Atocha Peñafiel Joselyn S3K

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Transcript of Atocha Peñafiel Joselyn S3K

University of Guayaquil

Race engineer in networkingTable of Contents


Homework lessons and exercises


English I Folder

Student: Joselyn Atocha Peafiel

Teacher: Carmen Lucero


Course Objectives

Learn the basics of technical English to can deal with the area.

Practice at home the examples in class to give a better understanding of the subject treated.

Conduct research to learn technical terms in English.

Delve into issues important to our career


Today more than ever it is essential to learn the English language.Every day is used more in almost all areas of knowledge and human development, English is the language of telecommunications.

Mission the career of engineering in networking and telecommunications

Being professional, logical thinking, social and humanistic with advanced knowledge of computer systems, in the area of computer networks and communication links, with the ability to contribute to economic development, social, technical and scientific of the country.

Vision the career of engineering in networking and telecommunications

In the next five years engineering career in networking, will be at the forefront of technological development of computer networks that are required to carry voice, data and images in a fast and safe. It allows its graduates to be innovative, efficient and productive in any work environment.

Last Name: AtochaFirst Name: JoselynMiddle Name: SugeyI studied level 1 in (year, month, day)The class was dynamic and interesting.

I hope to learnI hope to learn the most important of this language for example more words of vocabulary, to speak of a better way and to improve my pronuntation.

I want to be an engineer in NetworkingBecause is a technical career, is very interesting. I like the scope and telecommunications network.

English courses takenIn the school.Learning styleBasic vocabularySpeakingWritingReading

Preferred groupingNone.

ChallengesI would like to learn English because nowadays is an essential language.

What do you know about technical English?Very little, some words and vocabulary.

What language skills are you better at?Writing and very little reading.

Unit 1 Living in a digital age1. Match de picturesA computers have many applications in a great variety of fields. Look at these photographs of different situations and match them with texts 1 to 4 bellow.

1 computers can help students perform mathematical operations and solve difficult questions. They can be used to access the internet, teach courses such as computer-aided design, language learning, programming, mathematics, etc. Pcs (personal computers) are also used for administrative purpose: for example, schools use database and word processors to keep records of students, teachers and materials.

ListeningListen to the these people talking about how they use computers at work and write each speakers job in the table

SpeakerJobWhat they use computers for

1ComposerShe works on the keyboard connected to the computer


3Electrical engineerElectrical installation lighting systems

4LibrarianReports of the books

Now listen again and write what each speaker uses their computer for

ReadingA Write a list of as many uses of the computer, or computer applications, as you can think of.B now read the text bellow and underline any applications that are not in your list.

What can computers do?Computers and microchips have become part of our everyday lives: we visit shops and offices which have been designed with the help of computers, we read magazines which have been produced on computer, we pay bills prepared by computers. Just picking up a telephone and dialling a number involves the use of a sophisticated computer system, as does making a flight reservation or bank transaction.We encounter daily many computers that spring to life the instant they're switched on (e.g. calculators, the car's electronic ignition, the timer in the microwave, or the programmer inside the TV set), all of which use chip technology. What makes your computer such a miraculous device? Each time you turn it on, it is atabula rasa that, with appropriate hardware and software, is capable of doing anything you ask. It is a calculating machine that speeds up financial calculations. It is an electronic filing cabinet which manages large collections of data such as customers' lists, accounts, or inventories. It is a magical typewriter that allows you to type and print any kind of document letters, memos or legal documents. It is a personal communicator that enables you to interact with other computers and with people around the world. If you like gadgets and electronic entertainment, you can even use your PC to relax with computer games.

Other applicationsA in small groups, choose one of the areas in the diagram below and discuss what computers can do in this area.

Useful wordsFormula 1: racing car, car body, design, mechanical parts, electronic components, engine speed.Entertainment: game, music, animated image, multimedia, encyclopedia.Factories: machinery, robot, production line, computer-aided, manufacturing, software.Hospitals: patients, medical personnel, database program, records, scanner, diagnose, disease, robot, surgery.

Useful constructionsComputers are used toA pc can also be used forComputers can access to..

B now write a short paragraph summarizing your discussion. Then ask one person from your group to give a summary of the groups ideas to the rest of the class.Examples:In business, computers are used for financial planning; accounting and specific calculations.In the office, computers are used to write letters and e-mails, and keep records of clients, suppliers and employees.

Reflection Wheel JournalEventUnit 1 is covered topics such as applications, use and importance of computers and the present simple passive.

