AspenSimulationWkbookV7 0 Usr

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Version Number: V7.0

July 2008 

Copyright (c) 2008 by Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.

Aspen Simulation Workbook, aspenONE, the aspen leaf logo and Plantelligence and Enterprise Optimization are

trademarks or registered trademarks of Aspen Technology, Inc., Burlington, MA.

All other brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.

This document is intended as a guide to using AspenTech's software. This documentation contains AspenTechproprietary and confidential information and may not be disclosed, used, or copied without the prior consent ofAspenTech or as set forth in the applicable license agreement. Users are solely responsible for the proper use ofthe software and the application of the results obtained.

Although AspenTech has tested the software and reviewed the documentation, the sole warranty for the softwaremay be found in the applicable license agreement between AspenTech and the user. ASPENTECH MAKES NOWARRANTY OR REPRESENTATION, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, WITH RESPECT TO THIS DOCUMENTATION,ITS QUALITY, PERFORMANCE, MERCHANTABILITY, OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.

Aspen Technology, Inc.200 Wheeler RoadBurlington, MA 01803

USAPhone: (1) (781) 221-6400Fax: (1) (781) 221-6410URL:

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Contents iii


Section 1: Using Aspen Simulation Workbook ........................................................1 

Introduction ....................................................................................................1 Who Should Read this Guide? ..................................................................2 Related Documentation...........................................................................2 Technical Support ..................................................................................3 

Getting Started ................................................................................................4 

Aspen Simulation Workbook Toolbars .......................................................5 Bringing a Simulation Model into ASW ......................................................8 

Building a Model Interface ............................................................................... 11 Developing a Model .............................................................................. 11 Copying Variables from the Model to the Organizer...................................12 Creating Tables with a Table Wizard .......................................................13 Placing the Table into Excel ................................................................... 13 Adding Graphics...................................................................................14 Linking Excel to Plant Data Tags using IP21/PI.........................................14 Pulling Tags into the Organizer ..............................................................14 Mapping Tags to Model Variables............................................................ 14 Setting Tag Updates and Adding Tag Tables ............................................15 Publishing the Model and Locking Features ..............................................16 

Using the Aspen Simulation Workbook Organizer ...............................................17 Copying and Pasting within the Organizer................................................20 Selecting and Changing the Simulation Case............................................21 Exporting and Importing Variable Lists.................................................... 25 Using the Variable Browser and Query Functions...................................... 28 Setting Variable Properties ....................................................................31 Navigating the Organizer Variable Grid ................................................... 35 Identifiers ........................................................................................... 36 Model Variable Tables ...........................................................................37 

Using the Standard Table Wizards ....................................................................38 Creating Tables....................................................................................38 Creating Table Templates......................................................................39 

Running Scenarios (using the Scenario Wizard)..................................................50 Working with Dynamic Profiles .........................................................................51 Adding Graphics and Controls ..........................................................................52 

Aspen Simulation Workbook Process Graphics..........................................52 Inserting Complete Process Flow Diagrams..............................................54 Deploying Models .................................................................................57 Connecting Models to Plant Data Tags.....................................................58 Retrieving Plant Tags into Organizer .......................................................58 Mapping Tags to Model Variables............................................................ 60 

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iv Contents

Preparing Models for Distribution...................................................................... 63 Showing Simulation Status ....................................................................63 

Changing the Path or Filename of a Linked Model ...............................................63 Embedding Simulation Case Files in MS Excel .................................................... 63 

Extracting Embedded Simulation Case Files from MS Excel ........................65 Removing Embedded Simulation Case Files from MS Excel ........................66 

Using Remote Execution..................................................................................66 Installing Aspen Remote Simulation Server (ARSS) on Windows Vista......... 68 Running Aspen Remote Simulation Server on Windows Vista .....................69 

Limiting End-User Access to Simulation Case Files and Data ................................69 Monitoring the Remote Simulation Server..........................................................70 MS Excel Worksheet Protection ........................................................................71 

Using ASW to Automate Workflow ..........................................................72 Mapping Tag Quality Definitions .............................................................77 Creating Tag Tables.............................................................................. 79 

Writing Scripts for ASW................................................................................... 79 Aspen Simulation Workbook Functions .................................................... 79 Aspen Simulation Workbook Function Arguments .....................................80 Aspen Simulation Workbook Macros .......................................................80 Using Buttons and Other Controls to Run ASW Macros ..............................81 

Running Simulation Cases Using Aspen Simulation Workbook ..............................84 Workflow Overview...............................................................................84 Entering Model Variables .......................................................................85 Activating the Simulation Engine............................................................85 Running the Active Simulation Case........................................................86 Viewing the Active Simulation Case ........................................................88 Viewing Simulation Log Files.................................................................. 88 Saving the State of the Simulation Case.................................................. 89 Using Visual Basic Automation to Launch Simulation Cases........................89 Scheduling Simulation Runs................................................................... 89 

Getting the Most from MS Excel .......................................................................92 

Conditional Formatting.......................................................................... 92 MS Excel Form Controls ........................................................................93 Using ASW with Esteco ModeFrontier .............................................................. 101 Using ASW with Oracle CrystalBall.................................................................. 102 

Using Oracle Crystal Ball to perform Monte Carlo analysis with ASWSimulations ....................................................................................... 102 

Section 2: Working with Specific Simulation Platforms ......................................104 

Aspen Plus Suite .......................................................................................... 104 EO and SM Variables and Synchronization ............................................. 104 Developing Interfaces to EO Models...................................................... 106 Objective Function Variables................................................................ 107 

Accessing Spec-Groups ....................................................................... 108 Accessing Connections ........................................................................ 109 Troubleshooting EO Model Interfaces .................................................... 109 Accessing Calculator Blocks and Design Specifications ............................ 110 

Aspen Simulation Workbook for Aspen Modeler Products ................................... 110 Selecting and Copying Variables from Grids........................................... 110 Selecting and Copying Variables Using the Aspen Modeler Variable Finder. 111 Accessing Solver Options and Run Options ............................................ 112 Activating and Deactivating Tasks in ASW ............................................. 113 

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Contents v

Maximizing Performance of Dynamic Models Running Under ASW............. 114 

Section 3 Troubleshooting..................................................................................116 

Required Software........................................................................................ 116 Compatibility Guide ...................................................................................... 116 Managing Multiple Versions of ASW and Other MS Excel Add-Ins........................ 118 Troubleshooting Guide .................................................................................. 119 

Index ..................................................................................................................122 

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Section 1: Using Aspen Simulation Workbook 1

Section 1: Using AspenSimulation Workbook

IntroductionAspen Simulation Workbook (ASW) is a tool for interfacing AspenTech’ s

process simulation models with Microsoft Excel worksheets. Aspen Simulation

Workbook also has tools to link model variables to plant data tags importedusing third-party applications. These capabilities allow modeling experts tolink models and plant data and publish the resulting models as Excel

worksheets for use by casual model users.

!  Aspen Simulation Workbook is compatible with Microsoft Excel 2000 (orhigher) and operates under Windows 2000 (or higher) environments.

!  Aspen Simulation Workbook supports Aspen Plus. and is also compatible

with the HTFS+ family of products, including Tasc+, Acol+, Teams, and

FiredHeater, etc.

!  Aspen Simulation Workbook supports Aspen Plus and Aspen HYSYS cases,

as well as the layered products based on these platforms for example,

Aspen Polymers Plus and Aspen HYSYS Refining

!  Aspen Simulation Workbook supports steady-state HYSYS models,

including models based on HYSYS Upstream and Aspen HYSYS Refining.

Aspen Simulation Workbook fully supports sequential-modular (SM)

variables in Aspen Plus. Equation-oriented (EO) models are supportedindirectly through the SM variables, which are synchronized with the EOvariables during simulation runs.

!  Aspen Simulation Workbook is also compatible with the Aspen Modeler

family of products, including Aspen Custom Modeler (ACM), Aspen PlusDynamics (AD), Aspen Chromatography, Aspen Adsorption, and Aspen

Model Runner (AMR).

!  Initialization, steady-state, and dynamic runs are also fully supported.

Although estimation and optimization run modes are supported, theestimation data and results and optimization results variables are not

exposed in the current ACM adapter.

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2 Section 1: Using Aspen Simulation Workbook

Who Should Read this Guide?

Customers with two types of roles are associated with Aspen Simulation

Workbook: Model Authors and Model Users.

Model Authors (model interface developers) use Aspen Simulation Workbookto link process models and plant data tags to MS Excel workbooks. A typical

Model Author  is familiar with the underlying simulation tools (for example,Aspen Plus, Aspen HYSYS, etc.) and may also be familiar with process

information systems such as Aspen IP21. Most of the chapters in this Guide

address the steps required to interface the models and plant data to an Excelsheet.

Once the model interface is developed, it can be deployed to a larger number

of Model Users (MUs). The typical Model User is comfortable using Excel andhas an understanding of the chemical process, but may not be an experienceduser of the underlying simulation tools. Model Users can refer to the rest of

Chapter 1 for the steps required to run simulations through Excel using Aspen

Simulation Workbook.

Related Documentation

Note: Within Aspen Simulation Workbook, Aspen Plus, and Aspen HYSYS,

press F1 to access the online help.

In addition to this document, a number of other documents are provided tohelp users learn and use Aspen Simulation Workbook, Aspen Plus, and Aspen


Aspen Plus Documentation

Title Content

Aspen Plus Getting Started Buildingand Running a Process Model

Tutorials covering basic use of Aspen Plus. Aprerequisite for the other Getting Startedguides

Aspen Plus Getting Started ModelingProcesses with Solids

Tutorials covering the Aspen plus featuresdesigned to handle solids

Aspen Plus Getting Started ModelingProcesses with Electrolytes

Tutorials covering the Aspen plus featuresdesigned to handle electrolytes

Aspen Plus Getting Started UsingEquation-Oriented Modeling

Tutorials covering the use of equation-oriented models in Aspen Plus

Aspen Plus Getting StartedCustomizing Unit Operation Models

Tutorials covering the development of

custom unit operation models in

Aspen Plus

Aspen Plus Getting Started ModelingPetroleum Processes

Tutorials covering the Aspen Plus featuresdesigned to handle petroleum

Aspen Plus User Guide Procedures for using Aspen Plus

Aspen Plus Unit Operation Models

Reference Manual

Information related to specific unit operation

models in Aspen Plus

Aspen Plus System ManagementReference Manual

Information about customizing files providedwith Aspen Plus

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Section 1: Using Aspen Simulation Workbook 3

Aspen Plus Documentation

Title Content

APrSystem Physical Property Methodsand Models Reference Manual

Information about property methods andproperty models

APrSystem Physical Property DataReference Manual Information about property databanks

Aspen Engineering Suite InstallationManual

Instructions for installing Aspen Plus andother Aspen Engineering Suite products

Aspen HYSYSDocumentation

Title Content

Customization Guide This manual contains information on enhancing thefunctionality of HYSYS by either using third-party tools toprogrammatically run HYSYS (Automation), or by the addition

of user-defined Extensions.Dynamic ModelingGuide

This manual contains information on building and runningHYSYS simulations in Dynamic mode. Dynamic theory, tools,dynamic functioning of the unit operations as well as controlstheory are covered.

HYSYS OLI InterfaceReference Guide

This manual contains information on applying HYSYS OLIInterface package to a simulation. This property packagecomprehensively and accurately simulates and predictselectrolyte systems.

Operations Guide This manual contains information on steady state operation ofHYSYS unit operations, streams, and utilities.

Simulation BasisGuide

This manual contains all information relating to the availableHYSYS Fluid Packages and components. This includes

information on the Oil Manager, Hypotheticals, Reactions, aswell as a thermodynamics reference section.

Tutorials &Applications Guide

This manual provides a range of step-by-step to advanceinstructions for building some industry-specific simulationexamples.

Upstream OptionGuide

This manual contains information on building and applyingHYSYS Upstream unit operations.

Multiflash forWindows User Guide

This manual contains information on applying Multiflash GUIin Microsoft Windows.

HYSYS RefiningOption Guide

This manual contains information on building and applyingHYSYS Refining unit operations and petroleum assay.

User Guide This manual provides in depth information on the HYSYS

interface and architecture.

Technical SupportAspenTech customers with a valid license and software maintenance

agreement can register to access the online AspenTech Support Center at:

This Web support site allows you to:

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4 Section 1: Using Aspen Simulation Workbook

!  Access current product documentation

!  Search for tech tips, solutions and frequently asked questions (FAQs)

!  Search for and download application examples

!  Search for and download service packs and product updates

Submit and track technical issues

Send suggestions

!  Report product defects

!  Review lists of known deficiencies and defects

Registered users can also subscribe to our Technical Support e-Bulletins.These e-Bulletins are used to alert users to important technical support

information such as:

!  Technical advisories

!  Product updates and releases

Customer support is also available by phone, fax, and email. The most up-to-date contact information is available at the AspenTech Support Center at

Getting Started1  Follow the steps for installing Aspen Simulation Workbook described in the

Aspen Engineering Suite Installation Manual.

2 Choose your desired add-ins from the Aspen Simulation Workbook Add-inSelector

3 Open Microsoft Excel

4 Note that the Design and Run toolbars are loaded, along with thetraditional Excel toolbars.

5 You're now ready to begin either working with an existing simulation or

creating your own.

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Section 1: Using Aspen Simulation Workbook 5

Aspen Simulation Workbook Toolbars

Aspen Simulation Workbook adds two toolbar menus to Excel: the AspenSimulation Workbook Design Toolbar, and the Aspen Simulation Run Toolbar.

Note: Model Users or Model Authors using either Excel version 2007 (orhigher), or Microsoft's Vista operating system will view the toolbar menus as

ribbon bar menus as shown below.

Design Toolbar

The Aspen Simulation Workbook Design toolbar is used by the Model Authorto access the Organizer  and other options used during the development of the

model interface. This toolbar also includes an option that allows the Model

Author to lock the worksheet out of design mode to restrict user access tovarious Aspen Simulation Workbook features.

The designer toolbar is used by the model developer to create an ASW

interface:!  Activate / Deactivate ASW

!  Link simulation cases

!  Link model variables

!  Link plant tags

!  Create tables in Excel

!  Draw PFDs

Lock features

Design ToolbarRun Toolb

Design and Run Ribbon Bars

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6 Section 1: Using Aspen Simulation Workbook

Button Action

 /Enable or disable Aspen Simulation Workbook

Open the model variable organizer form

Create an instant table

Insert process equipment icons

Import selected tags into the organizer

Enable or disable automatic tag update (button shows state,enabled or disabled, click button to toggle state)

Protect end user access; button shows state (locked orunlocked). Click the button to toggle state

Refresh Excel with current simulation data

Run ToolbarThe Aspen Simulation Workbook Run toolbar contains the controls to activate,

view, run, and stop the models. This toolbar is convenient for the ModelAuthor and the final Model Users. The run-time toolbar is used by the model

operator to:

!  Activate / Deactivate models

!  Update plant tags

!  Control / run simulation cases

!  View messages

!  View models

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Section 1: Using Aspen Simulation Workbook 7

Button Action

Select (and display) active simulation case

 /Activate model / Deactivate model; this button showsthe state (a red X indicates the model is currently


Select (and display) active simulation environment

Select (and display) simulation run mode

Run active simulation / toggle solver

This button is active when the solver is on.

Step active simulation

Pause active simulation

Toggle solver (button is active when solver is off)

Restart simulation (rewind to start for dynamic runs)

Reinitialize simulation (Aspen Plus only)

Show / hide active simulation model

Load snapshot

View message logs

Update tags

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Section 1: Using Aspen Simulation Workbook 9

4 To view the simulation, click the Show/Hide button  .

5 You may now use the ASW Organizer to work within the simulation.

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10 Section 1: Using Aspen Simulation Workbook

Note: Aspen Simulation Workbook can link several simulation cases to thesame Excel workbook. Only one case, however, can be active at any given

time. The name of the active case is shown in a combo box on the Aspen

Simulation Workbook Run toolbar.

Automatic Activation

The Model Author can set the default state of the linked simulation case files.For example, Aspen Simulation Workbook can automatically activate one ofthe attached simulation cases each time the Excel workbook linked to the

simulation case is opened. This simplifies the work process of the model user,

since they can avoid the model activation step.

For Aspen Plus or ACM models, the Execute on Startup option can be used to

force the simulation to run once immediately after Excel is opened. This

option is convenient in applications where the user is required to run themodel to initialize some calculations in the Excel sheet.

The Model Author can also force the model to open (be visible) in the nativesimulation environment each time the Excel workbook is opened. This feature

is useful for expert users who are developing the interface, but should bedeactivated when the model is published for use by the Model Users.

Use the Configuration view in the Organizer to change the default settings for

the attached simulation case, as shown below. Use the Configuration button

on the Configuration view of the Organizer to launch the SimulationReferences form (see figure below).

Select linked

simulation case

Set“ActivateOnStartup” to

“True” to forceautomatic case


Select linked

simulation case

Set“ActivateOnStartup” to

“True” to forceautomatic case



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Section 1: Using Aspen Simulation Workbook 11

Visible Toggle

Use the Make Visible button to make the active simulation case visible in

its native user interface environment. The simulation remains visible in aseparate window until you click the Make Visible button again.

Tip: Another method is available to quickly attach an Excel sheet to asimulation case. Open the simulation case using its native user interface, copya variable, and paste it into the organizer. Aspen Simulation Workbook will

attach the simulation and make it active after getting user verification.

Refresh Excel from Simulation (Re-synchronizing AspenSimulation Workbook)

After editing the model in its native environment, some variables attributes in

the Excel sheet may be out of synch with the linked simulation model. Use

the Refresh Excel from Simulation button on the design toolbar to force

the variables on the Excel sheet and the Organizer to be in synch with the

variables in the active simulation case.

Building a Model Interface

Developing a Model

It is important to invest some time and effort into the development of theunderlying simulation cases to ensure they are robust over a reasonably widerange of conditions. The simulation case needs to be designed to use

appropriate specifications. This is especially important for Aspen HYSYS cases

and equation-oriented Aspen Plus or ACM cases which allow the user tocontrol fixed (specified) and free (calculated) variables.

Model Development Tips

The following steps are recommended:

1 Determine how the model should be specified; identify a list ofmanipulated input variables (specifications) and results variables

(calculations); establish upper and lower bounds for each manipulated


2 Test the simulation case for robustness by running cases at the limits of

the manipulated variables. Verify the simulation converges without errors.

3  Leverage calculations in Excel; it may be possible to simplify yoursimulation cases by moving calculations from the simulation case (e.g.,calculator blocks in Aspen Plus) to the Excel sheet.

4  Strip unused hidden objects from the simulation; this can reduce the sizeof the file and enhance performance.

In general, apply appropriate engineering judgment when setting up your

simulation cases. Avoid unnecessary details (such as trace components);

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12 Section 1: Using Aspen Simulation Workbook

keep the model as simple as possible. The resulting models will run faster andbe more robust when deployed to casual users in the field.

Required Software

The table below documents the operating system and MS Office requirements

for Aspen Simulation Workbook V7.0. In addition, ASW V7.0 requiresMicrosoft .NET Framework 2.0. (This is standard with Windows XP).

Windows 2000 SP4 (Professional Edition)Operating System

Windows XP SP2 (Professional Edition)

Microsoft Office 2000 Service Pack 3

Microsoft Office XP Service Pack 3Microsoft Office Compatibility1 

Microsoft Office 2003 Service Pack 2

Aspen Simulation Workbook can run files locally on the same desktop, orremotely over a network using a server. When running files locally, two

products must be installed on your desktop computer: Aspen Simulation

Workbook and the appropriate process simulation software (Aspen HYSYSand/or Aspen Plus). Additional products, such as Aspen Polymers Plus, mayalso be required if the underlying models use these types of layered features.

