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Let your hearts be glad

Shout with joy and

Celebrate this great day.

Easter is here, and so is

New life and hope. (Anon.)


Eucharist Reconciliation Confirmation

Catholic Education Staff Days 2017 CRIS Library closed

Thursday, 11th May – Closed all Day

Tuesday, 8th August – Closed all Day

Tuesday, 7th November – 9am – 1 pm

Jesus before the Gospels

Bart D. Ehrman


Harper Collins, New York, 2016 232 HER

In this delightful book, the eminent historian Bart. D. Ehrman has woven together two predominant themes –

that of human memory and its vital role in influencing early church writings, canonical and extra-canonical.

Mostly he zeroes in on the four Gospels.

A considerable and necessary part of the text deals with the scrutiny of memory by experts in a variety of

scientific and sociological disciplines. Memory may be that of “eye” or “ear” witnesses – often unreliable, as

legal professionals find. Remembered “facts” arise from an individual or a community – literate or illiterate,

named or unnamed. Distorted memories may be innocent recollections – even quite vivid – of things that did

not happen. Or we simply remember that we heard about events and that they did happen. Constructed

memories do not always correspond to reality. “Hearing about things” transmission – often involves a host of

transmitters – who necessarily change what they heard in the telling. (Try telling accurately a good yarn you

heard from someone else who got it from…who got it from…). Even collective/collected memories may be based

on original misinformation.

Yet we still often get the “gist” – one of Ehrman’s all encompassing, favourite words. Another recurring insistent

phrase in the text – to aid our memory about the “gist” of the book – is that the Gospels as we have them “were

written 40 to 65 years after Jesus’ death”. Decades of community transmitted memories circulated before

written forms appeared. We are “told” that 97% of Palestinians in Jesus’ time could neither read nor write. The

authors of “Gospel according to” were foreigners to Palestine, wrote in a foreign language (Greek) – probably

never knew Jesus, had never been to Palestine, nor known a Palestinian. They remain anonymous. They were

not called by name until near the end of the second Christian century, a hundred or so years after these “books”

had been in circulation. (P 109).

The Church Father, Papias, about 120-130 CE, and then Justin martyr, give clues. Eventually, Irenaeus, Bishop of

Lyons – end of second century CE, “abundantly quotes four Gospels”, and actually names them. But “we don’t

start getting manuscripts with titles on them until about the year 200 CE”. Let Ehrman tell you all about this

history (he’s an expert) in Chapter 3.

Distorted memories; collective memories; plausible and implausible Gospel accounts; discrepancies in Gospel

texts – Ehrman deals astutely with all these themes, which sometimes upset people. After all, if Gospels are not

straight out “history” the way we see history now, why bother to read contradictions? Ehrman is not daunted.

He tackles familiar Gospel “scenes” and “personalities” – the “Sermon on the Mount” – (“was anyone taking

notes?”)- the Baptism of Jesus – which of the three “Voices from heaven” is accurate? The very “gist” of the

Synoptic Gospels was so often ‘transformed’ by John. The variety of ways of seeing the actually rather nasty

Pilate. And was there in fact someone called Bar-Abbas? Every line in a Gospel is “theologically driven”, insists

Ehrman, and delves into the “narrative background”, ever mindful of that story-telling community who created

and maintained oral tradition for so long.

Ehrman’s study of oral tradition is pertinent. Yes, people told a heap of stories pre-Gospels, but their tellings

may not have been true to Jesus’ lifetime or historically accurate. “Of course it is possible that some Christian

story tellers consciously invented stories that they passed along to others. It is possible in fact that some of these

stories were invented by the Gospel writers themselves”. (P 176). We may call such narratives “altered” stories.

Why? Our writer explains.

If the stories were “altered memories”, we should always be eager to appreciate them for what they can tell us

about the CONTEXT in which they were recalled. John Dominic Crosssan would call this “matrix”. “We must

consider how later circumstances may have affected story tellers, and led them to remember Jesus as teaching

something relevant to their own situation”. (P 207). The expulsion of Christian leaning Jews from the synagogue

is a case in point. People were remembering the past in a way highly relevant to their present. We still do that

today in society.

Church teaches that, especially in Liturgy of the Word, “it is the Lord who speaks” – to us, in our present cultures,

our historical milieu. Lectio Divina encourages us to respond to Gospel words, phrases, as they apply to us in the

here and now. Jesus’ teaching remains firm but our world changes. The resilient Gospels cater for that, as we

bring our own life’s stories to the light of the Gospels, which may offer apparently historical and textual

discrepancies. But “There is more to Christianity than history. And there is more to life, and meaning and truth

than the question of whether this or that or the other thing happened in the way some ancient text says it did”.

(P 291).

I am enthralled by Ehrman’s linking of past and our present. So, unashamedly, I shall cite a great slab from his

concluding, poetic chapter, “A Paean to memory”, probably a nice way to start reading the text.

“Memory is what gives meaning to our lives. Without it we couldn’t exist as social groups or function as

individuals. The Gospels are not simply historical records about the past. They are also works of art. In addition,

they are written forms of memory…. Living life is never a matter of isolation from either our pasts or the pasts

of others. The living and sharing of memories are what make up our lives…. Christian memory is particularly and

uniquely important. Christian memory transformed our world. Christian memory brought about a revolution in

the history of Western civilization. Christian memory continues to influence billions of lives in our world today.

Ultimately of course, Christian memory goes back to the earliest memories of Jesus. These, too, need to be

studied for what they can tell us about the historical person who stands behind the memory. But they should

also be studied for what they reveal about those who came in his wake, who remembered him and passed along

their memories to those of us living today, memories about the one whom they considered to be the most

important person ever to walk the planet”. (P295).

“Divinely inspired”, says the Church about Scripture. I learn from Ehrman that the Divine Spirit did not suspend

the laws of created human nature to bring us “the Word of the Lord”. We are all people of memory, same now

as 2,000 years ago. The Deity takes us as we are, enabling our Palestinian ancestors to transmit the GIST of that

Great Story which, in our contemporary context, still influences our life. As Ehrman remind us, “All memories of

the past are chosen and shaped by the present. That’s just how memory works”. (P 291). Pondering the Gospels

in this light, enables their “inspired” nature to break through most effectively.

C.R.I.S. offers us, the readers, the gift of happy pondering, and the blessing of a powerful, productive memory.

Kay Stringer. July 2016

15th Sunday in Ordinary Time. Good Samaritan. Gospel : Jesus said, “Go and do likewise”.

Letters to Pope Francis

Matthew FOX


Level Five Media, NJ, USA 2013 262.02 FOX

This small book has just arrived at our Resource Centre though it has existed since 2013.

I am going to write my review without reference to the book or my notes. This book is written to Francis,

the Catholic Pope by Matthew Fox who was silenced by the Vatican and dismissed from the Dominican

order by his superiors. This is a must read for every human being, for underlying it is the frequent heard

saying, “We are not human beings trying to be spiritual – we are spiritual beings trying to be fully human.

Fox will make great reference to the Pope’s name “Francis” and the key to St. Francis’ life – his rejection

of power and wealth and his dedication to Christ.

It may seem that Matthew is giving the Catholic Church a hard time but it is more subtle than that. He

really is doing two things; reminding us all of St. Francis’ core motivation for Christ and against power

and wealth and praising Francis for his present stance in his newly appointed position.

This is not the Catholic Jesus he is espousing but a huge concept of an ecumenical Christ at work

wherever religion of whatever creed or colour, raises its head. This Christ is the ‘Divine Cosmos

Anthropos’ that includes not only all people but ‘everything’ and Matthew Fox is serious. Our renewal

of life must be inclusive. He must include threatened species and threatened forests as well as humans

and this vision of Christ and this vision of breakdown of life has the Franciscan vision for Christ versus

Power and Wealth.

There is much in this book that is relevant to parishes who want to renew, who are aware of the

breakdown of their way of life and their loss of personnel and the aging of members, shortage of clergy

and above all absence of youth and a sense of loss of energy.

Fox tells the Pope in his letters of his experiences where practice efforts have been made to draw people

into the liturgy. There is much reference to making women belong and drawing them into leadership.

There is an extended section on small groups and more.

Fox’s statistics and the immensity of the task ahead are frightening and walking away could be an easy

answer but you will find in this little book many examples of courage of saints and ordinary human beings

with extraordinary courage including the man who dared to call himself Pope Francis, knowing he would

try to live it.

Read this book if you can get your hands on it. I did, before it was recorded in the library. Thanks

Susan. It has already touched my prayer and will, I am sure, touch my small group.

Highly recommended.

