Assessing Meticulous Verification Effectiveness Utilizing ... · LOPA guidance documents, (3)...

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GCPS 2016



Assessing Meticulous Verification Effectiveness Utilizing HAZOP

and LOPA

Mr. John T. Perez, P.E.

Cognascents Consulting Group, Inc.

1519 Vander Wilt Lane, Bldg. 4

Katy, TX 77449

Mr. William Wimberly, CSP

Cognascents Consulting Group, Inc.

Cognascents Consulting Group, Inc., retains the following rights: (1) All proprietary rights, other than copyright, such as patent rights; (2) The

right to use all or portions of this paper in oral presentations or other works; (3) The right to make limited distribution of the article or portions

thereof prior to publication; (4) Royalty-free permission to reproduce this paper for personal use or, in the case of a work made for hire, the employer’s use, provided that (a) the source and copyright are indicated, (b) the copies are not used in a way that implies endorsement by CCPS

of a product or service, and (c) the copies are not offered for sale; (5) In the case of work performed under U.S. government contract, AIChE

grants the U.S. government royalty-free permission to reproduce all or portions of the paper, and to authorize others to do so for U.S. government purposes.

Prepared for Presentation at

American Institute of Chemical Engineers

2016 Spring Meeting

12th Global Congress on Process Safety

Houston, Texas

April 11-23, 2016

AIChE shall not be responsible for statements or opinions contained in papers or printed in its


GCPS 2016


Assessing Meticulous Verification Effectiveness Utilizing HAZOP

and LOPA

Mr. John T. Perez, P.E.

Cognascents Consulting Group, Inc.

1519 Vander Wilt Lane, Bldg. 4

Katy, TX 77449

Mr. William Wimberly, CSP

Cognascents Consulting Group, Inc.

Keywords: AIChE, CCPS, Hazard and Operability Study (HAZOP), hazard identification,

Independent Protection Layer (IPL), Layer of Protection Analysis (LOPA), meticulous

verification (MV), Process Hazard Analysis (PHA), Process Safety Information (PSI), IPL

integrity, Process Safety Management (PSM), Vision 20/20.


In 2011, the Center for Chemical Process Safety initiated work on Vision 20/20. The goal of

Vision 20/20 is to demonstrate what perfect process safety will look like when it is championed

by industry; driven by five tenets of culture, standards, competency, management systems, and

lessons learned; and enhanced by community passion and four global societal themes. The five

tenets serve as a framework of what constitutes high-integrity, effective, and successful process

safety management. The four global societal themes represent critical supporting efforts to the

overarching five tenets.

One of the four global societal themes is meticulous verification. Meticulous verification

provides the perpetual assurance of integrity for an organization’s dynamic process safety

management program. Meticulous verification specifically calls for collaboration between

companies and third-party entities to ensure comprehensive and ongoing assessment of process

safety management’s effectiveness.

Based on the authors’ experiences as HAZOP and LOPA facilitators, meticulous verification

serves as the mission critical Vision 20/20 element for long-term sustainability. A HAZOP is a

nexus of process safety information and process safety management systems’ effectiveness and

serves as a bellwether of an organization’s overall PSM integrity. The integrity of a management

system is only as strong as the discipline of its keepers to do the right thing irrespective of the

consequences. This discipline is tested over and over again every day in HAZOP, as the HAZOP

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team is relied upon to verify information for accuracy and applicability regarding a wide range of

technical subject matter.

In this paper, the authors provide a detailed map of HAZOP and LOPA meticulous verification

tasks and interactions. Specific examples of MV vulnerabilities and safeguards are provided to

enhance the effectiveness of PHA teams. These vulnerabilities and safeguards address issues

such as operating procedures and operator response, enabling and conditional modifiers,

management of change, mechanical integrity and testing of safeguards and IPLs.

The target audience for this paper is anyone whose responsibilities include (1) leading within an

organization required to comply with OSHA 1910.119, (2) establishing effective HAZOP and

LOPA guidance documents, (3) developing high-integrity meticulous verification protocols and

checklists, and (4) performing meticulous verification tasks such as technical assurance reviews.

