Athens State University - ALSDE Prep Institutional... · 2019. 9. 10. · Educator Preparation...

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Transcript of Athens State University - ALSDE Prep Institutional... · 2019. 9. 10. · Educator Preparation...

Educator Preparaon Instuonal Report Cardfor Performance on Required Content Knowledge and Pedagogy Tests


Responses to the First-Year Teacher Survey created by theAlabama Associaon of Colleges for Teacher Educaon


Athens State University

Administerd by theAlabama State Department of Educaon

September 2019

Report Card and Survey Informaon

Educator Preparaon Instuonal Report CardPerformance on Required Content Knowledge and Pedagogy Tests

To earn an Alabama educator cerficate, based on compleon of a tradional approach, an applicant must complete an approved program with a prescribed grade pointaverage (GPA) and meet assessment requirements. Prior to September 1, 2018, assessment requirements included a wrien test of pedagogical knowledge, Principles ofLearning and Teaching (PLT), and a Praxis content test specific to the teaching field or subject for which cerficaon is sought. Effecve September 1, 2018, edTPA, aperformance assessment, replaced the PLT. No excepons are made with regard to these requirements.

Responses to the First-Year Teacher Survey created by theAlabama Associaon of Colleges for Teacher Educaon

Alabama Associaon of Colleges for Teacher Educaon members developed a survey to be administered electronically to first-year teachers who, during the 2017-2018 schoolyear, completed an Alabama State Board of Educaon-approved undergraduate (Class B) or alternave master's degree (Class A) program leading to their first or inialProfessional Educator Cerficate. A companion survey was administered electronically to the employers of those first-year teachers. Data provided in this report include asummary of survey categories and the percentage of first-year teachers who strongly agreed, agreed, disagreed, or strongly disagreed that their program prepared them toteach successfully. The data also provide the percentage of employers who rated their first-year teachers as teacher leader, effecve teacher, emerging teacher, or ineffecveteacher.

Educator Preparation Institutional Report CardPerformance on Required Content Knowledge and PedagogyAthens State University - Program Information


Number of Class B Certificates Earned

Programs Are ApprovedPrograms Are Accredited Yes


Program Approval & Accreditation

Class B No programs recognizedClass A No programs recognized

Nationally Recognized Programs

Number of Class A Certificates Earned

Athens State University, 2

Subject SubtestNumber of TestTakers

Number PassedAer One Aempt

Percent PassedAer One Aempt

Number PassedAer Two Aempts

Percent PassedAer Two Aempts

Number PassedAer Three+Aempts

Percent PassedAer Three+Aempts

Career & Technical Educa..Career & Technical EducaonEarly Childhood Educaon Early Childhood EducaonElementary Educaon Elementary EducaonEnglish Language Arts English Language ArtsHealth/Physical Educaon Health/Physical EducaonMathemacs MathemacsPerforming Arts Performing ArtsSciences SciencesSocial Studies Social StudiesSpecial Educaon Special Educaon


Educator Preparation Institutional Report CardPerformance on Required Content Knowledge and PedagogyAthens State University - Class B - Principles of Teaching and Learning

* - Informaon not reported for less than five test takersX - Either an inacve program or no program in the specifiec area

Programs Are ApprovedPrograms Are Accredited Yes


Program Approval & Accreditaon


Number of Class B Cerficates Earned

Class B No programs recognized

Naonally Recognized Programs

Athens State University, 3

Subject SubtestNumber of TestTakers

Number PassedAer One Aempt

Percent PassedAer One Aempt

Number PassedAer Two Aempts

Percent PassedAer Two Aempts

Number PassedAer Three+Aempts

Percent PassedAer Three+Aempts

Early Childhood Educaon Early Childhood EducaonTeaching of Reading

Elementary Educaon Mulple Subjects: ReadingTeaching of Reading

Health/Physical Educaon Health/Physical EducaonSpecial Educaon Core Knowledge/Applicaon

Mulple Subjects: Reading























Educator Preparation Institutional Report CardPerformance on Required Content Knowledge and PedagogyAthens State University - Class B - IN ED Praxis Content Tests

* - Informaon not reported for less than five test takersX - Either an inacve program or no program in the specifiec area

