Bahasa indonesia continuers activity book

Post on 01-Dec-2014

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Transcript of Bahasa indonesia continuers activity book






Find a study partner to practice speaking skills with each week, aim for 10 mins of conversation 2- 3 times a week (on phone, at lunch, online)

Talk online to your Indonesian classmates or friends in Indonesian you know If you have not got a partner and would like one see your teacher, some ex

students may be keen to help, or students in another school When doing reading comprehension do a quick read to get the gist of the

passage, use highlighters to highlight words you do not know, make notes around the page of the main points

Try and use a dictionary, rather than online ones to build up your speed in looking up vocabulary and changing words into dictionary forms- it will be a huge help for assessment tasks and the HSC

If you are stuck see your teacher for help, you can email me or access our online space to ask questions of me or other students

Use your non face to face lesson for your Indonesian studies, each lesson has been designed to help you keep covering a range of topics and all writing and speaking tasks are broad so as you can keep revising different topics throughout the course

Hand in your work each week to your teacher for correction of writing and speaking

Try and record your speaking so as you get used to recording work and speaking Indonesian out loud

Keep a diary for yourself in Indonesian a couple of times a week to help you revise vocab and keep your mind in Indonesian mode

Look for Indonesian movies, books, magazines online... you do not need to understand it all, every bit of practice helps

Remember Purchase of your own dictionaries is recommended, especially for home use

Kamus Inggris Indonesia Paperback & Kamus Indonesia Inggris Paperback By John Echols  & Hassan Shadily

These can be purchased many places and I can order them for you through school (usually cheaper), they are about $42 each and you would need both of them as one is Indo- Eng and the other Eng- Indo.

We have enough at school for your assessment tasks and exams but for use at home it would be beneficial to have your own. Use of online dictionaries is good at times but will not help you build up the skills you need to use dictionaries in the exams.


Reading task:

(a)What are the entrants asked to send in?





(b) What will each of the competition winners receive?





Writing task:

Write a narrative OR an interview OR a dialogue OR a diary entry in INDONESIANof approximately 100 words on the following topic:

Mengapa saya suka rumah dan daerah tempat tinggal saya (Why I like my house and neighbourhood).

Speaking Task:

Write a paragraph about your family. Include who is in your family, their work or hobbies, what you like to do with your family. What do you think of each family member and why?

Bisa coba How about recording it and sending it to your teacher?TERM 1 WEEK 2

Reading task:

Read the text, then answer the question that follows.RAPOR SEKOLAH

NAMA SISWA: Rusadi Wijaya TAHUN: 2001NAMA SEKOLAH: SMA Negeri II Ciater KELAS: SMA2MATA PELAJARAN ANGKA %* Pendidikan Agama 80* Bahasa Indonesia 76* Sejarah Nasional Indonesia dan Sejarah Dunia 83* Matematika 59* Fisika 51* Bahasa Inggris 65* Pendidikan Olahraga dan Kesehatan 71KEGIATAN EKSTRAKURIKULER NILAIKlub Kesenian BKlub Bulu Tangkis A

Rangking kelas: 7 dari 68 siswaTIDAK HADIR0 hariLAIN-LAINKerajinan: perlu perhatian/cukup/baikKelakuan: perlu perhatian/cukup/baikKerapian: perlu perhatian/cukup/baikPENDAPAT GURURusadi adalah siswa yang rajin dan bertanggung jawab. Dia tidak pernah terlambat masuk kelas dan selalu mengerjakan pekerjaan rumahnya. Rangking kelasnya sangatmemuaskan.KEPUTUSAN

Naik ke kelas 3 ✓ /Program khusus ______/Tinggal di kelas _____TANDA TANGAN KEPALA SEKOLAH TANGGALR Sudirman 24/06/01

Other than his marks, give TWO specific reasons why Rusadi’s parents would beproud of him.







Writing task:

Write a diary entry in INDONESIAN of approximately 100 words on the following topic:

Hari ini. (today)WEEK 2 continuedReading task:

Read the text, then answer the questions that follow.

