Awty Annual Report 2013-2014

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Transcript of Awty Annual Report 2013-2014

S C H O O L V I S I O NA world-class international school,

on a welcoming campus, with a unique school spirit, which challenges and

inspires all of our students to achieve their ultimate potential.

S C H O O L M I S S I O NThe Awty International School provides

a challenging education, leading to either the International Baccalaureate

or the French Baccalauréat.

Within a friendly and nurturing environment, which encourages learning

and the pursuit of excellence, Awty celebrates linguistic, cultural and international

diversity and seeks to maximize the potential in all of our students as they

grow to become responsible world citizens.


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A Letter from the Chairman of the Board of Trustees . . . . . . . . .4

Board of Trustees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6

A Letter from the Head of School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8

A Letter from the Proviseure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10

Financial Position / Operating Budget . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12

Cumulative Giving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14

Capital Campaign . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16

Annual Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18

Special Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26

Gifts of Restricted Funds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30

Gifts In-Kind . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34

Gifts of Leadership . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36

Class of 2014 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38

Ways to Give . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40

Accreditations, Affiliations, & Memberships . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42

The 2013-2014 Annual Report is published by the Advancement Department of The Awty International School for the entire Awty community and friends of the school. Communication may be addressed to the editor.

The Advancement Department gratefully acknowledges the many board members, parents, grandparents, alumni, alumni parents, faculty, staff, and friends who generously contributed their money, time, and effort to The Awty International School. Every effort has been made to ensure the information contained in this list is accurate and complete, as of January 5, 2015. However, despite our sincere desire to avoid errors, they do occasionally occur, and for this, we apologize in advance. If your name has been mistakenly omitted, misspelled, or listed under an incorrect heading, please notify us. The Advancement Department was established to strengthen the ties with all members of the broader Awty community with a comprehensive program in alumni relations, philanthropy, stewardship, gift planning, and communications. Please visit our website at or contact us at

Mr. Kevin McTernan

Chief Advancement Officer

Ms. Gwen Cario

Associate Director of Advancement –

Communications and Editor

Mrs. Lauren Linn

Associate Director of Advancement – Events

Mrs. Carol Nash

Advancement Coordinator and Database Manager

Mrs. Chantel Olufsen

Associate Director of Advancement – Annual Fund

Design by Melissa Maxwell

Printing by Modern PrintShop, Houston

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On behalf of the Board of Trustees of The Awty International School

and the entire school community, I am pleased to provide you with this Annual Report of the year July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014.

The school made progress on several fronts, and I want to focus my report to you on three of them:• ThehiringofLisaDarlingasthe 11th Head of School;• ThedevelopmentofaStrategic Plan for the 2014 to 2019 time frame; and• Thetremendousrecentgrowth of enrollment, facilities, and financialsupport.

WhenLisaDarlingagreedtoserveas our Interim Head of School in July 2013, she and we had no idea how the working relationship would unfold. She arrived with little more than the proverbial toothbrush and suitcase, ready to do her part to pull together the community around our educational mission and then move on; we, in turn, organized a search committee and began our worldwide search for strong candidates to lead us forward. As the search process unfolded,andasLisaandAwtygotto know each other better, it became clear we had a great match right

here.Lisaaskedtobeincludedinthecandidatepool,andonDecember3, 2013, we announced her selection as the school’s 11th Head. She has provided seasoned and stabilizing leadership, and helped the board move to a higher altitude in strategiz-ing our future as the leading interna-tional school in the area.

AkeyoutcomeofLisa’sworkwiththe board is the Strategic Plan, which she describes in her letter. It is not unusual for an independent school’s board to map out plans and goals for athree-to-fiveyearperiod;tode-velop a plan that seeks to incorporate a 20-year view of growth and change truly is unusual. I thank all our board membersandLisafortheinspiringwork that went into the plan, and we are all excited to see the many ele-ments of it become reality in the next few years.

I am also happy to report that our financialconditionisverysound.The2013-2014fiscalyearendedintheblack, with some notable numbers:• Ouropeningenrollmentwas 1,565, making us the largest independent school in Houston and the second largest international school in North America. At the same time, applications also increased, with

992 applying for 222 openings for the 2014-2015 school year. Demandforourschoolisgreat, and while we have found this gratifying, we are also aware of the stresses placed on faculty and facilities, and have voluntarily capped our enrollment in order to focus on building the quality of our infrastructure and offerings.• Totalgivingroseto$3,100,256. Of that total, annual giving through the Annual Fund and Gala rose 34% over the previous year to a combined$1,320,560.• SpecialgiftsfortheLowerSchool addition and Recital Hall totaled $1,474,385,improvingourfacilities in key areas.

Thank you to all who have been a part of our community this past year: alum-ni, parents, students, faculty, staff, cor-porations, foundations, grandparents, and my fellow trustees – together, we have accomplished great things, with more great things to come.


Mark SchroederChairman, Board of Trustees

Mr . Mark Schroeder


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Au nom du conseil d’administration de l’École internationale Awty et

de l’ensemble de la communauté sco-laire, j’ai le plaisir de vous remettre ce rapport annuel qui couvre l’année al-lant du 1er juillet 2013 au 30 juin 2014.

L’Écoleaprogressésurplusieursfronts et je voudrais concentrer mon rapport sur trois d’entre eux :• LerecrutementdeLisaDarling comme 11e directrice de l’École ;• L’élaborationd’unPlanstratégique pour la période 2014 à 2019 ; et• Larécenteformidableaugmentation des inscriptions, des installations etdusoutienfinancier.

LorsqueLisaDarlingaacceptéd’êtredirectrice de l’École par intérim en juillet 2013, ni elle ni nous ne savions comment notre relation de travail se déroulerait. Elle est arrivée avec un peu plus qu’une brosse à dents et une valise,prêteàfairesapartpourunirla communauté autour de notre mis-sion pédagogique et puis s’en aller ; nous, à notre tour, avons organisé un comité de recherche et entamé une recherche mondiale de candidats solides pour nous faire avancer. Au fur et à mesure que le processus évoluait, etàmesurequeLisaetAwtyfaisai-ent mieux connaissance, il est devenu évident que nous avions la bonne personnejusteici.Lisaademandéàfaire partie du groupe de candidats et le 3 décembre 2013, nous lui avons annoncé qu’elle était choisie comme

11e directrice de l’École. Elle a ap-porté un leadership chevronné et stabilisateur et elle a aidé le conseil à atteindre un niveau supérieur en organisant la stratégie pour notre avenir, comme la principale école internationale de la région.

UnrésultatessentieldutravaildeLisaavec le conseil est le Plan stratégique, qu’elle décrit dans sa lettre. Il n’est pas inhabituel que le conseil d’une école indépendante élabore des plans et des objectifs pour une période de trois à cinq ans. Mais élaborer un plan qui cherche à intégrer une vision de croissance et de changement sur 20 ans est vraiment inhabituel. Je remercie tous les membres du conseil etLisapourletravailinspirantqu’ilsont accordé au Plan, et nous sommes tous impatients d’en voir les nom-breux éléments devenir réalité ces prochaines années.

Je suis également heureux d’informer quenotresituationfinancièreesttrèssaine.L’exercicefiscal2013-2014s’estterminéavecdesbénéfices,etquelques chiffres remarquables :• Lesinscriptionsdedépart étaient au nombre de 1565, ce qui fait de nous la plus grande école indépendante de Houston et la seconde plus grande école internationale en Amérique du Nord.Parallèlement,lesdemandes ont également augmenté, avec 992 demandes pour 222 ouvertures

pourl’annéescolaire2014-2015.La demande pour notre École est considérable et nous trouvons cela gratifiant,maisnoussavonsaussi les contraintes que cela impose sur les enseignants et les installations et nous avons volontairement mis unplafondànosinscriptionsafin de nous concentrer sur la qualité de notre infrastructure et de nos offres.• Lesdonsonttotalisé3100256$. Sur ce total, les dons annuels issus du Fonds annuel et du Gala ont augmenté de 34 % par rapport à l’année précédente, atteignant 1320560$.• Lesdonsparticulierspour l’extension de l’école primaire et la salle de spectacle ont totalisé 1474385$,etaméliorénosinstall- ations dans des domaines importants.

Merci à tous ceux qui ont fait partie de notre communauté l’année dern-ière:anciensélèves,parents,élèves,enseignants, personnel, entreprises, fondations, grands-parents et mes collèguesadministrateurs–ensem-ble, nous avons accompli de grandes choses, et d’autres viendront.

Avec mes sentiments les meilleurs,

Mark SchroederPrésident du conseil d’administration

“Thank you to all who have

been a part of our community

this past year...”

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The Awty International School’s Board of Trustees mirrors the international nature of the school’s community. Members include current parents, representatives from major corporations, the Consul General of France, and a representative from each of the following: Mission Laïque Française (MLF), the Awty Parents and Personnel Association (APPA), and the Awty Alumni Association.

ALEXANDRA CLEAR ALATTARAwty alumna Class of 2004. Current MBA Candidate, Class of 2015, Rice University Jones Graduate School of Business. President of the Awty Alumni Association. Owner, Clear and Associates. Ex-officio member* of Awty’s Board of Trustees.

NABEEL AMUDIPresident of Aramco Services Company. Serves on the Advisory Board of the Center for Global Business Studies at Penn State’s Smeal College of Business, the Executive CommitteefortheHarvardLawSchoolAs-sociationofArabia,andtheBoardofDirec-tors of the Greater Houston Partnership. Vice-Chairman and Treasurer of the Board. Chair of the Finance Committee and member of the Committee on Trustees.

LISA DARLINGHead of School since 2013. Has 20+ years of educational leadership experience, most recently as President of the United World College (New Mexico) for eight years. Before UWC, she served as Head of School for 11 years at Wilmington Friends School (Delaware),whereshepreviouslyservedasBusinessManager,AssistantHeadforLowerSchool, and Acting Head of School. Ex-officio member* of Awty’s Board of Trustees as well as all board committees.

FRANÇOISE DJEREJIANPrincipal,DjerejianGlobalConsultancies.Was the archival consultant at the Baker Institute and authored a book on James A. Baker, III. Serves on the Board of the Center for Performing Arts Medicine at Methodist Hospital. Previously served as a member of the Houston Ballet and Texas-French Alliance for the Arts boards.

COLIN FULTONManagingDirectoratAccenture.Hehasserved in a variety of leadership positions throughout his 25-year Andersen Consult-ing/Accenture career. Currently serves on the Houston Grand Opera, SEARCH Homeless Services, and The Institute for Sustainable Peace boards. Chair of the Advancement Committee.

JEAN-FRANÇOIS GENAYMissionLaïqueFrançaiserepresentative.Formerly served as head, exec. director or administrator of the French American Intl. School(Portland),theLycéeIntl.deLosAngeles,theLycéeIntl.School(Michigan),theUN Intl. School (New York), the Sunset School ofDadeCountyPublicSchools(Miami),andtheLycéeFrançaisdeNewYork.Ex-officiomemberoftheDallasIntl.School’sboard.Ex-officio member* of Awty’s Board of Trustees.

ED HARRISDirectorofDevelopment&Partnershipsfor the Center for Advancement of Science in Space (CASIS), and founder of Key West Consulting. Previous positions includeExecutiveDirectorfortheInstitutefor Collaboration in Health and Vice President,DenverUniversity.

BRIAN HENDRYFounder and CEO of Magnolia Build-ers,LLC,andfoundingpartnerandCEOof Texas Gulf Fabricators. Community involvement includes Baylor College of Medicine, Children’s Museum of Houston, Houston Food Bank, Houston Museum of Natural Science, and Star of Hope. Chair of the Buildings and Grounds Committee.

(As of August, 31 2014)

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KAREN JOYCE-MARIEChemical Engineer (retired Global Manufac-turing Process Manager with ExxonMobil Chemical Co). Currently serving on Awty Alumni Parent Association board and International School of Brussels American Foundation. Former trustee for International School of Brussels and Brussels Sports Association. Chair of Working Group on Governance, member of the Committee on Trustees.

DAVID POWERSPartneratBakerBottsL.L.P.since1990,specializing in energy and infrastructure projects and related transactions. Currently serving on the Board of DirectorsofNeighborhoodCenters,Inc.and The Forest Club, and as a Centennial Counselor to St. Albans School in Washington,DC.Member of the Finance Committee.

JAY PRYORVicePresidentofBusinessDevelopmentfor the Chevron Corporation. He serves on the board of trustees of the Eisen-hower Fellowships and is a member of the Ernst&YoungCorporateDevelopmentLeadershipNetwork,theRANDCorpora-tionBusinessLeadersForum,andtheU.S.-Russia Business Council.

MARK SCHROEDERExecutive Vice President and General CounselofEnableMidstreamPartners,LP.Also serves on the Board of the Houston AreaWomen’sCenter,andtheLouisianaStateUniversityPaulM.HebertLawCenterAlumni Board of Trustees. Chairman of Awty’s Board of Trustees and ex-officio member* of all board committees.

SUJIRO SEAMConsul General of France in Houston. Also serves on the boards of the Austin Inter-nationalSchool,theDallasInternationalSchool, the French-American Chamber ofCommerceinDallasandinHouston,Houston Accueil, and the Texan-French Alliance for the Arts. Ex-officio member* of the Board of Trustees.

MARC WATTSPresident of The Friedkin Group. Also serves on the board of Service Corpora-tion International, the Federal Reserve BankofDallas(HoustonBranch),High-lands Resources, Inc., Greater Houston Partnership, YMCA, Society for the PerformingArts,AmericanDiabetesAs-sociation of Houston, Salvation Army, and the Houston Ballet Foundation. He is also chairing the 2014 United Way campaign.Chair of the Committee on Trustees.

NILOUFAR MOLAVIAwty alumna Class of 1990. U.S. Vice Chair, U.S.EnergyLeader,andtheMarketMan-aging Partner for PricewaterhouseCoop-ers. Has served on the Advisory Board of the McCombs School of Business at the University of Texas and on the boards ofDressforSuccessHouston,CentralHoustonAssociationofLatinoProfession-als in Finance and Accounting, and the Greater Houston Partnership.

JILL MUNKPresident of the Awty Parents and Person-nel Association (APPA), Former co-chair of the Annual Fund Committee. Ex-officio member* of the Board of Trustees and member of the Buildings and Grounds Committee.

JOHAN PFEIFFERVice President of Surface Technologies for FMC Technologies Inc. Member of the board and a district chairman for the Pe-troleum Equipment Suppliers Association and a member of the executive leadership team of the American Heart Association. Member of the Committee on Trustees.

*An ex-officio member is a non-voting member of Awty’s Board of Trustees

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It is my honor as Head of School to report to you on the many out-

comes of the 2013-2014 academic andfiscalyear.Awtyisadistinctiveschool with a time-honored heritage of excellence to celebrate and pro-tect. We demand much of ourselves and each other here because we have big dreams for our students, our teachers, and the school itself.

Mark Schroeder referenced the Stra-tegic Plan which the Board of Trustees developed in 2013-2014. The plan has three goals:1. Be one school, richly international, more fully bilingual, yet still culmi- nating in the French Bac or Interna- tional Baccalaureate;2. Secure the facilities and the space needed to support our students, teachers, and programs; and3. Study Houston’s demographics to assist us in determining coming needs for Awty as the leading school that makes an international life possible in our city.

Our desire to be one school is driven by the realization that there are ele-ments in both sections that can and should be better linked and can be beneficialtooneanotheruntil10thgrade, when students select the French Bac or IB. We have been “one school with two distinct and largely separate sections”; now, in order to minimize the shortcomings built into that structure and maximize the

benefitseachsectioncouldbringtothe other, we are exploring ways to be “one tree with two branches”. Duringthe2014-2015academicyear,we are researching how other inter-national schools are organized around this principle and conducting inter-nal assessments with the intent of proposing a revised model for Awty to the board in the spring of 2015. I am grateful for all the work our One School Task Force has put into this process.

The need for facilities and space is not a surprise to anyone. We were fortunate to complete phase two of our campus master plan with the openingoftheLowerSchooladdi-tion and new playground in April, 2014, followed by the demolition of “Big Blue” last summer. As if these weren’t exciting enough improve-ments, the Board moved quickly last summer to purchase the property at 1110 North Post Oak, adding 5.24acresand76,000squarefeetof usable space to our campus. That purchase in turn has put our Build-ings and Grounds Committee in high gear to review and revise our cam-pus master plan, and we must thank Brian Hendry, the committee chair, alongwithourDirectorofFacilitiesandConstructionDonDavis,alumnusClassof1979,forthehourstheyhavespent on the plan. You will read and hear more about the revised campus master plan in 2015.

Finally, the third goal is perhaps the most far-reaching “vision-builder” in our school’s history. We want to research and understand Houston’s future as a dynamic international city so we can be responsive to the city’s needs and contribute to the strengths of its international character. We have engaged the assistance of Rice Univer-sity MBA students to conduct this re-search on our behalf, and will also rely on national data and trend analyses provided by the National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS). We owe it to our current students, as well as the next generation of Awty stu-dents, to have a 20-year or longer view of the future to help guide the school today. This longer view will also help us strengthen our partnerships with the major companies whose families provide so many students to Awty.

Awty has continually evolved since its founding as a pre-school in 1956, and it will continue to evolve. Our history of change in response to a changing city has served us well, and we are at a moment in our history where great things can happen. Thank you for all you have done and will do to move Awty forward.


