Aymestrey Mag 1980

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Aymestrey Magazine 1980English Prep school, near Worcester.For Facebook and Friends Reunited groups

Transcript of Aymestrey Mag 1980



MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF THE OLD AYMESTREY ASSOCIATION Held at Aymestrey School on Saturday, 23rd June, 1979 Present: The President, John Hughes; the Chairman, Nigel Blair-Oliphant; the Honorary Secretary, Bill Stallard; Air Vice-Marshall Nigel Blair-Oliphant and Messrs. Edward Carpenter, John Coley, Andrew Duncan, Jonathan Edwards, Hugh Griffith, Edward Lane, Andrew Lane, Jonathan Munns, John Phipps, Charles Scovell, Jerry Thomason, Francis Tuthill, Hugo Tuthill and Edward Weaving. Apologies were received from : Colonel Anthony Claydon, Prebendary Douglas Lockhart, Messrs. Alan Aitken, Dan Asterley, Michael Bates, David Banks, John Eyton Coates, Richard Coates, Richard Collins, Phillip Davies, Richard Devereux, Donald Elt, M. J..Hughes, M.P., St. John Mildmay, Brian Massey, Charles Massey, Guy Paske, Godfrey Pilkington, Bill Robbins, John Shew, A. H. Slade, J. C. Smith and Richard Tildesley. The Minutes of the A.G.M. held on the 17th lune, 1978, having been circulated in the School Magazine, were taken as read and were approved. The Accounts for the year ended 31st March, 1979, were received and adopted. The following Officers were elected for the ensuing year : CHAIRMAN : Hugo Tuthill. VICE-CHAIRMAN : Edward Carpenter. HONORARY SECRETARY/TREASURER : Bill Stallard. SCHOOL CORRESPONDENT : Dan Asterley. COMMITTEE : Messrs. Andrew Lane and Francis Tuthill to serve with Messrs. Andrew Duncan, Edward Carpenter, Anthony Powell and Anthony Claydon. The Secretary made a further report upon progress with the Asterley Appeal fund which now stood at approximately 4,600. Delays had been incurred in completing the design of the proposed new building but it was hoped that planning consent would be obtained early in July 1979. The intention of the Appeal Sub-Committee was to endeavour to make a start on the building programme as soon as could be arranged after planning consent was obtained, despite the fact that funds presently available would be insufficient to cover the cost of the first phase. At the suggestion of Edward Lane, it was agreed that the Appeal Sub-Committee should arrange to meet shortly after planning consent was to hand. Edward Weaving stressed that it was essential to make a start on the project at the earliest opportunity, otherwise inflation would kill the project. It was resolved that the Association should contribute a sum of 40 to the cost of the School Magazine. It was also agreed that, whenever possible, the A.G.M. should take place on the 3rd Saturday in June, in order that Old Boys could plan accordingly. The Chairman, Nigel Blair-Oliphant, proposed a vote of thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Griffith and their staff for the hospitality shown to Members of the Association and this was warmly endorsed by the meeting. The meeting then closed. 2

OLD AYMESTRY ASSOCIATION Income and Expenditure Account for the, Year ended 31st March, 1979 INCOME Membership Subscriptions ... Magazine Appeal Subscription ... Interest on Abbey National Building Society Share Account ... ... ... ... Interest on Lloyds Bank Limited Deposit Account ... 44.10 4.10 ...29.22 2.55 79.97 EXPENDITURE Mr. and Mrs. D. H. GriffithsContribution to School Magazine expenses ... Inland RevenueCorporation Tax ... Balance in hand being excess of income over expenditure ... ... ... 35.00 4.75 40.22

79.97 Balance Sheet for the Year ended 31st March, 1979

Balance brought forward from 31st March, 1978 ... Excess of income over expenditure for the year Share Account


Balances at Lloyds Bank Limited: Current Account Deposit Account ... ... Balance on Abbey National Building Society ... ... ...