1 Background and Purpose

CCPS’s Vision 20/20 was developed to provide a picture of what perfect process safety may

look like in the future when process safety is “championed by industry; driven by five tenets of

culture, standards, competency, management systems and lessons learned; and enhanced by

community passion and four global societal themes.”[1] The five tenets serve as a framework of

what constitutes high-integrity, effective, and successful process safety management. The four

global societal themes represent critical supporting efforts to the overarching five tenets. One of

the global societal themes is called Meticulous Verification (MV). CCPS’s intentions regarding

MV are described as:

“Companies use various assessment techniques to assure their process safety

management systems are working as intended.

It will become standard practice for companies to supplement internal audits with

competent third-party verification of their engineered systems and process safety

management systems.

Third-party technical experts verify specific technical details.

Public and non-governmental organizations evaluate implementation of company process

safety programs.

Third-party assessments may identify additional opportunities for improvement in

company process safety management and can enhance stakeholder relationships.

Meticulous Verification supports a partnership to challenge each other to deliver great

process safety performance.”

Based on a recent conversation with the primary author of Vision 20/20, Mr. Jack McCavit, the

authors of the Vision 20/20 MV material were focused on (1) enhancing collaboration between

industry and third-party entities and (2) ensuring high-integrity compliance audits are performed

by competent auditors.

The purpose of this paper is (1) to raise the awareness of MV’s importance to process safety

management sustainability and (2) to provide a practical approach to MV for enhanced and

sustained process safety management integrity.

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2 Current 1910.119 Verbiage

The current language in 1910.119(o) is as follows:

“Employers shall certify that they have evaluated compliance with the provisions of this section

at least every three years to verify that the procedures and practices developed under the standard

are adequate and are being followed.

The compliance audit shall be conducted by at least one person knowledgeable in the process.

A report of the findings of the audit shall be developed.

The employer shall promptly determine and document an appropriate response to each of the

findings of the compliance audit, and document that deficiencies have been corrected.

Employers shall retain the two (2) most recent compliance audit reports.”[2]

The PSM mandate as it stands today does not require third-party involvement for compliance

auditing. 1910.119 also does not specify a required sample size. Aside from the Contractors

element, third-party involvement is not required for any PSM element – not even for Process

Hazards Analysis (PHA).

3 How Do Most Companies Meet Compliance Audit Requirement?

Companies achieve compliance with the Compliance Audit element by way of first, second,

and/or third-party compliance audits of representative processing units, specific PSM elements,

and/or PSM management systems.[3] A sample selection is reviewed for compliance against

company policies, selected RAGAGEP, and 1910.119 (which can be supplemented by Letters of

Interpretation (LOIs)). Sampling is an accepted method of auditing and a 100% review is not the

norm. The three types of audits referenced above are defined as follows:

First-party - organization internal auditors;

Second-party - independent auditors outside of the organization; and

Third-party - independent external auditors.[3]

4 So What’s the Problem with Vision 20/20’s End-Goal?

There is nothing wrong with the Vision 20/20 end-goal as intended by the original set of authors.

Despite rumors and speculation, the authors of Vision 20/20 did not craft the MV language to

imply more frequent audits and a larger sample size requirement. OSHA and other process

safety advocates have expressed a desire for formal third-party audits and increased audit

frequencies. More specifically, Executive Order 13650 is currently seeking comment on

increasing the frequency of audits and mandating third-party audits as part of an overhaul of 29

CFR 1910.119.[4] In addition, it has come to the authors’ attention via confidential sources that

OSHA is evaluating a mandate that all information be reviewed during an audit rather than a

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sample selection. However, the rhetoric being espoused and superimposed atop the Vision 20/20

program by regulatory entities and other PSM advocates is not realistic or achievable.

The major problems with increased audits and larger sample sizes are the time and money

required to complete such audits. Should the vision become the reality, then compliance would

become difficult as the resources required to complete future compliance audits would be

impractical with respect to available competency and financial constraints. The benefit of

increased sample sizes quickly reaches a point of diminishing returns.

Competency is not a problem. There are plenty of competent people capable of conducting PSM

compliance audits. Availability is the problem. Take a minute and imagine the cost associated

with an audit where 100% of the documents that can be audited are included in the scope. For a

large refinery, a team of six people work long hours for an entire week and are still not able to

guarantee a 10% sample size review. It would take months for the team of six auditors to

perform an effective compliance audit consisting of a 100% review. Do we have enough

competent people to complete audits of 100% of the information and personnel? Yes. But, are

they available for the time necessary to complete the effective audits?

