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Transcript of Ayurveda

Herbal and Home Remedies for curing Common ColdHere are some of the herbal and Home Remedie for Common Cold:

Basil Leaves and Black Pepper - Boil 4-5 basil leaves, 4-5 cloves of black pepper in hot water and mix some sugar candy and lick the content. It may facilitate breathing, clear nose of mucus, relieve aches and pains and tone down fever.

Cardamon, Cinnamon and Black Pepper - You may take equal parts of cardamom, cinnamon, black pepper and seeds of Nigella sativa and sniff so as to relieve sneezing.

Inhale Stem - Even inhalation of plain steam may facilitate drainage from the nose and also provide relief in pain over forehead, temples and head.

Home Remedies for DiarrhoeaSome of the home remedies for enhancing treatment of diarrhoea are:

Salt - Mix a pinch of salt in a glass of water and drink as much water as you can. This will help you in preventing dehydration.

Pudin Hara - Add a few drops of Pudin Hara to half a cup of water and drink the mixture three to four times a day.

Jeera Seeds, Fenugreek Seeds and Curd - Roast half a teaspoons of both jeera seeds and fenugreek seeds. Now mix both of them and make it into a powder form. After that add 4 teaspoons of curd into it. Now you can take this prepared mixture three times daily to cure your diarrhea fast.

Home Remedies for DiphtheriaSome of the home Remedies for the Treatment of Diphtheria are given below:

Golden Seal - Golden Seal is a herb used in treatment of diphtheria.

Black Walnut - Black walnut is also useful in treatment of diphtheria.

Table Salt - Plain table salt may be good remedy for toothache, sore throat and diphtheria. Mix one teaspoon ful of table salt in a glass of water, and drink it.

Vinegar - Vinegar or blue vitriol may also be served to defeat the ravages of rashes, poison oak, etc.

Treatment for Dysentery - Herbal and Home Remedies

Contents for Dysentery:

What is dysentery? What are the symptoms for dysentery? What are the causes for dysentery (How it spreads)?

What all treatment options are availaible for dysentery (Herbal and Home Remedies Both)?

What are the treatment of dysentery ?

The person suffering from bloody diarrhea (dysentery) needs immediate medical help. Treatment often starts with an oral rehydrating solution - water mixed with salt and carbohydrates, drinking this solution will help you in preventing dehydration (which may be fatal if it occurs).

Some Herbal Remedies for treatment of dysentery are:

Piyushvalli Ras - You may take one-two tablets of Piyushvalli Ras with roasted bael fruit and jaggery, two times daily.

Kadukkai Thole - Take two grams of powdered kadukkai thole (Rind of the Terminalia Chebula) with honey.

Kutajaghana Vati - One or two tablets of Kutajaghana Vati, when taken 2-3 times daily with water, is useful in treatment of dysentery.

Bael Fruit - Bael Fruit is also very good for dysentery. It is used when nothing works, the most useful and effective remedy which has been tried by many and proved successful too.

Sheng Jiang and Brown Sugar - Preparations made from sheng jiang and brown sugar are useful in treating dysentery.

Dried Mango Fruit - One teaspoonful of dried mango fruit when taken with butter milk two times a day acts as a good curative for dysentery.

Pudin Hara - Add a few drops of Pudin Hara or Amritdhara (mint essence or peppermint) to half a cup of water and drink it 3-4 times daily.

Aloe Vera & Rosehip - Aloe Vera and Rosehip are also good for tissue repairing after dysentery.

Rasaparpati - 150 gms of Rasaparpati may also be given to the person suffering from dysentery, three times daily.

Pomegranate Seeds and Rasins - Make a paste of - dry pomegranate seeds (Anardana), Raisin (Kishmis) and a small amount of salt. This is a very effective herbal remedy for curing dysentery and has prooved to be successfully many a times.

A tea of star grass leaves is also good for dysentery.

Mangoosthan Fuit - One Mangoosthan (Mangostain) fruit can be taken twice a day as a good remedy for dysentery.