31.92 39.58 ... 491.32 562.82



THE ASSOCIATION'S ANNUAL DINNER The Annual Dinner of the Association was held once again at the Union and Country Club in Worcester. The attendance this year was rather lower than that of recent years, but the event proved a great success. Air Vice-Marshall Nigel Blair-Oliphant was appointed Chairman of the Dinner and his eloquent and witty proposal of the Health of the School, at very short notice, was responded to by Hugh Griffith, with a corresponding verve. The Draw then took place with the assistance of Mrs. Jean Asterley, the prizes and winners being: 1st Prize of 40.00Bill Robbins. 2nd Prize of 20J. C. Smith. 3rd Prizes of 10.00 eachAlan Aitken and Nigel J. K. Blair-Oliphant. With the benefit of generous additional contributions from Old Boys, the draw produced a further 265.00 for the Appeal Fund. LEAVERS AND NEW BOYS March 1979 D. J. Snell Came September 1977. R. Tudge (Queen Elizabeth's, Bromyard) Rugger XV.; Soccer XI. Colours for Swimming. Choir. July 1979 P. A. Collis (King's, Worcester) -- Came January 1974. Rugger XV; Cricket XI. Colours for Swimming. M. J. Fox (Malvern) Came April 1977. Rugger XV; Soccer XI. Colours for Rugger and Athletics. Printer. D. S. Jones (Monmouth) Came September 1976. Rugger XV; Soccer XI; Cricket XI. Colours for Rugger, Soccer and Cricket. Choir. J. C. Packman (Monmouth) -- Came September 1974. Colours for Swimming. Choir. R. J. G. Pember (Lucton) Came April 1976. A. B. Phelps (Rendcomb) Came September 1973. Rugger XV; Soccer XI; Cricket XI. Colours for Rugger, Soccer, Cricket, Athletics. Prefect. Choir leader. J. G. Pulfer (Bromsgrove) Came September 1975. Rugger XV; Soccer XI; Cricket XI. Swimming Colours. Choir. Prefect. December 1979 C. D. Parr Came September 1978. S. J. Martineau (Cheltenham) Came September 1974. Printer. Prefect. R. J. A. Thomas (Christ College, Brecon)Rugger XV. R. F. W. Stallard (Malvern)Came September 1974. Rugger XV; Soccer XI; Cricket XI. Colours for Rugger, Soccer, Cricket, Athletics. Prefect. R. W. Turner Came April 1977. Rugger XV; Soccer XI; Cricket XI. Colours, Rugger, Soccer, Cricket . NEW BOYS

April 1979 M. A. Brodie, R. S. Cummins. September 1979 A. C. A. Goadby, A. M. Hardiman, W. K. Rankin, N. D. Richardson, J. J. Rose-Cooper, J. P. F. Taylor, B. F. M. Walsh, J. W. S. Woods, T. T. Wise, G. R. Young. 4

LAURENCE, BARON HELSBY, G.C.B., K.B.E. Laurence Helsby left Aymestrey in 1922, having been a Prefect and Captain of Football, and went to Sedbergh. There he was a School Prefect and in the XV and Shooting VIIII, winning both the shooting cups. Going up to Keble College, Oxford, he played rugger for the College and shot for the University; and the first big proof of his intellectual gifts came when he took a First in Modern Greats. He started on an academic career, and it was while he was Lecturer in Economics at Durham University, that he married Wilmett Maddison in 1938; they had a daughter, and a son who afterwards followed him at Aymestrey. At the outbreak of War, he served first on the Committee of National Expenditure, and then moved to the Treasury; and in 1947 he became Principal Private Secretary to the Prime Minister. Continuing his career at the Treasury, he was made C.B. in 1950 and K.B.E. in 1955; and in 1963 he became Head of the Home Civil Service. He served in this capacity for five years, and on his retirement he was made G.C.B. and became a Life Peer. Besides his work in the House of Lords, he was on the Board of several companies; and he was made an Honorary Fellow of Keble College, and received honorary degrees at Exeter and Durham Universities. He died in December 1978. In spite of his commitments in this brilliant career he frequently attended O.A.A. meetings or visited us at other times. Although it was impossible to be unaware of his quality of greatness, his essential simplicity never altered; and he was never more happy than when alone with his horse at his Surrey home, or traversing the country in all weathers at the wheel of an open car. At meetings he was mostly silent, but would finally sum everything up in two or three sentences of dry humour and devastating clarity, from behind an enormous pipe. We here are probably incapable of estimating what he did for his country, but we can appreciate and be grateful for what he was to us. OLD BOY NEWS M. Bates, F.R.C.S., was appointed in 1978 Consultant Thoracic Surgeon at the Royal Free Hospital, Hampstead. In 1979 he was Chairman of the North Middlesex Hospital Medical Committee; President of the Thoracic Society and President of the British Section of the International College of Surgeons. He is Hunterian Professor of the Royal College of Surgeons; and for 1981 he is Vice-President Elect of the Society of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland. S. J. Dorrell won Loughborough for the Conservatives at the General Election and is the youngest member in the House of Commons. J. W. Edwards is doing 'A' levels at Worcester Royal Grammar School. J. N. Edwards is taking a B.A. course in Graphic Design at Exeter College of Art and Design. B. W. K. Fayle is a tree surgeon in Canada. H. W. Firkins visited in August with his wife. He has four children and runs a pharmaceutical

