Bamford Chapel Magazine Oct 2013

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Bamford Chapel Magazine Oct 2013 Church

Transcript of Bamford Chapel Magazine Oct 2013






Mission/Vision Statement




We believe as a congregation that our worship should be wholehearted and

meaningful as we join together in praise and thanksgiving to God. In response to

God’s love, we wish to express our joy, to open our hearts to God’s voice and to

respond to His word.


Recognising our need to learn of God and from God, we seek to provide an

environment within which learning and teaching can take place. We would want to

enable each person to accept God into their life and to have the ability to discuss and

share their faith with all.


We are joined together in our faith by the Holy Spirit. As a loving fellowship we wish to

deepen and extend our care for each other encouraging everyone to use their gifts, as

they are enabled by God, to show tenderness and compassion in a spirit of humility.


We accept that we are called to make Christ known in our community at Bamford and

in all other places. We would wish to influence others by example and comment,

accepting that God will speak through us as we maintain a relationship with Him. We

recognise the need for the Church to participate in all aspects of the life of the world,

and proclaim God’s will, as it is revealed to us.


Further Details may be found at

Thursday 3rd October

7.30 pm Elders Meeting

Sunday 6th October

10.30 am Family Worship with Holy Communion led by our Minister Revd Richard Bradley

6.00 pm Evening Worship led by Laura Davies

Tuesday 8th October

12 noon for 12.45

Light lunches served from 12 noon followed by concert featuring Colin Blarney (clarinet) and Russell Lomas (piano)

Tuesday 8th October

7.30 pm at St Vincent’s

Churches Together in North West Rochdale

Saturday 12th October

The North Western Synod meets at the Oasis Academy, Salford

Sunday 13th October

10.30 am Church Anniversary, Family Worship led by our North West Synod Moderator Revd. Richard Church

6.00 pm Evening Worship led by our Minister Revd Richard Bradley

Sunday 20th October

10.30 am Family Worship led by our Minister Revd Richard Bradley

6.00 pm Evening Worship with Holy Communion led by our Minister Revd Richard Bradley


Message from the Manse

Jesus said, “19Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of

the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. 20And surely I am with you to the very end of

the age.” (Matthew 28:19-20) If there was ever a Mission Statement for the whole Christian Church it is this one. I don’t think it was an accident that these were some of Jesus’ final words before he ascended into heaven. Not only is there the challenge laid down to those first disciples but also the promise of Jesus’ presence with them through the power of the Holy Spirit. I think the whole United Reformed Church needs to be reminded of these words and we ought to be challenged by them as we think about how to be a church in the world we live in and the communities in which we are set. In my last article I mentioned the work that Vision Strategy Team have been doing since the questionnaires were filled out. I also mentioned some of my own thinking whilst I have been reading the book “The Purpose Driven Church” by Rick Warren. As the Vision Strategy Team (as I have called us) have been looking at the results of the questionnaires I have been thinking about how

Sunday 27th October

10.30 am Family Worship led by our Minister Revd Richard Bradley

6.00 pm Evening Worship led by Walter Brisk

Wednesday 30th October

1.30 pm Midweek Communion in the lounge


we might develop them and carry them forward. By the time you read this article I will have shared with you in a service (22nd September) some of my thoughts as I have prayed, read and listened. I also hope that the Church Meeting on the same date gave its approval to the developing of a new mission/vision statement for the church. I am conscious that any new vision needs to be harnessed and owned by the whole church. It is a challenging process. What we are invited to explore, think about, and pray about (most importantly) is where God is leading us as a church and what our priorities are as a church. One of the challenges Rick Warren presents to his readers is this: “If the church is static it is not growing” (paraphrased by me) an obvious statement perhaps but no less challenging. I hope in the service on the 22nd September to have explained to you about the five “purposes” (as Warren calls them in his book) that he feels are taught to us in the New Testament about how to be a Biblically grounded church. The book is as challenging as it is exciting. I hope that following the service and Church meeting on the 22nd September we will all want to come on this new journey of how to be church so that we can reach outside our walls. There is still a lot of work to do and we ALL need to be involved and committed to it. I hope and most certainly pray that we won’t get bogged down in buildings related issues. The roof is important and looking after our building is important….but the Church is you….the church is me. The church, as we know, is the people. I want our priority to be people and reaching out with the Good News. I am not suggesting the buildings issues should be ignored but it is very easy to let such issues dominate and detract from


what we are here to be and here to do. I am excited for the future but I also know it is going to be challenging as we may start new things and stop old things and even change current things. What we need to be is united. We may not agree with everything but what I am passionate about is to please God and doing His will and using the gifts of ALL God’s people here at Bamford Chapel.

