Australia The land down under. Equal in size to continental United States. Equal in size to...

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Transcript of Australia The land down under. Equal in size to continental United States. Equal in size to...

AustraliaThe land down under

The land down under

Equal in size to continental United States.

Driest continent next to Antarctica.

Home to the Great Barrier Reef.

The history of Oz

First inhabitants were the Aborigines.

In 17th century Dutch, Portuguese, and Spanish ships found the continent.

British gained control in 1770, calling it New South Wales

In 1788 Great Brittan began moving criminals to Port Jackson (Sidney)

The history of Oz

Modern day Australia federated in 1901

Consists today of six states

Constitution similar to British Parliament with financial system similar to ours

Great Brittan still has some say in governing with Governor-General


population is 21,262,641

Predominately English speaking nation

92% Caucasian

Only 4% unemployment rate

Prime Minister is Kevin Rudd

Governor-General is Quentin Bryce


104 television stations

9.4 million internet hosts

15.3 million internet users

War on terror

Two terrorists attacks since September 11th

Sent 2,000 troops to Iraq.

Fun Facts

The first Australian settlers reportedly drank more than any community in the history of man kind (reportedly).

1500 different species of spiders.

150,000,000 sheep. Human population roughly 22 million.

No part of Australia is farther than 1000 km from the Ocean.

Australians from Queensland are “banana benders”

West Australians, “Sand gropers”


Work cited