Ben McCabe cfc

The Divine Spark – An Allegory of Awakening

D’ARCY, Paula 248 DAR Franciscan Media, Cincinnati 2016

An Allegory by definition, is a story, poem, or picture which can be interpreted to reveal a hidden

Meaning typically a moral or political one, e.g. Pilgrim’s Progress is an allegory of the spiritual journey. Likewise, this book by Paula D’Arcy is an allegory of awakening of a ‘The Divine Spark’ by a person and a community hence deepening their relationships with God in prayer and the spiritual life. Paula is a well-known leader of retreats and speaker at conferences and the author of many books including ‘Song for Sarah’, which has sold more than 250,000 copies. Joyce Rupp also a well-known and read author of spiritual books says in a commentary on this book “This is a deeply, profound, amazing simple and exquisitely beautiful portrayal of the soul’s journey to Freedom” (See the back cover). In 1997, a friend offered her house on the Maine coast to Paula and Joyce Rupp so that they could go off in peace and quiet and work away at projects they were planning. Paula in her own personal life was coming to terms with the loss of her husband and child. Here Paula was taking time out to write a retreat. During the day, they wandered about the beautiful property, or along the glorious coastline thinking and praying. Often in the evenings, they walked outside to savour the stars. At night over a meal together around a log fire, they shared what they had planned and prayed over and hence gave feedback to each other. Paula delighted in the freedom to be alone knowing that others were looking after her many appointments and engagements. It was quality time for her and she was very grateful. Paula writes as Anastasia. Anastasia sees her fears, cautions, hesitations as frozen in her life and a cover for not making changes. “Staying the same’ has been her motto for years. One insight Anastasia gradually comes to was ‘God can never be fully contained by words or be understood by the human mind’ (p80). Also ‘you cannot define God but you can be with God. You can know God’ In the story, Anastasi meets a stranger and tries to follow him. Later on, she also meets a magician who on one occasion shares with Anastasia ‘a person must have knowledge. The world demands it. But when we try to use words to describe the greatest things, they become smaller….that is why silence can sometimes tell us so much more’ (p78). The magician also told Anastasia ‘the chance to see was simply there, if she really wanted to grow’ (p79). What puzzled Anastasia was ‘how could you know things you had not worked hard at to understand?’ (p85). The magician said to Anastasia ‘the hardest step is to be. Not to think. Not to understand. Just to be. This is the most difficult thing….Nature does it easily. It can be what it is. It has no other intention. A tree does not wish to be an animal. A flower does not wish to be a vegetable. Nature accepts how things unfold. And Nature teaches you these secrets if you listen. The allegory continues to unravel many more words of wisdom e.g. everyone is enlightened on the mountaintop. The harder choice is to live with the Knowing right in the centre of your life. In your daily chores. In the middle of a family. In places of commerce. The challenge is to find what is beautiful and true in ordinary life. (p79). A book with a difference and much wisdom. Read and enjoy it. Michael Flaherty cfc

St. Thomas Aquinas

Gilbert Keith Chesterton. (G.K.) 1874 – 1936

Reprinted in this format: 1943, 47, 52, 56.

Hodder and Stoughton. London 922 CHE

“There is a general tone and temper of Aquinas which is as difficult to avoid as daylight in a great house

of windows. It is that POSITIVE position of his mind, which is filled and soaked as with sunshine, with

the warmth and the wonder of created things”. (p95) This is typical lyrical prose of G.K., who presents

a vibrant, living portrait of the great medieval St. Thomas. (1225-1274).

The small book is second in a trilogy, comprising also St. Francis of Assisi and ‘The Everlasting Man’ –

a view of humanity culminating in Christ, which ‘brushes away the film of familiarity from the Gospels”.

All three available at CRIS – Francis a spanking new 2016 reprint!

G.K. was a dedicated journalist/writer, historian, producing essays, poetry, stories, novels, biographies

and illustrations. He was a great admirer of medieval times and of all things French. He converted to

Catholicism in his early twenties – and was hilariously joyful about that. He wrote constantly in defence

of optimism and Thomistic common sense, rebutting what he saw as negative and pessimistic in the

many – isms of his day. His ebullient sense of humour remains infectious; his command of the English

language is always a gift to the reader.

In 2016, a friend gave me a copy of MSC ‘Annals’, containing an extract from Ch. 4 of G.K.’s Thomas

book. The Dominican Mendicant Thomas, “that reluctant bulk of reflection… the fat Friar from Italy…

that heap of black and white weeds, like motley in mourning”, visits under obedience, the bright lively

court of Saint King Louis of France. Delightful story. I shall not disclose the pounding punch line, but I

knew I had to get this book. Susan to the rescue. In that glorious aisle of “old books”, (exuding what

they used to call ‘the odour of sanctity’) sits G.K.’s Thomas, patiently waiting to be enjoyed heartily.

There too rest ‘The Everlasting Man’, two G.K. biographies and of course the TRUE and original ‘Father

Brown Stories’. My earnest plea to the reader is to START with Pp. 77-81 of Thomas in the King’s court.

I promise immediate addiction.

G.K. devotes his first entertaining chapter on Thomas to a fascinating comparison between his two

favourite friars, Francis and Thomas, and to an explanation of the origins of the Mendicants who roamed

the countryside with their effective preachings. “The Franciscan was free (from the monasteries) to

become a friar. So, too, the Dominican Thomist was free to be an Aristotelian instead of being bound

to be a (Platonist) Augustinian”. (p30) “St. Thomas was making Christendom more Christian in making

it more Aristotelian”, insists G.K. “St. Thomas was a huge, heavy bull of a man, fat and slow and quiet;

very mild and magnanimous, but not very sociable… St. Francis was so fiery and even so fidgety that

the ecclesiastics, before whom he appeared quite suddenly, thought he was a madman”. (p14) Francis

wrote vivid poems but rather vague documents. Thomas was dedicated to large documentations of

pagan and Christian literature, and “occasionally wrote a hymn like a man taking a holiday”. (p15)

Thomas came from the large aristocratic Sicilian family of Aquino, with strong connections to European

nobility. He was by birth a gentleman of a great house, and always displayed the good manners

appropriate to his upbringing – “effortless courtesy and patience” – He never sneered! “Thomas

maintained controversy with an eye on only two qualities: clarity and courtesy”. (p111)

G. K. Chesterton

The great Dominican preferred above all the restoring of “that long thin delicate thread” – sadly snapped

at the time – “that had descended from distant antiquity; the thread of that unusual human hobby, the

habit of thinking”. (p63) – Rather than to talk overmuch. So much so, that in the schools he attended

he was considered a dunce. In the student halls of Cologne, under the tuition of the magnificent

Dominican Albert the Great, Thomas was so silent in debates that he was called the “Dumb Ox” – an

object of mockery and pity. “His imposing stature began to have only the ignominious immensity of the

big boy left behind in the lowest form”. (p54) But the perceptive Albert recognised genius, and cried

out sternly in prophecy: “You call him a Dumb Ox. I tell you, this Dumb Ox shall bellow so loudly that

his bellowings will fill the world!” (p56)

Albert and Thomas became great friends and allies, as did Thomas and the Franciscan Saint

Bonaventure. All three were massively influential, in those glorious days of the Church ‘renewal’, in

defending the oft beleaguered medicant movement and the theological ‘Aristotelian Revolution’ (Ch3)

against opponents whom the feisty Albert dubbed “ignorant obscurantists!” G.K. reminds us that”

“Aristotle took things as he found them, just as Aquinas accepted things just as God had created them.

It was Thomas who saved the human element in Christian theology.” (p64) Together with Francis,

Thomas felt that their people were losing hold of solid Catholic doctrine, and needed to see their faith in

a NEW light and dealt with from another angle. These two saints are evident role models for our

inspirational Pope Francis.

St. Thomas had opposition from his family in following his chosen path. His father, Landulf, gladly would

have set him up as a prestigious Abbot of a great monastery. Thomas chose Dominic’s itinerant

beggars. Family honour disgraced! Two of his brothers kidnapped “the runaway Abbot” (ch2) and

imprisoned him in a tower. Maybe Thomas was not so fussed – after he had furiously expelled the

charming courtesan provided by the brothers. At least in a tower he could still “think”! The story is that

his sisters, of whom he was very fond, rescued him.

Thomas was a most ‘active dreamer’. His contemplative, ascetic life was an active life. Like all true

‘domini canes’ – Hounds of the Lord – he was forever in pursuit both of truth and error for the protection

of humanity. For G.K., Thomas was the “mightiest and most magnanimous of those hounds”. (p100)

G.K. was also an ardent pursuer of truth for his day. It is said that he never lost a child’s sense of awe

and wonder of Creation. At the end of his Thomas book, he humbly wrote that “it will probably be lost

and forgotten in the flood of better books about St. Thomas” appearing in the 1920’s. To him, it was “a

very slight and amateurish work… but it is not likely to be burned”, (p159) as Thomas’ works allegedly

were burned by Martin Luther, maybe in a futile attempt by the Platonists to ‘win the battle’ against

Aristotle. Some shades of Thomas here. Before his early death, a particular spiritual experience made

him proclaim: - “All I have written is but straw!” And he wrote no more.

All that G.K. ever wrote, including this magnificent book, was grist for the mill of his solid convictions.

(see biographies). A man for his times, just as he would have been today, 81 years later. His admiring

French biographer, R. Las Vergnas, wrote in 1938 that the world for G.K. “was quivering with aspirations

and desires; it was a living canticle, a hymn of ecstasy to its marvellous Creator. He never changed; he

died watching the stars.” (p24) Such a fitting soul mate for his beloved Francis and Thomas, to whom

he endears us all.

Please do queue up for G.K.’s offerings. Plenty of solid theology amid the anecdotes. As you enjoy you

will help strengthen that thin, delicate, ancient thread of THINKING, so characteristic of Thomas. Then

you may hear the echo of G.K.’S roar of happy laughter, while the Dumb Ox bellows in delight, as the

dreary Manichees disperse in disarray.

Kay Stringer. January 2017

The Divine Dance: The Trinity and Your Transformation

ROHR, Richard With Morrell, Mike 231.044 ROH

Whitaker House, PA, USA c2016

Here is a book on The Holy Trinity written in three parts.