All of the required software is delivered on the set of aspenONE DVDs.

Microsoft Excel 2000 (9.0.3821 SR-1) or higher is also required.

Aspen Simulation Workbook and Aspen RemoteSimulation Service (ARSS)

To run files remotely, you must install Aspen Simulation Workbook on theclient (end user’ s) computer; you must install the simulation applications and

the Aspen Remote Simulation Service on the server computer.

Aspen Simulation Workbook consumes a license while Excel is open and ASWis enabled. Aspen Remote Simulation Service does not consume a license.

Aspen Simulation Workbook retains the state it was saved in. For example, if

the Excel workbook is saved with Aspen Simulation Workbook enabled, it willopen with the software enabled (provided a license key is found on startup).

An ASW Base license is checked out when an instance of Aspen SimulationWorkbook is opened.

For additional information on Aspen Remote Simulation Service, see Using

Remote Execution, and related information in the on-line help, as well as theAspen Engineering Suite Installation Guide.

Copying Variables from the Model to theOrganizer

Variables can be retrieved into the Organizer using two different mechanisms.For most variables, using Copy/Paste is the best option for retrievingvariables since it allows the Model Author to navigate to the variable using thenative simulator user interface.

1 Microsoft Office requirements also apply to Server Side as appropriate.

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Section 1: Using Aspen Simulation Workbook 13

Some variables, however, may not be exposed through the interface in atext-only format, making them inaccessible to the Copy/Paste mechanism.

The ASW Variable Browser can be used to retrieve all variables associated

with a simulation case. Users familiar with the variable explorer in Aspen Plusmay prefer navigating through this browser instead of using Copy/Paste.

Model variables can be entered directly into the values fields in ASW Tables

displayed in the open workbook. If the units field is displayed, alternate unitscan be entered; Aspen Simulation Workbook will perform appropriate unitconversions on the fly. If the specified variable value is outside of the bounds

and variable clamping is active, Aspen Simulation Workbook will reset the

variable value to the nearest bound. When variables are reset to their boundsExcel will sound a warning beep and a message will be logged in the Aspen

Simulation Workbook log file.

Converting Units


!  Use the following procedure to change units or to view a list of valid unit

strings associated with a variable in an ASW Table:!  Select a row in an existing ASW Table in Excel and right-click to open a

pop-up menu

!  Select Simulation Workbook Tables | Convert Units ! 

A list of valid unit strings will appear in the pop-up menu; select the

desired set of units from this list.

Warning: The units strings used in Aspen Simulation Workbook must beconsistent with the units used in the native simulation environment. If you

enter invalid units they will be ignored (the entered value will be replacedwith the original units string).

Note also that it is possible to make unit conversions only when the

simulation is active.

Creating Tables with a Table Wizard

Each of the forms within the ASW Organizer allows the Model Author to createASW Tables from selected tags or variables. The ASW Table Wizard guides theModel Author through the steps required to populate, format, and insert an

ASW Table inside an Excel worksheet. (See Using the Standard Table


Placing the Table into Excel

Use the Table Wizard button to follow a step-by-step process to format

and place the table into the Excel workbook. The Table Wizard brings up the

Table Location dialog box to set the table range. Point to a cell in the Excel

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14 Section 1: Using Aspen Simulation Workbook

sheet to change the address. This address corresponds to the upper leftcorner of the table. Click the OK button to continue.

Adding Graphics

Aspen Simulation Workbook includes a library of process equipment symbolswhich can be inserted onto the worksheet to make the workbook interfaceeasier to use and more visually appealing. The Model Author can also insertequipment graphics using standard drawing tools included in Excel or by using

the Excel Insert Picture  or Insert Clip Art   feature. These can be found

in Excel’ s Drawing toolbar. (See Adding Graphics and Controls.)

Linking Excel to Plant Data Tags using


Plant Data Tags are named objects that define all aspects of a plant datum.

Typically plant tags are composed of several properties (such as value, units,quality, and timestamp).

Plant tags must be retrieved from plant data servers (such as IP21, PhD, or

PI) using the plant data server’ s native Excel Add-ins or OLE automationfeatures. Aspen Simulation Workbook includes a Map Tag Variables wizard

that can be used to associate an existing Excel table with tags. Each row in

the selected range is associated with a single tag; the columns in the selectedrange are each mapped to tag attributes (such as value and units).

Aspen Simulation Workbook includes tools to link model variables and to map

tag quality states defined by the plant data server to states defined withinAspen Simulation Workbook.

Pulling Tags into the OrganizerTags allow you to acess information from other applications and link that

information directly into your ASW Model. See Plant Tags.

Mapping Tags to Model Variables

Any number of model variables can be linked to an Excel sheet. Each modelvariable is a complex named object consisting of several properties including:

type (integer, real, character, etc.), value, and units (where applicable). Thefull set of variable properties is documented later in this guide.

Model variables can be input specifications, calculated results, or stateparameters (such as number of stages).

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Section 1: Using Aspen Simulation Workbook 15

Setting Tag Updates and Adding Tag Tables

Setting Tag Updates

Usually, plant data tags can be automatically updated at specified timeintervals using the Excel Add-In tools or OLE Automation tools delivered withyour plant information system software. Although this feature is not

incorporated into the Aspen Simulation Workbook as a standard tool, you can

use Visual Basic automation to link the appropriate macros to a timer asdescribed later in this chapter.

!  Tags can be manually updated at any time using the Update Tags button

on the Aspen Simulation Workbook Run toolbar.

!  Missing (null) tag values are never copied back to model variables. A

warning icon will appear next to each missing tag in the Organizer

Variable Mapping view.

!  Tag updates behave slightly differently depending on which type of

simulation model is linked to the Aspen Simulation Workbook, as

described below.

Aspen Plus

When the user runs an Aspen Plus case through Aspen Simulation Workbook

three actions take place:

1 Model variables linked to plant tags (Tag to Model or Bidirectional) areupdated with the current conditioned value (CondValue) of the model


2 The model is run and the simulation results are retrieved.

3 Tags linked to model variables (Model to Tag or Bidirectional) are updated

with the conditioned value of the model variable.


When the user triggers a tag update using the Update Tags button, thefollowing actions occur:

1 Model variables linked to plant tags (Tag to Model or Bidirectional) areupdated with the current values stored in the Tags provided the tag

quality is  “Good” .

2 The HYSYS model executes (provided the solver is active) and the modelvariables are updated.

3 Tags linked to model variables (Model to Tag or Bidirectional) are updatedwith the conditioned value of the simulation variables.

Aspen Custom Modeler or Aspen Plus Dynamics

When the user runs an Aspen Modeler case (for example, Aspen CustomModeler or Aspen Plus Dynamics etc) through Aspen Simulation Workbook

three actions take place:

1 Model variables linked to plant tags (Tag to Model or Bidirectional) areupdated with the current conditioned value (CondValue) of the model


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16 Section 1: Using Aspen Simulation Workbook

2 The model is run and the simulation results are retrieved.

3 Tags linked to model variables (Model to Tag or Bidirectional) are updated

with the conditioned value of the model variable.

Adding Tag Tables

In ASW there are two ways to add tag tables: import tags directly from Excelcells or by selecting tags in the Variable Organizer and using the Create TagTable command.

Adding Controls

Aspen Simulation Workbook includes a library of process equipment symbolswhich can be inserted onto the worksheet to make the workbook interface

easier to use and more visually appealing. See Adding Graphics and Controls.

Automating models is accomplished through the use of Dynamic Profiles. SeeWorking with Dynamic Profiles.


You can link ASW actions to any control, button etc. by right-clicking on the

control and selecting the Assign Simulation Workbook Macro command.

Publishing the Model and Locking Features

Publishing the Model

MS Excel allows the user to protect worksheets to prevent end-users fromdamaging a worksheet by removing objects, rows or columns, deleting cells,and etc. This feature can be combined with the Aspen Simulation Workbook

feature locking mechanism to fully protect all aspects of an Aspen SimulationWorkbook. See Excel Worksheet Protection.

Locking Features

Aspen Simulation Workbook allows you to embed simulation case files intohidden worksheets in MS Excel. This makes it significantly easier to deploymodels to end users, to save files in standard document management

systems, and to run files remotely on a server Setting-up Aspen Simulation

Workbook and Microsoft Excel. (See Embedding Simulation Case Files in MSExcel.)

Embedding FilesTo link Excel worksheets to simulation cases you must (1) Enable the AspenSimulation Workbook; (2) Attach the Excel sheet to one or more simulation

cases; (3) activate the simulation and make it visible; and (4) copy variables

from the simulation case and paste them into the Organizer .

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Section 1: Using Aspen Simulation Workbook 17

Using the Aspen SimulationWorkbook OrganizerThe Organizer  is a tool added to Excel when Aspen Simulation Workbook is

installed. The Organizer is used as a central location to define, retrieve, sort,and organize model variables and process data tags. Within the Organizer,the Model Author can view all of the properties associated with each variable

and tag.

Navigation Pane

Select which task

to perform

Organizer Toolbar

Shortcuts to

perform common


Variable Properties P

View all properties of

selected variable - mo


Data Control

See number of variables - navigate

to a variable

Variable Grid

Sort/View /Modify Variable Properties,

Select variables for tables, add/delete tables

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18 Section 1: Using Aspen Simulation Workbook

Organizer Navigation Pane 

The Navigation Pane on the left side of the Organizer allows the Model Author

to switch between various tasks within the Organizer. The Navigation Pane is

divided into five sub-areas.

1 Use Variable Access functions to manipulate model variables, tagvariables, and to map tag quality definitions:

!  Use the Model Variables task to open the model variable grid;

!  Use the Tag Variables task to open the tag grid;

Use Tag Quality Map to map tag quality definitions from the external

plant data source to Aspen Simulation Workbook.

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Section 1: Using Aspen Simulation Workbook 19

2 Use the Variable Mapping function to link model variables to process datatags:

!  Communication can be tag"model, model"tag, or bidirectional

3 Use the Table Manager view to access ASW Tables. This view summarizesthe names and locations of all of the tables inserted into an Excelworkbook. The Table Manager provides a convenient location to identify

and safely move, or delete tables from Excel.

4 The Configuration | Global  view shows global Aspen Simulation Workbook

parameters including the list of linked simulations, the working directorypath, and several state variables.

5  The Configuration | Simulations view contains a list of the names and

attributes of all simulation cases attached to the Excel workbook. This

view can be used to launch a browser (the simulation references control)to find and attach additional simulation cases. This view is also used tochange the default settings of the simulation case. For example, the Model

Author can force a linked simulation case to activate automatically when

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20 Section 1: Using Aspen Simulation Workbook

the Excel workbook is opened. Select a simulation case from the list in thecentral pane and then click one of the buttons on the right side of the

form to change the state of the case or to set options associated with the


6 The Logs view shows status messages (warnings, errors, etc) from AspenSimulation Workbook and from the active simulation case.

Tip: Use the Table Manager  or Simulation Workbook Table Wizard  to

move or delete tables. The Simulation Workbook Table Wizard  can also beused to add/remove rows and/or columns (including empty rows and

columns) to tables and to auto-format the tables.

Copying and Pasting within the Organizer

Variables can be retrieved into the Organizer using two different mechanisms.For most variables, using Copy/Paste is the best option for retrieving

variables since it allows the Model Author to navigate to the variable using thenative simulator user interface.

Some variables, however, may not be exposed through the interface in a

text-only format, making them inaccessible to the Copy/Paste mechanism.The ASW Variable Browser can be used to retrieve all variables associated

with a simulation case. Users familiar with the variable explorer in Aspen Plusmay prefer navigating through this browser instead of using Copy/Paste.

The workflows for each option are described in detail below.

Pasting Variables Using Copy/Paste1 Open the active simulation case.

2 Navigate to the variables of interest in the active simulation case using

the native simulation user interface.

3 Select the variable or range to be copied.

4 Press CTRL+C to copy.

5 Return to the Excel workbook.

6 Click the Organizer button on the Aspen Simulation Workbook

Design toolbar to open the ASW Organizer .

7 Select Model Variables in the Variable Access section of the Organizer

navigation pane. This opens the variable grid.

8 Use the Paste button on the ASW Organizer Toolbar to paste the

variables into the organizer grid.

Pasting Variables Using the ASW Variable Browser

1 Use the Organizer button on the Aspen Simulation Workbook

Design toolbar to open the ASW Organizer.

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Section 1: Using Aspen Simulation Workbook 21

2 Use the Variable Browser button to open the ASW Variable Browserwizard.

3 The ASW Variable Browser can browse though two types of variable trees: 

!  The appModel tree is application specific, and is generally the more

useful of the two options.

The CCDMModel tree, or Common Core Data Model is a generic treethat maps to common data representations across the base


4 The user can browse through the data trees to find and select variables.To select a variable: 

!  Click on the row containing the variable.

!  Use the Add Selected button to paste the variable into the Organizer.

!  Use the Close button to return to the Organizer variable view.

Tip: The ASW Organizer variable grid includes mechanisms to sort and

navigate through variables.

Selecting and Changing the Simulation Case

Simulation Cases

Within this guide we use the terms simulation case and model  

interchangeably to refer to a single set of simulation files (for example a

single HYSYS case file or Aspen Plus backup file).

Using Multiple Cases

Aspen Simulation Workbook can link to one or more simulation cases,

however only one simulation case can be active at a given time. The modeluser can activate and deactivate simulation cases at will.

Supported Case Types

Aspen Simulation Workbook supports Aspen Plus and Aspen HYSYS cases, aswell as the layered products based on these platforms (for example, Aspen

Polymers Plus and Aspen HYSYS Refining).

Aspen Simulation Workbook is also compatible with the HTFS+ family ofproducts, including Tasc+, Acol+, Teams, and FiredHeater, etc.

Aspen Simulation Workbook is also compatible with the Aspen Modeler familyof products, including Aspen Custom Modeler (ACM), Aspen Plus Dynamics(AD), Aspen Chromatography, Aspen Adsorption, and Aspen Model Runner

(AMR). The current version of Aspen Simulation Workbook supports all run

modes for these products. Initialization, steady-state, and dynamic runs arefully supported. Although estimation and optimization run modes are

supported, the estimation data and results and optimization results variables

are not exposed in the current ACM adapter. We plan to extend the adapter inthe future to allow full access to all types of data within the ACM family ofproducts.

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22 Section 1: Using Aspen Simulation Workbook

Aspen Simulation Workbook supports HYSYS models, including models basedon HYSYS Upstream and Aspen HYSYS Refining.

Caution: Aspen Simulation Workbook fully supports sequential-modular (SM)variables in Aspen Plus. Equation-oriented (EO) models are supportedindirectly through the SM variables, which are synchronized with the EO

variables during simulation runs.

Working with Columns

The ASW Organizer Variable Grid displays variables as rows and variableattributes as columns. By default, the Organizer displays a subset of the

available variable attributes. Use the Column Customization button to get a

list of available attributes.

!  Adding Columns. To add a new column to the variable grid, click and

hold the column name (variable attribute name) from the list of available

attributes, drag the header into the appropriate location of the variablegrid and release.

Removing Columns. To remove a column from the grid, click and holdthe column header and drag it onto the column customization list.

!  Moving Columns. To move a column, select and drag the column header

to a new location in the grid.

!  Resizing Columns. Use the Best Fit button to automatically resize all

columns in the variable grid. The width of individual columns can beadjusted by dragging the edge of the column left or right in the columnheader.

!  Sorting Variables. The ASW Organizer can display the variables in a

hierarchical form based on one or more of the variable attributes. To sortby a particular attribute, drag the column header up to the black space

above the header row. Repeat this action with additional attributes to sort

by multiple categories. Use the Collapse All Rows and Expand All Rowsbuttons to quickly expand or collapse the variable grid view. Variables can

be quickly sorted by any category by clicking the appropriate column

header. Hold down the Shift key when clicking a category header toperform a secondary sorting operation (for example, to sort by componentID and stage number in a column profile). Use the filtering control on the

right side of each category header to specify which variables are displayed

in the variable grid (this control pops up a list of options do define thedisplay filter).

Working with Variables and Variable Lists

Any number of model variables can be linked to an Excel sheet. Each model

variable is a complex named object consisting of several properties including:type (integer, real, character, etc.), value, and units (where applicable). The

full set of variable properties is documented later in this guide.

Model variables can be input specifications, calculated results, or stateparameters (such as number of stages).

1 In the ASW Organizer, click to open the Variable Browser.

2 Click the Query tab at the bottom of the Variable Browser.

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Section 1: Using Aspen Simulation Workbook 23

3 In the tree, select an object to query. The query will be limited to theobject selected and the sub-objects under it in the hierarchy.

4 In the query panel, optionally specify a filter at the top on the objects tosearch.

5 Under Condition, specify one or more conditions for the variables tomatch, and click Add. To specify multiple conditions, click the Insert AND

or Insert OR button to join conditions with an AND or OR. You can nestANDs and ORs to build up complex queries.

6 Click Run to run the query. The results appear in the bottom pane.

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24 Section 1: Using Aspen Simulation Workbook

7 Select one or more variables from the results and click Add Selected toadd these variables to ASW.

For example, the following query searches for variables with Calculated Statusand names containing "TEMP" within units of measure equal to "2."

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Section 1: Using Aspen Simulation Workbook 25

Exporting and Importing Variable Lists

Aspen Simulation Workbook can export an XML file containing a list of themodel variables. The variable export file is given the extension  “ATMVO”  

(AspenTech Model Variable Organizer) by default. The ATMVO file lists thesimulation file absolute path, variable name, variable path, and description foreach item in the variable grid. This list can be re-imported into the sameworkbook later (as a data recovery mechanism) or imported into a new

workbook to rapidly build a new interface. Search and replace operations canbe performed during the variable import process. This feature allows you torapidly build model interfaces for process models containing repeating

sections (such as multiple hierarchy blocks or sub-flow sheets with similarstructures) or for new case files with structures similar to the original case fileused to build an existing ASW interface.

To export a variable list:

1 Open the Organizer.2 Select the Model Variables view.

3  Select one or more variables from the list of variables.

4 Put the mouse over the variable grid (or click on the < Export Variables>icon on the toolbar), and right-click to open the pop-up menu; select

Export Variables to File.

5 Specify the name and location of the text file to be exported.

To import a variable list:

1 Open the Organizer (active the simulation case containing the variables if

it is not already active).

2 Select the Model Variables view.3 Put the mouse over the variable grid (or click on the < Import Variables>

icon on the toolbar), and right-click to open the pop-up menu; select

Import Variables from File.

4 Use the file browser to point to the text file which contains the exportedvariable list, click the Open button to open this file into the ASW Data

Import wizard.

5  The Data Import wizard opens to the Select Data to Import form. Usethe fields in this form to select the variables and variable attributes to be

imported. By default, all attributes of all variables in the variable set file

will be imported. Use the General Preferences frame at the top of theform to control the import behavior. Clear the Overwrite existing model

data checkbox if you want to retain variable values and units in theexisting simulation case. Clear the "Edit variable path/names upon import"checkbox to directly import the variables unchanged (otherwise, you canchange the variable paths and names using the "Edit Variable

Paths/Names" dialogue box.)

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26 Section 1: Using Aspen Simulation Workbook

6  If the Edit variable paths/names upon import box is checked, clicking

OK will open the Edit Variables Paths/Names form shown below. Enter

the text search and replace strings in the upper frame. Optionally specify

the search and replace options in the lower section of this frame.