Date: 15 Juli 2001>To: Mira,Salam dari Yogya. Maaf sudah lama saya tidak kirim email. Tidak ada komputerdi rumah Renny. Ongkos pakai warnet hanya Rp 5.000 sejam.Saya senang sekali di sini. Saya dan Renny melakukan banyak kegiatan di JalanMalioboro. Kami berbelanja dan saya membeli oleh-oleh (Ya...untuk kamu).Harganya murah sekali! Kami juga menonton film “Mission Impossible 2”.Saya kurang suka film aksi. Saya lebih suka film romantis. Kami juga ke diskodan karaoke. Ada banyak pemuda ganteng di sana. Kami juga makan di pasarmalam. Wah, lezat sekali!Selain itu kami mengunjungi banyak tempat lain dengan keluarga Renny. Kamike pabrik batik. Kelihatannya mudah, tetapi proses pembuatan batik sebenarnyapanjang dan sukar. Saya membeli taplak meja untuk ibu saya.Kami juga ke Candi Prambanan. Menarik sekali!! Besok kami akanmengunjungi paman Renny di desa. Renny berkata kami akan naik kerbau disawah dan mandi di sungai.Cepat balas, ya?Salam dariSarah.

(a)Tick the box that corresponds to the correct response.

Which activity did Sarah NOT enjoy in Malioboro Street?(A) Shopping for souvenirs(B) Watching a film(C) Going to the disco and karaoke bar(D) Eating out at the night market

(b) What did she find surprising about her trip to the batik factory?




.........(c) Give details of Renny’s plans for the following day...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Speaking Task:

Write a paragraph about your best friend. Include their hobbies, what you like to do with your them, why they are your best friend, qualities you like about them, where they live.

Bisa coba How about recording it and sending it to your teacher?


Reading task:

Writing task:

Write a diary entry in INDONESIAN of approximately 100 words on the following topic:

Pelajaran favorit saya adalah......, karena.......(My favourite subject is.... because.....)

Speaking Task:

Write a paragraph about the subjects you study, why you like or dislike them, how they may help you in the future.

Bisa coba How about recording it and sending it to your teacher?

TERM 1 WEEK 4Reading task:

Writing task:Write a diary entry in INDONESIAN of approximately 100 words on the following topic:

Akhir minggu saya. (My weekend)Speaking Task:

Write a paragraph about why you chose to study Indonesian.

Bisa coba How about recording it and sending it to your teacher?


Reading task:

Writing task:

Write a letter in INDONESIAN of approximately 100 words on the following topic:

You are organising a celebration. Write a letter to a friend inviting him/her to thecelebration. Tell your friend the purpose of the celebration, when it will be held andwhat to bring.

HINT FOR IMPROVEMENT: ***** look up letter writing conventions*****-date - Dear.... – warm regards from.....

Speaking Task:

Write a paragraph about ‘Anda paling suka melakukan aktivitas apa dengan temanmu?’(‘What activities do you most like doing with your friends?’)

Bisa coba How about recording it and sending it to your teacher?



Informal letters: Halo..... OR Hi ......Dear...... ..... yang baik, .... who I love so much, ..... yang terkasih,To my fantastic friend.... Teman yang asyik.....My friend.... Temanku....


Greetings from/ regards: SalamWarm regards: Salam hangatGreeting of love from Salam saying dari...Until later Sekian duluYour friend.... Temanmu....Yours sincerely... Hormat saya .....


Reading task:

Read the text, then answer the questions that follow.Sam baru selesai mengikuti kursus intensif bahasa dan budaya di Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Pada hari terakhir, para pelajar diminta mengisi formulir evaluasi. Berikut ini adalah pendapat Sam.

Kursus intensif bahasa dan budaya

Pelajaran bahasa Ibu Siregar / Ibu Indra

Ibu Siregar adalah guru yang sangat baik. Karena dia selalu memakai Bahasa Indonesia,

mula-mula saya bingung dan tidak bisa mengikuti pelajarannya. Tetapi, sesudah tigaempat hari saya menjadi biasa dan bisa menjawab pertanyaan guru.

Akomodasi Asrama / Homestay

Penginapan di asrama cukup baik tetapi selalu ada musik keras. Kalau saya ikut kursus

ini sekali lagi, saya ingin mencoba homestay. Kalau di homestay, mungkin lebih mudah

berkonsentrasi. Juga saya bisa mengalami kehidupan dengan keluarga Indonesia.

