Asthma Kids

Post on 28-Jul-2016

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Transcript of Asthma Kids

BREATH What is Asthma?

Asthma is an illness that happens to some kids and some not. Some may or may not grow out of the illness. If you have asthma it means that

you sometimes have a hard time to get air inside your lungs which makes it difficult to


You don’t have to miss out on playing sports because you have asthma. You just have to make sure you visit your doctor regularly and take your medicine exactly how your doctor tells you to. Doing this means you won’t miss school, sports, and will help you stay out of the hospital.

What can you do?

Stay Active!

You can play any sport!!!

ASTHMA Control Your

How to treat Asthma -Your Doctor may prescribe you medicine. It can be in a form of a pill, and inhaler or both.

-An inhaler is a little device that squirts medicine in to your mouth so you can breath it in.

-Some of your medicine you may take everyday to prevent asthma attacks. Others you take only during an Attack!

What can cause an asthma attack??

-“Triggers” are things that causes you to have an attack. Triggers include;

-Smoke from cigarettes

-Dirty air


-Being too cold or too hot

-Being happy, sad, or angry

-Some foods



Over time you will learn what triggers cause your attacks and learn to avoid!


During an asthma attack you may feel like you are trying to breath through a tiny straw. This happens because during an attack your lungs get swollen making it very hard for air to get in