Ayurveda - 2 - Jules McLean Yoga · The Gunas of Pitta ! - Textbook of Ayurveda, Dr. Vasant Lad...

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Transcript of Ayurveda - 2 - Jules McLean Yoga · The Gunas of Pitta ! - Textbook of Ayurveda, Dr. Vasant Lad...


Ayurvedic Fundamentals - 2 !The Gunas…simple observations for greater understanding




!The Gunas

!Guna = Attributes, Qualities of nature

!According to Ayurveda, there are approximately 20

qualities of nature that we experience on all three levels (physical, mental, spiritual)

or, one could begin to think of them in 10 pairs of opposites.

!Below is a list of the traditional 10, but this list is by no means limiting.

The list of gunas to most, is considered to be endless.

!Cold Hot

Oily Dry

Heavy Light

Gross Subtle

Dense Liquid

Soft Hard

Static Mobile

Sticky Clear

Slimy Rough

Slow Sharp


Gunas and the Doshas !“Charaka, the great Ayurvedic physician of ancient times, found that all organic and inorganic substances,

as well as thoughts and actions, have definite attributes…Charaka categorized these attributes into 10 opposite pairs… These opposite forces function together. Basically, the universe is the manifestation of the two opposites, male and female energy…These pairs of opposites must be understood as having relative relationships - relative to subject, relative to individual, and also relative to the standard of normality.

Nothing is absolute.” - Textbook of Ayurveda, Dr. Vasant Lad !!

Within each food type you will find a series of gunas. Within each organism you will find a series of gunas.


!Within each dosha you will find a series of gunas.

!The qualities of VATA include;

light, cool, dry, mobile, astringent

!The qualities of PITTA include;

light, hot, oily, unstable, spicy

!The qualities of KAPHA include;

heavy, cool, moist, soft, stable, sweet


!The Gunas of Vata


- Textbook of Ayurveda, Dr. Vasant Lad

!General guidelines for balancing vata !

keep warm keep calm

avoid raw foods avoid cold foods

avoid extreme cold temperatures eat warm foods and spices

keep a regular routine

Attributes Manifestations in the body

Dry dry skin, hair, lips, tongue, colon, tending towards constipation, hoarse voice

Light light muscles, bones, thin body frame, light scanty sleep, underweight

Cold cold hands, feet, poor circulation, hates cold - loves hot, stiffness in muscles

Rough rough, cracked skin, nails, hair, teeth, hands and feet, cracking in the joints

Subtle subtle fears, anxiety, insecurities, delicate body

Mobile fast walking, talking and doing many things at a time; restless eyebrows, eyes, hands and feet; unstable joints; many dreams; loves traveling; swinging moods, shaky faith

Clear clairvoyant, understands and forgets immediately, clear, open mind, experiences void and loneliness

Astringent dryness problems such as hiccups and burping


The Gunas of Pitta

- Textbook of Ayurveda, Dr. Vasant Lad !General guidelines for balancing pitta

!avoid excessive heat avoid excessive oil

avoid excessive steam limit salt intake

eat cooling, non spicy foods drink cool (but not iced) drinks

exercise during the cooler parts of the day

Attributes Manifestations in the body

Hot good digestive fire, strong appetite, high body temperature and blood pressure, grey hair, receding hairline or baldness, soft brown hair

Sharp distinct features, eyes, pointed nose, tapering chin, heart shaped face, good absorption and digestion, sharp memory and understandable, irritable

Light light/medium body frame, bright eyes

Oily soft oily skin, hair and feces, excess oil intake causes headaches

Liquid loose, liquid stools, soft delicate muscles, excess urine, sweat and thirst

Spreading pitta spreads as rashes, acne, inflammation; pitta people want to spread their name and fame

Sour sour acid in the stomach, acidic PH, sensitive teeth, excessive salvation

Bitter bitter taste in mouth, nausea, vomiting, cynical

Pungent heartburn, burning sensations in general, strong feelings of anger and hate

Smelly armpits, mouth, feet


The Gunas of Kapha

- Textbook of Ayurveda, Dr. Vasant Lad !General guidelines for balancing kapha

!plenty of exercise/keep active

avoid heavy, cold, oily & fatty foods eat light and dry foods

variance in routine

Attributes Manifestations in the body

Heavy heavy bones, muscles, large body frame, tends towards overweight, grounded, deep heavy voice

Slow slow walk, talk, digestion, metabolism, sluggish gestures

Cool cold, clammy skin, steady appetite and thirst with slow metabolism and digestion, congestion and cough, cravings for sweets

Oily oily skin, hair and feces; lubricated joints and other organs

Damp congestion in the sinuses, throat and head

Smooth smooth skin, gentle and calm nature

Dense dense with fat, muscle, thick skin, hair, nails and feces

Soft soft pleasing look, caring, loving, compassionate and kind

Static loves sitting, sleeping, or doing nothing

Viscous viscous, sticky, cohesive quality, loves to hug, deeply attached in love and relationships

Cloudy cloudy mind especially in the morning, usually needs coffee as a stimulant to start the day

Sweet **anabolic action of sweet is to stimulate sperm formation - often asa strong desire for sex and is fertile

Salty helps digestion and growth, gives energy, maintains osmotic condition, water retention if function is abnormal


The Gunas and Prakruti/Vikriti !

Through the world of the gunas we can better begin to understand the philosophy of prakruti and vikriti

(our innate, unchanging selves and our shifting, changing selves) !!

There are 3 main Gunas to be made aware of; !

Sattva Rajas

Tamas !

These main gunas are composed of many of the qualitative gunas mentioned above.