Garlic - Garlic is also useful as a herbal remedy for curing dysentery. One garlic capsule taken three times daily is usually sufficient for curing mild cases of dysentery. However, upto 4 capsules can be taken daily in some severe cases.

Vetpalai Seeds - Take One teaspoon full of powder of Vetpalai seeds (Wrightiatinctoria) with honey two times a day.

Some other good herbs for dysentery may include - Bach Flowers, Impatiens, Chestnut Bud and Crab Apple. These herbs will most probably recover your from this parasite attack when taken daily for 6 weeks.

Some Home Remedies for Curing Dysentery Fast

In case of dysentery, some of the home remedies are:

Lemon Juice - Lemon juice is good for treating ordinary type of dysentery. A few lemons, peeled and sliced were added to 250 ml of water and the mixture was boiled for a few minutes. Now after that the mixture can be drunk atleast 3 times daily.

Mint and Ginger Juice - You can also drink a mixture of 1 tsp mint juice, 1/2 tsp ginger juice, and 1 tsp honey.

Onion - Small pieces of onions mixed with curd can be given to the suffering person upto six times daily.

Basil Leaves - Take 5-6 basil (tulsi) leaves (chopped), 1/4 teaspoon sea salt, some black pepper in 3 table spoon of curd, and mix them properly. Now eat this mixture atleast 4 times daily for one week.

Nut Grass - Take some tubercles of nut grass and then powder them properly and mix in them fresh ginger juice and honey. This mixture can be taken in parts of 20 gm, three times in a day.

Papaya - Grate one raw papaya. Add 3 cups of water into it and boil it for near about 10 mins. Now strain the mixture and finish the water in one day.

Ayurvedic Home Remedies for Jaundice (Kamala)

20 grams of leaves of henna should be steeped in water overnight, The mixture should be strained in the morning and drunk for a few days. Juice of leaves of Horse Radish should be boiled and strained. 20 grams of raw sugar should be added to the mixture and drink. The yellow pigment in the eyes can be dealt effectively by grinding seven grains of small fennel in women's milk and introduced into the nostrils.

A fine paste of tender papaya leaves, about 1 /2 teaspoon paste, is taken with some water.

Pour over a handful of lime leaves in 1 cup hot water and take the infusion.

Make a fine powder of 1 teaspoon each crushed licorice root, chicory seeds and rock salt. Take 1;2 teaspoon with water twice daily

1 to 2 teaspoon fresh juice of coriander (dhania) leaves is mixed in 1 cup buttermilk and taken 2-3 times.

Mash a ripe banana along with 1 tablespoon honey and eat twice a day for a few days.

Frequently take lime juice.

Take 1/4 teaspoon turmeric along with a glass of hot water 2 or 3 times daily.

1/2 teaspoon ginger juice with 1 teaspoon each fresh lime and mint juice mixed with a tablespoon of honey. Take it frequently.

Finely grind some bel leaves. Take 1 teaspoon of this paste along with a pinch of black pepper and follow it with 1 cup of buttermilk thrice a day.

For Yellow Pigmentation in Eyes due to Jaundice

Grind 1/4 teaspoon black cumin seeds (kala jeera) in breast milk and introduce a pinch into the nostrils.

The main thing to be remember in a case of jaundice is that if the liver is not burdened (through daily flushing of the intestines) and a fat free diet is taken, the organ will recover its vitality even without medication. Sweet substances and liquids like sugarcane juice, fruit juices and dry grapes should form the mainstay of a patient's diet. About 100 grams of dried tamarind (Imli) pith should be soaked

in water overnight together with half the quantity of dried plums (aalo bhukhara), mashed and the thick liquid taken by adding a little black salt to it in the morning. The patient should take as much whey as he can during the day.

Add 10 gms. tulsi leaves juice in about 50 gms. of radish juice. Add a little of jaggery to the combination to sweeten it. Have this solution twice or thrice daily for about a month for getting total relief from this problem.