LisaDarlingHead of School

Lisa Darling

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En tant que directrice de l’École, j’ai l’honneur de vous informer

des nombreux résultats de l’année scolaireetfiscale2013-2014.Awtyestuneécoleparticulière,avecunhéritage traditionnel d’excellence à célébrer et protéger. Nous sommes exigeantsenversnous-mêmesetenvers les uns les autres parce que nousavonsdegrandsrêvespournosélèves,nosenseignantsetpourl’Écoleelle-même.

Mark Schroeder a fait référence au Plan stratégique que le conseil d’administration a élaboré en 2013-2014.Leplanatroisobjectifs:1. Être une école avec sa richesse in-ternationale, plus pleinement bilingue ettoujoursentêteaubaccalauréatfrançaisouaubaccalauréatinterna-tional,2. Garantir les installations et l’espace nécessairespoursoutenirnosélèves,nos enseignants et nos programmes, et3. Étudier la démographie de Hou-stonpournousaideràdéfinirlesbesoins à venir pour Awty, en tant qu’une école clé qui rend possible une vie internationale dans notre ville.

Notresouhaitd’êtreuneécoleunique est motivé par la réalisa-tion qu’il existe des éléments dans les deux sections qui peuvent, et quidevraient,êtremieuxassociésetêtreréciproquementbénéfiquesjusqu’àlaSeconde,lorsquelesélèvesoptentpourlebacfrançaisoul’IB.Nous avons été « une école unique avec deux sections distinctes et bien séparées » ; désormais, pour réduire lesinsuffisancesinhérentesàcettestructure et optimiser les avantages

que chaque section pourrait apporter àl’autre,nousétudionsdesfaçonsd’être«unseularbreavecdeuxbranches ». Pendant l’année scolaire 2014-2015, nous allons chercher à savoir comment d’autres écoles internationales s’organisent autour de ce principe et réaliser des évaluations internes dans le but de proposer un modèlerévisépourAwtyauconseild’administration, au printemps 2015. Je suis reconnaissante de tout le travail que notre équipe de travail « One School » a accompli dans ce processus.

Lanécessitédedisposerd’installations et d’espace n’est une surprise pour personne. Nous avons eu la chance d’achever la phase deux de notre plan directeur du campus avec l’ouverture de l’extension de l’école primaire et le nouveau terrain de jeux en avril 2014, suivie par la démolition de Big Blue l’été dernier. Comme si ces améliorations n’étaient pas assez enthousiasmantes, le conseil a agi rapidement l’été dernier pour acheter le bien situé 1110 North Post Oak, ce qui ajoute 2,12 hectares et7000mètrescarrésd’espaceutilis-able à notre campus. Cet achat, à son tour, a donné un coup d’accélérateur à notre Comité bâtiments et terrains pour étudier et réviser notre plan directeur du campus, et nous devons remercier Brian Hendry, le président ducomité,ainsiqueDonDavis,notredirecteur des Installations et de la Construction,ancienélèvedelapromotionde1979,desheuresqu’ilsont passées sur ce plan. Vous en lirez et en entendrez davantage sur le plan directeur révisé du campus début 2015.

Enfin,letroisièmeobjectifestpeut-êtrele«créateurdevision»leplusambitieux dans l’histoire de l’École. Nous voulons faire des recherches et comprendre l’avenir de Houston en tant que ville internationale dy-namiqueafindepouvoirréagirauxbesoins de la ville et contribuer à renforcersoncaractèreinterna-tional. Nous avons demandé l’aide d’étudiants de MBA de l’université Riceafindemenercesrecherchesennotre nom, et nous nous appuierons également sur les données et analyses de tendance nationales fournies par la National Association of Independ-ent Schools (NAIS), l’Association nationale des écoles indépendantes. Nousdevonsànosélèvesactuelsainsiqu’àlaprochainegénérationd’élèvesd’Awty d’avoir une vision à 20 ans ou plus de l’avenir pour nous aider à ori-enter l’École aujourd’hui. Cette vision plus longue nous aidera également à renforcer nos partenariats avec les grandes entreprises dont les familles fournissenttantd’élèvesàAwty.

Awty a toujours évolué depuis sa fondation comme école maternelle en 1956, et elle continuera à le faire. Nos antécédents de changement en réac-tion à une ville qui évolue nous ont bien servis et nous sommes à un mo-ment de notre histoire où de grandes choses peuvent se produire. Merci pour tout ce que vous avez fait et ce que vous ferez pour faire avancer Awty.

Avec mes sentiments les meilleurs,


“We owe it to our current students, as well as the next generation of Awty students, to

have a 20-year or longer view of the future to help guide the school today.”

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For Awty, the year 2014 has been a year of transition, even a year of


The strategic plan that was adopted by the Board this year set clear and strong guidelines that light the way for a united and unique international school that will be able to maintain the warm and hospitable spirit that has been passed down from each generation to the next.

Through the years, the campus facili-ties have undergone changes and up-grades aimed at offering students the best in terms of infrastructure as well as the education they deserve.

I would like to salute the generosity of those who believe in our school and whose help has made these changes possible: the families, the Board members, all the major companies, and large groups that support us by participating in our Capital Campaign or in the school’s Annual Fund.

This shared goodwill has enabled The Awty International School to keep up

with the changes in the world around it and often to embrace them, while still preserving the quality and excel-lence that has made our reputation.

Thank you so much for your support. Our aim for 2015 will be to continue our efforts to keep moving forward.

Christine Chourré,Proviseure

L’année 2014 pour Awty est une an-née de transition, voire de mutation.

LeplanstratégiqueadoptécetteannéeparleBoardafixédeslignesdirectrices claires et fortes qui mon-trent le chemin d’une école inter-nationale unie et unique qui saura garder cet esprit chaleureux et bien-veillant qui est transmis en héritage, de génération en génération.

Aufildesannées,leslocauxducampus changent et se modernisent pour offrir aux étudiants ce qu’il y a

de mieux en termes d’infrastructure et aussi l’enseignement qu’ils méritent.

Je voudrais que soit saluée ici, la générosité de ceux qui croient en notre école et qui par leur aide per-mettent de rendre cette évolution possible : les familles, les membres du Board, toutes les grandes compagnies et les grands groupes qui nous souti-ennent en participant à notre « Capital Campaign » ou au fonds annuel de l’école.

C’est cette volonté collective qui permet à Awty International School d’accompagner et souvent de devancer les évolutions du monde qui l’entoure, tout en conservant la qualité et l’excellence qui a fait sa réputation.

Soyezremerciéspourlaconfiancequevous nous accordez et la volonté pour 2015 sera de poursuivre les chantiers pour continuer à aller de l’avant.

Christine Chourré,Proviseure

Christine Chourré

“I would like to salute the generosity of those who believe in our school...”

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F I N A N C I A L P O S I T I O N / O P E R AT I N G B U D G E T


REVENUE:Tuition and Fees. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $32,738,039Auxiliary and Other Program Service Fees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,934,616Contributions and Fundraising Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,196,840Investment Return . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$507,005Other . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $177,812

Total Operating Revenues. . . . . . . . . . .$37,554,312

Tuition and Fees: 87.2%

Auxiliary and Other Program Service Fees: 7.8%

Contributions and Fundraising Events: 3.2%

Investment Return: 1.3%

Other: 0.5%

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EXPENSES:Financial Aid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,332,135Instructional and Student Activities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $27,642,571Management and General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4,752,832

Total Expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$33,727,538

Financial Aid: 3.9%

Instructional and Student Activities: 82%

Management and General: 14.1%

Value of Endowment Fund: $5,071,688

Last Five Years of Capital Expenditures:


Historically capital expenditures have been funded by capital campaigns, building fees, proceeds from land reclamations, andborrowedfunds,ofwhich$1,906,106

remains outstanding on an original $6,000,000loan.Thisloanwasrefinanced

in June 2011 to be payable over seven years. In July 2011, Awty also borrowed $10,000,000tobepayableovertenyears,ofwhich$8,351,550remainsoutstanding.


JUNE 30, 2014

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This comprehensive list reflects cumulative giving across all funds including capital pledge payments between July 1, 2013 and June 30, 2014.

GIFTS OF $100,000 & ABOVEIndividualsMr. and Mrs. Brent de JongMr.FayezSarofimMr. Stephen B. Summers and Mr. Glen GonzalezMr. Chong O. Yi and Mrs. Faranak Kamali

OrganizationsAramcoBaker Hughes IncorporatedThe Brown Foundation, Inc.ExxonMobilSchlumbergerTOTAL

GIFTS OF $50,000 - $99,999IndividualsMr. and Mrs. Robert R. Pierce

OrganizationsAwtyParent&PersonnelAssociationChevronShell Oil CompanySun Coast Resources, Inc.

GIFTS OF $10,000 - $49,999IndividualsMr.andMrs.StephenT.DabneyMr.andMrs.JamalDanielDr.TarekFahlandMrs.NadiaFahlMr. and Mrs. Christopher J. FrautschiMr. and Mrs. William Colin FultonMr. and Mrs. Fernando GilMr. and Mrs. Robert J. GlaserMr. and Mrs. Brian G. HendryMs.ShariL.HeyenandMs.AmyJ.BlumrosenMr. and Mrs. Richard P. Hogan, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Jean-Baptiste JueryMr. and Mrs. Charles MeachamMr.LucJ.MessierDr.andMrs.MahmoodMoradiMr. and Mrs. Johan F. PfeifferMr. and Mrs. Richard PleczkoMr. and Mrs. Walter E. SalekMr. and Mrs. Mark C. SchroederDr.ZinSmatiandMrs.NoraSmatiMr.andMrs.DavidG.SteakleyMr. and Mrs. Charles Vetters, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. John R. WalshMr. and Mrs. Scott M. WarrenderMr. Marc Watts

OrganizationsAirLiquideAmericaCorporationBHP Billiton Americas Inc.CenterPoint Energy


GIFTS OF $5,000 - $9,999IndividualsDr.BesmaI.AdhamMr. and Mrs. Robert B. AllenMr. Gabriel Alonso Imaz and Mrs. Teresa Sancho MartinezMr.NabeelM.AmudiandMrs.LameesM.Al-AliDr.andMrs.HusamBahraniMr.Jean-PierreBaizanandDr.CarolineK.BaizanMr.CharlesR.BunchandMs.LiliaD.KhakimovaMr.andMrs.DominicE.CarolanMs.LisaDarlingMr.RossF.DavidsonandMrs.KristinaAndersonMr. and Mrs. Todd C. FederMr.andMrs.DavidL.HaugMr. and Mrs. Shauvik KundagramiDr.andMs.AlexanderLazarMr.andMrs.AlfredoLelodeLarreaMr.DanielMarieandMs.KarenJoyce-MarieMr. and Mrs. Michael F. MatthewsMr. Hernan Morales and Ms. Christine H. AndersonMr. and Mrs. Trevor K. MunkDr.andMs.AndreyOmeltchenkoMr. and Mrs. Michael S. PrenticeMr. and Mrs. Raj RangwaniMr. and Mrs. Andre M. RaposoDr.andMrs.MarioRuscevDr.andMrs.JayShenaqMr. Jeffrey Smith and Mrs. Jessika SmithMr. Bryan StanleyDr.CyrilTawaandDr.CatherineKarmelMr.RaffiTcholakianandMrs.MeredithPhilipp-TcholakianMrs. Sujata VenkatramanMr. and Mrs. Ross P. WhiteMr.BrianT.WilliamsandMs.LeHammer

OrganizationsBailey Architects, Inc.FMC Technologies Inc.FMC Technologies Matching Gift PlanThe Friedkin Group, Inc.Marsha Schenau, Martha Turner/ Sotheby’s International RealtyParker School UniformsShell Oil Company Foundation (Matching Gifts Program)Skin Surgery Center of HoustonTellepsenTriad Retail ConstructionWellsFargo&CompanyWillis of TexasAW






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This is a list of donors who made gifts, pledges, or pledge payments to the Capital Campaign between July 1, 2013 and June 30, 2014.

THE INTERNATIONAL REGENT SOCIETY ($500,000-$999,999)OrganizationsSchlumberger

THE LEGACY SOCIETY ($250,000-$499,999)OrganizationsBaker Hughes FoundationThe Brown Foundation

THE WORLD CLASS SOCIETY ($50,000-$99,999)OrganizationsSun Coast Resources, Inc.

THE VISIONARY ASSOCIATE ($25,000-$49,999)OrganizationsCenterPoint Energy

BENEFACTORS ($10,000-$24,999)IndividualsMr.andMrs.StephenT.DabneyMr. and Mrs. Brent de JongMr. and Mrs. William Colin FultonMr. and Mrs. Brian G. HendryMr. and Mrs. Charles MeachamMr.LucJ.MessierMr. and Mrs. Robert R. PierceMr. Marc Watts


PATRONS ($5,000-$9,999)IndividualsMr. and Mrs. Mark C. SchroederMr. and Mrs. Charles Vetters, Jr.


FRIENDS (GIFTS UP TO $4,999)IndividualsMr. Alexander ForrestMr.EddieM.HarrisJr.andMs.DoreenF.HanrahanMr. and Mrs. Ronald W. JacksonMr. and Mrs. Jean-Baptiste JueryMr.andMrs.AlfredoLelodeLarreaMr. Jeffrey Smith and Mrs. Jessika SmithDr.CyrilTawaandDr.CatherineKarmelMr. Roman Wolff and Mrs. Patricia N. Seller-Wolff


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Themostrecentsetofimprovements–LowerSchooladdition,playground,FineArtsRecitalHall,andthedemolitionofBigBluegenerated$8,820,906indonations,whosedonorsarelistedwithinthisreport.TheLowerSchooladditionopenedinApril2014belowbudgetandaheadofschedule.Ithasgiven our students and teachers seven new classrooms, two science rooms, a computer lab, two music classrooms, an art room, and more. The new shaded playground features a rubberized surface, seating areas, and state-of-the-art play equipment for our active and energetic students. The open green space created by Big Blue’s demolition has been joyously adopted by groups of students for informal play and study breaks, giving the campus some much-needed breathing room.

Duringthefallof2014,LisaDarlingandAwty’sBoardofTrusteeshostedaseriesofstewardshipeventsfor the Capital Campaign donors to report on progress and thank them for their support. We especially thank the Capital Campaign Team for their leadership.

I look forward to many future conversations about ways you can help build Awty’s future as the pre-eminent international school in the greater Houston area.


Kevin McTernanChiefAdvancementOfficer



NewGreenSpaceFine Arts

Recital Hall

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This list reflects unrestricted and designated contributions to the Annual Fund between July 1, 2013 and June 30, 2014. These supporters serve as partners with the school in financial strength to ensure excellence in education.

1956 SOCIETY CIRCLE($25,000 AND ABOVE)OrganizationsExxonMobil Shell Oil Company

CONSUL’S CIRCLE($10,000 - $19,999)Individuals Mr. and Mrs. Jean-Baptiste JueryMr. and Mrs. Johan F. PfeifferMr. and Mrs. Robert R. PierceMr.andMrs.DavidG.SteakleyMr. John R. WalshMr. and Mrs. Scott M. Warrender

OrganizationsBHP Billiton Americas Inc.ChevronLifetouchNationalSchoolStudios,Inc.