5 What Role Can HAZOP and LOPA Play Regarding MV?

As an alternative to increasing the compliance audit burden, we propose new HAZOPs and

LOPAs as well as HAZOP and LOPA five-year revalidations be used as tools to assess a

company’s MV effectiveness. This would support CCPS’s Vision 20/20 without significant

modification to current compliance audit protocols or PHA practices.

A HAZOP is a nexus of process safety information, technical expertise, and process safety

management systems’ overall effectiveness; and serves as a bellwether of an organization’s

overall PSM integrity. The integrity of a management system is only as strong as the discipline

of its keepers to do the right thing irrespective of the consequences. This discipline is tested over

and over again every day in HAZOP and LOPA, as the PHA team is relied upon to verify

information for accuracy and applicability regarding a wide range of technical subject matter.

Figure 1 below depicts the various PSM elements that provide inputs and information to a PHA.

Figure 1: PSM Inputs to HAZOP/LOPA








EP & R

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As the previous figure depicts, one of the PSM elements feeding a HAZOP/LOPA exercise is

Process Safety Information. A HAZOP should not be performed without first

generating/obtaining and ensuring the integrity of the PSI. This effort is a compliance audit. It

may not be documented as one or treated as one regarding formal team assignment and make-up,

but it is a compliance audit. A team of experts is assessing the process safety information to

determine whether it can be used to effectively identify, assess, and manage hazards. Figure 2

below depicts examples of process safety information used as inputs to a HAZOP/LOPA


Figure 2: PSI Inputs to HAZOP/LOPA

Third-party facilitators are often used to manage the completion of HAZOP/LOPA exercises.

Regardless of whether the facilitator is first-party, second-party, or third-party, their scope

should already include the technical assessment of PSI prior to starting HAZOP/LOPA sessions;

hence, adding formal MV assessment activity is more of a name change than anything else.

A company already performing PHAs similar to what is described above may leave current PSM

compliance audit systems and protocols in place. If PSI is not being checked for technical

accuracy before or during the HAZOP or LOPA, then it is not the compliance audit protocol that

needs to change. In the authors’ opinion, one of the major vulnerabilities with HAZOPs and

LOPAs is the failure to ensure and assure the integrity of the PSI, which may result in the

inability to adequately define a hazard or the associated risk. Identical to PSM compliance

audits, questions need to be specific and comprehensive when assessing the technical accuracy of

PSI. Questions may resemble the following:

1. Are the P&IDs accurate? When were they last walked down?

2. Have all MOCs been tracked? Have all impacted PSI been updated?

3. Have throughputs changed? If so, has the necessary information been updated?

Process Safety Information


PFDs and P&IDs

H & MBs


Relief system design basis

Safety systems

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4. If the PSI has changed due to an MOC, has a PSSR been performed?

5. How were the safe upper and lower operating limits set? Were process safety times

calculated? Do SOPs, instrumented systems, alarms, and credit for operator response

take process safety times into account?

6. Have safeguards been identified and documented? Are they robust enough to afford

credit in a HAZOP?

7. Have IPLs been identified and documented? Do they meet all IPL criteria? How is their

integrity maintained and assured? What kind of testing is performed?

8. Are relief devices sized for all potential overpressure scenarios? Do the technical

assumptions match up with current design and operations? Does the field input data

match the data used in the calculation files?

In the HAZOP, the facilitator should not take “Yes” at face value all of the time. The facilitator

must drive and establish a culture of integrity through assurance. Take the time to check the

information. “Checking” does not mean finding the information and verifying its existence.

“Checking” means opening the file, looking at the assumptions, ensuring the technical basis

matches current design and operation, cross-checking PSI across different data repositories,

cross-checking PSI against SOPs, and doing anything else to assure the technical integrity of the

PSI and other supporting information to the HAZOP/LOPA.

MV assurance proceeds from PSI assessment prior to conducting a HAZOP/LOPA through node

definition, initiating event identification, consequence development, safeguard assignment, and

risk-ranking. Each step of a HAZOP/LOPA can address MV assurance. Node definition

requires rigorous scrutiny of the P&IDs and node boundaries. Node definition also includes

checking/documenting design codes and standards. Equipment, piping, and instrumentation

information is thoroughly reviewed to establish operating and design limits to determine

appropriate deviations for analysis. Materials of construction, MAWPs, and MAWTs should all

be checked.