Alternatively take 3 gms. of tulsi leaves juice and 3 gms. of the root of punarnava. Mix them both in 50 gms. of water and drink it for about 15 days. This is a very effective dose to cure jaundice.


Home Remedies for the Treatment of Mumps - Some tips for MumpsAyurvedic Name: Karnamulaka Jwara

Mumps Menu What is Mumps? What are the Causes of Mumps? - How is it Spread? What are the Signs and Symptoms of Mumps? Ayurvedic Treatment for Mumps.

Home Remedies for Mumps and Some tips to Cure Mumps Fast.

What are the Home Remedies of Mumps ?

Home Remedies for Mumps are given below:

Chebulic Myroblan - Chebulic myroblan is another good remedy for treating mumps. A thick paste should be made from chebulic myroblan by rubbing it in water. This should be applied over the swellings - you may feel good after applying it.

Mullein Tea - Apply a cloth soaked in mullein tea to the affected areas. This will help to combat with swelling.

Seeds of Asparagus - The seeds of asparagus are valuable in mumps. The seeds of asparagus combined with an equal proportion of methi (fenugreek) seeds, should be ground together and made in paste form. This paste can be applied over the swellings.

Margosa Leaves - Margosa Leaves act as a good herbal treatment for mumps. Make powdered form of margosa leaves and mix it with haldi and make a paste of it. This should be applied externally over the affected parts by mumps. This will help you cure mumps fast.

Some tips during the period - when patient is suffering from mumps:

A child suffering from mumps should not be sent to school for at least 7 to 10 days after symptoms begin, as he or she is considered contagious during that period - and will infect other children also in the school.

The patient should be given soft foods to eat.

Avoid Acidic Drinks - Acidic foods and beverages such as citrus or tomato products increase saliva flow. The more saliva flows, the more it's going to hurt. So, it's better if the child drinks just non acidic fluids such as water or milk.

Ayurvedic Remedies for Nose Disorders Running Nose

Rub a nutmeg on a smooth grinding stone along with little cow milk. Apply this paste on forehead and nose.

Nose Blockage Due to Cold and Phlegm Make into a very fine powder equal quantities of the following: green cardamom

seeds, cinnamon, black pepper and cumin seeds. Sniff this powder frequently to induce sneezing.

Sneezing Boil 2 tablespoon fennel seeds in 1 cup water till it is reduced to half. Filter it.

Take 1 tablespoon every morning and evening for a few days.

Sinus Take a smokeless but burning cow dung cake and sprinkle turmeric powder over

it. It will emit large quantities of smoke. Inhale this smoke deeply. It will release the stuck up solid phlegm in the nose and the patient will be cured.

Cold with Phlegm and Slight Cough Take 8-10 tulsi leaves and wash them well. In 1 cup of water, add these tulsi

leaves, 1-2 cloves of garlic (lahsun), ½ piece ginger, crushed and 4-5 pepper corns. Boil the water and keep simmering on fire till the quantity is reduced to 1:4 cup. Cool it. Strain the potion and add 1 teaspoon honey. Drink this every morning.

Nose Bleeding

Take a big piece of turmeric and grind it with half kilo of dried bansa leaves. Add 25 gms. rock salt. Boil the lot in water till the quantity is reduced one fourth of the original quantity. Strain the potion and cool it. Take just 10 gms. of it at one hourly interval. In a couple of hours the extra heat of the blood shall pass out with urine and the nose bleeding will stop. Externally ask the patient to smell a cotton wet with the itra of khus for quick relief.

Drop lemon juice in nostrils.

Use juice of fresh coriander leaves as nasal drops .

Dip a cotton bud in rosewater and dab it on to the inside of your nostrils to stop the bleeding.

Nose Bleeding due to body heat:

Lemon juice dropped into nostrils provides excellent relief. Juice of fresh coriander leaves can be used as nasal drops.

