Background and Brand Environment  · Web viewJack Roberts N8848301. AMB330 Digital Portfolio...

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Transcript of Background and Brand Environment  · Web viewJack Roberts N8848301. AMB330 Digital Portfolio...

Jack Roberts N8848301. AMB330 Digital Portfolio Module 4 Content.

Background and Brand Environment Anytime Fitness needs to advertise because the market for gyms and fitness is currently very heavily saturated. In this saturated environment, success is produced from a combination of service, product and good content delivered in a relevant and relatable manner to differentiate Anytime Fitness from the competition. The competition is also very heavily involved in the world of digital advertising and cutting through the clutter with meaningful and relevant incentives will be the largest hurdle.

The advertising objective for the content of Anytime Fitness is to provide long term engagement for future customers at the gym and to keep them and other current customer engaged and still subscribed to the service that anytime fitness provides.

The target audience is males and females of young to late middle ages that are concerned about their fitness, or in the case of older customers potentially have loved ones concerned about their health. Many of the younger consumers are also often interested in being seen working out on social media. The audience wants to; in many cases; be extrinsically motivated to be their best.

Anytime’s most important message is that the gym chain has an environment of passionate support for any member wishing to be better tomorrow than they were today. Anytime offers more than the facilities to work out. It provides an environment where there are no excuses; such as time and location; for missing a workout.

These messages will be supported by some major rational and emotional appeals. The message will be supported by an appeal to an audience’s want for reduced risk, which will be enforced by the highlighting of the free 7 day trial. This trial will convince the potential customer to try the gym before having to commit to the costs of a gym subscription. It also acts as a marketing tool that helps customer to come in and see the supportive atmosphere for themselves. The emotional appeals will include a call to join the fun and action. This will appeal to the audience’s need to belong and to be a part of something.

The mandatories for this project will be: Use of the Anytime Logo, Use of the grey and purple colour scheme of anytime fitness. The name, a contact point (number/ website) and a call to action based on one of either the rational appeals or one of the emotional appeals as well as the appeals to those that a trying to improve themselves.

Content Pillars and Production: Inclusiveness/ supportThe content related to this pillar will take the form in sharable Facebook status’s and images/graphics. This will utilise the sharibility of social media and the current social media presence of the brand which is available directly to over 18,000 people who have liked the page on Facebook. The big idea of this particular content will be to create sharable media that is both highly visible to the current audience of people who like the Facebook page, and also increase awareness of those who are friends with them. This form of earned media will increase awareness of the brand from the voice of the audience’s friends and should be viewed as a trustworthy source.

Value for money/ risk mitigationThe pillar appeals to the want for reduced risk in the purchase of a gym membership. It will take the form of banner ads on relevant websites. The banner ad will include a call to action (Trial Anytime Fitness for one week free), the branding logos and colour and lastly basic contact mandatories. This will be grounded over an image of a young realistic woman working out and enjoying herself. The main focus of the ad is the offer of the free trial. Clicking on the banner ad will lead to the campaign page for the free week long trial. This form of bought media will help to increase both awareness of the trial and drive clicks to the site, increasing the amount of free trials and eventually subscriptions

Self ImprovementThis pillar will take the form of an interactive blog post and will support the main appeal of any person trying to join a gym. Access to this service will act as an additional incentive for the audience to join anytime. The content will be weekly customer testimonials from current customers that highlight their improvement since their joining of Anytime Fitness. This blog will be available publicly and will act as a human touch point for the audience who are looking for proof that Anytime Fitness can help them achieve their goals while they are in the information gathering stage. It will also allow customer to interact with the brand by co-creation of content used for marketing. It will assist in giving the customers a sense of satisfaction and recognition of their hard work. Audience trust may be difficult to obtain because although it is a real customer testimonial it is displayed owned media.

An example Blog post.

This combination of approaches will increase awareness of the brand and drive enquiries and sales.


Joe Blog. 30.

I joined anytime fitness in 2013 when I realised I wasn’t who I wanted to be. After only 6 months of hard work I began to feel happier and more comfortable both with my body than I have in 10 years. I was able to achieve my goals because of the support of the gym staff and the other members. Without Anytime Fitness I wouldn’t be who I am today.