Asbestos Awareness Training Please Note: This awareness package runs automatically (You can use the...

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Transcript of Asbestos Awareness Training Please Note: This awareness package runs automatically (You can use the...

Asbestos Awareness Training

Please Note: This awareness package runs automatically

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Asbestos Awareness Training


• Definitions and General Information

• Purpose of the Training

• Historical uses of Asbestos

• Images of Asbestos Containing Materials

• What was so good about Asbestos?

• So what is the Problem?

• Health hazards

• Who are most likely at risk

• Duty to Manage Asbestos

• Asbestos Information Management System

• Asbestos Surveys – Management, Refurbishment and Demolition

• Responsibilities of Unit/Premise Manager

• Asbestos Inspection Card

• Process for Reporting and Removing Asbestos

• Asbestos Action Flowchart for Unit/Premise Managers

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Definitions And General Information

What is “Asbestos”?

Asbestos is the name given to a group of minerals that are found naturally in many parts of the world. There are various forms of asbestos:




•Fibrous Actinolite

•Fibrous Anthophyllite

•Fibrous Tremolite

•Or any mixture containing any of these minerals.

Asbestos Containing Materials (ACM)

• This is a term that was created by governmental regulation. Any material that contains more than 1% asbestos is called ACM. This is generally determined by examining the material under a microscope to see how much asbestos is present

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Purpose of Asbestos Awareness Training

Protect Employees

To make sure that all employees have information that will protect them from being exposed to airborne asbestos dust and fibres

Protect Visitors

It is also important that we tell contractors and visitors to the property about the presence of any ACM in areas that they may work in, or visit

Comply With Regulations

Compliance is important as not to leave us open to bad exposure fines and prosecutions (Control of Asbestos Regulations (2006).

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Historical Uses Of Asbestos

Examples of where ACM’s can be found:

• Panels on vertical & horizontal beams

• Mains water pipes

• Water tanks

• Roof sheets, slates & tiles

• Ceiling tiles

• Gutters & drainpipes

• Linings to lift shafts

• Flash pads in fuse boxes

Asbestos was widely used from the 1930’s until the 1980’s but its use was curtailed in the 70’s and 80’s due to the side effects.

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Historical Uses Of Asbestos

• Soffit boards

• Window panels

• Roofing felt & metal wall cladding

• Lagging on boilers, pipe work calorifiers etc

• Paper lining under non asbestos lagging

• Gaskets

• Rope seals on boilers

• Boiler flues

• Spray coatings to ceiling, walls, beams/columns

• Loose asbestos in ceiling, floor and wall cavities

• Firebreaks above ceilings

• Textured coatings and paints

• Panels behind electrical equipment

• Access hatches to service risers

• Access hatches to roof spaces

• Heater cupboards around domestic boilers

• Linings to staircases

• Panels on fire doors Bath panels

• Floor tiles, linoleum & adhesives

• String seals on radiators

• Storage heaters

• Fire blankets

• Brake & clutch linings

• Wall cladding

• Partition walls

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Materials Containing Asbestos

2. Fire doors fireproofing1. Decorative bath Panels

3. Pipe Insulation 4. Floor tiles- vinyl-asbestos tile

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Materials Containing Asbestos

7. Roofing shingles and paper 6. Asbestos Board

9. Asbestos rope used on pipe lagging8. Asbestos piping

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What Was So Good About Asbestos?

• Heat resistant, doesn’t start to degrade until about 900 deg C

• Doesn't burn

• Non conductor of electricity

• Resistant to acids & corrosion

• Can be woven into a strong cloth

• Can be used as a reinforcement similar to fibre glass

• Cheap & easy to use

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So What’s The Problem?

• Asbestos fibres do not evaporate into air or dissolve in water.

• Small diameter fibres and particles may remain suspended in the air for a long time and be carried long distances by wind or water before settling down.

• Larger diameter fibres and particles tend to settle more quickly.

• Asbestos fibres are generally not broken down to other compounds and will remain virtually unchanged over long periods.

• The fibres get into the air and may become inhaled into the lungs,

• The tiny fibres are sharp and strong.