The easiest and most effective cure of this trouble is to keep the tulsi blossom near you and smell it as and when you like. For those who are chronic patient of this trouble, this simple treatment is very effective and cures the trouble completely. Drinking tulsi juice mixed with honey will also help and provide extra strength to the body.

Take 10 gms. of fuller's earth and keep it in a cup full of water. When the process of sedimentation has taken place, drink the water early in the morning from the cup.

Take a little of dry 'Amla' and soak it in about 25 gms. of water. Sieve through a fine cloth and drink the strained water early in the morning. The remaining

material should be grinded to a paste form and be applied over palate and forehead.

Grind 'Majufal' to fine powdered form and ask the patient to smell it repeatedly.

Nasal Congestion

Crush a fistful of carom seeds (ajwain) and tie up in a cotton napkin and place it near the pillow.

Put 1 teaspoon cardamom seeds on burning coal and inhale the smoke.

Nasal Congestion in Children Crush a fistful of carom seeds (ajwain) and tie up in a cotton napkin and place it

near the pillow.

Foul Smell from Nose

Many person have this trouble. It is due to stomach disorder. The following treatment is found to be quite effective.

Grind the bitter pumpkin to a paste form and extract its juice. Drop drops of this pumpkin juice in the patient's nose. If you don't get fresh bitter pumpkin then you can take already dried pumpkin and soak it in water overnight. Grind it to a paste form early in the morning and drop this paste's juice in the sufferer's nose every morning. Besides this treatment, try to keep your digestive system in perfect order.


Home Remedies for Stomach Ulcers (Peptic Ulcers)Alternative Names: Peptic Ulcers, Gastric Ulcers

Some of the home remedies of the stomach ulcers are:

Milk - Milk can help to cure stomach ulcers. You must take at least 2 or three glass of milk daily.

Hog Wood - You may eat 5 gm powder of hog wood daily. This will help to cure peptic ulcer fast.

Fenugreek (Methi) - Fenugreek (Methi) is also is also a good curative for the treatment of stomach ulcer.

Cayenne Pepper - This one is a good spice for the treatment of gastric ulcer. You may take one-eighth teaspoon of cayenne pepper in a glass of water twice daily.

Cabbage and Carrot - Another good remedy is a raw cabbage. To make for eating, take out a juice of it. You can also mix in it it some carrots in your juicer to make it go down easier! Drink half a cup of the juice before each meal and at bed time.

Don't take too many Pain Relievers - Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like aspirin and ibuprofen - though they may be very popular otherwise, but must be avoided by a patient suffering from peptic ulcers.

Avoid Smoking and Drinking Alcohol - you should avoid smoking and drinking alcohol, as it may interfere in the healing process.

Comfrey - Drink comfrey tea or liquid acidophilus culture often to help heal intestinal and stomach ulcers.

Some other good Herbal Remedies for stomach ulcers may be: Bansalochan. Aloe Vera Juice. Chandan. Goldenseal. Lime. Marsh mellow Root. Vegetable Juice. Almond Milk. Barley Water. Red Raspberry. Sage. White Oak Bark. Propolis Capsules. Licorice Root. Wild Yam.

Tooth ache

If your toothache is caused by trapped food you should rinse the area with warm water and swish it about, it might losen whatever is causing the pain.

A cotton ball soaked in lime juice can be placed on the tooth. Actually since you have the cotton in your mouth why not try an imitation of the Godfather, well, it's just a suggestion.

You can also try using this poultice, steep a teaspoon of yarrow in hot water, drain the liquid with a piece of gauze, then put it on the tooth.

Now if you have a constant toothache, please visit the dentist, he won't hurt you, I promise, maybe I better not promise, but go anyway, you'll feel better.

Herbal Treatment for Constipation

Some of the herbal treatment options available are:

1) Mix 4 gm's of Senna leaves, 3 gm's of pulp of Amaltas, 5 gm's of rose buds and 5 gm's of harad. Now you may take this mixture with milk, at night. Don't take it with water.