I invite you to continue on this journey with Jesus. However old or young, frail or active, whether you feel worthy or unworthy……this journey is for you!!!! Let us place our hands in the hands of Jesus and walk with him. God Bless Your servant in Christ Richard

If you wish to know God you must know his Word.

C H Spurgeon

A lot of people want to serve God, but only in an

advisory capacity.


News of the family

Concerns are expressed for Ray Atkins and family, Marjorie and

Ken Farrington, Don and Win Schofield, Joan Warner and her

sister, Sylvia, Addie and Barbara Redmond, Joan Ashton, Peggy

Newton (currently in Carder`s Court), Andy and Julie Platt, Ian and

Anne Newman, Margaret Entwistle, John Baillie, Lisa and Alastair

Linden, Joyce and Derek Yates, June Pearson, Tracey Scoresby and

anyone else of whom you are aware but who I have omitted to

mention. Please remember all these people in your prayers.

Margaret and David Watson wish to thank everyone for their good

wishes and donations to Frances House on the occasion of their

Golden Wedding last month.

We particularly think this month of all the young people who are

leaving home, perhaps for the first time, to go to University. They

go with all our love and best wishes for a happy and productive

time. Not forgetting their parents, who may be experiencing

mixed feelings as their "babies" leave the nest. Please remember

them also in your prayers.

It`s Autumn again and the countdown to Christmas is already

beginning in the shops. At Bamford Chapel we have already

celebrated Harvest launched our Third World Project, for 2013,

which will finish on Christmas Day. This year we are supporting

the Lancashire Gulu Partnership in Northern Uganda, helping

women to become self sufficient through the growing of banana

plants. Remember the project in your prayers and

also through your personal giving on Sunday



Ladies’ Fellowship

Our first meeting on 12th September was a talk and

demonstration on a form of exercise called ‘PILATES’ given

by Cilla Thwaites, an instructor at the Village Gym.

Our numbers were lower than usual – was it because

members on the Probus holiday were late back owing to a

puncture? Or maybe because it was the first meeting &

memories are failing? Or maybe it was the fear that if you

came, you might have to join in??

Well, absent members missed a treat!! Cilla provided an

excellent handout, brought along an assistant to

demonstrate the moves and encouraged anyone to join in

whether sitting or standing. Soon we were all doing

shoulder exercises with stretch bands; massaging feet, back

and shoulders with tennis balls. Not to mention performing

‘superman’ and ‘bridge’ exercise on floor mats!

The ‘PILATES’ method is so called because the creator was

Joseph Pilates, a German who moved to London and taught

self-defence at Scotland Yard. The purpose of the system

was to strengthen the whole body. It was originally called


Quotes from Cilla’s material: Pilates will strengthen your

whole body and improve your posture; Pilates is for

everyone, from Sports professionals to very beginners, all

exercise can be modified to suit each individual.


Quotes from Joseph Pilates: ‘you are only as young as your

spine is flexible; you will feel better in 10 sessions, look

better in 20 sessions and have a complete new body in 30


Thanks to Cilla & all brave souls who came along Joan Warner

Programme to Christmas – please join us! Friday 27th September 10-12am Macmillan Coffee Morning Tickets available £3 Thursday 10th October Packing Boxes for Belarus See list of required items Thursday 14th November ‘World Challenge Report’ A presentation from our own young people Wednesday 11th December Christmas meal at Peacock Room

The real art of conversation is not only to say the

right thing at the right time, but also to leave unsaid

the wrong thing at the tempting moment.



Operation Christmas Child is the largest children's

Christmas project in the world, run by the Christian charity

Samaritan's Purse. Gift-filled shoeboxes have been sent to

disadvantaged children around the world since 1990,

bringing joy into the lives of over 80 million children.

Could I once again ask for your support of this children's

charity? Many of you will already be familiar with it. For

those who are not, the aim is to fill a

shoe box with various items such

as, soap and flannel, toothpaste,

brush, comb, pens and pencils and

notebooks. We also try to include

hat and gloves and a small toy.

We also need shoe boxes.

We need gifts for both boys and girls in the age groups, 2-

4, 5-9 and 10-14.

