.

Anglers themselves had created an organization where fishers can best enjoy the camaraderie of bass fishing with fellow sportsmen. Bass Fishing Clubs take their

existence all the way to United States, and are split up by the western, central, and eastern divisions. These Bass Fishing clubs is an assortment ­from competitive to


A usual bass fishing club will give and offer its member with newsletters, and occasionally periodicals that provide

information about upcoming events, contests and tournaments. Bass Fishing clubs are a great way to get

involved in tournament fishing as they can often be used as springboards to enter national tournaments.

Most of these bass fisher clubs have their own web pages where you can gather more information about the club specifically, including dues, locations and pictures and write ups of past events and tournament regarding bass

fishing sport.

Unfortunately, we cannot give you the best insights on the most suitable technique in bass fishing because

everything differs in one way or another. A small bass is differently caught from a big bass. The technique lies within your hand. It depends on you what technique to

use best.

Chapter 13:

Bass Fishing Tackle­Sparing Some Advice from It!

Many say that only those people who live along the seashore get fond of fishing. Most working individuals who live in the cities find more interest to go fishing

particularly during weekends when they tend to have their rest after a long week pressure in work.

It is true that some of the people consider it as their source of living but others find pleasure in it, so finally they will realize to just make it as their hobby. Don’t you know that most of the people who are getting into it even

spend a lot of money just to buy the necessary equipments for fishing? It includes the baits, fishing rod and even the boats that they prefer to use when they go fishing. Some would even make it as their collections.

Talking about fishing as a hobby and just to give you finer points about it, there are lots of information about bass

fishing that you can surf in the net.

Lots of boxes full of lures and baits can be found when you deal about bass fishing. They had been used once or twice and sometimes anglers would suddenly realize that these lures would serve its purpose anyway, so they

shouldn’t regret even though they spend a lot of money just to purchase such stuffs.

If this is your motivation for most of your lure purchases, then before you walk into the tackle shop again and

spend some more of your hard earned money, you may

want to take some advices first from someone who has been there and done that, so you wouldn’t spare any

regret in the end.

Most of the anglers usually go to their favorite tackle departments and try to check on the different selections

of offerings that they are thinking and planning to purchase. One of the examples of the things that you can realize after visiting your most favorites tackle department is that, fisherman should take it more significantly to look

at their lures as tools and not as toys.

Moreover, aside from the necessity of knowing the right tool to be used, for a successful and dedicated bass

fisherman, it is a significant consideration that they must try to know the proper manner of using it and under which


To give you a clear picture on it, here is a very basic instance. Just try to consider this scenario, if a miner is hired to drill a tunnel through bedrock, it would be

unproductive to use a bit that is designed to drill through sand or topsoil. Everything must conform under the

proper condition.

Now, obviously the same analysis applies to bass fishing, remember that lures are intended to be used in certain situations and conditions. To throw jerk bait with three sets of treble hooks on to a mat of floating moss is the same as attempting to drill through granite with a sand bit. You have to use the proper tool for the conditions at


Lure are used to catch fish but you must bear in mind that by simply throwing your lures in the water, it is already a guarantee that the fish will get near to you and take the

lure as you wish. Bass Fishing needs a lot of considerations, such as the weather condition, the season, the type of body of water (be it natural lake, reservoir etc.). This is just the right time that you will

determine where the fish can be found and the time when you can decide on the right lure to be used.

This may seem like a lot of thinking to do on a day of

recreating. But of course, the more time you spend on the water, practicing these techniques starts to become second nature and you'll spend much less time

organizing expensive lures that don't seem to work. This is already a big help for you anyway.

Remember that there is no substitute for experience, as the saying goes, and there is no opportunity better than fishing to prove that maxim true. So the next time you are in the tackle shop, stop for a minute and think about what you are doing, do not do things without even thinking

about it.

Chapter 14:

The Smart Fisherman’s Bass Fishing Techniques.

Fishing makes great fun! Whether you fish for a living or for pure hobby, you have to be as smart as a fisherman

should be.

Every smart fisherman has his own fishing techniques that allow him to catch the fish he has goaled to. Like in bass fishing or fishing in fresh waters, the fisherman will always have to implore bass fishing techniques suitable

for the kind of waters he is fishing.

The first consideration in developing bass fishing techniques that can bring you your dream catch is to

choose the shore you are to start out.

Also you have to be very keen with the weather. Bass fishing is most productive in the great lakes and like the ocean, these great lakes are also very dangerous if bad

weathers occur.

That is why it is most ideal to do bass fishing during summer especially if the place you choose to have your bass fishing adventure is a big lake like the Lake Erie.

The other thing to consider in bass fishing is whether you goal to fish in the deep called off­shore fishing or just in

the shoreline.

When you are fishing in the deep, make sure that your boat is fully equipped with the safety devices and must

know the regulations imposed by your host state regarding bass fishing in their respective area of


Some fishermen use the trolling techniques in the deep sea fishing or off­shore fishing to catch more fish.

While if you opt to do bass fishing in the shorelines, you only need small boats and minor fishing gadgets.

Also, it is an experience that to be more productive in

bass fishing in the shore, one technique is to fish during night time.

You may also watch or look at the waters if it is very clear. Most probably you can not make a good catch when the water is very clear. Bass fishes prefer

discolored waters. Smallmouth bass fishes and many other species do not stay in clear waters.

The contour of the underwater terrain is also a thing to

consider in bass fishing. You may consult an expert in the terrain of the lake you are fishing and he will guide you to

the best place to fish.

Of course your choice of fishing gadgets will spell much of your success in bass fishing. Choose the most durable

hooks that will hold firm when opportunity is given.

The choice of baits is also crucial. There are plastic baits that do but natural baits such as worms and flies make better. Remember always that the bigger the bait, the

probability of catching the big fish is better that having small baits.

During summer, one bass fishing technique is choosing to fish along Long Point Bay at Lake Erie because during this time, the bass fishes especially the smallmouth bass fishes are swimming their way here back to the main lake

after their spawning period. If you are an amateur in bass fishing, the best thing to do is to fish with a companion who is an expert in the field not only in fishing but also an expert in the flora and

fauna of the river you are cruising or fishing of.

As a beginner, you may opt to fish only in the shorelines of the lake or you may try fishing in the smaller lakes.

Smaller lakes offer also varieties of bass fishes including the smallmouth bass and the white bass.

Bass fishing in the rivers is also fruitful to beginners.

Catch that catfish and its fun. There are rivers with runs and pools and in many cases fish are stacked up in these areas where catching them is as easy as eating nuts.

Definitely your summer fishing will be very educational and full of fun. Plan your summer bass fishing well by

developing and adopting bass fishing techniques suitable

to the waters you aim to explore and the fish you wish to catch.