2) One - two teaspoons of castor oil taken daily with hot milk at night is beneficial in curing constipation.

3) One - two teaspoons of Isabgole Husk taken with hot milk is also good for constipation.

3) You may also take medicines like - Swadishta Virechan, Lasuna Kshira, and Avipittakar Churna.

Some Home Remedies for Constipation

1) You may take sufficient amount of liquids - water, milk, and other liquids so as to reduce the dryness of the intestines, which will help in curing constipation fast.

2) Take a small amount of Harad. Now fry it in desi ghee (Pure) or castrol oil. Now break it into powder form and you may take this powder daily.

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Diabeties Diets - For Life ImprovementBy Sacha Tarkovsky

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Basically, there are two types of diabetes, 1 and 2. Type 1 is much less common than Type 2, and occurs before the age of 40.

Type 1 is associated with a lack of insulin, and without enough insulin you cannot maintain a normal blood glucose level. This in turn causes hyperglycemia, or an overabundance of sugar in the blood. This is a dangerous condition.

Type 2 is much more common, and develops later in life, usually when someone is overweight, and with poor diet and physical condition. Heredity plays a big role as well.

In Type 2, the problem is resistance to insulin rather than the lack of insulin. The result is the same however, an elevated blood sugar level

The diets and suggestions below are generally for Type 2 sufferers. There are four basic rules to follow:

Achieving an ideal body weight

Following a diabetic diet

Regular daily exercise

Diabetic medication if needed

Your doctor will know your ideal weight. Ideal weight differs from one’s skeletal and genetic (and racial) factors. Let a doctor give you your ideal weight and then you must work to achieve it.

The diabetic diet (as guidelines) is outlined below.

Daily exercise, especially walking is very good for Type 2 diabetics.

Your doctor will have given you some medication. Take it per the prescription instructions.

The Diet

People with Type 2 diabetes generally are put on a 1500-1800 calorie diet per day to promote weight loss and then the maintenance of ideal body weight.

This always varies according to the person's age, sex, activity level, current weight and body type. More obese individuals will need more calories initially until their weight is less.

This is because it takes more calories to maintain a larger body and a 1600 calorie diet for them may promote weight loss that is too fast and will promote complications. Also, people whose activity level is low will have less daily caloric needs.

The diet will generally have about 50% carbohydrates of the daily calories (with an acceptable range from 40 to 60%).

As a general rule the lower the carbohydrate intake the lower the sugar levels in the blood. The benefits of the low calorie diet can be cancelled out by the problems associated with a higher fat diet substituted for the lower amount of carbohydrates. You can counter this by substituting monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats for saturated fats.

Count your carbohydrates!

You can figure that each gram of carbohydrate is about 4 calories. A diabetic on a 1600 calorie diet should get 50% of these calories from carbohydrate.

This would be a total of 800 calories or 200 gms of carbohydrate (at 4 calories per gram) spread out over the day. You will need food tables (from diet books and also read those labels in all foods you buy).

There are some foods that you are able to enjoy without counting their food values. A good example is:

Bouillon or broth

Carbonated or mineral water

Club soda

Coffee or tea

Diet soft drinks

Drink mixes, sugar-free

Tonic water, sugar free

Sugar-free hard candy

Sugar-free Jell-O

Sugar-free gum

Jam or jelly, light or low-sugar, 2 tsp.

Sugar free syrup, 2 tsp.

You can eat foods with some sugar in it, but it will use up both your calories and carbohydrate requirements with poor nutritional value. Go for fruit. People with diabetes can eat any kind of fruit, regardless of the sugar content.

Everyone is encouraged to eat at least five portions of fruit and vegetables every day. Spreading the fruit you eat through the day will avoid a sudden rise in blood glucose levels.

Although some fruits have a lower glycogenic index, which shows how foods affect blood glucose levels, the important thing is to increase the amount of fruit you eat, including a wide variety of different fruits. Eating lots of fruit will also promote good heath and weight loss.

