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Transcript of Baseball


Baseball - sport team game especially popular in North America, South and East Asia.

Baseball history

The origin of baseball is unclear. Dispute is still going on, which in previous games could give rise to the sport. Frequently mentioned in cricket. Baseball is similar to the Old English game called rounder’s in which they played in America in the eighteenth century, gradually changing the rules of the game were written in 1845r.W this year in New York was the Knickerbockers club, which played in baseball. The principles and rules of the game were codified by Alexander Cartwright. These provisions are in many ways different from today's, but the basic principles remain the same. In the second half of the eighties of the nineteenth century baseball gained popularity to become one of the most popular recreational games in the U.S. middle class. Even during the Civil War baseball games were played in the camps of both armies. The increase in popularity of the game led to creation of the professional variety. Since the early seventies of the nineteenth century in the United States there were ten professional teams grouped in the professional league. In 1847 was founded the National League of Professional Base Ball Clubs, which is the first organization governing principle of contracts between teams and professional players. It also organized a league game, and struggled with gambling bets on the results of games that caused corruption (selling matches) professional baseball. At the same time the team entered into an informal agreement prohibiting the employment of African Americans as players. In fact, however, this rule was broken by many clubs, and American blacks were entered in the list as Indians or people of the Caribbean. This practice was discontinued only in 1947, since when it started to include open contracts with African Americans.


Baseball pitch called. baseball diamond is a cut wheel opening angle of 90 °. The pitch is divided into two clearly contrasting with each other areas. Internal called infield consists of a square whose four corners of the base are located. This part of the field is usually formed of hardened sand, typically red rust color. Side length of the square, and also the distance between the bases is 30 yards or 27.43 meters. The top of the square which was also the tip of the right angle, the arms of the lateral boundaries of the so-called field. foul lines is the fourth base, the so-called. home plate home plate. Situated at the top of the right side of home plate to first base is first base, second base on the opposite - second base and third base on the left - third base. Databases are the same kind of hard side bags with a length of about 30 cm (one foot). Behind home plate, just beyond the square, is the position of catcher - catcher so. catcher box, team fielding a team player, that player caught ball thrown by pitcher. Near the center of the square, just 20 yards (18.39 m) from home plate is a dedicated center of a circle with a diameter of 6 yards (5.49 m) which is the position of pitcher, the team fielding a team player throwing the ball. The circle usually produces a small hill, on top of which stands the player. Infield completes part of the circle with center at the pitcher position and a radius of 30 yards. Like a square base, this part of the field is strewn with sand or fine gravel. The second part of the field, so-called. external field outfield, is a grassy area which is a segment of a circle with a diameter of 290 to 400 feet (88.4 to 121.9 meters). The outer side and sets the boundaries of the external field fence.

In baseball they play two teams, each of which in turn serves as the attacker (team at bat), whose task is to score points, and interfering in the defending team (fielding team). The player of the attacking team the ball first bounces stick thrown by the pitcher, and then throws the stick and runs to the nearest base to include it. If he succeeds it goes to the next and so on until you finish the course. At that time, a player from the opposing team (the catcher) tries to catch the ball bounce by running the player. When you do this, the player must stop running in the nearest base. The team, which after 9 rounds will have more points. A player from the attacking team scores a point when I credited all 4 base (1 base, 2 base, 3 and 4 of the base known as the home base).

From the team's hitting every point in the game include at least one but no more than four players. At the beginning of the game a single inning, the game involved only one player, and with the development of the game and gaining further increase the number of their bases. A player hitting with a stick - batter, is on the right or left side of home plate (depending on whether it is right-or left) and a baseball bat trying to hit a ball thrown by the pitcher (pitcher) the opposing team before he could catch her catcher (catcher) . If he is leaving the club is trying to run to first base, and if it is possible to run to the next, before the ball is caught by a player of the opposing team, and rejected the player guarding the base. A player wins if he can touch base with any part of her body before touching (tag out) it guarding the opposing team's player of the database, which will be announced before the ball. If a player fails to get a striking base, is hit and withdraws from the game. A player is hit even if take three unsuccessful attempts (strike-out) hitting the ball. An attempt to strike the ball is considered to be a failure when a player performs a full swinging, hitting the ball, and she is caught by the Catcher. Clumping occurs even when the ball after the bounce are picked up from the air - air ball (caught before it hits the turf, otherwise it is a ground ball). The third case is when a break three times ignore the batter (do not try to perform the reflection) properly thrown ball. If the pitcher makes a mistake four times throwing the ball in the wrong way, and before the batter will take three hitting errors, the latter wins the database for free, gets called. fighting. If first base is occupied, the player standing on it moves one base away, freeing her for coming. If you are engaged in another database, all players move them dealing with one base. In this situation, the player on third base in this manner reaches home plate, scoring a point for his team.