Bass fishing techniques vary from one situation with

another. The few ideas presented to you here may help you in deciding and planning your next bass fishing


Lastly, please bear in mind that safety is the must be technique to adopt in any endeavor. Always check your gadgets for any defect and if you will use a boat, it has to

be a licensed one.

Chapter 15:

Learn More About Some Techniques on Bass Fishing.

Splitshotting can mean the difference between taking a cold boat ride and a great day of catching fish. Invest the time to practice this technique and you will have more fun bass fishing in the cold winter months. This and other Bass fishing techniques are required to master the art of

bass fishing.

If you put the time in, you will soon learn how to master the fall and winter bass fishery in British Columbia. Your efforts will be rewarded with exceptional smallmouth bass of trophy sizes. Remember though it takes roughly 8 to 10 years for a smallmouth bass to attain a weight in excess of 5 lbs., so conserve your catch by practicing responsible

catch and release methods.

Well the cold weather has put the bass into their winter patterns. Forget about rip baits, spinner baits and crank baits. Now is the time to break out the finesse gear. One of the most common techniques for getting bass to bite

during this season is splitshotting. It is a fairly

straightforward technique and requires little investment in terminal tackle.

The hardest thing there is to teach a bass angler learning

to splitshot is detecting the bite. The bite will vary according to the activity level of the fish. There will be times when they pop the bait hard and you will know immediately that they are eating the bait. Other times there will be a soft, almost imperceptible tick and then nothing. And finally there is the dreaded pressure bite.

The pressure bite will take two forms.

The first way to describe a pressure bite is you will feel a slight resistance to pulling your line forward. This is

somewhat like hooking a soft, spongy rubber band. The second pressure bite is when you lose contact with the


A bass has picked up your lure and is just following along with your forward movement. This is why it is so important to maintain bottom contact. Once you realize that you've lost the feel of the weight against the bottom, and your depth hasn't changed significantly, you have to put two

and two together and get ready to set the hook.

The preferred hook set for this technique is called a sweep set. Once you have detected a fish holding your bait drop the rod tip towards the fish, reel down to the point of feeling resistance (or just shy of that point) and

'sweep' the rod horizontally away from the fish.

If the rod loads up good and you're sure that you've got the hook in the fish just fight him to the boat. If you set the hook and it didn't feel solid you may want to set the hook a second time. The drag on your reel should be set tight enough that it doesn't give on the initial hook set. But it shouldn't be set so tight that a larger fish can't take the

line if needed.

British Columbia, Canada's foremost sport fishing web site containing BC saltwater fishing, BC freshwater fishing, maps, fishing tackle news, sport fishing

destinations, fishing tips and techniques, editorials, articles and much, much more. Inside you'll find

everything you need to tackle trophy fish of all varieties including salmon, halibut, steelhead, trout, bass, and sturgeon to name a few. They also had their own approach and techniques regarding bass fishing.

Since the best spot to catch bass is never on weeds and cover, use weedless lures when possible. This will cut

down on the expense of losing lures.

Bass exist in a wide variety of temperatures, but tend to get inactive during a cold front. Fish swim deeper during the sunniest part of the day. Sun seems to adversely

affect bass fishing. Seek out shady spots or deeper water with cover. On cloudy or overcast days try shallower

waters. In cold water, retrieve your bait slower. Fish tend to react slower in colder temperatures.

Freshwater Fish Identification is another technique used by anglers. So whether you're watching a consummate professional angler check­in fish during a tournament, or listening to an on­air running commentary on a television fishing program, you know that he'll be speaking the truth

of the matter.

Chapter 16:

Bass Fishing Tips: Being Prepared.

Whether you are on a new lake, or on one that you call home, the main purpose is to locate and catch as many fish as possible. Each body of water has an endless

supply of different forms of structure and cover in a variety of depths and water conditions. You can use many types of fishing equipments to be able to get a lot of fish in a proper and legal way, so we need to take good care of

our equipments used for catching fish.

Here are some bass fishing equipment tips to be remembered:

•Keeping your feet dry. Seal skin sox, a waterproof pair of shoe that can be worn in any shoe. It will help you a lot in putting your boat in a low lake that calls for a need for you to step in the water too push off, by doing this your feet

will be dry all day.

•Keeping your rods good as new. It is nice to look at, especially when you always keep your rod clean. Just use a simple prep pad in cleaning the cork handles on the rod. If the cork of your fishing rods is very untidy then it makes your rods look like hundred years older than it

really is. Take a very light grade sand paper and sand the cork handles, you will find out that all the dirt will go away

leaving you with a brand new looking fishing rod. Plus it will make your rod last longer.

•Hi­ tech basin. Handheld computer and organizers such as the palm pilot can be very helpful to the bass angler. You may be able to log conditions, creating your own

checklist to avoid forgetting stuffs, and store the numbers of your new friends you’ve met along the way. You can also download map for your destinations and when you reach home you can easily access all the information to

your home computer for future purposes.

•Being prepared. Always carry equipment and parts in the boat just in case some failures or problems occur.

•Batteries. Always check if you have a good connection. Take care of your battery. Always bring a spare for

emergency purposes.

•Being organized. Instead of using a plastic filing box, and some hanging folders why don’t you just make an article and label them with general bass angling headings and file your articles as you finish them. Subscribing to a lot of fishing magazines and reading a lot of good articles will be able to help you for your future reference. You can put

up a mini library that’s all about bass fishing.

•Boat bearings. Many anglers forget to check their wheel bearings on their boat trailers. Every spring when you get

your boat out of storage, always have your bearings checked. This could save you from a serious accident with

your boat

•Rod basic. The most accurate casting is accomplished when bait casting equipment is cast overhand. Bait

casting gear is extremely well suited for "targeted" fishing. On some occasions placing a lure under a boat dock,

under over lying limbs or between pontoon boats may be necessary. In this situation skipping a lure is ideal. A

spinning outfit is perfect for this chore. Be versatile and be able to use both types of equipment.

•Graphite rods. The biggest killer of graphite rods is

impact against a hard object. It may not break in that spot the day it happens but there will be a weak spot at that point. Keep this in mind when stowing rods for travel. If you are keeping them on the deck, strap them flush against the deck so that the parts of the deck aren’t

rapping against it during travel.

If you are storing them in a locker, do the same or put them in a horizontal holding system, where they won’t hit

the side or floor of the locker. If you are the non boater and your partner doesn’t have room in his locker, try to find the spot that minimizes the repeated bouncing they will take if they are laid over the gunwale. If you have to, lay them over your leg when running the big engine. It's never fun to set the hook on a good fish and end up with

a three piece rod

Chapter 17:

It's the Canada Bass Fishing Way.

“Fishing, an act of catching fish. Fishing for sport, leisure, and relaxation is called sport fishing, or angling, derived from the Old English word angel, meaning “fishhook”.”