CIRCLE OF ASSOCIATES($5,000 - $9,999)Individuals Mr. Gabriel Alonso Imaz and Mrs. Teresa Sancho MartinezMr.Jean-PierreBaizanandDr.CarolineBaizanMs.LisaDarlingMr.RossF.DavidsonandMrs.KristinaAndersonMr. and Mrs. William Colin FultonMr. and Mrs. Brian G. HendryMr. and Mrs. Trevor K. MunkMr. and Mrs. Andre M. RaposoDr.andMrs.MarioRuscevMr. and Mrs. Mark C. Schroeder

OrganizationsConocoPhillipsFMC Technologies Matching Gift PlanThe Friedkin Group, Inc.Parker School UniformsShell Oil Company Foundation (Matching Gifts Program)WellsFargo&Company

PARTNERS IN EXCELLENCE($1,000 - $4,999)IndividualsAnonymous (5)Mr.PrasenjitAdhikariandDr.ChaitaliAdhikariDr.VahidAfsharandDr.MojganAmrikachiMr. Salim Ahmed and Mrs. Andrea N. Garcia-AhmedDr.KamranAhrarandDr.JudyU.AhrarMr. Rodrigo Amare and Mrs. Ana EscalonaMr.NabeelM.AmudiandMrs.LameesM.Al-AliMr. and Mrs. Stefan AngeliDr.DanielBacklasandDr.PurnimaBacklasMr. and Mrs. Yuri Baidoukov

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin BaileyMr. and Mrs. Jeff BallietMr. and Mrs. Joe BalthazarMr. and Mrs. Charlie M. BaughnDr.EvanG.BaumanandMs.WendyK.BuskopMr.DavidM.BestandMrs.SheriL.McDonaldMr. Jonathan C. BiancoMr. Olivier Biebuyck and Mrs. Veronic PeremansDr.RaviBikkinaandMrs.AparnaMikkilineniMr.andMrs.DarronBlackMr. George H. Boerger andMrs.FlorenceL.Guihéneuf-BoergerDr.JustinR.BrockandDr.ReneeM.BrockMs. Rachel BrownMr. and Mrs. William BrowningMrs. Susan K. BruchMr.CharlesR.BunchandMs.LiliaD.KhakimovaMr.LuisF.CabreraVegaandMrs.ZeniaB.QuintanaRazoMr. and Mrs. Michael CampbellMr. George F. Canjar and Mrs. Izabela B. Jagusiak-CanjarMr.andMrs.DominicE.CarolanMr. and Mrs. Ray A. ChacónDr.andMrs.NicolauChammaMr.andMrs.DidierCharretonMr. Francois J. Chauvel and Ms. Shauna K. OppertMr. Hartley B. Clay Jr and Mrs. Christa M. SteekelenburgMr. and Mrs. Kevin C. CoferMr.andMs.BurtonD.ColeMr.andMrs.DarrylCooperDr.JasonA.CruxandDr.IngridG.GardDr.MichaelCurtisandDr.AimeeChinDr.ThomasCuthbertandDr.AdrianaSilvaMr.andMrs.StephenT.DabneyMr.JeffreyN.DailyandDr.GabyA.DailyMr. Mauricio de Font Réaulx and Mrs. Ana CastañedaMr. and Mrs. Brent de JongMr.MauricioDeLaMoraandMrs.MariaC.BorrasMr.andMrs.ShareefM.DefrawiDr.AliE.DenktasandDr.GururDenktasMr.andMrs.WilliamK.DickardMrs.FrançoiseDjerejianMr.VinayDoddaballapurandDr.RashmiMagantiMrs.MichaelL.EdwardsMr.JamesK.ElstonandMrs.JenniferL.MatthewsMr. and Mrs. Robert W. ErvinMr. and Mrs. William EslerMr. Franciscus Everts and Mrs. Monique TimmermansDr.TarekFahlandMrs.NadiaFahlMr. Jérôme Faivre and Mrs. Sarah M. Faivre-OvionMr. and Mrs. Todd C. FederMr. and Mrs. Rene J. FeliusMr. and Mrs. Brian P. FenskeMr. and Mrs. Tyler A. FloodMs. Ilyana FolmarMr. and Mrs. Gianluca ForcellaMr. and Mrs. Eric J. GadinMr. Philippe J. Gaillot and Mme Gwladys S. Gaillot


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Mr. Philippe R. Gambier and Mme Stephanie A. Meria-GambierMr. and Mrs. Charles E. GellDr.SamerGhafirandMrs.MaysaWafaiMr.andMs.RandallL.GibbsMr. and Mrs. Robert J. GlaserMr. and Mrs. Jonathan J. GoddardMr. Joshua F. Grahmann and Mrs. Ashley E. AmyMr.FranciscoJ.GrasandMrs.MariaD.CalzadoMr. and Mrs. Edouard GuinotteMr.DoddL.HackmanandDr.ElenaI.HackmanMr. and Mrs. Jay J. HarpoleMr.andMrs.DavidL.HaugMr. and Mrs. Christopher W. HelmanMr.andMrs.JamesL.HensleyMs.ShariL.HeyenandMs.AmyJ.BlumrosenMr. and Mrs. Michael G. HillyerMr. and Mrs. Richard P. Hogan, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Christopher HohmanMr.andMrs.RichardL.HowardMr.AndrewM.IrvingandDr.SandraJ.IrvingMr. and Mrs. Hadi JafarzadehMr. and Mrs. Philippe JeanneretMr. and Mrs. Brian JonesMr. and Mrs. Brent M. KallopMr. and Mrs. Emad E. KhedrMr. and Mrs. Paal Kibsgaard-PetersenMr. and Mrs. Hans KirchnerMr. and Mrs. Philip S. Kline IIIMr. and Mrs. Shauvik KundagramiDr.andMs.AlexanderLazarMr.andMrs.JamesK.LehneMr.andMrs.AlfredoLelodeLarreaMr.andMrs.DamienLhorsMr.MasoudMadaniZadehandMrs.FaribaKhaki-FirouzMr. Boualem Maizia and Mrs. Anne Maizia-VerheyleweghenMr. and Mrs. James A. MallonMr. and Mrs. Sergey V. MalyginMr.DanielMarieandMrs.KarenJoyce-MarieMr. and Mrs. Mark MatthesMr. and Mrs. Charles MeachamMr. and Mrs. Charles G. MeyerMs. Niloufar MolaviDr.andMrs.MahmoodMoradiMr. Hernan Morales and Ms. Christine H. AndersonMr.LeonardoE.MoralesandMrs.YvonneE.GonzalezMr.andMrs.DominiqueMoranDr.andMrs.HeshamMorsiMr. and Mrs. Javier J. MurilloDr.SundarNatarajanandMs.PavithraManiMr. and Mrs. Harvey R. NewtonMr. Harry O. Nicodemus, IVDr.JacoboNurkoandMrs.IngridCheskes-NurkoMr. and Mrs. Victor ObadiahMr.DanielC.OgbonnaandDr.MartinaC.OgbonnaMr. and Ms. William OhrtDr.andMs.AndreyOmeltchenkoMr. Alberto Orozco and Mrs. Milagros SosDr.andMrs.RobertC.OrthMr.andMrs.MichealD.PalmerDr.SergioF.PalukandDr.AmandaEcheverriaMr. Paul J. PappaniMr. and Mrs. Wallace PartridgeDr.andMrs.RazaPashaMr. and Mrs. James PollardMr.andMrs.DavidPowersMr. Anung H. Prabawa and Mrs. Ririen S. WardaniMr. and Mrs. Michael S. Prentice

Dr.andMrs.WilliamA.PryorMr.andMrs.PatrickD.QuarlesMr.DanielN.RamirezandMrs.CeliaBalliMr. and Mrs. Gérard RamponMr. and Mrs. Raj RangwaniDr.andMrs.AlanRechterMr. and Mrs. Mitch A. ReidMr. and Mrs. Sanjay J. RemondMr. and Mrs. Noel Arsenio E. ReyesMr.NigelRobertsandMs.KirstyDowningMr. Erik R. Roussel and Mrs. Barbara SchultMr. and Mrs. Carlos RuizDr.andMrs.MartinRylanceDr.MohammadSalehpourandDr.BouthainaDabajaMr.andMrs.DominiqueSaletMr. Richard SandersMr. and Mrs. Michael H. SchmidtMr. Patrick A. Schorn and Ms. Elena A. KorneychuckMr. and Mrs. Jose R. SciontiDr.JanetE.SempereandDr.Jean-ChristopheSempereMr. Vahid Shariatzadeh and Mrs. Nessa SaneiMr.StevenSidneyandMrs.LaurelFingerMr.BernardP.SinambelaandMrs.SinchiaD.PuspitaMr. and Mrs. Richard SlaughterMr. and Ms. Richard SmithMr. and Mrs. Mario SolimanoMr.andMrs.DouglasG.StephensMr. and Mrs. Andrew J. StrachanDr.JoseSuarezandMrs.AnaGaviriaDr.CyrilTawaandDr.CatherineKarmelMr.RaffiTcholakianandMrs.MeredithPhilipp-TcholakianMr.DenysThorezandMrs.MonikaHrabyMr. and Mrs. Kevin ToledanoMr. and Mrs. Andrew B. TotzDr.OctavioTrejoMr. Jorge Troop and Mrs. Mara NietoMrs. Constance S. TurnerMr. and Mme Matthijs van der MolenMr. and Mrs. Adan G. VegaMrs. Sujata VenkatramanMr. Thieleman A. Versteeg and Mrs. Johanna H. Versteeg-Van SilfhoutMr. and Mrs. Charles Vetters, Jr.Mr.LuisE.VezgaandMrs.BelenM.CarrenoMr. Oliver Warnke and Mrs. Inmaculada CalzadoMr. and Mrs. Ross P. WhiteMr.BrianT.WilliamsandMs.LeHammerMr.ZainWilloughbyandMs.AnastasiaLimMr. and Mrs. Bruce WinfreyDr.LibbyetteWrightandMs.WendyDonald-Wright

OrganizationsAIG SunAmerica Asset Management Corp.AirLiquideAmericaCorporationAmerada Hess CorporationAnadarko Petroleum Corp. Matching GiftsAwty Parents and Personnel AssociationBaker Hughes Inc.BP America, Inc.BP Foundation, Inc.CameronCarnegie Corporation of New YorkThe Coca Cola CompanyDerichebourgRecyclingUSAThe GE FoundationThe Gelb Family FoundationHalliburton Foundation, Inc.Hewlett-Packard Company



Board of Trustees – 95%Staff and Faculty – 94%

Parents – 73%

2 0 | T H E AW T Y I N T E R N AT I O N A L S C H O O L

John J. Frautschi Family Foundation, Inc.LyondellNexen Petroleum USAPhillips 66QuantlabFinancialReliant EnergySpectra Energy Corp.TargetUBS Matching Gift Program

AWTY ADVOCATES(GIFTS UP TO $999)IndividualsAnonymous (56)Mrs. Ann M. AaseMr. and Mrs. Ali Abba-KakaMr. and Mrs. Wael AbbouchiMr. and Mme Eric R. AbecassisMr.andMrs.ZiadAbounohraMr. and Mrs. Hector E. AcevedoDr.AristideAchy-BrouandDr.IjeAchy-BrouMs.LaraAfifiMr. Mahdi F. Aladel and Mrs. Hadeel F. AnanaDr.andMrs.FadiAlameddineMr. Ruben S. AlanisMr. Sebastian AlanisMr. Khaled F. Alattar and Ms. Alexandra R. Clear AlattarMr. and Mrs. Ali AlawamiMr. Enriqué Albin and Mrs. Alessandra AlbinMr.andMrs.DiegoG.AlexanderMr. Mohammed A. Al-Homaid and Mme Najat A. Al-ShaibiDr.andMrs.MohamedS.AliDr.NadirAliandMrs.SakinaAliMr.GwenaelP.AllainandMmeNormaD.FiskMr. and Mrs. Ali Al-MaqtariMr. and Mrs. Khalid F. AlmogharbelMr.RaphaëlAlonsoandMmeAgnèsBotteldoornMs. Maria Veronica AmadorMs. Emily AmbrosinoMr.S.AdnanAmjadandDr.NuzhaA.AmjadMr.LucasAndersonandMrs.Anne-GaelleC.JosselinMs. Kelsey AndrewsMs. Marianne AndrewskiMr.andMrs.DerekArandaMr.andMrs.LambertG.ArceneauxMr. Paul ArceneauxMr. and Mrs. Yan S. ArchambeauMs. Sofía ArcidiaconoDr.andMrs.RidhaAremMr.UlucM.ArikanandDr.AyseAkcanArikanMr. and Mrs. Adeolu A. AriyoMrs.DianaArmentorMs. Myra E. ArslanMr. and Ms. Belal AtiyyahMr. and Mrs. Stéphane AudetatMr.andMrs.DirkAverinkDr.andMrs.GustavoE.AyalaMr. Robert G. Azencott and Mrs. Sara J. RothenbergMr. and Mme Samba BaMr. and Mrs. Merijn BackxMr.DannyBahraniDr.andMrs.HusamBahraniMs.DeepaBairagiMr. Michael BakerMr. and Mrs. Nelson BallesterosMr.andMrs.MiguelD.BaptistaMr. and Mrs. Christian Barbaroux

Mr. and Mrs. Karim N. BarbirMs.LisaBastedoDr.andMmeÉricJ.BathellierM. and Mme Guillaume BecleMr. Syvain Bedouet and Mme Claire Bruno-BedouetMr. and Mrs. Vincent BelougneMr. and Mrs. Guy P. BenetMs. Camille BennetMs. Jennifer F. BergMs. Gwen BergmanDr.KennethG.BerlinerMr. Alejandro Berrueta and Mrs. Isabel Gomez-BerruetaMr. and Mrs. Carlos BertrandMr.ThomasF.BeuscherandDr.AnnRadcliffeDr.JeanBismuthMr.WallyF.BitarandDr.NajatD.BitarMs. Jennifer BlessingtonMr. Juan Carlos BloomerMr.StevenD.BlossomandMrs.LilianC.OpdamMs. Jouxlyn BonierMr. Stéphane Bonnassies andDr.StéphanieGentelle-BonnassiesMs.FrançoiseJ.BonnetMr. and Mrs. Sanjeev BordoloiMr. and Mme Guillaume BorrelMr.GustavoJ.BottoandMrs.LucilaTornielliMs. Faye B. BouazzouzMr. and Mrs. Brice BouffardMr. and Mrs. Jean-Marc BourdinMr. and Mrs. Hugues A. BourgogneMr. and Mrs. Franck BoursierMr.Jean-FrancoisBoyerandMrs.Anne-LaureBoyer-PastreMs. Sabrina Ben BrahimMr.andMrs.François-XavierBrajotMr. and Mrs. Pascal BraquehaisMs. Janet BridgerMr. and Mrs. Vidar BringsliMr.StephenN.BrownandDr.KathleenM.SchmelerMs. Amy BruceMr. and Mrs. Emiliano BruzosMr. and Mrs. William M. BucknerMr. and Mrs. Charles A. BuehlerMs. Julie BuiMr. and Ms. Alejandro BurgaletaMr.EricP.BurnodandMrs.Pei-yiLiuMr. and Mrs. Jeremy BurnsMr.AndrewD.BurtonandMs.SylviaL.SmithMr.LaurentS.ButreandMrs.MagaliJ.LariveDr.ChengzhiCaiandMs.JiayaoPangMr. Preston M. Canzius and Mrs. Suma Ramaswamy CanziusMrs. Corinna CarboneM. and Mme Eric CaridroitMs. Gwen R. CarioMr.andMrs.Jean-FrançoisCaronMr. and Mrs. Olivier M. CaronMr. and Mrs. Philippe C. CarréDr.CarolA.CaseMs.JanetL.CaseMs. Maria CastilloMs. Janice E. CastleberryMr. and Mrs. Gilles CaussadeMr. Mario CernaMr. Fabien Chalas and Mme Valerie Gaskin-ChalasMs. Cherie ChalkProf. and Ms. Fred C. Chandler, Jr.Dr.HervéChapellatandMrs.CarolineA.O’ReardonMr.andMrs.DanielA.Chavanelle


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Ms. Annie ChavazMs. Stéphane ChavazMr. and Ms. Nicolas ChazalnoelMr.andDr.MohamadChehabDr.andMs.FrankY.ChenMr.JianxiongChenandMs.JiLiMr.BertA.CheninandMrs.LamisG.BozMr. and Mrs. Alain K. ChepdaDr.AbdallahCherifandMrs.SylvieM.CherifMr. John ChestertonMs.LynnChowMs.JoanneD.ChupinMs. Giovanna CicciarellaMr. Reinhart Ciglenec and Mrs. Karin CiglenecMr. and Mrs. Sacha T. ClarkMrs.VanittaClarke-DouglasMr. and Mrs. Olivier N. ClaussMr. and Mrs. Philippe ClauxMs.LyndaClemmonsandMs.SusanWoodMrs. Penelope ClevelandMr. Harry T. Clonan and Mrs. Anne N. Chavarot-ClonanMr. Joe Clopton and Mrs. Elaine CloptonMr. Adolph P. Colaco and Mrs. Veena M. SylvaMr. and Mrs. Patrick ColliauxMr. Todd H. Colvard and Mrs. Kelly M. MoneyhanMr. and Mrs. Thomas ComteCapt.andMs.JustinD.CooperMr. and Mrs. Gabriel J. CorcoranMr.andMrs.DonaldCormierMr. and Mrs. Carl S. CorsonMr. Steve A. Coulom and Mrs. Gino Castoriano CoulomMs.AnneD.CoumontMr. and Mrs. Eric CousturesMrs. Fabienne CowanMr. and Mrs. Hector CubriaMr. and Mrs. Yann CudennecMr. and Mrs. Joshua CulbreathMr. and Mrs. Gregory M. CullinanMr.StèphenCurryMr. and Mrs. Michael A. CutchallMr.CharlesD’AngeloandMs.LucyA.RandelMr.andMrs.MichaelI.DanielMr.ChrisDavilaandMs.LindaM.ShepardMr.DonDavisMr.LawrenceE.DavisMr.andMrs.MartinusJ.DeJongMr.DagobertodelaMorenaandMrs.KristinE.AdlerMr.andMrs.AnastaciodeLeonMr.andMmeGuillaumedeLoynesMrs. Barbara de MarignyMr. Morgan de MarignyMr. and Mrs. Richard de MoucheronMr. and Mrs. Gerald de PatoulMr. and Mme Geoffroy H. de RorthaysMs.MariaAnnaA.DeVriesMr.RichardDebneyandMs.GeraldineMcEwanMr.RobertC.Dee,IIDr.andMs.MohammedDekioukMr.andMrs.OlivierDelelisMr.ThomasJ.DemanandMrs.OliviaR.Simoen-DemanMr.LuisE.DePaviaandMrs.RachelS.Ganio-DePaviaMr.andMrs.ThierryDequinDr.andMrs.Jean-LucDetchessaharMs.EliseDevesaMr.TalibDhanjiandDr.DevanshiD.DhanjiDr.andMrs.BaderDiabMs.AdamaDiarra