Programs Are ApprovedPrograms Are Accredited Yes


Program Approval & Accreditaon


Number of Class B Cerficates Earned

Class B No programs recognized

Naonally Recognized Programs

Athens State University, 4

School ParameterAthens State University

Subject SubtestNumber of TestTakers

Number PassedAer One Aempt

Percent PassedAer One Aempt

Number PassedAer Two Aempts

Percent PassedAer Two Aempts

Number PassedAer Three+Aempts

Percent PassedAer Three+Aempts

Career & Technical Educa..Career & Technical EducaonElementary Educaon Mulple Subjects: Mathemacs

Mulple Subjects: ScienceMulple Subjects: Social Studies

English Language Arts English Language ArtsMathemacs MathemacsPerforming Arts Performing ArtsSciences SciencesSocial Studies Social StudiesSpecial Educaon - Mulp..Mulple Subjects: MathemacsSpecial Educaon - Mulp..Mulple Subjects: ScienceSpecial Educaon - Mulp..Mulple Subjects: Social Studies










Educator Preparation Institutional Report CardPerformance on Required Content Knowledge and PedagogyAthens State University - Class B - NOT IN ED Praxis Content Tests

* - Informaon not reported for less than five test takersX - Either an inacve program or no program in the specifiec area

Programs Are ApprovedPrograms Are Accredited Yes


Program Approval & Accreditaon


Number of Class B Cerficates Earned

Class B No programs recognized

Naonally Recognized Programs

Athens State University, 5

Subject SubtestNumber of TestTakers

Number PassedAer One Aempt

Percent PassedAer One Aempt

Number PassedAer Two Aempts

Percent PassedAer Two Aempts

Number PassedAer Three+Aempts

Percent PassedAer Three+Aempts

Career & Technical Educa..Career & Technical EducaonEarly Childhood Educaon Early ChildhoodElementary Educaon ElementaryLanguages Other Than En..World LanguageMiddle School Mathemat..MathemacsPerforming Arts Educaon Performing Arts/Visual ArtsSecondary English Langug..English Language ArtsSecondary General Social ..Geography/History/General Soci..Secondary Health Educa..Health EducaonSecondary Mathemacs MathemacsSecondary Physical Educa..Physical EducaonSecondary Science Biology/Chemistry/General Scien..Special Educaon Special Educaon


Educator Preparation Institutional Report CardPerformance on Required Content Knowledge and PedagogyAthens State University - Class B - edTPA

* - Informaon not reported for less than five test takersX - Either an inacve program or no program in the specifiec area


Number of Class B Cerficates Earned

Programs Are ApprovedPrograms Are Accredited Yes


Program Approval & Accreditaon

Class B No programs recognized

Naonally Recognized Programs

Athens State University, 6

Educator Preparation Institutional Report CardPerformance on Required Content Knowledge and PedagogyNone - Alternative Class A - Principles of Teaching and Learning

* - Informaon not reported for less than five test takersX - Either an inacve program or no program in the specifiec area

Programs Are ApprovedPrograms Are Accredited Yes


Program Approval & Accreditaon Number of Class A Cerficates Earned

Class A No programs recognized

Naonally Recognized Programs

Athens State University, 7

Educator Preparation Institutional Report CardPerformance on Required Content Knowledge and PedagogyNone - Alternative Class A - IN ED Praxis Content Tests

* - Informaon not reported for less than five test takersX - Either an inacve program or no program in the specifiec area

Programs Are ApprovedPrograms Are Accredited Yes


Program Approval & Accreditaon Number of Class A Cerficates Earned

Class A No programs recognized

Naonally Recognized Programs

Athens State University, 8

Educator Preparation Institutional Report CardPerformance on Required Content Knowledge and PedagogyNone - Alternative Class A - NOT IN ED Praxis Content Tests

* - Informaon not reported for less than five test takersX - Either an inacve program or no program in the specifiec area