!They represent both an aspect of our prakriti (unchanging self)

as well as our virkuti (changing self) !

We are all Sattvic by nature, but are highly influenced by the gunas Rajas and Tamas

!(More on this to follow)



Prakruti “Each person’s combination and proportions of vata, pitta, and kapha are determined by the genetics, diet, lifestyle and emotions of the parents, among other factors, at the time of conception. The combination of

the three doshas, which forms the person’s constitution and is set at conception, is called prakruti. Prakruti is simply the unique psychophysical makeup and functional habits of a person.”

- Textbook of Ayurveda, Dr. Vasant Lad

!Prakriti = natural state/constitution “That which aligns us with our natural state.”

!3 Types

1. Janma Prakruti Genetic and Karmic

Determined at conception - does not change

!2. Deha Prakruti

Current state/condition - changes throughout life

eg. Pregnancy, birth, menopause, etc

!3. Manas Prakruti

Current mental constitution

Fluctuates with Deha prakruti - changes throughout life


Its not important to remember the names of these states.

It is only important to understand that they exist.


Vikruti !

“…(Virkuti) reveals the present state of the three doshas. If the present state of the dosha is the same as the prakruti, that person is balanced and healthy…But more than likely there will be a difference, for

vikruti reflects any aspects of the diet, lifestyle, emotions, age, environment, etc., that are not in harmony with ones prakruti…No matter the constitution, it is possible to achieve optimal health through proper diet,

cooking methods, lifestyle, and an attitude toward life that specifically suits each individual.” - Textbook of Ayurveda, Dr. Vasant Lad

Vikriti = Disease state, deviation from nature “That which is not aligned with our natural state.”

!Shows up as disease or symptoms in the body

(physical, mental and emotional) !

Diseases of movement // nervousness, digestion, elimination, absorption

!Diseases of deficiencies // nutritional, energetic

!Diseases of subtlety // ears, mind

!Diseases of heat // digestion, inflammation

!Diseases of excess // obesity, diabetes

!Dual doshic imbalances // fatigue + obesity

!Tridoshic imbalances // cancer, autoimmune disease


The closer we try to align our current condition (Vikriti) with our unchanging state (Prakruti) the closer we come to finding

our individual needs for optimal health. !!

Next we will move deeper into the understanding of the overall qualities each dosha offers us, and then from there we

can more easily tune into the shifts that need to happen to create true and lasting balance.


“Like = Like, Opposites Create Balance.”



Gunas, Elements & Doshas !Attributes Elements Examples

Hot: +P -V -K

Fire + Water Physical heat, circulation, digestion, absorption, assimilation, intense emotions, irritable, angry

Cold: +K +V -P

Air + Ether Numbness, unconsciousness, contraction, stagnation, fear, insensitivity. Creates mucous, lowers immunity (immunity requires heat)

Oily: +P +K -V

Fire + Water Smoothness, moisture, lubrication, relaxation. Creates nourishing emotions such as compassion and love

Dry: +V -P -K

Air + Ether Dehydrates the body, Creates fear, nervousness, loneliness. Stimulates fire (fire is dry)

Heavy: +K -P -V

Water + Earth Promotes growth in the physical tissues. Creates a sense of groundedness, centeredness and stability. Sleep is heavy.

Light: +V +P -K

Fire + Water Makes the body alert and attentive. Can create spaciness, ungroundedness, and instability. Can feed insecurity, fear, and anxiety

Subtle: +V +P -K

Air + Ether Drugs, herbs, stimulants. Creates more space, movement and transformation in the body, heating

Gross: +K -V -P

Water + Earth Causes obstruction and obesity (excessive storage and growth)

Dense: +K -V -P

Water + Earth Increases compactness in the body, grounds. Promotes solidity, density, strength and firms the muscle tissue

Liquid: +P +K -V

Water + Earth Literally translates to less dense, or diluted. Promotes fluidity and cohesiveness

Soft: +P +K -V

Water + Earth Creates softness, delicacy, relaxation, tenderness, love, and care

Hard: +V (sometimes +K) -P

Water + Earth Promotes strength, rigidity, selfishness, callousness, and insensitivity



- Textbook of Ayurveda, Dr. Vasant Lad

Static: +K -V -P

Water + Earth Promotes stability and support. Sitting quietly brings stability and healing

Mobile: +V +P -K

Air + Ether Promotes motion but can lead to shakiness and restlesness. Emotions are mobile (changing)

Sticky: +K -V -P

Water + Earth Creates cohesiveness in the mind and body. Also called “cloudiness” this can cause a lack of clarity and perception

Clear: +V -P -K

Air + Ether Creates isolation and diversion. Normally manifests from too much cleansing

Slimy/Smooth: +P +K -V

Water + Earth Present in fats and oils it lubricates and creates flexibility

Rough: +V -P -K

Air + Ether Increases dryness, absorption and constipation. Raw vegetables are rough as well as dried beans. Often leads to gas.

Slow/Dull: +K -V -P

Water + Earth Creates sluggishness, slow action, relaxation, calmness, and quietness.

Sharp: +V +P -K

Fire + Water Fire is hot and sharp. Sharpness improves learning, concentration, understanding, appreciation, and comprehension

Elements Examples Attributes


Homework !

Consider the Gunas present in your body. Relate the gunas to the elements, and the elements to

the doshas. !

Consider how you would use the philosophy “like equals like, and opposites create balance”

to find tools within your diet, lifestyle and self care practices to create a state of balance.

!You can print the following chart to document your



Guna (Quality) Related Element Related Dosha Balance Through