(i) Wanted a Trinitarian Revolution. (p35)

(ii) Why the Trinity? Why now? (p121)

(iii) The Holy Spirit. (p185)

This is a must read for all who take life seriously. It is – as it should be – a work for all the world. – and

I want to just touch on it and leave you to dwell on it, and feel your heart move. In “Wholly Reconciling’ – Part 3, Rohr writes, “The Spirit’s passion is to bring her anointing of humanity in Jesus to full and personal and abiding expression in us (as unique person) and not only in us personally but in our relationships with one another and indeed with the earth and creation, until the whole cosmos is a living Sacrament of the great dance of the Triune God (the heart of this book). You could ask, “Why start at part 3?”

Maybe it is Rohr’s approach here, “Let’s make this a short part so you might remember it or open it up haphazardly and read it!

I am leaving that to you – just warning you, ‘it will blow your mind!’

As for the rest, I would like to point out some parts that leaped off the page at me, to whet your appetite.

We are called to consider Andrei Rublev’s “Trinity Icon’. (p29)

On page 21 Rohr challenges us to recall the Trinity as” a mighty hand reaching out to lead us into the Divine Dance while the whispering in our ears would utter that ‘we are made for this’”. “Whatever is going on in God is a flow, a radical relatedness, a perfect communion between three – a circle dance of love”, but “remember mystery isn’t something you cannot understand it is something you can ’endlessly understand’. There is no point at which you can say, “I’ve got it”. Always and forever mystery gets you.” (p27) If we take the depiction of God in Trinity seriously, we have to say, “In the beginning was the Relationship (p30). The importance of rediscovering Trinity challenges “the ugly manifestation of “political corruption, ecological devastation, warring, hating – our greatest disease now” causing; ’our disconnection’ while ‘the gifts of Trinity’ “offers a grounded reconnection with God”. (p39). Rohr makes use of quotes from many writers e.g. Baxter Kruger, “The Stunning truth is that this triune God, in amazing and lavish love opened the circle etc.” (p69).

I have done some work this year on John O’Donohoe and loved Rohr’s use of

“I would love to live Like a river flows Corned by the surprise Of its own unfolding” (p58)

On page 161 and elsewhere you’ll find Rohr’s lovely prayer “God for us, we call you Father God alongside us, we call you Jesus etc”

I’ll stop there. Have only touched on the treasure. Am finding the reading of such books in my prayer group enlivening. This book and its sub-headings leaves itself open to such use.

Best Wishes, John B. McCabe

Selected CRIS Resources for

Lent, Easter and Pentecost

Lenten prayer, meditations and worship resources

Title Author Call No.

A Lenten Hobo Honeymoon : daily reflections for the journey of Lent

Hays, Edward BK 242.34

Arise! [poster kit] : 7 posters, plus booklet.

POS 263.92

Beyond Crucifixion : Lenten meditations on surviving sexual abuse

Crisp, Beth R BK 242.34

Blessed is She : living Lent with Mary Perry, Tim BK 232.91

Bread and Wine : readings for Lent and Easter

BK 242.34

Bridges to contemplative living with Thomas Merton : Lent and Holy Week

Montaldo, Jonathon

BK 242.2

Bringing Lent home with Mother Teresa : prayers, reflections and activities for families

Cooper O’Boyle, Donna-Marie

BK 242.34 OBO

Bringing Lent home with St. John Paul II : prayers, reflections, and activities for families

Cooper O’Boyle, Donna-Marie

BK 242.63 COO

Bringing Lent home with St. Therese of Lisieux : prayers, reflections, and activities for families

Cooper O’Boyle, Donna-Marie

BK 242.63 COO

Conversing with God in Lent : Praying the Sunday Mass readings with Lectio Divina

Binz, Stephen J BK 242.34

Daybreaks : daily reflections for Lent and Easter Week Rolheiser, Ronald BK 242.34

Eggs and ashes : practical & liturgical resources for Lent and Holy Week

Burgess, Ruth BK 263.92

Give us this day Levan, Christopher

BK 242.34

Guided meditations for Lent, Holy Week, Easter and Pentecost [CD kit]

Ayer, Jane E CDKIT 242.34

Igniting sparks of reconciliation and compassion : prayer and ritual for staff gatherings in Catholic schools today

Abbott, Margaret BK 264.02013

In company with Christ : Through Lent, Palm Sunday, Good Friday and Easter to Pentecost

Ward, Benedicta BK 263.92

Journey for Home : Music and Meditation. CD plus journal. Light, Deanna CD 782.25

Journey to Easter : spiritual reflections for the Lenten season Benedict XVI, Pope

BK 263.92

Lent and Easter Readings from IONA Paynter, Neil BK 263.92

Lent and Easter : wisdom from St Francis and St Clare of Assisi Kruse, John V BK 242.34

Lent and Easter wisdom from Fulton J Sheen Sheen, Fulton J BK 242.34

Lent and Easter wisdom from G. K. Chesterton Chesterton, G K BK 242.34

Lent and Easter wisdom from Henri J. M. Nouwen Bauer, Judy BK 242.34

Lent and Easter wisdom from Pope John Paul II John Paul II, Pope

BK 242.34

Lent and Easter wisdom from St Ignatius of Loyola Ignatius of Loyola, Saint

BK 242.34

Lent and Easter Wisdom from Thomas Merton Merton, Thomas BK 242.34

Lent for everyone : Mark : Year B Wright, N. T. BK 242.34 WRI

Title Author Call No.

Lenten journey Grostephan, P BK 242.34

Living Eucharist : spirituality for the new millennium Thyer, Joanna BK 263.9

Margaret McGuire Parish Kit for Lent & Easter [kit] (21 items) KIT 263.92

Not by bread alone: daily reflections for Lent Feldmeier, Peter BK 263.92

Prepare the Way : daily meditations for Advent and Lent Liebenow, R. Mark

BK 242.332

Quantum Grace : The Sunday readings : Lenten reflections on creation and connectedness

Cannato, Judy BK 242.34

Return to me : reflections for each day of Lent Pollard, Joseph BK 263.92

Sacred celebrations for Lent : prayers, reflections, ideas and activities for Lent, Holy Week and Easter

Wintour, Rina BK 242.34

Seven weeks for the soul : a reflective journey for Lent or other times of renewal

Hughes, Gerard BK 242.34

Sacred silence : daily meditations for Lent Zagano, Phyllis BK 242.34 ZAG

Stages on the way : worship resources for Lent, Holy Week and Easter

Wild Goose Worship Group

BK 263.92

Take up your Cross : daily readings for Lent Herrick, Vanessa BK 263.92

The Art of faith : a Lent & Easter journey through Duccio's Maesta

Beckett, Wendy BK 755.4

The Ascent of the mountain of God : daily reflections for the journey of Lent

Hays, Edward BK 242.34

The Blessings of Lent: Gospel meditations and prayers for everyday

Connors, Daniel BK 263.92

The Essential Lenten Handbook : a daily companion.

BK 263.92

The Lent, Triduum, and Easter Answer Book Niemann, Paul J BK 263.92

The Lenten labyrinth : daily reflections for the journey of Lent Hays, Edward BK 242.34

The Little book of Lent : Daily wisdom from the world's greatest spiritual teachers

BK 242.34 LIT

The measure and the pledge of love : reflections on the cross Barrett, Peter BK 263.92

The Sacred Heart for Lent : Daily meditations Williams, Thom. BK 242.34

The way of the lamb : Christ in the Apocalypse Lenten meditations

Weber, Hans-Ruedi

BK 228

Wondrous encounters : Scripture for Lent Rohr, Richard BK 242.34

Breath of God Julianne M Kalbaugh

Lenten Study programs and reflections

Title Author Call No.

Believe : Reflections on the Creed. 2 DVDs. A CaFE DVD resource presented in various locations including the Holy Land, Nicaea, Rome, Oxford, Cambridge and London. 6 part series exploring the treasures of our faith as expressed in the Nicene Creed. Ideal for Lent, RCIA, small groups, CaFE courses and schools.

Payne, David DVD 238.142

Getting it across : reflections on the Sunday readings of the three-year cycle

Cahill, Thomas


Radical renovation : Living the Cross-shaped life : A Lenten study for adults

Harnish, James A

BK 242.34

Teaching Lent and Lent, and Holy Week:

stories, prayers, craft and drama

Title Author Call No.

Advent and Lent activities for children : camels, carols, crosses and crowns

Kielly, Sheila BK 263.9

Arts and crafts for Lent : from Mardi Gras to Passiontide with prayers and blessings for family, school and church

Heiberg, Jeanne BK 263.92

Classroom prayer services for the days of Advent and Lent Costello, Gwen BK 264.020083

Footsteps to glory : 12 drama sketches for Lent and Holy Week Jackson, Peter BK 263.92

Hooray for holiness! Lent for kids Berger, Alison BK 236.92

Lectionary-based gospel dramas for Lent and the Easter Triduum

O’Connell-Rousse, Sheila

BK 246.72

Lent is for children : stories, activities, prayers Kelemen, Julie BK 263.92

Margaret McGuire Parish Kit for Lent & Easter [kit]

KIT 263.92

My Catholic Lent and Easter activity book Galvin, Jennifer BK 263.92

Sacred celebrations for Lent : prayers, reflections, ideas and activities for Lent, Holy Week and Easter

Wintour, Rina BK 242.34

The Art of faith : a Lent & Easter journey through Duccio's maesta

Beckett, Wendy BK 755.4

The essential Lenten handbook : a daily companion

BK 263.92

The Lent, Triduum, and Easter Answer Book Niemann, Paul J BK 263.92

The Sacred Heart for Lent : Daily meditations Williams, Thomas BK 242.34

DVDs, CDs and music

Title Author Call No.