• Breathe in the fibres and they get stuck in the lung, in fact every time you take a breath they get drawn deeper.

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Health Hazards

Asbestos Can Split Into Fibres, Which Can Then Become Airborne

When these fibres are inhaled they can cause serious diseases which are responsible for around 4000 deaths a year. There are four main diseases caused by asbestos: mesothelioma (which is always fatal), lung cancer (almost always fatal), asbestosis (not always fatal, but it can be very debilitating) and diffuse pleural thickening (not fatal).

Lung Cancer And Mesothelioma

Breathing smaller amounts of fibers can also lead to lung cancer, and a cancer called mesothelioma.

Over- Exposure To Asbestos Can Cause Asbestosis

This occurs when large quantity of Asbestos are deposited in the Lungs and has formed a lot of scar tissues.

Latency Period

This makes it difficult to know the link between asbestos and diseases as it can take from 15 to 50 years before asbestos-related disease shows up in exposed workers.

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Health Hazards


• Incurable.

• Increased risk of lung cancer.

• Restricts lung function.

Lung Cancer

• Smoking asbestos worker 75 times more likely to suffer lung cancer.

• Smoking multiplies risk.

• Smoker 15 times more likely to suffer lung cancer.


• Deaths estimated to peak at 2500 between the years 2011 and 2015.

• Caused by all kinds of ACM’s but particularly blue asbestos.

• 20-40 years from exposure to development.

• Incurable, painful.

• Small dose required.

• Form of cancer

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Health Hazards

• Asbestos fibres are present in the environment in Great Britain so people are exposed to very low levels of fibres. However, a key factor in the risk of developing an asbestos-related disease is the total number of fibres breathed in. Working on or near damaged asbestos-containing materials or breathing in high levels of asbestos fibres, which may be many hundreds of times that of environmental levels could increase your chances of getting an asbestos-related disease.

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Health Hazards

Remember, these diseases will not affect you immediately but later on in life, so there is a need for you to protect yourself now to prevent you contracting an asbestos-related disease in the future. It is also important to remember that people who smoke and are also exposed to asbestos fibres are at a much greater risk of developing lung cancer.

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Spot The Difference

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Who Are Most Likely At Risk

• Maintenance and Building workers

• Plumbers/ Electricians

• Plasterers

• Joiners

• Computer installers

• Telephone installers

• Fire alarm installers

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a) Take reasonable steps to find materials in premises likely to contain asbestos and to check their condition;

b) Presume that materials contain asbestos unless there is strong evidence to suppose they do not;

c) Make a written record of the location and condition of asbestos and presumed asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) and keep the record up to date;

d) Assess the risk of the likelihood of anyone being exposed to these materials;

e) Prepare a plan to manage that risk and put it into effect to ensure that: (i) Any material known or presumed to contain asbestos is kept in a good state of repair;

(ii) Any material that contains or is presumed to contain asbestos is, because of the risks associated with its location or condition, repaired or if necessary removed;

(iii) Information on the location and condition of the material is given to anyone potentially at risk.

Duty To Manage Asbestos

The legislative requirement is Control of Asbestos Regulations (CAR) 2006 Regulation 4 which requires duty-holders to:

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Asbestos Information Management System

• An on-line database on the Council’s Intranet System provides a record of known Asbestos containing materials on each property.

• This system known as AIMS is the Asbestos information management system which allows information to be recorded by the Asbestos Unit and CBG and retrieved across the Council network.

• The database must be amended as preventive or corrective measures are taken to control any Asbestos containing materials that have been identified for example the decision to remove or encapsulate ACMs.

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Asbestos Survey Identification Stickers

Once a survey has been carried out on a building an Identification Sticker is displayed outside the room, giving details of location and room e.g. F4/R01 – meaning Floor 4 Room 01 the sticker also displays the telephone number of the Asbestos Team, Development Regeneration Services for any further information or help you may require.

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Asbestos Surveys

The purpose of the survey is to help manage Asbestos in the duty holder's premises.

The survey has to provide sufficient information for:

• An Asbestos Register and Plan to be prepared

• A suitable risk assessment to be carried out

• A written plan to manage the risks to be produced.

