Basic EmailEtiquettes

Post on 16-Feb-2017

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Transcript of Basic EmailEtiquettes

Microlink Solution Pvt. Ltd. . | Human Resource Management

Basic Email Etiquettes

Why is email etiquettes important?

Why is email etiquettes important?

•First Impressions do happen over Email.

•Increases professionalism.

•Having email etiquettes get to the point faster as compared to poorly written emails.

•Proper Use of words creates an overall good impression.

Importance of TO/CC/BCC :

•To : Specific person or department.

• CC means carbon copy of your mail. Used in scenario when you

have to keep you superiors in loop.

•Bcc means Blind carbon copy .

Do not mark "Cc" or "Bcc" to those who are not connected with the

business related to the subject matter.

Subject line and greetings

•Try to use subject line that has meaning and purpose of mail.

•Clear and concise, it should to be related to the topic of the email.

Greetings :

• Americans: use Hi

• Europeans: use Hello

• Asians: use Dear

To be more formal we could use Dear Mr. /Ms. followed by Last name or Full name. One should not use Dear Mr. /Ms. followed by First

name alone. We should not put '/' in greetings like Hi X/Y. Instead we should say Hi X and Y .


The mail should have a Pyramid Structure i.e. it should contain:

• Situation: What is the current situation?

• Action items: What you expect from the reader of the mail to-do.

• Information: The information you want to give to the reader .

• Conclusion: Conclude with a Thank You.

The font of mail should be Verdana, Arial or times and font size should be 9.5

or 10. Avoid fancy font. Do not write in “CAPITALS”.

It looks as if you are shouting. This might trigger an unwanted response.


The mail should have a Pyramid Structure i.e. it should contain:

For writing use only Black or Blue color. For highlighting purpose

make the word bold.

Avoid using Red color as Red signifies danger, so use it when urgent.

Do not use Italics font to write official mails.

• Always conclude every email by writing your name, address, phone number and

your email address. This way, recipients get the information on multiple means of

contacting you in case they do not wish to communicate with you only through

emails and wish to use other means. This information is also useful to the people to

whom your email might be forwarded.


• For requesting something we should not use can, instead we should use may/could.

• Avoid writing 'Please find the attached file' because the reader does not have to

find or search for the file in the mail it's already there. Instead write 'The file has

been attached for your reference'.

• Avoid sentences like 'As per your mail' because 'per' is used only with units like per

Kg etc. Instead write 'According to your mail'..

• We often write 'Please revert back'. Instead write 'Please revert'.

• If there is reply to a specific mail more than 3times. ALERT: It’s time

to pick your phone and speak rather than dragging the mail any further