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Section 1: Using Aspen Simulation Workbook 27

7  Use the Replace and/or Replace All buttons in the Paths (Names) frame to perform the text replacements. You can repeat this processseveral times to perform multiple text replacement operations. The list of

variable paths in the Paths (Names) frame shows the current state of

the variables to be imported. The text boxes in the Current path/nameframe displays a preview of the results of the replace operation on the row

selected in the Paths (Names) frame. In the example below, you could

click the Replace All button to replace all instances of B1 with B2, or youcould click the Replace Current Path/Name button to replace text in

the selected row.8  After completing this process, click OK at the bottom of the form to finish

the variable import process. Aspen Simulation Workbook will attempt toadd these variables to the organizer. If any of the modified variable paths

are invalid, ASW flags the error in a dialog box.

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28 Section 1: Using Aspen Simulation Workbook

Using the Variable Browser and QueryFunctions

Variable Browser 

The ASW Variable Browser  can be used to retrieve model variables fromattached simulation cases. This tool uses Aspen Simulation Interface to

display a hierarchical representation of the data contained within a model.Model Authors can navigate through this browser to identify and select

variables to use in the interface.

Aspen Simulation Workbook also allows the Model Author to copy variablesdirectly from the native simulation forms and paste these variables into the

Organizer Model Variables grid.

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Section 1: Using Aspen Simulation Workbook 29

Variable Query 

The Query tab of the ASW Variable Browser  can be used to define and launcha query to identify groups of related variables. This provides anothermechanism to populate the organizer with model variables.

To perform a query:

1 Select an object in the tree to query. The query will be limited to this

object and its sub-objects.

2 Under Condition, specify one or more conditions for the variablesto match, and click Add. To specify multiple conditions, click the

Insert AND or Insert OR button to join conditions with an AND orOR. You can nest ANDs and ORs to build up complex queries.

3  Click Run to run the query. The results appear in the bottom pane.4  Select one or more variables from the results and click Add Selected to

add these variables to ASW.

The query shown above looks for all variables under Blocks with a status ofSpecified.

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30 Section 1: Using Aspen Simulation Workbook

Organizer Toolbar

The Organizer is composed of several controls. The Organizer Toolbar  includesa number of buttons to automate frequent tasks and launch tools such as the

 ASW Variable Browser  and Simulation Workbook Table Wizard .

Button Action


Enable or disable Aspen Simulation Workbook

 /Activate model / Deactivate model

Show / hide activated simulation model

Fit columns in variable grid

Show column customization list

Expand all groups in variable grid

Collapse all groups in variable grid

Clear all column groups

Show / Hide variable property pane

Delete selected variables from the organizer

Create standard ASW table using standard table wizard togenerate a table using the selected variables

Create dynamic profile table using the selected variables

Create scenario table using the selected variables

Launch quick-table wizard to define a new table template or toapply an existing template to the selected variables

Open the ASW variable browser

Copy variables from the paste buffer into the organizer

Export selected variables (creates an XML file with .ATMVOextension containing the exported variables).

Import selected variables (imports an ATMVO variable file

previously exported from Aspen Simulation Workbook).

Linking Excel to Model Variables1 Enable Aspen Simulation Workbook

2 Attach the Excel sheet to one or more simulation cases

3 Activate the simulation and make it visible 

4 Copy variables from the simulation case and paste them into theOrganizer

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Section 1: Using Aspen Simulation Workbook 31

Setting Variable PropertiesModel variables each have a number of properties as shown in the following

table. Most of the properties are set to default values when they are created.

Most variable properties are static (read-only), including the properties whichidentify the address of the variable within the simulation model data


The Model Author or Model User can set several variable properties, including

the variable value and the upper and lower bounds of the variable, and others

(see table below).

Variable Property Read/Write Description

ACM_Inactive Read only True - Variable isinactive; False - Variableis active [e.g., AspenCustom Modelerapplications]

ACM Spec Read/Write Variable Specification(Fixed, Free, Initial,Estimated, etc.) [AspenCustom Modeler


Basis Read/Write Flow Basis (mass, mole,volume) [Aspen Plus]

CondQuality Read only Conditioned quality (Not

Set, LL Exceeded, ULExceeded, LL Clamped,UL Clamped, Good

CondValue Read only Conditioned Value - thisis the value sent back tothe simulation case afterapplying upper andlower clamping limitsand/;or verifying tagquality

Container Read only Name of the container(object) which containsthe variable. Examplesof containers: unitoperation models,reaction models etc.)

Container Category Read only Category of thecontainer which ownsthe variable, Examples:

Blocks, Streams, UnitOps, Reactions.

Container Type Read only Specific type of containerwithin the container

category; for example:Pump (Unit Operation),Material (Stream), FreeRadical (Reactions)

Default Read only Default value (defined by

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32 Section 1: Using Aspen Simulation Workbook

Variable Property Read/Write Description

the simulation case)

Derivative Read only Variables time derivative[Aspen Custom Modeler]

Description Read/Write User-defined descriptive

textDisplay Name Read only Unique identifier for a

variable relative to itsparent (for example,stage number in acolumn profile)

Group Read/Write Optional user-definedvariable group ID. Usethis property as a aid togroup related variablestogether for fasternavigation

History_Enabled Read/Write If True, variable history

is recorded. [AspenCustom Modeler] Thisproperty is calledRecord in the AspenCustom Modeler


ID Read only Unique number assignedto each variable.

ID1 Read only Identifier 1 (See

Identifiers below.)

ID2 Read only Identifier 2 (SeeIdentifiers below.)

ID3 - ID9 Read only Additional Identifiers

Label Read only Default name given tothe object by thesimulator (usually thesame as DisplayName)

Lower Read/Write Variable lower bound

LowerClamp Read/Write Clamping on lowerbound (TRUE, FALSE)

Moniker Read/Write HYSYS moniker (variablepath) (HYSYS)

Name Read/Write Name assigned to avariable. AspenSimulation Workbook

sets a name by defaultwhen the variable ispasted to the Organizer;

the user may overridethis name.

ObjectName Read/Write Name of the object(container) containingthe variable

ObjectType Read/Write See Container Category(above).

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Section 1: Using Aspen Simulation Workbook 33

Variable Property Read/Write Description

Path Read/Write ASI variable path (forexample, the path to thevariable in the ASWvariable browser).

Ranges Read/Write Excel ranges in ASWtables containing thisvariable

ReadOnly Read/Write Determines theread/write status of thevalue field. The defaultstate is determined bythe Status attribute, withcalculated variables setto read only.

Simulation Read/Write Name of the simulationfile

Status Read/Write Variable status

{specified, calculated,missing, defaulted etc.}

Type Read/Write Variable type {integer,real, string}

Type_Display_Name Read/Write Variable of parametertype in Aspen CustomModeler applications;typically this is related tothe physical type of thevariable

Units Read/Write Units of measurement ofthe variable

Uom_Options Read/Write A list of valid units of

measurement stringsUpper Read/Write Upper limit of the


UpperClamp Read/Write Upper bound clamping{TRUE / FALSE}

Value Read/Write Variable value(read/write status is setby the Read Only  attribute

ObjectType and ObjectName are retained for upward compatibility purposes;the new  “container”  properties replace these within ASW.

Any number of model variables can be linked to an Excel sheet. Each modelvariable is a complex named object consisting of several properties including:type (integer, real, character, etc.), value, and units (where applicable). Thefull set of variable properties is documented later in this guide.

Model variables can be input specifications, calculated results, or state

parameters (such as number of stages).

Any number of model variables can be linked to an Excel sheet. Each modelvariable is a complex named object consisting of several properties including:

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34 Section 1: Using Aspen Simulation Workbook

type (integer, real, character, etc.), value, and units (where applicable). Thefull set of variable properties is documented later in this guide.

Model variables can be input specifications, calculated results, or stateparameters (such as number of stages).

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Section 1: Using Aspen Simulation Workbook 35

Navigating the Organizer Variable Grid

The Organizer Variable Grid displays variables as rows and variable attributesas columns. By default, the Organizer displays a subset of the available

variable attributes. Use the Column Customization button to get a list ofavailable attributes.

Adding Columns

To add a new column to the variable grid, click and hold the column name

(variable attribute name) from the list of available attributes, drag the headerinto the appropriate location of the variable grid and release.

Select colum customization button Select colum 

customization button 

Select variable attribute, drag and

drop onto the variable organizergrid in the appropriate location 


Removing Columns

To remove a column from the grid, click and hold the column header and dragit onto the column customization list.

Moving Columns

To move a column, select and drag the column header to a new location inthe grid.

Resizing Columns

Use the Best Fit  button to automatically resize all columns in the variable

grid. The width of individual columns can be adjusted by dragging the edge ofthe column left or right in the column header.

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36 Section 1: Using Aspen Simulation Workbook

Sorting Variables

The Organizer can display the variables in a hierarchical form based on one ormore of the variable attributes. To sort by a particular attribute, drag thecolumn header up to the black space above the header row. Repeat this

action with additional attributes to sort by multiple categories.

Use the Collapse All Rows  and E xpand All Rows  buttons to quicklyexpand or collapse the variable grid view.

Variables can be quickly sorted by any category by clicking the appropriate

column header. Hold down the Shift key when clicking a category header toperform a secondary sorting operation (for example, to sort by component ID

and stage number in a column profile).

Use the filtering control on the right side of each category header tospecify which variables are displayed in the variable grid. (This control popsup a list of options to define the display filter).


Aspen Simulation Workbook supports several different simulation packagesthrough ASI (Aspen Simulation Interfaces) adapters. The ASI applicationadapter assigns several identifiers to each variable to uniquely define the

source of the variable within the context of a simulation case:

The variable ID is a unique integer assigned to a variable by the Organizer.

By default, variables are sorted in ID order. Although the ID is stored mainlyfor internal purposes, it can be convenient for sorting variable arrays into the

same order they are displayed in a form in the simulation package. Forexample, when displaying composition or component flows the variables areusually copied to ASW in the same order the components appear in the

simulator. This provides a way around alphabetical and numerical sortingused by default in Aspen Simulation Workbook.

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Section 1: Using Aspen Simulation Workbook 37

Each variable belongs to some type of container object; for example avariable may belong to a specific instance of a unit operation model. Three

identifiers are required to fully characterize the container.

The Container Category identifies the class of objects that the container is amember of. For example, in Aspen Plus the container types include Blocks,

Streams, Calculators, etc; in HYSYS the container types include UnitOps,

Streams, Workbooks, and so on. The obsolescent attribute ObjectType issynonymous with Container Category.

The Container Type identifies the specific type of container within the givencontainer class. For example,  “Pump”  is a type of Unit Operation;  “Material”  is

a type of stream.

The Container attribute identifies which instance of an object owns thevariable. This attribute refers to the name of the stream, unit operation, etc.,

for example with unit operation PUMP P-101, the container is  “P-101” .Container is synonymous with the obsolete ObjectName attribute.

Many model variables are part of multi-dimensional arrays or collections. Forexample, a variable may refer to the mole fraction of a particular component

in a specified phase in a given tray of a column. Each variable may have up tonine Identifiers (ID1...ID9) to uniquely define its own location within thesearrays or collections. These identifiers are parsed from the variable path to

improve the usability of the path and to provide additional information which

you may wish to include in tables; they are not required to resolve thevariable (this is done uniquely by the path). When the variable structure istoo complicated to resolve within nine identifiers, the ninth identifier contains

the remainder of the variable path. This does not impact on the reliability ofthe variable link – it is only cosmetic.

The specific use of these identifiers is context-sensitive, even within a

particular simulation application. Typically, these identifiers refer to elements

such as component identifiers, phase (or sub stream) identifiers, stage

numbers, points, or axial locations in profiles, or elements in distributions orcurves.

The variable label is a read-only attribute that identifies the unique identifierof a variable within its context. For example, for a mole fraction variable, the

label is assigned to the component ID.

Model Variable Tables

Model variables can be grouped together in ASW Tables and inserted into the

Excel workbook. There are two mechanisms for generating tables. Select all

the variables to be included in the table:

1  Right-click any field in a variable row in the Organizer Variable Grid toselect the variable.

2 Press the Shift key to select a range of variables 

3 Use the CTRL key to make multiple selections. 

4 Use the Quick Tables button to use a table template or make new table


5 Click the ASW Table Wizard button to create your table 

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38 Section 1: Using Aspen Simulation Workbook

The orientation of variable tables can be changed, so variables appear ascolumns and attributes as rows.

1 Click the button to create a variable table and the Create a TableWizard screen will appear

2 The first tab of the wizard has an additional check box (insert image here)

for changing the table's orientation3 Select the desired options. The system updates the cell range and reflects

the change in table orientation

4 Click Finish. The table appears with the variables displayed as columnsand the attributes displayed as rows

For Changing an Existing Table's Orientation:

1 Select an existing variable table and select Simulation Workbook

Tables|Modify Table from the Context menu to modify a table. The

Modify a Table Wizard screen will appear

2 Again, the first tab of the wizard has an additional check box (insert imagehere) for changing the table's orientation. (Note that if the table's

orientation has already been changed, the checkbox will be checked)3 Set the orientation of the table via the Put data into columns instead

of rows checkbox. (The system updates the range preview to indicate theorientation change

4 Click Finish. The table's orientation is changed and any formulas or

formatting applied to a cell will be preserved and transposed to thedesired location of the variable attribute. 

Using the Standard Table

WizardsCreating Tables

Each of the forms within the ASW Organizer allows the Model Author to createASW Tables from selected tags or variables. The ASW Table Wizard guides the

Model Author through the steps required to populate, format, and insert an

ASW Table inside an Excel worksheet.

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Section 1: Using Aspen Simulation Workbook 39

Each ASW Table can contain one or more rows of data, with each row

corresponding to a particular variable or tag (or a mapping relationship

between tags and variables).

Each column in an ASW table corresponds to a property of the variable or tag(for example, value, or units). ASW tables may optionally include titles,

column headers, empty rows, and empty columns. Once tables are placedwithin an excel sheet, they can be reformatted using the standard formattingfunctions within Excel.

Warning: Once tables are placed in an Excel sheet, do not insert or deletecolumns or rows in them using Excel. You can move whole tables safely in

Excel. The ASW Table Wizard and the Table Manager both allow you tootherwise rewrite tables without breaking the data links.

Creating Table Templates

While in Excel, click the  “Apply Instant Table”  toolbar button on the ASW

Design toolbar. (This button will be enabled only if there are quick tabletemplates available.) This will display the  “Table Location”  dialog box and you

may select the excel range to place the table.

After selecting the range, click  “OK”  to bring up the  “Simulation WorkbookTable Wizard.”  

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40 Section 1: Using Aspen Simulation Workbook

Template Name Combo Box

The  “Template Name”  combo box will display all available Quick tabletemplates. Combo box item names should contain both the table icon alongwith the template name. (The table icon is useful for identifying standard

table templates, profile table templates and scenario table templates.)

The "Table Range Settings" combo box lets you change the range/address of

the table.

Click the  “Apply”  button and the system adds the clipboard variables to theorganizer and creates a table using the selected format. If you select anenhanced table template, it will bring up the following  “Variable Substitutions”  


The Variable Substitutions form contains "Make" and "Preview tabs."

!  The "Make" tab displays substitution variables in the grid, with the

browser button attached to it. This will then bring up the "Variable

Substitution browser to allow you to select the variables.

!  The "Preview" tab will then display all selected variables.

Click the  “Finish”  button to create a table with the selected variables. (If thevariables are not in the organizer, they need to be added.)

Creating Model Variable Tables

Model variables can be grouped together in Tables and inserted into the Excelworkbook. There are two mechanisms for generating tables. In both cases the

first step is to select all the variables to be included in the table. Right-clickany field in a variable row in the Organizer Variable Grid to select the

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Section 1: Using Aspen Simulation Workbook 41

variable. Hold down the Shift key to select a range of variables. Use the CTRLkey to make multiple selections.

Table Wizard

Use the Table Wizard button to follow a step-by-step process to formatand place the table into the Excel workbook. The Table Wizard brings up theTable Location dialog box to set the table range. Point to a cell in the Excel

sheet to change the address. This address corresponds to the upper left

corner of the table. Click the OK button to continue.

Click the Table tab to specify the table heading (title), to select borders

and/or use built-in Excel table formats, and to set other table options. This

sheet also allows you to recall or save a Table Template.

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42 Section 1: Using Aspen Simulation Workbook

If the selected table range overlaps any other existing table a warning symbolappears on the form. The user may resolve the overlap by changing the

location of the table or by changing the number of rows and columns in the

table. As a last resort, the user can select options to override the overlap

(ignore, shift rows, shift columns).

Several formatting options are available in the Table Settings frame. The

 AutoFormat  option can be used to apply a pre-defined table format included

in Excel. Use the Borders option to automatically draw a border around the

boundary of the table. Use the Inside Borders option to draw borders insidethe outer boundary of the Aspen Simulation Workbook table. You can also

select pre-defined cell styles for the table, title section, or headings. Use the

styles button to launch the Excel Styles wizard to define new cell styles(see Creating Cell Styles, below).

By default, the table title will automatically merge across all columns in thetable title row. Uncheck the Merge and Center Title option to turn off this


Use the Columns tab sheet to select which variable properties to display inthe ASW Table. Each variable property corresponds to a column in the table.

Use the Properties pane to change the default column header or to apply a

cell style to the data cells for the selected column(s).

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Section 1: Using Aspen Simulation Workbook 43

Use the Rows tab-sheet to specify the variable (row) order in the ASW Table.This form also contains controls to add or remove variables. Each variable

corresponds to a horizontal row in the table.

The variables can be sorted in order by clicking the column headers. Forexample, when the  “Label”  header is clicked the variables are sorted into

alphabetical order based on the label property.

The Sort By  button can be used to automatically re-order the variable listbased on a variable property that is not  displayed in the table.

Changeorder ofselectedrow(s)

Add: opens variableselector, which listsall the variables in theOrganizer



Opens a list ofproperties for sortingthe list of variables


Click the Finish button to exit the Table Wizard and insert the table into Excel.

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!  Always use the Table Manager  or Table Wizard  to move or delete tables.

The Table Wizard  can also be used to add/remove rows and/or columns(including empty rows and columns) to tables and to auto-format the


To edit an existing table, place the cursor over one of the cells in thetable, right-click, and select  “Simulation Workbook Tables”  from the pull-down menu.

!  To add variables to an existing table, open the Organizer to the Model

Variables view, select the variables of interest, right-click the mouse, and

select Add Selected Variables to Table. A form opens and displays a list of

existing tables; select the table to be modified; this adds the variable tothe last row of the selected table and then opens the Table Wizard  form.

Use the Rows view of the Table Wizard  form to change the row location.

Warning: Once tables are placed in an Excel sheet you cannot add or delete

rows or columns inside the table using standard Excel functions; otherwisethe table will get disconnected from its data source and will need to berebuilt. Use the Table Wizard to add rows or columns to existing tables ormove the table out of the way before adding rows or columns to a worksheet

that contains tables.

Quick Tables

Use the Quick Tables button to create or apply a Table Template. If pre-

defined templates are available, a list of available templates will appear. Click

the template name to generate a table containing the selected variables. If notemplates exist, the  “<Manage Table Templates...>”  box will appear. Click

this box to open the Manage Table Templates Dialog window .

To create a new template, click the <New> button and this will open the

Simulation Workbook Table Template Wizard.

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Section 1: Using Aspen Simulation Workbook 45

The Table Template wizard allows you to pre-define all of the properties of atable including which columns (variable properties) are included, and the

formats used in the table. You can select from pre-existing global table

formats or apply styles to cell columns, headers, or title (see Creating Stylesin Excel, below).

The table templates are saved by name and can be recalled later when

making new tables. Table templates can help make it easier to establish acommon look and feel to your model interface. Table templates can beexported (as files) and re-used (imported) in other Aspen Simulation

Workbook cases.