As you move from node definition to the actual HAZOP/LOPA analyses, information regarding

initiating events and consequence development move under the microscope. Once again,

questions may resemble:

1. What can fail mechanically? Electrically? Hydraulically? Administratively?

2. What do the SOPs say specifically?

3. Are dispersion models completed? Are fire and blast studies complete and available?

Does all of the information reflect current design and operating conditions?

4. How do the EACs impact consequences?

5. How does ventilation system design impact consequences with respect to emergency

response and planning?

6. How do we handle check valves and restriction orifices? How do we ensure their

integrity? Does it matter if a pressure relief device is sized assuming a check valve or

RO is available?

Figure 3 depicts operating procedure inputs to HAZOP/LOPA exercises. Oftentimes, operating

procedures are written by engineers and operators prior to commissioning and then updated after

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commissioning to reflect final design and operating conditions. A HAZOP/LOPA is supposed to

assess the hazards associated with all modes of operation. Hence, a valve being closed during

one mode of operation may not be a problem, but may pose a serious threat during another mode

of operation. It is common for alarms and interlocks to be disabled during temporary or

abnormal modes of operation to facilitate non-routine maintenance or temporary operations.

SOPs for non-routine modes of operation should be available, validated, and risk-assessed during

the course of the HAZOP and LOPA.

Figure 3: SOP Inputs to HAZOP/LOPA

An organization’s mechanical integrity program can also be assessed during a HAZOP/LOPA.

Mechanical integrity is sometimes cited as a safeguard. The authors agree that MI can be a

safeguard, but only if the program is comprehensive, effective, and specific to the hazard

identified. Credit for an MI program should only be taken after verification that the Inspection,

Testing, and Preventative Maintenance (ITPM) methods and frequency are appropriate to the

potential damage mechanisms identified by the HAZOP team. Likewise, a HAZOP/LOPA team

should not take credit for any element whose function and availability is not assured by a high-

integrity MI program.

For example, a pressure relief device can be sized correctly; however, if it has not been inspected

and tested on a frequency fitting to its service, then it is not a reliable and effective IPL and

safeguard. The same applies to safety-instrumented functions (SIFs) or high-integrity pressure

protection systems (HIPPS).



Normal operations

Temporary operations

Emergency shutdown

Normal shutdown

Operating limits

Consequences of deviation

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6 What Role Can HAZOP and LOPA Play Regarding MV?

In an effort to provide the reader with an effective MV assessment tool, the authors have

compiled a checklist of the various activities they perform before and/or during a HAZOP and

LOPA. The following checklist serves as a sample MV assessment guidance document for a

HAZOP/LOPA effort:

Table 1: Meticulous Verification Assessment Checklist for HAZOP/LOPA HAZOP

Phase Specific Element Meticulous Verification Checkpoint





MOC ☐ Current P&IDs reflect MOC changes

☐ Current operating procedures reflect MOC changes

☐ Current SIF safe charts reflect MOC changes

☐ Current relief valve calculations reflect MOC changes





Field Walkdown

Efforts ☐ Field walkdown and red line efforts have been captured

on HAZOP P&IDs 1910.119(d)(3)(i)(B)




☐ Closure of recommendations from previous hazard

assessments/audit findings are identified in tracking system





Recommendations ☐ PSI reflects actions associated with recommendation

closure from previous hazard assessments/audit findings




Process System

Selection ☐ Systems approaching 5 year hazard assessment

revalidation deadline is on upcoming PHA schedule 1910.119(e)(6)


Communication ☐ Hazards identified in previous hazard assessments have

been communicated to employees 1910.119(d)




Parameters ☐ Mechanical design limit documentation (U1, Pipe spec,

etc.) is consistent with limits on P&IDs and operating

procedures safe operating envelope


☐ Process equipment parameters are available to properly

evaluate excursions from safe operating limits (pump curves,

heater/exchanger spec sheets, etc.)


☐ Heat and material balance reflects current throughputs 1910.119(d)(3)(i)(G)

☐ Heat & Material Balance reviewed and is within

mechanical limits. (relief valve set points, U1 MAWP, etc.) 1910.119(d)(3)(i)(G)

☐ Material chemical properties such as toxicity, corrosivity,

reactivity, mixing, etc are available (chemical compatibility

matrix, corrosion table, etc.)