Feelings Informed Interesting easy

ThoughtsI found it interesting, easy and important to know more about the applications and the areas in which computer use is very importantLearnings: Step 1: Assumption To see the unity I felt related to the topic because it is in the area which I am developing.Step 2: ReflectionMy expectations about the unit were correct because the issue was related to what I supposed.Application: Step 1: Personal GrowthI learned to help me get a better projection of the importance of computers in student and professional sphere.Step 2: Professional PracticeDeveloping myself an effective way in the area in which I am playing.Unit 2 Computer essentialsComputer HardwareIn pairs, discuss these questions1. Have you got a computer at home, school or work? What kind is it?2. How often do you use it? What do you use it for?3. What are the main components and features of your computer system?

In pairs, label the elements of this computer systemRead these advertising slogans and say which computer element each pair refers to

Find words in the slogans with the following meanings.1. To press the mouse button click2. Clear; easy to see sharp3. To make an extra copy of something back up your data4. Selection range of colours5. Shows displays your ideas

What is a computer?Read the text and then explain fig 1 in your own wordsMatch these words from the text (1-9) with the correct meanings (a-i)Different types of computerListen to an extract from an ICT class. As you listen, label the pictures (a-e) with words from the box.

Desktop pc tablet pc laptop

Mainframe PDA

Listen again and decide whether these sentences are true or false. Correct the false ones.Language work:ClassifyingLook at the help box and then use suitable classifying expressions to complete these sentences.

1. A computer consist of have include hardware and software.2. Peripherals one classified into three types input, output and storage devices.3. A word processing program includes software which lets the user create and edit text.4. They are two types of network architecture; peer-to-peer, where all computers have the same capabilities and client server (e.g. the internet), where servers store and distribute data, and clients access this data.

Benefits of laptops and tablet PcsYour school is considering buying tablet Pcs to use in the classroom. Write an email to your teacher explaining the benefits for the students and the school.OrYour company is considering replacing all of the office pcs with laptops. Write an email to your boss explaining the benefits for the employees and the company.

Task summary of the peripheral

Computer peripheral can be classified into 3 main categories:Input devices: is a device used to provide data and control signals to the central processing unit of a computer (CPU) for example: mouse, keyboard, and camera.

Output device: show the user the result of the operations performed or processed by the computer for example: monitor, printer.

Storage media: they are also known as peripheral input/output. These devices can make entry and exit information. They are responsible for saving or save the data so they can be processed. For example magnetic e.g. hardware, optical, DVD, flash memory, pen drive.

Reflection Wheel JournalEventIn unit 2 topics such as the elements and types of computer and its peripherals.Feelings Informed Interesting easy

ThoughtsI found it interesting and easy because they are basic themes of computation which I am associated.

Learnings: Step 1: Assumption Supposed it would be easy because of the basics would treat computer.Step 2: ReflectionMy expectations about the unit were correct because the issue was related to what I supposed.Application: Step 1: Personal GrowthI learned to help me get a better projection of theImportance of computers in student and professional sphere.Step 2: Professional PracticeDeveloping myself an effective way in the area in which I am playing.

Unit 3 Inside the system

Technical specificationsRead the advertisement and translate the technical specifications into your own language.

In pairs, answer these questions. If necessary, look at the glossary.1. What is the main function of a computers processor? To process the instructions provided by the software it also coordinates the activities of the other units2. What unit of frequency is used to measure processor speed? The gigahertz3. What does RAM stand for? Random access memory

What is inside a PC system?Read the text on page 12 and then answer these questions.1. What are the main parts of the CPU? Peripherals, memory ram, rom, motherboard.2. What does ALU stand for? What does it do? Arithmetic logic unit3. What is the function of the system clock? Sends out signals at fixed intervals to measure and synchronize the flow of data4. How much is one gigahertz? One thousand million hertz5. What type of memory is temporary? Ram6. What type of memory is permanent and includes instructions needed by the CPU? Rom7. How can RAM be increased? 4giga8. What term is used to refer to the main printed circuit board? Motherboard9. What is a bus? Electrical channels which allow devices inside the computer to communicate with each other.10. What is the benefit of having expansion slots? User to install expansion cards, adding features like sound, memory and network capabilities.