Bass fishing represents one of the most popular fishing sports experienced today. The bass family, together with Striped, Largemouth, Smallmouth, Spotted, Black, and White, serve to start countless numbers of latest anglers

every season. This fame has yielded a multi­million dollar industry unto itself, aside from the businesses of other modes of sport fishing. To illustrate this point further, there are boats on the market intended specifically for

bass fishing.

Canada provides a quantity of the world's most excellent fishing grounds. The summer season opens in March and ends late in July. Many anglers head for Vancouver Island to fish for Feeder Chinooks, Halibut, Ucelet, and King Salmon aside from Bass. The variety of fish found within

Canada's borders help to preserve it as a popular destination for the sport fisherman. The fame of Canada's

fishing and tourism industry can grant many great opportunities, but it also serves as a problem for

protection of the country's resources.

Northwestern Ontario is world­famous for the constantly giving good supply of bass fishes. But you will also get pleasure from the adventure and experience of hooking into the fighting Muskie and Northern Pike, the tasty

walleye and Yellow Perch. The gorgeous, dirt free lakes offer up good fishing spring, summer, and fall. You will grasp your limit most days, but even when the fishing

slows down, the loveliness of our Canadian wilderness is an remarkable experience in itself.

Fish for bass, walleye, muskie, northern pike, lake trout and yellow perch in Northwest Ontario Canada at one of Canada's most outstanding fishing resorts, Ranked #28 in

the world for overall fishing and #1 in the world for combined walleye and muskie (musky) fishing.

Bass (fish), ordinary name for many food fishes, but not equivalent to any particular scientific classification. A

variety of bass are known by such local names as black, white, or rock bass. Bass or "Smallies" are known as the

little fighters and are enjoyable to catch!

In the United States there are 9 general and 30 type of fish in the family containing bass and sunfish. The calico bass, also called black crappie, is originate from the Great Lakes and upper Mississippi Valley to New Jersey and southward to Florida, Louisiana, and Texas; it reaches a length up to 36 cm (14 in), but rarely weighs more than 0.2 kg (0.5 lb). The rock bass seldom exceeds that weight

and is a poor food fish. It is abundant west of the Allegheny Mountains, south to Louisiana, and north into

Manitoba, Canada.

The most essential basses in this family are the black basses. The largemouth black bass is also called bayou,

lake, or straw bass, and sometimes, in the southern United States, trout. The smallmouth black bass

resembles the largemouth bass, and the dotted bass is found in the Mississippi basin. Largemouth bass are found throughout the central United States and may achieve a weight of 9 kg (20 lb). Smallmouth bass are

found from Lake Champlain southwest to the Appalachian region; they reach a maximum weight of about 2.3 kg

(about 5 lb).

Small mouth bass are the feistiest fish in Northwest Ontario, pound for pound. In the sunset country lakes teem with these fighters waiting to take hold of your bait and provide you with plenty of action. The sheer numbers

of smallies in this area make Sunset Country one of Canada's first bass fishing locations. In addition,

numerous lakes offer tremendous largemouth bass populations as well, making this area a must visit

destination for any serious angler. With over 70,000 lakes, they’ve got some great fishing holes for you to choose


Spawning usually occurs over a period of 6­10 days in the late spring and early summer. Growth is rapid at first. Ask around for tips on the great time to Bass fish in Canada

with your local tourist.

Chapter 18:

“Fishing, an act of catching fish. Fishing for sport, leisure, and relaxation is called sport fishing, or angling, derived from the Old English word angel, meaning “fishhook”.”

Bass fishing represents one of the most popular fishing sports experienced today. The bass family, together with Striped, Largemouth, Smallmouth, Spotted, Black, and White, serve to start countless numbers of latest anglers every season. This fame has yielded a multi­million dollar industry unto itself, aside from the businesses of other modes of sport fishing. To illustrate this point further, there are boats on the market intended specifically for

bass fishing.

Canada provides a quantity of the world's most excellent fishing grounds. The summer season opens in March and ends late in July. Many anglers head for Vancouver Island to fish for Feeder Chinooks, Halibut, Ucelet, and King Salmon aside from Bass. The variety of fish found within

Canada's borders help to preserve it as a popular destination for the sport fisherman. The fame of Canada's

fishing and tourism industry can grant many great

opportunities, but it also serves as a problem for protection of the country's resources.

Northwestern Ontario is world­famous for the constantly giving good supply of bass fishes. But you will also get pleasure from the adventure and experience of hooking into the fighting Muskie and Northern Pike, the tasty

walleye and Yellow Perch. The gorgeous, dirt free lakes offer up good fishing spring, summer, and fall. You will grasp your limit most days, but even when the fishing

slows down, the loveliness of our Canadian wilderness is an remarkable experience in itself.

Fish for bass, walleye, muskie, northern pike, lake trout and yellow perch in Northwest Ontario Canada at one of Canada's most outstanding fishing resorts, Ranked #28 in

the world for overall fishing and #1 in the world for combined walleye and muskie (musky) fishing.

Bass (fish), ordinary name for many food fishes, but not equivalent to any particular scientific classification. A

variety of bass are known by such local names as black, white, or rock bass. Bass or "Smallies" are known as the

little fighters and are enjoyable to catch!

In the United States there are 9 general and 30 type of fish in the family containing bass and sunfish. The calico bass, also called black crappie, is originate from the Great Lakes and upper Mississippi Valley to New Jersey and southward to Florida, Louisiana, and Texas; it reaches a length up to 36 cm (14 in), but rarely weighs more than 0.2 kg (0.5 lb). The rock bass seldom exceeds that weight

and is a poor food fish. It is abundant west of the Allegheny Mountains, south to Louisiana, and north into

Manitoba, Canada.

The most essential basses in this family are the black basses. The largemouth black bass is also called bayou, lake, or straw bass, and sometimes, in the southern United States, trout. The smallmouth black bass

resembles the largemouth bass, and the dotted bass is found in the Mississippi basin. Largemouth bass are found throughout the central United States and may achieve a weight of 9 kg (20 lb). Smallmouth bass are

found from Lake Champlain southwest to the Appalachian region; they reach a maximum weight of about 2.3 kg

(about 5 lb).

Small mouth bass are the feistiest fish in Northwest Ontario, pound for pound. In the sunset country lakes teem with these fighters waiting to take hold of your bait

and provide you with plenty of action. The sheer numbers of smallies in this area make Sunset Country one of Canada's first bass fishing locations. In addition,

numerous lakes offer tremendous largemouth bass populations as well, making this area a must visit

destination for any serious angler. With over 70,000 lakes, they’ve got some great fishing holes for you to choose


Spawning usually occurs over a period of 6­10 days in the late spring and early summer. Growth is rapid at first. Ask around for tips on the great time to Bass fish in Canada

with your local tourist.

Chapter 19:

Fall Bass Fishing, The Call of the Wilds.