A Lenten journey : the stories and scriptures of Lent in Song [CD kit]

Hurd, Bob CD 783.9

Celebrating Good News : full colour images from Turvey Abbey [CD-Rom] / 22 images with the poster text / 34 images with no text. / 5 booklets with reflections, themes and scripture / powerpoint example

CDR 231.3

In God's Time : An audiovisual celebration of the Liturgical Year [DVD]

Walsh, Orla DVD 782.25

Journey for Home : Music and Meditation [CD] Light, Deanna CD 782.25

Lent on the Mount of Olives (Live from Our Lady of Calvary Abbey) : Chants from the Holy Land.

CD 782.3222

Spirit of Light : A CDRom PowerPoint presentation, with 21 images depicting themes from the Lent & Easter Season

Stephen, Mary CDR 231.3

That you may have life : musical stories from the Gospel of John [CD kit]

Haugen, Marty KIT 782.25

This is the time : songs for seasons [CD kit] Mangan,


KIT 783.9


Julianne M Kalbaugh Created for All Souls Charlottesville

as a reflection on the season of Lent

Last supper

Title Author Call No.

Jesus our way [large poster set] Turvey Abbey PKIT 232.9

The last supper [big book] Blythe, Catherine BK 232.937

The closeness of God : The Last Supper [poster] Koder, Sieger POS 232.957

The closeness of God : The Washing of the Feet[poster] Koder, Sieger POS 232.957

Greatest heroes and legends of the Bible: The Last Supper, Crucifixion and Resurrection [DVD]

DVD 232.96

Born of the Eucharist : A spirituality for priests Rossetti, Stephen J

BK 234.163

Eucharist Barron, Robert BK 234.163

Jesus and the Jewish roots of the Last Supper Pitre, Brant BK 234.163

Sacrament of unity : the Eucharist and the Church Kasper, Walter BK 234.163

The Eucharist : Bodies, Bread and Resurrection Bieler, Andrea BK 234.163

The way of mystery : the Eucharist and moral living Billy, Dennis J BK 234.163

Understanding the Mass : 100 questions, 100 answers Aquilina, Mike BK 234.163

Holding God in my hands : personal encounters with the Divine Wilkes, Paul BK 234.163092

Bread of heaven : a treasury of Carmelite prayers and devotions on the Eucharist

Hickey, Penny BK 242

Eating Beauty : the Eucharist and the spiritual arts of the Middle Ages

Astell, Ann W BK 248.09

Eucharist with a small "e" Winter, Miriam Therese

BK 248.46

Fire of God's Love : 120 reflections on the Eucharist Aquilina, Mike BK 264.02036

The breaking of the bread Champlin, Joseph M

BK 264.02036

Precious gifts : Biblical reflections on the Eucharist Craghan, John F BK 264.36

Il Cenacolo [poster] Da Vinci, Leonardo POS 759.5

The Passion and Stations of the Cross

Title Author Call No.

Australian stations of the cross Ungunmerr-Baumann, Miriam-Rose

BK 264.0274

Biblical way of the Cross : based on the Stations led by John Paul II

Haas, David BK 264.0274

Days of Passion : Reflections on the Stations of the Cross O’Callaghan, Vic BK 264.0274

Everyman's way of the cross. Large print edition Enzler, Clarence BK 264.0274 ENZ

Following Jesus: A way of the Cross for children Halpin, Marlene BK 264.0274

From dusk to the dawn : the new way of the Cross Sumner, Claude BK 264.0274

Man of the Cross : The passion of Christ today Pasotti, Ezekiel BK 264.0274

Title Author Call No.

Praying and doing the Stations of the Cross with children Abajian, Diane BK 264.0274

Praying the Stations: a way of Reconciliation for teens. Rainone, Colleen D.

BK 264.0274

Spirit of Light : the Benedictine Sisters of Turvey Abbey [CDRom]

CDR 231.3

Stations for teens : meditations on the death and resurrection of Jesus

Egeberg, Gary BK 264.0274

Stations of the Cross Lovasik, Lawrence

BK 264.0274

The Stations of the Cross Radcliffe, Timothy BK 264.0274 RAD

Stations of the Cross : 24 images incorporating the 14 traditional stations [CD Rom]

CDR 264.0274

Stations of the Cross : Posters POS 264.0274

Stations of the Cross : World Youth Day, Sydney 2008 [DVD] DVD 264.0274

Stations of the Cross according to Saint Paul Witherup, Ronald D

BK 232.96

Stations of the Cross for children Will, Juianne POS 264.0274

Stations of the Cross for teenagers Costello, Gwen BK 264.0274

The Biblical way of the Cross Dubruiel, Michael BK 264.0274

The folly of God : The journey of the Cross : A path to light : the art and inspiration of Sieger Koder

Koder, Sieger BK 264.0274

The footsteps of Christ : journey to the Cross and beyond [poster set] and book

Pamphilon, Maureen

POS 264.0274

The week that opened forever : The passion of Christ in a different voice

O’Malley, William BK 232.96 OMA

The stations of the Cross O’Loughlin, Frank BK 264.0274

The Stations of the Cross : 16 full colour posters [kit] Dateno, Maria Grace

POS 264.0274

The Way of the Cross Houselander, Caryll

BK 264.0274

The Way of the Cross : Scriptural Stations used in Rome BK 264.0274

The Way of the Cross : Traditional Jerusalem Stations BK 264.0274

The Way of the Cross : With the Women of the Gospels BK 264.0274

The Way of the Cross [CD kit] Ondrla, Christine KIT 264.0274

The Way of the Cross [DVD] DVD 264.0274

The Way of the Cross for children Winkler, Jude BK 264.0274

The Way of the Cross for children : 15 laminated posters POS 264.0274

The Way of the Cross for children [CD kit] Freeburg, Paule KIT 264.0274

The way of the Cross in times of illness Mauro, Elizabeth Thecla

BK 232.96

Way of the Cross : Gateway to Resurrection Chittister, Joan BK 264.0274

Way of the Cross at the Colosseum Benedict XVI, Pope

BK 264.0274


Title Author Call No.

A Very Special Sunday Broadbent, Lynne BK 263.93

At Jerusalem's Gate : Poems Of Easter Grimes, Nikki BK 232.96

Celebrate Easter Heiligman, Deborah

BK 263.93

Colours Of Easter : A Visual Approach To The Easter Story Using Colour, Sound And Light

Dorton, Liz BK 268.6

Easter Sauvain, Philip BK 263.93

Easter – (For Tiny Tots) New! Rock, Lois PBK 232.96

Easter : The Everlasting Story Rock, Lois BK 263.93

Easter For Fifty Days Maxwell, Bernard J

BK 263.93

Holy Week And Easter (Big Book) Blythe, Catherine BK 263.92

Hosanna And Alleluia : Stories Of Holy Week And Easter [Big Book]

Strong, Dina BK 263.92

Igniting Sparks Of Reconciliation And Compassion : Prayer And Ritual For Staff Gatherings In Catholic Schools Today

Abbott, Margaret BK 264.02013

Lent And Easter : Wisdom From St Francis And St Clare Of Assisi

Kruse, John V BK 242.34

Lent And Easter Wisdom From G. K. Chesterton Chesterton, G K BK 242.34

Lent And Easter Wisdom From Henri J. M. Nouwen Bauer, Judy BK 242.34

Lent And Easter Wisdom From Pope John Paul II John Paul II, Pope

BK 242.34

Lent And Easter Wisdom From St Ignatius Of Loyola Ignatius Of Loyola, Saint

BK 242.34

Lent And Easter Wisdom From Thomas Merton Merton, Thomas BK 242.34

Lion Easter Favourites : Stories & Prayers For The Season Rock, Lois BK 263.93

My First Story Of Easter Dowley, Tim BK 263.93

On That Easter Morning Joslin, Mary BK 232.9

Sharing The Easter Faith With Children Brown, Carolyn BK 268.432

Stages On The Way : Worship Resources And Readings For Lent, Holy Week And Easter

Wild Goose Worship Group

BK 263.92

The Art Of Faith : A Lent & Easter Journey Through Duccio's Maesta

Beckett, Wendy BK 755.4

The Easter Story Amery, Heather PBK 232.96

The Easter Story Sully, Katherine PBK 232.96

The Easter Story Ganeri, Anita PBK 232.96

The Easter Story New! Piper, Sophie PBK 232.96

The Easter Story – Boardbook New! Pringry, Patricia PBK 232.96

The Easter Story New! Punter, Russell PBK 232.96

The Easter Story Rock, Lois PBK 263.93

The Easter Story Wildsmith, Brian PBK 232.96

The Easter Story (Big Book) Blythe, C PBK 263.92

The Easter Story : Something Wonderful [Big book] Bergt, Carolyn BK 263.93

The First Easter Piper, Sophie PBK 263.93

The Folly Of God : The Journey Of The Cross : A Path To Light : The Art And Inspiration Of Sieger Koder

Koder, Sieger BK 264.0274

Title Author Call No.