Mr.andMmePhilippeDieffenthalerMr.KaustubhV.DigheandDr.RachanaK.DigheMr.ImranH.DilawarandMrs.UrusaNawaz-DilawarMr.JohnDimechandMrs.EstherHuijpenMs.LindaC.DoolittleMr.andMrs.PhilippeDorlencourtMr.andMrs.BrunoDosSantosDavidMr.andMs.CharlesW.DotsonMs.VeroniqueDouetMr.RaymondDrexlerandMrs.StéphanieSt-JeanMs.LouiseDreyfusMs.IsabelleDrielMr.andMrs.KevinA.DrummerMr.EricP.DuboisandMrs.SylvieM.DeffrenneMs.ChantalDukeM.andMmeXavierG.DumasMr.andMrs.MarkA.DunkelDr.BrianJ.DunkinandDr.AnnieC.DunkinDr.andMrs.BertrandJ.DuquetMr.DarioE.DuranandMrs.BeatrizE.BarbosaMr.andMrs.RichardD.DurstMr.andMmePatrickJ.DwyerMr. and Mrs. Nasser EdlibiMr. Roger J. EdwardsMr.AhmadElNaggarandMrs.MarvaL.MartinezMr. and Mrs. Mario A. ElieMs. Nicole EllisonM.andMmeDamienJ.EtaixMs.MonicaL.EverettDr.FahimM.FarhatandDr.RitaA.MakhloufMr. and Mrs. Shimon FarkasMr. and Mrs. Simon FarrantMr.andMrs.DirkFaveereMs. Tamarah R. FeiglMr. Mauro Fenoglio and Mrs. Mariateresa SgrignuoliMs. Michelle FergusonMr. Jose FernandezMr. and Mrs. Rodolfo FernandezM. and Mrs. Pascal FernetMs. Julie FetteMr. Eduardo Figueredo and Mrs. Sandra Nadin-FigueredoMr. Nelson FilhoMs.ZulfiaFiniganMr. Michael Flanet and Mrs. Corinne SonnetMr. Joan F. Flinch and Mrs. Tania M. FuentesMr. Bruno Forissier and Mrs. Carolina BelmarMr. Alexander ForrestMs.LeahFosterMr.andMrs.PhilippeL.FozzaniMs. Guylaine FradinMr.EricFrebaultandMrs.DominiqueDucroquetMrs. Kathleen FroelichMr. and Mrs. Gregory M. FrommertMs.CarmenD.GabuzziMs. Joy C. GadekenMr. and Mrs. Kayoor H. GajarawalaMr. Edouard Gajewski and Mrs. Alberte GajewskiMr. and Mrs. Mamadou GambyMr. and Mrs. John GanimDr.AlejandroGarbinoandMs.MariaVittoriaCarminatiMr. Fidel GarciaMr. Mario Garcia and Mrs. Shana N. KobMs.ChristelleLeGardienMr. Patrick Gaussent and Mrs. Sophie GageyMr. and Mrs. Willy GauttierMr. and Mrs. Fadi Y. GeorgesMr. and Mrs. Richard H. Gerlach

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Ms. Marcelle A. GharibehMr. Magdy E. Ghattas and Mrs. Hedy T. MankariosMr. and Mrs. Ollivier V. GiampietriMr.andMrs.DavidGirardeauMs. Angela GlidewellMr. Antonio GonzalesMr. Enrique Gonzalez and Mrs. Carolina PelayoMr.andMrs.LuisG.GonzalezMr.FrancoisGoodandDr.ChristelGoodMr. Elliot GortonMr. and Mrs. Frank GouldingMr. and Mrs. Arnaud GourretMs. Kim GowenMrs. Michele GraceMr.JosephK.GrahamandDr.KimL.Farina-GrahamMr. Vaitea GrandMr. and Mrs. Stephen J. GrantMr. and Mrs. Julian GrayMs.LauraL.GreenbergMs. Ruthanne GreenwoodMr.DavidGriffiths andMrs.CatherineG.Mackenzie-GriffithsMr.MarkGrommeshandMs.LoriHull-GrommeshMr. and Mrs. Michael GrosvenorMs. Salima GuedoudjDr.andMmeFawziM.GuehriaMr. and Ms. Benoit GuerinMr. Christophe GuilcherMr. and Mrs. Alexander M. GurevichMr.MikhailGurevichandMrs.LubovShternMr. Bernardo Guzman and Mrs. Maria M. ValderramaDr.KeithHaffeyandDr.DonnaCalabreseHaffeyMr. and Ms. Patrick Hajati GarciaMr. and Ms. Kamal HajiMr.andMrs.ZainK.HakMr. and Mrs. Michael J. HalowMr. and Mrs. Mike HammerMr. and Mme Antoine HamonMr. Maher Hamza and Mrs. Noura YounisMr. and Mrs. Phelps J. HarmonMs. Ann HarperMr.EddieM.HarrisJr.andMs.DoreenF.HanrahanDr.GregoryP.HarveyandMrs.CareyV.BrandfieldHarveyMr.andMrs.LoïcHaslinDr.PhilipHastingsandDr.SusanM.RosenbergMr. and Mme Christopher S. HastyMr. Michel J. Hayek and Mrs. Martha E. SandiaDr.XiangweiHeandDr.ZhengZhouMr. and Mrs. Robert HeintzMr. and Mrs. Marc HemmingaMr. and Mrs. Oscar HerdociaDr.andMrs.WymanHerendeenDr.ChristopheHermanandDr.JenniferA.Halliday-HermanMr. Terrence E. Hill and Prof. Kimberly E. MeyerMr. Edward HirsMr.andMrs.RichardD.HoggattMr. and Ms. Joseph W. HollandMr. Bruce Horn and Mrs. Cintra HornMr. and Mrs. Yves HouilliezMs. Majeda HouraniMr. Frederic F. HouvilleMr.andMrs.LaurentG.HouyMr. John P. HoyeMs. Candace HuijgenMr. and Mme Corentin Huon de PenansterMr. and Mrs. Ali H. Husaini

Mr. Walter Huybregts and Mrs. Tanja Huybregts-BuistM. and Mme Jean-Marc IchanjouMr. and Mrs. Constantin IonescoMr. and Mrs. Salah IzzedinDr.andMrs.EliasJabbourMs.DeannaJacksonMr. and Mrs. Ronald W. JacksonDr.ShahrzadJameaMr. and Mrs. Mark JasonMs. Martine JéhanMr. and Mrs. Alexander JimenezMr. Abraham John and Mrs. Shiny PaulMs. Rebecca J. JohnsonDr.EricJonaschandDr.AnitaMahajanMs.LaureJosephMr. and Mrs. Philippe JoubertMr. and Mrs. Jerôme M. JourdeuilMr. Marijan JurcicMr. and Mrs. Yoginder KakDr.andMrs.NicholasKalitaMr. and Mrs. Sanjay KalraMr. and Mrs. Joe R. KanewskeMr.andMmeSoufianeKanounMr. and Mrs. Chris KasavichMr. and Mrs. Sean P. KelleherMr. Brian P. KelleyMr.PeterM.KellyandMs.MaryM.LawlerMr. and Mrs. Christof A. KeuserDr.andMrs.AsadullahKhanDr.JunaidA.KhanandMrs.HennaBasitMs. Sharareh KhatamiMrs. Christine KirchnerMr.andMrs.CarlL.KirstIIIMr. William Knapp and Mrs. Elizabeth EvansMs. Cecile KombrzaMr. and Mrs. Fam KouroumaMr. and Mrs. Ronald J. KraftMrs. Rita KramerMr. Thomas P. Krayenbuhl and Mrs. Anne V. Krayenbuhl-JollietMr. Aleksandr Kudriavtcev and Mrs. Yana KudryavtsevaDr.andMrs.YanP.KuhndeChizelleMr. and Mrs. Steve KunkemoellerMs.JillM.L’AbbateMrs.LoriLaFormeMr.andMrs.FrancoisLabesseMr.andMmeGillesLamerieMr.BrentLamersMr.andMrs.PatriceLaporteMs.CarolineLassiterMr.andMrs.TruettLatimerMs.GenevieveLavaudMs.AntheaLavergneMr.ThomasLawsonandMrs.BeverlyLawsonMr.andMrs.OlivierLeCozMr.ErwanLeRohoM.andMmeLaurentLeTourneauMr.andMrs.MichaelLeachDr.AlexLechinandDr.CarmenLechinMr.FrancisJackLeeandMs.Marie-DominiqueY.LeeM.andMmeNicolasLegrégeoisMr.andMrs.VincentLelargeMr.RomainO.LemoineandMrs.CarrieA.HoldinskyLemoineMs.FannyLépineMr.andMrs.Jean-ChristopheLesguillierMr.OlivierLetessierandMmeHaengsooSong


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Mr.JamesP.LewisandMrs.PatriciaG.TeeLewisMr.andMrs.OlivierB.LhemannMr.andMrs.FernandoA.LianiMr.andMrs.HeraldLigtenbergMr.andMrs.ThomasH.LileMrs.AnaLinaresMr.andMrs.JohnJ.LinnMs.SarahLippeDr.andMrs.BorisL.LitvakMr.andMrs.ValeryLlorcaMr.RayE.LofgrenandMrs.LudwinaL.LippensMr.OlivierS.LogetteandMrs.LarkinCampbellMs.JulieLoiselMr.ChristopherP.LombardoandMrs.KiranmaiD.NaiduMr.andMrs.OlivierLorgeDr.andMrs.PaulLothianMr.andMrs.RaphaëlLouvrierMr.andMrs.CédricLucquinMr.JackLyonsMr.ZhibinMaiandMrs.YibeiGouMs.ZenaMajdalaniMr. Myron J. Malek and Mrs. Carole MalekMr.JasonMamedovandDr.FarahMamedovMr. Antoine Manceron and Mrs. Patricia Cejas ManceronMr. Fabrice Maraine and Mrs. Peggy Fleury-MaraineMr. and Mrs. Cédric MarandeMs. Eliana MarchaniMr. and Mrs. Javier MarinMr. and Mrs. Jared MarkMr. Jorge MarquezMr. Oscar Martin and Mrs. Yolitzma M. HernandezDr.andMrs.JamesE.MartinezMr. Mario MartinezMs. Conalee MaseraMr. and Mrs. Michael F. MatthewsMr. and Mrs. Wilbur MatthewsMs.FrançoiseM.MatzDr.andMrs.OsamaMawlawiMs. Melissa Mayer and Ms. Gail BrownfeldDr.PatriciaMcFarlinMr.JohnP.McGinnisandMrs.LanaB.BilleaudMrs. Beulah McGregorMr. and Mrs. Michael T. McGuintyMr. and Mrs. James McVickerMr. Richard J. Meehan and Ms. Elizabeth A. FarrowMr. Shelby Megarity and Mrs. Christine MegarityDr.BasimB.MekhaandDr.MajdK.JwiedMr. Ricardo C. MendezM.andMmeDavidMenesesMr. Hani S. MenkariosMr. and Mrs. Robert H. MerzMr. Robert MeyerDr.andMrs.BehroozeMeymandMr. and Mrs. Jacques MicaëlliMr. and Mme Sebastien MichenaudMr. and Mrs. Serhat MidyatDr.DavidMillerandDr.SallyE.MillerMr.JasonD.MillerandMrs.CélineM.Thyssen-MillerMs. Wendy MillerMr. and Mrs. Maximiliano MiquelarenaMr.andMrs.MichaelD.MitchellMr. and Mrs. John MixonMr. and Mrs. Shahzaad MohammedMr. and Mrs. Michael G. MohringMrs. Florence MontaigneDr.OthonMonteiroandDr.MariaXimenes

Mr. and Mrs. Eric B. MontfajonMr. and Mrs. Jon MoodyMs. Veronique MooreMs. Brittani MoralesMr. Antonio Moreno and Dr.FlorM.MunozMr. and Ms. Timothy J. MorganMr. Franck MorouxDr.PabloMottaandDr.MargaritaMartirenaDr.NidalJ.MoukaddamMr.andMrs.DavidMoyerMr. and Mme Philippe J. MugnierMs. Carol MunnMr. and Mrs. Florian MunteanuMr. and Mrs. Warren K. MurdochMr. and Mrs. Olivier MustiereMrs. Kiley MuthigMr. and Mrs. Siraj NarsiMr. Ray N. Nash and Mrs. Carol A. NashMr. and Mme Olivier P. NaudMrs.ElianeL.NguyenMs.Marie-HélèneS.NguyenMr. and Mrs. Constantin S. NicolaeMr. and Mrs. Alex NiemerMr. and Mrs. Philippe NizotMr.ChristopheNogaretandDr.LeslieNogaretMrs.JackyD.NoonsMr. and Mrs. Chidi E. NwaforMr. and Mrs. Brian OakleyDr.andMrs.OkechukwuObuaMr. Eamonn P. O’Connell and Ms. Brenda M. HolohanMr. and Mrs. Jerome OffnerMr. Ming T. Ongkwan and Mrs. Sunjijati KurniawanMs.MariaS.PaezDeSalinasMrs. Beatriz PagazaurtunduaMr. Imanol E. PagazaurtunduaMr. and Mrs. Jeffrey PageMr. Nicola Pajola and Mrs. Monica CatenazziMr.andMrs.LaurentPardigonMrs. Julie ParraguirreMr. and Mrs. Tansukh PatelMr.ArulampalamPathmanandMrs.GhislaineDeschanel-PathmanMr.HenryG.PatlanandDr.ShushanikPapanyanMr. and Mrs. Christophe A. PaulMs. Shaun PeacockMrs.LydiaPeeranMr. Jason PegueroMr. Miguel Penichet and Mme Ibela GarciaMr. Carmelo PeraltaMr. and Mme Stephane PerdereauMr. Carlos A. PerdomoMs. Martha Perkins-BawaraMr.andMrs.KennethD.PerryMr.ChristopheJ.PersonandMrs.BeatriceM.DeGouyon-PersonMr. and Mrs. Antony E. PetersMr. and Mrs. Jan PetersenMr. and Mrs. Alexis PetitMs.KaitlynPflughauptMrs.LauraPflughauptMr. and Mrs. Richard PleczkoMr. Frederick B. Plummer and Mrs. Sigrid B. MelleMs. Céline PoirierDr.NormanPokutylowiczandMrs.NaylaPokutylowiczMr. and Mrs. Kenneth PolzinMr.LaurentPoncetandMrs.VirginieBraud-PoncetMr. and Mrs. Appala Raju PonnagantiM.DidierPouletandMmeTracySmith-Poulet

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Mr.Jean-LucPoupardandMrs.BrigittePoupardMr.andMrs.DenisPoussetMr.StéphanePradatandMrs.TizianaDeCarolisMr.andMrs.DharmeshPrasadMr. Akkaiah C. Prathipati and Ms. Saritha PallempatiMrs. Tonya Pressley-ToliverMr. and Mrs. Ronald PresswoodMs.ChristineL.PretiMr. and Mrs. Jerome ProstM. and Mme Thomas ProustMr.AntonioPulidoandMrs.MariaD.ReynosoMr.andMrs.FirasQasemDr.MuzaffarQazilbashandDr.MehnazShafiDr.EdwinusQuintandMrs.HelenaQuint-vanPaassenMrs. Marylyn S. RaiaDr.andMrs.PedroT.RamirezDr.andMrs.ArshadA.RamjiMs.MaritzaL.RamosMr. and Mrs. Willie Randolph, Jr.Dr.AbdiRasekhandDr.AzitaMadjidiMr. and Mrs. Pierre-Olivier RaybaudM. and Mrs. Abdelali RazoukiMs. Amy ReaserMr.andMrs.DavidJ.ReedMrs. Regina ReedMs. Valerie ReevesMr. and Mrs. Richard C. RehgMr. Mario Reimers and Mrs. Stephy SmolenskyMs. Rebecca Reyna and Ms. Sheila KahanekMr. Robert ReynaMr.JayReynoldsandDr.FelisaReynoldsMr.KeithA.RichardandDr.JenniferL.ChristensenMs. Ana C. RiosMrs. Maria RiosMr.GillesRipocheandMmeFannyRipoche-DeswarteMr. Joe A. RitchieDr.andMmeThierryP.RivesMr.JohnyRizkandMrs.LilianeHaddadMr. and Mrs. Pascal M. RobertsMr. Willie J. RobertsDr.EmilyK.Robinson-WrightMr. Gerry C. Rodgers, Sr.Mr. and Mrs. Jesse R. RodriguezMr.andMrs.LuisE.RodriguezMr. and Mrs. Benjamin RohrbachMr. and Mrs. Gerardo RojasMr.andMrs.Jean-LucRomboutsMr.GaryRosinandDr.JanRosinMr.LarryRossMr.GillesL.RousselandMrs.EmmanuelleM.RousselMr. and Mrs. Jean-Marie F. RoussetMr.CharlesRoyandMrs.DaniaKodeihMr.RoopRoyandDr.SuchetaRoyMs.LiobaRoyalMr. Jose A. RuizMr.andMs.DanRusuMr.andMrs.DidierRyelandtMr. Ramez R. Sabet and Mrs. Paulette M. KirolosDr.RabihSaidandDr.NidaleTarekMr.SaadZ.SaidandDr.MayAkrawiMr.LuisA.SaldivarandMrs.IrisHerreraMr. and Mrs. Walter E. SalekDr.NohaSalemMr. Eduardo N. Salomon and Mrs. Carolina Simon de SalomonMr. and Ms. Bryan B. Sanchez

