Post on 23-May-2020

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BARBAROSSASCENAJUOORDER OF BATILEThe tables below present the Orders of Battlefor the Soviet and Axis Armies on thefrontiers during the final moments before thecampaign began on June 22, 1941.Each formation in the Order of Battle' isbroken-out according to its superiorformation: Army Group for the Axis,Military District and Army for the Soviets.Shown directly below the name of eachsuperior formation are the number and typeof counters from the War in the East gamerequired to represent all the units comprisingthat formation.

Because mountain units are not differen-tiated from regular infantry in the game,infantry counters must be used to representthem on the game map. This is the case alsowith the single German cavalry division. Inaddition, note that Rumanian cavalrybrigades are represented with armored bri-gade counters; that Rumanian mountain, fortand marine brigades have been combined andare represented by infantry division equival-ents; and that the three Finnish brigades werealso combined into an infantry division equi-valent. The resulting unit set-up may be used

for either the Barbarossa Scenario or theCampaign Game of War in the East.

The German Army OB was provided by LeoNiehorster; the Soviet OB, by Ed McCarthy;and the Finnish OB, by Col. George A.Rasula. It must be noted that the Soviet OBis 'the most controversial. Any individualwishing to add his knowledge to the matter,or seeking further information, can write tothe authors in care of SPI.

KEY TO ABBREVIATIONS:i = infantry: a = armored: mmechanized: mn = mountain: s =security: c = cavalry: r = rifle: t =tank.

All Axis units are divisions unlessotherwise noted. Bde = Brigade.Soviet Tank and Mechanized unitsare brigades. all others aredivisions.Each unit's hex number location islisted first, followed by its nurneri-cal designation and its type. (Seethe Key to Abbreviations.) Fol-lowing the unit's type may be asize specification. Finnish andRumanian units are identified assuch by abbreviation: (Finn) =Finnish: (Rum) = Rumanian.German Wallen SS mechanizeddivisions have a letter in place ofnumerical designation. The abbre-viations: T = Totenkopf Division:DR = Das Reich Division: LAH =Leibstandarte Adolph HitlerBrigade: W = Wiking Division.The Grossdeutschland Brigade{abbreviated G D) was a regulararmy formation. Other type identi-fications found on German units:Lt = Light (Jaeger): Sturm =Assault.

UNIT STRENGTH SUMMARYShown below. for each of the majorformations listed in the Order ofBattle. are total manpower strengthand total AFV (Armored FightingVehicle) strength.

GermanInf. DivMech. DiyArm. DlvMtn. DiyLt. Diy

17200 men16400 men15600 men15800 men14500 men


SovietRille m-.Tank Bde_1ech. BdeCav, Div

14400 men1306 men3781 men4600 men



Norwegian Army Group

I i1sll'i~ II ralx4 x17 xl

NWOII5-2nd mn, 3rd mnNW1217-163rd i, 169th i

SS Nord mNW1915-3rd i(Finn). 6th i(Finn)NW2713-2Oth i(Finn). 19th

(Finn). 7th i(Finn)NW2813-1lth i(Finn). 5th i(Finn)NW2914-1st i(Finn). combined

1st & 2nd Lt l-Bde &c-Bde (Finn)

NW3316-2nd i(Finn). 15th i(Finn)NW3416-18th i(Finn). 10th

(Finn). 12th i(Finn)NW3517-4th i(Finn). 8th i(Finn)NW3925-17th i(Finn)

Army Group North


x ~x§ IZiII10-8 8-8

x3 x3

I i1sI11j\Ix20 x3

SW0529-291st iSW0528-61st iSW0628-217th iSW0718-1st. l lth, 21st. 58th iSW0727-1st a. 6th aSW0828-254th i, 269th iSW0827-251st iSW0826-8th a. 3rd m , 290th iSW0825-3Oth i. 126thSW0930-207th s

SW0928-36th m, SS TSW0927-206th iSW0926-122nd i. 123rd iSW1026-253rd iSW1025-12th i, 32nd i. 21st iSWl130-285th sSWl128-281st s

Army Group Center

~all i~alli1slx9 x6 x32

~~Ii~alx3 xl

SWI126-19th a. 14th m , 18th m,20th m

SWI125-6th i, 26th iSW 1I 24-5th i, 35th i. 7th a. 20th aSWl126-403rd sSW1225-8th i. 28th i, 161st i,