You can also eat as many vegetables as you wish.

None are forbidden except if you classify a potato as a vegetable. It is not. The goal here is to eat only the best quality foods, have 50% of your calories from carbohydrates, and then lose weight till you achieve the ideal.

Along with these diet guidelines and your medication, you can look forward to a healthy and normal life.

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On Diabties diets and other tips to improve your diet and overall health, visit our website for articles features and downloads


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This article has been viewed 19835 time(s).Article Submitted On: June 13, 2006

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MLA Style Citation:Tarkovsky, Sacha "Diabeties Diets - For Life Improvement." Diabeties Diets - For Life Improvement. 13 Jun. 2006. EzineArticles.com. 5 Jul 2009 <http://ezinearticles.com/?Diabeties-Diets---For-Life-Improvement&id=219138>.

APA Style Citation:Tarkovsky, S. (2006, June 13). Diabeties Diets - For Life Improvement. Retrieved July 5, 2009, from http://ezinearticles.com/?Diabeties-Diets---For-Life-Improvement&id=219138

Chicago Style Citation:Tarkovsky, Sacha "Diabeties Diets - For Life Improvement." Diabeties Diets - For Life Improvement EzineArticles.com. http://ezinearticles.com/?Diabeties-Diets---For-Life-Improvement&id=219138

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 Ayurvedic Remedies For Cracked Skin

Skin is not only the outer covering if the body but it is a sense an axcreatory orang also. The glow of skin shows our good heath.

For Cracked Skin For dry, cracked hands apply a mixture of grated potato soaked in olive oil. Leave

this on for 10 minutes and then rinse off.

For Face Skin

Pound a piece of radish to a pulp and just apply this pulp on the face. Keep is till it is dry. Then rub it offby cold water. Internally, consume radish, its juice and the radish vegetable cooked by steam heat. It is better to leave salt altogether till your blood is clean. The acne results because of impurity of blood.

Clean face with cotton wool dipped in rose water 2-3 times a day. Do not use soap.

Mix I teaspoon lemonjuice in I teaspoon finely grind cinnamon powder and apply on affected areas frequently. Sift the cinnamon powder to make it into a very fine powder.

Crush a few garlic flakes and apply on the face, once or twice a day. Swallowing 1-2 flakes of raw gar I ic regularly helps further.

Grind some neem leaves with water to a fine paste. Apply on infected area.

Make a paste of I /2 teaspoon each of sandalwood and turmeric powder in little water and apply.

Grind some black cumin seeds (jeera) with a little vinegar to a smooth paste. Apply on affected parts.

Orange peel is very good for the treatment of acne. Grind the peel with some water to a paste and apply on affected parts. When oranges are not in season, you may use a powder of dried orange peels. For this, when oranges are in season, dry orange peels in shade. Powder finely in a grinder and sift it to make

Ayurvedic Remedies for Feet Disorders

Cracked Feet or Soles

Finely grind a handful of henna leaves. Add 2 tablespoons lemon juice and apply on the feet.

Mix the juice of bottle gourd and sesame oil in the ratio 4:1 and heat till the moisture has evaporated. Use over cracked skin.

Mix equal quantities of glycerine and lemon juice. Apply every night before going to bed. This mixture can be made and stored in a glass bottle.

Massage your feet with castor oil every night (in winters) for 2-3 minutes and then wear socks at night.

Grind equal amounts of neem leaves and turmeric. Apply on affected area.

Smelling Feet Soak feet in strong tea for 20 minutes everyday until the smell disappears. To

prepare your footbath, dip two tea bogs in 500 mt. of water for 15 minute and pour the tea into a basin containing two litres ( l0 cups) of cool water.

Unpleasant Body Odour

Soak 10-15 basil leaves in 1 cup water and eat every morning for a month. Grind neem leaves and apply in armpits and on other parts of body.


