Arundel and Brighton · Arundel and Brighton Newsletter Autumn 2014 Contents HARVEST FAST DAY 2014...

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Transcript of Arundel and Brighton · Arundel and Brighton Newsletter Autumn 2014 Contents HARVEST FAST DAY 2014...

Page 2-3 Welcome and Harvest 2014 Page 4 CAFOD’s Concert in the Cathedral Page 5-6 Campaigns Update Page 7 A&B Campaign Launch Page 8 Paola, Office Volunteer Page 9-12 What’s been happening in the Diocese? Page 13-14 Roger Reports from Ethiopia Page 15 Memorial Mass Page 15 Is Sustainability Good Business? Page 16 Diary Dates, Fast Day Prayer & our contact details

Arundel and Brighton Newsletter Autumn 2014



CAFOD is immensely blessed by the generosity and dedication of our supporters. Sadly, many of our supporters over the years have now passed away. We will be holding a Memorial Mass as a way of paying tribute to them and marking our appreciation for their years of kindness. This will take place on the 29th of November at 12:15pm in The Friary,

Crawley. More information can be found on page 15.



Welcome to our Autumn Newsletter. I hope you have all had a

great summer. I was lucky enough to enjoy the sun and feel quite

refreshed. Just as well really because working for CAFOD has in-

spired me to put on my running shoes and raise money for this

great charity. On the 26th of October, as part of Team CAFOD I will

run the 10 mile Great South Run. This is my first run so if you

fancy supporting me visit my JustGiving site:

Your sponsorship will inspire me to train and do

the best I can.

Thanks and happy reading.


Harvest Fast Day, Friday 3rd of Oct 2014

Harvest is a time for us to celebrate the abundance that God

spreads for all of us. We have enough food to feed everyone in the

world if we look after it and share it. However, 870 million people – one in eight of us – will go to

bed hungry tonight. The great majority of these women, men and

children are the world’s poorest people.

It shouldn’t be this way. With your support, we can:

provide food for those who need it most

tackle hunger in the long term by helping poor families

find new ways of earning a living

challenge our government to help make a fairer food

system that works for us all.

We have been working together to ensure more of the world’s

poorest people can enjoy the food we have been given to share.

From supergoats in Kenya, through bees in Nicaragua, to turning

disused diamond mines into fertile farms in Sierra Leone, your

generosity, kindness and compassion has changed the lives of

thousands of people around the world.

So once again we ask on this Harvest Fast Day, please make

a place at your table. This means remembering others who have

less than us, sharing what we have and if possible making

For more information visit the CAFOD website

our or local blog


commitment to the world’s poorest people by giving regularly

through a regular gift.

Giving £1 a week – the price of two pints of milk – could buy

seeds for a family to plant their land. In a month, you will have

given enough to buy a basic tool to turn the soil and in a year, you

will be able to support training for a community to grow food for

themselves long into the future.

By making a place at your

table this Harvest Fast Day

you will ensure more of our

sisters and brothers live

lives free from hunger with

the dignity of being able to

build their own future.

Find out more about how

you can make a place at

your table this Harvest

Fast Day:


Would you like to get Hands On and support a community

with their ambitious two-year project to restore their water

supply? Then you may be interested in Hands On Kitui.

Ten years ago the Diocese of Kitui in Kenya was a fertile area and

in one area a great dam which provided

fresh water to over 600 families. But now

the local dam has dried up and water is

very hard to find. The people of Kitui

have a plan to restore their land and

water supply in just two years.

We would like your help in supporting

this project. There is a lot more

information on the CAFOD website

about the project and where the funds

are needed. If you would like to discuss

what is involved please do contact us at

the local office.

Hands On Kitui



Campaigns Update

Hungry For Change finishes!

To mark the end of the campaign, a group of

campaigners made the trip to Downing Street

to hand in over 60,000 actions against hunger.