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Asbestos Surveys

Asbestos: ‘The survey guide’ came into effect as of 29th January 2010 replacing MDHS100 Surveying, sampling and assessment of asbestos-containing materials.

This introduced two types of survey:

•A Management Survey

•Refurbishment and Demolition Survey

A Refurbishment or Demolition Survey will be necessary when the building (or part of it) is to be upgraded, refurbished or demolished.

It is probable that at larger premises a mixture of survey types will be appropriate, e.g. a boiler house due for demolition will require a refurbishment/demolition survey, while offices at the same site would have a management survey.

The type of survey will vary during the lifespan of the premises and several may be needed over time.

A Management Survey will be required during the normal occupation and use of the building to ensure continued management of the ACMs is in place.

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Management Surveys

A Management Survey is the standard survey.

• Its purpose is to locate, as far as reasonably practicable:

• The presence and extent of any suspect ACMs in the building which could be damaged or disturbed during normal occupancy, including foreseeable maintenance and installation, and

• To assess their condition.

• Management surveys will often involve intrusive work and some disturbance.

• The extent of intrusion will vary between premises and depend on what is reasonably practicable for individual properties,

• It will depend on factors such as the type of building, the nature of construction, accessibility etc.

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Management Surveys

• A Management Survey should include an assessment of the condition of the various ACMs and their ability to release fibres into the air if they are disturbed in some way.

• The survey will usually involve sampling and analysis to confirm the presence or absence of ACMs.

• However a Management Survey can also involve presuming the presence or absence of asbestos.

• A Management Survey can be completed using a combination of sampling ACMs and presuming ACMs or, indeed, just presuming.

• Any materials presumed to contain asbestos must also have their condition assessed.

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Refurbishment and Demolition Surveys

• A Refurbishment and Demolition Survey is needed before any refurbishment or demolition work is carried out.

• This type of survey is used to locate and describe, as far as reasonably practicable, all ACMs in the area where the refurbishment work is planned or if demolition is planned.

• The survey will be fully intrusive and is a destructive inspection, .

• Can be used in other circumstances, when more intrusive maintenance and repair work is to be carried out or for plant removal for example

• It is a specific requirement in CAR 2006 (reg. 7) for all ACMs to be removed, as far as reasonably practicable, before major refurbishment or final demolition.

• This is also appropriate in other smaller refurbishment situations which involve structural or layout changes to buildings.

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Refurbishment and Demolition Surveys

• The survey report should be supplied by the client to designers and contractors who may be bidding for the work, so that the asbestos risks can be addressed.

• Where asbestos is identified so that it can be removed, the survey does not normally assess the condition of this asbestos, it points out areas where ACMs may be present.

• Until or if asbestos removal is undertaken, the ACMs’ condition will need to be assessed and the materials managed.

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Responsibilities Of A Unit/Premise Manager

• The Unit/Premise Manager has a critical role to ensure that the Asbestos procedure is complied with.

• To ensure that any Asbestos Survey records are updated and retained in the Premises Register to allow them to be easily retrieved.

• To be fully aware of the Asbestos Management procedures and the Asbestos Information Management reporting system (AIMS).

• Have the authority to restrict access to areas where the presence of disturbed asbestos is suspected

• To ensure that any invasive work in the premises (which involves breaking the surface of a material), by either internal staff or outside contractors, is checked via the building survey available via the intranet (AIMS) to establish if the area is deemed clear of asbestos containing material.

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Responsibilities Of A Unit/Premise Manager

• To carry out a regular inspection of the building/premises to ensure that there is no deterioration of identified asbestos.

• To ensure that all relevant staff on the premises have a clear understanding of their responsibilities in relation to Asbestos management, and to ensure that these requirements are adhered to.

• A list of all unit managers is to be obtained from each GCC department ACCESS is responsible for (LES, SWS, and Financial Services)

• If you own, occupy, manage or have responsibilities for non-domestic premises, which may contain Asbestos Containing Materials (ACMs) you have:

• A legal duty to manage the risk from this material


• A legal duty to co-operate with whoever manages that risk.

