BANKING FIRST YEAR ROADMAP - University of Rochester

Post on 12-Nov-2021

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Transcript of BANKING FIRST YEAR ROADMAP - University of Rochester

SUMMER• Utilize Quinncia to develop resume• Gain experience through a job, shadowing, or a project• Network with alumni through The Meliora Collective & LinkedIn• Resea• Research and identify banking-related companies & professions



FIRST YEAR• Complete Handshake profile and career interests (Fall)• Join a student organization that interests you• Develop relationships with faculty• Get started with banking and finance • Get started with banking and finance resources to understand roles, candidate profiles, and recruitment timelines• Strategize with a career advisor

SOPHOMORE YEAR• Prepare for Spring recruitment season with a Career Advisor• Network with alumni through The Meliora Collective & LinkedIn• Applications due for junior summer • Applications due for junior summer internships (Late Spring)• Consider applying for the UR Investment Banking program (URIB)•Practice researching & creating pitchbooks with Meliora Finance & Investment Group• Monitor the markets and get Bloombe• Monitor the markets and get Bloomberg certification• Begin practicing interviewing skills using Quinncia.

JUNIOR YEAR• Continue refining technical skills and interviewing for summer opportunities• Continue networking & developing relationships with alumni in your industry

SUMMER• Gain experience through an internship, project, research, or other experiential activity• Continue networking with alumni and professionals in banking using The Meliora collective and LinkedIn• Interview for junior summer inte• Interview for junior summer internships. Explore other ways to gain industry skills and technical strengths through courses or certifications

SUMMER• Excel in your internship• Secure full-time offer for employment• Grow your network• Meet with a Career Advisor

SENIOR YEAR• Finish coursework• Continue networking• Secure full-time employment• Mentor unde• Mentor underclass students through 1:1 coaching conversations and by participating in Greene Center activities

STUDENT RECOMMENDED RESOURCES:••• Bloomberg Terminal Certification• Wallstreet Oasis • Banking diversity programs

Check out the caCheck out the career community page for more information.