The Gospel Day By Day Through Easter : Gospel Reflections For The Easter Season

Moore, Brian BK 242.36

The Lent, Triduum, And Easter Answer Book Niemann, Paul J BK 263.92

The Resurrection Of Jesus And Other New Testament Stories Parker, Victoria BK 232.97

The Story Of Easter Doyle, Christopher

BK 263.93

The Story Of Easter Joslin, Mary BK 263.93

Celebrating Good News : Full Colour Images From Turvey Abbey [CD]

CD 231.3

Spirit Of Light : A CD-Rom Powerpoint Presentation, With 21 Images Depicting Themes From The Lent & Easter Season

Stephen, Mary CDR 231.3

Spirit Of Light : The Benedictine Sisters Of Turvey Abbey [CDRom]

CDR 231.3

An Easter Carol [DVD] DVD 263.93

Greatest Heroes And Legends Of The Bible : The Last Supper, Crucifixion And Resurrection [DVD]

DVD 232.96

The Animated Passion Trilogy [DVD Set] DVD 232.96

The Easter Promise [DVD] DVD 232.96

The First Easter [DVD] DVD 232.96

What are we Hoping For? Reflections on Lent & Easter New! Leonard, Richard BK 263.92

Worthy Is The Lamb : The Animated Stories From The New Testament [DVD]

DVD 232.96

Guided Meditations For Lent, Holy Week, Easter And Pentecost Ayer, Jane E KIT 242.34

Margaret McGuire Kit 2B Lent & Easter [Kit] 21 items KIT 263.92

Celebrate Easter With Colored Eggs, Flowers And Prayer [Picture Book]

Heiligman, Deborah

PBK 263.93

The Amazing Journey : Jesus, Creation, Death And Life [Picture Book]

Poole, Suzie PBK 232.9

The First Easter Frank, Penny PBK 263.93

What Are We Hoping For? presents contemporary,

insightful, and refreshing reflections that will assist the

reader in reflecting on the gospel stories throughout the

seasons of Lent and Easter.

The ref lections are also an excellent aid for homilists

seeking new ideas to relate these popular seasonal

readings to everyday life.



Title Author Call No.

Ascension and Pentecost (Big book) Blythe, Catherine BK 232.97

Deep within [CD kit]: music for liturgy, prayer, and adult and children's faith education

Morrow, Basil KIT 782.25

Good News for everyone Frank, Penny PBK 263.97

Grace to You : Leader's resource for use with children and young people : Lent to Pentecost (Year B) [CD set]

CD 263.92

Guided meditations for Lent, Holy Week, Easter and Pentecost Ayer, Jane E KIT 242.34

Igniting sparks of reconciliation and compassion : prayer and ritual for staff gatherings in Catholic schools today

Abbott, Margaret BK 264.02013

Jesus, our way [poster kit] The Benedictine Nuns of Turvey Abbey

POS 232.9

Pentecost [picture] POS 263.94

The Disciples of Emmaus [Poster] : Jesus, our way [poster kit] : No. 9

The Benedictine Nuns of Turvey Abbey

POS 232.9

This is the time : songs for seasons [CD kit] Mangan, Michael KIT 783.9

Transforming love, hope for the world : Lent to Pentecost program Year B (Adult groups) [CD kit]

KIT 263.92

Transforming love, hope for the world : Resource for primary-aged children Lent to Pentecost Year B [CD kit]

KIT 263.92

Who did you see? CD plus music sheet

Willcock, Christopher

CD 782.25

After Resurrection He Qi

The Art of He Qi

from the R.E. Database Most are suitable for teacher or student background.

Project Compassion Lent Calendar and resources Live your Lent with the Lenten calendar. The aim of this calendar is to deepen our spirituality this Lent by learning about Caritas Australia's work in six countries across the globe. Explore Project Compassion, meet inspiring people and reflect on the Lenten period through daily readings, prayers and social justice actions. Suitable for Primary and Secondary levels.

Universalis web site This site has been created, to give us all, wherever and whenever, the chance to participate in the universal prayer of the Church. In one click we can pause for a moment in our busy lives and contemplate what really matters. Phone apps now available. Suitable for years 9-10: 11-12

The Catholic Calendar Page An online, interactive calender with much access to a wide range of details about the liturgical year. Suitable for years R - 2: 3 - 4: 5 - 6: 7 - 8: 9-10: 11-12

Liturgical Calendar A monthly calendar outlining the feasts of the month with links to liturgical readings, background information, short biographies, and in some cases meditations and selected art work. Suitable for Primary and Secondary levels.

Passover on the Net This site gives you a good insight into the Jewish ways of celebrating the Passover. It gives the history, the music and some of the practices as well. There are also recipes since food plays an important part in the celebrations. Contains teaching and learning activities. Suitable for years 7 – 8

Daily reflection This site is maintained by the Collaborative Ministry Office at Creighton University - A Jesuit University in Nebraska in the United States. The site has various sections in it: some reflections for each day, reflections on the Sunday Reading, an online retreat, tips for prayer, Stations of the Cross ... Presumably designed for the students and staff at the University this would be also be useful for teachers. Suitable for years K - 2: 3 - 4: 5 - 6: 7 - 8: 9-10: 11-12

Liturgical songs database This database which is being continually upgraded allows the user to find liturgical music by composer/singer or title. Useful information about copyright associated with sacred music is attached. Suitable for years K - 2: 3 - 4: 5 - 6: 7 - 8: 9-10: 11-12

Resources for Sacramental Preparation

for parishes and families

Title Author GMD CallNumber

A new look at the sacraments Bausch, William J BK 265

Bread of Life : exploring the presence of Eucharist in our lives

Cameli, Louis J BK 264.36

Called gifted sent : The sacraments of Christian Initiation and the Triduum

Capra, Elio BK 265.1

Called gifted sent Journal : The sacraments of Christian Initiation and the Triduum : Baptismal candidate's companion

Capra, Elio BK 265.1

Celebrating Good News : full colour images from Turvey Abbey

CD 231.3

Celebrating initiation. Middle primary Horan, Kathy BK 234.16

Celebrating the signs of God's love : the sacraments Pennock, Michael BK 264.0208

Children with Disability and participation in Sacraments BK 265

Children's Meditations : Ignatian imaginative method [CD] Woodcock, Norma CD 248.3407

Cornerstones of faith : Reconciliation, Eucharist and Stewardship

Collins, Thomas Cardinal

BK 265

Drink from the Wells of the Church [DVD set] Cantalamessa, Raniero

DVD 282

Encountering Christ in the Sacraments : A primary source reader

Feduccia, Robert BK 265

Gateways to God : Celebrating the sacraments Hater, Robert J BK 265

Journeys of discovery : transitions, rites of passage, and the sacramental life of faith

Hater, Robert J BK 265

Learning links to the Sacraments of Initiation : Teacher resources for the religion classroom

Ryan, Maurice BK 268

Let The Children Come [DVD] DVD 265

Our Sacramental Life : living and worshiping in Christ Driedger, Patricia M. BK 265

Parents : You, your children and their Catholic Faith [DVD set]

Wells, David DVD 265

Sacrament : The Christian mysteries Main, John BK 265

Sacrament of Confirmation & Eucharist : preparation ideas for families

Ahearn, Bernadette BK 234.16

Sacramental celebrations : Origins and practices : Level 3/4 (Celebration and Prayer strand)

BK 268

Sacramental realism : a general theory of the sacraments O’Neill, Colman E BK 265

Sacramental resource kit : resources to support the Sacramental policy, Archdiocese of Brisbane

BK 234.16

Sacraments & sacramentality Cooke, Bernard BK 265

Sacraments : Past, present and future : Level 5/6 (Celebration and prayer strand)

BK 268

Sacraments and the lives of believers : Level1/2 (Celebration and Prayer strand)

BK 268

Sacraments of Initiation : A theology of Life, Word and Rite Walsh, Liam G BK 265.1

Title Author GMD CallNumber

Sacraments of Life, Life of the Sacraments Boff, Leonardo BK 234.16

SCM studyguide to the sacraments Thompson, Ross BK 265

Signatures of Grace : Catholic writers on the Sacraments Grady, Thomas BK 265

Symbol : our seeing, our touching : the Word who is life Oloughlin, Frank BK 264.0209

Symbols, signs and sacraments Crotty, Robert BK 264

The Catholic Sacraments Martos, Joseph BK 265

The Church speaks about sacraments with children Searle, Mark BK 265

The future of the Sacrament of Penance O'Loughlin, Frank BK 264.02086

The meaning of the sacraments Hellwig, Monika K BK 265

The mystery of Faith : an introduction to Catholicism [DVD] Himes, Michael J DVD 282.09

The Parish companion to the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults : A commentary : Models for adapting the rites : A challenge to the local Church

Wade, Terry (Ed) BK 265.13

The policy for the initiation of children into the Catholic Church in the Archdiocese of Adelaide

Archdiocese Of Adelaide. Diocesan Liturgical Commission

BK 265

The sacraments : seven stories of growth Martos, Joseph BK 265

The Sacraments in Scripture Binz, Stephen J BK 265

The Sacraments of Christian initiation [poster] POS 265

The source of life : Exploring the mystery of the Eucharist Schonborn, Christopher

BK 264.36

See also: Exploring the sacraments : appreciating God’s Presence by Fr Anthony Kain

Sacraments of Initiation for Children and Infants in the

Catholic Church in the Archdiocese of Adelaide. Partnerships in Sacramental Catechesis : The pastoral

framework for the sacramental catechesis of children.

This is the new guide for those preparing children for Sacraments

of Initiation.

e-Copies available online at Family and Parish Based Catechesis Office

found at:

This Pastoral Framework is a guide for those preparing children for the Sacraments of Initiation. It is designed to

complement the theological understanding found within the sacraments of Initiation policy 2014. The Framework

provides examples of best practice through different models. The spirit of the Framework is one of welcoming

and hospitality whilst strengthening the partnerships between families, parishes and schools.