12th aSW1327-129th iSW1326-162nd i. 256th iSWI427-102nd i. 87th iSW1528-221st sSW1628-258th iSW1627-7th i, 23dSWl728-17th i. 78th (Sturin) iSW1717-263rd i, 268th iSWl726-137th i, 292nd iSW1827-293rd i. 29th mSW1825-252nd i, 131st i. 134th iSW1824-167th i, 17th a. 18th aSWI928-GD BdeSW1926-1Oth m

SW1924-31st i, 34th i, 45th iSW2026-1Oth aSW1013-3rd a. 4th aSW2126-SS DRSW2124-lst c. 255th i. 267th iSW2125-286th s

Army Group South

~x ~x [!Jx§ ~ cgj10-8 8-8 6-5

xS x3 x2S

I11\ 113~alx3 x l:

SW2227-SS LAH BdeSW2226-16th aSW2225-SS W mSW2223-213th sSW2326-9th aSW2324-14th aSW2323-56th i. 62ndSW2425-99th Lt iSW2424-25th mSW2423-168th iSW2422-44th i. 298th iSW2525-16th m, 97th Lt iSW2524-13th a. 296th iSW2523-11th aSW2522-lllth i, 299th iSW2624-lst mn, 295th iSW2623-24th i, 71st i. 262ndSW2622-9th i, 297th iSW2621-57th i, 75th iSW2726-100th Lt iSW2725-68th i. 257th iSW2825-444th sSW2824-101st Lt iSW2928-125th iSW2927-4th mnSW3025-454th s

In Rumania

[!J, Gn ~xcgj §cgj §§6-5 "'2-4 "'1-6x8 xl4 xS

SW3415-5th c-Bde (Rum)SW3520-combined 1st & 4th

Mn-Bde (Rum)


SW3618-Sth c-Bde (Rum)SW3617-239th iSW3616-6th i (Rum)SW361S-76th iSW3714-Sth iSW3SI8-7th i(Rum)SW3S16-6th c-Bde (Rum)SW3919-combined Marine & 2nd

mn-Bde (Rum)SW3916-22nd iSW391S-19Sth iSW3912-14th HRum)SW4014-13th i(Rum)SW4011-ISth i(Rum)SW4114-3Sth i(Rum)SW4112-170th iSW421J-50th iSW4212-21st i(Rum)SW431S-Sth i(Rum)SW441S-combined 1st & 2nd

Fort Bde (Rum)SW4SI4-lst m-Bde (Rum), 2nd

m-Bde (Rum)SW4SII-IOth i(Rum)SW461S-72nd iSW471 I-9th i(Rum)5W4SIS-4th i(Rum)


Leningrad Military District

~x lliJ[!J181 l§I IE§]1-4 2-5 3-5xiS x4 x2

7th ArmyNW3114-7Oth rNW301J-16Sth rNW241J-54th rNW2712-71st r14th ArmyNW1J16-I04th rNWI017-122nd rNW0214-14th rNW041S-S2nd r23rd ArmyNW331S-115th rNW3214-142nd rNW341S-43rd rNW3S16-123rd rNW4116-111th rNW4116-11Sth rNW401S-191st rNW461S-lst tNW451S-3rd tNW4614-163rd mNW3S12-21st tNW3S12-24th tNW3712-IQSth rii

Baltic Military District

~x ~~181 l§I IE§]1-4 2-5 3-5xl9 x4 x2

Sth ArmySW0427-1Oth rSW0626-9Oth rNW4016-llth rSW0424-4Sth rSW0726-12Sth r

SW032S-23rd tSW042J-2Sth tSW0424-202nd m11th ArmySWOS24-5th rSW092S-33rd rSWI024-ISSth rSWOS20-179th rSWII22-IS4th rSWOS21-2nd tSW1022-5th tSW0922-S4th mSWOS22-23rd rSWI02J-126th rSW112J-12Sth r27th ArmyNW4617-ISOth r, IS2nd rNW5018-ISlst r, IS3rd rNW4021-16th rSW0129-67thr

