Basketball Shoes By: Diana Beretin Basketball Shoes.

Post on 29-Mar-2015

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Transcript of Basketball Shoes By: Diana Beretin Basketball Shoes.

Basketball Shoes

By: Diana Beretin

By: Diana Beretin

Basketball Shoes

Jamie’s Situation Jamie has his first basketball game in 2 days.

He needs to buy new basketball sneakers.

He only has $180 saved.

Jamie’s top five favorite shoes are:

- Nike Hyperdunk

- Nike Air Max

- Nike Zoom Kobe VII

- Lebron X

- Air Jordans

Diana Beretin
I centered the title and bolded the amount Jamie has to spend on his shoes.
Diana Beretin
I added a background.


Number of Colors: 4

Ratings: 5 out of 5

Based on the Nike Hyperdunk data, Jamie can afford these

shoes and will have a variety of colors to choose from in his size.

These shoes also received a perfect rated from all other


Diana Beretin
I added pictures of all the shoes on each slide.
Diana Beretin
I added a transition to every slide.

Nike Air Max

Cost: $90

Number of Colors: 7

Ratings: 5 out of 5

Based on Jamie’s situation, these

shoes are the best option for him. They are the

cheapest and also have the most

variety in colors as well as perfect


Diana Beretin
I added a shape to emphasize the point that these are Jamie's best choice.
Diana Beretin
I added more than one picture of the shoe to show how this type has more than one color available.

Nike Zoom Kobe VIIPrice: $185

Number of Colors: 4

Ratings: 4.5 out of 5

Jamie can NOT afford these shoes even though they are in his top 5.

Diana Beretin
I added a animation to the picture.
Diana Beretin
Added a background and side banner.
Diana Beretin
Color coordinated the title to match the shoe.

Lebron XPrice: $200

Number of Colors: 3

Ratings: 3.2 out of 5

Jamie can NOT afford these shoes either. The Lebron X

shoes are also the lowest


Diana Beretin
Rearranged each slide so the focus and information isn't in the same position
Diana Beretin
I added a picture of the athlete that sponsor the shoes.

Air Jordans

Price: $150

Number of Colors: 5

Ratings: 2 out of 5

These shoes are ones that Jamie can buy,

however has the lowest ratings.

Diana Beretin
I formatted the background and filled the background of the explanation.
Diana Beretin
I formatted the picture to have a border around it to show the difference between the 2 separate pictures.