Astrophotography Project. You need: One long exposure city scape One long exposure of sky /...

Post on 18-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Astrophotography Project. You need: One long exposure city scape One long exposure of sky /...

Astrophotography Project

You need:

One long exposure city scape

One long exposure of sky / constellations

One image of an astronomical object seen through a telescope

Camera Basics: Exposure time

Camera Basics: ISO / gain

Camera Basics: Focus

Be prepared!

Get there early

Know what time the sun sets

Know what constellations, planets, and other astronomical objects will be visible

Know WHEN is the best time to image them

Know WHERE they’ll be on the sky

Planning observations…

Practice Practice Practice!

It is easiest to practice with your cityscape.

Pick a nice spot away from trees with a clear view of the city

Play with taking different exposure lengths, then with ISO, then with focus

Find the best way to keep your camera stable

Effects of exposure time

Effects of ISO (good!)

Effects: Oversaturation

Effects of ISO (bad!)

Now you can begin! Tips:

Once you’ve found the right combination, take minimum 5 pictures of each type. You can always delete them after…

For the long exposures, keep your camera stable by holding or propping it up against something solid

These will go up in a gallery. Try to find the most unique and awesome astronomical object possible. To do that, look through as many telescopes as possible, and ask people to explain to you what you’re looking at