business in Melbourne. M. Fox is doing well at work and enjoying games and printing at Malvern. B. H. Gaskell is on Operation Drake in Papua, New Guinea, studying bats. He has been reported by the Evening News as having discovered and captured the (world's first example of a giant tube-nosed bat). He gets about on aerial walkways 110ft. and 300ft. up in jungle canopy and in his free time organises shows and concertsmagic, etc., in the camp run by the Army. M. Godsall has 10 'O'levels, five of them at'A'grade, at Malvern. 5

S. N. Goodwin has started a Wargaming Society at Wycliffe. S. Green Price was fly-half for Gordounston U.16 Colts. He was the Moray and Nairn District 1,500 metres champion and won school hurdles and javelin. Unfortunately he ended up with acute appendicitis but has now recovered. M. J. Hughes is marrying Miss E. Petrie in March. R. Jefferson Brown has played in U.14 and U.15 Rugby teams at Malvern. He took Maths. 'O' level a year early and takes nine 'O' levels and 'A-O' Maths. next Summer. He is a keen printer. D. Jones is learning Spanish at Monmouth and has moved up to the top set in French. R. E. Lane is engaged to Miss H. J. Lewis. C. R. A. Leakey has opened a second hand book shop in Inverness. R. M. Manning has started up a Young Farmer's Club at Wycliffe. S. Martineau received the Headmaster's commendation for the best work in the foundation year at Cheltenham. The Ven. C. J. Mayfield has been appointed Archdeacon of Bedford. I. M. W. McCulloch has seven 'O' levels. He was hooker for 1st XV at Rendcomb. J. C. Nicholas is farming with his father. J. Packman is enjoying Monmouth and is learning Spanish. He has a part in the chorus in Oliver. G. Paske is in the Orchestra at Wycliffe. He has given a lecture on French Roads. He is taking 'O' levels in June. J. Pulfer is enjoying life at Bromsgrove and is playing hockey and basket ball. C. J. Ratcliffe writes that he is getting on well at Ellesmere and has joined the C.C.F. R. F. W. Stallard came 25th out of 120 in the foundation year at Malvern. P. M. Schilizzi is an accountant in London. S. Tudge played centre for U.14 at Worcester Royal Grammar School. Dr. D. N. Wilson is engaged to Miss Margery Smith. MR. PAGE We were delighted to see Simon Page on a visit in August and to hear later that he was enjoying teaching English in Spain. He is at a huge girls' school in Seville, 1,700 pupils with classes of 50. At the moment of writing, in December, he was busy sunbathing as the rest of the staff was on strike. He returns in June and then has one more year at Exeter University before his Finals.

FARCGYNYS HALL HOTEL Bontddu, Nr. Dolgellau, Gwynedd Mr. and Mrs. Goadby, the parents of a boy in the school, have just opened the above hotel. There is boating, fishing, tennis and walking nearby and O.A.A.'s might be interested if holidaying in Wales. 6 FETE We shall be holding another Fete in aid of the Asterley Appeal on the afternoon of Saturday, 28th June. Any contributions towards prizes, stalls, books and bottles, etc., will be most welcome. The fund now stands at 5,285.69 of which 700.38 is interest. MUSIC During the year the following Associated Board Music Exams were passed: Pulfer, N., Kent, Palmer Grade I Piano, Rawlings, Lane Grade II Piano. Rawlings, Palmer Grade III Piano. Pulfer, N. Grade III Clarinet. Phelps, Tyler Grade IV Clarinet. Blair-Oliphant, D. Grade IV Trumpet. Rawlings Grade IV Piano. GIFTS We are very grateful to the following for their presents to the School: Mr. and Mrs. Fox Repair of railings of bridge. Major and Mrs. Kimpton A Slip catch machine. Mr. and Mrs. Maclaren & Wing Cdr. and Mrs. Packman Repair of junior billiard table. Mrs. Phelps Book for Library. Mr. and Mrs. Stallard Video Tape Recorder. Mr. and Mrs. Pulfer Television for Video Tape Recorder. Mr. and Mrs. Pember Video Tapes. Mr. and Mrs. ColeyStrawberries. Mr. and Mrs. Searle A Computer. Many parents for gifts of Fruit and Vegetables. MALVERN COLLEGE PREP. SCHOOLS FESTIVAL This year the College only held the musical side of the Festival and for that the weather was so bad that the orchestral part had to be postponed till the Summer Term. However, 12 members of our choir joned the choirs of the other local prep. schools to sing in the College Chapel at Evensong on 17th March. As last year the joint choir was conducted by Mr. Neil Page, the cousin of Simon Page. In May, Edwards and Blair-Oliphant, R., went over to the Downs School to play their trumpets in the joint orchestra.