I will be happy to receive any items also boxes

Joan Ashton, on behalf of Carol Hartley.

tel 01706 360395. (I can collect.)





Thank you so much from the committee members for the

generous donation to Cancer Research from proceeds of this

year’s wonderful production of Jesus Christ Superstar.

An amount of £827 has now been forwarded to CRUK.

The loss of our dear inspirational and motivational Chairman,

Auriel has left us all slightly lacking in enthusiasm and drive. We WILL bounce back and are assured Auriel continues to be

there spiritually to help us in the future.

God Bless you Auriel. We miss you so much.

Joan Ashton : Glenda Brisk : Diane Davies [welcome] :

Marie Fernandes : Margaret Frain : Joan Hortop :

Kay Riley : Margaret Ogden : Margaret Taylor : Audrey Wardell


Churches launch major campaign to

‘save’ Christmas What is the Christmas story? You’d be surprised (shocked?) to discover that fewer and fewer people actually know about God’s promise of a Messiah, and how it came true through the angel, Mary, Joseph, the baby, the angels appearing

to the shepherds, and the star that led the magi to Jesus. When the problem of widespread ignorance of even these very basics of the Christmas story was recently revealed through survey findings, the mainline denominations decided to take action to reverse the trend. ‘The Christmas Starts with Christ’ Campaign will run from 1st December to Christmas day. Resources available include a new free-to-use logo, specially produced Christmas cards, a chocolate advent calendar with a copy of the Christmas story in the box and a national advertising campaign using posters and radio ads. A turning point? It might be difficult to believe, but knowledge of the Christmas Story is fading. Just 12 per cent of adults know the nativity story; and 36 per cent of children do not know whose birthday is being celebrated during the festival. Christmas is being lost to secularism and the trend is for this to get worse. Some 51 per cent of people now say that the birth of Jesus is irrelevant to their Christmas. This is a tipping point. Christmas is becoming simply ... 'mas'; a consumer-fuelled and family-filled happy holiday which is meaningless – albeit enjoyable. Together we can reverse the trend A movement made up of some of the nation's leading Christian groups, including the Church of England, the Evangelical Alliance, and the Children's Society, is coming together because they


recognise something must be done. Leading the campaign is – the group behind the annual Christmas advertising poster campaigns. This year, recognising the urgency and importance of bringing the Church together to save Christmas, the group has taken a new direction. Part of this will be the first ever nationwide Christmas Starts Sunday on 1 December, which kicks off the campaign and starts Advent. Francis Goodwin, of, said: "Christmas is such an important part of the Church calendar and it is a time when Christians shine light in their communities. But the good news is being lost. We can't sit back and let that happen. We cannot let the nation lose the real meaning of Christmas; and we are passionate about bringing the Church together for this cause to remind everyone that Christmas Starts with Christ." Church leaders are among those who have put their support into the campaign.

Arun Arora, director of communications at the Church of

England, said: "At Christmas time thousands of churches

around the country do a huge amount to carry the

Christmas story into their local communities, through word

and deed. The vision for the Christmas Starts with Christ

campaign is to use a common logo to join the dots of these

activities and project a powerful message to our entire

nation that the reason for the season is the birth of Jesus.

"The logo is available for use free of charge, and the more

churches that use it the greater the chance that we can

cause the 51 per cent of people who say ‘the birth of Jesus

is irrelevant to my Christmas’ to think again!"

If you would like to download resources for your church, find out more about the campaign or help save Christmas,



BAMFORD CHAPEL Midday Concerts: 2013-14

Concerts always on the second Tuesday of the month, 12.45 – 1.45 p.m. Lunch served from 12 noon

Admission to the concerts: £3 Lunch items individually priced

October 8 Colin Blarney (clarinet) and Russell Lomas (piano)

Russell is a regular visitor here, and has brought to us

many talented young musicians

November 12 Rising Bridge ensemble (strings and piano)

This group is new to us. We look forward to an

interesting programme

December 10 Students from the Royal Northern College of music

We hope to select the artistes when the students begin

term in September. Details will be published in

September – we hope for some brass!

January 14 Chris Holmes Jazz Trio

We do not often invite guests back so soon, but this Trio

was hugely enjoyed last season, so we decided to make

an exception!

February 11 Aidan Edwards (baritone) and Juliet Montgomery

(soprano). This duo will be making their first appearance

here, but come warmly commended

March 11 Jonathan Ellis (piano)

Jonathan has been here several times, though not

recently, as accompanist, leader of a piano trio, and

soloist: he has specially asked if he may come as soloist

this season, and we are happy to oblige.