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46 Section 1: Using Aspen Simulation Workbook

Instant Table Template 

The instant table feature allows you to create a table using variables alreadyselected in the simulation without having to first paste them into the Variable

Organizer. Simply:

1  Select and copy one or more variables from the simulator

2  Return to Excel and click the "Apply Instant Table" button on the ASWDesign bar,

This will display the Apply Instant Table Wizard

3  Select the template to use for the new table.

4  Select the location for the new table

5 Click the "Apply" button and a new table will be created using thevariables that you selected in the simulator.

Enhanced Table Template

To create an enhanced table template select a table in Excel, right click on itand select  “Create Table Template”  from the context menu. (For an alternate

method, select a table in the organizer table list and select  “Create TableTemplate”  from context menu.)

The sample table shown below was used to create an enhanced table


This drops user into the table template wizard; Table and Columns sheetsremain. This enhanced table template also has Variables and Patterns sheets.

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Section 1: Using Aspen Simulation Workbook 47

The Variable sheet is used to define the variable pattern. A tree browsershows you the variables in the table using a tree view as shown below.



Define Substitution

Define Wildcard

Define Variable Substitution Pattern


Select a node (typically the node corresponding to an object ID) and click “Define Substitution” .

The selected node will be indicated through a color or some other mechanism.

Nodes are selected by left-clicking with the mouse.

Click  “Define Substitution”  button to convert the node (in this example  “S1”  into substitution  “%name%”  where  “name”  is the name attribute (these

should be default – e.g.  “variable1”   “variable2” ) – you may change the name

by entering new data into the name field in the attribute section of the form.



Define Substitution

Define Wildcard

Define Variable Substitution Pattern



User can

optionally entername andprompt,



After clicking  “Define Substitution” :

1  the variable prefix is saved as an attribute of the variable

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48 Section 1: Using Aspen Simulation Workbook

2  the  “Define Substitution”  button is grayed out (until the user moves to ana new node)

3  the preview window is updated to show the new variable pattern

4  the variable is moved to a new node in the tree view



Define Wildcard

Define Variable Substitution Pattern

Define Substitution







Select a node. Click  “Define Wildcard”  and it will add  “*”  as the leaf node to

the selected node.

The Preview window updates to show an asterisk (a wildcard character) afterthe selected node. The variable tree view is also updated



Define Wildcard

Define Variable Sub stitution Pattern

Define Substitution







After you have changed all the variables you wish, click the “Patterns

”  tab tosee a list of variable substitutions.

The Patterns tab will be placed after the Variables tab. A snapshot of thePatterns tab is shown below

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Section 1: Using Aspen Simulation Workbook 49

Variables Patterns


Substitutions and

wildcards are

highlighted bycolor


Creating Styles in Excel

The Table Wizard uses the Styles feature in Excel to make it easier to developpredefined table templates. The Styles wizard can be launched directly from

the ASW Table wizard or by selecting Format, Styles from the Excel pull-downmenus. The Styles wizard allows you to set the numerical format, font,

background color, cell protection, and other properties associated with a cellor range of cells. Styles are saved by name and can be recalled in the TableWizard  or Table Template wizard.

Warning: Excel Styles do not fully support borders because interior and

exterior border properties can only apply to a range containing more than one

cell. Use the Borders and Interior Borders options in the Aspen SimulationWorkbook template wizard to control border formatting for Aspen Simulation

Workbook tables.

Tip: For best results, uncheck the Border  option in the Excel Style dialogue

when creating or changing a named cell style for Aspen Simulation Workbook.This prevents the style’ s border settings from interfering with the border

settings in Aspen Simulation Workbook table templates.

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Modifying Tables

To make any modification to a table, , right-click on the table and choose

Simulation Workbook Table|Modify Table. 

Running Scenarios (using theScenario Wizard)Scenarios can be defined in ASW using Scenario Tables. A scenario tabledefines a set of input variables and a set of output variables for a set of

scenarios. Each row represents a scenario defined by the values of the input


To create a scenario table:

1 Open the ASW Organizer, and click the Model Variables view in the leftpane. Select at least one specified variable and at least one calculated

variable. Tip: hold down the shift key to select a range of variables or thecontrol (CTRL) key to select multiple variables.

2  Click the Create Scenario Table button or right-click in the right pane

and select Create Scenario Table.

3  When prompted, select the region for the table (which may expand belowand to the right of this region as needed) and click OK.The Scenario Study Wizard window appears.

4  Use the Table tab to specify the format for the table, and whether toinclude the title, column headings, and units. By default, the first row ofthe table will include the current values of specified and calculated

variables. You can uncheck this option if desired. Specify the number of

cases (scenarios) to be included in the table. Click Next.

5  Use the Input Vars tab to specify the input variables. Click Add to add

previously defined model variables by highlighting them and then clicking

Select. Use the arrow buttons to order the variables. Click Next. Use"Insert Blank" to include a blank column in the inputs.

6  Use the Output Vars tab to specify output variables in the same manner.Use "Insert Blank" to include a blank column in the outputs. Click Finish.

The scenario table will be created in Excel. The first row will be populated with

the current values for the selected input and output variables to provide areference point when filling out data.

To run the scenarios:

1  In the Active column, enter * for each scenario (row) you want to runand clear the cell for each scenario you do not want to run. In the columnsfor the input variables, enter the values for each scenario. An empty input

cell means "use the same value as the previous case".

2  Right-click in the table and select Simulation Workbook Tables | Run

Scenario. In the RunScenarioDialog window, click Start ScenarioRun. This window displays the progress of the scenario run. Click OK 

when finished. The scenario table in Excel will be updated with the resultsfrom the scenarios that have been run.

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Section 1: Using Aspen Simulation Workbook 51

Working with Dynamic ProfilesDynamic models involve much higher levels of interactivity and information

flow compared to steady-state models. Model developers must take steps toensure good run-time performance under the ASW environment.

Use the following guidelines to maximize the performance of your models:!  Reduce simulation diagnostic levels before deploying Aspen Modeler

models to the end users. Diagnostic message traffic is a key source ofslow performance and high message levels lead to large file sizes in Excel

since ASW stores the simulation message history in hidden worksheets.

!  Increase the simulation communication interval from the default value(usually 0.01 hours) to a higher value. The ideal communication interval

depends on the characteristic times of the processes being simulated. Theinterval needs to be low enough to capture important trends and events,but it should not be set excessively low.

!  Increase the ASW DynamicUpdateFrequency attribute (Simulation

References form). This parameter controls the frequency at which ASW

updates standard Model Variable tables and Dynamic Profiles tables. Thisparameter is a multiple of the simulator communication interval. For

example, if DynamicUpdateFrequency  is set to 10, then the ASW tableswill be updated only after ten simulation communication intervals.

Note: The simulation communication interval has a much bigger impact

on overall performance.

!  Verify that the simulation model itself is well behaved. Run the model inisolation to ensure it performs well under a wide range of input conditions.

Check the variable scaling and the form of the equations if you identifyproblems. You can also adjust the model convergence parameters to

optimize performance. It is worth a bit of extra work up front to ensure

good performance.

Using the Profile Wizard

The Profile Wizard lets you create tables and strip charts of time-varying datafrom dynamic simulations.

Note: Before you start, link Excel to all the relevant model variables in the

Dynamic variables you plan to use.

To create a profile table:

1 Open the ASW Organizer to the Model Variables view

2 Select some variables to put into the table 3 Right-click these variables and select Create Profile Table, or click the

button. The Profile Table Wizard appears.

4 Specify the number of rows for the table, and specify the time interval forthe table as a number and units.

5 Optionally set the table format and specify to include the headings, unitsfor headings, and/or relative time column. Click Next.

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52 Section 1: Using Aspen Simulation Workbook

6 On the Profiles tab you can click Add to add additional model variables tothe table, and use the arrow buttons to order the variables. Click Finish. 

When you run the dynamic model, the profiles will be filled. When the entiretable is filled, the data will scroll upwards (older data are removed from thetop row as new data are added to the bottom row of the table).

Making Strip Charts

To create strip charts of profile data:

1  Select the profiles to be plotted. (Do not select the time values.)

2  Click the Chart Wizard button in Excel. The Chart Wizard appears.

3  Select the Line chart type and any sub-type. Click Next.

4  In step 2 of the wizard, click the Series tab. Enter a name for the chart,

and in Category (X) axis labels, click and select the region

containing the time values. Click Next.

5  Specify titles and other formatting options. Click Next.

6  Specify where to place the chart. Click Finish.

The strip chart will scroll forward with time as the dynamic simulation


Adding Graphics and Controls

Aspen Simulation Workbook ProcessGraphics

Aspen Simulation Workbook Process Equipment IconLibrary

Aspen Simulation Workbook includes a library of process equipment symbols.The process symbols are grouped into several categories based on the

equipment function. Use the Insert Process Icon button to retrieve a

process icon from the library. This tool opens the Insert Picture form. Select

one of the folders to preview the icons inside the folder. Browse to the desiredicon and click the insert  button to drop the icon onto the active Excel


Once the process icon is inserted onto the Excel worksheet, it can be moved,

rotated, or resized using standard Excel drawing commands.

The Aspen Simulation Workbook process icons are saved as GIF (graphicsinterchange format) files with transparent backgrounds. If desired, use the

Excel Fill Color  button to put a solid color background behind the image

(this button is located on Excel’ s Drawing toolbar). Use the Excel arrow

function to draw process streams between equipment icons.

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Section 1: Using Aspen Simulation Workbook 53

Adding Process Icons to the Library

Users with administrative privileges can extend the Aspen SimulationWorkbook process equipment library with their own symbols. Simply add the

graphics files in any appropriate format (JPEG, GIF, WMF, EMF, etc.) into thefolder structure located under Program Files\AspenTech\Aspen Simulation

Workbook 2006\Process Icons. Users without administrative privileges canadd new icons into their own folder structures and browse to these files using

the standard Insert Picture  function in Excel.

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54 Section 1: Using Aspen Simulation Workbook

Inserting Complete Process Flow Diagrams

Aspen Plus, Aspen Custom Modeler, and Aspen Plus Dynamics all allow theuser to copy an image of the process flow diagram (process flow sheet) to the

paste buffer. Use the native user interface of the simulation tool to open theFlow sheet  view, use Edit/Select All  (or CTRL+A) to select all items in theprocess graphics, then use Edit/Copy  (or CTRL+C) to copy the selected itemsto the paste buffer. Return to Excel and select Edit/Paste (or CTRL+V) to

paste the selected image to Excel.

The current version of Aspen HYSYS does not support this feature. However,

third-party screen capture software, such as SnagIt©, can be used to copy an

image of the process flow diagram from HYSYS into Excel.

Adding equipment icons

1  Click the Insert Process Icon button located on the Designer Toolbar

2 Select a folder with the desired icon and open the folder (i.e., double click

the folder icon)

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Section 1: Using Aspen Simulation Workbook 55

3 Select the desired icon (double-click)

4 The icon will drop onto the worksheet

Adding buttons and other types of controls

Aspen Simulation Workbook has built-in VBA macros; this feature makes your

model interfaces easier to use with buttons, combo boxes, and other standardMS Excel Controls.

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56 Section 1: Using Aspen Simulation Workbook

1 Select a button or control (in this case a button has been chosen).

2 Drop in a form control; cancel out of the Excel dialog

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Section 1: Using Aspen Simulation Workbook 57

3 Select a macro from the list and click  “OK”  

Deploying Models

Within this guide we use the terms simulation case and model  interchangeably to refer to a single set of simulation files (for example a

single HYSYS case file or Aspen Plus backup file).

Using Multiple Cases

Aspen Simulation Workbook can link to one or more simulation cases,however only one simulation case can be active at a given time. The model

user can activate and deactivate simulation cases at will.

Supported Case Types

Aspen Simulation Workbook supports Aspen Plus and Aspen HYSYS cases, as

well as the layered products based on these platforms (for example, AspenPolymers Plus and Aspen HYSYS Refining).

Aspen Simulation Workbook is also compatible with the HTFS+ family of

products, including Tasc+, Acol+, Teams, and FiredHeater, etc.

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58 Section 1: Using Aspen Simulation Workbook

Aspen Simulation Workbook is also compatible with the Aspen Modeler familyof products, including Aspen Custom Modeler (ACM), Aspen Plus Dynamics

(AD), Aspen Chromatography, Aspen Adsorption, and Aspen Model Runner

(AMR). The current version of Aspen Simulation Workbook supports all runmodes for these products. Initialization, steady-state, and dynamic runs arefully supported. Although estimation and optimization run modes are

supported, the estimation data and results and optimization results variablesare not exposed in the current ACM adapter. We plan to extend the adapter inthe future to allow full access to all types of data within the ACM family ofproducts.

Aspen Simulation Workbook supports HYSYS models, including models basedon HYSYS Upstream and Aspen HYSYS Refining.

Caution: Aspen Simulation Workbook fully supports sequential-modular (SM)

variables in Aspen Plus. Equation-oriented (EO) models are supportedindirectly through the SM variables, which are synchronized with the EO

variables during simulation runs.

Connecting Models to Plant Data Tags

Plant DataTags

Plant Data Tags are named objects that define all aspects of a plant datum.Typically plant tags are composed of several properties (such as value, units,

quality, and timestamp).

Plant tags must be retrieved from plant data servers (such as IP21, PhD, orPI) using the plant data server’ s native Excel Add-ins or OLE automationfeatures. Aspen Simulation Workbook includes a Map Tag Variables wizard

that can be used to associate an existing Excel table with tags. Each row in

the selected range is associated with a single tag; the columns in the selectedrange are each mapped to tag attributes (such as value and units).

Aspen Simulation Workbook includes tools to link model variables and to maptag quality states defined by the plant data server to states defined withinAspen Simulation Workbook.

Retrieving Plant Tags into Organizer

Before tags can be associated with model variables, they must be part of the

Organizer data store.

Use the Excel add-in tools provided with your plant data server software

(such as Aspen IP.21) to create links between the Excel workbook and theplant data tags. Ideally, the tags should be laid out in a table, with thevarious tag attributes in the table columns and the rows of the table each

corresponding to a single tag (see the example below).

The tag table should include (as a minimum) the tag name, value, and units.

A tag description and tag quality (status) parameters may also be included.

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Section 1: Using Aspen Simulation Workbook 59

Retrieving Tags into the Organizer

In Excel, highlight the range of cells containing the tag information. You mayinclude the table header and column headers in the selection range. Right-

click and select Simulation Workbook Tables, Map Tag Variables from the listof options.

Alternately, you can click the Import Tags button on the Aspen SimulationWorkbook Design toolbar. This opens the Map Tag Attributes pop-up form.

Click the browse button on this form and then select the range of cellscontaining the tag information in your Excel workbook.

The Map Tag Attributes pop-up form guides you through the steps to map thetag data in your Excel sheet into the Organizer. The Map Tag Attributes form

will attempt to automatically map the attributes (columns) of the table to the

ASW plant data tag attributes based on the column headers (see list of tagattributes in the next section).

The mapping between columns (Heading) and tag attributes (Attribute) isdisplayed on the left-hand side of the Map Tag Attributes form. Use the

controls in the Attribute Mapping frame to change the mapping between the

selected column and the tag attributes. To skip a column in the table, selectthe column header name from the list on the left and select the Do not import

(ignore) option in the Attribute Mapping frame on the lower right-hand side of

the form. Tag names and values must be included in the tag source table. A

warning indicator is displayed on the Map Tag Attributes if any of the

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60 Section 1: Using Aspen Simulation Workbook

columns in the imported table are unmapped or if the tag values or namesare missing from the table.

Mapping Tags to Model Variables

Plant data tags can be mapped to model variables. This allows you toautomate workflows and leverage the power of process simulation in the plantoperations environment. You can:

!  Map tags to model variables (e.g., populate model inputs with measured

data from the plant).

!  Map model variables to tags (e.g., send model predictions back to the

plant data server through tags, which allows the model to act as a virtual

analyzer and/or provide predictions of unmeasured variables for operatordecision support applications).

Create two-way flow of information between the model and plant data.

To map variables to tags:

1  Open the ASW Organizer and switch to the Variable Mapping view in the

left pane. This opens a grid in which each row displays a link between amodel variable and a plant tag. The first time the grid is opened, it will beempty.

2  Right-click the variable grid pane to open the pop-up menu.

3  Select Add Unreferenced Tags to pull a list of tags into the variablegrid, or to update the list with recently added tags.

4  Aspen Simulation Workbook will automatically map tags and variables toeach other if the tag name and variable name are identical. If a matchingvariable is not found for a tag, the 'null' symbol will show up in the Model

Variable column.

o  To map a variable to an unreferenced tag, click the 'null'

symbol next to the tag name. This brings up a list of theunmapped model variables.

o  Scroll through the list to locate the desired model variable.

o  Click on the variable name to map it to the tag.

Note: It is not necessary to map every plant tag to a model variable. Use the

Delete button to remove any tags that you do not want to map. Alternately,

you can remove all the unreferenced tags together by right-clicking in the

variable grid and selecting Remove Incomplete Tags from the pop-upmenu.

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Section 1: Using Aspen Simulation Workbook 61

Mapping Tag Attributes

Browser allowsyou to change theselection range

Use thesecontrols tochange themapping or toignore thecolumn selectedon the left-handside of this form

Uncheck theseboxes if needed

This pane shows howeach column (Heading)is mapped to tagattributes

Warning symbolindicates requiredattribute (name orvalue) is missing


After all of the columns are mapped to tag attributes click the OK  button toclose the form and import the tags into the Organizer. This will also

automatically open the Organizer into the Variable Access / Tag Variables view. This view shows the list of plant data tags in the Organizer variable

grid. You can modify and navigate through the tag list using the same

techniques described in Chapter 2  “Navigating the Organizer Variable Grid ”   .

Tip: Use the standard tag attribute names (see below) when making a table

of plant tags; for example use  “Name”  instead of  “Tag”  or  “Tag ID”  to identify

the tags. This saves time when you use the Map Tag Attributes form to importthe tags into the Organizer.

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62 Section 1: Using Aspen Simulation Workbook

Tag Properties

Each plant data tag object consists of several properties including the tagvalue, units of measurement, and other attributes. A full list of tag propertiesis shown in the table below. The items in bold font can be specified or

changed by the user.

Property Read/Write Description

Description R/W User defined descriptive text.

Group R/W Optional user-defined variable group ID. Usethis property as an aid to group related tagstogether for faster navigation.

ID Read only Unique identifier (integer).

Name R/W Name assigned to a tag.

Ranges Read only Excel ranges in ASW Tables containing thistag, including the source location where the

tag was imported.Quality R/W Tag quality [Good, Bad, etc.].

Units R/W Units of measurement of the variable.

Value R/W Value of the tag.

Grouping Tags

Each plant data tag can be assigned to a user-defined group. The group

attribute can be used as a tool for identifying relationships between tags in

the context of the model or plant. For example, the group identifier can beused to identify a plant section (for example,  “Reactor Train” ), a data source(for example,  “DCS” ) or as an additional field to help describe or sort the


Tip: Use the group property to group tags into sets for easier searching and

navigation. This is especially important when developing interfaces to large-scale models.

Naming and Describing Tags

Each plant data tag can be assigned a name and a description. The tag nameis typically assigned to the name of the instrument that provides the data, for

example TI100 (temperature indicator 100).

Tag names and descriptions can be included in the tag tables generated by

Aspen Simulation Workbook.

Tip: If you plan to map plant data tags to model variables it is a good idea to

give the model variables and tags the same name. This saves time later when

mapping the plant tags to variables as described later in this section.

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Section 1: Using Aspen Simulation Workbook 63

Preparing Models forDistributionAfter preparing the simulation, you can optionally embed it in the ASW

workbook by setting the Embed Case property of the simulation to True.

Showing Simulation StatusUse the ASWGetSimulationAttribute workbook function with the argument

"status," to retrieve the current status of a simulation in Excel.