Next year the College proposes to stage a full scale Festival and we hope to contribute a play written and produced by Mr. Driver, as well as take part in the musical side and art display. In passing it is a pleasure to say 'thank you' to Malvern College for staging their excellent Festival, which is greatly enjoyed by the parents who come to watch as well as the boys who take part. 7

SOCCER 1979 By the end of February, the senior football game had converted itself into a number of expert toboggan teams capable of all manner of death defying descents on the ice slopes. One game had been played on the Elms' glacier in the term and lost by five goals and to Arctic conditions. Eventually in the balmy days of March we played our first match for almost a month. The Malvern Ferrets fielded two of last year's Aymestrey eleven and this year's made some elementary defensive errors before beginning to fight back and finish the match with the creditable score of 3-5. Two days later, at Winterfold, the team really began to find some form and for the first half completely dominated the opposition. As proved to be the pattern for the rest of the season, it was the three half-backs, Jones, Phelps and Richmond, who dictated the pace and direction of the game. Not content with defending and creating attacking movements to the wings or the centre, they also took every opportunity to put in some excellent shots from the edge of the box. Richmond seemed determined to score in every match. The complete control displayed in almost every aspect of the game during the first half, was broken in the second when Winterfold, inspired by the half-time cajoling of their manager, fought back splendidly forcing courageous saves from Turner in goal and some stout defensive tackles from the fullbacks, Pulfer, J. and Stallard. The latter, particularly, always made an effort to create an opening for the halves and forwards once he had won his tackle. The final result of 22 reflected the commitment of both sides to playing attractive attacking football. The two remaining matches, both at home, were won; 1-0 against St. Michael's, 3-1 against Moor Park. The only disappointing aspect of the team's shortened season was the forwards reluctance to score and make the most of the numerous half-chances. However, these players. who included Tudge, N., Fox, Palmer, Pulfer, N., Pearce, Sanderson, M. and Johnson, made up for this vital flaw by contributing to the team's policy of eleven man football by tackling back and harrying the opposition on the break. Fox and Johnson in particular covered a great deal of ground in order to retrieve seemingly lost situations. The overall picture of the season, limited though it was, is one of a good deal of enjoyment matched by some very intelligent play, a model it is hoped that will, be followed next year. CRICKET On the whole a satisfactory season with some good performances and some very close finishes. We began by heavily defeating two rather weak teamsthe first by 103 runs, (Phelps 40, Richmond 7 for 9), and the second by 63 runs (Richmond 68 not out, Pearce 30). We were beaten by the Elms, Seaford and the Malvern Ferrets.

The Old Boys' match was an excellent game. The O.A.A. batted first and were 50 for no wicketMark Godsall and Sian Tudge looking very impressive. After the openers had gone only Nick Coley, 34, was able to make much further contribution. The boys stuck to it well and with the help of two run-outs they bowled out a young and formidable side for 112. When the school batted the pattern was nearly repeated; the openers, Jones and Turner, putting on 46; of the others only Phelps, 31 and Pulfer, J. reached double figures. When the last man came in 14 runs were needed for victory. In great excitement, after Blair-Oliphant, R. had hit two good fours, he was bowled by Nick Coley and the O.A.A. were home by two runs. 8