Look at these extracts from the text. What do the words in bold refer to?1. CPU This is built into a single chip.(line 2) 2. A single Chip which executes program instructions and coordinates.(line 3)3. The instruction that is being executed. (line 22)4. The computers Performance of a computer is partly determined by the speed of its processor. (line 25)5. A program the CPU looks for it on the hard disk. (line 35)6. Devices inside the computer to communicate with each other (line 52)

Language work:Defining relative clauses

Look at the help box and then complete the sentences below with suitable relative pronouns. Give alternative options if possible. Put brackets round the relative pronouns you can leave out.1. Thats the computer which/that Id like to buy.2. Core 2 Duo is a new Intel processor which/that contains about 291 million transistors.3. A webmaster is a person who/that designs, develops and maintains a website.4. A bus is an electronic pathway which/that carries signals between computer devices.5. Heres the DVD which/that you lent me!6. Last night I met someone who/that works for GM as a software engineer.

How memory is measuredRead the text and then answer these questions.1. How many digits does a binary system use? 0 and 12. What is a bit? Each 0 or 1 is called a binary digit, or bit.3. What is a collection of eight bits called? Byte.4. What does ASCII stand for? American standard code for information interchange.5. What is the purpose of ASCII? To provide a standard system for the representation of 6. characters

Complete these descriptions with the correct unit of memory.1. A terabyte is about one trillion bytes about as much text as the books and magazines in a huge library.2. A megabyte is about one million bytes about as much text as 300-page novel.3. A kilobyte is about one thousand bytes equivalent to one sheet of A4.4. A gigabyte is about one billion bytes about as much text as 1.000 books.5. A byte can store a single character, such as the letter h or number 7

A PC SystemComplete this diagram of a PC system. Look at units 1, 2 and 3 to help you.

In pairs, compare your answer.

Listen to a teacher explaining the diagram to her class and check your answer.

Your ideal computer systemMake notes about the features of the computer that you would most like to have. Think about the features in the box.In pairs, describe your ideal computer system. Give reasons for your choices.

Reflection Wheel JournalEventIn Unit 3 topics such as the technical specifications of a computer and the inside a pc system.Feelings Informed Confused Difficult

ThoughtsI felt a little confused because I did not understand some words for me were new.

Learnings: Step 1: Assumption Supposed that it was difficult for his vocabulary and structure.Step 2: ReflectionMy expectations were right on the unit because I complicate a bit in the vocabulary had new words to me.Application: Step 1: Personal GrowthI learned to help me get a better projection of the importance of computers in student and professional sphere.Step 2: Professional PracticeDeveloping myself an effective way in the area in which I am playing.Reading: Computers in everyday lifeTask 5 tick ( ) the computer uses mentioned in the following article. Home art Hospital banking Engineering libraries Shopping film-making Television advertising schools

Computers are part of our everyday lives. They have an effect on almost everything you do. When you buy groceries at a supermarket a computer is used with laser and barcode technology to scan the price of each item and present a total. Barcoding items (clothes, food, and books) requires a computer to generate the barcode labels and maintain the inventory. Most television advertisements and many films use graphics produced by a computer. In hospitals, bedside terminals connected to the hospitals main computer allow doctors to type in orders for blood tests and to schedule operations. Banks use computers to look after their customers money. In libraries and bookshops, computers can help you to find the book you want as quickly as possible.

Task 6: Here are some common nouns in computing. Whit the help of the glossary on page 120, divide them into countable and uncountable nouns. In the glossary, and in most dictionaries, nouns are marked C for countable and U for uncountable.

1 capacity U 4 disk C 7 monitor C 10 speed U2 data C 5 drive C 8 mouse C 3 drive C 6 memory U 9 software U

Task 7: Fill in the gaps in this paragraph with a/an or the where necessary.The Walsh family have a computer at home. Their son uses a computer to help with homework and to play computer games. Their student daughter uses the computer for projects and for email. All the family use it to get information from the internet.

Problem-solving Task 8: Study these screens. Each shows a program used by a different occupation.1. Who uses each program? 3. What did they use before computers?2. What do they use it for? 4. How do computers make their work easier?

Writing Task 9 Match the places in column A with the computer uses in column B.A BBanks control machinesFactories calculate the billHomes look after patient records and medicinesHospitals provide entertainment and informationShops control our money

Task 10: Now fill in the gaps in this paragraph about computer uses.Computers are now part of our everyday life. In shops. They calculate the bill. In factories. They control machines. In hospitals. They look after patient records and medicines. When we have a bank account, a computer control our money. In our homes, computers provide entertainment and information.

