Audience Feedback for Rough Cut

Post on 11-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Audience Feedback for Rough Cut

Audience Feedback for Rough CutBY JOE LEVER

I posted a tweet onto my Twitter page with a link to my rough cut on YouTube. I have 515 followers on Twitter and so this was a great platform to gain exposure and feedback; in the tweet I asked people to please direct message (DM) me and share the video. The tweet itself got 16 retweets and 24 likes, this enabled the video to get more exposure and it also showed that people liked my idea and my execution. The video for my rough cut has 135 views (at the time of writing) and I have received feedback from several of the people that have viewed the video as a result of posting the video onto YouTube and Twitter.

I received this feedback on social media; the feedback was extremely helpful and I used it to make changes to my rough cut in order to produce a final cut that would appeal to my target audience. In response to ‘jamiejaster’s YouTube comment, I include more complex and quicker editing through the use of jump cuts in order to thrill the viewer and showcase my editing ability. Moreover, I included more shots of the guitarist in my music video in response to Samantha’s feedback on Twitter, to ensure that there is an equal focus on him, as there is to the drummer as this created a more balanced band feel.

Class Feedback

I had also shown the music video to my peers in class and gained constructive criticism to improve my rough cut.

One student said: “your shots could be framed better so that the person in shot is the only focus of the shot”, in response, I used cropping and ken burns to ensure that there were no other focuses of my shot.

Another student commented: “you could really do with more shots/flashes of green in order to really connote that theme of jealousy” and so I added more shots that were filtered with a green filter.

An additional comment was that some of the shots were too long and so I shortened each shot so that it was only as long as the beat of the song and implemented quicker and complex editing to captivate and thrill the viewer – especially in sequences such as the chorus and solo which have a fast tempo.