Programs Are ApprovedPrograms Are Accredited Yes


Program Approval & Accreditaon Number of Class A Cerficates Earned

Class A No programs recognized

Naonally Recognized Programs

Athens State University, 9

School ParameterAthens State University

Subject SubtestNumber of TestTakers

Number PassedAer One Aempt

Percent PassedAer One Aempt

Number PassedAer Two Aempts

Percent PassedAer Two Aempts

Number PassedAer Three+Aempts

Percent PassedAer Three+Aempts

Career & Technical Educa..Career & Technical EducaonEarly Childhood Educaon Early ChildhoodElementary Educaon ElementaryEnglish for Speakers of Ot..English as an Addional LanguageLanguages Other Than En..World LanguagePerforming Arts Educaon Performing Arts/Visual ArtsSecondary English Langug..English Language ArtsSecondary General Social ..Geography/History/General Soci..Secondary Health Educa..Health EducaonSecondary Mathemacs MathemacsSecondary Physical Educa..Physical EducaonSecondary Science Biology/Chemistry/General Scien..Special Educaon Special Educaon


Educator Preparation Institutional Report CardPerformance on Required Content Knowledge and PedagogyAthens State University - Alternative Class A - edTPA

* - Informaon not reported for less than five test takersX - Either an inacve program or no program in the specifiec area

Programs Are ApprovedPrograms Are Accredited Yes


Program Approval & Accreditaon Number of Class A Cerficates Earned

Class A No programs recognized

Naonally Recognized Programs

Athens State University, 10

Queson Athens State University

…understanding of how learners grow and develop

…understanding of learners' commonalies and individual differences

…manage the learning environment to engage learners acvely

…understand the central concepts, tools of inquiry and structures of the discipline(s) he orshe teaches

…create learning experiences that make discipline accessible and meaningful for learnersto assure mastery of the content

…connect concepts, perspecves from varied disciplines, and interdisciplinary themes toreal world problems and issues

…use, design, or adapt mulple methods of assessment ot documen, monitor, andsupport learner progress appropriate for learning goals and objecves

…implement assessments in an ethical manner and minimize bias to enable learners todisplay the full extent of their learning

56% 41%


50% 42%7%

56% 41%


57% 39%


49% 47%

Responses to the First-Year Teacher Survey created by the

Alabama Association of Colleges for Teacher EducationAthens State University - Teacher Response

Alabama Statewide



52% 39%7%

54% 42%


54% 39%

53% 41%


Alabama Association of Collegesfor Teacher EducationAlabama Statewide - Teacher Response

Strongly Agree



Strongly Disagree

Athens State University, 11

Queson Athens State University…plan instrucon based on informaon from formave abd summave assessments aswell as other sources and systemacally adjust plans to meet each student's learningneeds

…understand and use a variety of intrsuconal strategies and make learning accessible toall learners

…encourage learners to develop deep understanding of content areas, make conneconsacross content, and applies content knowledge in meaningful ways

…use evidence to connually evaluate the effects of my decisions on others and adapt myprofessional pracces to beer meet learners' needs

…pracce the profession in an ethical manner

…collaborate with others to build a posive learning climate marked by respect, rigor, andresponsibility

…engage learners in crical thinking, creavity, collaboraon, and communicaon toaddress authenc local and global issues

…use assessment to engage learners in their own growth

…select, create, and sequence learning experiences and performance tasks that supportlearners in reaching rigorous curriculum goals based on content standards andcross-disciplinary skills

...plan instrucon by collaborang with colleagues, specialists, community resources,families and learners to meet individual learning needs

50% 47%


54% 43%



43% 56%

49% 47%

54% 43%

56% 41%

56% 41%

Alabama Statewide


50% 47%


55% 41%

38% 62%



53% 41%

55% 39%


Athens State University, 12

Queson Athens State University

…engage in connuous professional learning to more effecvely meet the needs of eachlearner

…collaborate with learners, families, colleagues, other school professionals, andcommunity members to ensure learner growth.

…seek appropriate leadership roles and opportunies that would alow me to takeresponsibility for student learning and to advance in the profession

…has deep knowlede of current and emerging state iniaves and programs including,but not limited to the Alabama Reading Iniave (ARI); the Alabama Math, Science andTechnology Iniave (AMSTI); Alabama Learning Exchange (ALEX); and Alabama Connec..

…possesses knowledge of Alabama's state assessment system

…integrates Alabam-wide programs and iniaves into the curriculum and instruconalprocess.