Many of you took action and we have made

some great achievements which show the power of campaigning:

1. The UK became the first G8 nation to commit to spending 0.7%

of national income on international development aid. Archbishop

Desmond Tutu paid tribute to CAFOD supporters for their "tireless

work" and "steadfast refusal to accept the status quo".

2. As a founding member of the Enough Food for Everyone...IF

campaign, we urged David Cameron to use the G8 to create

positive and long-lasting changes to the global food system.

Leaders of the G8 secured £2.7bn to tackle malnutrition.

3. A new EU law was passed aimed at making large companies

more transparent. Companies that play a vital part of our food

system and who exercise a large amount of influence are required

to publish information on significant risks to and impacts on the

environment and human rights.

All of you, working with us, have helped make these changes

happen. Thank you.

Everywhere CAFOD works, in every country and community, we

hear the same thing: the changing weather is making life harder.

And it’s making it harder for people who are already desperately

vulnerable and have nothing left to start again when the floods

wash away their home or the rain doesn’t come and the crops fail.


In fact, the situation on the ground is so serious that climate

change is now the number one threat to reducing poverty

that exists today.

We have just launched our major campaign One Climate, One

World. Over the next few years we want to secure commitment

from political leaders that they will act on climate change, and will

increase sustainable energy access for the world’s poorest people.

Together we have the power to tackle climate change. We can all

play our part by making changes in our lives to better love our

neighbour and care for God’s creation. We must also call on

political leaders to play their part too and work together to:

prevent climate change pushing people deeper into poverty

support the transition from polluting fossil fuels to sustainable

energy for all.

In the UK, we’re part of The Climate Coalition; over 100

organisations, with millions of supporters across the UK. We’re all

passionate about different things, but united in our determination

to tackle climate change.

On Sun 21 September is the Climate

March: Please see the enclosed leaflet for

more info and join us on the day.

Please also join us on the evening of the

21st of October in St Mary’s Catholic

Church’s Cassidy Centre in Brighton

where we will launch our new climate

change campaign in the diocese. This

promises to be a great occasion but we have

a limit on the numbers of attendees so

please do let us know you’re coming. Drinks

will be provided. More info on page 7.

Breaking news—we now have our partners

from Peru coming to inspire us!

For those who can’t make this event, there is a similar launch on

Saturday the 18th of October in Amigo Hall, London with our

partners from Peru. More information can be found on our

Diocesan blog

All great changes – from abolishing transatlantic slavery to

ending apartheid – came about because people acted together.


A&B Campaign Launch


Paola, Office Volunteer

We asked Paola, our excellent office volunteer, to write a few

words about her experiences. Here is what she had to say:


My name is Paola. I am Italian and I am a CAFOD office volunteer.

At the end of my university studies, I decided to move to England

to improve my English.

At the moment, I am working as waitress in a restaurant, and in

my spare time I enjoy volunteering for CAFOD. I work with them

once a week, giving my administrative support. I chose this

department because I find it very interesting and I have had

experience in this field of work in Italy.

The staff in the office are a very friendly team, and my manager

Martin and Deirdre help me in many ways. They are always

available to give me explanations and suggestions. I am very

happy to work with them.

Being a CAFOD office volunteer for me is an excellent way to gain

valid work experience. I am learning new skills and gaining more

experience, allowing me at the same time to do something useful

and good for others. CAFOD for me is also a good way to meet and

interact with people from around the world, enriching myself.

Therefore, I think that I have had this fantastic fortune to discover

CAFOD and I am very grateful they gave me this opportunity.

It is a wonderful and unforgettable experience that I would

recommend to anyone. GRAZIE


Our sincere thanks go to Paola for her

on-going work, enthusiasm and

joyfulness in the office.

Do you know anyone who would make

a good volunteer? Could you point

them in our direction? We are looking

for volunteers in schools, parishes and

our office and also people who might

like to work on events, fundraising,

helping get stories into local papers or

even on social media. Volunteers

change the world whilst gaining great

experience (useful for CVs etc.) and

have the joy of making a difference.