Slightly roast big onion on flame. Mash it and mix in a teaspoon each turmeric powder and ghee. Apply and tie a bandage.

Mash the garlic cloves and apply externally.

Grind neem leaves into a paste and apply on affected parts.

Apply a paste of ginger powder and turmeric on boils.

Grind some black cumin seeds in a little water and apply the paste on the affected areas.

Heat black pepper powder in 1/2 teaspoon Deshi ghee until charred. Use this as an ointment.

Take fenugreek leaf paste, heat it and when lukewarm, apply on the affected part of the body.

Soak bread in warm milk and sandwich the mixture in between the folds of a clean cotton cloth. Apply this poultice to the boil and hold in place with a cotton bandage. This draws the dirt to the surface of the skin and simultaneously bursts the boil.


Herbal and Home Remedies for the treatment of Whooping Cough (Pertussis)Medical Name: Pertussis

Whooping Cough Menu Whooping Cough - Introduction - What is Pertussis? What are the signs and symptoms of whooping cough? What are the causes of whooping cough?

Herbal and Home Remedies for the treatment of Whooping Cough.

Aloe Vera Juice - Mix equal parts of aloe vera juice and honey and take a tablespoon or two before you suspect an attack for whooping cough. Good for a smoker's cough.

Alfalfa Leaves - Alfalfa leaves have wonderful healing powers that can prevent heart disease, lower cholesterol and help prevent strokes, overall helping to prevent whooping cough.

Comfrey - Take a comfrey tea for dry persistent coughs. Caution : It should not be taken for long term use as it may cause liver damage.

Almond Oil - Almond oil is also a good remedy for curing pertussis. Mix Five drops of almond oil with ten drops of fresh white onion juice and ginger juice. This mixture can be taken three times a day.

Honey - Add a tablespoon of honey to a glass of boiling water and drink as needed. This will give a soothing effect to the throat and will help to cure whooping cough fast.

Ginger - 10ml of ginger juice with equal quantity of honey may provide relief to whooping cough, you may take it two times daily.

Calamus - A pinch of the powder of the roasted calamus can be given with a teaspoon of honey. This will provide relief in whooping cough to the patient. Being antispasmodic, it prevents severe bouts of coughing. For smaller children, the dose must be proportionately smaller.

Licorice Root - Take 5 grams of Licorice Root and powder it. This can be taken three times daily with honey. You can also make a decoction by using ½ teaspoon of powdered root to one cup of water, and drink three cups daily. Licorice Root gives soothing to your throat and contains anti-inflammatory properties, and is an expectorant. Do not use if you have high blood pressure.

Castor Oil - You may take castor oil by mixing it with cow's milk. This will help you treat whooping cough fast.

Onion: A syrup prepared by combining 1 tablespoon raw onion juice with 1 tablespoon of honey is very beneficial for curing whooping cough. Take 1 teaspoon of it daily.

Home Remedies for Hair Problems Falling Hair

Take a handful of neem leaves and boil them in 2 cups of water. After cool ing and fi Itering, use the decoction for rinsing hair.

Hair Greying

Wet a lemon half and rub lemon juice into the scalp well. Wash off after it runs dry.

Grind 1 tablespoon each, pulp of ami a and lime juice. Massage this into the hair before going to bed. Wash it next morning.

Soak shredded ginger in honey. Eat a spoonful every morning.

Hair Thinning Wash the hair in 1 cup coconut milk twice or thrice a week for a few months.


Put about 21 leaves of tulsi and 10 gms. of Amla powder in a big bowl. Add a little of water to make a paste of it. Apply it evenly on your head and allow it to dry. Then wash it with cold water. This will prevent hair loss and clear dandruff also.

Mix equal quantities of dried curry leaves lime peel, shikakai, fenugreek seeds and green gram (moong saboot) and grind them finely. Store and use as a substitute for soap or shampoo.

Apply fenugreek seeds, grind with some water and paste it on the head. Allow it to soak at least for 40 minutes before washing. Use every morning for a month.