The great outdoors, its natural splendor beckons mans natural instincts. As men have grown accustomed to living in high rises and suburban haven, they could not still

shrug off the call of the wilds.

Man has started off as natural hunters even with the convenience of department stores and groceries, there is

still nothing quite like the natural high of catching your own food. From necessity, fishing has evolved into a sport, now hordes of fishermen are now sportsmen

because of these and bass fishing is one of the greatest challenges this sport offers.

Just try to look at its development and you will really see the diversity. Before, fish is only considered as part of our

everyday needs, but as time goes by it was later transformed into this kind of sports which the people

particularly the anglers are getting fond of.

The satisfaction that they find in bass fishing cannot be compared to any other hobby. Be it young or old, many are becoming quite fond of it. Although there are a lot of things to be considered once you get yourself into Bass

Fishing but still they disregard all of these.

The allure of bass fishing is never seasonal and the call of the waters never ceases. Be it not for the coldness of winter, bass fishermen would not be held back from

getting into their boats lugging their gears. It is too much of a passion for those who truly understands the essence

of having to catch the bass.

Moreover, the game of bass fishing does not choose any age. Once you are hooked to it, you will certainly find the pleasure of bringing home the trophy fish. Sometimes, anglers even tend to disregard the weather condition

because of their urge to catch bass fish.

Bass Fishing has become a competition to other anglers because at times they are fond of recording the biggest fish that have been caught and it precisely gives not only

fulfillment but as well as honor on the part of the individual that was able to catch it.

The bass fish is a trophy fish because of its ability to give a good fight when it is caught. Its capability to grow into big sizes makes it a good wall mount without the need to wander off to the deep blue sea. Bass fishes are mostly fresh water fishes and this doesn’t require expensive boat rentals as well horrendously pocket burning fees and


And since it is fresh water, you can do bass fishing even in fall!

Trying to look at the tips on how to succeed in the game of bass fishing, there is a very important thing that must be consider there. That deals on the weather condition. It

is a must to consider that aspect in bass fishing. But of course, you should leave the water when a storm came or

when there is lightning that comes into the area.

It is an advice for you to start to fish early in the morning or in the evening because bass is active on cooler

temperature. You are surely to catch bigger trophy fish if you will have the bass fishing on the right time.

Fall bass fishing is particularly good because during this season, there is a lower temperature and the colder the time is the higher the chance for you to grab on the bass


Northern California for instance, has always been known for its abundance of the bass fish. This usually happened during the Fall Salmon Run in the Sacramento River, but oftentimes, this Season looks absolutely phenomenal,

and may not be seen again for many years to come. That is why people who are involved in fall bass fishing always grab the chance whenever this season comes because

this only comes once a year.

Fall Bass Fishing is like a delicacy, it is VERY special for those who have a taste for it. Like age, it does not need to consider the best seasons for going into bass fishing. This

is important nonetheless if you want to drive your goal of winning the game and catching the biggest bass fish for you to track the record of the biggest bass fish caught.

Chapter 20:

The Lake Okeechobee, Bass Fishing Paradise.

Okeechobee is a Seminole Indian word meaning "great water cannot see other side". True to its name, Lake

Okeechobee is 748 square miles in size. It is the greatest provider of drinking water for south Florida, averaging

13­19 feet in depth.

Lake Okeechobee is renowned internationally for its fishing for bass and other species. It is located northeast of Naples, less than 2 hours away, and is heavily ringed with tackle shops, marinas, motels, restaurants, etc. You can find rental boats, gears and lodging to make your bass fishing trip more convenient and comfortable.

. Lake Okeechobee also means 'big water' to the Seminole Indians, it is the second largest freshwater lake in the United States after Lake Michigan and its fishing

reputation matches its size. Much of the lake's 730 square miles or 450,000 acres are hidden from view by

dyke, levee, or trees which screen the shore.

Lake Okeechobee has a 150 mile circumference and its invisible opposite shore is more than 30 miles away. The best fishing and more than half of the action, takes place along the lake's western shore where Calhoun's Guide

Service is based.

Lake Okeechobee comprises a 730 square­mile area in Glades, Okeechobee, Martin, Palm Beach, and Hendry Counties its average depth is 9 feet with a maximum

depth of 17 feet. Recharge comes from precipitation and southward flow of water from the Kissimmee River.

Historically, hydro pattern flowed southward over millions of acres.

Lake Okeechobee offers all types of waterway structures to fish ­ from open water to narrow canals surrounded by

hundreds of different vegetations and grasses.

Lake Okeechobee is located in central southern Florida, north of the Everglades and south of Orlando. Lake

Okeechobee links the Atlantic and Gulf sides of Florida

via the Port Mayaca Lock on the east side of the lake and the Moore Haven Lock on the lake’s western side.

Drainage canals lower the lake and drain adjacent lands

for farming. Agricultural activities around the Lake Okeechobee area include cattle ranching, dairy farming, and crop production of sugarcane, winter vegetables,

citrus, sod, sweet corn and rice.

Lake Okeechobee fishing is well­known not only throughout the U.S. but the whole world. Haw hunter guide service has clients who come from all over the world, including Japan and Europe, just to fish Lake

Okeechobee with the best of them.

The lake is approximately 37 miles long by 30 miles wide, with an average depth of only 10 feet. To fishermen nationwide, it's renowned for the number of bass it

contains per acre and that it also produces more bass over 7 pounds than any lake in Florida and the United


Lake Okeechobee, located in Central Florida, is the most famous big bass fishing lake in the country. For many

years, Lake Okeechobee has produced the best largemouth bass, blue gill and speck fishing in the world.

Hoover Dike was constructed along the southern regions

of Lake Okeechobee to prevent flooding while also yielding year­round crop production. Tory mucks of the region contain 50 per cent or more mineral matter by weight and have considerably more native fertility than saw grass mucks, which were formed under logographic conditions. The 1950s was a period of technological

ambition and construction, a system of canals, dikes, and pumping stations were installed to distribute water to the Everglades Agricultural Areas from Lake Okeechobee

Lake Okeechobee provides trips and tours all conducted by highly trained and efficient guides. They know the movement of the fish and their feeding patterns which gives you the best advantage over the fish and landing

the lanker of a lifetime. Their cordial manner and willingness to help you enjoy your day on the water is

genuine. Whether you want to book a corporate trip, take a youngster fishing for the first time, or have special

needs, they there to help.

Fishing at Lake Okeechobee for Bass from late fall to early spring is when Crappie and Bass Fishing at Lake Okeechobee is at its best. Success comes when using

large wild shiners or artificial lures of all types. If you want

to target a true monster size bass, fishing at Lake Okeechobee is certainly the way to go.


Chapter 21:

Mexico: World’s Best Bass Fishing Site.