As usual it has been a busy time around the diocese with our

supporters and volunteers running all sorts of events. It is so

encouraging to see young

people using their initiative

and raising money for

CAFOD. Two primary school

girls from the parish of

Christ the Prince of

Peace , Wey br idg e ,

recently ran a sale raising

money for CAFOD. Grace

Kinsler, just 8 years old,

and her friend Annabel

Marshall are the inspiring

young girls. They first of all

p r i n t ed o f f l e a f l e t s

advertising the event and

delivered them in the local community. With the help of family and

friends they gathered together books, toys, clothes and cakes and

with Fr. Con Foley’s enthusiastic permission, sold them after

mass in the parish hall on the 27th of April. Money raised was split

between the local Shooting Star Hospice and CAFOD. CAFOD

received £440! Annabel’s dad donated a further £150 to show his

support. Thank you to Grace and Annabel, you should be very

proud. Thanks too to their families, friends and the parish of

Christ the Prince of Peace, Weybridge.

Three local Godalming girls ran three miles around Godalming to

raise money for CAFOD. Madeleine, Charlotte and Ania took to

the streets of Godalming on the 29th of March to raise much

needed funds for our Lent Fast Day Dig Deep Campaign.

Madeleine had been inspired by Ciaran, from St Peter’s Catholic

Secondary school in Guildford, who spoke a few weekends

before at their local Mass about the needs of the world and

CAFOD’s work. Ciaran’s talk was so good that Madeleine felt that

she needed to do something to make a difference. Madeleine said “I really wanted to do something for CAFOD after

listening to Ciaran, an ex-pupil of St Edmund’s in Godalming,

What has been going on? Diocesan Highlights

Annabel and Grace


talk about CAFOD’s good work during mass a few weeks ago. A

sponsored run seemed the best way for me and my friends to do

some good and raise

money to help


A l t o g e t h e r

Madeleine, Charlotte

and Ania raised over

£500 which is the

equivalent of 5 cows

for people living in

poverty or almost 6

village toilets. This is

an amazing amount

and we thank all

those invo lved:

Madeleine, Charlotte,

Ania, Ciaran and all the parents who helped support their families

in fundraising, Fr Michael for generously allowing the appeals to be

made at the Masses, St Peter’s school, Merrow, for helping their

students speak at Mass and for all those who donated towards the

amazing total.

It is so encouraging to see young people enthusiastically raising

money for CAFOD, but for an example of faithfulness and

dedication look no

f u r t h e r t h a n

Elizabeth Wallace.

Elizabeth has been

holding cake sales in

Saint Dunstan’s

Parish, Woking for

28 years – that’s

over half of CAFOD’s

life time. Elizabeth

ran her last cake sale

in April but the

faithful cake-makers

have passed the

baton on to 2 new

recruits Ruth and Lin.

The girls from Godalming on the final sprint of the 3 mile run (also joined by Charlotte’s little sister)

The Woking Baking Team L to R Mollie, Ruth, Lin and Elizabeth


Thank you Elizabeth, Mollie and to all the Baking Team. Canon

Frank Harrington of St Dunstan’s Parish recently wrote in their

newsletter: “Our sincere thank you to Elizabeth. It is reckoned that

she has been instrumental in raising about £28,000.”

We have a super CAFOD team covering Bognor, Slindon and

Rose Green. For the second year running they have run a

successful plant sale. Jo Eade, one of the team, shared with us

details of the sale.

”Last year was our first venture into holding a Parish Plant Sale

and we made £245.53 and because it was our first year we

restricted the sale to our main church -

Our Lady of Sorrows in Bognor. This year

with the hindsight of know how and an

increase in our local CAFOD team we

have been able to involve all

three churches in our Parish. Over a

ten day period during the latter part of

May plant sales have taken place not

only in our Lady of Sorrows Church

Bognor but in St Richard's in Slindon

and St Anthony's in Pagham too. The

sales from this combined effort from all

of the Churches has resulted in a

fantastic profit of £420.78.