Western Military District

I illl ~51x24 xl2

13~11~31x6 x2

3rd ArmySW132S-27th rSW1223-5bth rSWI224-SSth rSW142S-2nd rSWI426-SOth r. S6th rSWI424-29th t, 33rd tSW I324-204th m4th ArmySW1923-6th rSW2123-42nd rSWIS2J-49th rSW1921-22nd tSW2021-3Oth tSW2020-205th mSW2222-7Sth rlOth ArmySWI724-13th rSWI72S-S9th rSWI62S-I13th rSWIS27-17th rSW1626-24th r, 37th rSW1624-4th tSWI62J-7th tSWIS23-29th m13th ArmySW1117-IOOth r , 161st rSW141S-64th rSWI51S-IOSth rSW1318-26th t, 3Sth tSW1417-21Oth mSW1423-6th cSW IS24-36th cSW1020-27th tSWII2I-3Ist tSW1020-4th mSW1622-25th tSWI722-54th tSWI622-103rd mSW1221-121st rSW1321-143rd r

SWI322-ISSth rSWI921-SSth r

Kiev Military District

~x lliJ181 I§~-4 2-5

x32 x14

13~5111~31x7 x2

Sth ArmySW2421-4Sth rSW2521-62nd rSW2620-S7th rSW2720-124th rSW2618-13Sth rSW2518-I9th tSW2521-4lst tSW2518-215th m

6th ArmySW2722-41st rSW2724-97th rSW2723-IS9th rSW2S22-Sth t, 32nd tSW2S21-Slst mSW2721-3rd c12th ArmySW3221-47th mnSW3321-SSth mnSW3320-164th rSW3124-2Sth mnSW3123-44th mnSW3222-96th mnSW3221-15th tSW3121-49th tSW3120-21Sth m26th ArmySW292S-72nd mnSW2924-99th rSW2S2J-173rd rSW292J-12th t, 7th mSW2922-34th tSW2410-2Oth t, 3Sth tSW2409-13lst mSW2919-1Oth t, 37th tSW2509-20Sth mSW3118-39th t, 45th tSW3117-216th mSW2514-193rd rSW2412-19Sth rSW2_41J-200th rSW2916-14Oth r, 146th r. 22Sth rSW3016-SOth r, 139th r. 141st rSW3218-I%th r, 199th r, 227th rSW3217-136th r , 169th rSW311S-32nd c. 190th r

Odessa Military District


x ~181 l§I1-4 2-5xl2 x4

[3~5L~31x2 x3

SW3S08-11th t

SW3709-16th tSW3SII-ISth mSW3218-2nd cSW3217-5th cSW3216-9th cSW3S06-147th r, 206th rSE3938-I06th r, 156th rSW4309-25th r

SW4111-S1st rSW4311-ISOth rSW3311-36th t, 209th mSW3312-47th tSW3712-3Oth rSW3613-9Sth r, 176th rSW3414-74th rSW3SI9-116th rSW3517-IS6th r

~x lliJ181 I§1-4 2-5x61 x9

I r-511~31x7 xS

Strategic Reserve - Riga22nd ArmyAll within 5 hexes of NWS0229Sth r, 112th r, I I7th r, 167th r,I53rd r, l54th r, 232nd r, 137th r,ISth r, 13Sth r, 42nd t, 46th t,ISSth m

Strategic Reserve - Moscow22nd ArmyAll within S hexes of NE513214th t, lSth t, 1st m21st Army102nd r. 14Sth r, IS7th r, 53rd r,IIOth r, l72nd r, SOth t, SSth t,219th mIndependentI07th r, 129th r, 133rd r, 211th r,226th r, 229th r

Strategic Reserve - Shepetovka16th ArmyAll within 5 hexes of SW2415132nd r. 144th r, 160th r. 46th r,127th r, IS2nd r, 13th t, 17th r.I09th m. S7th t, 213th m

Strategic Reserve - Odessa10th ArmyAll within S hexes of SW27093Sth r, 134th r, 162nd r , 2Sth mn,91st r, ISSth r , 171st r, 17Sth r,44th t, 4Sth t, 220th m, 14th c

Western Military DistrictsNEI73J-SSth r. 177th r, 235th r,

237th rSEI232-19th r, 145th r, 149th r,

217th r. 222nd rSE2330-13Oth r

Central Military DistrictSE4020-12th mn, 22nd rn, 16Sth

r, 17Sth rSESOII-31st r, 76th mn , 157th r,

192nd mn. 22Sth r,17th c, 21st c

Siberian Holding Area197th r. 214th r, l Sth c, 20th c,120th r, 194th r. 23Sth r, 166th r