Bass Fishing is indeed an adventure for the anglers and travelers. It gives them a lot of enjoyment and excitement as well. It is now already popular in most countries which have an endowed resource of water. Mostly, bass fishing

is being done in lakes. And one of the best popular places of bass fishing in the world is in Mexico.

Bass Fishing in Mexico is an awesome and ultimate

experience because it has some of the best bass fishing in the world. By its good environment and productive resource of water, most anglers and travelers fish here. Mexican bass lakes like Huites, El Salto, Baccarac, Agua Milpa, Comedero and Guerrero can offer basses over 10

pounds on any given cast.

Because of its nature’s beauty, it can never be said that it is god’s gift. The sheer anticipation of a bass fishing trip to Mexico is enough to drive any angler obsessed. Crazy anglers are being encouraged for it can produce well. Mexico bass fishing can be done on the greatest black

bass lakes in the world.

There are four such lakes on the West coast of Mexico: Lake El Salto , Lake Agua Milpa, Lake Huites , Lake

Baccarac ,Lake Comedero.

Lake El Salto produces more double­digit bass than any bass lake in the world. It is a 23,000 acre impoundment, home to some of the very best Largemouth Bass Fish in the Mexico and in the world. It is located 50 miles north of the beautiful seaside resort of Mazatlan. Over a thousand of bass ranging over 10 pounds have been caught and

released at this great Mexico bass fishing lake.

Lake Agua Milpa, offers big numbers of quality largemouth bass. Also, Lake Huites is considered to be one of the finest waters among the rest. Thus, Lake

Baccarac is an ideal hotspot for catching large mouthed bass. It is the best big bass lake in the entire world. The first fishing season was beyond most anglers’ dreams and

the lake has been improving every year. The lake is

approximately 25 miles long and 5 miles wide. It is within among green forested mountain peaks.

Lake Comedero is a beautiful mountain lake within the

Sierra Madre Mountains 100 miles notheast of the seaside resort of Mazatlan. It has clear and cool water with

thousands of hungry black bass striking almost any type of lure all year. It is the world's best bass lake for

numbers of bass from 8 lbs. to 12 lbs. with some bass ranging from 12 to 15 lbs.

The bass fishing at each lake differs because of the age of each Lake. Mostly the older lakes produce larger bass but not quite as many numbers as the newer lakes.

On the other hand, East coast of Mexico has two great Lakes for Mexico bass fishing: Lake Guerrero, producing numbers with an occasional ten­pound plus; Lake El

Cuchillo, the newest Mexico bass fishing lake of them. It is located less than a hundred miles south of the

Texas/Mexico border. It has been producing some very impressive catches.

Mexico bass fishing is the best bass fishing in the world

because of its two primary reasons

The first primary reason is being the highly growing season. Having the warm temperatures in the most part of Mexico, the growing season for bass is a few months longer than in most areas of the United States. So as a result, the bass grow larger, faster than they do in the

some lakes throughout the United States.

The second is fishing pressure. The local population does not take advantage of the great Mexico bass fishing. In return, there will never be over fifty and most of the time under twenty five boats of bass fishing on Mexican Lake on any given day instead of hundreds of bass boats

fishing the lakes every day Therefore, the bass have lot less pressure put on them, which makes bass fishing Mexico the best. Indeed, Mexico is still the best site of

bass fishing.

Chapter 22:

Discovering the Beauty of Northern California Bass Fishing.

Bass Fishing is popularly known on the different parts of the world! Many people are getting into it. There are even

a lot of testimonies regarding their incomparable

experiences with this. They were able to share important moments they shared with other people who are also

hooked into this form of leisure!

One of the states that have greatly promoted it with their natural beauty and assets and where bass fishing is also very popular is the Northern California. Let’s see on how they give importance to it and on how they tend to get

fascinated with bass fishing!

Northern California fishing offers a wide range and varieties of opportunities. By far the most rewarding

experiences are best noted to happen in the Sacramento River watershed. It is also because the water types and

fishing prospects there are diverse and unique as compared to other lakes and rivers in the place.

When anglers talk about California fishing, often they really mean Northern California fishing. In this area, you will find Salmon: Chinook and Kokanee; Trout: Rainbow, Steelhead and Browns; Catfish: Whites, Channels and Bullhead; Bass: Largemouth, Smallmouth, Spotted and Stripers. There are also Crappie, Sturgeon, and Shad


The massive Sacramento River in Northern California has always been the hottest spot that is commonly visit by bass fishing aficionado. Its watershed encompasses

important river and lakes. The rivers include not only the Sacramento River which is the most popular, but as well as the American, the Feather, the McCloud, the Pit, the Yuba, and Squaw Creek. On the other hand, among the lakes are Shasta, Whiskeytown, Lake Shastina, Lake Siskiyou, and the McCloud and Keswick Reservoirs.

Now, going back to the Sacramento River, people are

fond of calling it the “Sac”. Talking about its geographical location, it stretches 384 miles and drains a third of

California’s water. It has something to be really proud of because there you can find the distinction of the state record of being able to catch King Salmon that weigh at

about 88 lbs.

Besides the Sacramento River, there are also other lakes in Northern California that you can go to experience great

bass fishing. Here are six of them.

The Shasta – It is the largest man made reservoir in the whole of California. This lake provides many great points for anglers to bass fish in. This lake provides many points

to go to.

Clear Lake – Not only is it top ranked in the whole state as

the best bass lake in California, it is also ranked high among the other lakes in the whole nation.

Folsom Lake – Even with the many bathers and boats in the area, this place is a haven for many anglers on the know­how. There are some points I n the lakes where bass fishes thrive and can grow to gargantuan sizes.

The Cal Delta – Offering up to 2,000 miles of shoreline, this lake is known for its profusion of big bass fishes. The sheer size provides many anglers to position themselves

without crowding the area.

Berryessa – A beautiful lake with crystal clear waters filled with large bass fishes. Many Bass fishing trips has ended

in a happy not in this lake.

Oroville – California’s topnotch spot for spotted bass fish. This is the place for the adventurous bass fishers who

loves a great challenge.

The Northern California’s Bass Fishing Report.

Dyed­in­the­wool fishermen know if you want to catch fish, you go where the fish are. What bit yesterday may not bite today? But general trends do hold and fishing forecasts from Master Guides carry a lot of weight.

Few basins rival the Sacramento Valley's fish biomass

density. Its rivers and streams are measured in thousands of fish per mile, while its reservoirs are gauged in tons per

square acre. This is a fisherman's paradise.

The Sacramento River watershed's constantly changing water levels peak and recede in annual cycles. This flux is

both natural and man­made.

Knowledge and experience of these rhythms can mean the difference between a productive fishing trip and a

waste of valuable fishing time. Having someone who can pinpoint the best time and place to fish is what makes guided fishing so much more productive than spending

your years on trial and error.