The donations of plants grown by the gardeners in the parish

increased greatly this year and we

were able to offer a wide selection of

perennial plants, numerous varieties

of vegetables as well as a very big

range of annuals. The latter also

increased this year as local nurseries

were approached and generously

supplied trays of bedding plants.“

Thank you to all the Bognor Team.

A Car Boot Sale was organised in

St Leonard’s School, Mayfield by

St Thomas of Canterbury Parish.

42 pitches were booked in advance

and many treasures and bargains

were bought including an 18th Moses enjoying the plant sale


century oak chair donated by Fr Mario Sanderson. A grand total of

£943 was raised for which we are incredibly grateful.

Soup Lunches are always a popular way of raising funds for our

work. They are so popular we’re sure we aren’t hearing about

them all. A special note of thanks go out to the teams at Worth

and Eastbourne for their

special efforts this year as

between them they raised over

£2000 for our work. Thanks to

all those who hold soup

lunches which bring

communities together in

making a change.

Music is a also a great way to

bring people together. In

March the parish of St.

Erconwald in in Walton-On-

Thames held a music concert

with proceeds going to our

Syria appeal. Stephen Speed,

one of the organisers, said “We had a smashing day - great music

and entertainment as well as a special occasion for the parish. We

concluded the whole concert by using the CAFOD Syria prayer.”

Food, glorious food. An event in Sacred Heart Parish Cobham

If these stories inspire you, why not try running your own event. If

you would like help in organising one, we can help. Is there

anything you would like included in the newsletter? If so, please let

us know and if we’ve space we’ll happily include it.


A Report by Roger from Ethiopia

Schools and our volunteers have being doing their usual sterling

work this year educating our children and young people. Our

Education Volunteers visit schools to lead assemblies, workshops

and lessons in order to raise awareness of the needs in the world,

highlight our work and inspire the young people to raise funds.

We are short on pictures but we wanted to say thanks to all our

Education Volunteers who are busy preparing to visit their local

schools for Harvest Fast Day. Highlights would be students of St

Peter’s in Guildford speaking for Lent Fast Day at their local Parish

and students of St Richard’s in Bexill-on-Sea having a sponsored

walk to local foodbank — a great ‘home and away’ activity.

We want to welcome Marie-Helene Baneth-Jakob onto our

Education Volunteer team in the South West of the diocese. Please

keep our Education Volunteers in your prayers and if you know

anyone whom you think would like to visit schools occasionally,

could you suggest it to them?

Roger Morton, whom I’m sure many of you remember from his

time being Diocesan Manager, volunteers as our Campaigns

Coordinator for the diocese. He spends a few months in Ireland

every year and volunteers for our sister agency Trócaire. He was

fortunate to go with a group from Trócaire to visit a joint project

run by Trócaire, SCIAF (our sister agency in Scotland) and CAFOD.

People working together to bring water up from a deep well in Ethiopia

Schools and Volunteers


This project is based in Ethiopia where we are working together to:

helping to improve long-term farming conditions

supporting people living with HIV

community building

providing emergency food rations to malnourished children,

pregnant women and new mothers

supplying herding communities with water and animal feed.

Roger gave a talk to the local community in Cranleigh about his

experiences and he highlighted how water was such a precious

resource, over which we need to show careful stewardship.

He showed pictures of people working together to bring water from

a deep well (see picture on page 13) and gave us a good feel for

the culture and traditions of Ethiopia.

Martin reflected after that

‘Roger’s talk highlighted many

problems faced by people

living in poverty and also

many aspects of our work

such as water scarcity, gender

inequalities, food security,

HIV, peace and reconciliation

and climate change. Many of

these areas overlap; for

instance anti-retroviral drugs


HIV are hard on the stomach and one

needs to eat well during treatment.

