Background Information Depression is a mental illness There are three types of depression There a...

Post on 23-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Background Information Depression is a mental illness There are three types of depression There a...

Background Information •Depression is a mental illness

•There are three types of depression

•There a four types of self harm

•Can depression run in families?

Research Question

•How can teen depression be detected early enough to prevent suicide, cutting, violence and drug abuse?

Why I pick depression in teens

•My reason for choosing this topic is depression runs in my family.

Research Paper

•Depression is a misunderstood illness

•Different types of depression

•Depression has some server side effects


•Teens have different takes on there depression

•Talking to someone can help

•Bullying starts at home

•Not every depressed teen is suicidal


•Depression in teens is a major issue in our society and teen should know how to deal with this ailment.


•One in eight may suffer from depression

•30% receive any sort of intervention or treatment

•Many teens now day have undiagnosed or untreated depression

Empirical Data

•Empirical data- survey to se if people new the signs of depression

•Left blank answer


•Informational pamphlet on self harm in teens

Learning Stretch

•Talking to someone you not know can be scary but after you do it you realize how easy it is

•Do not rush but do not procrastinate ether

•Try to connect with your topic
