Astrology Tip Sheet

Post on 06-Apr-2018

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Transcript of Astrology Tip Sheet

8/3/2019 Astrology Tip Sheet 1/2


Cardinal - To create and begin; dynamic change,

movement, vitality; take action

Fire - bright, enthusiastic, spontaneous, self-sufficient,

arrogant, forceful, bossy

Fixed - To maintain; determination and willpower;

complete what is begun in the cardinal signs

Earth - Practical, stable, consistent, conservative, sensual,

stubborn, harsh

Mutable - To change and destroy; adaptable,


Air - Logical, intellectual, communicative, social, cold,

superficial, insensitive

Water - Sustaining, receptive, emotional, intuitive,

sensitive, self-protective, self-centered

Sign +/- Element & Mode Ruler Exaltation Detriment Fall

Aires + Cardinal Fire ♂Mars ☉Sun ♀Venus ♄Saturn

Taurus - Fixed Earth ♀Venus ☽Moon ♂Mars

Gemini + Mutable Air ☿Mercury ♃Jupiter

Cancer - Cardinal Water ☽Moon ♃Jupiter ♄Saturn ♂Mars

Leo + Fixed Fire ☉Sun ♄Saturn

Virgo - Mutable Earth ☿Mercury ♃Jupiter

Libra + Cardinal Air ♀Venus ♄Saturn ♂Mars ☉Sun

Scorpio - Fixed Water ♂Mars/♇or K Pluto ♀Venus ☽Moon

Sagittarius + Mutable Fire ♃Jupiter ☿Mercury

Capricorn - Cardinal Earth ♄Saturn ♂Mars ☽Moon ♃Jupiter

Aquarius + Fixed Air ♄Saturn/♅Uranus ☉Sun

Pisces - Mutable Water ♃Jupiter/♆Neptune ♀Venus ☿Mercury

8/3/2019 Astrology Tip Sheet 2/2


A= Angular | S= Succedent | C=Cadent


☉Sun  Ego, Will, power, desire, honor, proud ♃Jupiter Generous, cheerful, expansion, growth

☽Moon  Unconscious, emotion, nurture ♄Saturn Limitation, structure, order, stubborn

☿Mercury  Communication, intellect, exchange ♅Uranus Changes, possibilities, originality, individual

♀Venus  Creative, artistic, harmony, loving ♆Neptune Ideals, delusions, charity, spiritual, inspiration

♂Mars  Desire, action, self-assertive, anger ♇or Pluto Forceful, death & resurrection, power

☊☋Nodes  Joining & separating, “fated” Part of Fotune  Worldly success, physical body & health


MAJOR ASPECTSHard aspects-difficult, stressful

•  90 degrees square

•  150 degrees quincunx

•  180 degrees opposition

Soft aspects-easy to work with

•  60 degrees sextile

•  120 degrees trine

Easy/Difficult depending on the planets

•  0 degrees conjunction

MINOR ASPECTS  the semi-sextile (30 degrees—slightly good). similar to a

sextile but weaker.

semi-square (45 degrees—slightly bad). Difficult;

irritation. Similar to a weak square.

quintile (72 degrees—slightly good) created by dividing

the circle by 5. Represents creativity or creative


sesquiquadrate (135 degrees—difficult) a square and a

half. Difficult and stressful.

biquintile (144 degrees—slightly good). Similar to

quintile, represents creative transformation.