Changing the Path or Filenameof a Linked ModelNever change the path of a model while it is linked in Excel and ASW and

Excel are open.

When you open an ASW workbook after changing a simulation path or filename, when you first connect to the simulation ASW will prompt you to

browse to the new simulation location.

Alternately, before activation you can change the file name property in ASW's

Managed Simulation Dialog to point to the new simulation location.

Embedding Simulation CaseFiles in MS ExcelAspen Simulation Workbook allows you to embed simulation case files into

hidden worksheets in MS Excel. This makes it significantly easier to deploy

models to end users, to save files in standard document managementsystems, and to run files remotely on a server (see next section).

When using ASW with Aspen Plus, you can embed backup files (.BKP), binaryfiles (.APW), or the new compound case file (.APWZ). Use compound case

files when the Aspen Plus simulation case requires secondary files such asFortran objects, DLLs, and exchanger design EDR files.

When using ASW with an Aspen Modeler product, embed the physicalproperty data into the simulation file (for example in the ACMF file).

When files are run locally, the embedded files are extracted into a temporaryfolder under your profile when the simulation is activated. The simulation runsin this temporary directory. The embedded file is updated at the end of the

run. Temporary files are deleted when the simulation is deactivated.

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64 Section 1: Using Aspen Simulation Workbook

To embed the simulation case files:

1 Open the ASW Organizer; select the Configuration | Simulations view.

2  Select the simulation case to be embedded.

Note: Only one case file may be embedded into Excel.

3  Click the Configuration button to open the Simulation References 


4  Set the EmbedCaseInExcel variable to TRUE. Click OK to close thisform.

5  Click File | Save in the Excel menu (or use CTRL+S) to re-save the Excel

worksheet. The simulation case file is embedded during the save process.

Alternate Workflow:

1 Open the ASW Organizer; select the Configuration | Simulations view.

2  Select the simulation case to be embedded. Click the Details button toopen the Simulation Details form.

Note: Only one case file may be embedded into Excel.

3  Click the Import Case button to embed the simulation case; this will

open a browser form. Point to the simulation case file to be embedded andclick OK.

4  Check the Use embedded case file checkbox.

5  Click OK to close the Simulation Details form; click OK to close the

Simulation References form.

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Section 1: Using Aspen Simulation Workbook 65

Warning: When embedding Aspen Plus or Aspen Modeler case files be sure to

run the simulation first to populate all the calculated variables; otherwiseASW will not be able to link these variables to Excel.

Aspen Simulation Workbook can only embed a single file into Excel. When you

embed a case file, any previously embedded files are lost. When using AspenPlus, save the Aspen Plus case using the compound file option to ensure all of

the required dependent files are available.

ASW file embedding cannot be used with Aspen Modeler files which requireAPPDF files that cannot be embedded into the simulation case file. This

includes Aspen Plus Dynamics files that use RGIBBS, closed-form Polymers

Plus reaction models, or user reaction or property models written in FORTRANand compiled as DLL files. We expect to eliminate this restriction in the future

by introducing the compound file concept into the Aspen Modeler family ofproducts.

Extracting Embedded Simulation Case Filesfrom MS Excel

Use the following procedure to extract embedded case files from an existingExcel Worksheet:

1 Open the ASW Organizer; select the Configuration | Simulations view.

2  Select the simulation case. Click the Details button to open the

Simulation Details form.

3  Click the Export Case button to extract the embedded simulation case;this will open a browser form. Enter the file name (or use the default) and

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66 Section 1: Using Aspen Simulation Workbook

point to the file destination using the browser, then click OK to extract thefile.

4  Click OK to close the Simulation Details form; click OK to close theSimulation References form.

Removing Embedded Simulation Case Filesfrom MS Excel

Use the following procedure to remove embedded case files from an existingExcel Worksheet:

1 Deactivate the simulation.

2  Open the ASW Organizer; select the Configuration | Simulations view. 

3  Select the simulation case. Click the Details button to open the

Simulation Details form.

4  Click the Export Case button to extract the embedded simulation case;this will open a browser form. Enter the file name (or use the default) and

point to the file destination using the browser click OK to extract the file.5  Uncheck the Use embedded case file option box.

6  Click OK to close the Simulation Details form.

7  Expand the Configuration list in the Simulation References form. Click

the … button under the Filename box and point to the file you extracted.Click OK to close the simulation references view.

8  Save the MS Excel sheet. The embedded file is removed automatically. 

Using Remote ExecutionAspen Simulation Workbook allows you to run simulations remotely over a

network on a dedicated simulation server. Aspen Simulation Workbook must

be installed on the client (end-user) computers. Aspen Remote SimulationService and the simulation applications must be installed on the simulationserver computer.

Restricted user privileges on the client are sufficient to run simulation cases

remotely on the server; the files are run under the simulation services userprofile (the user account used to run this service is configured when Aspen

Remote Simulation Service is installed).

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Section 1: Using Aspen Simulation Workbook 67

When running files remotely, Aspen Simulation Workbook creates atemporary subdirectory under the simulation services user profile on the

server PC. The simulation case files referenced by the models are copied from

the client PC to the server PC into the temporary directory. Embedded filesare extracted from the MS Excel sheet into the temporary directory on theserver computer when the simulation is activated. The embedded files are

updated at the end of the run.

Some simulation models require library files (.APM for Aspen Plus, .ACML forACM, etc), OCX controls, user-defined DLL files or other files or controls which

must be installed or registered. To run these models remotely you must first

install the required files on the simulation server. Administrative privileges arerequired to install these types of files on the server.

Note: Some layered products of Aspen HYSYS, including HYSYS Olgas and

HYSYS Olgas 3-Phase, cannot be run under the remote desktop option due tocontractual constraints.)

Follow the procedure below to configure ASW to run simulations on a remoteserver:

1  Open the ASW Organizer; select the Configuration | Simulations view. 

2  Select the simulation case to be run.

3  Click the Configuration button to open the Simulation References 


4  Set the RemoteHost variable to the name or IP address of the servercomputer. Specify the RemotePort variable (by default port 8085 is

used; the port must be consistent between ASW and the Aspen Remote

Simulation Server). Set RunCaseRemotely to TRUE. Click OK to closethis form.

5  Subsequent simulation runs will use the remote server.

Alternate Workflow:

1 Open the ASW Organizer; select the Configuration | Simulations view.

2  Select the simulation case to be run. Click the Details button to open the

Simulation Details form.

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68 Section 1: Using Aspen Simulation Workbook

3  Check the Execute the case remotely option box.

4  Click the Edit button to open the Remote Server Details form. Enter theremote server name and port number in this form.

5  Click OK to close the Remote Server Details form; click Close to closethe Simulation Details form.

Warning: ASW remote execution cannot be used with Aspen Modeler files

which require APPDF files that cannot be embedded into the simulation casefile. This includes Aspen Plus Dynamics files that use RGIBBS, closed-form

Polymers Plus reaction models, or user reaction or property models written in

FORTRAN and compiled as DLL files. We expect to eliminate this restriction inthe future by introducing the compound file concept into the Aspen Modeler

family of products.

Installing Aspen Remote Simulation Server

(ARSS) on Windows Vista

Installing Aspen Remote Simulation Server on Windows Vista requires some

specific settings:

1 Initial Install - During the installation of ARSS, you will be prompted forlogin information (username, password, and domain) that will be used

when the ARSS service in Windows starts up. The login account that youprovide needs to have administrator access privileges.

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Section 1: Using Aspen Simulation Workbook 69

2  Firewall - The firewall in Vista must be configured to allowcommunication between applications on the client and server. ARSS must

be added to the application exceptions list in the Windows Firewall

settings. The port (8086 by default) that ARSS uses for communicationalso needs to be added to this list. If communication between client andserver still does not work, then test whether the firewall settings are the

problem by temporarily turning off the firewall on your server and see ifthat enables communication.

3  User Setup - The client user must be added to the ARSS Vista server in

order to run a simulation remotely. For example, if you log into the client

PC with username/password are John/mypw, then a new "John"

Administrative user with password = mypw must be added to the Vista

server running ARSS.

4  UAC - If you are still having trouble communicating with the ARSS withVista, turn the User Account Control off: this control is accessed in the

User Accounts section of the Control Panel.

Running Aspen Remote Simulation Serveron Windows VistaIf ARSS isn't running properly, check the following:

1  ARSS Status Monitor - The ARSS status monitor is the best way to testwhether your ARSS client/server system is setup correctly. You can runthe ARSS Status Monitor Utility on your client PC to check the status of

the ARSS service running on the server. The name and/or address of theARSS server must be entered into the ARSS status monitor utility, then

click on the view->refresh now menu option. If you get a warning that

you cannot communicate with the server, then you know yourclient/server systems are not setup correctly. You can also run the ARSS

status monitor utility on your server by entering localhost as the servername in order to check the status of the ARSS service.

2  ARSS Windows Service - You can also check the status of the ARSSservice via the Windows Services dialog. You can access the Windows

Services dialog in Vista by clicking the start button and then right-

clicking on Computer and selecting Manage from the popup menu. You

then need to choose Services and Applications and then Services to

see a list of Windows services running on your computer. Aspen RemoteSimulation Service (version V7.0) should be listed there and the status

should be started. If the status is not started then you can right-click on itand select the Start menu option to start the service.

Limiting End-User Access toSimulation Case Files and DataFile embedding and remote execution can be used to prevent model end

users from viewing the contents of the linked simulation models. To prevent

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70 Section 1: Using Aspen Simulation Workbook

end users from viewing the files or accessing the simulation case files youmust restrict user access to several features in Aspen Simulation Workbook.

First, embed the simulation case file and configure the simulation to run on aremote server as described in the previous sections. Then:

1  Click the Restrict Access button to open the Restrict Access form and

clear the Export Simulation Case checkbox to prevent the user fromexporting the simulation case file. Alternatively, clear the View

Configuration checkbox to completely prevent the user from viewing thefile source name, server ID, and other configuration details.

2  Clear the Show/Hide Simulation checkbox to prevent the user fromviewing the case file using the native simulator.

3  Clear the View Variable Access checkbox to prevent the user from

viewing the simulation data structure using the variable browser inside theorganizer.

4  Enter a password to prevent the user from changing these options.

Monitoring the RemoteSimulation ServerAspen Simulation Workbook includes a utility, Aspen Remote SimulationServer Status Monitor that allows users to check the status of the remote

server and the simulation jobs running on the remote server. Users can startand stop the simulation service and view the CPU and memory usage on the

remote server(s). Users can also kill any runaway simulation processes (if thesimulator experiences an unexpected failure one or more of the simulator

processes may remain active, consuming memory and/or CPU time).

To launch the Aspen Remote Simulation Service Status Monitor:1  Click the Windows Start button, select All Programs | AspenTech |

Aspen Engineering Suite | Aspen Remote Simulation Service |

Aspen Remote Simulation Service Status to launch the status window.

2  Select the server ID from the list; or click Add to specify the name (or IP

address) and port for the server.

3  Use the Start and Stop buttons in the Service Status frame to start and

stop the remote simulation service. The current status of the remote

simulation service is shown above these buttons. The CPU usage and freememory on the remote server are shown to the right of these buttons.

4  Actively running simulation cases are listed in the Active cases on

server frame. To kill an active case, select the case by name and click the

Kill Case button.

When the Status Monitor window is not in use it will be minimized behind anicon in the System Tray, normally located on the lower right hand side of the

Windows taskbar.

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Section 1: Using Aspen Simulation Workbook 71

MS Excel Worksheet ProtectionMS Excel allows the user to protect worksheets to prevent end-users from

damaging a worksheet by removing objects, rows or columns, deleting cells,and etc. This feature can be combined with the Aspen Simulation Workbook

feature locking mechanism to fully protect all aspects of an Aspen Simulation


Select Tools | Protection | Protect Sheet  from Excel’ s pull-down menu toactivate the Protect Sheet  dialogue. Use the check boxes on this form to

specify what actions the user is allowed to take in the protected areas of theworksheet. This sheet is also used to specify an optional password tounprotect the sheet.

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72 Section 1: Using Aspen Simulation Workbook

By default, all cells in the worksheet are  “locked”  when the sheet is protected.This prevents users from entering data into the cells. For Aspen Simulation

Workbook interfaces, be sure to unlock ranges where the model user needs to

enter data or units, as well as cells which contain calculated results (and theirunits) written back to Excel from the simulation application. Note that cellscan only be unlocked while sheet protection is off. To unlock a range of cells,

select the range of cells, then select Format | Cells | Protection and uncheckthe Locked  option.


Cell protection is one of the many format properties which can be includedin a cell style. Therefore the cell protection property can be included in

Aspen Simulation Workbook table templates. Since cells are locked bydefault, be sure to make the protection unlocked in any styles you create

and use in ASW tables.!  For easy access to the sheet protection function, add the sheet protection

toggle button to one of the toolbars in Excel. To modify a toolbar, click

the control on the right-hand side of the toolbar, select Add or Remove

Buttons | Customize from the pop-up menu to open the Customize dialogue. Move to the Commands tabsheet, select Tools in the Categories 

frame and scroll down in the Commands frame to find the appropriate

button. Select the button and drag it into the appropriate toolbar locationusing the mouse using drag-and-drop (for example, hold the mousebutton down to drag the object and release it to drop the object.

Using ASW to Automate Workflow

Retrieving Plant Tags

Before tags can be associated with model variables, they must be part of the

ASW Organizer data store:

1 Use the Excel add-in tools provided with your plant data server software(such as Aspen IP.21) to generate a table of plant data tags and create

links between the Excel workbook and the plant data tags. Ideally, thetags should be laid out in a table, with the various tag attributes in the

table columns and the rows of the table each corresponding to a singletag.

The tag table should include: 

!  tag name (required)

!  value (required)

!  units (required)

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Section 1: Using Aspen Simulation Workbook 73

!  tag description and tag quality (status) parameters are optional.

2 In Excel, highlight the range of cells containing the tag information. You

may include the table header and column headers in the selection range.

3  Right-click and select ASW Tables | Map Tag Variables from the list ofoptions.

Alternately:1  You can click the Import Tags button on the Aspen Simulation Workbook

Design toolbar. This opens the Map Tag Attributes pop-up form.

2  Click the Browse button on this form.

3  Select the range of cells containing the tag information in your Excel


4  After all of the columns are mapped to tag attributes, click the OK buttonto close the form and import the tags into the ASW Organizer. This will

also automatically open the ASW Organizer into the Variable Access/Tag

Variables view. This view shows the list of plant data tags in the ASWOrganizer variable grid.

Tip: Use the standard tag attribute names when making a table of plant tags;for example use  “Name”  instead of  “Tag”  or  “Tag ID”  to identify the tags. Thissaves time when you use the Map Tag Attributes form to import the tags into

the ASW Organizer.

Mapping Plant Tags to Model Variables

Plant data tags can be mapped to model variables. This allows you toautomate workflows and leverage the power of process simulation in the plant

operations environment. You can:

Map tags to model variables (e.g., populate model inputs with measured

data from the plant).

Map model variables to tags (e.g., send model predictions back to theplant data server through tags, which allows the model to act as a virtual

analyzer and/or provide predictions of unmeasured variables for operatordecision support applications).

!  Create two-way flow of information between the model and plant data.

To map variables to tags:

1  Open the ASW Organizer and switch to the Variable Mapping view in the

left pane. This opens a grid in which each row displays a link between a

model variable and a plant tag. The first time the grid is opened, it will beempty.

2  Right-click the variable grid pane to open the pop-up menu.

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74 Section 1: Using Aspen Simulation Workbook

3  Select Add Unreferenced Tags to pull a list of tags into the variable

grid, or to update the list with recently added tags.

!  Aspen Simulation Workbook will automatically map tags and variables

to each other if the tag name and variable name are identical. If amatching variable is not found for a tag, the 'null' symbol will

show up in the Model Variable column.

!  To map a variable to an unreferenced tag, click the 'null' symbol

next to the tag name. This brings up a list of the unmapped model


!  Scroll through the list to locate the desired model variable.

!  Click on the variable name to map it to the tag.

Tags and variables with the samename are automatically mappedto each other

Unmapped tags are identifiedwith the null symbol in the modelvariable column

Click here to bring up a list ofavailable model variables

Scroll through the variable list;click on the name of the targetvariable to complete the mapping


Note: It is not necessary to map every plant tag to a model variable. Use theDelete button to remove any tags that you do not want to map.Alternately, you can remove all the unreferenced tags together by right-

clicking in the variable grid and selecting Remove Incomplete Tags from

the pop-up menu.

Tag Quality MappingProcess data systems usually qualify plant data tags with a quality or status

parameter that identifies the current state of the measured variable. The tagquality parameter may reflect the state of an instrument (off-line or on-line),

the reliability of a measurement (in or out of bounds), the presence or

absence of data (available or missing), or may indicate if a variable is understeady-state conditions.

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Section 1: Using Aspen Simulation Workbook 75

These various quality states differ from one type of plant information softwareto another. Further, the current version of Aspen Simulation Workbook only

recognizes two quality states:  “Good”  and  “Bad” . Therefore the tag quality

definitions from the plant data server must be mapped to the valid statesused by Aspen Simulation Workbook.

Tag Mapping Properties

Several additional properties of the tags can be displayed in the variable gridwithin the Variable Mapping view. These properties can be included in ASW

Tables generated from this view. The user can change the properties

identified with a bold font.

Property Read/Write Description

CondQuality Read only Conditioned quality {Good, UL Clamped, LLClamped, UL Exceeded, LL Exceeded,Disabled}

CondValue Read only Conditioned value– this is the value sent backto the simulation case after applying upper

and lower clamping limits and/or verifying tagquality.

Difference Read only Numerical difference between model variableand the tag value (MdlValue-Tag)

Enabled R/W Link between model variable and tag is active{TRUE, FALSE}

Group R/W Optional user-defined variable group ID. Usethis property as an aid to group relatedvariables together for faster navigation.

Lower Read only Variable lower bound

LowerClamp Read only Clamping on lower bound {TRUE, FALSE}

MdlName Read only Model variable name

MdlUnits Read only Model variable units

MdlValue Read only Model variable value

MdlVarID R/W Model variable Identifier

Ranges Read only Excel ranges in ASW Tables containing thistag/variable mapping row.

ReadOnly R/W Determines the read/write status of the valuefield. Default state is determined by theStatus attribute, with calculated variables setto read only.

Simulation Read only Name of the simulation file.

Ranges Read only Ranges in Excel where this mapping rowappears in a Tag Mapping table.

TagMult R/W Tag multiplier – see Tag Conditioning, below.[1.0]

TagName Read only Name assigned to a variable. AspenSimulation Workbook sets a name by defaultwhen the variable is pasted to the organizer;user may override this name.

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76 Section 1: Using Aspen Simulation Workbook

TagOffset R/W Tag offset – see Tag Conditioning, below.[0.0]

TagUnits Read only Units of measurement of the variable.

TagValue Read only Tag value

TagVarID R/W Tag identifier

Type R/W Tag mapping type {Tag2Model, Model2Tag,Bidirectional, Independent}

Upper Read only Model variable upper limit

UpperClamp Read only Upper bound clamping {TRUE, FALSE}

Tag Conditioning

Plant data measurements are never perfect. Aspen Simulation Workbookallows you to apply a linear conversion formula to condition tags which are

linked to model variables. The TagMult  and TagOffset  properties are used tocarry out a simple linear conversion as shown below. When limit clamping is

active (TRUE), the conditioned value is further constrained by user-specified

upper and lower bounds.

# $# $# $Valued Conditione ModelValue

Upper  Lower TagOffset TagMult TagValue MAX  MIN dValueConditione



 (" ( 




When the system variable AlwaysCopyTagValues is TRUE, the model variable

is automatically set to the conditioned value. This variable is can be toggledon and off using the Automatic Update button on the Aspen Simulation

Workbook Design toolbar indicates that automatic update is on and

indicates that automatic update is off.