Kunjungan ke obyek wisata Candi Borobudur / Candi Prambanan

Kaliurang / Parangtritis

Saya ke Candi Borobudur dan Parangtritis. Di antara kedua tur itu, saya lebih suka tur

ke Candi Borobudur. Tidak ada bangunan di Australia seperti monumen yang bersejarah

ini. Pemandu yang mengantar kami ke sana menjelaskan agama Buddha dengan baik.

Sayang sekali, karena grup kami terlalu besar, ada yang tidak bisa mendengar penjelasan

dia. Mungkin lebih baik kalau ada lebih banyak pemandu.

Waktu saya melihat Pantai Parangtritis saya merasa kecewa karena tidak seindah pantaipantai di Australia. Juga tidak banyak yang dapat dilakukan di sana karena terlalu

berbahaya untuk berenang. Kunjungan itu akan lebih menarik kalau kami bisa melakukan

aktivitas di pantai, seperti bermain layang-layang atau bola voli.

Komentar umum

Rasanya dua minggu tidak cukup! Pasti harus kembali.

(a) Describe Sam’s progress in the language lessons. 2............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................(b) Why would Sam prefer a different type of accommodation on his next trip to 2Indonesia?.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................(c) Explain why Sam recommends changes to the excursions to Candi Borobudur 4and Parangtritis...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Writing task:

Write a narrative OR dialogue OR interview in INDONESIAN of approximately 100 words on the following topic:

‘Sekolah ideal saya’ (My ideal school)

Speaking Task:

Write a paragraph about ‘Bagaimana kamar tidur Anda?’(‘What is your room like?’)

Bisa coba How about recording it and sending it to your teacher?


Reading task:

Writing task:

Write a narrative OR dialogue OR interview in INDONESIAN of approximately 100 words on the following topic:

‘Sialan! Hari ini hari Senin!What a shame! Today is Monday!

Speaking Task:

Write a paragraph about ‘Bagaimana rutin sehari-hari Anda?’ (‘What is your daily routine like?’)

Bisa coba How about recording it and sending it to your teacher?TERM 1 WEEK 8

Reading task:

Writing task:

Write a narrative OR dialogue OR interview in INDONESIAN of approximately 100 words on the following topic:

‘’Berbelanjar untuk pakaian untuk liburan di Indonesia’ (Shopping for clothes for your Indonesian holiday)

Speaking Task:

Write a paragraph about ‘Tugas-tugas apa yang kamu kerjakan di rumah’(‘Chores you do at home’)

Bisa coba How about recording it and sending it to your teacher?


Reading task:

(a) What sort of invitation has Marni received? 1..............................................................................................................................

(b) Why is she hesitant to accept the invitation? 2...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

(c) How does Ibu Sinta try to persuade Marni to attend? 4............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Writing task:

Write a narrative OR dialogue OR interview in INDONESIAN of approximately 100 words on the following topic:

‘Pacar idealmu harus ada sifat-sifat apa?’ (What characteristicsdoes your ideal boyfriend/ girlfriend have? )

Speaking Task:

Write a paragraph about ‘Bagaimana penampilan ibu/ bapak/ kakak/ adik/ teman mu?’(‘What is the appearance of your dad/ mum/ older or younger sibling/ friend like?)


Bisa coba How about recording it and sending it to your teacher?


Reading task:

Writing task:

Write a narrative OR dialogue OR interview in INDONESIAN of approximately 100 words on the following topic:

‘Bagaimana rencana Anda untuk liburan depan ini?’ (What are your plans for these coming holidays?)

Speaking Task:Write a paragraph about ‘Andaikata anda bisa mengubah penampilan anda apa yang akan anda ubah dan mengapa?’(‘If you could change something about your appearance, what would you change and why?)

Bisa coba How about recording it and sending it to your teacher?


Reading task:

Writing task:

Write a narrative OR dialogue OR interview in INDONESIAN of approximately 100 words on the following topic:

‘Makan di warung’ (Eating at a roadside stall)

Speaking Task:Write a paragraph about ‘Makanan yang saya makan kemarin?’(‘Food I ate yesterday’)

Bisa coba How about recording it and sending it to your teacher?


Reading task:

Writing task:

Write a narrative OR dialogue OR interview in INDONESIAN of approximately 100 words on the following topic:

‘Ketika Anda berlibur kamu lebih suka meninap di mana? Mengapa?’ (When you are on holidays where do you prefer to stay? Why?)

e.g. hotel, camping, house of family or friend etc

Speaking Task:Write a paragraph about ‘Liburan favorit Anda’(‘Your favourite holiday’)

Bisa coba How about recording it and sending it to your teacher?


