ASSIGNMENT -4 Class -IV Time period-April 19 to April 25

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Transcript of ASSIGNMENT -4 Class -IV Time period-April 19 to April 25


Class -IV

Time period-April 19 to April 25

1. MATHS *Do Ex- 2.1 and 2.2 in your notebook

*Solve the puzzle given below👇


Dear students we have already discussed all the contents of

chapter 1 & 2 through our activity based assignments, so now

let’s start doing the questions and answers.

Learn and write the following questions and Answers of

chapter -1 and chapter-2.( Write in your science copy )

CHAPTER – 1 ( The Green Plants )

Q-1:- What is the function of veins in a leaf ?

Ans:- Veins transport water, minerals and nutrients to and from

the leaves of a plant.

Q-2 :- How do stomata help a leaf ?

Ans :- Stomata are like the nostrils of a plant that help them to


Q-3 :- What is photosynthesis ?

Ans :- The process by which plants make their own food, using

water and carbon dioxide in the presence of light and

chlorophyll is called photosynthesis.

Q.4:- How does chlorophyll help in photosynthesis?

Ans :- Chlorophyll present in the leaves absorbs the sunlight for

photosynthesis process.

Q-5:- What is a food chain ? Give your own example of a food


Ans :- The chain that shows how one organism is dependent on

another organism for its food is called food chain .Ex- Grass

eaten by grasshopper Grasshopper eaten by frog Frog

eaten by snake Snake eaten by hawk . ( You may draw a

food chain with different animals,Refer Pg no – 10 ).

CHAPTER – 2 ( Plant Adaptation )

Q-1:- What is adaptation ?

Ans :- Adaptation is the special features acquired by an

organism to adjust itself in a habitat.

Q-2 :- Give two adaptation of underwater plants.

Ans :- underwater plants have thin, narrow, ribbon-like leaves

to prevent them from water currents. They get nutrients from

the soil in the waterbeds.

Q-3 :- Explain the adaptations shown by mountain plants.

Ans :- The trees are tall and cone-shaped so that snow can slide

off easily. These plants have cones with seeds instead of


Q-4 :- Discuss the adaptations of plants that grow in plains.

Ans :- They have many branches with plenty of leaves and

flowers. Evergreen trees shed their leaves and grow new ones

throughout the year. Plants in coastal areas are adapted to

survive in conditions of salty water and heavy rainfall.MP

Q-5 :- What are insectivorous plants ? Explain with examples.

Ans :- Plants that trap insects for obtaining nutrients are called

insectivorous plants. Ex – The Venus flytrap snaps the insects by

help of their lobes with spikes. Insects are trapped by the

Pitcher plant due to the slippery substances which secrets from

its edges.

Except the above questions and answers do the exercise

questions, ch- 1:- Number – A, B, C, D and E. Ch- 2 :- Number :-

A, B, C, D and E (Mcqs, Fill ups, Match, True/False, Name the

following…… Etc ) in your book with pencil. Do not worry for

correct answers, Teachers will check when the school reopen.

3.COMPUTER Find and write the answers along with the question in your

computer copy:-

Check your understanding –page -10,Q- A, B, C and D

of exercise-page-15.

Also write the following question and answers in your


Answer the following questions:-

Q.1) What is an abacus? Do we still use it ?

Ans. Abacus is one of the earliest known calculating

devices where calculation was carried out by sliding

beads.No we do not use it any more.

Q.2) Who was Charles Babbage ? Name the

machines built by him.

Ans. Charles Babbage is popularly known as the father of

modern computer. Difference Engine and Analytical Engine

are the two machines built by him.

Q.3) What is microprocessor ? Which

generation of computer first used it?

Ans. Microprocessor is a small unit of a computer that

contains all the function of the Central Processing Unit. It

was first used by fourth generation of computer.

Q.4) What are the characteristics of 4th

generation of computers ?

Ans. The characteristics of 4th generation of computers


• They were small ,efficient and cheap.

• They used input and output devices.

• They have the highest processing speed .

Q.5) What would be the main characteristics of fifth

generation of computers ?

Ans. The main characteristics of fifth generation of

computers is that they will be able to solve complex

problems and take intelligent decision.

4.ENGLISH English grammar

After watching the video ‘Kinds of Noun’ go through the

Lesson 2 of grammar book page no. 44 to 48 then complete

(Exercise-D, E, F) in page no. -48.

5.G.K *Do the following assignments in your GK notebook* 1.

Write the Whiz Fact of le- 5 to 10 & learn.

2. Write the name of 10 aquatic plants .you can draw also.

3. Follow this link.👇You will get an idea of types of Road

signs.Now draw & write the different types of Road

signs in the notebook.




Shade the picture of bucket given in page no.25 in your drawing