Title Author GMD CallNumber

A child's journey : the Christian initiation of children Senseman, Rita Burns

BK 265.1

Directives for the celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation

Archdiocese of Adelaide

BK 265.2

Guide for Sponsors Lewinski, Ron BK 264.020813

Issues in the Christian initiation of children : catechesis and liturgy

Brown, Kathy ed. BK 264.020812

Leader's Kit : the Christian Initiation of children : parent session A, 2 and 3

KIT 265.1

Partnerships in Sacramental Catechesis : The pastoral framework for the sacramental catechesis of children

BK 265

Preparing the rites of initiation : with adults and children of catechetical age

CORCORAN, Bill BK 264.020813

Sacraments of Initiation for Children and Infants in the Catholic Church in the Archdiocese of Adelaide

BK 265

Sophie wonders about Anointing [Picture book] Bradley, Debby PBK 265.7

Sophie wonders about Baptism [Picture book] Bradley, Debby PBK 265.5

Sophie wonders about Confirmation [Picture book] Bradley, Debby PBK 265

Sophie wonders about Marriage [Picture book] Bradley, Debby PBK 265.5

Sophie wonders about Reconciliation [Picture book] Bradley, Debby PBK 265.6

The Catechumenate Answer Book TURNER, Paul BK 264.O20813

The Christian Initiation of the Young Capra, Elio BK 264.020813

The Christian Sacraments of initiation : Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist

Osborne, Kenan B BK 265.1

Welcoming the New Catholic Lewinski, Ron BK 264.020813

Title Author GMD CallNumber

25 Questions about the Sacraments Miller, Les BK 264.0208

70 sacrament starters for children and those who teach them

Mathson, Patricia BK 265

A Child's First Communion : and so much more [DVD] Kempf, Joe DVD 264.36

And with your Spirit : Songs for deepening children's understanding of the Mass [CD Kit]

Burland, John KIT 782.25

Becoming Catholic : a parent's guide to Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist & Reconciliation

Horan, Kathy BK 234.16

Becoming Catholic : a parent's guide to Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist & Reconciliation [complete kit : posters, CD and parent’s guide]

Horan, Kathy KIT 234.16

Becoming Catholic : Baptism & Confirmation : a Sacraments Big Book [with CD]

Horan, Kathy PBK 234.16

Celebrating Confirmation before First Communion : a resource kit for restoring the order of the initiation sacraments

Henchal, Michael BK 265

Title Author GMD CallNumber

Celebrating initiation [kit] Horan, Kathy KIT 234.16

Celebrating the signs of God's love : the sacraments. Teacher manual

Pennock, Michael BK 264.0208

Confirmed in the faith : a Catholic Confirmation Course Nash, Dora BK 265

First Holy Communion and Reconciliation : Parent's Course : a CaFE Resource [DVD kit]

DVD 264.36

Forgiveness: Family handbook BK 265.6

Forming the Assembly to celebrate Sacraments Mick, Lawrence E BK 234.16

Growing in God [CD kit] Kearney, Peter BK 782.25

How to understand the sacraments Beguerie, Philippe BK 265

I Belong : Confirmation : Leaders' guide BK 265

I Belong : Leaders' guide and Parents’ guide BK 265

I Belong : Special : preparing for my First Holy Communion BK 265

Living initiation Horan, Kathy KIT 234.16

Living the Sacraments : water and the spirit fill us with the power of the Resurrection [poster kit]

POS 265

Partnerships in Sacramental Catechesis : The pastoral framework for the sacramental catechesis of children

BK 265

Preparing for initiation : junior primary Horan, Kathy BK 234.16

Preparing to receive the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist (Catechist book and Student book)

BK 264.36

Sacramental Resource Kit [CD kit] KIT 234.16

Sacraments : a new understanding for a new generation Noll, Ray R. BK 265

Sacraments alive: their history, celebration and significance.

Degidio, Sandra BK 234.16

Sacraments of healing. Teacher's manual Ryan, Maurice BK 234.16

Sacraments of Initiation for Children and Infants in the Catholic Church in the Archdiocese of Adelaide

BK 265

Scripture, Sacraments, Spirituality Winstanley, Michael T.

BK 265

Signs of God's love [Poster set] Duke, Sarah POS 291.37

Sophie wonders about Anointing [Picture book] Bradley, Debby PBK 265.7

Sophie wonders about Baptism [Picture book] Bradley, Debby PBK 265.5

Sophie wonders about Confirmation [Picture book] Bradley, Debby PBK 265

Sophie wonders about Marriage [Picture book] Bradley, Debby PBK 265.5

Sophie wonders about Reconciliation [Picture book] Bradley, Debby PBK 265.6

Teaching manual for Celebrating sacraments Stoutzenberger, Joseph

BK 264.0208

Teaching sacraments Smith, Patricia BK 265

Teaching sacraments and seasons : reflections, prayers & activities

Schneider, M Valerie BK 265

The ABC's of the Sacraments...for children O”Connor, Francine M

BK 265

The Celebrating Church : Called By Name [DVD][Includes Lesson Notes]

DVD 265

The Celebrating Church : It All Begins With Jesus [DVD] [Includes Lesson Notes]

DVD 265

Title Author GMD CallNumber

The Celebrating Church : Life In The Spirit [DVD] [Includes Lesson Notes]

DVD 265

The Celebrating Church : Sign Symbol & Sacrament [DVD] [Includes Lesson Notes]

DVD 265

The Church speaks about sacraments with children Searle, Mark BK 265

The sacraments : great signs of the love of Jesus Biader, Gabriella BK 265

The seven sacraments : Baptism, Reconciliation, Eucharist, Confirmation, Matrimony, Anointing of the sick, Holy Orders

Fearon, Mary BK 265

The woman and the wheat [Picture book] Meyer, Jane G PBK 264.02036

Total Catechesis : catechetical sessions on Liturgy and the Sacraments

Brown, Therese BK 264.02

What you will see inside a Catholic Church Keane, Michael PBK 264.02036

Title Author GMD CallNumber

Becoming Catholic : Baptism & Confirmation : a Sacraments Big Book [with CD]

Horan, Kathy PBK 234.16

Baptism, Confirmation & liturgies for the Journey: Creative ideas for pastoral liturgy New!

Bri BK 265.1

Becoming Catholic : Confirmation : A practical guide for families

Horan, Kathy BK 265.2

Called to Life: A Confirmation programme to today’s young catholics New!

Cas BK 265.2

Celebrating Confirmation before First Communion : a resource kit for restoring the order of the initiation sacraments

Henchal, Michael BK 265

Celebrating Our Faith : Confirmation Hanrahan, Margaret BK 264.02082

Confirmation : A commitment to life [DVD] DVD 265.2

Confirmation : a practical workbook for parents and children

Horan, Kathy BK 265.2

Confirmation: How a sacrament of God’s Grace became all about us New!

Gab Bk 265.2

Confirmation : origins and reform Kavanagh, Aidan BK 265.2

Confirmed in the faith : a Catholic Confirmation Course Nash, Dora BK 265

Directives for the celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation

Archdiocese Of Adelaide

BK 265.2

Growing with the Spirit Trainor, Michael BK 264.02082

I Belong : Confirmation : Leaders' guide BK 265

I Belong : Confirmation : Parents guide BK 265

I Will send the Holy Spirit (DVD) New! Pow DVD 265.2

Preparing to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation (Catechist book and Student book)

BK 265.2

Preparing your child for Confirmation : Practical pointers, Scripture & more

BK 265.2

Sacrament of Confirmation & Eucharist : preparation ideas for families

Ahearn, Bernadette BK 234.16

Sacrament of Confirmation [DVD] DVD 265.2

Title Author GMD CallNumber

Sacramental Resource Kit [CD kit] KIT 234.16

Sacraments of Confirmation & Eucharist : preparation ideas for families

Ahearn, Bernadette BK 234.16

Send out your Spirit : a confirmation candidate's handbook for faith

Amodei, Michael BK 265

Sharing God's spirit : preparation for confirmation of students with intellectual disability

O’Shannessy, Mary BK 234.162

Sophie wonders about Confirmation [Picture book] Bradley, Debby PBK 265

Spirit & Truth : A self-guided Scripture study for Confirmation and beyond : A candidate resource

Carotta, Michael BK 265.2

Take the plunge: living baptism & confirmation New! Rad BK 261.1

What you will see inside a Catholic Church Keane, Michael PBK 264.02036

With you by my side Volume 2 : Confirmation [CD kit] Haas, David KIT 782.25

Youcat : Confirmation Book Meuser, Bernhard BK 265.2

Title Author GMD CallNumber

101 Questions & answers on the Sacraments of Healing : Penance and Anointing of the Sick

Keller, Paul Jerome BK 264.02086

7 Secrets of Confession Flynn, Vinny BK 234.5

A fresh look at confession...why it really is good for the soul

Knight, David M BK 234.5

A hunger for reconciliation in society and the church Moore, Gerard BK 234.5

Becoming human Vanier, Jean BK 248.4

Come to me : The gift of reconciliation : A lively and inspiring look at Jesus and His gift of Forgiveness in the Sacrament of Reconciliation [DVD kit]

DVD 265.6

Confession : Looking into the eyes of God Farren, Paul BK 234.5

Facing forgiveness : a Catholic's guide to letting go of anger and welcoming reconciliation

Sofield, Loughlan BK 265.6

How to go to confession when you don’t know how Leblanc, Ann BK 264.02086

Learning links to the Sacraments of Healing : Teacher resources for the Religion classroom