☐ Materials of construction and compatibility with process

is documented (corrosion tables, etc.) 1910.119(d)(1)(v)

☐ Out of service equipment and piping is depicted

accurately 1910.119(d)(2)

☐ Operating modes are documented for all design intents of

the process 1910.119(f)(1)(i)




Operator error

☐ Operator refresher training is up to date and documented 1910.119(g)(2)


Managed valve system/log is adequate.

☐ Up to date

☐ Documented via a procedure

☐ Audited for accuracy and is consistent with initating event

likelihood developed by team




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Phase Specific Element Meticulous Verification Checkpoint



The operator error rate assumptions are defensible for the

scenario developed

☐ Number of opportunities for the operator to make mistake

is defensible

☐ Personnel that may be involved is included in training


☐ Procedure details the operation and is clear

☐ Operator stress level is consistent with scenario developed

by team

☐ Error rate accounts for similar valves/controls or

confusing layout that may facilitate a higher rate




Credibility If a scenario has been determined to be "not credible"

☐ Documentation is available demonstrating defensibility

☐ Scenario meets threshold for establishing credibility



Failure ☐ Repair logs associated with the scenario developed by the

team are consistent with initiating event likelihood




Equipment addressed by scenario developed by team is

captured by Inspection Test Preventative Maintenance

(ITPM) Plan. Verify:

☐ Inspections up to date

☐ Testing is current

☐ Maintenance activities up to date

☐ Deficiencies have been corrected

☐ MOC changes were incorporated




☐ PMI records are available for piping/equipment associated

with alloys 1910.119(j)(6)

Previous Incidents

☐ Previous incidents and near misses are identified,

investigated, and documented



1910.119 Appendix C


☐ Previous incidents recommendations/corrective actions

are addressed/implemented and documented 1910.119(m)(5)



Safety ☐ Personnel Distribution is accurate and is reflective of

scenario developed by team. (Specific operations should

document personnel required and their exposure level for the




☐ Dispersion analysis is based on flow rate developed by




☐ Process Safety Time is documented for the specific

scenario developed by team. 1910.119(j)(6)(i)

☐ Excursion rate/release volume calculations available or

understood for the specific scenario developed by team



☐ Blast/Radiation Study is reflective of specific scenario

developed by team (release volumes, congested volume

calculations, released material properties)






modifiers ☐ Ignition probability is based on congestion of equipment

where flammable cloud may exist



☐ Plot plan is reviewed to verify that ignition probability

encompasses impact of surrounding equipment (fired

equipment, open flames, etc.)



GCPS 2016



Phase Specific Element Meticulous Verification Checkpoint



Enabling condition modifiers:

☐ Justification documented (historical performance,

published industry data, previous experience, internal

defined criteria)

☐ Applicable to hazard scenario developed by team

Time at risk factors☐ Justification is documented (historical

performance, published industry data, previous experience,

internal defined criteria)☐ Applicable to hazard scenario

developed by team


Occupancy factors

☐ Justification is documented (historical performance,

published industry data, previous experience, internal

defined criteria)

☐ Applicable to hazard scenario developed by team

☐ Reviewed against facility personnel distribution

☐ Hazard Scenario occupancy factor accounts for foreseen

action by operator on upset/alarm or automated response

from a safety system



Response ☐ Emergency response plan is documented and is adequate

for the scenario developed by the team 1910.119(n)

☐ Emergency response personnel are trained and training is

up to date 1910.119(f)(1)(i)(E)

Dikes/Bunds ☐ Volume of dike/bund meets design code requirements and

documentation is available 1910.119(d)(3)(i)(F)

☐ Dikes/Bunds ITPM is documented and adequate 1910.119(j)(4)

Deluge Systems ☐ Deluge system coverage and operation is adequate for

system and scenario developed by team



☐ Deluge ITPM is documented and adequate 1910.119(j)(4)

Hazardous Area

Classification ☐ Electrical Area Classification drawings are up to date


Flow Restriction

Orifices ☐ Orifice ITPM is documented and up to date

☐ Orifice calculations are available and document

acceptable flow reduction for scenario developed by team

Pressure Relief

Devices ☐ Selected relief device calculation files are up to date and

are adequately sized for specific scenario identified by team 1910.119(d)(3)(i)(D)

☐ Relief Valve / Effluent System ITPM is documented and

up to date 1910.119(j)(4)

☐ Hazards associated with discharge of the relief valve for

the specific scenario are reviewed 1910.119(e)(3)(iv)

Gas Detection

Systems ☐ Gas Detection System ITPM is documented and up to date 1910.119(j)(4)