…communicates with sudents, parents, and the public about Alabama's assessmentsystem and major Alabama educaonal improvement iniaves.

…understands the expectaons of the profession including the Alabama Educator Code ofEthics, the NASDTEC Model of Code of Ethics for Educators (MCEE), professionalstandards of pracce, and relevant law and policy.

49% 51%




49% 33%15%


34%14% 51%

50% 39%11%

Alabama Statewide

50% 47%



48% 37%14%

29%18% 51%

56% 29%13%

50% 28%20%

53% 39%8%

Athens State University, 13

Queson Athens State University

…understanding of how learners grow and develop

…understanding of learners' commonalies and individual differences

…manage the learning environment to engage learners acvely

…understand the central concepts, tools of inquiry and structures of the discipline(s) he orshe teaches

…create learning experiences that make discipline accessible and meaningful for learnersto assure mastery of the content

…connect concepts, perspecves from varied disciplines, and interdisciplinary themes toreal world problems and issues

…use, design, or adapt mulple methods of assessment ot documen, monitor, andsupport learner progress appropriate for learning goals and objecves

…implement assessments in an ethical manner and minimize bias to enable learners todisplay the full extent of their learning

44% 20%36%

42% 27%31%

56%29% 13%

44% 36% 18%


64%22% 13%

49% 22%29%

22% 27%51%

Responses to the First-Year Teacher Survey created by the

Alabama Association of Colleges for Teacher EducationAthens State University - Employer Responses

Alabama Statewide

46% 41% 9%

45% 43% 8%

46%36% 13%

54%33% 10%

47%41% 8%

45%47% 7%

42% 46% 8%

57% 10%31%

2017-18 ALACTE SurveySurvey Responses of EmployersAlabama Statewide

Teacher Leader - Models and collaborates to improve the classroom and ..

Effecve Techer

Emerging Teacher

Ineffecve Teacher

Athens State University, 14

Queson Athens State University…plan instrucon based on informaon from formave abd summave assessments aswell as other sources and systemacally adjust plans to meet each student's learningneeds

…understand and use a variety of intrsuconal strategies and make learning accessible toall learners

…encourage learners to develop deep understanding of content areas, make conneconsacross content, and applies content knowledge in meaningful ways

…use evidence to connually evaluate the effects of my decisions on others and adapt myprofessional pracces to beer meet learners' needs

…pracce the profession in an ethical manner

…collaborate with others to build a posive learning climate marked by respect, rigor, andresponsibility

…engage learners in crical thinking, creavity, collaboraon, and communicaon toaddress authenc local and global issues

…use assessment to engage learners in their own growth

…select, create, and sequence learning experiences and performance tasks that supportlearners in reaching rigorous curriculum goals based on content standards andcross-disciplinary skills

...plan instrucon by collaborang with colleagues, specialists, community resources,families and learners to meet individual learning needs


47%36% 18%

44% 20%33%

47% 22%31%

44%33% 22%

42%33% 22%

44% 24%29%

49% 18%31%


44% 40% 11%

Alabama Statewide

53% 33% 10%

48%37% 12%

45%43% 9%

45%43% 9%

66%14% 18%

54%32% 11%

44% 42% 11%

46%41% 11%

40% 47% 9%

50%37% 11%

Athens State University, 15

Queson Athens State University

…engage in connuous professional learning to more effecvely meet the needs of eachlearner

…collaborate with learners, families, colleagues, other school professionals, andcommunity members to ensure learner growth.

…seek appropriate leadership roles and opportunies that would alow me to takeresponsibility for student learning and to advance in the profession

…has deep knowlede of current and emerging state iniaves and programs including,but not limited to the Alabama Reading Iniave (ARI); the Alabama Math, Science andTechnology Iniave (AMSTI); Alabama Learning Exchange (ALEX); and Alabama Connec..

…possesses knowledge of Alabama's state assessment system

…integrates Alabam-wide programs and iniaves into the curriculum and instruconalprocess.

…communicates with sudents, parents, and the public about Alabama's assessmentsystem and major Alabama educaonal improvement iniaves.

…understands the expectaons of the profession including the Alabama Educator Code ofEthics, the NASDTEC Model of Code of Ethics for Educators (MCEE), professionalstandards of pracce, and relevant law and policy.