Word classes: Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives, etc.A introduction

Look at the different kinds of word in this sentences.Pronoun verb determiner adjective noun preposition noun adverb I have an important conference at work tomorrow

Linking word pronoun verb adverb adjectiveSo I am rather busy

What kind of work?There are eight different kinds of word in English. They are called 'word classes' or 'parts of speech'. Here are some examples from the conversations in the cafe. The numbers after the examples tell you which units in the book give you more information.1. Verb: have, am, is, would, like, come, are, sitting, look2. Noun: conference, work, coffee, party, Saturday, Jessica, friends, corner.3. Adjective: important, busy, good, cheap.4. Adverb: tomorrow, rather, really, here.5. Preposition: at, to, on, in 6. Determiner: an, this, our, the.7. Pronoun: i. it, you.8. Linking word: so, and.

Words in sentences Some words can belong to different classes depending on how they are used in a sentence.Verbs NounsCan I look at your photos? I like the look of that coat.We work on Saturday morning Ill be at work tomorrow.

What kind of work?Read this paragraph and then say which word class each underlined word belongs to. To help you decide, you can look back at the examples in B.

Andrew didnt go to the caf with the other students. Rachel told him they were going there, but he wanted to finish his work. Andrew isnt very sociable. He stays in his room and concentrates totally on his studies.Hes an excellent student, but he doesnt have much fun.

To: prepositionCaf: noun1. The: determiner 8. Sociable: adjective2. Told: verb 9. in: preposition3. They: pronoun 10. and: linking word4. There: adverb 11. totally: adverb5. He: pronoun 12. an: determiner 6. Finish: verb 13. excellent: adjective7. But: linking word 14. fun: noun

What kind of work?Read this paragraph and then write the words in the spaces below. Write the first three verbs under verb and so on. Do not write the same word more than once.

Henry thinks Claire is wonderful. He loves her madly, and he dreams of marrying her, but unfortunately he is rather old for her. Today they are at a caf with their friends Sarah and Mark, so Henry cant get romantic with Claire. But he might buy her some flowers later.

Verb Noun Adjective AdverbThinks Henry wonderful unfortunatelyLoves Claire old ratherDreams Sarah romantic today

Preposition Determiner Pronoun Linking Wordat her He andfor their They so a Her but

Words in sentencesIs the underlined word a verb a noun or an adjective?1. Shall we go for a walk? Noun2. Shall we walk into town? Verb3. Laura wanted to talk to Rita Verb4. Laura wanted a talk with Rita Noun5. The windows arent very clean. Adjective6. Doesnt anyone clean the windows? Verb7. We went to a fabulous show in New York Noun8. Laura wanted to show Rita her photos Verb9. Henry thought Claire looked beautiful Verb10. A strange thought came into Emmas head Noun11. Sarah is feeling quite tired now Adjective12. Studying all night had tired Andrew out Verb

Sentence structure: subject, verb, object, etc.A sentence structureThe parts of a sentence are the subject, verb, object, complement and adverbial. A statement begins with the subject and the verb. There are five main structures which we can use to make a simple statement.1. Subject VerbMy arms are aching.Something happened.

2. Subject Verb ObjectI need a rest.Five people are moving the piano.The subject and object can be a pronoun (e.g. I) or a noun phrase (e.g. the piano)

3. Subject Verb Complement This piano is heavy.It was a big problem.The complement can be an adjective (e.g. heavy) or a noun phrase (e.g. a big problem). The complement often comes after be. It can also come after appear, become, get, feel, look, seem, stay or sound. For adjectives and word order see unit 104B.

4. Subject Verb AdverbialIt is on my foot. Their house is nearby. An adverbial can be a prepositional phrase (e.g. on my foot) or an adverb (e.g. nearby).

5. Subject Verb Object ObjectIt s giving me backache.David bought Melanie a present.We use two objects after verbs like give and send.

Adverbials We can add adverbials to all the five main structures.My arms are aching terribly. I really need a rest.Of course this piano is heavy. Fortunately their house is nearby.To everyones surprise, David actually bought Melanie a present yesterday.

