B ul bul bird--aboriginaldemo

Post on 26-May-2015

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Transcript of B ul bul bird--aboriginaldemo


And guess what it is.

The Hero Bird of Bunun

haipiji bird( the Black Bulbul )

Long time ago, the world was destroyed by floods and only the top of Yushan appeared above the water. Although men had stayed on the top of Yushan for safety, the food was gone and there was nothing to cook with. Luckily there were many animals , and people could kill them and eat them . Life wasn’t very convenient because there was no fire.

One day, the glow of flames was spotted on some mountains, and people sent a bird to bring back some fire. However, the bird disappeared on the way back. They sent another long-tailed bird, but it fell into the water and died. Finally, the people sent a haipiji bird( the Black Bulbul ),and this bird brought back the fire stone to save the people of Bunun.

On the way home, the fire stone was too hot for the bird to hold. The bird took turns to hold it by its beak and its claws so they are red now. And because of the heat, its body turned into black. That is the way they look like now.