Team Fielding create pitcher, catcher, four infielders, three of whom keeps a database as a first baseman, second baseman, third baseman and shortstop. Shortstop position usually takes around second base supporting second base. Team complete three outfielders playing on the outside. All players are as striking (batters) when their team plays as striking (team at bat). Some leagues rules exempt from the obligation to hitting pitcher, instead of taking part in the game Designated hitter.

In baseball, the reserve is anyone who is on the list of the team players (in MLB composition is limited to 25 names). During a match a team may make any number of changes, at any time when the ball is dead. Replaced by a reserve athlete can not return to the game. When the team is in attack (bounces), batter can be replaced at any time by the batter, or reserve - when it reaches any of the databases - the reserve runner. The player replacing the batter takes his number in the list bounced, which is constant. None of the players can not play in the match at two different numbers on the list.

Throwing the ball, and in this context and the role of the pitcher (pitcher), can not be overestimated. High class pitcher often determines the winner team and vice versa, the errors committed by him usually end up getting points for the opposing team. Pitcher is a player specialized in its task and usually not in line batterer (unless the league rules dictate) when the team plays as a team at bat.

Catcher is cooperating with the player closest to the pitcher, making him the team called a battery. It occupies positions directly behind home plate (home plate). Catcher is the task of catching the ball effectively addressed to him. Sometimes, the catcher must be rejected for one of the base, if required by the current situation (eg, a player of the opposing team at that time trying to get the next base). Task Catcher requires physical fitness. During each match has to crouch in an uncomfortable position to spend a lot of time. In addition, certain to catch incoming ball speed 130-150 km / h requires great skill and dexterity. In most leagues catcher is also part of the queue (line up) striking when his team plays as striking (at bat). Even the players who played in the infielders and outfielders need to be very fit in catching balls in different situations.

Striking the ball is usually followed by a wide swing stick. With effective hitting the ball (usually a fraction of a second before it landed in the glove Catcher) flies in space. If you exceed the lateral lines (the foul lines) is called a foul ball and is usually ignored, but when caught in the air (air ball) by Catcher or any other player, is regarded as out. Usually, however, the ball landed in the stands. The most anticipated impact is one that ends up high and far (beyond the limit fence) flight. In this case, we are dealing with a home run. Just hit the ball, but with less force, landed on the playing field, or worse, for a player striking, are picked up from the air and causes it to ousted. More desirable is flat, fast blow (line drive), resulting in ball, if only penetrate through the firewall field players internally dribbling or flat flight flying delves into the external field (outfield). This is difficult to catch the ball usually gives striker enough time to get one or even two bases.

The aim of the game is to acquire bases. The primary way is the correct reflection of the player hitting the ball (batter), which usually gives him enough time to dash to the base, and the other players from base to base. This is not the only way. First, if the pitcher commits four errors, that is, the ball thrown by the Catcher will come a wrong track, and the batter fails to swing, he gets called. fighting, the base for free. Similarly happens when you mistakenly thrown ball hits batter. This situation often ends up threatening injury, but if this is not the batter gets a base for free.

The basic unit is the inning baseball game. Each inning consists of two periods of half innings, called the top of inning and bottom of inning. In each of the periods teams play alternately as striking (team at bat) and in the (fielding team) and the away team is usually reflected as the first. Between each innings, and between half innings, followed by a short break to regroup teams. If the first half of the 9th Reflecting inning as the first team loses, the other team has not reflected, and the match is considered complete her victory.

Each team has their head coach (coach). His job is to take care of the overall strategy of the game, setting the queue position and striking. He has assistants to help, taking care of the individual elements of the game and a group of players. Position coaches are on the edge of the field between the first and second base and between third and home base. Trainers advise players during the game.

Clothing and accessories players

baseball bat - rounded slightly conical end and a comfortable, two-handed grip. Made of wood and various metal alloys (eg aluminum alloys). The latter is not approved for use in the professional leagues.

Batter's Glove - so it does not stick slips, cushions currents that pass through the club at the time of reflection and prevent prints on your hands.

baseball glove - great glove, designed for easy and efficient capture of the ball

baseball ball -rubbers core is tightly wrapped in many layers of thin string. Leather or leatherette material with seam.

Batter Helmet - similar in shape to the cap, but enhanced with a soft liner and cover the exposed ear toward the incoming ball, effectively protect the player's head before impact.

Cap (dress) Catcher - mask of steel wire, breastplate and greaves to protect against accidental Catcher hit the ball and called. "Pillows" attached to the shin guards to protect the knee Catcher (exposed to strenuous exercise). The same judge is called (so that it is always in black), because by virtue of staying in a home is constantly exposed to the blows of the ball.