The Fathers' Match was, if anything, closer and even more tense, particularly at the end. Phelps and Richmond bowled well and then gave way to Johnson and Jones who were even better, so that the Fathers were well and truly rattled at 40 for 9. Mr. Stallard had only just got his eye in when he was joined by Mr. MacLaren and together they proceeded to put on no less than 78 runs in 45 minutes, for the last wicket, until eventually Mr. MacLaren was bowled by Richmond for 30, and all were out for 118; Mr. Stallard not out 42. This was a testing time for the boys, for it was not a slog but a first rate exhibition of good batting and few, if any, chances were offered. After tea Jones and Pearce gave us a good start and 37 runs were on the board without loss. When Richmond had scored a quick 22, all in boundaries, and Stallard and Turner had added 25 more, all looked very promising, at 104 for 5, but then Mr. Bader took three wickets in one over and when the last man, Sanderson, M., joined Johnson, nine runs were still needed for victory. Both boys stayed calm and cool, which is more than can be said for the Fathers, and somehow the runs came up in singles until the School had won a memorable victory by one wicket. The last match of the season was a convincing win against Winterfold, on their ground. We made 112 (Richmond 40, Phelps 25) and then bowled them out for 57 (Richmond 8 for 20). The Under 11s won both their matches, which bodes well for the future. In the first match v. St. Richards, played at Home, Pulfer made 20 out of a total of 45 and Johnson, bowling very fast, took 4 for 9 and Evans 4 for 4 in 15 balls, so that the enemy were 33 all out. The return was played at St. Richards and was an even more convincing win. Johnson batted beautifully for 42 and was well supported by Blair-Oliphant, D. and Schlizzi. When they batted, Evans bowled really well for his six wickets and Johnson polished off the other four for two runs, so that we won by 46 runs. Shafto took two smart catches at point. Blues won the Colour matches with Greys second. ATHLETICS For the first ime we sent some boys to the Inter Prep. Schools Athletics Meeting. This was held at St. Richards, in June. Johnson did particularly well in the Long Jumpwinning the Under 12s with a jump of 4.52 metres (14ft. 10in.) which would have given him equal second place in the Under 14s. Fox ran well but did not manage to get into the first three. Stallard was unlucky in the hurdles but showed good style. Richmond was second in a remarkably good Cricket Ball group, with a throw of 60 metres. He was outclassed in the 1,500 metres but did well to finish

half way down the field. The meeting was exceptionally well organised and was a good experience for our athletes. In the A.A.A. Five Star Awards the following did well: Blair-Oliphant, D., who already held his four star in the three events, went on to gain his Penthathlon and Decathlon four star Under 11; Turner, four star in three events Under 13; Fox, four star, three events Under 14; Phelps, four star, three events and Penthatlon Under 14 and Johnson, who gained five star in three events and Penthatlon Under 12. Colours were awarded to Stallard, Phelps, Richmond, Fox and Johnson. On Sports Day Greys were the winners with Blues second. 9

SWIMMING Despite bad weather the standard overall was high, particularly in endurance and survival. Among the juniors, Terry and Carpenter, deserve mention for perseverance and they showed promise. Pearce, Sanderson, M., Packman, Thompson and Pulfer, N., did well in the Distance Awards the latter swimming 3,000 metres when there was a warm day. Kent, Pearce, Perryman, Phelps, Richmond and Thompson, gained their Bronze Survival and Nelson, Richmond and Pearce, their Silver. Richmond and Pearce went on to win their Gold Awards in the Summer Holidays. Collis, Packman and Pulfer, N., held their colours already and Nelson, Richmond and Pearce were awarded theirs. Greens were the winning colour with Blues a very close second.

RUGBY 1979 Only two members of the senior game that assembled at the beginning of the season had played regularly in last year's team. The first priority therefore, was to find 13 other players. The first team that was picked provided the basis for the XV through the five matches that were played, although a total of 18 different boys actually appeared at one time or another. The first match was at home against St. Michael's. The 20-0 victory was partly due to the opposition's own disorganisation but the XV deserved to win as they played well. The early pressure of the St. Michael's backs was, contained and some solid forward play, particularly from Ilsley, D., Pulfer, Schilizzi, Rawlings and Sanderson, M., began to supply the two halfbacks, Blair-Oliphant, D. and Johnson with some, good ball. Richmond, at outside-centre, took full advantage of this and scored twice, converting his second try to leave us 10-0 up at halftime. In the second half Johnson scored two opportunist tries that underlined his natural talent for both speed and tackling ability. In the first he intercepted a ball passing slowly along the back line; the second came as the result of good forward pressure in the St. Michael's twenty-five. Our next match was against Winterfold. On this occasion we lost 0-28. Only Thomas, at fullback and Richmond, in the centre, kept up a consistent display. Richmond even to the extent of trying, and almost succeeding, in charging down the enemy's conversions. The rest of the team allowed their lack of match practice and excitement at playing away, to unsettle them. The away match against St. Michael's was cancelled due to their illness and so we had a long