Mr. Manuel Sanchez and Mrs. Gina P. PavonDr.KumarSaranandDr.ShanthiSaranMr. Rafael SaraviaDr.andMrs.AchalSarnaMr. Vianney SavajolMr.andMs.LarryS.SaxMr. and Mrs. Hossein SazegarMr. and Mrs. Aart G. SchenauMr.EricA.SchmidtkeandMs.ErikaL.FrantzMr. Richard SchmittMr. and Mrs. Eric SchuwerMr. and Mrs. George C. SebregtsMr. and Mrs. Kok-Yew SeeMr. and Mrs. Curt SeecharanMr. and Mrs. Pierre SeghezziMr. Patrick SelfMr. Konstantin Semerikov and Ms. Yana SemerikovaMr. and Mrs. Stefaan SercuMr. Frank SerratoMr. Marsel Y. Setiawan and Mrs. Olivier GonzalezMr. Randle B. SeymourMr. Shahin Shadfar and Mrs. Mona AlbalawiMr.andMrs.SamirkumarD.ShahMrs.GinaL.SharmanMr. and Mme Robert S. ShawMr. and Mrs. Chris W. ShearonDr.andMrs.JayShenaqDr.andMrs.ScottShepardMr.andMrs.DenisonSilvaMr.DanielH.SilvermanMr. and Mrs. Charles J. SimmonsDr.andMrs.KaranbirSinghMr.DimitriSivovandMrs.AlexandraM.PasquierMr. John M. Slade and Mrs. Carol SingletonSladeMr.RobertJ.SloadandMrs.LisaA.SloadMr. Jeffrey Smith and Mrs. Jessika SmithMs. Isabelle S. SmithardMr. and Mrs. Mark I. SmithardMr. Joao M. Soares and Mrs. Renata BevilacquaMs. Catherine SovanyMr. and Mrs. Joseph StankovichMrs. Nicole StefftgenDr.GregoryB.StockandMs.LoriB.FishMr.RuidongSunandDr.YuhongLiuMr. Mickaël R. Szymanski and Mrs. Chun-Mee ChalineMr.SherifTahounandMrs.HebaZeidMr. Yannis TaillassonMr. and Mrs. Guillaume TamboiseDr.andMrs.NizarM.TannirMr. and Mrs. Frédéric TardMr. and Mrs. Bernard TateMr. and Mrs. Jean-Marc TatonMr. and Mme Fredy J. TaurinesDr.ShahinTavackoliandMrs.NadiaTajalliMs. Souade TerecheMr.AdrienTerranyandDr.ParastouRouhani-TerranyMr. Steven Tesney and Mr. Jerome G. CaplanMs. Mary A. ThomasMr.LaurentD.ThominMs. Gesina ThompsonMr. Melvin ThompsonMr. and Mrs. Myint ThuDr.andMrs.BartTichelaarMr. and Mrs. Alberto TohmeMr.andMrs.DavidA.TonnelMr.AlexF.TooleandMs.JenniferC.Lau


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Mr. and Mrs. Efrain TorresMr. Santiago R. Torres and Mrs. Silvia AldanaMr. Gwénaël ToutousMs. Christina E. TrejoDr.AbderrahmaneTrikiandDr.NadiaTrikiMr. and Mrs. Alfredo TrullenqueMr. Anton TruongMr. and Mrs. James C. TubbMr. and Mrs. Felipe ValenzuelaMr. and Mrs. Yohann VallaMr. and Mrs. Adam C. VasperMs.DanaVaughnMs. Crystal VaughtMr. Patrick VedrenneMs. Ana Marcela Anguiano VegaMr. Rengaswamy S. Velmurugan and Mrs. Jaya AgarwalMr.JeanJ.VerchereandDr.SherienVerchereMr. Kyle VermillionMr. and Mrs. Chuck VettersMs.Marie-LineViartMs. Susana S. VidalMr. and Mrs. Alfredo R. VilasMr. and Mrs. Felipe VillasenorM. and Mme Sébastien VillertMr. Peeranut VisetsuthMrs.AliciaD.VonDohlenMr. Sean von FeldenMr.RonWadeandMrs.DeniseSanderMs.LoriWagnerMr. Greg WalshMr.andMrs.RichardD.WardMr.andMrs.DavidE.WardenMr. Joe Watson and Mrs. Erika WatsonMr. Marc WattsMs. Karen S. WaughMr. and Mrs. Samuel P. WaughMs. Goly WawroseMr. and Mrs. Stanley WayMr. and Mrs. John WeatherlyMs. Wendy WeilMrs. Susan I. Colton WeiselMr. and Mrs. Greg R. WellenDr.RobertW.WellnerandDr.JuliaS.WellnerMr.DavidWellsandMrs.MariaSoberon-WellsMrs. Jeni WendelnMr. and Mrs. Anthony A. WestMr.DavidWhiteandMs.LeilaHorseyMrs.DottieWichmannMs. Sandra WiegandMr. Timothy Wilkins and Ms. Amy J. SchumacherMr. Steven A. WillhelmMr. Arthur WilliamsMr. Carroll WilliamsMr. and Mrs. Micky M. WilliamsMr. and Mrs. James M. WilliamsonDr.andMrs.RobertWilliamsonMs. Kathryn E. Winegarden

Mr. William G. Winkler and Mrs. Jemima B. EvansMr.FabianWolffandMrs.LisaWolffMr. Roman Wolff and Mrs. Patricia N. Seller-WolffDr.NathalieL.WolkDr.andMrs.Sau-WaiWongMs. Barbara WoodMr. Shaun M. WrightMs. Meggie WuMr. and Mrs. Ridha YahiaMr. Keith YostMr. and Mrs. Milton YoungMs. Wan YunMr.andMrs.NadimB.ZabanehMs.SarasuZachariahMs.ChristelleZaharatosMr.andMrs.MichaelZamboniniMs.TairongZhengMr.andMrs.GeorgeZombanakisMr.DavidZsigoandMrs.MariaZsigoMr.BabarZulquernainandMrs.UzmaBabarMr.OdileZupanMr.andMrs.AlfredoZurzoloMr.andMrs.DeanR.Zuvic

OrganizationsAmazonAmegy BankThe Bank of New York MellonBank of TokyoBouquelle CleanersBPFABRICOFAMERICAFUNDBristow GroupChevron Phillips Chemical CompanyEnterprise ProductsThe Fluor FoundationGDFSUEZGenentech, Inc.GoodsearchIBM Corporation Matching Grants ProgramInternational Studies Abroad, Inc.J.P. Morgan ChaseKBRKinder MorganKrogerLaurenE.O’MalleyFoundationMerrillLynchMissionLaïqueFrançaiseNational Organization of Principals of Schools for GirlsOracle CorporationQuanexCorporationRandalls Good Neighbor ProgramRepsol Services USARoyal Bank of ScotlandSageDiningServicesTransocean Sedco Forex, Inc.

Growth of Enrollment

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The following is a list of donors who made contributions to Awty’s special events between July 1, 2013 and June 30, 2014, specifically the 2014 Gala, The World is Not Enough and A Toast to Awty: An International Wine Tasting.


CHAIRSMrs. Karen MatthewsMrs. Suneeta Rangwani

GIFTS OF $50,000 AND ABOVEIndividualsMr. and Mrs. Robert R. Pierce


GIFTS OF $25,000 - $49,999OrganizationsAramcoConocoPhillipsSchlumbergerTOTAL

GIFTS OF $15,000 - $24,999IndividualsMr.andMrs.JamalDanielMr. and Mrs. William Colin FultonMr.andMrs.AlfredoLelodeLarreaMr. and Mrs. Charles MeachamDr.andMrs.MahmoodMoradiDr.ZinSmatiandMrs.NoraSmati

OrganizationsBaker Hughes IncorporatedExxonMobil

GIFTS OF $10,000 - $14,999IndividualsDr.TarekFahlandMrs.NadiaFahlMr. and Mrs. Fernando GilMr. and Mrs. Robert J. GlaserMr. and Mrs. Brian G. HendryMr.DanielMarieandMs.KarenJoyce-MarieMr. and Mrs. Walter E. Salek

OrganizationsAirLiquideAmericaCorporationShell Oil Company

GIFTS OF $5,000 - $9,999IndividualsDr.BesmaI.AdhamMr. and Mrs. Farouk Al AttarDr.andMrs.HusamBahraniMr.StevenD.BlossomandMrs.LilianC.OpdamMr.CharlesR.BunchandMs.LiliaD.KhakimovaMr. Todd H. Colvard and Mrs. Kelly M. MoneyhanMr.andMrs.DavidL.Haug

Mrs. Christine KirchnerMr. and Mrs. Michael F. MatthewsMr. Hernan Morales and Ms. Christine H. AndersonDr.andMs.AndreyOmeltchenkoMr. and Mrs. Richard PleczkoMr. and Mrs. Raj RangwaniMr.FayezSarofimDr.andMrs.JayShenaqMr. Bryan StanleyMr. and Mrs. Nick StugartMrs. Sujata VenkatramanMr. and Mrs. Charles Vetters, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Ross P. White

OrganizationsBailey ArchitectsCenterPoint EnergyFMC Technologies Inc.Marsha Schenau, Martha Turner/ Sotheby’s International RealtySkin Surgery Center of HoustonSun Coast Resources, Inc.TellepsenTriad Retail Construction Inc.Willis of Texas

GIFTS OF $1,000 - $4,999IndividualsDr.KamranAhrarandDr.JudyU.AhrarMr. and Mrs. Richard AlabasterMr. Ali AlhimyaryMr.NabeelM.AmudiandMrs.LameesM.Al-AliMr.DavidM.BestandMrs.SheriL.McDonaldMr. and Mrs. Frederic BontemsMr. and Mrs. Jacques M. BorisewitzMr. and Mrs. Vidar BringsliDr.JustinR.BrockandDr.ReneeM.BrockDr.RobertT.BrownandMs.DenaRafteMr.LuisF.CabreraVegaandMrs.ZeniaB.QuintanaRazoMs.DeniseCallegariMr. and Mrs. Sacha T. ClarkMr. and Mrs. Kevin C. CoferMr. and Mrs. Michael A. CutchallMr.andMrs.StephenT.DabneyMs.LisaDarlingMr.andMrs.MartinusJ.DeJongMr. Pablo Eisner and Mrs. Tamara Saront-EisnerMr. and Mrs. Robert W. ErvinMr. and Mrs. Shimon FarkasMr. and Mrs. Simon FarrantMr. and Mrs. Todd C. FederMr.DavidM.FranklinandMrs.AdrienneR.Brown-FranklinMr. and Mrs. Eric J. GadinMr.andMrs.LuisG.GonzalezMr. and Mrs. Michael J. Halow


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Mr. and Mrs. Othella S. HarringtonMr.EddieM.HarrisJr.andMs.DoreenF.HanrahanMr. and Mme Christopher S. HastyMr. and Mrs. Robert HeintzMr. and Mrs. Christopher W. HelmanMr. and Mrs. Christopher HohmanMr.andMrs.RichardL.HowardMr. Walter Huybregts and Mrs. Tanja Huybregts-BuistMr. and Mrs. Brent M. KallopMr. and Mrs. Sanjay KalraMr. and Mrs. Joe R. KanewskeMr. and Mrs. Shauvik KundagramiMr. and Mrs. Steve KunkemoellerDr.andMs.AlexanderLazarMr.ChristopherP.LombardoandMrs.KiranmaiD.NaiduMr. Oscar Martin and Mrs. Yolitzma M. HernandezMr.andMrs.JoseLuisMartindeBustamanteDr.andMrs.OsamaMawlawiMr. and Mrs. Robert H. MerzMs. Masa MirkovicMr. and Ms. Timothy J. MorganMr.andMrs.DavidMoyerMr. and Mrs. Trevor K. MunkMr. and Mrs. Christophe A. PaulMr. Miguel Penichet and Mme Ibela GarciaMr.andMrs.KennethD.PerryMr. and Mrs. Johan F. PfeifferMr.andMrs.DavidPowersMr. and Mrs. Michael S. PrenticeMr.andMrs.PatrickD.QuarlesDr.andMrs.AlanRechterMr. and Mrs. Mitch A. ReidMr. Gerard P. Reumer and Mrs. Nathalie M. Reumer-NordemannMr.JayReynoldsandDr.FelisaReynoldsMr.CharlesRoyandMrs.DaniaKodeihMr. and Mrs. Mark C. SchroederMr. Vahid Shariatzadeh and Mrs. Nessa SaneiMr.FredrickL.SmithandMrs.TiffanyD.Avery-SmithMr. Jeffrey Smith and Mrs. Jessika SmithMr.LeeSmithDr.TatianaSorkinMr.andMrs.DouglasG.StephensMr. and Mrs. Andrew J. StrachanMr. Stephen B. Summers and Mr. Glen GonzalezMr. and Mrs. Jonathan R. TalbotDr.ShahinTavackoliandMrs.NadiaTajalliDr.CyrilTawaandDr.CatherineKarmelMr.RaffiTcholakianandMrs.MeredithPhilipp-TcholakianMr. Jorge Troop and Mrs. Mara NietoMr. Thieleman A. Versteeg and Mrs. Johanna H. Versteeg-Van SilfhoutMr.RonWadeandMrs.DeniseSanderMr. and Mrs. Shabir H. WaljiMr.andMrs.DavidE.WardenMr. and Mrs. Scott M. WarrenderMr.BrianT.WilliamsandMs.LeHammerMr. Peter Wood and Mrs. Silvia SalleMr. Chong O. Yi and Mrs. Faranak KamaliMr.andMrs.SalimZakhem

OrganizationsBracewell&GiulianiLLPJ.P. Morgan ChaseMissionLaïqueFrançaiseParker School UniformsTexasOrthopedic&SportsMedicineCenterVisicor

GIFTS OF $500 - $999IndividualsMr. Mahdi F. Aladel and Mrs. Hadeel F. AnanaMr.andMrs.DerekArandaMr. and Mrs. Adeolu A. AriyoMr. and Mrs. Yuri BaidoukovMr. and Mrs. Joe BalthazarMr. and Mrs. Hugues A. BourgogneMr. and Mrs. William BrowningMr. and Mrs. Emiliano BruzosMr. and Mrs. Charles A. BuehlerMr.AndrewD.BurtonandMs.SylviaL.SmithDr.ThomasCuthbertandDr.AdrianaSilvaMr. Steve A. Coulom and Mrs. Gino Castoriano CoulomMr.ChrisDavilaandMs.LindaM.ShepardMr. and Mrs. Brent de JongMr.RichardDebneyandMs.GeraldineMcEwanMs.ElizabethDeeMr.andMrs.MarkA.DunkelMr. and Mrs. Mario A. ElieMr.andMrs.DirkFaveereMr. and Mrs. Rene J. FeliusMr. and Mrs. Gianluca ForcellaMr. Joshua F. Grahmann and Mrs. Ashley E. AmyMr. and Mrs. Julian GrayMr.MikhailGurevichandMrs.LubovShternMrs.LilianeHaddadandMr.JohnyRizkMr. and Mrs. Richard P. Hogan, Jr.Mr.andMrs.RichardD.HoggattMr. John P. HoyeMr. and Mrs. Philip S. Kline IIIMr.andMrs.HeraldLigtenbergMr.HughMcDowellMr.LucJ.MessierMr. and Mrs. Eric H. NamtvedtMr. and Mrs. Harvey R. NewtonMr. and Mrs. Mark F. NicholsonMr. and Mrs. Constantin S. NicolaeMr.DanielC.OgbonnaandDr.MartinaC.OgbonnaMr.LaurentPoncetandMrs.VirginieBraud-PoncetMr. and Mrs. Jean Francois PoupeauDr.MuzaffarQazilbashandDr.MehnazShafiMr. and Ms. Bryan B. SanchezMrs.GinaL.SharmanMr.DanielH.SilvermanDr.andMrs.KaranbirSinghMr. and Mrs. Mark I. SmithardMr. Steven Tesney and Mr. Jerome G. CaplanMrs. Constance S. TurnerMr.LuisE.VezgaandMrs.BelenM.CarrenoMr. and Mrs. Alfredo R. VilasDr.RobertW.WellnerandDr.JuliaS.WellnerMs. Miri S. WilkinsMr.ZainWilloughbyandMs.AnastasiaLimMr. Roman Wolff and Mrs. Patricia N. Seller-Wolff

OrganizationsAwty Alumni Parents Association

GIFTS UP TO $499IndividualsMr. and Mme Eric R. AbecassisDr.VahidAfsharandDr.MojganAmrikachi

Mr. Salim Ahmed and Mrs. Andrea N. Garcia-AhmedMr.GwenaelP.AllainandMmeNormaD.FiskMr. and Mrs. Ali Al-MaqtariMr. and Mrs. Stefan AngeliDr.andMrs.GustavoE.AyalaMr. and Mrs. Merijn BackxMr. Jean-Pierre Baizan andDr.CarolineBaizanMr. and Mrs. Karim N. BarbirDr.EvanG.BaumanandMs.WendyK.BuskopMr. and Mrs. Barry BeesonMs. Sabrina Ben BrahimMrs. Beatrice BengioMr.andMrs.DavidG.BennettMr.ThomasF.BeuscherandDr.AnnRadcliffeMr. Matt BlackwellMs. Gwen R. CarioMrs. Nathalie M. Cartier and Mr. Jean-Francois BonneteMr. Francois J. Chauvel and Ms. Shauna K. OppertMr. and Ms. Nicolas ChazalnoelMr. and Mrs. Alain K. ChepdaMr. Reinhart Ciglenec and Mrs. Karin CiglenecMr.andMs.BurtonD.ColeMr. Jonathan E. Crane and Mrs. Helen M. Crane-NaaijerMs.EllinorL.CruxDr.JasonA.CruxandDr.IngridG.GardMr. and Mrs. Gregory M. CullinanMr.RossF.DavidsonandMrs.KristinaAndersonMr. and Mme Geoffroy H. de RorthaysMr.ThomasJ.DemanandMrs.OliviaR.Simoen-DemanMs.LaurenceDusaulxDr.HossamS.EzeldinandMrs.HendElabdMr. Mauro Fenoglio and Mrs. Mariateresa SgrignuoliMr. Eduardo Figueredo and Mrs. Sandra Nadin-FigueredoMr. Alexander ForrestMr. and Mrs. Arian I. FosterMr. Philippe J. Gaillot and Mme Gwladys S. GaillotMr. and Mrs. John GanimMs. Amy Garratt and Ms. Julie ByrdMr. and Mrs. Charles E. GellMr.andMs.RandallL.GibbsMs. Angela GlidewellMrs. Michele GraceMs.LauraL.GreenbergMr. and Mrs. Michael GrosvenorMr. and Mrs. Edouard GuinotteMr. and Mrs. Alexander M. GurevichMs. Erin HanleyMr. and Mrs. Jay J. HarpoleMr.andMrs.RafiqR.HashmaniMs. Sahar HassanMr. and Ms. Steven A. HershkowitzMr. and Mrs. Bruce HornMr. and Mrs. Ronald W. JacksonMr. and Mrs. Hadi JafarzadehMs. Rebecca J. JohnsonDr.andMrs.AmirKarniMr.PeterM.KellyandMs.MaryM.LawlerMs. Sharareh KhatamiMr. and Mrs. Paal Kibsgaard-PetersenMs. Farah KillidarMr. and Mrs. Fam KouroumaMr. and Mrs. Ronald J. KraftMr. and Mrs. Alexey KurochkinMs.CarolineLassiterMr.andMrs.MichaelLeach