Soak 2 tablespoon fenugreek seeds in water overnight. In the morning grind into a fine paste. Apply all over scalp and leave for 1/2 an hour. Wash with Shikakai or mild shampoo.

Boil a handful of neem leaves in 4 teacups of water. After cooling and filtering use for rinsing hair.


Grind the seeds of neem into a fine powder and mix in some groundnut oil. Apply to the scalp. Allow it to remain overnight. Wash off next morning.

Mix 1 teaspoon lime juice with 1 teaspoon garlic paste and apply on the head.

Grind 7-8 almond kernels with 1 to 2 teaspoons lime juice and apply on the hair

Home Remedies for the Treatment of GastritisSome Home Remedies for Gastritis

Drink Lot of Water - You must drink plenty of water and juices, especially lemon juice mixed with a pinch of salt. Drinking too much liquid will give you immediate relief to symptoms like distended stomach and gas.

Ginger - Chewing a small piece of fresh ginger with salt, five to ten minutes before meals, stimulates digestion.

Ajwain - A teaspoon of seeds of Ajwain with small amount of salt is good for gastritis.

Some Prevention tips for Gastritis When a person is suffering from gastritis, then a balanced healthy diet is very

important for him. It will help him to prevent severe gastritis.

The person should strickly stop smoking, if he does, while suffering from gastritis.

You should limit alcohol and tobacco as much as you can - try not to take.

Also stop taking any drugs like caffeine, or other drugs that irritate your stomach - if you are taking.

You should also avoid taking acidic beverages like coffee, carbonated beverages, and fruit juices with citric acid.

You should also avoid foods that you find hard to digest, such as spicy foods or high fat foods.

Piles Piles are either dry or bleeding and often caused by chronic constipation, hard and knotty slots, intake of spices, wines, meats and also by poor or absent physical activity. Dry piles is more painful, while bleeding piles render a person weaker. Pregnant ladies, elderly persons, sedentary persons who eat enormously and quite often but do no exercise, or the person taking above-mentioned dietary items, are more prone to piles. Persistant complaint may cause other complications also, such as fissures, cancerous growths, pain, swelling, smarting etc.

Types of Piles

Dry piles - In dry piles there is inflammation of the external piles, continuous pain and become unbearable while voiding the bowels.

Bleeding piles - In bleeding piles, the internal piles start bleeding and there may be excessive bleeding which lead to anaemia and consequent emaciation.


A person suffers from piles when the anal region veins become varicosed. The prime causes of piles are -

Constipation Sedentary way of life

Lack of exercise

Some morbid conditions of the liver.

Ayurvedic Home Remedies

Use oil of Cypress or Juniper in the bath or using some drops of either to a bowl of cold water for improving circulation. Abdomen should be massaged with a 2% oil dilution, to any vegetable oil used as a base oil of Rosemary or Marjoram.

Apply locally commercial creams processed from the extracts of -

(i) Morse chestmt (Aescutus hippocastanum) (ii) Pilecort (Ranunculus ficaria) or Marigold (Calendula officinalis).

Tincture of distilled witch Hazel (Hamamelis Virginiana) is astringent and can be safely used as a compress. It will also provide relief in prolonged bleeding which can also be prevented by using tea prepared from Nettle (Urtica Deocca).

All the ointments or cream are available from homeopath pharmacists retailers. Remember, frequent and profuse bleeding is liable to cause general weakness and anaemia also, hence don't let it prolong.

Use of caster oil with milk or 1 TSP with a warm cup of tea or, still better, Isabghole Husk (1 TSP) with warm milk will help in softening stool and thus, cause easy and almost painless passage thereof.

Alternative being to take a TSP of Triphala with water at bed-time. It show its effects.


The patient should be advised not to use a hard seat or ride horses during the course of treatment. He should not indulge in too much sex, nor suppress the urge to void the stools for fear of pain which accompanies dry piles.