Ryan, Maurice BK 268

Lord Have Mercy : the healing power of Confession Hahn, Scott BK 234.166

Meeting Jesus in the Sacraments New! BK 234.16

Penance celebrations BK 265.6

Penitential services Crilly, Oliver BK 264

Title Author GMD CallNumber

Preparing to make peace Trainor, Michael BK 264.02086

Reconciliation Morneau, Robert F BK 234.166

Reconciliation : Sacrament with a future Degidio, Sandra BK 265.6

Reconciliation services Neary, Donal BK 265.6

Reconciling Buckley, Francis J. BK 265.6

Sacramental resource kit : resources to support the Sacramental policy, Archdiocese of Brisbane

BK 234.16

Sacraments [DVD] Cronin, Gaynel DVD 265

Sacraments of healing Gower, Christopher BK 265

Sinfulness and reconciliation BK 234.166

Sinfulness and reconciliation. Teacher guide BK 234.166

The future of the Sacrament of Penance O'Loughlin, Frank BK 264.02086

The God who Reconciles [DVD] DVD 265.6

The Sacraments : Penance [DVD] DVD 265.6

Welcome home : a prayerful reflection on the sacrament of reconciliation

McGowan, Phelim BK 234.5

Why Rites of Reconciliation Matter Moore, Gerard BK 234.5

You Are Forgiven [DVD] DVD 265.6

Title Author GMD CallNumber

A Child's First Communion : and so much more [DVD] Kempf, Joe DVD 264.36

A place at the table : preparation ideas for families of children preparing for First Holy Communion

BK 264.36

Become one Body, one Spirit in Christ : deepening the understanding of the Eucharist in our lives [DVD]

DVD 264.36

Becoming Catholic : Eucharist : A practical guide for families Horan, Kathy BK 264.36

Becoming Catholic : Reconciliation & Eucharist : a Sacraments Big Book [with CD]

Horan, Kathy PBK 234.16

Believe, celebrate, live the Eucharist : A program for study and reflection [with CDRom]

BK 264.36

Bread and wine : new life poster Stephen, Mary POS 264.36

Brother Francis presents the Bread of Life : Celebrating the Eucharist [DVD]

DVD 264.36

Called to his supper : A preparation for first Eucharist Leichner, Jeannine Timko

BK 264.36

Celebrating Our Faith : Eucharist Osterholt, Jane Marie

BK 264.36

Title Author GMD CallNumber

Don't drink the holy water! Big Al and Annie go to Mass Kempf, Joe PBK 264.02036

Embracing the Vision : Sacramental catechesis for First Reconciliation and First Communion

Gaupin, Linda L BK 265.6

Eucharist : a practical workbook for parents and children Horan, Kathy BK 264.36

Eucharist and the Mass White, Joseph D BK 264.36

Eucharist as touchstone Rohr, Richard CD 264.36

Eucharist in the Catholic tradition [DVD] DVD 264.36

Eucharist! : an eight-session ritual-catechesis experience for adults

Jorgensen, Susan S BK 264.02036

First Holy Communion and Reconciliation : Parent's Course : a CaFE Resource [DVD kit]

DVD 264.36

Guide for celebrating First Communion New! BK 263.36

I Belong : Leaders' guide / Parents guide BK 265

I Belong : Special : preparing for my First Holy Communion BK 265

Learning Centers for First Reconciliation, First Eucharist and the whole community

Murphy, Doris BK 265.6

My First Communion [Picture book] Burrin, Angela M PBK 264.36

Preparing to receive the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist Catechist book and Student book

BK 264.36

Remember & recognize : understanding Catholic Eucharist [DVD]

DVD 264.36

Sacrament of Confirmation & Eucharist : preparation ideas for families

Ahearn, Bernadette BK 234.16

Serve God with gladness : a manual for servers. Children's edition

Philippart, David BK 264.36

Sharing God's love : preparation for the Eucharist of students with intellectual disability

O’Shannessy, Mary BK 264.02036

Sophie wonders about Eucharist [Picture book] Bradley, Debby PBK 264.36

The Eucharist : A Bible study guide for Catholics Pacwa, Mitch BK 264.36

This is my Body : experiencing the power of the Mass : a CaFE resource [DVD kit]

DVD 264.02036

Catholic Resource & Information Service Selected

Resources on Indigenous Peoples – Stories – Picture Books

The Bridge towards Reconciliation


305.89915 THE [BOARDGAME]

Find out just how much Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander history

you know. Have lots of fun and learn more about our Aboriginal

& Torres Strait Islander people and their shared past. The

Bridge Towards Reconciliation “The Game” is a learning tool

designed to assist participants understand:

Discrimination and oppression, in its many forms, experienced by Australian Indigenous Peoples

Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Peoples experiences from colonization to current times

The significant contribution of Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Peoples to Australian Society

The Bridge Towards Reconciliation “The Game” is non-competitive and requires everyone to work

together. It provides valuable information in the areas of law, sport, art & culture, history, politics and

general knowledge. It will help increase understanding and awareness and contribute towards our

objective of Reconciliation

Remembering Lionsville

by BANCROFT, Bronwyn c2013

823.3 BAN (Picture Book)

This story is about my family’s life in Lionsville, nextled in the valley of the

Washpool and Ewingar Forests. It is a story of Aboriginal and non-

Aboriginal people existing in support of each other.

You and Me: Our Place

By NORRINGTON, Leonie C2007

823.4 NOR (Picture Book)

At the edge of a northern Australian city where river and mangroves meet

the sea, two young boys join Uncle Tobias on the beach for a day of

fishing and hunting. They listen eagerly to his stories about the old day.

All the marine creature mentioned in this book are used as food by

Indigenous people. They include ‘Longbum’ ‘Pipi’, ‘Mangrove worm’ and

‘Skinnyfish’. Traditional ecological knowledge.

Bilby and the Bushfire

by CRAWFORD, Joanne c2007

823.4 CRA (Picture Book)

Dark clouds were gathering in the sky above the bushland where Bibly and his

friends lived. It had been a hot and wind day, and a storm was brewing.

Suddenly, a flash of lightning shot across the sky and there was the crash of a

thunderclap, as if a thousand drums were beating above the clouds. Boom!

Boom! Boom!

Kick with My Left Foot

by SEDEN, Paul c2014

823.3 SED (Picture Book)

This book was produced through the Emerging Indigenous Picture Book

Mentoring Project.

A cheerful, energetic story about a young boy playing Australia’s favourite game.

Stolen Girl

by SAFFIOTI, Trina c2015

823.3 SAF (Picture Book)

With a deep breath, she turns the key in the lock. The door swings open and

she takes her first step towards home. And so comes a glimmer of hope for a

young girl taken from all she knows and loves.

Trina’s maternal grandmother was taken away from her family when she was

very young. Stolen Girl is a fictional story based on what might have happened

to her grandmother.

MALU KANGAROO: How the first children learnt to surfby

MORECROFT, Judith c2008

823.3 MOR (Picture Book)

MALU-Kangaroo is a modern story that tells how people first learnt to surf. This

poignant tale weaves together the past and present to create an evocative

narrative for our time.

“I will show you how to play with the ocean,” said Malu-Kangaroo.

He took some wood and he worked it, and he shaped it and rubbed it and

smoothed it, and the floated it upon the water…


by SPILLMAN, David c2001

823.4 SPI (Picture Book)

The Yellow-eye fish were becoming scarce. Neither the

Impatjara Aboriginal community nor the Newmob white

community could find the answer to this serious problem

alone. This is a story about communication; the ways

different cultures approach problems and how they view the


‘Tapatjatjaka Community Government Council of Titjikala,

Northern Territory, Australia, endorses this story as a positive and worthwhile

contribution towards intercultural understanding and reconciliation’.


by GERMEIN, Katrina c2003

823.3 GER (Picture Book)

Saying goodbye is never easy – but there is joy in the giving and receiving of presents

that are truly loved. Gloria gives a live turtle that her family had kept in the shower. Maria

gives her very own dress.

‘Illustrator Bronwyn Bancroft sources of inspiration for the illustrations in this book are

her deep feelings of kinship and spirituality with the earth, which are symbolised by the

diamond motif, an expression of her belief that the earth offers many precious things

that should not be exploited’.

Whitefellers are life Traffic Lights

by READE, Harry

303.385 REA (Picture Book)

The well-known playwright (Harry Reade) turns his hand to narrative verse in this tale of

two little boys who discover that different colour skin is no bar to friendship. Striking colour

illustrations also by the author.

Written with humour and gentle irony, Harry Reade achieves his aim of making people


Jirrbal: Rainforest Dreamtime Stories

by BAROW, Maise (Yallcali)

398.2099 BAR c2002

Jirrbal Rainforest Dreamtime Stories are witty and wise moral fables from

the tablelands of Northern Queensland. They are traditional, as told to

generations of young people for thousands of years.

The animal characters have been brought to life in breathtaking simplicity,

full of lively personality and charm by illustrator, Michael (Boiyool) Anning.

Suitable for reader 6-10 years but a treat for all ages.


Selected New Resources

Riley Unlikely: With Simple

Childlike Faith, Amazing things can Happen

by: BANKS-SNYDER, Riley 266.2 BAN This is the story of how God took a thirteen-year-old girl and transformed her into a nineteen-year old missionary. It is the story of how he can take seemingly mismatched parts and fit them together brilliantly. It is the story of how he can change our lives & dramatically shift our dreams.

Energy, Justice and Peace: A Reflection on Energy in the Current Context of Development & Environmental Protection By: Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace 241.6910994 Anyone interested in the relationship of Christian ethics to environmental issues will find this book a resource for information, as well as a meditation on this subject

Faith: Practices, Models, and Sources of the Spirit

by: KASPER, Walter 248.84 KAS Here is pastoral wisdom from one of today’s most influential theologians. Writing for the general reader, Kasper provides spiritual guidance that can sustain and empower readers through life. Faith is a celebration of each individual’s relationship with God and with Jesus.

