Awesome Presentations

Post on 13-May-2015

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How to ensure the presentation you are about to deliver is engaging and compelling for your audience.

Transcript of Awesome Presentations

Awesome Presentations

Helping business owners & leaders achieve their vision & objectives...

By Chris

• Who is our audience? Are they similar or do they have different reasons for being there?

• What is their expectation?

• Why have you been asked to present?

• Ensure that you meet or exceed their expectations - write down what you think they are.

• Test the content and style of your presentation against what the audience expected

• Ask for clarification from the organizers on expectations

1. Audience


• What is our objective?

• What 2-3 key messages do we want the audience to take away?

• What is our call-to-action from the presentation?

• Does the objective we have suit the audience and their expectations?

• Is it practical?

• How will we know if we have achieved the objective?

• Is this the best way to achieve this objective?

2. Our Objective


• The title sets the theme and tone for the presentation

• It should address the expectations of the audience

• It should align with our value proposition & credibility

• It should be interesting, compelling, engaging, mysterious

• A common technique is to ask a question which is interesting or contentious or a “How to...” title

• E.g. “10 Ways To Grow Revenue Without Spending More”

3. The Title


• Set the scene by answering “WHY people do business with you?”

• Your value proposition should come through early to earn their respect and trust.

• Common techniques include: who are your clients, why do you exist, why are you unique

• Focus on WHY & WHAT rather than HOW (e.g. avoid discussing products & services but rather outcomes)

• The HOW can be addressed in followup calls or interviews

4. Content


• Research shows rich images make presentations memorable and interesting

• High quality images are associated with professionalism

• Images should be relevant and enhance message rather than be a distraction or lead to wrong perceptions

• What emotions do your images produce?

• Images help to put the focus back on what presenter is saying

5. Images Work


• If the objective is primarily to support a speaker, the text must be cut right down to put the focus on the speaker

• Less text discourages people reading presentation while speaker is talking

• Use more text if presentation will stand alone and not be delivered by a person

• Use lots of space so that text stands out.

• Use key words only that are rich in conveying outcomes e.g. “rapid profit increase of 14%”

6. Text - Less Is More


• Video yourself on a smartphone and look for things you can improve

• Avoid monotonous voice - be excited about what you have to say, be convincing

• Use eye contact with audience to enhance trust and be engaging

• Don’t read notes. Practise until you know content

• Are your facial expressions consistent with your content? Do you look interesting and convincing?

7. Practise Delivery


• Only use video if it is short, adds value and you are sure it will work every time

• Have some spare questions for Q&A segment, e.g., “customers have sometimes asked me...”

• The presentation is there to support & enhance the speaker - not the other way round. Remove any content that detracts from the speaker.

• Timing is important. Silence is important for emphasis and engagement. Repeat key themes.

• Connect with audience, e.g. “hands up anyone here who ...”

8. Finally...


Helping business owners & leaders achieve their vision & objectives...