period of re-organisation and hard training. The latter included early morning skipping sessions in the gym. The effects of this hard, and sometimes unrewarding period, were realised in the next match against Winterfold at home. Although we lost 18-4 everybody showed a good deal more spirit. The forwards played together and the backs were always prepared to run the ball out to the wings. Both parts of the team were always prepared to go forward. Our single try was a good demonstration of this co-operative spiritRichmond running three-quarters of the pitch and then being pushed over by the sheer weight of the forwards who had kept up with him. The same positions were kept in the, match away to the Elms. If we had started the first half in the same fashion we played the second, the game could have been ours. Once again the general inexperience away from home destroyed the team's early concentration. Once we settled down the two sides were evenly matched and a hard-fought contest took place. Woods and Johnson, in particular, showed steadily increasing confidence in handling and tackling, while Richmond kicked an enormous conversion, again of his own try. 10


a run of three home matches to close the season, the side was once again re-organised due to illness and injury. Blair-Oliphant, D., was given a run on the wing, having played some brave games at scrum-half, and Johnson took his place. Against Seaford Court we recorded our second victory at 12-4. The forwards had worked hard and had made themselves into a very competent and hard-driving pack. They practised a number of penalty moves (one of which was strangely disallowed by the referee in the second Winterfold match), and further disillusioned the opposition by catching them offside repeatedly at the scrummages. It was from a quick penalty move that Richmond scored. The backs too demonstrated their new confidence, with Johnson passing a well-timed ball to Edmonds for him to score in the corner. Unfortunately, a sudden rush of injuries, particularly Richmond's caused the two remaining matches to be cancelled at the point when we had begun to work our way back to playing hard and positive rugby. For us this was a difficult season in many respects but in the long run, through sheer effort on the part of the majority of the senior game, who were determined to improve their own, and the team's, play to the best of their abilities, the season proved to be worthwhile. The following boys represented the school: Richmond, Ilsley, D., Rawlings, Schilizzi, Johnson, Pulfer, N., BlairOliphant, D., Woods, Trove, Edmonds, E., Sanderson, M., Blair-Oliphant, R., Thomas, Edwards, Martineau, Palmer, Edmonds G. and Pearce. They may not have comprised the most skilful team Aymestrey has produced but their work rate and dedication in the struggle to master the basics of the increasingly demanding modern game did them great credit. RU'A FIOLA Twelve boys and Mr. Cash visited Ru'a Fiola this year and spent a week on Torquil JohnsonFerguson's adventure island near Oban. They went rock-climbing, caving, abseiling, camping, canoeing and fishing. The food was reported as excellent and the evenings warm and comfortable; war was waged on the gym mats and the trampoline was much enjoyed.

They explored an uninhabited island and also visited Scarba. Our grateful thanks to Mr. Perryman for transporting half the party both ways by car and to Mr. Cash for taking the others up and back by train. Those who went were: Pember, Sanderson, M., Turner, Ilsley, D. Kimpton, Pearce, Kent, Phelps, Tyler, Packman, Searle and Perryman. CAMP On the last Thursday of term the Fifth Form, watched by an interested and perhaps envious school, loaded up Mr. Trove's trailer and Mr. Griffith's car and departed for camp in Wales. Mr. and Mrs. Green Price had invited us to camp on their farm, which is in the Welsh hills, just north of Radnor Forest. The original idea had been that we were to help build a necessary dam on the river running through their land, but unfortunately the machinery needed to transport the stone necessary for the dam had broken down so the scheme had to be abandoned. Pulfer, J., Stallard, Jones and Fox, however, spent much free time engineering a temporary one! 11 As we were unable to help with this building project, we assisted with hay making, a new and enjoyable experience for most campers, and other farm duties. Sunday, the day of the long hike, was extremely hot, but everyone recovered after a cooling dip in the river on return to camp. On Monday we were expecting guests, Mr. May and Mr. Courtenay, who, despite the watch kept by our 'Chindits' managed to penetrate the camp defences undetected. We were grateful to them for teaching us some new and unusual scouting techniques. Day to day life in camp ran smoothly assisted by Martineau's dry wit and sense of humour, Phelp's skill with the frying pan and Packman's ability to deal with his results. Our thanks are due to Mr. Trow for the time and trouble he took to get us there and back and to Mr. and Mrs. Green Price for their generosity in supplying us with the site, wood, water and, of course, THE CAKE. (Ed.Our grateful thanks are due to Marcus Cash for his hard work and energy in organising and running camp).