Midday Concerts 2013 – 2014

In this edition of the Chapel magazine, you will find details

of our new programme. Sadly this year, Chetham’s School have

been unable to include us in their schedule. This comes after very

many years of a most happy relationship. Nevertheless, we have

once again put together a series of concerts which we hope will

give pleasure to our audiences.

Besides providing musicians of real quality, we seek also

to raise funds for the Chapel, and in this we are immensely helped

by the devoted service of those who prepare and serve food each

month. Admission to the concerts has been fixed at £3 for a

number of years, and we do not want to increase this if we can

possibly avoid it. For the new season, therefore, the price will

remain the same. We need an audience at each concert of 70 to

break even, and once again we are appealing for the support of

church members who are free in the middle of the day to join us.

We know that many of you enjoy music and go to concerts

elsewhere. Please join us this year – we need you! We would love

to see a greater number of Chapel folk in our audiences, both to

encourage the artistes for whom a large audience is so gratifying,

but also to enable us to continue to give the church a substantial

cheque on Gift Day.

Thank you to those

of you who do regularly

support us, and to the rest of

you who are able to come,

do give us a try!



This will be the third year that Ladies’ Fellowship has provided

Christmas boxes for the elderly of Belarus, which Carol Hartley

distributes. Please can you help with any items listed below. There is a box in the coffee area for contributions. Thank you.


(Babushka) Both Men







Large Knickers





Jewellery –

brooch / neck-

lace / bracelet

Hot water bottle


Toothbrush + Paste




Tea towel

Reading Glasses


Something to wear

(very good

secondhand is OK)

Warm hat

Soft Sweets






Razors (and





Long johns

Warm hat /

gloves/ scarf /





Pack of Cards

Chess set




Midday concerts: 2013-14

On the second Tuesday of the month,

12.45 p.m. – 1.45 p.m.

Lunch served from 12 noon

Admission to the concerts: £3

Lunch items individually priced

October 8th 2013

Colin Blarney (clarinet)


Russell Lomas (piano)

Russell is a regular visitor here, and has brought to

us many talented young musicians


The Stained Teapot

The TV cookery programme was on mute as Laura

reflected on the afternoon Bible Study. The leader had

been talking about sin and he had given Laura three

Bible verses to look up. As she searched for the first one,

Laura reflected on her life. She was struggling with her

faith and knew there was still a lot wrong in her life. She

had so many faults and Laura wondered if all her sins

were forgiven. As far as she was concerned her life was

tainted and could never be clean.

Laura found the first Bible verse: If we confess our sins

to God ... He will forgive us our sins and purify us from

all our wrong doing” (1 John 1:9) Laura gazed at the

words and wondered how Jesus could remove every stain

in her life? ‘Surely’ she said to herself, ‘I’ve got to do

something myself to be right with God?”

Laura looked blankly at the TV where a chef was making

some drinks. Laura thought about her recent Bible

discussion. Someone had said that the power to remove

sin came from God. She looked up at the next verse and

it said: Even if you washed with the strongest soap, I

would still see the stain of your guilt’. (Jeremiah 2:22)

Laura wondered if these verses were meant for her!

Again she looked at the TV screen and saw a chef pick up

an old teapot that was badly stained inside. He washed it

and scrubbed it, but the stain couldn’t be removed. Then

he added some biological washing powder and filled the

teapot with boiling water. A few minutes later the

stubborn tea stain had disappeared. The tea pot looked

as good as new!


Laura suddenly realised that the sin

in her life was like the stain in the

teapot. The chef couldn’t make the

tea pot clean, he had to use

something more powerful than

himself. Laura was convinced that

only God could remove her sin and wondered what the

final Bible verse she was looking up would say. As she

read it, she would never again doubt God’s power to

make her clean.

”When the kindness and love of God our Saviour was

revealed He saved us.... through the Holy Spirit, who

gives us new birth and new life by washing us.

(Titus 3:4-5)

Borosivo Abandoned Babies Home


Wed 16th October 10 am—3.30 pm

Trinity Methodist Church, Heywood

£1 Admission

(inc refreshments)

This year we would like to buy the children shoes and winter


Thanking you for all your help.