Exercises1. Parts of the sentenceMike and Harriet are on holiday. They have written a postcard to David and Melanie. Look at each underlined phrase and say what part of the sentences it is: subject, verb, object, complement or adverbial.1. Were having a great time. Object2. The weather is marvelous. Subject3. Its great fun. Complement4. We really enjoy camping Verb5. Were on a farm. Adverbial6. We like this place. Object7. The scenery is beautiful. Complement

2. Sentences structureAfter moving the piano, the five friends had a rest and a cup of tea.Look at this part of their conversation and then write the letters a)- e) in the correct place.a) David: that was a difficult job.b) Tom: I agreec) Mike: Im on my deathbedd) David: someone should give us medale) Harriet: Ive made some more tea

Subject + Verb b1. Subject + verb + object e2. Subject + verb + complement a3. Subject + verb + adverbial c4. Subject + verb + object + object d

3. Word order Put the words in the correct order and write the statements.Is/Melanie/very nice Melanie is very nice1. Football/likes/Tom Tom likes football2. an accident/ David/had David had an accident.3. Moved/the piano/we we moved the piano.4. A tall woman/Harriet/is Harriet is a tall woman.5. Sat/on/the floor/everyone everyone sat on the floor6. Gave/some help/Mikes friends/him Mikes friend gave him some help.

4. AdverbialsThese sentences are from a news report. Write down the two adverbials in each sentence. Each adverbial is a prepositional phrase or an adverb.Prince Charles opened a news sports in stokeCentre in stoke yesterday yesterday

1. He also spoke with several young alsoPeople people2. The sports Centre was first firstPlanned in 1994 planned3. Naturally, the local council not naturallyFinance the project without help help4. Fortunately, they managed to obtain fortunatelyMoney from the national lottery lottery

Reflection Wheel JournalEventIn this unit is about nouns, verbs, adjectives. Sentence structure etc. subject, verb and object.Feelings Informed Useful easy

ThoughtsI found important and interesting to learn the different types of words, know how to differentiate and is structured as a sentence because it helps me to improve grammar.

Learnings: Step 1: Assumption I supposed that the unit was interesting and easy to understand.Step 2: ReflectionMy expectations about the unit were correct because the issue was related to what I supposed.Application: Step 1: Personal GrowthHelps me to improve grammar to recognize and identify the different kinds of word in this sentence.Step 2: Professional PracticeConversing in a correct and safe to people in order to apply the knowledge acquired.

Vocabulary/Reading Comprehension

Template: Dots chartName: Joselyn Atocha Peafiel Dots Chart(Determine, observe, talk, summarize)Topic: what is a computer? A B


C - D

DesktopCardCpuDisk drivesE - F

ElectronicFlash Drives


HardwareI - J

Input DevicesK L


M NMouseMonitorMechanicalModem

O - POutput devicesPrinterPortsPeripheralQ R


S TStorageSoftwareScreenScannerU V -WUnits attachedUsb portsX Y - Z

A - BThe computer brain is very fast.My computer has the basic program.

C - DThe CPU is very important for the computer.The data is information of the computer.

E - FThe computer is an electronic machine.I have some flash drives.

G - HThe hardware is the physical part of the computer.

I - JThe computer has input devices.

K - LMy keyboard is of black.

M - NThe mouse is optical.My cd has few memory.

O - PThe microphone is an output devices.The ports of computer are damaged.My printer is a big

Q - RThe ram of my computer has 1 gb of memory

S - TThe software of my computer is slow.My scanner is very fast.U -V - WMy usb has a lot of virus.

Unit 4 Buying a Computer

In a computer shopA: Imagine you are in a computer shop. Choose five things that would improve your digital life. In pairs, compare your choices.

B: You want to buy a computer. Think of three basic features that will make a big difference to your choice. In pairs, compare your choices.

C: Listen to two people making enquiries in a computer shop. Do they buy anything?

D: Listen again and complete the product descriptions.

IMacProcessor speed: 2.33GHzRAM: 2GBHard drive capacity: 500GB DVD drive included? Yes Operating system: Mac OSIncludes internet software Price: 819 MacBookProcessor speed: 2.0 GHzRAM: 1 GBHard drive capacity: 160 GBDVD drive included? YesOperating system: Mac OSIncludes internet softwarePrice f 1,029Listen again and complete the extract from the conversation.Assistant: Do you need any (1) help

Paul: Um, yes, we're looking for a Mac computer. Have you got any fairly basic ones?

Assistant: Yes, sure. If you'd like to come over here.

Paul:What different (2) models are there?

Assistant: At the moment we've got these two models: the iMac, which is a desktop computer with an lntel Core 2 Duo processor (3) operating at 2.33 gigahertz, and the portable MacBook, which has a processor (4) running at 2.0 gigahertz. Core Duo technology actually means two cores, or processors, built into a single chip, offering up to twice the speed of a traditional chip. Sue: So they're both very (5) fast then. And which one has more memory? I mean, which has more RAM?