Dr.AlexLechinandDr.CarmenLechinMs.MarieDominiqueLeeMr.JamesP.LewisandMrs.PatriciaG.TeeLewisMr.andMrs.OlivierB.LhemannMr.andMrs.JohnJ.LinnDr.RichardR.LongerasandDr.JuliaGolovkoMrs.AllisonLorenzoMr.andMrs.MasonA.LoweMr. and Mrs. Mark MatthesMs. Alexis McKinneyMr. and Mrs. Serhat MidyatDr.DavidMillerandDr.SallyE.MillerMr. and Mrs. Shahzaad MohammedDr.PabloMottaandDr.MargaritaMartirenaMr. and Mrs. Florian MunteanuMr. and Mrs. Warren K. MurdochMr. and Mrs. Javier J. MurilloMr. Michel MuylleMr. Ray N. Nash and Mrs. Carol A. NashMr. and Mrs. Tuyen NguyenDr.JacoboNurkoandMrs.IngridCheskes-NurkoMr. and Mrs. Brian OakleyMr. and Ms. William OhrtMr.andMrs.MichealD.PalmerMs. Juliann H. PanagosMr. and Mrs. Wallace PartridgeMr. and Mrs. James PollardMr. and Mrs. Appala Raju PonnagantiMs.ChristineL.PretiMr.andMrs.FirasQasemMr.DanielN.RamirezandMrs.CeliaBalliDr.andMrs.ArshadA.RamjiMr. and Mrs. Pierre-Olivier RaybaudMr. and Mrs. Sanjay J. RemondMs. Islara U. RodriguezMs.LuciaRomeroMr. Erik R. Roussel and Mrs. Barbara SchultMr. and Mrs. Carlos RuizMr. Siddartha SachdevaMr. and Mrs. Jaime Salgado-BecerrilMr. and Mrs. Michael H. SchmidtMr. and Mrs. Sandor S. SchrameijerMr. and Mrs. Jose R. SciontiMr. and Mrs. George C. SebregtsDr.JanetE.SempereandDr.Jean-ChristopheSempereMr. and Mrs. Stefaan SercuMr. Marsel Y. Setiawan and Mrs. Olivier GonzalezMr. Ahmed SidikMr. and Ms. Richard SmithDr.JoseSuarezandMrs.AnaGaviriaMr.RuidongSunandDr.YuhongLiuDr.andMrs.NizarM.TannirDr.IrvinTantucoandDr.MelanieTantucoMr. and Mrs. Frédéric TardDr.ShahinTavackoliandMrs.NadiaTajalliMr. and Mrs. Clete ThompsonMr.DenysThorezandMrs.MonikaHrabyDr.andMrs.BartTichelaarMr. and Mrs. Kevin ToledanoMr.AlexF.TooleandMs.JenniferC.LauMr. and Mrs. Alfredo TrullenqueMr. Alvaro TrullenqueMr.JeanJ.VerchereandDr.SherienVerchereMr. and Mrs. Alfredo R. VilasM. and Mme Sabastien Villert

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2 0 1 3 - 2 0 1 4 A N N U A L R E P O R T | 2 9

Mr.andMrs.RichardD.WardMr. Marc WattsMr. and Mrs. John WeatherlyMr. Jos WellinkMs. Amy WheelerMr.DavidWhiteandMs.LeilaHorseyMr. William G. Winkler and Mrs. Jemima B. EvansDr.LibbyetteWrightandMs.WendyDonald-WrightMr.andMrs.NadimB.ZabanehMr.andMrs.AlfredoZurzolo

A TOAST TO AWTY: AN INTERNATIONAL WINE TASTINGCHAIRSMr. and Mrs. Robert B. Allen HOST COMMITTEEMrs. Alexandra Clear AlattarMr. Todd H. Colvard and Mrs. Kelly M. MoneyhanMr. and Mrs. Eric GadinMs. Sahar HassanMr. and Mrs. Christopher HohmanMr. and Mrs. Charles MeachamMr. and Mrs. Robert PierceMr. and Mrs. Raj RangwaniMs. Tatiana SeligmannMr. and Mrs. John Weatherly

CABERNET SAUVIGNON($5,000 - $9,999)IndividualsMr. and Mrs. Robert B. Allen

MERLOT($1,000 - $2,499)IndividualsMr.andMrs.RichardL.HowardMrs. Tatiana G. Seligmann

PINOT GRIGIO($500 - $999)Individuals Dr.andMrs.JohnA.FelkerMr. and Mrs. Jonathan J. GoddardMs. Sheri Khatami / Roshar JewelsMr. and Mrs. Robert R. PierceMrs. Sujata Venkatraman

CHARDONNAY($250 - $499)Individuals Mr.LuisF.CabreraVegaandMrs.ZeniaB.QuintanaRazoMr. and Mrs. Sacha T. ClarkMr. and Mrs. Robert W. ErvinDr.andMrs.BrunoFornageMr. Alexander ForrestMr.DavidM.FranklinandMrs.AdrienneR.Brown-FranklinMs. Sahar HassanMr. and Mrs. Robert HeintzDr.andMrs.StevenJ.LeveretteMr.DanielMarieandMs.KarenJoyce-MarieMr. and Mrs. Charles MeachamDr.DavidMillerandDr.SallyE.MillerMr.andMrs.DominiqueMoranMr. and Mrs. Jerome Offner

Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. Schroeder

OrganizationsAwty Alumni AssociationMonark Realty / Anita and Rafael GuerraMurphy’sCorporateLodging

GIFTS UP TO $250IndividualsMr. and Mrs. Yan S. ArchambeauMrs. Beatrice BengioMr. Jonathan C. BiancoMr. and Mrs. Jorge BlancoMr. and Ms. Nicolas ChazalnoelMr. and Mrs. Kevin C. CoferMr. Todd H. Colvard and Mrs. Kelly M. MoneyhanMrs. Barbara de MarignyMr.DarioE.DuranandMrs.BeatrizE.BarbosaMr. Pablo Eisner and Mrs. Tamara Saront-EisnerMr. and Mrs. Rene J. FeliusMr. and Mrs. Gianluca ForcellaMr. and Mrs. Eric J. GadinMr. and Mrs. Christian J. GentyMr. Joshua F. Grahmann and Mrs. Ashley E. AmyMr.VazricGrigorianandDr.StellaGrigorianMr. and Mrs. James C. HamiltonDr.PhilipHastingsandDr.SusanM.RosenbergMr. and Mrs. Christopher HohmanMr. and Mrs. Joe R. KanewskeMs. Rusol G. KarralliMr.andMrs.RichardLoebMrs.AllisonLorenzoMr. and Mrs. Jared MarkMr. Pablo MartinezMs. Jean MathopoullosCapt. and Mrs. Michael J. McCrightMr. and Mrs. Robert H. MerzDr.andMrs.JoergH.MeyerMs.TaylorL.Napier-RunnelsMr. and Mrs. Harvey R. NewtonMs. Susan PetropolisMr. and Mrs. Raj RangwaniDr.andMrs.AlanRechterMr.JayReynoldsandDr.FelisaReynoldsMr. Simon Richardson and Mrs. Clarissa RichardsonMr. and Mrs. Manuel RodriguezMrs. Shaun SchindewolfMr. Marsel Y. Setiawan and Mrs. Olivier GonzalezMr. Randle B. SeymourDr.andMrs.KaranbirSinghMr. and Ms. Richard SmithMr. and Mrs. Mark I. SmithardMr.ThomasVanLaanandMs.RuthDreessenMr. Jean J. Verchere andDr.SherienVerchereMr. and Mrs. Alfredo R. VilasMs. Karen S. WaughMr. and Mrs. John WeatherlyMr.BrianT.WilliamsandMs.LeHammerMr.ZainWilloughbyandMs.AnastasiaLimMr. Peter Wood and Mrs. Silvia SalleMr.andMrs.DeanR.Zuvic

OrganizationsBackstreet Café / Sean Beck, SommelierGarson RestaurantHavenHungry’sIndika / PondicheriKatz CoffeeLa’FendeeMediterraneanGrillMaisonsMarques&DomainesMichael’s Cookie JarNothing Bundt CakesPrima PastaRal’s Fine CateringSpec’s Fine Foods, Spirits and Wines / Jonathan Honefenger, SommelierWhole Foods Market, Kirby

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Listed here are donors who requested their gift(s) benefit a specific academic department, school program, student club, memorial, and/or relief fund. Contributions were received between July 1, 2013 and June 30, 2014.

ATHLETICS FUNDMr.andMrs.LambertG.Arceneaux

AWTY ALUMNI PARENT ASSOCIATIONM and Mme Olivier BaumgartnerMr. and Mrs. Philippe BerteaudMr.DavidM.Franklin and Mrs. Adrienne R. Brown-FranklinMr. and Mrs. Steven F. GramanMr.andMrs.RichardL.HowardMs.SharonLedererDr.andMrs.StevenJ.LeveretteDr.DavidMillerandDr.SallyE.MillerMr. and Mrs. Jeremy NelsonMr. and Mrs. Mark C. SchroederMrs. Tatiana G. SeligmannDr.andMs.WilliamA.StellenwerfMr. and Mrs. Nils SvanbergMr. and Mrs. Craig Varoga

AAPA GLOBAL SOCIETYMr. and Mrs. Robert B. AllenDr.andMrs.HusamBahraniMr. and Mrs. Unal BayramMrs. Beatrice BengioMr. and Mrs. Philippe BerteaudMrs. Renata BevilacquaMr. and Mrs. Stephen BlackmunMr. and Mrs. Jorge BlancoMr.andMrs.DidierCharretonDr.BenjaminN.Conner andDr.CarmenM.BonmatiMr. and Mrs. Gabriel J. CorcoranMr. and Mrs. Christopher CottamMr.andMrs.JamalDanielMr. and Mrs. Brent de JongMr. and Mrs. Jerry W. FeeDr.andMrs.JohnA.FelkerDr.andMrs.BrunoFornageMr.DavidM.Franklin and Mrs. Adrienne R. Brown-FranklinMr.DennisR.Fuller andMrs.LucieY.LafrenièreMr. Edouard Gajewski and Mrs. Alberte GajewskiMr. and Mrs. Christian J. GentyMr. and Mrs. Robert HeintzMr.andMrs.RichardL.HowardMs. Sharareh KhatamiDr.andMrs.StevenJ.LeveretteCapt. and Mrs. Michael J. McCrightMr. John P. McGinnis andMrs.LanaB.BilleaudDr.andMrs.JoergH.Meyer

Mr. and Mrs. Harvey R. NewtonMr. and Mrs. Jerome OffnerDr.KazuhiroOkaandDr.KazumiI.OkaMr. and Mrs. Philippe PaulheMr. and Mrs. Appala Raju PonnagantiMs.ChristineL.PretiMr. and Mrs. John M. RansomMr. Simon Richardson and Mrs. Clarissa RichardsonDr.JoséE.RodriguezandDr.AmarilisVegaMr. and Mrs. Jacob SannesMrs. Shaun SchindewolfMrs. Tatiana G. SeligmannDr.JanetE.SempereandDr.Jean-ChristopheSempereMr.andMrs.DouglasG.StephensDr.andMrs.DemetrioP.TagaropulosMr. and Mrs. Anselmo TatiMr. and Mrs. Steven TholenMr.GertjanvanMechelenandMrs.MarciaL.Marty

AWTY ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONMs. Imane A. Abba-KakaMs.AlexisL.AcevedoMr. Grégoire Adant Ms. Ida Afshar KharghanMr. Brayden P. AguileraMs. Madison M. AguileraMr. Austin ArceneauxMr. Karim Arem Ms.PiérineBaradat-LiroMr.DannyBahraniMr. Nash Baughn Ms. Sabrina Belloso Mr.XavierBelougneMs. Rym BenchaabaneMr. Santiago Botto-TornielliMs. Mailys Boursier Mr. André BrebionMs. Helene Bringsli Ms. Charlotte BurnodMr. Guillaume Chatelain Mr. Kenaz CoqkMr. Sebastiaan CraneMr.MatthewD.DaponteMr.RichardDeJongMr.Pierre-LouisdeRichemontMr.SohailR.DhanjiMr.CharlesDieffenthalerMr.Paul-HenriDionMs.DilanDundarMs.AlejandraDuranMr. Michel F. FarhatMr. Alon Seraphim FarkasMr. Bernd Faveere Ms. Anika GautamMs.DannaN.Ghafir


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2 0 1 3 - 2 0 1 4 A N N U A L R E P O R T | 3 1

Ms. Isabelle R. Grant Mr. Gabriel Griffard Ms. Jeanne GuinotteMs. Brenna Haffey Ms. Julie HanashMr. Henry G. HarrisonMs. Sahar HassanMs. Katie E. Hillyer Ms. Elizabeth E. Hirs Mr. Maarten Holthuizen Ms.LucilaHouttuijnBloemendaalMr. Frederik IhnenMs. Tanisa ImotoMs. Ella Jakubowicz Ms. Stéphanie Jeanneret Mr. Albin John Mr.DariusB.JonaschMs. Rio JonesMr. Ahsan J. KhanMs. Anastasia KoloskovMr. Nicolas Kuhn de ChizelleMr.BastienLanoësMs.AlexandraLechinMr.AdrianP.LeonardMr.AdrienLhemannMrs.AllisonLorenzoMr.SantiagoLussoMs.LeaMaaloufMs. Gabriella MahanMs.ZenaMajdalaniMs. Giovanna B. Manisck Mr. Nicolas MarieMr. and Mrs. Jared MarkMr. Gregor Meehan Mr. Naim MekdessiMr. Alexandre MelloMr. Victor Menu Mr. Amit Momin Mr. Marco MonteiroMs.InèsMontfajonMs. Maria Jose MoraMs. Armish Narsi Ms. Ornella Palazzi Mr. Evan K. T. PalmerMr. Benjamin Penchas Mr. Nicholas Peters Mr. Nitin Ponnaganti Mr. Aria RassoliMs. Beatrice Regali Ms. Milagro F. RiveraMs.RoxanaL.RiveraMs. Brenda Rodriguez Ms. Islara U. RodriguezMr.GillesL.Roussel and Mrs. Emmanuelle M. RousselMs.LaurianeRousselMs.HélèneRoussetMs. Naida Sadikhova Mr. Abdelrahman Said Ms. Tania M. Saldana Ms. Fabiana SciontiMr. Malav Shah Mr. Charles Simmons Ms. Armanda P. SimonMr. Jonathan SloadMs. Hannah Smati

Mr. Philippe SokulskiMs. Elizabeth A. SorkinMs. Bala TabakMr. Shivam K. ThakkarMs. Elaina M. ThompsonMs. Andrea Torres-AldanaMs.EmmaK.ValèsMr. Samuel Vardy Mr. Nelson Wapon SafoMr. Stephan M. WardenMr. and Mrs. John WeatherlyMr. Alexander WhiteMs. Annabella Wong Ms. Kyren Wong Ms.AudreyZaari

BELIZEMr. and Mrs. Peter N. ChalcraftMr. and Mrs. Colin R. EddingtonMr. Mohamed Galal Elbakly and Mrs. Hala A. MouselhyMr. and Mrs. Robert J. GlaserMr.DanielMarieandMs.KarenJoyce-MarieMr. and Mrs. Richard PleczkoMrs. Jennifer StanleyDr.ShahinTavackoliandMrs.NadiaTajalli

BOOKS FOR HAITIMr. and Mrs. Richard Wheeler

FINE ARTS AND DRAMAAir Alliance Houston

FINE ARTS BOOSTER CLUBMr. and Mrs. Hector E. AcevedoMr. and Mrs. Jeremy BurnsExxonMobilMr. and Mrs. Stephen J. GrantMr. Abraham John and Mrs. Shiny PaulDr.PabloMottaandDr.MargaritaMartirenaMr. and Mrs. Warren K. MurdochMr. Ming T. Ongkwan and Mrs. Sunjijati KurniawanMr. and Mrs. Robert R. PierceMr. and Mrs. Michael H. SchmidtMr.andMrs.MichaelZamboniniMr.BabarZulquernainandMrs.UzmaBabar

FINE ARTS RECITAL HALLProducer's CircleAwty Parents and Personnel AssociationMr. and Mrs. Christopher J. FrautschiMr. and Mrs. William Colin FultonMr. and Mrs. Brian G. HendryMr. and Mrs. Richard P. Hogan, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Johan F. PfeifferMr. and Mrs. Robert R. PierceDirector's Circle Fine Arts Booster ClubFMC Technologies Matching Gift Plan