Carol Hartley


David and Margaret Watson would like to thank all those who attended their Golden Wedding celebration and made it such a successful evening. We have been overwhelmed with the number of cards and donations we received Thank you once again. As some of you know we had two parties and at both we asked for donations to Francis House Children’s Hospice and we are delighted to say that the amount we gave to this charity in cash and cheques was £1135.00. When they add the amount received on tax reclaimed from the money gift aided the final total will be £1370.00.

The Bible is meant to be bread for our daily use,

not just cake for special occasions.



Clothes Swap Party

Friday 4th October at 7.30 pm

How often have you bought a dress or top and then wished

you hadn’t? How many scarves or bags do you have in your

wardrobe which you never wear?

Come along to the Clothes Swap party and clear out your


The idea is that we bring along any new or like-new items

which we don’t want and swap them. Something that you bring

along may look better on someone else! You may find the per-

fect accessory for an outfit!

There will be a small charge for entry,

refreshments will be available

and it could be fun!


Toddlers Group Toddlers Group has been meeting at Bamford Chapel every Tuesday Morning 9 - 11am for about 25 years. This summer we were very surprised, yet delighted, to receive an award on behalf of Bamford Chapel. Part of our letter of notification reads :

‘Congratulations Your Toddler Group is a Netmums Favourite!!

Netmums has been asking our members to let us know about their favourite local toddler group and we are really pleased to let you know that Bamford Chapel

Toddler Group has been selected as one of our members’ favourites in the Rochdale & Bury area. Karen Dutton Netmums Rochdale & Bury editor ‘The Rochdale Observer

report read: Bamford Chapel has been voted Top of the Tots. More than a million parents voted for the best run Toddler Groups in the country and the group at Bamford Chapel was named in the top three in the Bury and Rochdale area. ‘ We thank the Lord for our supportive volunteers and delight week after week in seeing our toddlers grow in all areas of their development. At this time of year our 3 year olds leave us to continue education at Playgroup and Nursery School, we pray for them and their families and wish them all a safe life journey. From our activities and from fund raising events we are able to support our church at Gift Day and also Francis House Children’s Hospice.


Because Toddlers expanded last year we asked for volunteers to help out with our crafting tables, Gloria and I wish to say a big thank you to Jean Fitton, Margaret Ogden and Margaret Watson for their support over the year and pray that very soon Muriel Sturrock will be back amongst us healed and healthy. God Bless Gillian Galloway and Gloria Norbury

Kilimanjaro Climbed

Funds Raised

Addie and Barbara want to

thank all those who have

sponsored them to climb


Addie reached the top

(19,341 ft), but Barbara fell

ill half way up and had to

return to Moshi. So far

they have raised £1600 for

VSO and nearly £300 for

Street Pastors.

All things desirable to men are contained in the Bible.

Abraham Lincoln

The Bible never claims to be one holy book among

many, but the holy book above all.

Brian H Edwards


This year’s project is to support

the Lancashire-Gulu link

with their Big Banana Ap-peel

By supporting the Lancashire-gulu Link Big Banana

Ap-peel you will be directly helping 100’s of families in

Gulu, Northern Uganda to become more self-sufficient

and have better lives.

Every penny collected will go to:

1. Address food insecurity in Gulu district (Acholi-

land), following over two decades of armed conflict

in northern Uganda by planting 10 acres of banana


2. Empower families to lift themselves out of poverty

and hunger to self-reliance by providing them with

a multiplying gift of banana plantlets and banana


3. Train families in the best practices for growing

bananas and management of banana plantations.

4. Help families pass on theses skills to other families.

Take a look at the website:



Sign seen on a church:

God gives you better directions than Sat Navs!



EDITORS: Louise Aspinall 01706 719449

Martyn James 01706 868885

SECRETARY: Joan Ashton 01706 360395


November 2013

Articles to be handed in by: Sunday 13th October

Magazine to be completed by: Thursday 24th October

Magazine distributed: Sunday 27th October



United Reformed Church Charity - Reg’d No 1128387


The Manse,

Norden Road,



OL11 5PQ

Telephone: 01706 369622

Minister : Rev Richard Bradley


Church Secretary: Ian Sturrock

Telephone: 01706 653109


Wedding Secretary: John Lapworth

Telephone: 01706 632460


Lettings Manager: Linda Kerford

Telephone: 01706 624256


Times of Services: Family Worship : 10.30 am : Holy Communion 1st Sunday in month

Evening Worship : 6.00 pm : Holy Communion 3rd Sunday in month