Reading task:

Writing task:

Write a narrative OR dialogue OR interview in INDONESIAN of approximately 100 words on the following topic:

‘Tinggal di Newcastle’ (Living in Newcastle)

Speaking Task:Write a paragraph about ‘Kalau Anda bisa tinggal di mana- mana yang Anda mau, kamu tinggal di mana?Mengapa?’(‘If you could live anywhere you wish, where would you live? Why?)

Bisa coba How about recording it and sending it to your teacher?


Reading task:

Would Ratih be likely to choose Oka as a boyfriend? Justify your answer. 4.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Writing task:

Write a narrative OR dialogue OR interview in INDONESIAN of approximately 100 words on the following topic:

‘Hobi-hobi apa yang paling popular di kaum muda kini’(Popular hobbies amongst youth these days)

Speaking Task:

Write a paragraph about ‘Bagaimana kamu merayakan hari ulang tahun Anda?’(‘How do you celebrate your birthday?)

Bisa coba How about recording it and sending it to your teacher?


Reading task:

Writing task:

Write a narrative OR dialogue OR interview in INDONESIAN of approximately 100 words on the following topic:

‘Saya perlu ke rumah sakit’ (I need to go to the hospital)

Speaking Task:Write a paragraph about ‘Bagaimana Anda menjaga kesehatan Anda?’(‘How do you look after your health?)

Bisa coba How about recording it and sending it to your teacher?


Reading task:

Writing task:

Write a narrative OR dialogue OR interview in INDONESIAN of approximately 100 words on the following topic:

‘Makanan yang saya cinta.’ (Food I love)

Speaking Task:Write a paragraph about ‘Anda lebih suka aktivitas yang aktif atau santai? Jelaskan.’(‘Do you prefer activities which are active or relaxing?)

Bisa coba How about recording it and sending it to your teacher?


Reading task:

Writing task:

Write a letter in INDONESIAN of approximately 100 words on the following topic:

‘You are joining a student exchange program. Write a letter to your host

family inIndonesia about your family and/or pets and your usual activities with


Speaking Task:

Write a paragraph about ‘Kalau Anda ke Indonesia anda mau melakukan apa di sana?’(‘If you go to Indonesia what would you like to do there?)

Bisa coba How about recording it and sending it to your teacher?


Reading task:

Writing task:

Write a narrative OR dialogue OR interview in INDONESIAN of approximately 100 words on the following topic:

‘Kalau hujan pada akhir minggu, bagaimana?’(What shall we do if it rains on the weekend?)

Speaking Task:

Write a paragraph about ‘Ceritakan sedikit tentang teman baik anda.’(Talk a bit about your best friend)

Bisa coba How about recording it and sending it to your teacher?


Reading task:

(a) What does the National Park provide for the visitors? 2.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................


(b) Explain the common theme of the two signs. (Give examples from the signs 4to support your argument)









Writing task:

Write a narrative OR dialogue OR interview in INDONESIAN of approximately 100 words on the following topic:

‘Transportasi di Indonesia.’(Transport in Indonesia)

Speaking Task:

Write a paragraph about ‘ Bagaimana kamu ke sekolah?’(How do you get to school?)

Bisa coba How about recording it and sending it to your teacher?


Reading task:

Writing task:

Write a narrative OR dialogue OR interview in INDONESIAN of approximately 100 words on the following topic:

‘Liburan saya’(My holiday)

*****Write about the holiday you have just had!

Speaking Task:

Write a paragraph about ‘ Ceritakan tentang bagian rumah favorit anda’(Talk about your favourite part of the house)

Bisa coba How about recording it and sending it to your teacher?


Reading task:

Writing task:

Write a narrative OR dialogue OR interview in INDONESIAN of approximately 100 words on the following topic:

‘Menonton televisi’(Watching television)

Speaking Task:

Write a paragraph about ‘ Anda akan melakukan apa sesudah pulang dari sekolah?’

(What will you do after school?)

Bisa coba How about recording it and sending it to your teacher?


Reading task:

Writing task:

Write a narrative OR dialogue OR interview in INDONESIAN of approximately 100 words on the following topic:

‘Musik favorit saya’(My favourite music)

Speaking Task:

Write a paragraph about ‘ Anda bermain olahraga apa? Dengan siapa? Kapan?’(What sports do you play? Who with? When?)

