Ayurvedic Remedies to Control Heart Rate

Post on 22-Jan-2018

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Transcript of Ayurvedic Remedies to Control Heart Rate

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Ayurvedic Remedies to Control Heart Rates

Ayurveda explains 3 aspects which affect our heart.

Ayurvedic Aspect

•Vyana Vata is a type of vata located in the center of heart which is responsible for blood flow, heartbeat, locomotion, development of all tissues etc through the nervous system of the body.•Sadhaka Pitta is a type of Pitta resides in the heart and controls emotions, memory, digestion of thoughts etc.•Avalambhaka kalpha helps to promote stability, lubricate & strengthen the heart. It resides in the chest, lungs & heart.

HealthBuffet Blog – Ayurvedic Remedies to Control Heart Rates

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Make yourself stress-free:

• Get a stress-free life by doing meditation which affects the heart on the emotional front. •The best technique for meditation for this type is Transcendental meditation which has proven to lower high blood pressure etc. •Ayurvedic herbal supplements are also available in the markets for reducing stress.• They are the best Ayurvedic Remedies to Control Heart Rates.

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•A balanced diet with all the nutrients is essential in life which makes it a good ayurvedic remedy to control heart rates.

•Ayurveda also tells us to eat moderately and not heavy eating.

•Not skipping food or at the irregular time.

•Have food three times daily which should

be with fixed timings.•Have more of fresh fruits and vegetables.

•Always eat cooked, warm food.

Watch your diet

HealthBuffet Blog – Ayurvedic Remedies to Control Heart Rates

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• Ayurveda explains the importance of six tastes in life- sour, sweet, sour, pungent, salty & pungent.

• Each taste is composed of two elements out of those four elements.

• Having these tastes enhances the life and balances the life for going on any the three doshas.

• Having them in your diet is an effective ayurvedic remedy to control the heart rate.

Make 6 Ayurvedic Tasteful

HealthBuffet Blog – Ayurvedic Remedies to Control Heart Rates

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Sleep well

•Ayurveda stresses on taking a good sleep of 8 hours daily.

•Early to bed, early to rise, makes you wise-is the mantra.

•The mind is relaxed and is stress-free as the mind gets disconnected with the senses and makes you unconscious about tensions in life.

HealthBuffet Blog – Ayurvedic Remedies to Control Heart Rates

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Regular physical activities

• Regular & normal exercises daily are important which will improve the blood circulation and metabolism in the body.

• Do not stress on the nerves and muscles.

• Yoga is equally and more beneficial or leisure outdoor activities are equally important.

• It’s an old Ayurvedic remedy to control heart beats.

HealthBuffet Blog – Ayurvedic Remedies to Control Heart Rates

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Flush those toxins & cleanse your body

• It is very necessary to cleanse our body by flushing the toxins out.

•Drink loads of lukewarm fresh water i.e. 8 glasses daily.

•Avoid heavy & oily food,

•Avoid junk food which creates imbalance in your body,

•Avoid the consumption of stimulants like drugs, liquor and caffeine etc,

•Loads of anti-oxidant fruits & vegetables.

HealthBuffet Blog – Ayurvedic Remedies to Control Heart Rates

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•Abhyanga is an Ayurvedic remedy to control heart beats which is a massage treatment which means love for oils.

•Take a cup of warm coconut/ sesame/ olive oil. Massage all over the body.

•Always massage towards the direction of your heart for better results. It has proven to increase blood circulation and very beneficial to cure ailments.

HealthBuffet Blog – Ayurvedic Remedies to Control Heart Rates

Visit - http://www.healthbuffet.com/blog/ayurvedic-remedies-control-heart-rates/

Balance the factors

• According to Ayurveda, the three should be balanced as imbalances cause doshas which affect the heart working.

• A balanced Vata, Kapha, and pitta are essential as it is present in everybody and heart.

• This will help you to accomplish a complete ayurvedic remedy to control the heartbeat effectively.

HealthBuffet Blog – Ayurvedic Remedies to Control Heart Rates

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HealthBuffet Blog – Ayurvedic Remedies to Control Heart Rates

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