☐ Gas detection alarms sound at or prior to reaching

concentration of interest for the specific gas of interest

depicted by the HAZOP scenario (STEL, PEL, LEL%)




☐ Gas detection systems cover area in question and are

depicted appropriately on drawings 1910.119(e)(3)(v)


Seals ☐ Seal systems vent to safe location and are depicted

accurately on P&IDs



☐ ITPM is documented and up to date 1910.119(j)(4)


Equipment ☐ ITPM is documented and up to date 1910.119(j)(4)

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Phase Specific Element Meticulous Verification Checkpoint



☐ Operating procedures are available detailing redundant

equipment and training is provided for its use 1910.119(f)(1)(i)(C)




☐ Redundant equipment is documented to have capacity to

meet 100% of demand (lead/lag systems may not provide

full redundancy)


Spare Equipment ☐ ITPM is documented and up to date for spare 1910.119(j)(4)

☐ Spares meet design specification 1910.119(j)(6)(iii)

☐ PMI is confirmed for spares prior to use 1910.119(j)(6)(iii)

☐ Inventory list confirms that spares are available 1910.119(j)(6)(iii)

☐ Redundant equipment is documented to have capacity to

meet 100% of demand (lead/lag systems may not provide

full redundancy)



Systems ☐ Ventilation systems is documented to be adequate for

scenario developed by team 1910.119(d)(3)(i)€

☐ Ventilation systems ITPM is documented and up to date 1910.119(j)(4)

Check Valves ☐ ITPM is documented and up to date 1910.119(j)(4)

☐ Check valve is designed for process service (vibration,

clean/dirty, temperature, etc.)

☐ Repair, testing, and operating history demonstrates

acceptable performance






☐ ITPM is documented and up to date 1910.119(j)(4)

Exclusion Zones ☐ Exclusion zones are enforced 1910.119(f)(1)(iii)(B)

☐ Exclusion zones are readily identifiable 1910.119(f)(1)(iii)(B)

☐ Exclusion zone boundaries are effective (cover radiation

limit, dispersion limit, etc.) 1910.119(f)(1)(iii)(B)

☐ Adequate procedures exist for operation within an

exclusion zone 1910.119(f)(1)(iii)(B)


Monitoring / Third

Party Monitoring

☐ Procedure exists detailing independent activity monitoring

and procedure documents independence from

person/equipment performing the task identified by the

hazard scenario



☐ Training is documented for personnel involved 1910.119(e)(3)(iii)


☐ Procedure has been reviewed by operations 1910.119(e)(3)(iii)




Wash Stations

☐ ITPM is documented and up to date 1910.119(j)(4)

☐ Operating procedures and operator training identifies the

locations 1910.119(f)(1)(iii)(B)

Process Alarms ☐ ITPM is documented and up to date 1910.119(j)(4)

☐ Independence of alarm is verified and found to be


☐ Separate controller from failure identified in hazard


☐ Separate sensor from failure identified in hazard scenario

☐ Separate I/O card from failure identified in hazard


☐ Separate final element from failure identified in hazard


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Phase Specific Element Meticulous Verification Checkpoint



☐ Process safety time is adequate to allow for response and

correction to safe condition 1910.119(e)(3)(iii)

☐ Alarms are consistent across PSI (P&ID, DCS, Cause and

Effects, Human-Machine Interface) 1910.119(d)(3)(i)(H)

Safety Critical

Alarms ☐ Specific alarm response is documented within a procedure 1910.119(f)(1)(i)(C/E)

☐ Alarm is confirmed to be unique (identifiable amongst

multiple alarms)

Independence of alarm is verified and found to be adequate:

☐ Separate controller from failure identified in hazard


☐ Separate sensor from failure identified in hazard scenario

☐ Separate I/O card from failure identified in hazard


☐ Separate final element from failure identified in hazard


☐ ITPM is documented and up to date 1910.119(j)(4)

☐ Access security for set points / bypass of alarm is verified

to be limited to required personnel only

☐ Process safety time is documented to be adequate to allow

for response and correction to safe condition 1910.119(e)(3)(iii)

☐ Alarms are consistent across PSI (P&ID, DCS, Cause and

Effects, Human-Machine Interface) 1910.119(d)(3)(i)(H)

☐ Specific Response is detailed in operator training 1910.119(g)(1)(i)