Bisa coba How about recording it and sending it to your teacher?


Reading task:

Writing task:

Write a narrative OR dialogue OR interview in INDONESIAN of approximately 100 words on the following topic:

‘Bagaimana musim di Australia?’(What are the seasons like in Australia?)

Speaking Task:

Write a paragraph about ‘ Siapa memasak di rumah anda?’(Who cooks at your place?)

Bisa coba How about recording it and sending it to your teacher?


Reading task:

Writing task:

Write an email in INDONESIAN of approximately 100 words on the following topic:

‘Saya perlu membawa apa ketika saya berlibur di Australia pada bulan Desember?’(What do I need to bring to Australia when I holiday there in December?)

Speaking Task:

Write a paragraph about ‘ Hadiah yang paling asyik saya menerima.’(The best present I have ever received.)

Bisa coba How about recording it and sending it to your teacher?


Reading task:

Writing task:

Write a narrative OR dialogue OR interview in INDONESIAN of approximately 100 words on the following topic:

‘Remaja di Indonesia dan Australia berbeda atau bersama?’(Are teenagers in Indonesia and Australia different or the same?)

Speaking Task:

Write a paragraph about ‘ Bagaimana anda merayakan hari Natal?’(How do you celebrate Christmas?)

Bisa coba How about recording it and sending it to your teacher?




Reading task:

Writing task:

Write a narrative OR dialogue OR interview in INDONESIAN of approximately 100 words on the following topic:

‘Rencana anda untuk tahun HSC’(Your plans for the HSC year)

Speaking Task:

Write a paragraph about ‘ Bagaimana keluarga anda menolong anda selama tahun HSC ?’

(How will your family help you with your HSC year?)

Bisa coba How about recording it and sending it to your teacher?




1-1 2001 Indo Beg HSC Q1 Home/ neighbourhood Family

1-2 2001 Indo Beg HSC Q2 & 3 Today Best friend

1-3 2001 Indo Beg HSC Q4 Favourite subject Subjects studying

1-4 2002 Indo Beg HSC Q1 My weekend Why study Indonesian

1-5 2002 Indo Beg HSC Q2 Letter- invite to celebration Activities like to do with friends

1-6 2002 Indo Beg HSC Q4 My ideal school Your bedroom

1-7 2003 Indo Beg HSC Q1 & Q2 What a shame today is Monday Daily routine

1-8 2003 Indo Beg HSC Q3 Shopping for clothes Chores at home

1-9 2003 Indo Beg HSC Q5 Characteristics of ideal ‘pacar’ Appearance of family member

1-10 2002 Indo Beg HSC Q5 Plans for holidays Changing own appearance

2-1 2004 Indo Beg HSC Q1 Eating at a ‘warung’ What I ate yesterday

2-1 2004 Indo Beg HSC Q2 & Q4 Accommodation preferred Favourite holiday

2-3 2004 Indo Beg HSC Q3 Living in Newcastle If I could live anywhere

2-4 2004 Indo Beg HSC Q5 Popular hobbies for teens Celebrating your birthday

2-5 2004 Indo Beg HSC Q6 Going to hospital Looking after your health


2-7 2005 Indo Beg HSC Q1 & Q2 Food I love Prefer active or relaxing activities

2-8 2005 Indo Beg HSC Q3 Letter - exchange to Indonesia What you want to do in Indonesia

2-9 2005 Indo Beg HSC Q4 Rainy weekend Your best friend

2-10 2005 Indo Beg HSC Q6 Transport in Indonesia Travelling to school

3-1 2006 Indo Beg HSC Q1 & Q2 Holidays just gone Favourite part of house

3-2 2006 Indo Beg HSC Q3 Watching TV After school activities

3-3 2006 Indo Beg HSC Q4 Favourite music Sports you play

3-4 2007 Indo Beg HSC Q1 & Q2 Seasons in Australia Who cooks at your place?

3-5 2007 Indo Beg HSC Q3 Email- holiday to Australia Best present received

3-6 2007 Indo Beg HSC Q4 Teens in Aust and Indo Celebrating Christmas

3-7,3-8,3-9 NONE EXAM WEEKS

3-10 2007 Indo Beg HSC Q6 HSC year plans How family helps with HSC