Attire and Dressing Etiquette | Your Guide to Dress Code

Post on 16-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Attire and Dressing Etiquette | Your Guide to Dress Code


• According to the Vedas everything in the Universe is made up of 5 basic elements the Pancha Bhuta or Pancha Tatwa.

• Each of these elements have their own significance in shaping the characteristics of all the worldly beings.

• At Inspiria we understand this age old wisdom that the perfect blend of the five basic elements can create immense positive energy in a person.

• Keeping this in mind we have designed the attire in such a way that every colour coordinates with the five elements air, earth, water, fire and sky in perfect blend.

White symbolises air which signifies the sense ofbreath i.e. “Life”.

White is embodied as the canvas in which the other colours come to life.

White / Air

As water is the basic element to sustain life the colour blue symbolises water which signifies sustainability one of the key factors for success. This is what we aim at Inspiria.

Blue / Water

Yellow signifies the fire element which symbolises energy.

Energy is the most vital component to pursue any goal.

Yellow / Fire

The earth element which symbolises balance is represented by the colour grey.

A balanced mind and body is the base line for success.

Grey / Earth

Our emblem at the centre of the tie is significantly positioned at the Anahata Chakra known as the seed of love which is in place of the heart.

It is positioned in such a way that it connects with the feelings aspirations and emotions of the students. The five lines on the tie represents the five elements of the Universe.

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