The model variable is also updated when the CopyTag2Model  function is

executed. This function is executed at the start of a run (Aspen Plus, ACM)and when the user clicks the Copy Tag Values to Model  button .


Upper  Lower TagMult 

TagOffset etionedValu ModelCondi MAX  MIN dValueConditione





. )) *


. )) *


.    /%

 (" ( 




When the system variable Simulation.AlwaysCopyTagValues is TRUE, the tagvariable is automatically set to the conditioned model variable value.

Otherwise, the tag is updated when the CopyModel2Tag function is executed(this function is executed at the end of a simulation run (Aspen Plus, ACM) or

when the solver returns to idle mode (HYSYS).

In the equations above, the Upper  and Lower  properties refer to the upper

and lower limits specified in the Tag2Model form. These default to upper and

lower limits of the mapped model variables. The clamping properties alsodefault to the values specified for the corresponding model variables. TheTag2Model clamps and limits can be overridden locally.

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Section 1: Using Aspen Simulation Workbook 77

The linear conditioning formula can also be used to carry out unit conversionsto convert plant measurements in one set of units to model variables in

another set of units.

If more complex tag conditioning equations are required, use equations inExcel to condition the raw tag values, and then link these conditioned values

to the model variables using another set of equations.

Mapping Tag Quality Definitions

Process data systems usually qualify plant data tags with a quality  or status parameter that identifies the current state of the measured variable. The tag

quality parameter may reflect the state of an instrument (offline or online),

the reliability of a measurement (in or out of bounds), the presence orabsence of data (available or missing), or may indicate if a variable is understeady-state conditions.

These various quality states differ from one type of plant information software

to another. Further, the current version of Aspen Simulation Workbook only

recognizes two quality states:  “Good”  and  “Bad” . Therefore the tag qualitydefinitions from the plant data server must be mapped to the valid statesused by Aspen Simulation Workbook.

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78 Section 1: Using Aspen Simulation Workbook

Tag Quality Parameters

Variable and tag quality  parameters are used to control the mapping of databetween linked model variables and plant tags. Likewise, if a model variableis out of range, and variable clamping is active (checked), the quality of the

variable will be set to  “UL Clamped”  or  “LL Clamped”  and it will not be pushedback to linked model variables.

Model Variable Linked to Tag, Type=Tag to Model or Bidirectional

Tag Value* VariableLL Clamping

VariableUL Clamping



FALSE N/A LL Exceeded ValueTag Value < LowerLimit** TRUE N/A LL Clamped Lower Limit

N/A FALSE UL Exceeded ValueTag Value > Upper

Limit** N/A TRUE UL Clamped Upper Limit

LL < Tag Value < UL N/A N/A Good Tag Value

Tag quality is not “Good”  

N/A N/A Bad Last validvalue

Tag is unavailable orNull

N/A N/A Not Set Last validvalue

* Tag value after linear conversion formula is applied, see Tag Conditioning,above.

** Upper and Lower Limit attributes of the linked model variable

Tag is Linked to Model Variable, Type=Model to Tag or Bidirectional

Calculated ModelVariable Value

VariableLL Clamping

VariableUL Clamping


ConditionedVariableValue andTag Value

FALSE N/A LL Exceeded ValueValue*< LowerLimit** TRUE N/A LL Clamped Lower Limit

N/A FALSE UL Exceeded ValueValue* > UpperLimit** N/A TRUE UL Clamped Upper Limit

LL < Value < UL N/A N/A Good Tag Value

Value is missing N/A N/A Not Set Last validvalue

* Model variable value after linear conversion formula is applied, see Tag

Conditioning, above.

**Upper and Lower Limit attributes of the linked model variable

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Section 1: Using Aspen Simulation Workbook 79

Creating Tag TablesPlant data tags can be grouped together in ASW Tables and inserted into the

Excel workbook. To create a tag table, select all the tags to be included in the

table. Right-click any field in a variable row in the Organizer Variable Grid toselect the tag. Hold down the Shift key to select a range of tags. Use the

CTRL key to make multiple selections. Use the ASW Table Wizard  button

or the ASW Quick Tables button to open the appropriate forms to generate

a tag table. These forms are each described in detail in Chapter 2,  “CreatingModel Variable Tables” .

Tag tables can be generated from the Tag Variables, Tag Quality Map, or

Variable Mapping views in the Organizer.

Tip: You can generate ASW Tables that display model variables and tags side-

by-side for easy comparison from the Variable Mapping view. Simply selectthe tags of interest and use the table wizard to place the  “Tag Value”  and

 “Model Value”  in adjacent columns.

Writing Scripts for ASWAspen Simulation Workbook includes tools to help automate Excel sheetsusing workbook functions and macros.

Aspen Simulation Workbook FunctionsAspen Simulation Workbook includes several Excel add-in functions. These

functions can be used to retrieve the properties of the attached simulationcases, model variables, or process tags. The Aspen Simulation Workbook

functions can be used in any cell in the Excel workbook, in conditionalformatting statements, and in other objects that accept formulas.

Aspen Simulation Workbook Functions

Function( Arguments ) Description

ASWActiveSimulation() Returns the name of the active simulation


Returns the give attribute of the namedsimulation.

ASWSimulationLastSolveTime(Name) Returns the time of the last solve of the namedsimulation (cell must have time formatting)

ASWSimulationPath(Name) Returns the full path to the named simulationcase

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80 Section 1: Using Aspen Simulation Workbook

Aspen Simulation Workbook FunctionArguments

Argument Valid Values Description

 “”  (null string) Use  “”  to specify name of current activesimulation.

Name (text)

Case name Use case name as text without extension.

Active Returns the model active state (TRUE or FALSE).

Description Returns the description associated with themodel.

Filename Returns the simulation case file name.

FullPath Returns the full path to the simulation case.

LastSolveTime Returns the time of the last solve of the specifiedsimulation case.

Status Returns the status of the simulation case, as

returned by the specified simulation case.

Attribute (text)

Visible Returns the visible state of the specifiedsimulation case (TRUE or FALSE).

Aspen Simulation Workbook Macros

Aspen Simulation Workbook includes several macros to automate common

tasks. These macros can be associated with buttons placed on any sheet inthe Excel workbook.

Note: The active simulation case refers to the simulation case selected in thecombo box on the Aspen Simulation Workbook Run toolbar.

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Section 1: Using Aspen Simulation Workbook 81

Using Buttons and Other Controls to Run

ASW MacrosExcel lets you insert buttons and other controls directly onto your worksheets.

Buttons and other controls can also link to macros, including the Aspen

Simulation Workbook macros summarized above. The available buttons andcontrols are located in the standard Excel Forms toolbar.

Note: The instructions here only apply to buttons or other controls inserted

from the Excel Forms toolbar. These instructions do not  apply to commandbuttons inserted from the Excel Control Toolbox toolbar, which can be used

for Visual Basic automation.

To add a button or other control to your Excel workbook, left-click the desired

button or control on the standard Excel Forms toolbar. The cursor changes to

a crosshair; move the crosshair to the location on the excel sheet where youwant to place the button or control. Click and drag the crosshair to form theimage.

Move the cursor and the crosshair switches to an arrow. Place the arrow overthe desired image area. Click, and adjust the size of the button or control asdesired. (In the case of Button, the Assign Macro dialog box appears

immediately. Click the Cancel button or press the Escape key to close it.) 

Macro Name Description

ASWRunActiveSimulation Executes the active simulation [Aspen Plus] oractivates solver [HYSYS].

ASWStopActiveSimulation Attempts to stop a running simulation [AspenPlus] or stop the solver [HYSYS].

ASWRestartActiveSimulation Restarts the active simulation from the beginning[Aspen Plus].

ASWToggleActiveSimulationVisible Toggles the visible status of the active simulation.

ASWToggleActiveSimulationActive Toggles the activation status of the activesimulation.

ASWActivateActiveSimulation Activates the active simulation case.

ASWDeactivateActiveSimulation Deactivates the active simulation case.

ASWCopyTagValuesToModel Copies tag values into linked model variables.

ASWCopyModelValuesToTags Copy model variable values into linked tags.

ASWEditSimulations Open the simulation list editor for AspenSimulation Workbook.

ASWUpdateModelFromExcel Updates the Model Variables from Excel for theactive Aspen Simulation Workbook.

ASWUpdateExcelFromModel Updates model variables in tables in Excel for theactive simulation case.

ASWViewActiveSimulationLog Opens the log file for the active simulation case.

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82 Section 1: Using Aspen Simulation Workbook

1  Right-click on the new button and select Assign Simulation Workbook


2  Then select a macro from the list. 

(1) Click on a button

or other control

(2) Move the crosshairs to the

desired position. Click and drag.

Adjust image using the arrows.

(3) Click Cancel 

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Section 1: Using Aspen Simulation Workbook 83

Important: If this file will be used on other computers which run underdifferent locales (language settings), some extra preparation is needed to

ensure macros will work properly.

!  Rename the worksheets to use non-default names because the defaultnames can change in different locales.

!  Rename the controls to use non-default names.!  Use only standard English characters in the names of worksheets,

controls, and macros, and in the macro code.

3  Button properties can be changed at any time. Right-click the button and

select Format Control from the pop-up menu. This opens a pop-up form

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84 Section 1: Using Aspen Simulation Workbook

that allows you to change all of the properties of the button, including thetext, font, and so on.

Tip: Macros can also be associated with graphics or other controls inserted onthe Excel sheet; for example, you can cause the simulation model to run

when the user clicks a picture of the process.

To assign a macro to a graphic or other control: right-click the graphic or

other control and select Assign Simulation Workbook Macro from the pop-up menu.

Running Simulation CasesUsing Aspen SimulationWorkbook

Workflow OverviewThe basic steps for running simulation cases are outlined below. A specific

workflow varies depending on the application of the model and on the

underlying simulation engine.

Open Excel Sheet Activate ModelEnter Input

Retrieve PlantData

Run Model


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86 Section 1: Using Aspen Simulation Workbook

Running the Active Simulation Case

The workflow for running, pausing and restarting models is somewhatdifferent for the various simulation engines supported by Aspen Simulation


Running Aspen Plus Cases

Aspen Plus uses a batch run paradigm. The user must launch a run to start


Use the Run Simulation button to start the simulation run. While the

simulation is running you can view messages from Aspen Plus in the Logs 

view of the Organizer or by clicking the view logs button on the Aspen

Organizer Run toolbar.

If problems occur during the simulation you can stop the calculations using

the Stop Simulation button . The simulation engine can be restarted using

the Initialize/Reinitialize Simulation button .

Running Aspen Plus EO


!  By default, the simulation strategy for Aspen Plus equation-oriented (EO)

simulations is set to the state in which the model was saved. The

simulation strategy, which can be  “Sequential Modular” ,  “Mixed Mode” , or “Equation Oriented” , is specified on the Aspen Plus control panel. Thisvariable can be copied into the Aspen Simulation Workbook Organizer andexposed to the end-user in Excel as part of an ASW Table. However, this

variable is only accessible through the variable browser. To get this

variable into the Organizer, click the Variable Browser  button on the

Organizer Toolbar and navigate through the following nodes in the tree

view: appModel.Setup.Sim-Options.Input.Paradigm (paradigm is the nameof the variable which stores the simulation strategy parameter). Valid

values of this variable are  “SM” ,  “EO”  and  “MIXED” , which correspond to

the  “Sequential Modular” ,  “Equation Oriented” , and  “Mixed Mode”  optionsshown on the Aspen Plus control panel.

!  The control panel EO Solution mode parameter can be copied from the

Run Mode field of the Solve Options form in the EO Configuration folder in

the Aspen Plus data browser, or from the appModel.EOConfiguration.Solve-Options.Input.Mode node in the ASW VariableBrowser. Valid values for this variable include  “SIM”  (simulation),  “OPT”  

(optimization),  “EST”  (parameter estimation) and  “REC”  (datareconciliation).

!  The optimization and/or reconciliation objective function name can be

copied from the Optimization and Reconciliation fields in the SelectedObjectives frame of the Solve Options folder. These variables can also befound under the appModel.EO Configuration.Solve-Options.Input  node ofthe ASW Variable Browser (variable names  “OPTOBJ”  and  “RECOBJ” ).

These variables are assigned to a string corresponding to the name of the

selected objective function.

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Section 1: Using Aspen Simulation Workbook 87

Running Aspen HYSYS Cases

Aspen HYSYS uses a  “live solver”  algorithm to update the simulationcalculations each time one of the model specifications is changed.

By default, the simulation solver is active when the simulation is activated.

You can use the Stop Simulation button to deactivate the solver at any

time. This may be convenient when changing several model inputs at once.

Use the Run Simulation button to restart the simulation solver.

You can view messages for the active simulation case in the Logs view of the

Organizer or by clicking the view logs button on the Aspen Organizer Run 


Warning: The Run Simulation button on the Aspen Simulation Workbook

Run toolbar is identical to the Run Macro button on the standard Excel Visual

Basic toolbar. To avoid confusion, hide the Excel Visual Basic  toolbar when

using or deploying an Aspen Simulation Workbook.

Running Aspen Custom Modeler and Aspen Plus DynamicsCases

Aspen Simulation Workbook supports all simulation run modes associated

with Aspen Custom Modeler and Aspen Plus Dynamics. Users can change the

run mode using the Run Mode combo box on the Aspen

Simulation Workbook Run toolbar. Alternately, the run mode can be set

using the Simulation References form in the ASW Organizer.

Use the Run Simulation button to start the simulation run. While the

simulation is running you can view messages from the simulation in the Logs 

view of the Organizer or by clicking the View logs button on the Aspen

Organizer Run toolbar.

Use the Step button to take a single time step in a dynamic model.

Use the Pause Simulation button to temporarily pause dynamic

simulations. For example, you can pause the run while setting variablevalues.

If problems occur during the simulation you can stop the calculations using

the Stop Simulation button . The simulation engine can be restarted

using the Initialize/Reinitialize Simulation button .

Tip: Aspen Simulation Workbook will run the active Aspen Modeler (ACM, AD,etc) case using the run mode in which the case file was last saved. For

example, if the case was saved in  “Estimation”  mode, it will run in that modefrom Aspen Simulation Workbook.

Loading a Snapshot from the ASW Run Toolbar

1 Open a workbook connected to an Aspen Modeler case, such as ACM or

Aspen Plus Dynamics.

2 Activate the simulation

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88 Section 1: Using Aspen Simulation Workbook

3 Select the load snapshot command from the ASW menu . 

4 A dialog box displays listing the available snapshots and their associatedgrid attributes

5 Select a snapshot and click the load snapshot button.

6 The system uses the Load action to load the snapshot and the values in

Excel and refreshes them to reflect the changes made by the snapshot.

7  Click the Create Snapshot button

8 The system uses the Create Snapshot action to create a new snapshot

and refresh any list of displayed snapshots 

Viewing the Active Simulation Case

The active model can be viewed in its native simulation environment. This

feature allows expert users to view the full set of simulation results and inputs

in addition to the subset of results and inputs that may be exposed throughthe Excel sheet.

The active simulation file can be made visible or invisible using the visibility

toggle button on the Aspen Simulation Workbook Run toolbar.

Viewing Simulation Log Files

Error, warning, and information messages generated by Aspen SimulationWorkbook and the underlying simulation case files are stored in log files and

can be opened from the Logs view of the Organizer.

Alternatively, use the view logs button on the Aspen Organizer Run toolbar

to open the log file of the active simulation case.

Warning: Over time, the log messages can accumulate, causing the size ofthe Excel file to increase. This can also cause substantially slower loading

times. To avoid this problem open the Organizer, go to the Configuration|Simulations view, select the simulation case, and click the Configurationbutton. This opens the Simulation References form. Scroll down to the

Runtime settings to verify that the parameter FlushSimulationMessagesLog is

set to True. This cause Aspen Simulation Workbook to flush the message

buffer each time a new run is launched. This parameter is True by defaultexcept when the file was generated with older releases of Aspen Simulation


View Aspen SimulationWorkbook messages 

View messages for theactive simulation case

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Section 1: Using Aspen Simulation Workbook 89

Saving the State of the Simulation CaseAspen Simulation Workbook allows users to link  Excel sheets to external

simulation case files or embed  the simulation case files into Excel. (When

saving the Excel document, linked cases are not saved, while embeddedcases are.

Linked  simulation cases retain their state between runs unless the userexplicitly saves the simulation case manually . Users can save the case file by

making the simulation visible and saving it using the native simulation


Embedded  simulation cases are automatically updated when you save the

Excel sheet. This behavior is consistent with the behavior of embedded files in

most standard Windows applications.

Warning: When using embedded files be sure to save the model in an

appropriate state. For example, do not reinitialize the model and save Excel

without re-running the simulation (for Aspen Plus or Aspen Modeler). In thecase of dynamic simulations, rewind the model and run it in Initializationmode before saving it to ensure a clean start for subsequent runs.

Using Visual Basic Automation to Launch

Simulation Cases

Aspen Simulation Workbook includes Excel functions and macros. Thesemacros can be launched using the Visual Basic automation features of Excel.

For example, the following program can be used to link the 

 ASWRunActiveSimulation macro to a command button. See Chapter 2, Aspen

Simulation Workbook Macros for a complete list of available macros.

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()Application.Run ("AspenASWWorkbook.xla!ASWRunActiveSimulation")

End Sub

Scheduling Simulation RunsSome applications of Aspen Simulation Workbook in the plant operations

domain may require scheduling multiple simulations in series or may involve

updating plant tags and re-running the model at fixed time intervals. Theexamples below show how to automate these types of workflows using Visual


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90 Section 1: Using Aspen Simulation Workbook

Scheduling Aspen Plus Runs

Plant data tags (and the variables linked to these tags) are updated each timean Aspen Plus case is run from within Aspen Simulation Workbook. After the

simulation is complete, the tags mapped to model variables are updated withcalculation results from the simulation. All these actions can be linked to a

timer event as shown in the example below.Private Sub

' The following must be called from a Module

Private bStopTimer As Boolean

Sub StartTimer()

Application.OnTime Now + TimeValue("00:00:05"),


End Sub

Sub StopTimer()

bStopTimer = True

End Sub

Sub RoutineCalledPeriodically()

If (bStopTimer) Then Exit Sub



' Pseudo Recursively Call Self

Application.OnTime Now + TimeValue("00:00:15"),


End Sub

End Sub

Scheduling HYSYS Runs

Aspen HYSYS uses an active solver to continuously update simulation resultseach time the inputs are changed. Therefore, HYSYS will automatically run

each time the plant data tags are updated (provided the HYSYS case is active

and the solver is on). The tags mapped to model variables are updated withcalculation results when the HYSYS solver returns to  “idle”  mode aftercompleting calculations. Therefore, scheduling HYSYS updates is done

indirectly through the macro used to update tags, as shown below.

Private Sub

' The following must be called from a Module

Private bStopTimer As Boolean

Sub StartTimer()

Application.OnTime Now + TimeValue("00:00:05"),


End Sub

Sub StopTimer()

bStopTimer = True

End SubSub RoutineCalledPeriodically()

If (bStopTimer) Then Exit Sub



' Pseudo Recursively Call Self

Application.OnTime Now + TimeValue("00:00:15"),


End Sub

End Sub

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Section 1: Using Aspen Simulation Workbook 91

Scheduling ACM or AD Runs

Aspen Custom Modeler and/or Aspen Dynamic simulations can be scheduledusing the subroutine shown above for scheduling Aspen Plus runs.

