
Post on 07-Jan-2016

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Basidiomycota. Life cycle of Basidiomycota. As a group, the basidiomycota have some highly characteristic features, which separate them from other fungi. germinate. monokaryons. Single nucleus. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Basidiomycota


Life cycle of Basidiomycota

As a group, the basidiomycota have some highly characteristic features, which separate them from other fungi.

They are the most evolutionarily advanced fungi, and even their hyphae have a distinctly "cellular" composition.

Each w/ 1n.


Single nucleus

simple hyphal fusions

fusion of a hypha with a small spore

nuclei divide



• Many basidiomycota grow for most of their lives as dikaryons, until environmental signals induce them to produce fruitbodies

• At a late stage of development, some of these hyphae produce special cells termed basidia (singular, basidium).

• cells that line the gills of the common mushroom are basidia

• Finally, the two haploid nuclei in each basidium fuse - a process termed karyogamy) to form a diploid nucleus.

• This then undergoes meiosis to produce four haploid nuclei

• these haploid nuclei migrate into the basidiospores

• which develop on small stalks (termed sterigmata) from each basidium

• The dispersal of these monokaryotic spores completes the life cycle.

Each w/ 1n.


Single nucleus

simple hyphal fusions

fusion of a hypha with a small spore

nuclei divide



Basidia on the gills of a toadstool.





• In many basidiomycota there is a rather elaborate mechanism for ensuring that the dikaryotic condition is maintained during growth of the hyphae.

The small branches at each septum are termed clamp connections.

Clamp connection

Life cycle of a mushroom



Earth stars

Class basidiomycetes

• Hymenomycetes

• Gasteromycetes


Fly agaric Amanita muscaria


Agaricus Bisporus


Lentinula edodes


Amanita virosa

“Death angel”




Erowid experience

• I thought I was dead. I knew I had done it to myself, but could not for the life of me remember what I had taken, why I was dead, or how it happened. I simply knew that I had done it, and I was somehow in a galactic prison, or a purgatory perhaps. The visions were plentiful, yet solemn. At this point they were mostly in black and white. I could feel my ego being physically crushed, just like a can still full of liquid. As the pressure increased, the contents pushed 'outward'. Eventually this culminated in some sort of squashed feeling which I can only relate to the poor 2-D creatures of the sci-fi classic FLATLAND. I spent some time in this suffering, progressively more terrifying state.

• Eventually an entity came and delivered me unbidden personal attention. I was quite relieved to see another creature, for I suspected I was one myself (although not sure). At first I was captivated by its fluid motions and methodical actions. It was moving in rythyms, doing a dance of sorts. Eventually it occurred to me that the 'dance' it was doing involved horrifying probes of my own form, and that it was moving faster than I could comprehend while doing so. I was paralyzed. I wasn't sure if I had a body or not, but this thing was doing something to ME, which was still intact. As I concentrated more and more upon its 'physical' form (which is a term I use as loosely as possible), it occurred to me that it looked somewhat familiar. Not anything I had ever seen, but close. It was a giant preying mantis, although it had mental appendages and cartoon details about it. It also looked more squat than the terrestrial version of the insect, shorter and more robust. Its many arms worked up and down my existence, probing and testing every bit. It seemed to put no effort into comforting me, yet it did through some sort of telepathy imply that it would be easier for both of us if I stopped struggling. Eventually I did, and it left.

Polyporus arcularius

“Shelf fungus” Ganoderma applanatum

“Fairy rings”


The netted stinkhorn





Class Teliomycetes


Blackberrry leaf

“Corn smut”

Ustilago maydis

Hallucinogenic mushroomsPsilocybe mexicana

Crustose and foliose lichen

Foliose “leafy” lichen Hummingbirds nest

Fruticose “shrubby” lichens

Raindeer mossWitch’s hair