Choreographer's CircleAnonymous (1)Mr.AndrewD.BurtonandMs.SylviaL.SmithMr.andMrs.DominicE.Carolan



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ConocoPhillips Matching GiftsMr.andMrs.EdmundA.DonaldsonMr. and Mrs. Robert J. GlaserMr. and Mrs. Richard PleczkoMr.DavidWhiteandMs.LeilaHorsey

Artist's CircleBP America, Inc.Mr.MikhailGurevichandMrs.LubovShternMr. Abraham John and Mrs. Shiny PaulMr. Kamran Raissian and Mrs. Shabin WaljiMr. and Mrs. Michael H. Schmidt

Donor's CircleMr.DavidM.BestandMrs.SheriL.McDonaldMr. and Mrs. Brian P. FenskeMr. and Mrs. Warren K. Murdoch

GERRY RODGERS MEMORIAL FUNDAnonymous (4)Mr.andMrs.ZiadAbounohraMs.LaraAfifiMr. Enriqué Albin and Mrs. Alessandra AlbinMr. and Mrs. Stefan AngeliMrs.DianaArmentorDr.DanielBacklasandDr.PurnimaBacklasMr. and Mrs. Christian BarbarouxMr. and Mrs. Guy P. BenetMr. and Mrs. Nizar BissatMs. Jennifer BlessingtonMr. George H. Boerger andMrs.FlorenceL.Guihéneuf-BoergerMrs. Susan K. BruchMr.CharlesR.BunchandMs.LiliaD.KhakimovaMr. and Mrs. Jeremy BurnsMs. Gwen R. CarioDr.CarolA.CaseMr. and Mrs. Philippe ClauxMrs. Penelope ClevelandMr. and Mrs. Kevin C. CoferMr.andMs.BurtonD.ColeMr. Todd H. Colvard and Mrs. Kelly M. MoneyhanMr. and Mrs. Gregory M. CullinanMr.andMrs.StephenT.DabneyMr.SamerDanialandMrs.LamaBcharaMr.andMrs.MichaelI.DanielMr.andMrs.MartinusJ.DeJongMr.andMrs.AnastaciodeLeonMr.andMrs.ThierryDequinMs.LindaC.DoolittleMs.ChantalDukeMr.andMrs.ZubeyirDundarMr.andMrs.MarkA.DunkelMr.andMrs.RichardD.DurstMr. Franciscus Everts and Mrs. Monique TimmermansDr.TarekFahlandMrs.NadiaFahlMr. and Mrs. Simon FarrantMr. Mauro Fenoglio and Mrs. Mariateresa SgrignuoliMr. and Mrs. Tyler A. FloodMr. and Mrs. William Colin FultonMr. Philippe J. Gaillot and Mme Gwladys S. GaillotMr. Patrick Gaussent and Mrs. Sophie GageyDr.DashielJ.GeyenandDr.JaniceM.Beal-GeyenMr. Magdy E. Ghattas and Mrs. Hedy T. MankariosMr.andMrs.DavidGirardeau

Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. GlaserMr. and Mrs. Jonathan J. GoddardMr.FrancoisGoodandDr.ChristelGoodMr. and Mrs. Julian GrayMr. and Mrs. Bill GrosvenorMs. Salima GuedoudjMr. and Ms. Benoit GuerinMr.andMrs.ZainK.HakMr. and Mrs. Michael J. HalowMr.RogerHarbandDr.RaniaHarbMr. and Mrs. Brian G. HendryMr. Frederic F. HouvilleMr.andMrs.LaurentG.HouyMr.andMrs.RichardL.HowardMs. Candace HuijgenMr. and Mrs. Ronald W. JacksonMr. and Mrs. Hadi JafarzadehMs. Rebecca J. JohnsonMr. and Mrs. Chris KasavichMr. and Mrs. Fam KouroumaDr.andMs.AlexanderLazarMr.andMrs.VincentLelargeMr.andMrs.AlfredoLelodeLarreaMr.JamesP.Lewis andMrs.PatriciaG.TeeLewisMr. and Mrs. Charles MeachamMr. Richard J. Meehan and Ms. Elizabeth A. FarrowMr. and Mme Philippe J. MugnierMr. and Mrs. Warren K. MurdochMr. and Mrs. Constantin S. NicolaeDr.EnriqueF.Novoa andDr.PulchérieC.GueneaudeNovoaDr.andMrs.RobertC.OrthMs.MariaS.PaezDeSalinasMr.J.D.Permenter and Mrs. Susan R. PermenterMr. and Mrs. Johan F. PfeifferMrs.LauraPflughauptMr. and Mrs. Richard PleczkoMs. Céline PoirierMr. and Mrs. James PollardMr. Anung H. Prabawa and Mrs. Ririen S. WardaniMr. and Mrs. Michael S. PrenticeDr.andMrs.ParvezA.QureshiMrs. Marylyn S. RaiaMr. and Mrs. Willie Randolph Jr.Dr.AbdiRasekhandDr.AzitaMadjidiMr. Willie J. RobertsMr. and Mrs. Gerardo RojasMr.andMs.LarryS.SaxMr. and Mrs. Aart G. SchenauMr. and Mrs. Michael H. SchmidtMr. Patrick A. Schorn and Ms. Elena A. KorneychuckDr.JanetE.Sempere andDr.Jean-ChristopheSempereMr. Vahid Shariatzadeh and Mrs. Nessa SaneiDr.andMrs.JayShenaqDr.andMrs.ScottShepardMr.DimitriSivov and Mrs. Alexandra M. PasquierDr.ZinSmatiandMrs.NoraSmatiMr. Joao M. Soares and Mrs. Renata BevilacquaMr. and Mrs. Mario Solimano


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Mr.andMrs.DavidG.SteakleyMr. and Mrs. Andrew J. StrachanMr. and Mrs. Frédéric TardDr.ShahinTavackoliandMrs.NadiaTajalliDr.CyrilTawaandDr.CatherineKarmelMr.DenysThorezandMrs.MonikaHrabyMr.andMrs.DavidA.TonnelMr. and Mrs. Alfredo TrullenqueMr. Rengaswamy S. Velmurugan and Mrs. Jaya AgarwalMr. and Mrs. Nicolas VernereyMr.andMrs.DavidE.WardenMr. Joe Watson and Mrs. Erika WatsonMr. and Mrs. Samuel P. WaughMs. Goly WawroseMr. and Mrs. Greg R. WellenMr.DavidWhiteandMs.LeilaHorseyMrs.DottieWichmannMr.FabianWolffandMrs.LisaWolffMr. Chong O. Yi and Mrs. Faranak KamaliMs.SarasuZachariahMs.TairongZheng

LIBRARY FUNDMs.FrançoiseJ.BonnetDr.andMs.MohammedDekioukExxonMobilMs.JillM.L'AbbateMr.andMrs.Jean-ChristopheLesguillierMr.PauloManisckandDr.ClaudiaManisckMr. and Mrs. Trevor K. MunkMs.LauraA.PacificoMr. and Mrs. Raj Rangwani

MS 150 BIKE RIDE FUNDGeorge'sPastariaPhoenicia Specialty FoodsSouthwest CycleryVallourec&MannesmannUSACorporation

PHILLIPINE TYPHOON RELIEF FUNDAIG SunAmerica Asset Management Corp.Mr. and Mrs. Stefan AngeliMr. and Mrs. Christian BarbarouxMr. and Mrs. Alexandre BaubertMr.DavidM.BestandMrs.SheriL.McDonaldMr. and Mrs. Sanjeev BordoloiMr. and Mme Guillaume BorrelMs. Janet BridgerMr. and Mrs. Vidar BringsliMr.StephenN.BrownandDr.KathleenM.SchmelerMr. and Mrs. William BrowningMr. and Mrs. Emiliano BruzosMr.CharlesR.BunchandMs.LiliaD.KhakimovaMr. and Ms. Alejandro BurgaletaMs. Gwen R. CarioMr.andMrs.DominicE.CarolanMr. and Mrs. Olivier M. CaronMr. Christopher G. CorcoranMs.LisaDarlingMr.ArnaudDasprezandMrs.Marie-ClaireTredinickMr. and Mrs. Brent de JongMr.RichardDebneyandMs.GeraldineMcEwanMr.andMrs.ThierryDequin

Dr.andMrs.Jean-LucDetchessaharMs.ChantalDukeMr.andMrs.ZubeyirDundarDr.BrianJ.DunkinandDr.AnnieC.DunkinMr.andMrs.RichardD.DurstMr. and Mrs. Todd C. FederMr. and Mrs. William Colin FultonMr. and Mrs. Charles E. GellMr. and Mrs. Ollivier V. GiampietriMr. Rogert W. Gorritas Clemenceau andMrs.ArayLoisAlvarezMr. and Mrs. Julian GrayMr.ThomasE.GreeneandDr.AnshulaGreeneMr. and Mrs. Edouard GuinotteMr. and Mrs. Patrice Hellouin de CenivalMr. and Mrs. Brian G. HendryMr. and Mrs. Constantin IonescoMr. and Mrs. Hadi JafarzadehMs. Rebecca J. JohnsonDr.EricJonaschandDr.AnitaMahajanDr.andMrs.AsadullahKhanDr.andMs.AlexanderLazarMr. and Mrs. Georges A. MaaloufMr. and Mrs. Michael F. MatthewsDr.andMrs.OsamaMawlawiMr. Richard J. Meehan and Ms. Elizabeth A. FarrowMr. Alfredo T. Mello and Mrs. Vanusa A. MatosMr. and Mrs. Warren K. MurdochMr. and Mrs. Siraj NarsiMr. and Mrs. Harvey R. NewtonMr. Julien Odorico andMmeLuciaIniguezdeOnzonoDr.MuzaffarQazilbashandDr.MehnazShafiMr. and Mrs. Sanjay J. RemondMr.GaryRosinandDr.JanRosinMr. and Mrs. Michael H. SchmidtMr. and Mrs. Sandor S. SchrameijerMr. Randle B. SeymourMr. and Mme Robert S. ShawMr.andMrs.DenisonSilvaDr.JoseSuarezandMrs.AnaGaviriaMr. Steven Tesney and Mr. Jerome G. CaplanMr. Rengaswamy S. Velmurugan and Mrs. Jaya AgarwalMs.Marie-LineViartMr. Greg WalshMr.DavidWhiteandMs.LeilaHorseyDr.LibbyetteWrightandMs.WendyDonald-WrightMr. Chong O. Yi and Mrs. Faranak KamaliMs.SarasuZachariahMr.YannZagame

RAMS BOOSTER CLUBMr. and Mrs. Wallace Partridge

ROBOTICS CLUBChevronDr.OthonMonteiroandDr.MariaXimenes

SCHOOLS FOR CHILDREN OF THE WORLDMr.AbdellahMeradBoudiaandMrs.JosefinaPerera


Anonymous (1)A BientotDr.KamranAhrarandDr.JudyU.AhrarAlamoDraftHouseAl’s Formal WearAlvin Gee Photography, Inc.AndodynamicsDr.RobertoAndradeandDr.AnitaAlvarez-CruzAnn’s Fine GiftsApricotLaneArtmixAthletaAudi West HoustonAUTOEXOTICRENTALAveda - Houston GalleriaAzur West, a Shu Uemura SalonBaccarat CrystalBackstreet CafeBags ‘n MoreBB1 ClassicBeautiqueBenjy’s - WashingtonBering’sMr. and Mrs. Philippe BerteaudMr.ThomasF.BeuscherandDr.AnnRadcliffeBiron GymnasticsBlack Walnut CafeMr. Matt BlackwellBlissDaySpaMr.StevenD.BlossomandMrs.LilianC.OpdamBlue Willow BookshopBody Mind and SoulMs.FrançoiseJ.BonnetMr. and Mrs. Frédéric BontemsMr. and Mrs. Jacques M. BorisewitzBradford PortraitsDr.RobertT.BrownandMs.DenaRafteBRSHMs. Julie Byrd and Ms. Amy GarrattCammarataPediatricDentistryMs. Gwen R. CarioCarrot&Gibbs,Ltd.ChanelMr.andMrs.DanielA.ChavanelleCiro’s Italian GrillClearstone SpaMr. and Mrs. Kevin C. CoferMr. Todd H. Colvard and Mrs. Kelly M. MoneyhanCorner EntertainmentCosmeticDentistsofHoustonCrave Cupcakes on KirbyCreate.Bake.Love.crescendo family musicCroissantBriocheFrenchBakery&CafeMs.EllinorL.CruxDr.ThomasCuthbertandDr.AdrianaSilva

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G I F T S I N - K I N D

The following is a list of donors who made non-monetary contributions to The Awty International School between July 1, 2013 and June 30, 2014.

DaCameraDanishInspirationsDr.TimothyDaponteandMrs.VirginiaMullerDebraBakhtiari,LicensedProfessional Facial&MassageTherapistDr.andMs.MohammedDekioukDenaHall-MakeUpArtistTheDowntownClubatTheMetropolitan-HoustonMs.LaurenceDusaulxEchoLaneAnimalClinicEddie V’s Prime SeafoodEl Tiempo CantinaElegant EventsEvin Thayer StudiosFaçade,Inc.Finish Strong SportsFioriFit MixFour Seasons Hotel - HoustonMr. and Mrs. William Colin FultonMr. Philippe J. Gaillot and Mme Gwladys S. GaillotMr. and Mrs. John GanimMr.andMs.RandallL.GibbsGittingsMr. and Mrs. Robert GlaserGoode&Co.’sArmadilloPalaceGymnast FactoryMr. and Mrs. Othella S. HarringtonHavenHealth Source Chiropractic Houston - MemorialMr. and Mrs. Robert HeintzThe Heritage SocietyHermann Park ConservancyHilton Americas Hotel - HoustonHilton Houston Post OakMr.andMrs.RichardD.HoggattMr. and Mrs. Christopher HohmanMrs. Cintra Horn and Mr. Bruce HornHotel GranducaHotel Madeline TellurideHouston AstrosHouston Center for PhotographyHouston Chamber ChoirThe Houston City Club, Member of the Clubcorp FamilyHouston Grand OperaHouston Museum of Natural ScienceHoustonRockets&CometsHouston Swim ClubHouston SymphonyHouston TexansHoustonZooTheHoustonianHotel,Club&SpaMr.andMrs.RichardL.HowardHue SalonMr. Walter Huybregts and Mrs. Tanja Huybregts-Buist


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Innovative Images PhotographyJ.HilburnJaguarLandRoverHoustonCentralJentry Kelley CosmeticsJohnH.Krell,DDSMs. Rebecca J. JohnsonJosephine’sDaySpaandSalonJulie Rhodes Fashion and HomeK Renee SalonDr.andMrs.HusseinKabilKidventure CampsKumon West UniversityMr. and Mrs. Shauvik KundagramiKurarary AmericaLaMadeleineFrenchBakery&CafeMs.JillM.L’AbbateMr.andMrs.AlfredoLelodeLarreaMr.andMrs.Jean-ChristopheLesguillierLibertyKitchenandOysteretteLifeSpaLifetimeAthleticMabis PatisserieMaida’sBelts&BucklesMain Street TheaterMr.PauloManisckandDr.ClaudiaManisckMargo Marshall School of BalletMr.DanielMarieandMs.KarenJoyce-MarieMark’s American CuisineMathnasiumMr. and Mrs. Michael F. MatthewsDr.JamesW.May,DDS,PCMr. and Mrs. Charles MeachamMemorial Athletic ClubMemorial Park VisionThe Menil CollectionMercury BaroqueMerrillLynchMr. and Mrs. Robert H. MerzMichael’s Cookie JarMoeller’s BakeryDr.OthonMonteiroandDr.MariaXimenesMr.andMrs.DominiqueMoranMr. and Ms. Timothy J. MorganMr. and Mrs. Trevor K. MunkMuseum of Fine ArtsMr. Michel MuylleNatureDiscoveryCenterNeal Coldwell TaxidermyMr. and Mrs. Harvey R. NewtonNinfa’sNorrisofHoustonSalonandDaySpaOrganizational BlissOriental Rug BazaarMs.LauraA.PacificoPaintball BonanzaParker School UniformsMr. and Mrs. Wallace PartridgePerry’s RestaurantsMr. and Mrs. Robert R. PiercePlants n PetalsPorsche of West HoustonMr.andMrs.PatrickD.QuarlesRafte&Co.Mr. and Mrs. Raj RangwaniRiver Oaks Chamber Orchestra

Ms.LuciaRomeroDr.Roth,PlasticSurgeonatWestAve.Roula’s Nail SpaRoyal Sonesta HotelRuggles GreenRuth’s ChrisS FactorSaint Street SwimSalle Mauro Fencing AcademySamurai Japanese Steak SushiSannam and StyleMr. and Mrs. Michael H. SchmidtMr. and Mrs. Mark C. SchroederSea Glass Fine ArtMrs. Tatiana G. SeligmannSensiaStudio&JapaneseDaySpaMr. and Mrs. Stefaan SercuSettlement Goods, Inc.Shade RestaurantShamaineKleinDesignsMr. Vahid Shariatzadeh and Mrs. Nessa SaneiSkinCareandMassageTherapywithDeborahSky High Sports HoustonSloan / HallSoccer 4 AllSolsticeSt. NicolaStages Repertory TheatreMr. Nick StugartSwimJim, TexasTaste of TexasDr.ShahinTavackoliandMrs.NadiaTajalliTelluride Ski ResortMr. Steven Tesney and Mr. Jerome G. CaplanTest Masters Educational Services, Inc.TexasdeBrazil-DallasTexas de Brazil - HoustonTexas Rock GymTheatre Under The StarsThomas Fallon PhotographyTiffany&Co.Total HealthMr. and Mrs. Jon TotzTriniti RestaurantTutorvilleUBS Matching Gift ProgramUrban KitchenUS BankVillage Greenery and FlowersMr. and Mrs. Shabir H. WaljiMr.andMrs.DavidE.WardenMr. J.J. WattMr. Jos WellinkDr.RobertW.WellnerandDr.JuliaS.WellnerWillie’sGrill&IcehouseWinrock Animal ClinicWonder-Space Computer and Technology Education CenterWonderwildMr.andMrs.DeanR.Zuvic


BOARD OF TRUSTEESMrs. Alexandra Clear AlattarMr. Nabeel AmudiMs.LisaDarlingMrs.FrançoiseDjerejianMr. Colin FultonMr.Jean-FrançoisGenayMr. Ed HarrisMrs. Jennifer HohmanMrs. Karen Joyce-MarieMr. Jean-Baptiste JueryMs. Niloufar MolaviMrs. Jill MunkMr. Victor ObadiahMr. Johan PfeifferMr.DavidPowersMrs. Veronique PrenticeMr. Mark SchroederMr. Sujiro SeamMr.DavidWardenMr. Marc Watts

ADVANCEMENT COMMITTEEMrs.LanaBilleaudMs.LisaDarlingMr. Colin FultonMr. Ed HarrisMrs.KathyLehneMrs.LisaMeachamMrs. Amy PierceMrs. Suneeta RangwaniMr. Mark SchroederMrs.LorraineTalbotMrs.LoriVetters

BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS COMMITTEEMs.LisaDarlingMr.DonDavisMr. Brian Hendry Mr. Ronald Jackson Mr.RayLeikerMr. Boualem Maizia Mrs. Jill Munk Mr. Hank NicodemusMr. Victor ObadiahMrs. Amy Pierce

COMMITTEE ON TRUSTEESMr. Nabeel Amudi Ms.LisaDarlingMrs. Karen Joyce-Marie Mrs. Jill Munk Mr. Victor Obadiah Mr. Johan PfeifferMrs. Veronique Prentice Mr. Mark Schroeder

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The following is a list of volunteer leaders who donated valuable gifts of time, skills, goods, and enthusiasm throughout the 2013-2014 school year.