Chapter 23:

Ontario smallmouth bass fishing at its best!

Smallmouth bass can be best found from Ontario’s Great Lakes shoals to scenic. The glacial lakes of the Canadian Shield and in thousands of rivers, creeks, and lakes in between is the best Ontario smallmouth bass fishing.

Largemouth is largely in warmer bodies of water which has a shallow cover, whether it is wood and weeds or the rocky outcrops. In some of the lakes with mixed habitat, the largemouth region overlaps with that of smallmouth, making for various angling action in Ontario smallmouth

bass fishing. Ontario smallmouth bass fishing are usually best in more

open water, where you can make use of light to medium­action 6­ to 10­pound­test lines and 6­ to 7­foot

spinning rods. The Fly­rodders also find these smallmouths keen to take top­water poppers or

minnow­shaped ribbons when the fishes can be found in shallow water.

During the summer season, in deep underwater points, submerged islands, rocky shoals and weed edges are the

best and ideal places to catch these hard­fighting, tail­walking fish.

Ontario smallmouth bass fishing is different from all places for bass fishing. Northern Ontario is most famous for its medal smallmouth bass fishing. They love the

unsteady clear lakes with little plant life and make your home in shoreline rocks and points, as well as offshore shoals, they are found often in the deepest part of the


Wilderness Air can take you to the beautiful remote Canadian wilderness as we fly you in to your own

exclusive lake. Stay in one of our deluxe outpost cabins, which are extremely well maintained and comfortable. Wilderness Air sometimes represents the best in Ontario

smallmouth bass fishing outposts!

The smallmouth bass got its name for the reason the rear end of its lower jaw does not expand past the eye, while the lower part of the jaw of a largemouth does. There is a

low notch linking dorsal fins and the body often resembles dark broken bars.

The smallmouth bass typically matures about the age of three or four and can live up to ten to twelve years. On a

light line, Ontario smallmouth bass fishing is a

spectacular battler, and it is often jumping frequently and diving down into the depths. The average length for a smallmouth ranges between 10 and 20 inches. The

Canadian record for the largest smallmouth bass is 10 pounds, 8 ounces caught in Ontario smallmouth bass


Crawling spinnerbaits or retriev­ing shallow­running crankbaits along the sub­merged weed patches also pay off. Bass of both species in deeper water can be taken with diving crankbaits, Largemouth tactics that work elsewhere are also effective in Ontario. Fishing differs from flip­and­pitch styles around the shallow, matted

weeds, docks, and stumps, to thrilling top­water stroke on jerkbaits, poppers, and hovering plastic worms.

Ontario smallmouth bass fishing is the best place for you to go fishing. Here are some tips on how to enjoy your

bass fishing:

First, you should always remember that a smallmouth bass has a very big difference from a largemouth bass! You need to approach it differently. Largemouth bass can be found around the thick weed beds, but the smallmouth

bass rather hide out where the rock ledge drops off stridently.The popular baits are crawfish, minnow, leeches

and hellgrammites. You can try using everything that resembles a minnow such as plastic worms and flag flies.

You should always remember that in Ontario smallmouth bass fishing, it is often grouped together by size. Now, if you find a smaller­sized group, there will hardly ever be a bigger smallmouth amongst them. If you' are dropping a live bait from your boat, the more permissible lines is the better. The Lower minnows or crayfish down will be


The season like Mid June throughout fall is the perfect time for catching yourself a big smallmouth! During

Mid­June, the smallmouths are found on the beds, by fall they are found in 10 to 15 foot depths under. The

enthusiastic angler should group rattletraps, cranks and jigs, and always make sure to use a marker buoy to stay

with the school properly.

Now if you want to go fishing, Ontario smallmouth bass fishing is the best idea that you can have.

Chapter 24:

Much Ado About Peacock Bass Fishing.

Along with the great surge interest of the people with bass fishing in the entire state, comes another kind of freshwater fishing which needs vigorous physical

strength, open yourself to the interesting world of peacock bass fishing.

A peacock bass is actually from the cichlids family of fish not from the bass family, though it resembles that of a

largemouth bass. It would normally have waylaid attacks to a piteous and unwary victim from a knothole and show his insatiable desire for food. It would just take hold of a very puny prey from afar and would eat it voraciously as if

it hadn’t taken any food for years.

On the other hand, unlike its North American counterpart, the peacock bass is a lot more eye­appealing and

vibrantly decorated with the various shades of green, blue, orange and gold. But we should not be taken in to these dazzling façade because, as a matter of fact, they are far more aggressive than the largemouths that they can even shatter the rods or destroy the tackle that would

already be enough to restrain the toughest of the largemouth.

One more difference which can be observed is that the largest among largemouth are always the female while in peacock bass, either the male or the female can grow to a

large portion.

The peacock bass, which is known as pavon in Venezuela and Columbia and tucunare in Brazil and Peru, is

generally categorized into four distinct species: (a) the speckled peacock, (b) the peacock pavon or tucunare, (c) the butterfly peacock, and (d) the royal peacock, but fish

biologists still suggest that various other types may actually be present to the whole of South America

It may have acquired its name from the fact that the

spot—a black circular “eye spot” which is notably rimmed in gold­­on the base of the caudal fin which bears a close

resemblance to the tail plume of a peacock fowl.

Male peacocks are normally described to have a well­known hump on their head which is used as a

battering ram in battles with other males and to protect the fry and their territory as well. Some believe that the hump may be a fat deposit that the male peacock uses to

nourish himself when he is not feeding on fry.

It should be well­noted that before we indulge ourselves with the activity we should prepare everything that would

be needed at first. We can log on to the web, read magazines or such other activity if we want detailed

information about it. Consultations may be done online so we could be provided with a lot of options to choose

from. It would serve as our guide on what are we going to bring, basically, on what we are going to need when we

go peacock bass fishing.

We should not also fail to notice the tips that expert fishers have especially for beginners because this would literally be a whale of help aside from having a guide during the activity. Its better that you already have

something in your mind about what’s going to happen in order that you’ll be able to assess whether you can do it or not. And since it as mentioned that peacock bass

fishing somewhat requires physical strength it would be better to train our body long before the activity.

People would claim that the most excellent peacock bass fishing could be found on Brazil’s Rio Negro River and on Venezuela’s Lake Guri. If you happen to have a spare

time and you don’t know how you’re going to spend it, try to visit the place and experience the satisfaction that

peacock bass fishing would render upon you.

This activity is unquestionably one that will offer us great fun and that we will surely stop thinking about our worries

even just for a couple of hours or so. We oftentimes disregard the fact that we should give ourselves a break after having a hard work to give our minds a time to

refresh our thoughts, our body to relax.