24% 20%56%

44% 24%31%


44% 38% 18%

40%40% 20%

42% 47% 11%

44% 24%29%

53%29% 16%

Alabama Statewide

54%34% 9%

49%37% 11%

43%43% 10%


43%47% 8%

49% 41% 7%

38%51% 6%

55%33% 11%

Athens State University, 16

Queson Employer Response

…understanding of how learners grow and develop

…understanding of learners' commonalies and individual differences

…manage the learning environment to engage learners acvely

…understand the central concepts, tools of inquiry and structures of the discipline(s) he orshe teaches

…create learning experiences that make discipline accessible and meaningful for learnersto assure mastery of the content

…connect concepts, perspecves from varied disciplines, and interdisciplinary themes toreal world problems and issues

…use, design, or adapt mulple methods of assessment ot documen, monitor, andsupport learner progress appropriate for learning goals and objecves

…implement assessments in an ethical manner and minimize bias to enable learners todisplay the full extent of their learning

44% 20%36%

42% 27%31%

56%29% 13%

44% 36% 18%


64%22% 13%

49% 22%29%

22% 27%51%

Responses to the First-Year Teacher Survey created by the

Alabama Association of Colleges for Teacher EducationAthens State University - Employer and Teacher Responses

Teacher Response

56% 41%


50% 42%7%

56% 41%


57% 39%


49% 47%

2017-18 ALACTE SurveySurvey Responses of EmployersAthens State University

Teacher Leader - Models and collaborates to improve the classroom and ..

Effecve Techer

Emerging Teacher

Ineffecve Teacher

Strongly Agree



Strongly Disagree

Athens State University, 17

Queson Employer Response

…plan instrucon based on informaon from formave abd summave assessments aswell as other sources and systemacally adjust plans to meet each student's learningneeds

…understand and use a variety of intrsuconal strategies and make learning accessible toall learners

…encourage learners to develop deep understanding of content areas, make conneconsacross content, and applies content knowledge in meaningful ways

…use evidence to connually evaluate the effects of my decisions on others and adapt myprofessional pracces to beer meet learners' needs

…pracce the profession in an ethical manner

…collaborate with others to build a posive learning climate marked by respect, rigor, andresponsibility

…engage learners in crical thinking, creavity, collaboraon, and communicaon toaddress authenc local and global issues

…use assessment to engage learners in their own growth

…select, create, and sequence learning experiences and performance tasks that supportlearners in reaching rigorous curriculum goals based on content standards andcross-disciplinary skills

...plan instrucon by collaborang with colleagues, specialists, community resources,families and learners to meet individual learning needs


47%36% 18%

44% 20%33%

47% 22%31%

44%33% 22%

42%33% 22%

44% 24%29%

49% 18%31%


44% 40% 11%

Teacher Response

50% 47%


54% 43%



43% 56%

49% 47%

54% 43%

56% 41%

56% 41%

Athens State University, 18

Queson Employer Response

…engage in connuous professional learning to more effecvely meet the needs of eachlearner

…collaborate with learners, families, colleagues, other school professionals, andcommunity members to ensure learner growth.

…seek appropriate leadership roles and opportunies that would alow me to takeresponsibility for student learning and to advance in the profession

…has deep knowlede of current and emerging state iniaves and programs including,but not limited to the Alabama Reading Iniave (ARI); the Alabama Math, Science andTechnology Iniave (AMSTI); Alabama Learning Exchange (ALEX); and Alabama Connec..

…possesses knowledge of Alabama's state assessment system

…integrates Alabam-wide programs and iniaves into the curriculum and instruconalprocess.

…communicates with sudents, parents, and the public about Alabama's assessmentsystem and major Alabama educaonal improvement iniaves.

…understands the expectaons of the profession including the Alabama Educator Code ofEthics, the NASDTEC Model of Code of Ethics for Educators (MCEE), professionalstandards of pracce, and relevant law and policy.

24% 20%56%

44% 24%31%


44% 38% 18%

40%40% 20%

42% 47% 11%

44% 24%29%

53%29% 16%

Teacher Response

49% 51%




49% 33%15%


34%14% 51%

50% 39%11%

Athens State University, 19