ASSESSMENT OF PRECONCEPTION HEALTH MEASURES : Identification of suspected health risks such as...

Post on 13-Jan-2016

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Transcript of ASSESSMENT OF PRECONCEPTION HEALTH MEASURES : Identification of suspected health risks such as...


Identification of suspected health risks such as exposure to radiation , drugs, chemical hazards,smoking,over the counter medications,

Physical examination - Identify high

blood pressure, diabetes, obesity,


Anaemia, colitis, family history of

genetic disorders,RH


Contraception measures,Identification of congenital anomaley of uterus

Exercise, Rest &Sleep. Preparation of grand parents

&Siblings Parenting classes.

Advanced Maternal Age. People who have or may have an

inherited disorder or birth defect Women who have had three or more


History of Still born. Child with an inherited disorder. Birth defect &mental Retardation. Genetic conditions more prevalent in

their ethinic group.

Couples who are first cousins or Close blood relatives.

Ultrasound or blood test indicates the pregnancy may be at risk.

The substances that are transported from the mother to the foetus include glucose, amino acids, maternal antibodies, Oxygen

waste products such as co2, bilirubin from the Liver.

Protein must be Stored during pregnancy to maintain a constant level within the breast milk and to avoid depletion of maternal tissues

I Trimester weight gain – 1.6 to 2.3 kgs.

II&III Trimester weight gain- 5.5 to 6.8 kgs.

Obese women weight gain- 7 kgs. 250- 300kcal\ day. Protein-60g\day.

The foetus begins active Listening by the 24th week.

Prenate gives special attention to parents voice.

If exposed to Loud noise or music foetal heart rate is Accelerated.

Casper(1983) provided evidence that Newborn learned and remembered their mothers heart beat in utero.

Breathing was deeper and regular among these babies.

Chamberlin(1998) proved that these babies Register this information in their minds and memory.( Teaching the foetus in utero)

The mothers who had higher oxytocin levels in their I Trimester were more likely to exhibit more bonding behaviours.

Unterstand what preterm babies may hear. Know that sound may stimulate a six

months old baby. Preborn baby may sense. Preborn baby may think. Foetus form attitudes about life

Understand the stress hormone link. Consider the long term effects of your

emotions. Grow a healthy foetus.

Yes the foetus has the right to live. Foetus is considered as a Non-person. Foetus has no legal claim to protect . Abortion is not a murder.

In (1994) the Govt of India passed the pre conception and prenatal diagnostic Techniques prohibition of sex selection Act.

Thank you