Running All Simulations

Sometimes it may be desirable to run all simulations sequentially. More

sophisticated automation is available but requires special references to work.To enable these references open the References Dialog from the Tools menu.Check the entries AspenASWWorkbookXLA and Aspen Simulation Workbook


Public Sub RunAllSimulations()

Dim wb As AspenASWWorkbook.ASWWorkbook

Dim sim As AspenASWWorkbook.IOSESimulation

Call AspenASWWorkbookXLA.GetASWActiveWorkbook(wb)

If wb Is Nothing Then Exit Sub

For Each sim In wb.Simulations

Set wb.ActiveSimulation = sim

sim.Active = True 'Load the caseIf sim.ActiveMode = ActiveCalculationMode_Continuous Then




End If


End Sub

Running Simulations in a Specific Order

Sometimes it may be desirable to run simulations sequentially but in aspecific order. Like the running all simulations case, special references are

required for this to work. To enable these references open the ReferencesDialog from the Tools menu. Check the entries AspenASWWorkbookXLA and

Aspen Simulation Workbook 2008.

Public Sub RunCases()

RunNamedSimulation "case1"

RunNamedSimulation "case2"

End Sub

Sub RunNamedSimulation(name As String)

On Error Resume Next 'Ignore invalid names

Dim wb As AspenASWWorkbook.ASWWorkbook

Dim sim As AspenASWWorkbook.IOSESimulation

Call AspenASWWorkbookXLA.GetOSEActiveWorkbook(wb)

If wb Is Nothing Then Exit Sub

If wb.Simulations.Count = 0 Then Exit SubSet sim = wb.Simulations(name)

If sim Is Nothing Then Exit Sub

sim.Active = True 'Load the case

If sim.ActiveMode = ActiveCalculationMode_Continuous Then




End If

End Sub

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92 Section 1: Using Aspen Simulation Workbook

Getting the Most from MS ExcelThis section covers several features of Microsoft Excel which are especially

convenient to use with Aspen Simulation Workbook. The objective of thissection is to raise awareness of these features and document the basic

functionality; refer to Microsoft’ s documentation set or any of the widelyavailable third party Excel references for more detailed information.

Conditional Formatting

Excel includes a  “conditional formatting”  feature which can be used to change

the font, background color, and other formatting associated with a cell basedon the value of that cell or based on a user-specified formula. This feature can

be used to make your Aspen Simulation Workbook model interface morevisually appealing and easier to use.

To use conditional formatting, select a cell and then select Format  |

Conditional Formatting from Excel’ s pull-down menu. This will open the

Conditional Formatting dialogue:

Excel allows up to three conditions to be defined on this form. This allows youto set up four sets of conditions and associated cell formats (onecorresponding to the original format of the cell). In this example, conditional

formatting is applied to a cell containing the Aspen Simulation Workbook “Simulation Attribute”  function which returns strings. The conditionalformatting gives the user an obvious visual cue that the state of the model

has changed, as shown below:

The next example demonstrates how to use conditional formatting to changethe color of the values column in an Aspen Simulation Workbook table based

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94 Section 1: Using Aspen Simulation Workbook

Tip: Hold the ALT key down while placing form controls to line the corners upwith the edges of cells. To specify an exact size, right-click the control and

select Format Control  from the pop-up menu. Specify the control height and

width on the Size tabsheet.

Excel form controls are  “locked”  by default. To change this setting, select the

control, right-click to bring up a pop-up menu, select Format Control |

Protection, and uncheck the Locked  attribute. This prevents the end user frommoving, resizing, or deleting the form control when the sheet is locked (see

Excel Worksheet Protection, below).

By default, the form controls will print out with the rest of the worksheet. To

prevent form controls from printing, select the control, right-click to bring upthe pop-up menu, select Format Control | Properties and uncheck the Printcontrol  option. This tabsheet also contains settings which control how the

controls behave when the worksheet rows or columns are resized.

Excel controls are displayed in a  “3D”  mode by default. This gives the controls

the same look and feel as native Windows. Some users may prefer thealternate (2D) style. To change styles, select the control, right click, select

Format Control | Control tabsheet and uncheck the 3D option.The sections below describe several of the most commonly used controls andfunctions available on the Excel Forms toolbar.

Spinner Controls and Scroll Bar Controls

The Spinner control and the Scroll Bar control allow the user to

quickly adjust the value of a cell using mouse clicks.

The Spinner control allows the user to increase or decrease the current value

of a cell within a specified range. The spinner control is very compact and it

can be placed very close to the linked cell as shown below:

Scroll Bars allow the user to increase or decrease the current value of a cellwithin a specified range of values. The Scroll Bar control takes up a bit morespace than a spinner, but it offers some unique advantages. Unlike the

spinner, the scroll bar graphically displays the status of the value relative to

the upper and lower bounds:

Scroll bars also allow the user to make large changes to the value bydragging the slider or by clicking the grey space on either side of the slider.

Both types of controls operate on whole numbers (integers). Thus these

controls are typically linked indirectly to Aspen Simulation Workbook tables

using an equation to convert the integer value returned by the control to areal value required by the process simulation model.

The Scroll Bar control does not display numerical upper and lower bounds, but

your can add Label Controls under each end of the scroll bar to visuallydocument the numerical bounds.

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Section 1: Using Aspen Simulation Workbook 95

Follow these steps to add a spinner or scroll bar to your worksheet:

1 Place a Spinner or Scroll Bar onto the worksheet as described in the

previous section.

2 Select the control; right-click to bring up a pop-up menu, and select

Format Control, click on the Control  tabsheet.

3 Specify the Minimum value (lower bound), Maximum value (upper bound),and Incremental change (this is the value change which will occur whenthe user clicks the arrows on the control). For scroll bars, specify the pagechange (this is the value change when the user clicks the grey space oneither side of the slider bar).

4 Click the browser button and point to a cell in your worksheet to link

this control to the specified cell. The linked cell does not need to be on the

same tabsheet as the control. It is good practice to hide the linked cell onanother sheet to avoid visual clutter in your Aspen Simulation Workbookinterface.

If the simulation variable is a real number which cannot be rounded to whole

number integers, or if it is a very large value, you will need to use equations

to convert the integer value in the control-linked cell to a cell in your AspenSimulation Workbook table, as shown below:

='Secret Formulae'!C4*0.01='Secret Formulae'!C4*0.0 1

When the user manipulates the scroll bar,the value in this cell will change.

When the user manipulates the scroll bar,the value in this cell will change.These properties set the lower and uppervalues associated with the two ends of the

scroll bar

When the user manipulates the scroll bar,the value in this cell will change.These properties set the lower and uppervalues associated with the two ends of the

scroll barSets the step change which occurs whenthe user slides the bar

In this example, the control cannot belinked directly to the reflux ratio becausethis control operates on whole numbers


Grid Toggle

Use the Toggle Grid button on the Excel Forms toolbar to turn the

gridlines on or off on your worksheets. Controls and other graphics lookbetter when the Excel sheet has gridlines deactivated.


You can insert a Button by selecting the button symbol on the Excel Forms 

toolbar. Place the button directly onto your worksheet as describedpreviously.

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96 Section 1: Using Aspen Simulation Workbook

Buttons can be linked to your own VBA macros or to predefined Aspen

Simulation Workbook Macros. See Using Buttons to Run Aspen Simulation

Workbook Macros for further details.

Label Control

The Label control allows you to insert a label box on your worksheet.

Text entered into the label box uses the same font and format as the textassociated with other format controls, which can give your application a

consistent look and feel. In addition, the label box is not anchored to a

particular cell, so it can be placed anywhere on the worksheet.

To add a label box to a worksheet, select the label control from the Forms 

toolbar, and place it on the sheet as described above. Place the pointer over

the text; it will switch to move/resize mode . Click on the label box again

to switch to text insert mode . You can now enter or change the text in thelabel box:

Group Box Control

The Group Box control is typically used to group Option Buttonstogether as described in the next section. However, this control can also beused to visually group a section of controls or subsection of the worksheet

together by drawing a frame around them.

The Group Box frame includes a text heading which can be used to giveinstructions to the user. You must place the Group Box on your Excel sheet

and select it while the mouse is in move/resize mode . Click on the frame

header again to switch to text insert mode ; you can now enter new text.

The example below shows how the Group Box can be used to visually

identify a group of buttons (each of which are associated with AspenSimulation Workbook macros).

Option Button Control

Option buttons  are used to present the user with two or more mutually

exclusive options. Option Buttons are always used together in a group. If

you intend to use more than one set of option buttons in a worksheet, you

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Section 1: Using Aspen Simulation Workbook 97

must place each group of buttons inside a Group Box. At any time, only oneof the option buttons placed in a group box can be checked.

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Section 1: Using Aspen Simulation Workbook 99

Check Box Control

The Check Box control is convenient when the user must back a yes/no,

on/off, or true/false decision. This control returns a Boolean TRUE or FALSE

result (TRUE indicates the box is checked).

Follow these steps to use a check box in your worksheet:

1 Place a Check Box control on your excel sheet

2 To change the text associated with the check box, place the pointer over

the text; it will switch to move/resize mode . Click on the option button

control again to switch to text insert mode . You can now enter or

change the text.

3 Select the check box; right-click to bring up a pop-up menu, and select

Format Control, click on the Control  tabsheet:

4 Click the browser button and point to a cell in your worksheet to linkthese controls in Excel. The linked cell does not need to be on the same

tabsheet as the control. It is good practice to hide the linked cell on

another sheet to avoid visual clutter in your Aspen Simulation Workbookinterface.

5 If the model variable associated with this control accepts TRUE and FALSEarguments, you can link the control directly to the appropriate location in

the Aspen Simulation Workbook table (link the checkbox to a cell in the

Value column of the Aspen Simulation Workbook table). Otherwise, use an

equation to convert the logical argument to a string, as shown in this


Check Box control 

Cell $P$20 is set to Boolean“TRUE” if the linked checkbox is checked, and “FALSE”if it is unchecked

Range $O$21:$P$21 contains an OSE table. Cell P21 islinked to the Value attribute of the Aspen PlusEO Configuration.Spec-Groups.Enabled variable.

This variable accepts strings YES or NO as input.

Cell $P$21 contains the formula =IF(P20,”YES”,”NO”)which converts the logical to an appropriate string.


Checkboxes are the preferred control for any sort of binary decision becausethey occupy the minimum amount of space and are very easy to understand.

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100 Section 1: Using Aspen Simulation Workbook

List Boxes and Combo Boxes

List Box controls, , and Combo Box controls, , allow the user to selectamong a list of several mutually exclusive options. Both of these controls

offer the same functionality; they have a slightly different look and feel.

The List Box control shows the user multiple options simultaneously; the

user can simply click the list item to select it. The selected choice is identified

by highlighting as shown below.

The Combo Box control displays the currently selected item. The user mustclick the right side of the control to pop up a list of available options, and click

again to select one of the options. The currently selected choice is displayed

after the user selects one of the options.

In general, Combo Boxes are preferred over List Boxes because theyoccupy less space and the current selection is displayed in a more obvious

manner. Combo boxes are also a preferred over Option Boxes, especially

when the user must select between many options.

Follow these steps to add a List Box or Combo Box to your worksheet:

1 Select the control from the Excel Forms toolbar and place it on theworksheet as described in the previous section.

2 For clarity, you may want to add a Label Control next to or above the listbox or combo box to provide the user with additional information.

3 Enter a list of options in a continuous range of cells on an Excel worksheet

in your workbook. The list does not need to be on the same tabsheet as

the control; in fact it is good practice to hide the list on another sheet toavoid visual clutter in your Aspen Simulation Workbook interface.

4 Select the List Box or Combo Box; right-click to bring up a pop-up

menu, and select Format Control, click on the Control  tabsheet:

5 Click the Input Range browser button, , and point to the range of cells

where previously you entered the list of options.

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Section 1: Using Aspen Simulation Workbook 101

6 Click on the Cell Link  browser button, , and point to a cell in yourworksheet. To avoid visual clutter, the linked cell can be placed in a

hidden row or column or on another tabsheet. The linked cell will containan integer value which indicates which option is selected; the firstselection option corresponds to a value of 1.

7 Use an equation to associate the linked cell with a cell in an Aspen

Simulation Workbook Table. The VLOOKUP function is convenient for thispurpose:

Range N31:O31 is an OSE Table linked to the Aspen Plus variable Sim-Options.Paradigm .This variable has three possible string values:“SIM” (simulation); “EST” (estimation); and “OPT” (optimization).

Cell O31 uses the following function to convert the integer returned by the Combo Box intoan appropriate string value used in the simulation model:

=VLOOKUP(Q31,P28:R30,3)  Note: (index, range, column in range) 

The Combo Box returns aninteger corresponding to theuser-selected value.

Use the VLOOKUP to convertthis integer back to a stringas shown here


Using ASW with Esteco

ModeFrontierEsteco Mode Frontier can be used with ASW to perform optimizations on your

Aspen simulations. To set this up, you should prepare an ASW workbook thatis linked to the simulation that you want to optimize with Mode Frontier, and

then create table(s) containing the variables that you want exposed.

When you set up Mode Frontier you will be specifying the cells containing the

input variable values that you want optimized and the cells containing the

output values that will be judged in your optimization.

One important point to remember is that you need to call the ASW macro

named ASWRunSynchActiveSimulation from Mode Frontier when you want

the simulation to solve: this will perform a synchronous solve, meaning thatMode Frontier won’ t read the simulation output values until the simulation hasfinished running and ASW has placed the new output values back in the


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Section 1: Using Aspen Simulation Workbook 103

1 Install Both Add-ins

After ASW and Crystal Ball are installed, confirm thatboth are installed correctly and are loading whenExcel starts. You should see both ASW and CrystalBall custom menu options as part of Excel.

!  Forces Excel to recalculate all cells(unfortunately, this does not also automatically

run the ASW simulation)!  Retrieves output values ( “Forecasts” ) from

corresponding Excel cells

Crystal Ball allows you to run a custom VBA macro during each Monte Carlo

simulation trial. This needs to be setup to force Aspen to do a simulation runduring each trial.

In order to set this up, you need to add a VBA macro to the workbook thatmeets the following Crystal Ball requirements:

1 Name The macro must be named CBAfterRecalc

2 Arguments The macro must take exactly one argument and its

type must be  ‘long’ . The macro returns no value (i.e. itis declared as a  ‘sub’ , not a  ‘function’ )

3 Location The macro must be in the same workbook as thesimulation and must be in a VBA model associatedwith any of the worksheets or with the workbook. It

can NOT be placed in an added VBA module in theworkbook.

The macro only needs to contain one line of code. It needs to call the ASWfunction to force a synchronous solve of the current simulation. The line of

code should be  “ASW_SyncRun” .

4 Run Simulation

The last step before running the Crystal Ball simulation

is to make sure that the ASW simulation is setup andactivated. It should be setup such that if you click theASW run button then the ASW simulation will solver.

Now run the Crystal Ball simulation. You should notice that the Aspen

Simulation runs once during each Crystal Ball trial. New values should betransferred to the ASW output values table each time.

In order to test your setup, you can run a short Crystal Ball simulation (e.g. 4

or 5 trials) and confirm ASW is calculating and retrieving new results valuesfor each new set of input values.

Troubleshooting Tips

1  If the Crystal Ball Add-in doesn’ t startup with Excel, then you should open

the Crystal Ball Application Manager and check ON the option to startup

Crystal Ball with Excel. If that still doesn’ t work then you should try onlyopening Excel indirectly via the Crystal Ball shortcut in the Crystal BallProgram group (from the Windows Start button).

2  Sometimes opening an existing Excel / Crystal Ball / ASW workbook bydouble clicking on it causes the Crystal Ball Add-in to not load in Excel. If

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104 Section 2: Working with Specific Simulation Platforms

this happens, then try opening Excel via the Crystal Ball applicationshortcut (e.g. Start->Programs->Crystal Ball->Crystal Ball). Once Excel

is open and you have confirmed that the Crystal Ball Add-in has loaded,

you can then open the workbook via the standard File->open Excel menuoption.

3  If the ASW Simulation isn’ t solving then look at the following:

Is the macro named correctly? The correct name must be  “subCBAfterRecalc(aTrial as long)…”  

o  Is the macro in the same workbook your simulation?

o  Is the macro in a worksheet or the workbook VBA module? If

you added a new VBA code module to the VBA project of yourworkbook and then added the code to that module then it won ’ t

work. You must add the macro code only to one of the existing

worksheet modules or the workbook module.

Section 2: Working with

Specific Simulation Platforms

Aspen Plus SuiteThis section covers details pertaining to Aspen Plus, in particular it deals with

the development of Aspen Simulation Workbook interfaces for equation-oriented (EO) simulation cases.

EO and SM Variables and SynchronizationMost Aspen Plus cases can be solved using a sequential-modular (SM)

strategy or an equation-oriented (EO) strategy. The sequential-modularmethod has the advantage of being robust; the SM models use severaltechniques to initialize and solve models even when good initial values are

unavailable. Equation-oriented models tend to solve much faster than SM

models, but they require reasonable initial guesses to converge reliably. The

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Section 2: Working with Specific Simulation Platforms 105

design of Aspen Plus leverages the strengths of both methods; EO models canbe automatically initialized from a complete or partial SM solution.

The SM and EO representations of the problem are stored in two separatesets of variables solved by two separate computational processes. Mostsequential-modular variables are exposed through the forms in the Aspen

User Interface forms (some intermediate and/or results variables are stored

internally and are only available by using the Aspen Variable Browser). Thesevariables are used to initialize corresponding EO variables the first time an EOsimulation is run, or after an EO simulation is reinitialized. This process is

called synchronization.

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106 Section 2: Working with Specific Simulation Platforms

The initial values of the EO variables may also be specified using the EO

Configuration, EO Input  forms. The EO Input  forms are located at three levels

in the Data Browser menu tree:

!  Within the individual block folders EO Configuration folder

Within the hierarchy-level EO Configuration folder

Within the top-level EO Configuration folder

!  These forms provide a mechanism that allows Aspen Simulation Workbook

access to specified EO variables.

!  After the simulation is solved using the EO strategy, a second

synchronization step occurs to copy EO results to SM results in order to

update the results variables shown in the Aspen Plus User Interface forms.

Developing Interfaces to EO Models

The dual SM/EO nature of Aspen Plus puts some constraints into the modelinterface development process. When developing an Aspen Simulation

Workbook interface to an EO model, the Model Author must first identifywhich variables are to be treated as input specifications. These specificationsvariables must be copied from the EO Variable forms to the EO Input  forms inAspen Plus. The variables can be copied from the EO Input  forms to the

Organizer using the standard copy/paste mechanism described previously inthis guide. This technique can also be used to allow the model user to enterinitial values for other types of EO variables (Calculated, Measured,

Parameterized, Reconciled, or Independent variables).

To provide access to EO specifications (constant or independent variables) orto allow the user to provide initial values for other types of EO variables:

Use the top-level, hierarchy-level, or block-level EO Inputs form to list these

variables. Variables can be added to EO Inputs using the browse button ( )

on the EO Inputs form Variable or Alias field or by using copy/paste from theEO Variables form. This is described in detail in the Aspen Plus Getting

Started Using Equation Oriented Modeling documentation.

(1) Select variables of interest on the EOConfiguration / EO Variables form(2) Use CTRL+C to copy to buffer

Tip  – sort by Specification to findvariables quickly


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Section 2: Working with Specific Simulation Platforms 107

Select the variables of interest by highlighting their values in the Valuecolumn of the EO Inputs form. Use CTRL+C to copy the variables to the

clipboard. The lower and upper bounds for Optimized, Reconciled,

Independent, and Parameterized variables can be copied to Aspen SimulationWorkbook by selecting the appropriate fields in the EO Inputs form and usingCTRL+C to copy to the clipboard.