BPCS functions ☐ Response time is documented to be fast enough to meet

Process Safety time



Independence of function is verified and found to be


☐ Separate controller from failure identified in hazard


☐ Separate sensor from failure identified in hazard scenario

☐ Separate I/O card from failure identified in hazard


☐ Separate final element from failure identified in hazard


☐ ITPM is documented and up to date 1910.119(j)(4)

☐ PSI documentation is consistent and accurate (P&ID,

DCS, Cause and Effects, Human-Machine Interface) 1910.119(d)(3)(i)(H)

☐ BPCS function has adequate capacity to mitigate scenario

developed by team (e.g. minimum flow recirculation line has

adequate recycle flow to prevent deadhead)






☐ SIS/SIF calculations are documented for SIL 1910.119(d)(3)(ii)


Independence of function is verified and found to be


☐ Separate controller from failure identified in hazard


☐ Separate sensor from failure identified in hazard scenario

☐ Separate I/O card from failure identified in hazard


☐ Separate final element from failure identified in hazard


☐ ITPM is documented and adequate for SIL 1910.119(j)(4)

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Phase Specific Element Meticulous Verification Checkpoint



☐ Actual SIS/SIF set points match documentation

☐ Access security is verified to be limited to required

personnel only

☐ Operating procedures for activities involving safety

systems and functions are available 1910.119(f)(1)(iv)

☐ Any manual over-rides of SIS/SIF are documented and

risk assessed 1910.119(f)(1)(iv)


7 MV Assurance Deliverables

Efforts utilizing HAZOP and LOPA for MV assurance should produce a formal deliverable to

serve as a document of record. This deliverable should be separate from the PHA report as the

actions may not be driven by a specific hazard scenario and subsequent risk-ranking designation.

The report does not have to be burdensome on the PHA team, but it should include the following


1. Executive summary;

2. Details of MV assurance team (name, title, role, years of experience, contact


3. Details of MV assurance activity and protocols (checklists incorporated, information

reviewed, sample size, personnel interviewed, observations made);

4. Part of 1910.119 where potential non-compliance may exist;

5. Proposed actions specific to the MV assurance scope; and

6. Description of management review process to approve or reject proposed actions.

8 Supporting Cast and Criteria

For effective use of HAZOP and LOPA to assess the integrity of a company’s MV efforts, the

following elements must be in place:

1. The right culture/mindset/attitude to facilitate an effort focused on making facilities safer

and better.

2. Authentic management support and understanding of what MV means and requires

regarding time, money, and competence.

3. A HAZOP/LOPA team of competence and accountability dedicated to the discipline

required to check information with relentless vigilance.

4. PSM documentation control systems in place to generate, maintain, and facilitate MV


5. Humility to recognize third-party entities may bring valuable expertise and value to MV


Without the above elements in place, the team will not devote the time required to support the

MV assurance tenet of CCPS’s Vision 20/20 because the value will not be enough to break

through the obstacles.

GCPS 2016


9 Conclusion

Based on the authors’ experience as HAZOP and LOPA facilitators, MV serves as the mission

critical Vision 20/20 element for long-term sustainability. There is nothing wrong with the

Vision 20/20 end-goal as intended by the original set of authors. Despite rumors and

speculation, the authors of Vision 20/20 did not craft the MV language to imply more frequent

audits and a larger sample size requirement.

Adding more burdensome PSM compliance audit requirements is not a problem of competency –

it is a problem of availability. The authors posit the use of HAZOPs and LOPAs to help

organizations achieve the intent of CCPS’s Vision 20/20 MV challenge of using third-parties and

enhanced collaboration between public, regulatory, and non-governmental organizations to

increase the integrity of process safety management systems and information.

Increasing the integrity of HAZOPs and LOPAs requires meticulous verification, which should

already be occurring more than observed. The authors have provided a comprehensive checklist

to assist organizations in improving their MV efforts by raising the standard of excellence

regarding facilitator and PHA team expertise and discipline.

MV is not a one-time task that is done every other day or week. MV is perpetual vigilance

performed by available competence.

10 References

[1] CCPS, “Vision 20/20,” Available at (accessed

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[2] OSHA, “1910.119 Process Safety Management of Highly Hazardous Chemical,”

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DuPont, Copyright © 2009.

[4] B. Obama, “Executive Order – Improving Chemical Facility Safety and Security,”

Available at

improving-chemical-facility-safety-and-security (accessed January 2016).