This would surely be a once­in­a­lifetime experience that everyone of us must take advantage of. The challenge

that is offered when catching an unruly peacock bass and the memories that you’ll have with your fellow

adventure–seekers will all be a part of your memoirs that will certainly linger on your thoughts as long as you are


Chapter 25:

Some Important Reminders About Smallmouth Bass Fishing at Lake Erie.

Smallmouth bass fishing at Lake Erie especially during summer is certainly too much fun. Although when it

comes to Smallmouth bass fishing in Lake Eerie, there is no such thing as too much fun.

Lake Erie is also known as the Great Lake. It nourishes the best smallmouth bass fishes in the United States.

Many anglers who do regular smallmouth bass fishing at Lake Erie have already made a minimum catch of fifty

smallmouth bass fishes averaging over four pounds each on a weekend! These are great numbers that would

surely attract the attention of any bass fishing enthusiast.

What can be the reason why smallmouth bass fishing at Lake Erie yields so much of the good catches? Well Lake

Erie aside from its being so large a lake offers an excellent habitat and forage. The massiveness of the lake has given the smallmouth bass the ease of pressure

usually given by small lakes thus making this great lake a Mecca of small mouth bass fishes.

But when you’re up for a bass fishing at Lake Erie, you must be very vigilant with the weather. Although it is a

lake, the waters often resemble that of the ocean. A clear bright day may suddenly turn into a bad one

accompanied by forceful winds just like what happened to some ten bass boats fishing the lake sometime in

September of 1992.

Certainly Lake Erie is one of the most diverse fishing grounds in the country. In this lake you will not only find the most famous smallmouth bass fishes but also large quantity of yellow perch, the largemouth bass, the

northern pike, white bass, the walleye and many other bass fish species.

While bass fishing at Lake Erie you must remember some standard regulations which are imposed in some states such as in Pennsylvania, if you are to catch the walleye, it must already be at least 18 inches, smaller than this is

not allowed.

In Ohio, which covers about 262 miles of shoreline, smallmouth bass fishing at Lake Erie during summer have limits as to number the of bags. You are allowed to have three bags only instead of four and during any other time,

you can catch up to a maximum of six bags.

During spawning period that is from March to April you are not allowed to catch using the treble hooks. These are

new regulations you have to remember.

So if you are bass fishing at Lake Erie and want to share with the typical smallmouth catch of 80,000 smallmouths during a six week period starting end of June, just after

the spawning period, you can come to Long point Bay. The smallmouth swims through this bay as they travel back to the main lake after the spawning period. The Presque Island area is also a good ground for fishing

smallmouth. You may do deep water jigging and catch so much fish.

Offshore smallmouth bass fishing at Lake Erie is highly variable. Walleye anglers often have to travel more than a dozen miles to find fish, but this is normal in most of Lake


While off­shore fishing may not come very attractive particularly to beginners or amateur fishers, there is also a big chance to a good shore­fishing, especially for white bass, from the short pier. Channel catfish can be caught here, but to maximize catch in the shore fishing, you must

fish in the night or when the water is discolored.

In recent years, it was noted that there is a phenomenon of increasing clear water in the lake which can be

attributed to the so called “zebra water infestation” which has been driving the smallmouth species to the deep waters even during spawning thus trolling is still the

number one way of catching the smallies.

When you are along the 42 mile shoreline Lake Erie in the State of Pennsylvania you may launch at the harbor of

Presque Isle Bay at the city of Erie. Here you will have an easy way to catch the abundant yellow perch, walleye, steelhead and the smallmouth bass. Perch and walleye fishing is generally excellent at north point of Presque Isle

while smallmouth bass fishing is best in east of Erie.

Presque Isle Bay provides relatively calm water that is suitable for smaller boats. It also offers good fishing for largemouth bass, northern pike, crappies and bluegills

along with smallmouth bass and yellow perch.

Well if you think this summer is the season for you to go smallmouth bass fishing at Lake Erie, and your jumping point is Pennsylvania, worry not where to stay because

there are numerous campsites and hotels there just along the shorelines of Lake Erie.

Chapter 26:

Basic Knowledge about Striped Bass Fishing: Learn More to Catch More.

For the first time that you would hear about striped bass fishing, you would probably think of the factor that drives people to engage in such activities. You would say that only those people who have an idea on what it is would be amused of this kind of fishing. But who says no to fishing? If ever you would then surely your missing one

great experience in life!

People have been striped bass fishing for many years. People bass fish for many reasons. Some of them enjoy fishing regardless of what they catch. While others fish because they want to catch a lot of stripers and some would fish for food. Of course every person who is into fishing has the same problem ­ finding fish and catching


In 1879, Stripers were first introduced to California from the East Coast. The stripped bass are also called rockfish because they usually dwell under the rocks. They look very much similar to a white fish. These species moves

around in groups.

So when you are fishing, and if you catch a striped bass then there is a good chance that you will be able catch more. This kind of fishes likes to eat smaller fish, and other coruscations. Stripped bass fish are the favorite

meal of blue fined tuna and sharks.

Striped bass are migratory. Most adults after spawning in rivers move into the salt water for summer and fall. Many of them feed from one bay to the other. In late fall & winter some fish moves upstream to the fresh water.

These bass fishes are often caught using small artificial lures. There are numerous techniques available to pursue

the sport of bass fishing.

For beginners, it is advisable to gather more basic tools to get started. Also it is suggested to start with artificial bait until the angler has a better understanding of the unique

characteristics of the bass fish. Both amateur and seasoned anglers use Spinner bait. The biggest stripped

bass caught is 53 pounds.

Of course to catch stripped bass you must know how to locate them, but this is great challenge to most anglers because there are so many factors that need to be

determined to be able to locate one.

Basically the first thing that you should learn in bass

fishing is to know how to read Maps. This way, it would be easier for you to take on the appropriate location that is

good for bass fishing.

You need to remember that bass fish like Largemouth bass, smallmouth bass and stripped bass do not have the

same characteristics.

This is another factor in catching bass fishes. These creatures have their own distinctive traits, so you must learn their nature so that you would be able to know

where to locate them.

The weather condition must also be considered, when it comes to striped bass fishing. It is very important to know that the most practical places to look for active bass is just

after cold fronts and during early spring and late fall periods. The depth or the hollowness of the water also

serves as a factor to know a good location.

Once you are aware of their habitat and have mastered the techniques in catching then you are ready to go on

your first stripped bass fishing.

If you want to find and catch Stripped bass there are a lot of guides that can help you. Legends and masters do exist in bass fishing. They are the ones who are ordinary men that transcends from their natural being when they

are on the water with a bass casting rod in hand.

It is an extraordinary experience catching these bass fishes and watching them move and jump out of the

water. Even just at staring at them it is really a wonderful feeling. They are really such beautiful creatures!

Chapter 27:

Fishing Beyond Your Imagination.