Act Justly, Love Tenderly: Lifelong

Lessons in Conscience and Calling

by: NEAFSEY, John 248.4 NEA A remarkable book that is prophetic in its own way. A must read, reminding us that our call, our vocation, is first of all a response to the Word of God in Scripture & in our history with the poor & those who seek justice.

The Root of War is Fear: Thomas Merton’s advice to Peacemakers


271.12502 Merton’s witness for peace is more urgent than ever in a world becoming rapidly more insane and feverishly impatient. A book of enormous richness and serious challenge. Here is one of the best tributes honouring Merton as a contemplative peacemaker, written by someone who is himself ‘living text’ on non-violence.

Personal Transformation and a New Creation: The

Spiritual Revolution of Beatrice Bruteau

Edited by: DELIO, Ilia 230 DEL “Dr. Bruteau is a philosopher of great measure whose work should be required reading for all who seek the deepest truth about themselves.”

The Tripersonal GOD: Understanding and Interpreting the Trinity 2nd Edition Revised

by: O’COLLINS, Gerald, S.J. 231.044 OCO Since this book was first written & published many political, economic, cultural & religious changes have impinged on and affected the “theory & practice” of Trinitarian faith. On the one hand, the urgent need for effective dialogue with Islam, motivates more than ever the task of clarifying belief in the tripersonal God & showing how belief in three divine persons is not incompatible with monotheism.

The Beatitudes



226.9306 HUN Generations of Christians have had their understanding of their faith and the nature of the Christian life deepened by reflection and meditation on the Beatitudes guided by the great theologians of the church. Hunsigner has given us such guidance for our time. This book will surely find its way into the hands of pastors & congregants for generations to come. This book is a gem.

Care for Creation: A Cal for ecological conversion

by: Pope Francis

261.88 FRA Pope Francis skilfully deploys historic Christian theological themes to sound a warning about our reckless misuse of the priceless gift of creation. He also locates this crisis correctly within the context of an economic system blinded by growth, greed, and disdain for the many millions of people it leaves behind.

I Believe: The Promise of the Creed by: Pope Francis 238.11 FRA This creative new book gathers together, in one volume, Pope Francis’s thoughts on the various parts of the Apostles’ Creed. As a result, it offers what theologians call a ‘systematic’ look at his way of approaching Christian belief. It is vintage Francis: clear, concise, provocative, inspiring and always accessible.

Stars at Night: When Darkness unfolds as Light

by: D’ARCY, Paula

277.3 DAR Paula was only 27 when a drunk driver killed her husband and young daughter. But in the midst of her crushing despair, she discovered a presence within her that responded to her fearful cries for help. In this captivating new work Paula D’Arcy reaches through and beyond her own personal experience of loss to show how the enveloping dark-ness begins to lift, how night slowly becomes day again

The Vine and the Branches: Fruits of the Seven hill Mission

by: HEAD, Michael SJ

271.5309423 HEA It is about Sevenhill Cellars in the Clare Valley of South Australia, as well as the Jesuits and the mission at Sevenhill, which once extended for hundreds of kms and now reaches beyond Australia.

When Bad Things Happen to Good People

by: Kushner, Harold S. 296.3 KUS When Harold Kushner’s 3yr old son was diagnosed with a degenerative disease that meant the boy would only live until his early teens, he was faced with one of life’s most difficult questions. Why, God? This is not an abstract book about God and theology. This is a very personal book. Written by someone who believes in God and in the goodness of the world & was compelled by a personal tragedy to rethink everything he had been taught about God and God’s ways.

Blood and Earth: Modern Slavery, Ecocide, & the Secret to saving the World

by BALES, Kevin 306.3 BAL A powerful & captivating examination of two entwined global crises – environmental destruction and human trafficking – and an inspiring, bold plan for how we can solve them. The product of seven years of travel and research, ‘Blood and Earth’ brings us dramatic stories from the world’s most beautiful and tragic places.

If Only You Knew

by: ARTHUR, Jacy

920 ART A young girl growing up with cerebral palsy in the ‘real’ world. “I Started to put my life down in words a long time ago when I was in my early 20’s. The Purpose was to let people know that people with disabilities are real people, with real emotions and ambitions.”

If Only you Knew too

by: ARTHUR, Jacy

920 ART ‘This book continues on from where my first book left off. It looks at how I took on life’s challenges and WON! How I coped with living independently and getting a job.All positive and funny stories’.

The First Gift

by: HERNE, Ruth Logan

813.6 HER Five-year-old Cassis fends for herself while her father drinks himself into a stupor. But her isolation has not gone unnoticed as a northern Appalachian community works to rescue the neglected little girl. Kerry, her kindergarten teacher, sees her own tough upbringing in Cassie’s dire situation. As the stakes grow even higher each will face a true test of faith – and come face-to-face with indisputable evidence of God’s love.

Praying with your Whole Heart 261.27 MOS “This is a collection of four distinct but united voices on the subject of how to pray, and how to reach a deeper level of intimacy with God in your prayer life. In these pages, you will meet some of the most passionate Christians in the history of our faith: St Augustine of Hippo, St Catherine of Siena, an anonymous English monk of the 14th century, and Thomas Kempis.

Both Side of the Wardrobe

Edited by: Rob Fennell 823.912 FEN The beloved Chronicles of Narnia are only the ‘top layer’ of the rich treasure trove of C.S.Lewis’s writing. This brilliant Oxford don made a tremendous impact on contemporary Christian thought and has deeply influenced generations of followers of Jesus in the half-century since his death. The authors in this collection examine Lewis’s many contributions and reflect deeply on their significance for theology, spiritual imagination, and the challenge of Christian discipleship today.

Spiritual Writings 230.2 KAS “Walter Kasper, German bishop and theologian, has long been regarded as a vital expositor of the gospel & one of the leading voices of church renewal.” This volume reflects the major themes of Kasper’s long career. Given the breadth of his work, the selections her on God Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, the Church, Ecumenism, and Christian Hope represent a veritable introduction to the Christian Faith.

The Day the Revolution Began: Reconsidering the Meaning of Jesus’s Crucifixion

by: Kushner, Harold S. 232.96 WRI Renowed Bible scholar, Anglican bishop, (Simply Christian, Surprised by Hope) N.T. Wright thinks the church has reduced and distorted the central story at the heart of the Christian faith: the death of Jesus on the cross. He argues that the New Testament writers were talking about some-thing bigger, more dangerous, and altogether more explosive that we imagined. They were inviting us to join a revolution, one that began on a Friday afternoon on a hill out-side Jerusalem.

Culture By Eagleton, Terry 306 EAG Culture is a defining aspect of what it means to be human. Defining culture and pinpointing its role if our lives is not, however, so straightforward. Terry Eagleton, one of our foremost literary and cultural critics, is uniquely poised to take on the challenge. In this keenly analytical and acerbically funny book, he explores how culture and our conceptualisations of it have evolved over the last two centruies.

Being There: The Parables of Jesus in a Different Voice.

by: O’Malley, William J. 226.806 OMA “For those of us who love the Scriptures this is a masterpiece! I have come to expect the same from Bill O’Malley but how does he do it so often? He leaves you saying to yourself, ‘Why didn’t I think of that?’ because the answer is so common sense and brilliant.” Fr. Richard Rohr, O.F.M.

PRAYING: for Those with Addictions

by: Costa, Anne 226.806 OMA Sometimes they are our dearest loved ones. We often feel helpless in the face of their struggle, and yet our prayers are the best weapons we have to help them break free.

Meeting God in PAUL: Reflections for the Season of Lent

by: Williams, Rowan

227.06 WIL “Vintage Williams! This simple but profound introduction to Paul will be helpful at any time of year, but the final questions and Bible studies for reflection will greatly assist those wishing to read it during Lent.”

St. Dominic: The Story of a Preaching Friar

by: Goergen, Donald J

271.202 GOE ‘In this readable and informative biography, Donala Goergen dispels the misleading notion of this down-to-earth saint as severe and overly intellectual.

LENT and EASTER WISDOM: From Pope Francis

by: Cleary John

242.34 CLE “While Len might feel like it is only about our regrets, sufferings, and disappointments, Pope Francis tells us Len means much more. With great compassion and mercy, he helps us break free of despair. Here we find our greatest hope, lifting us up until the joy of Easter arrives Reflect on the powerful words of Pope Francis and the accompanying Scripture, prayer, and action every day of the Lenten and Easter season.

Mindfulness and Christian Spirituality: Making space for God

by: Stead, Tim

248 STE ‘A fascinating & insightful examination of the links between the Christian contemplative tradition and the stress-reducing mindfulness programme developed by Professor Mark Williams and others. I learned so much from reading this book and strongly recommend it.” Michael Mosley, award-winning BBC author, science journalist and presenter.

The Secret World of Drawings: A Jungian approach to Healing through ART.

by: Furth, Gregg M. 616.89 FUR The author’s clarity of vision and deep compassion for those in need – whether adult or child, has led him to offer this succinct explication of Jung’s ideas as they apply to the symbolism of imagery from the unconscious. Both the text and the many illustrations allow us to see how a healing path may be found through the expression of self in drawings and paintings

Be a Better Leader: Personality type and Difference in Ministry

by: Osborne, Graham

253 OSB ‘The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator has been used for many years to help individuals to understand themselves and others better. In this book, Osborne- an ordained minister explores the 16 types of Christian leader, using the MBTI typology.

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