Also, if water is very scarce this can

create conflict and have a massive

effect on health, agriculture and the

ability of people to work.’ Thanks to

Roger for his inspiring talk.

Ethiopia is one of our Connect2

countries. Around 20 Parishes

throughout our diocese continue to faithfully support their chosen

communities for which we are exceedingly grateful. Would your

Parish like to Connect2 a community in Ethiopia, Cambodia, El

Salvador or Brazil? Call the local office to discuss the possibility.


November is the month of remembrance, when we take the time

to remember all those who have died, especially loved ones who

made a deep and lasting impression on our lives. The whole

month is dedicated to praying for the dead, starting with the feasts

of All Saints Day and All Souls Day on the 1st and 2nd.

Over the years, CAFOD has been enormously blessed by the

kindness and commitment of our supporters, but sadly many of

the people who have done so much for us are no longer with

us. So it is our honour to celebrate Mass in memory of all these

supporters as a token of our appreciation. Anyone is welcome to

attend. We will be holding our Memorial Mass at The Friary in

Crawley on Saturday the 29th of November at 12:15pm

followed by refreshments.

A book of remembrance containing the names of supporters who

have passed away will be presented at Mass. If you would like to

add a name to this list, please do so: you can contact us at the

diocesan office on 01483 898 866 or

Join us on the 15th of October, 6.30pm, Romero House, London.

Sustainability is surely a good idea. It promotes the common good by

ensuring that people, resources and the environment are developed

and nurtured for the benefit of all.

But how is this implemented in the workplace in practice?

Why should a company or organisation be concerned with the common good?

Who ultimately pays for and benefits from sustainability? A just world requires us to live sustainably within it and this event explores how sustainability can be built into business and the workplace. If you are interested in workplace values and ethics come to this convivial event to hear from a range of speakers from business, international development and academia, followed by a lively conversation over food and drink. The diverse panel includes Fr Augusto Zampini – a moral theologian who works with CAFOD and who was a commercial lawyer before his vocation to the priesthood. His perspective is sure to be fascinating! CAFOD is organising this event in partnership with Good works, a not-for-profit organisation. For more information please see the diocesan blog or contact Matthew Sanderson on

A Memorial Mass for CAFOD Supporters

Is Sustainability Good Business?


Dates for your Diary

Martin Brown & Deirdre McMahon CAFOD Arundel & Brighton, St John's Seminary, Wonersh, Guildford, Surrey, GU5 0QX, 01483 898 866 E-mail: Web: Twitter: @CafodAB or @MartinCAFOD Blog Facebook: CAFOD Arundel & Brighton (A&B) Picture Credits: Jo Eade, Kerry Kinsler, Paula Manning

Sarah Smith-Pearse, Wilde Fry, Roger Morton, Trócaire

21st September: 3rd October:

15th October:

18th October: 21st October:

26th October:

1st November: 7th November:

29th November:

24th January: 27th February:

London Climate March, London (page 6) Harvest Fast Day (page 2)

Is Sustainability Good Business? (page 15)

South East Campaigns Launch (page 6) A&B Climate Campaign Launch, Brighton (page 7)

Great South Run, Portsmouth (page 2)

CAFOD’s Concert in the Cathedral, Arundel (p.4) Pope Paul VI Lecture, Kings College. Bishop Sanchez,

Chancellor of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences

speaks on ‘Climate and Poverty’. Chaired by Julie Etchingham, television newsreader and journalist.

Memorial Mass, The Friary, Crawley (page 15)

Understanding CAFOD, Amigo Hall, London Lent Fast Day

Lent Fast Day Prayer

Generous God,

Thank you for our food.

May we appreciate what

we have

and never take it for


We pray for those around

the world,

who do not have enough

to provide for their family.

We pray for a good harvest,

for generosity and love,

as we seek a better, fairer world.

We ask this through Christ our Lord, Amen.

Katharine O’Brien, Youth Leader, Wanstead