Only few people enjoy outdoor activities. Some say that outdoor activities can result to lots of skin damages. They say that it is just a waste of time and money. Few say that it is just a matter of nothingness. But despite of these say­ about of people who has no interests in outdoor activities, there are still people that engage their selves in these very enjoying and very relaxing activities that are done


One of these outdoor activities is fishing. Fishing entails catching fishes through nets, bows, reels and etc. Fishing can be considered as one the oldest activity or let us say profession in this word. Fishing is done ever since the world began. Our ancestors used to lived in the past mainly relying in fishing and catching other marine

aquatic products.

Aside from the fact that in fishing you gain food and some source of energy, it is also very enjoyable and relaxing. Fishing may also serve as a factor for diverting our

attention every time we are depressed or stressed. This gives us peace of mind and freedom. Fishing may also provide us living. It also serve as a bonding activity for your family, friends or whatever kind of relationships you are into. So fishing gives us lots of advantages and help.

Fishing is available in every part of this world. It is a fact that the earth is composed of seventy five per cent of water. It is a fact that no man in this world can deny.

Fishing can be done either in salt water, fresh water or in whatever aquatic form.

According to statistic, forty per cent of human population is relying in fishing, not including those people that make fishing as a form of hobby. We account in fishing the sixty

per cent source of our protein in take. Fishing is not just for living or for human satisfaction but fishing is for a

matter of survival for human beings.

Many places are known for fishing merely because of the reason that almost all of the locale in this round world are surrounded and located along water sources; this maybe along the sea, rivers, lakes and bays, without including

the springs in the mountainsides.

One of the places that are much known for fishing is Texas, a state of America that offers opportunities for

fishing enthusiasts and people that make fishing a source of living. Texas is a place of water sources; sea, lakes,

rivers and bays.

In Texas, there are a lot of bass fishing organizations and clubs that offer extreme features for fishing enthusiasts. They offer sites and location for fishing, equipments and materials, gadgets, and other fishing related resources.

Texas bass fishing is not just words that entails fishing but also offers extreme activities for fishing hobbyist and enthusiasts. It offers actions that will promote fishing.

Provide tournaments that give excitements and thrills for people indulged in fishing. They organize trainings and

seminars for new and old fishing fans. They enhance techniques and knowledge in fishing. They also provide newly discovered locations and sites for usual and

extreme fishing that no other place can give and offer.

Texas bass fishing organizations also offers web sites that you can visit. This web sites give information and updates. It also provides news and archives for bass fishing. In these web sites you can see the latest gears, materials and equipments regarding fishing. You can also shop

through these web sites and find newly offered and state of the art things for fishing.

You can also submit your articles about your lake, bass

fishing tournaments, conservation issues or anything else, related to bass fishing, that's on your mind. Registering on these web sites every time you want is also possible.

Visiting your account link to register, create your own

personalized navigation menu of favorite areas of the sites are very much possible as you like it. Make

announcements to all users online, exchange private messages with other bass fishing members and

customize the look of the site to suit your own personal taste may also be done as long as it is possible for you.

Fishing nowadays is as easy as single flick of your fingers. Fishing is just in front of you offering activities that you can never resist. Texas bass fishing is not just for you alone, but also for your loved ones and anybody in this world. Texas bass fishing is for everybody who looks for enjoyment, relaxation and excitement. Texas bass fishing,

words that supplies and realizes your dreams.

Chapter 28:

One Thousand reasons to go to Thousand Islands for bass fishing.

One of the most popular sports in the United States is bass fishing. Thousands of articles had been written

about this sport, from tips to testimonials to experiences. Thousands or maybe millions are hooked in this sport.

You can usually find them basking on their bass fishing in great lakes and rivers or other aquatic formations in the

United State.

One of the ore popular fishing venues for bass fishing is the Thousand Islands. This is a group of more than 1,000

small islands in east central North America, in St. Lawrence River just east of Lake Ontario, to be particular.

Most are part of southeastern Ontario and the rest are

part of northern New York; and many of these islands are privately owned. It has been estimated that there are as many as 1,700 islands, but an exact count is difficult

because of the large number of tiny islets. The largest is the Wolfe Island (127 sq km/49 sq mi) in Ontario. The islands have been a popular summer destinations since

the mid 1800's.

Because of these, Ontario’s most important scenic and recreational attraction is its waters. The province is home to some 250,000 lakes and has thousands of rivers and streams. Four of the Great Lakes are the Lake Superior,

Lake Huron, Lake Erie and Lake Ontario.

The extensive shorelines of these lakes provide a natural playground for the people. Lake Simcoe, Muskoka and others, are very accessible lakes from the north of

Toronto. They are also popular vacation centers. Ontario also shares with New York’s one of the greatest scenic

attractions in North America, the Niagara Falls.

The Thousand Islands make a patch work of the river as it leaves Lake Ontario. The islands cater to large rocks, hold

farms, estates, and summer cottages that can cost millions of dollars. Now, because of the popularity of it as a vacation and fishing destination, there are islands where

in resorts and lodge houses are put up for the accommodation needs of the tourists and bass fishing


You will find also a lot of establishments that sells and rents gears and boats to be used for their bass fishing. Restaurants are abundant if you finally get tired of eating

your catch.

Ontario’s fishing activity can be divided into commercial fishing and recreational or sport fishing. Although fishing was an important economic activity in the 19th century, the commercial catch is relatively small today. Like other

fishery problems; overfishing, pollution, habitat destruction, and the introduction of predators have greatly

reduced catches.

Thousand Islands being very rocky are places that small mouth bass species love to stay and live. The beautiful scenery and the rocky background of Thousand Islands, bring adventures to bass fishing aficionados and lovers.

They loved to go there not just for bass fishing but also for sight seeing and camping. There, they tried to commune with nature and feed their imaginations.

A large part of Canada’s freshwater catch comes from

Ontario. The major species of fish caught during recreational fishing are perch, smelt, walleye, and

smallmouth bass. While the colorful fall foliage draws an annual pilgrimage of tourists to the area. It is the fabulous bass fishing of the Thousand Islands region that attracts the attention of anglers competing in Thousand Islands

for bass fishing.

The water is clearer, and baitfishes are abundant. The bass always make access to the bait and make feeding better. Because the zebra mussels have cleared up the water, vegetation is more widespread, which means the bass have better overall habitat. Both the largemouths

and smallmouths are thriving.

While the bass may be both larger and more abundant, they are still found in the same areas discovered by

touring pros. In St. Lawrence, those areas include Lake of the Isles, Goose Bay, Chippewa Bay, and the rocky coves and points around the Admiralty Islands. In Lake Ontario,

the key spots are Fox and Grenadier Islands, and Chamount Bay

These characteristics of Thousand Islands of Ontario make the place greatly known for bass fishing. The

geographical aspect, location and richness of its great lakes and rivers make bass fishing a sport or hobby very


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