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Asbestos Inspection Card

Data to be recorded includes:

• Location - defines the area containing the ACM

• Material/description surveyed - a narrative of material being inspected

• Sampled or Presumed - state whether the ACM has been sampled or not

• Sample number - to be obtained from AIMS if applicable

• Asbestos type- Crocidolite, Amosite, Chysotile

• Condition – describes the state of ACM at present through visual inspection and against prior inspection records

The Asbestos Inspection Card has been devised to assist the Unit/Premises Manager to pro-actively monitor all ACMs within the Premises.

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Asbestos Inspection Card

Data to be recorded includes cont’d;

• Surface treatment - describes whether the ACM is painted or encapsulated etc…

• Risk - refer to AIMS for risk rating

• Precaution - describes the frequency of inspection after consideration from risk classification

• Comments - any additional comments deemed useful for next inspection

• Management Survey carried out - Yes/No, if no include a intended date for survey

• Date - Inspected, for auditing and reference purposes.

• Inspected By – the responsible persons signature (Premises/ Unit Manager or Designated person).

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Asbestos Inspection Card

ASBESTOS INSPECTION CARDLocation – to include floor and room number

Material/Description surveyed- A small narrative of material being inspected (filing room, water storage tank area for example)Sampled/presumed – State whether asbestos has been sampled or is presumed to contain asbestos, Sample no. – Is only applicable if samples have been taken (can be obtained from AIMS)Asbestos type – Crocidolite, Amosite, ChrysotileCondition – To be checked against prior inspection and with visual inspection

Surface Treatment – Is the ACM painted, encapsulated or covered, if so include small description of treatment.

Risk Rating - Considers location, number of persons exposed, and condition of ACM it is then rated as low, med or high for older records and a numeric value between 0 and 24 for new records going forward (Risk Rating can be obtained from AIMS)Precaution – The frequency of inspection after consideration of riskComments – Any additional comments to be added that would be useful prior and during inspectionManagement survey carried out – yes/no. if no include intentions of date to be surveyed/ sampled. Date – For recording and auditing and reference purposes.Inspected by- Name of person inspecting ACMs






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Plant room

Pipe Insulation

P N/A N/A G Gloss Paint

L 6mthly or prior to works being carried out

No samples taken, located in an unauthorised access area.

N 01/03/10 E.Xample

Store Ceiling tiles

S 1234 Amosite

F Paint 14 6mthly Two tiles have been damaged since previous inspection. SEEK ADVICE

Y 01/03/10 E.Xample



Slide 31 31

Process for Reporting and Removing Asbestos

This process is the simple step by step instruction of reporting

the dilapidated condition of ACMS.

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Asbestos Action Flowchart For Unit/Premise Managers



g o

r U




Carry out pre-checks prior to any work

being undertaken on premises

Check AIMS System for

Asbestos Survey Results

Asbestos Presence


Relocate Works away from

suspected Asbestos

Persumed or Present

Yes No


Inform;ü Staff in affected area ü Provide contractor with copy of

Asbestos report

Contact Asbestos Section online using AIMS requesting for sample(s) to be taken or on 0141 287 3872 for advice

OR in an Emergency

via ACCESS Enterprise Service Centre on 36000 Option 1

for CBG Asbestos Team

Contact ACCESS FM Services via ACCESS Enterprise Service Centre

on 36000 Option 3 and log as an incident or

ACCESS Property Services Compliance Manager

for advice on 0141 287 0755

Determine if there is any significant

exposure to any individual(s)



Data on AIMS

Contact Asbestos Section online using AIMS

requesting for Building or Unit to be surveyed or on 0141 287 3872 for advice


Cordon off area

If suspected Asbestos containing material is disturbed

(Reported by staff or contractors)

Annual Management check of known asbestos in unit/


Assess Condition

Damaged or Degraded

Okay – Sound/Safe No Change

Asbestos Removal Completion Certificate from 3rd Part y Specialist Asbestos Contractor(s)

to be filed in Premise Register.Contact Asbestos Team to update AIMS

Trained in AIMS Asbestos Management System


Update Management


Notify contractor to proceed with work.

Provide contractor with copy of

Asbestos Report

Results of samples obtained

Works to proceed


Notify contractor NOT to proceed with work.


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Thank You For Your Participation