(3) Open EO Input form, go to Variable or alias field(4) Use CTRL+V to paste

(5) Select cells in Value and/or LB, UB fields anduse CTRL+C to copy to clipboard(6) Go to OSE Organizer and paste ( )

(3) Open EO Input form, go to Variable or alias field(4) Use CTRL+V to paste

(5) Select cells in Value and/or LB, UB fields anduse CTRL+C to copy to clipboard(6) Go to OSE Organizer and paste ( )  

Return to Excel, open the Organizer to the Model Variables view, and click the

Paste Variables button, , to bring the variables into the Organizer. Fromthis point, you can make tables using the standard features described in

Chapter 2.

Tip: Variables copied from the top-level EO Configuration form are groupedunder the  “EO Configuration”  object in the Organizer. Use the block-level EOInput  form to force Aspen Simulation Workbook to group EO Variables in the

block object. The variable values show up as variable IVVALUE in the


Objective Function Variables

All of the variables in the EO Configuration Objective Setup forms are

accessible through Aspen Simulation Workbook. The Enabled  checkbox showsup as a YES/NO variable in the Organizer. The Cost  variables show up as

specified variables. Use the normal copy/paste mechanism to copy thesefields from the Objective Setup form to the clipboard. These variables can be

exposed in an ASW Table to allow the model end user to change or specifyraw material costs and other parameters which influence the optimization

objective function, or to specify plant data for reconciliation runs.

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108 Section 2: Working with Specific Simulation Platforms

Accessing Spec-Groups

Aspen EO Models allow the user to define any number of variable specification

groups (or Spec-Groups). The model end-user can activate or deactivateSpec-Groups to change the nature of the problem being solved. For example,the user could switch the operating mode of a distillation column to allow

fixed reflux ratio or fixed overhead composition.

In Aspen Plus, the Spec-Groups are activated and deactivated from the EO

Configuration Spec-Groups forms located at the top-, hierarchy-, and block-levels in the Aspen Plus Data Browser tree, as shown below).

To enable this workflow in Aspen Simulation Workbook, select all the rows inthe Spec-Groups form, use CTRL+C to copy to the clipboard, and paste into

the Organizer (Model Variables view). The variables show up as YES/NO

variables in the Organizer (the Object Name is  “Spec-Groups” , Object ID1 willbe set to the Spec-Group ID, the variable name is  “Enabled” ).

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Section 2: Working with Specific Simulation Platforms 109

Accessing ConnectionsThe enabled  property of EO variable connections can also be copied into

Aspen Simulation Workbook. Open the EO Configuration Connection form,

select the rows of interest, and use CTRL+C to copy to the clipboard, andpaste into the Organizer (Model Variables view). This will copy the ENABLED

variable along with several others (BIAS, SCALE, etc). Alternately, navigatethrough the ASW Variable Browser to the Connection node as shown below.

Troubleshooting EO Model InterfacesThe workflow for using Aspen Plus EO models is fairly complex and is

generally well understood only by fairly experienced modeling experts. If the

Model User enters inputs far from the initial conditions, or if the model movesaway from the SM conditions originally used to build the EO model, the modelmay fail to converge. Once this occurs, it may be necessary to reinitialize the


Apply these techniques to avoid convergence problems with EO models:

Do not expose more variables than the end-user really needs

!  Set upper and lower bounds on input variables in Aspen Simulation


Test all optimization and reconciliation functions exposed to the modeluser

!  Ensure all Specified variables in Aspen Simulation Workbook are linkedthrough the EO Input forms – SM input variables should not be linked

directly to Excel since these can cause the EO model to re-synchronize EOvariables to SM variables

!  Echo all model inputs with calculated variables in the interface to allow the

end-user to confirm that the model is using the expected inputs.

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110 Section 2: Working with Specific Simulation Platforms

!  Note that design specification expressions such as Spec ., Target, and

Tolerance within the data browser's SPEC folder, as well as the upper and

lower limits on the Vary folder, are special fields. These fields should not

be copied directly from the Aspen Plus User Interface as they containvalues or FORTRAN expressions: units for these fields are not supported. 

Accessing Calculator Blocks and DesignSpecifications

When you access a cell in a calculator block you are making a link to a cell

location - not the variable within the cell.

For example, if you make a format change in which the location of variables

in the calculator change, then the ASW reference may now link to a different


Aspen Simulation Workbook forAspen Modeler ProductsThis section covers details pertaining to Aspen Custom Modeler and related

products, including Aspen Chromatography, Aspen Adsorption, and AspenPlus Dynamics. In this section, we use the term Aspen Modeler product  to

refer to this family of products generically.

Selecting and Copying Variables from Grids

Variables may be copied from any grid-style form in any Aspen Modeler

product. To select variables from these forms, click the variable names in theleft-hand column of the table. You can use the shift key to select a range ofnames or use the CTRL key to select multiple variables in different ranges.

When the variables are selected properly, the entire row of the table will be

highlighted, as shown below.

Next, right-click the mouse and select Copy  from the pop-up menu

(alternately, use CTRL+C to copy the variables).

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Section 2: Working with Specific Simulation Platforms 111

Return to Excel, Open the ASW Organizer, select the Model Variables view,

and click the paste button, , to add these variables to Aspen Simulation


Warning: If you select cells from any of the columns on the right, such as

Spec, Value, etc, the paste buffer will contain only the data in the cells; it willnot contain the variable links required by Aspen Simulation Workbook. Thus,

you will not be able to paste the variables into the ASW Organizer.

Warning: You cannot copy variables directly from User-Defined Visual Basicforms in ACM or from any of the graphical forms in Aspen Plus Dynamics or inthe other Aspen Modeler products. To copy variables from these applications,

open one of the grid forms (all models include the All Variables grid) or use

the Aspen Modeler Variable Finder  form to select and copy the variables (seenext section). Alternately, find the variables using the Variable Browser  or the

Variable Query forms in Aspen Simulation Workbook.

Selecting and Copying Variables Using theAspen Modeler Variable Finder

Variables may be copied directly from the Aspen Modeler Variable Finder  form. Open the variable finder from the simulation package using the Variable

Find  button, , in the simulator toolbar.

Use the standard options on the Variable Find  form to perform a search to

identify a list of variables, as shown below. Select one or more of the resultsfrom the bottom pane of this form by clicking on the items. You can use the

CTRL and Shift keys to select multiple items or ranges of values from this


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112 Section 2: Working with Specific Simulation Platforms

After selecting the variables, select Edit, Copy  from the simulator drop-downmenus. This adds the variables to the paste buffer.

Return to Excel, Open the ASW Organizer, select the Model Variables view,

and click the paste button, , to add these variables to Aspen Simulation


Accessing Solver Options and Run OptionsSolver Options and Run Options are stored in special nodes in the simulationdata tree under the Simulation Options node. You can add these variables toyour ASW interface and use them in model variable tables much like any

other type of variable.

To select and copy these variables into ASW, open the Organizer to the Model

Variables view and use the Browse for Variables button, , to open the

variable browser. Select the simulation case, and open the nodes as shownbelow. Select the variables of interest, such as SimulationTime and click onthe Add Selected  button to add these variables to the ASW Organizer.

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Section 2: Working with Specific Simulation Platforms 113

Tip: When using simulation options such as RunMode in your ASW interface itis good practice to link these model variables to an Excel Combo Box to showthe model user a list of valid options and to prevent invalid input. See Getting

the Most From MS Excel  later in this chapter for further details.

Activating and Deactivating Tasks in ASW

Dynamic models usually include one or more Tasks which control thesequence of events that occur during a dynamic simulation run. You can use

the ASW Variable Browser to access the Active and IsEventDriven attributes

of each task defined in an Aspen Modeler case file. These variables can beexposed to the model end-users as TRUE/FALSE variables. Further, thesevariables can be linked to MS Excel Check-Box controls to create a clean-

looking model interface.

To add Task Attributes to your ASW interface; open the ASW Organizer Model

Variables view and click the Browse for Variables button, , to open the

Variable Browser. Open the appModel  and Flowsheet  nodes as shown below.

Each Task is identified by name in a flowsheet-level node. Open the Task

node and select the Active or IsEventDriven variable. Click the Add Selected  button to add the selected variable to the organizer. Click Close to return tothe Organizer view.

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114 Section 2: Working with Specific Simulation Platforms

The Task variables can be added to Model Variable tables using the standardASW Table Wizards described elsewhere in this Guide. These variables aredisplayed in Boolean format; e.g. the user must set the Active variable to

 “TRUE”  to activate the task.

We recommend placing these tables in a hidden worksheet, and using an MSExcel Check-Box control to set the value of the variable. Place the check box

on the input/output sheets to be viewed by the end user. Link this Check Boxto the value cell of the ASW Variable Table containing the TRUE/FALSE valueof the Task Active variable (see Getting the Most from MS Excel ).

Maximizing Performance of DynamicModels Running Under ASWDynamic models involve much higher levels of interactivity and information

flow compared to steady-state models. Model developers must take steps toensure good run-time performance under the ASW environment.

Use the following guidelines to maximize the performance of your models:

Reduce simulation diagnostic levels before deploying Aspen Modelermodels to the end users. Diagnostic message traffic is a key source ofslow performance and high message levels lead to large file sizes in Excel

since ASW stores the simulation message history in hidden worksheets.

!  Increase the simulation communication interval from the default value(usually 0.01 hours) to a higher value. The ideal communication interval

depends on the characteristic times of the processes being simulated. Theinterval needs to be low enough to capture important trends and events,

but it should not be set excessively low.

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Section 2: Working with Specific Simulation Platforms 115

!  Increase the ASW DynamicUpdateFrequency attribute (Simulation

References form). This parameter controls the frequency at which ASW

updates standard Model Variable tables and Dynamic Profiles tables. This

parameter is a multiple of the simulator communication interval. Forexample, if DynamicUpdateFrequency  is set to 10, then the ASW tableswill be updated only after ten simulation communication intervals.

Note: The simulation communication interval has a much bigger impacton overall performance.

!  Verify that the simulation model itself is well behaved. Run the model in

isolation to ensure it performs well under a wide range of input conditions.

Check the variable scaling and the form of the equations if you identifyproblems. You can also adjust the model convergence parameters to

optimize performance. It is worth a bit of extra work up front to ensure

good performance.

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116 Section 3 Troubleshooting

Section 3 Troubleshooting

This chapter provides information to help users resolve problems which arepreventing Aspen Simulation Workbook from running properly.

Required SoftwareThe table below documents the operating system and MS Office requirementsfor Aspen Simulation Workbook V7.0. In addition, ASW V7.0 requires

Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0. (This is standard with Windows XP.)

Windows 2000 SP4 (Professional Edition)

Windows XP SP2 (Professional Edition)Operating System

Windows Vista (Professional Edition)

Microsoft Office 2000 Service Pack 3

Microsoft Office XP Service Pack 3Microsoft Office Compatibility2 

Microsoft Office 2003 Service Pack 2

Compatibility GuideThe table below documents the technical capabilities of the various versionsof Aspen Simulation Workbook. The second row of the table identifies thecurrent patch level as of September 2006.

AspenTech recommends using the newest available versions of all simulationproducts. Check the customer support web site( for a list of currently available patches,

known issues, examples, and animated training viewlets.

2 Microsoft Office requirements also apply to Server Side as appropriate.

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Section 3 Troubleshooting 117

Aspen Simulation WorkbookRelease

2004.1 2004.2 2006 V7.0

Patch Level (September 2006) CP3 CP2 -

Support for Aspen Plus SM !  !  !  ! 

Support for Aspen Plus EO !  !  ! 

Support for HYSYS steady-state CP3 !  !  ! 

Support for Aspen Modeler (SS,init)

!  !  ! 

Support for Aspen Modeler (Dyn) !  ! 

Model Variable Tables !  !  !  ! 

Quick Tables !  !  ! 

Plant data tags !  !  !  ! 

Automation functions !  !  ! 

Unit conversions !  !  ! 

Model variable bias & gaincorrections

!  !  ! 

Support extended character sets CP1 !  ! 

Support European windows CP2 !  ! 

Insert process graphics !  !  ! 

Restrict user access !  !  ! 

Dynamic profile tables !  ! 

Scenario tables !  ! 

File embedding !  ! 

Remote execution !  ! 

Aspen Simulation Workbook is designed to be downwardly compatible withAspenTech’ s simulation tools. Unfortunately, there are minimum versionconstraints due to technical limitations which put constraints on the extent to

which older software versions can be updated or patched to work with newtools. There are also technical and business constraints imposed onAspenTech by third-party software vendors, by the operating system, and byMS Office. The table below documents the minimum simulation application

version required for the most recent versions of Aspen Simulation Workbook.

This table also identifies limitations related to the use of the newest version of

ASW with older versions of the simulators.

Note that the older versions of ASW cannot support newer versions of the

simulation tools (for example, ASW 2004.2 is not designed to work with

Aspen Plus 2006).

Product ASW

2004.2 CP2




Aspen Plus 2004.1 CP3 !  !  No remote execution

Aspen Plus 2006.0 ! 

Aspen HYSYS 2004.2 CP4 !  !  No dynamics; limited copy/pastefunctionality on many forms

Aspen HYSYS 2006 !  No dynamics

Aspen Modeler 2004.1 CP4 !  !  No dynamics

No tasks

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118 Section 3 Troubleshooting

Limited support for estimationand optimization

Aspen Modeler 2006.0 !  Limited support for estimationand optimization

Managing Multiple Versions ofASW and Other MS Excel Add-InsYou may install more than one version of Aspen Simulation Workbook on aparticular computer, however only one version can be active at any particular

time. This is an inherent limitation of MS Excel (Excel does not support

concurrent add-in versions).

You can use the Aspen Simulation Workbook Add-In manager to activate a

particular version of ASW. Some users prefer to keep ASW inactive whenworking with conventional MS Excel worksheets to avoid viewing the ASWtoolbars and to maximize the performance of Excel (ASW does make Excelopen a bit more slowly). The add-in manager can also be used to temporarily

deactivate third-party Excel add-ins which may interfere with Aspen

Simulation Workbook (for example, some versions of the Google Excel Add-Inare known to interfere with ASW for unknown reasons).

To open the ASW Add-in Manager click the Windows Start button, select All

Programs | AspenTech | Aspen Engineering Suite | Aspen SimulationWorkbook 2006 | Aspen Simulation Workbook Add-in Manager. Checkthe option boxes to activate an add-in, uncheck the boxes to deactivate the

add-in. Only one version of Aspen Simulation Workbook (formerly Aspen OSE

Workbook) may be activated at a given time. Click OK to finish.

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Section 3 Troubleshooting 119

Troubleshooting Guide

Problem 1: After installing ASW, the ASW toolbars do notappear in Excel and the Aspen menu does not appear in

the Excel menu structureIf only the toolbars do not appear, they may simply not be selected to be

displayed. In Excel, select View | Toolbars and ensure the two AspenSimulation Workbook toolbars are selected. If these toolbars are not found in

the list, see the resolution for problem 2, below.

When both the toolbars and Aspen menu are missing, it is usually the resultof the workbook add-in not being registered correctly. This may occur when

Excel was open when ASW was installed. To resolve this problem, log in as auser in the Administrators group, shut down all instances of Excel, open a

Command Prompt window, and enter this command:

regsvr32 "%CommonProgramFiles%\AspenTech Shared\Aspen Simulation

Workbook 2006\ASWXLAddinLoader.dll"

Problem 2: After installing ASW, the ASW toolbars are

grayed out, and the Aspen menu does not appear in the

Excel menu structure

The toolbars may be disabled by Excel. To check for this problem:

1 Open Excel.

2 Click Help | About Microsoft Excel.

3  Click Disabled Items. If Aspen Simulation Workbook appears in the list,remove it.

To check for another way the add-in could be disabled:1  Click Tools | Customize.

2  Click the Commands tab.

3  Under Categories, click Tools.

4  In the Commands list, select COM Add-Ins.

5  Click the Tools menu and drag the COM Add-Ins item to this menu, justbelow the Add-Ins command. Then close the Customize dialog box.

6  Run the COM Add-Ins command you just added to the Tools menu.

7  Verify that Aspen Simulation Workbook is in the list. Verify that it ischecked (enabled). And verify that its path is ASWXLAddinLoader.dll inthe Aspen Simulation Workbook installation folder.

Problem 3: When opening Excel, a message appearsindicating that macros are disabled

To resolve this problem:

1  Run Tools | Macros | Security.

2  Either set the security level to Medium or Low, or check Trust all

installed addins. The Medium security level is preferred, because it

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120 Section 3 Troubleshooting

leaves the Excel security system in place. In this mode you will beprompted to allow macros to run when you open a file.

Problem 4: The error message, Compile Error: Invalid

Character may result when using an ASW file created in

another localeAn ASW file created in one locale may contain macro names using localcharacters which are invalid in another locale under a different character set.

In addition, when the default control or sheet names are used, Excel willchange these names when the file is moved to a new locale but the names inmacro code which references these controls may not be updated. To resolve

this problem:

1  Right-click each control and select Properties.

2  Change the (Name) property of each control using only Standard English

characters (for example, A-Z, a-z, and/or numerals 1 through 9). Do not

allow default control names to be used because they can be locale-dependent.

3  Verify that any macros you write are coded in standard English characters.

4  Rename any sheets containing such macros in the same manner. This will

ensure macros which reference the sheet will use the correct name. Anymacro code on other sheets which refers to the renamed sheets may need

to be updated to use the new name.

Problem 5: If Aspen Simulation Workbook v2006 andv2006.5 are installed on a PC, and one of those versions isuninstalled, the remaining version will stop working.

In this situation during the uninstall process, a dynamic link library file (i.e.,CXSInteropCOM.dll) used by both versions of Aspen Simulation Workbook

becomes unregistered.

When this occurs, CXSInteropCOM.dll must be re-registered to enable theremaining version to function properly.

1  Find the CXSInteropCOM.dll file. (In a typical installation it should be at

the following location: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Aspen Tech

Shared\Aspen CXS 2006.5 directory) 

2  Open a command prompt window

(Start\Programs\Accessories\Command Prompt)

3  At the command prompt, type: regsvr32 "<full path to

CXSInteropCOM.dll>" and then hit the Enter Key.

4 In a typical installation, the <full path to CXSInteropCOM.dll> should

be replaced with the actual path to the component file. For example, the

full line will likely be: regsvr32 "C:\Program Files\Common

Files\Aspen Tech Shared\Aspen CXS 2006.5\CXSInteropCOM.dll"

(You need to include the quotation marks.) A message box

confirming that the component has been registered should then bedisplayed.

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Section 3 Troubleshooting 121

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122 Index



Aspen Plus Suite, 107Aspen Simulation Workbook for

Aspen Modeler Products, 113

AspenTech support, 3AspenTech Support Center, 3Automation

Functions, 52, 80

Macros, 81


Case Types, 21, 57

customer support, 3


documentation, 2


e-bulletins, 3Embedding Simulation Case Files in

MS Excel, 63

Exporting and Importing VariableLists, 25


help desk, 3


Installing Aspen Remote Simulation

Server (ARSS) on WindowsVista, 68


Limiting End-User Access toSimulation Case Files and

Data, 70


Model Authors, 2Model User , 2Monitoring the Remote Simulation

Server, 70

Multiple Cases

using, 21, 57


Organizer, 17

Navigation Pane, 18Variable Grid, 35


Plant Tags, 58grouping, 62quality mapping, 77

quality parameters, 79

retrieving, 58tables, 80


Running Aspen Remote SimulationServer on Windows Vista, 69


Simulation Cases

running, 86, 88viewing, 90Visual Basic Automation, 91

Simulation Log Files, 90

Simulation Runs, 92support, technical, 3


TablesEnhanced Table Template, 46

Instant Table Template, 46Plant Tags, 80

quick tables button, 44

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