Mr.DavidWardenMr. Marc Watts

FINANCE COMMITTEEMr. Nabeel AmudiMs.LisaDarlingMr. William EslerMr. Robert HeintzMr. Jean-Baptiste JeuryMr. Shivram Krishna Mr. Boualem MaiziaMr. Hank NicodemusMr.DavidPowersMr. Aart SchenauMrs. Amy Stugart

AWTY PARENTS AND PERSONNEL ASSOCIATION (APPA) Mrs. Sakina AliMrs. Adrienne Brown-FranklinMs. Cherie ChalkMrs. Marcia ChammaMrs. Tara CooperMrs. Catherine CorcoranMrs.GhislaineDeschanelMrs.AnnaDunkelMrs.AnnieDunkinMrs. Michele FenskeMrs.LaurelFingerMrs. Aimee FloodMrs. Monica FultonMrs. Sophie GageyMme Ibela GarciaDr.PulchérieGueneaudeNovoaMrs.GaelleGuenec-LaserreMrs. Illiana HaddadMrs. Catherine Houy Mrs. Genoveva JeanneretMrs. Karen Joyce-MarieDr.CatherineKarmelMrs. Kelly Kline Mrs.HélèneMaruejouls-LavrutMrs. Anne Maizia-VerheyleweghenMrs.SheriMcDonaldMrs. Farida MorsiMrs. Jill MunkMrs. Rita MurdochMrs. Kiranmai NaiduMrs. Ana Maria NicolaeMrs. Gina PavonMrs.LydiaPfeifferMrs. Meredith Philipp-TcholakianMrs. Amy PierceMrs. Suneeta Rangwani Mrs. Shannon RechterMrs. Barbara SchmidtAW





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Ms. Abril G. ValenzuelaMrs.LuciaWardenDr.NatalieWolk

AWTY ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONMrs. Alexandra Clear Alattar, ’04Mr. Khaled Alattar, ’04 Mr.DannyBahrani,’95Mr.AlexForrest,’97Ms. Sahar Hassan, ‘95Mrs.AllisonLorenzo,’85Ms.ZenaMajdalani,‘94Mr. Jared Mark, ’04Mrs.SandraNadine-Figueredo,‘97Mrs.EmmanuelleRoussel,‘97Mr. John Weatherly, ’94Mr. Satrap Yuksek, ’99

AWTY ALUMNI PARENTS ASSOCIATION Mrs. Adrienne Brown-FranklinMrs. Brigitte FornageMrs.LizaHeintzMrs. Frances HowardMs. Sheri KhatamiMrs.LinLeveretteDr.SallyMillerMrs. Kathleen OffnerMs. Shaun Schindewolf

AWTY DADS’ CLUBMr.DannyBahraniMr. Ronald JacksonMr. Jay KalraMr. Brian OakleyMr. Mark Smithard

AWTY RAMS BOOSTER CLUBMs. Cherie ChalkMrs. Claudia FernandezMrs. Melissa HalowMrs. Jennifer HohmanMrs. Fariba Khaki-FirouzMs. Christine PretiMrs. Suneeta Rangwani

FINE ARTS BOOSTER CLUBMrs. Myriam Gonzalez-CalziaMrs. Megan GrantMrs. Jennifer HoganMrs. Jenny MidyatMrs. Soraya MohammedMrs. Rita MurdochMrs. Amy Pierce


COLLEGE MATRICULATIONUnited States (80-81):Agnes Scott CollegeArizona State UniversityBaylor University (2) *Boston UniversityUniversity of California BerkeleyUniversityofCaliforniaLosAngelesUniversity of California Santa CruzCarnegie Mellon University (3)Case Western University (2)University of Colorado at Boulder (2)Cornell University (2)DenisonUniversityDukeUniversity(3)Fordham UniversityHarvard UniversityUniversity of Houston (9) *UniversityofLouisianaLafayetteLoyolaMarymountUniversityMacalester CollegeUniversity of MiamiMiddlebury CollegeNew York UniversityNorthern Arizona UniversityPennsylvania State UniversityUniversity of PennsylvaniaRandolph CollegeReed CollegeRice University (2)Rose-Hulman Institute of TechnologySt. Edward’s University (3)University of St. ThomasSanta Clara UniversitySchool of Visual ArtsSouthern Methodist University (2)Southwestern UniversityStanford University (2)Suffolk UniversityTexasA&MUniversity(2)TexasA&MUniversityGalvestonUniversity of Texas Austin (6) *University of Texas CAP (2)University of Texas Permian BasinUniversity of Texas San AntonioTrinity UniversityTulane UniversityVillanova UniversityVirginia Polytechnic UniversityUniversity of Virginia (2)Wake Forest UniversityUniversity of WashingtonWorcester Polytechnic UniversityYale University

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C L A S S O F 2 0 1 4

Awty’s Class of 2014 contained 108 members with 80 in the International Section and 28 in the French Bilingual Section. The following pages reflect the Class of 2014’s col-lege matriculation, IB and BAC scores, and end-of-year awards and accolades.

Canada (8)Concordia (2)HEC Montréal (3)McGillUniversity of MontréalUniversity of Toronto

France (6)IUT de BloisLycéeHenriIVLycéeSaintJeandePassyLycéeSaintJosephduLoquidyLycéeSainteGenèvieveUniversité de Nantes

United Kingdom (5)King’sCollegeLondonNottingham TrentUniversity of OxfordRoyal HollowayUniversityCollegeLondon

Australia (3-4)Applications in process, will matriculate January 2015

Belgium (2)Université Mons Hainaut (2)

New Zealand (1)University of Auckland

Netherlands (1)DelftUniversityofScience&Technology

Peru (1)Applications in process, will matriculate January 2015

Gap Year / USA (1)

* includes honors college

AWARDS & ACCOLADESValedictoriansHannah Smati, International SectionEmmaValès,FrenchBilingualSection

Graduation AwardsAPPA Citizenship Award – Jonathon SloadCIS Award for International Understanding – Charlotte BurnodCommunity Service Award – Gabriella MahanHead of School’s Award – Marco MonteiroKathleen Awty Award – Jack HudsonAW





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College Counseling AwardsNational Merit Finalists – Santiago Botto-Tornielli, DilanDundar,DariusJonasch,MarcoMontiero,Ben Penchas, and Hannah Smati

National Merit Semi-Finalist – Albin John

National Merit Commended Students – Ida Afshar Kharghan, LucilaHouttijnBloemendaal,SohailDhanji,DannaGhafir,Nicolas Kuhn de Chizelle, and Amit Momin

NationalHispanicScholars–AlexisAcevedo,AlejandraDuran,SantiagoBotto-Tornielli,DexterGutierrez,LucilaHouttijn-Boemendaal,and Marco Monteiro

International Section AwardsEnglish – Hannah SmatiEnglishLanguage&Literature–NicolasKuhndeChizelleandAnnabellaWongExcellence in Writing – Santiago Botto-TornielliDonKoenigHistoryAward–SantiagoBotto-TornielliEconomics–LeaMaalouf Math Studies – Bella GrantCalculus – Bernd FaveereAdvanced Calculus – Gregor MeehanAmerican Math Competition 12 – Ben PenchasPsychology – Gabi Mahan Computer – Hannah SmatiArt – Bella GrantDebraShannonPerformingArts–AlexanderWhiteDebraShannonVisualArts–AlexandraLechin Biology–LucilaHouttuijnBloemendaalPhysics – Marco Monteiro Chemistry – Hannah Smati Environmental Systems/Societies – Bella Grant TOK – Bernd FaveereExtended Essay – Bella Grant, Nicolas Marie, Gregor Meehan, Marco Monteiro, Ben Penchas, Jonathan Sload, Hannah Smati, and Kyren WongExtended Essay Perseverance – Nicolas Kuhn de ChizelleChinese3rdLanguage–NaimMekdessiChinese2ndLanguage–AnnabellaWongDutchLanguage&Literature–MaartenHolthuizenNorwegian – Helene BringsliFrenchALanguage&Literature–NicolasKuhndeChizelleFrenchBHL–HannahSmatiFrenchBSL–DariusJonaschFrenchBSL–GregorMeehanFrenchAbinitio–AlejandraDuranSpanish A1/A2 – Santiago Botto-TornielliSpanishBHL–BenPenchasSpanishBHL–MarcoMonteiroSpanishBSL–AmitMominSpanish B Abinitio – Nicolas Kuhn de ChizelleClaudiaLopezAward–BrennaHaffeyArabicBHL–AbdelrahmanSaidArabic Abinitio – Imane Abba-Kaka German A 1 – Frederik IhnenGermanLanguageB–KyrenWongandJonathanSloadTheater Arts – Alexander WhiteTheater Productions – Ahsan KhanTheatre Tech – Armish NarsiMusic–DannaGhafirOrchestra–LucilaHouttuijnBloemendaal

Band–LucilaHouttuijnBloemendaalChoir–DexterGutierrezLiteraryMagazine–HannahSmati ModelUN–NashBaughnandSantiagoLusso

French Bilingual Section AwardsEnglishOIBTerminaleS–EmmaValèsEnglishOIBTerminaleES/L–CharlotteBurnodAnglais Terminale ES – Beatrice RegaliAnglais Terminale S – Mailys BoursierLiterature–AndreaTorres-AldanaLitteratureetrangere–AndreaTorres-AldanaHistory OIB – Jeanne GuinotteHistory – Beatrice RegaliHistory/Geography Option – Mailys BoursierEconomie–LaurianeRousselEconomie Spec – Charlotte BurnodMathS–HélèneRoussetMathSpec–HélèneRoussetMathES–LaurianeRousselMathESSpec–LaurianeRousselPhilosophyL/ES–CharlotteBurnodPhilosophyS–EmmaValèsArt French – Ella JakubowiczHistoryofArt–CharlesDieffenthalerSVT S – Jeanne GuinotteSVT Spec – Jeanne GuinottePhysics/ChemieS–HélèneRoussetPhysics Spec – Mailys BoursierPhysical Education – Karim AremItalian–KarimArem,PiérineBaradat-Liro,Paul-HenriDion,InèsMontfajon,andOrnellaPalazziLatin–StephanWardenChinois – Jeanne GuinotteEspangolS–PiérineBaradat-LiroEspangolES–LaurianeRousselEspangolL–AdrianLeonardAllemand S – Mailys BoursierNewspaper – Charlotte Burnod

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Since Awty began requiring the International Baccalaureate (IB) program in 1996, our students have continuously achieved outstanding results. The Class of 2014 proved this to be true again this past year. For the Class of 2014, 78 out of 80 students passed the rigorous, externally assessed IB exams. Awty students earned an average of 35 out of a possible 45 cumulative exam points. The highest score attained by an individual student was 45 points. In addition, 23 of the IB Diplomas awarded to Awty students were bilingual diplomas.

The French Baccalauréat (BAC) results for the Class of 2014 were nothing short of stellar again this year. For the 13th consecutive year, the pass rate was 100%. All 28 students in the French Bilingual Section successfully passed the 2014 French BAC. Six students obtained the BAC with high honors (Mention Très Bien) and seven students with honors (Mention Bien), which are both considered “A” students by the French Ministry of National Education.

IB RESULTS 2005 - 2014









BAC RESULTS 2005 - 2014

Pass Rate per Examination Session 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014WORLDWIDE 78.06% 77.99% 78.48% 78.48% 79.3%AWTY 90.8% 96.0% 96.0% 95.0% 98.0%

The Awty International School is grateful for the many ways our board, parents, employees, alumni, and friends support our school. Gifts of all sizes are needed and greatly appreciated.

C A S HGifts of cash are deductible to the full extent allowed by law and may

be made with cash, check, or credit card. Checks should be made payable to The Awty International School.

S T O C K / A P P R E C I AT E D S E C U R I T I E SGifts of stock or appreciated securities represent a two-fold tax saving

opportunity. Donors avoid paying any capital gains tax on the increased value of the stock and they receive a deduction for the full market value of

the stock at the time the gift is made. Instructions on donating stock are available at

P L E D G E SMulti-year pledges are welcomed and will be counted and included

in the Annual Report for the year the pledge is made.

M AT C H I N G G I F T SMany employers multiply donors’ support through matching gift

programs. In some cases, gifts from spouses, directors, and retired employees will also be matched. To find out if your company offers a

matching gift program, please contact Awty’s Advancement Department or visit the Awty website at

M E M O R I A L A N D H O N O R A R Y G I F T SA gift in memory or honor of a loved one is an especially meaningful

way to contribute. Awty’s Advancement Department will inform the family that a memorial or honorary gift has been made.

Q U E S T I O N S ?Please contact Awty’s Advancement Department at 713-328-5861



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A C C R E D I TAT I O N S , A F F I L I AT I O N S , &


A C C R E D I TAT I O N SCouncil of International Schools (C.I.S.)

Independent Schools Association of the Southwest (I.S.A.S)French Ministry of Education

International Baccalaureate (IB)Ministerie van Onderwijs, Cultuur en Wetenschap

M E M B E R S H I P SCouncil of International Schools (C.I.S.)

Independent Schools Association of the Southwest (I.S.A.S)International Baccalaureate Organization (I.B.O.)Texas International Baccalaureate Schools (TIBS)

Texas Association of Private and Parochial Schools (TAPPS)National Association of Independent Schools (N.A.I.S.)Houston Association of Independent Schools (H.A.I.S.)

A F F I L I AT I O N SLa Mission Laïque Française (MLF) was one of the cofounders of The Awty International School. It was created in 1904 to organize the education of the children of expatriate French personnel working for large companies. The Awty School merged with La Mission Laïque Française in 1978 to form the The Awty International School. The Awty International

School and La Mission Laïque Française collaborate in recruiting teachers for the French section. The MLF isbased in Paris, and its schools can be found on four

continents with more than 20,000 students educated.




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Anne Clonan (center) was the 2013-2014 recipient of the Guy Benet Award for Primary School. Head of School Lisa Darling and Proviseur

Boualem Maizia presented her with the award on June 12, 2014.

Lisa Sload (center) was the 2013-2014 recipient of the Guy Benet Award for Secondary School. Head of School Lisa Darling and Provi-

seur Boualem Maizia presented her with the award on June 12, 2014.

For the first time, the school established a Staff Members of the Year Award and it was bestowed upon two staff members on June 12, 2014. Ana Rios (center) from Awty’s Facilities and Maintenance

Department was presented the award by Head of School Lisa Darling and Director of Facilities and Construction Don Davis.

The second recipient of the newly established Staff Members of the Year Award for 2013-2014 was Laura Pflughaupt (center) from Awty’s

Business Office. Head of School Lisa Darling and Chief Financial Officer Hank Nicodemus presented the award to Laura on June 12, 2014.

On May 14, 2014, the Volunteersof the Year awards were presented

to Mickey de Jong (Secondary School)and Monica Fulton (Primary School)

at the annual Volunteer AppreciationBreakfast. Both of these parent

volunteers went above and beyondall expectations throughout the

2013-2014 school year.Congratulations!

7455 Awty School Lane • Houston, TX 77055-7222

LikeusonFacebook.Follow us on Twitter.Get the Awty iPhone App.


AWTY’S 2015 GALASaturday, March 14, 2015

6:30 p.m. – 1:00 a.m.Hilton Americas, Houston