Assistant: Well, the iMac has two gigabytes of RAM, which can be (6) expanded up to three gigabytes, and the MacBook has one gigabyte, expandable to two gigabytes. It all depends on your needs. The iMac is (7) suitable for home users and small offices. The MacBook is more (8) practical if you travel a lot.

Language functions in a computer shop

Look at the language functions in the HELP box and then correct one mistake in each of these sentences. Decide which functions are being expressed in each sentence.

1The Ulysses SD is a power, expandable computer that offers high-end graphics at a low price.2A laptop is likely to be more expensive than the equivalent desktop, but a laptop is less practical if you travel a lot3Where's the storage capacity of the hard drive?4I'm looking a desktop PC that has good graphics for games.5Do you need the help?6And how many does the PDA cost?7This workstation is a Pentium processor with dual-core technology, 1,024 gigabytes of RAM, and 1 terabyte of disk space.

Role play- buying a computerWork in pairs. One of you wants to buy a computer, the other is the shop assistant. Use the prompts and product descriptions below to role play the conversation.

Shop Assistant CustomerGreet the customer and offer help Explain what you are looking forShow the customer two possible models Ask for some technical specsGive technical specs (describe the processor, Ram and storage capacity) Compare the two different models. Ask about any further technical specs (DVD drive, monitor, communications, etc)Give the information required. Compare the twoModels Ask the priceAnswer and mention any final details that mightPersuade the customer to buy the computer. Decide which computer to buy or leave the Shop.

Choosing the right computerListen to four people talking about their computer needs and take notes. In pairs, read the descriptions from the computer shop website and choose the most suitable computer for each person. Give reasons for your choices.

Speaker1: Gateway C-120 convertible notebook.Speaker2: Dell inspiron 531 desktop PCSpeaker3: Sun workstationSpeaker4: Sony Vaio AR Laptop

Look at the notes you made about your ideal computer system in Unit 3 task 6 (page 15). What did you want? Look again at the descriptions of the computers above and choose the one that is closest to your ideal. In pairs, discuss your choices.Vocabulary treeDesigning word trees and spidergrams can help you build up your own mental 'maps' of vocabulary areas. Look at the list of terms in the box and put each one in an appropriate place on the word tree below. The first one has been done for you.Processor Rom expandable memory ALU DIMMs hard driveRam computer brain byte DVD system clock keyboardMouse gigahertz printer megabyte webcam registers

Recommending a computerA friend has asked you to recommend a computer that suits his needs. He needs to be able to access the Internet, play games and work with graphics, music and video files. Write an email describing its technical features and saying why you recommend it.Now visit for an online task.

Reflection Wheel JournalEventThis unit is about buying a computer know your technical details to choose the best and that is to our liking at the time of acquiringFeelings Motvate InterestingThoughtsThis unit seemed interesting to me because it speaks of some technical details of computers

Learnings: Step 1: Assumption I supposed that the unit was interesting and easy to understand.Step 2: ReflectionMy expectations about the unit were correct because the issue was related to what I supposed.Application: Step 1: Personal GrowthHelp me at the time that fence to purchase a computer so take this into account some of the technical details and I can compare if deliverableStep 2: Professional PracticeSo help me in my professional environment to have more knowledge and can deal when giving a recommendation on that laptop or pc would better.Workgroups

Creation of the website on the unit 6

Creation of technological treeGlossary

Speed: acelerarWould: hariaSitting: sentadoRather: mas bienReally: realmenteHere: aquiWanted: deseadoAnyone: nadieTired: cansadoUpstairs: arribaHappened: sucedidoAppear: aparecerNearby: cercanoDeathbed: lecho de muerteMeasure: medirSharp: fuerteEnough: suficienteGadgets: aparatosSuppliers: proveedoresEmployees: empleadosDesktop: escritorioScreen: pantallaPrinter: imprimirDisk drives: unidades de disco Peripheral: perifrico Ports: puertosCard: tarjeta Brain: cerebro Flash drives: unidades flashKeyboard: tecladoProcessing: procesamientoNeeded: necesarioSlots: ranuras

Bibliography InfoTech English for computer users


The course was very satisfactory, and we learned many terms that can help us in our career

They were very interesting classes for all group work and dynamics

We learned a lot at the time of hearing new terms of our teacher

I have to improve a lot in the award or at the time of pronouncing the words

I learn more and more words, and make bigger my vocabulary

During English I have mastered a little and recognize vocabulary words before starting the course not to.

Classes taught by the teacher have been very dynamic and interesting as it has given us their full support when not understanding any question related to the course.

Learning English was very interesting because in this course learn the basics and achieve a little more of it.