Authentic Leadership: The Key to Successful Planned Giving Programs

Post on 22-Jan-2018

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Transcript of Authentic Leadership: The Key to Successful Planned Giving Programs

#CAGP16 @LeahEustace

Authentic Leadership: The Key to Successful Planned Giving Programs

Leah Eustace, MPhil, CFRE, ACFRE

Chief Idea Goddess

Good Works

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The Leadership Crisis

• Competition for donors and dollars

• Baby boomers reaching retirement age

• CEOs struggling to unify boards and staff

• Boards are confused about what their roles are

• Decreased donor trustConcord Leadership Group, Nonprofit Sector Leadership Report 2016

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Concord Leadership Group, Nonprofit Sector Leadership Report 2016

•49% of nonprofits are operating without any knowledge of or access to a strategic plan (and 62% of the ones that do, have plans that don’t include any mention of fundraising)

•25% of nonprofits say they don’t have a vision compelling enough to unify the board, staff and donors (and 62% of nonprofit leaders don’t even know how to create a vision)

•77% of nonprofits report not having a leadership transition plan or leadership training program

•42% of nonprofits don’t have any formal mechanisms in place to measure performance

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What is leadership?

Leadership is an influence relationship among leaders and followers who intend real changes and outcomes that reflect their shared purpose.




Personal responsibility and integrity


Shared purpose


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Management vs leadership


• Planning and budgeting

• Organizing and staffing

• Creating boundaries

• Acting as a boss

• Emotional distance

• Expert mind

• Insight into organization


• Creating vision and strategy

• Creating shared culture and values

• Reducing boundaries

• Acting as a coach, facilitator

• Emotional connections

• Open mind

• Insight into selfAdapted from “The Leadership Experience” by Richard L. Daft

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Who are authentic leaders?

“Authentic leaders have a deep sense of purpose for their leadership and are true to their core values. They are people of the highest integrity who are committed to building enduring organizations. Authentic leaders see themselves as stewards of the assets they inherit and servants of all their stakeholders. They lead with their hearts, not just their heads, yet they have the self discipline to produce consistently strong results.”

~ Bill George

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What’s your purpose?

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What are your core values?

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List your core values. Use your organization’s mission statement to list its core values. Do they match?

• Authenticity

• Achievement

• Adventure

• Authority

• Autonomy

• Balance

• Beauty

• Boldness

• Compassion

• Challenge

• Citizenship

• Community

• Competency

• Contribution

• Creativity

• Curiosity

• Determination

• Fairness

• Faith

• Fame

• Friendships

• Fun

• Growth

• Happiness

• Honesty

• Humor

• Influence

• Inner Harmony

• Justice

• Kindness

• Knowledge

• Leadership

• Learning

• Love

• Loyalty

• Responsibility

• Security

• Self-Respect

• Service

• Spirituality

• Stability

• Success

• Status

• Trustworthiness

• Wealth

• Wisdom

• Meaningful Work

• Openness

• Optimism

• Peace

• Pleasure

• Poise

• Popularity

• Recognition

• Religion

• Reputation

• Respect

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Act from the heart

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#CAGP16 @LeahEustace

Build trusting relationships

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•Be accessible

•Share your story

•Don’t use an info@... email address

•Build the relationship

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#CAGP16 @LeahEustace

Self-discipline at Good Works

• Being open and honest, even when it’s scary

• Holding true to our values, even when we might be worried about the financial impact

• Reminding ourselves it isn’t personal, even if we’re being yelled at

Every day of the week

#CAGP16 @LeahEustace

Authentic Leadership Questionnaire

Take five minutes to fill out the “Self” questionnaire (you can bring the “Rater” questionnaire home to give to someone who reports to or works with you)

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Each scale consists of these item numbers. Average the item value to get the raw score for the scale.

Transparency: 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5

Moral/Ethical: 6, 7, 8 & 9

Balanced Processing: 10, 11 & 12

Self Awareness: 13, 14, 15 & 16

#CAGP16 @LeahEustace

What it means

• Self Awareness: To what degree are you aware of your strengths, limitations, how others see you and how you impact others?

• Transparency: To what degree do you reinforce a level of openness with others that provides them with an opportunity to be forthcoming with their ideas, challenges and opinions?

• Ethical/Moral: To what degree do you set a high standard for moral and ethical conduct?

• Balanced Processing: To what degree do you solicit sufficient opinions and viewpoints prior to making important decisions in order to be seen as fair and just?

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Leading a balanced life

Creative Commons:

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Find your sweet spot

“I get to do what I like to do every single day of the year. I tap-dance to work, and when I get there, I think I’m supposed to lie on my back and paint the ceiling. It’s tremendous fun.~ Warren Buffett, CEO, Berkshire Hathaway

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The mission-driven organization

Mission-Driven Values-CentredOrganization

Motivated Employees

Product Innovation and Superior

Customer Service

Increased Customer Satisfaction

Revenue Growth Increases

Shareholder Value Increases

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#CAGP16 @LeahEustace

Culture of philanthropy

“A culture of philanthropy exists when everyone in the organization - staff, board members, volunteers --understands, believes in, embraces and acts on his or her roles and responsibilities in philanthropy in an investor-focused and co-ownership manner.”

~ Karen Osborne

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Build a Passionate Organization

• Let people show their emotions. If you ask your people to check their emotions at the door, you can’t tap into their passion.

• Hire passionate people. One way to get passionate people into your organization is to incentivize current employees to refer people they want to work with.

• Fan the flames. Find plenty of ways to celebrate joint accomplishments.

• Don’t stifle your rock stars. Give your people the autonomy to do the work that interests them most.

• Share context. Connect job functions to the organization’s broader mission, and remind people why they do what they do.

Source: Harvard Business Review

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#CAGP16 @LeahEustace


Leah Eustace, M.Phil. CFRE, ACFREChief Idea Goddess

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