Artifact 2 - Hum Eng III 10-3-2013 For Jason Observation

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Transcript of Artifact 2 - Hum Eng III 10-3-2013 For Jason Observation

10-3-2013 Hum Eng. III

Class: ESL Hum Eng III/CP

Terminal Objectives: - TSWBAT (The Student Will Be Able To):

- Identify key Native American Values, including the spirit world, the value of the forests, the sacredness of Animal life, and the importance of a tribe.

- Describe the culture of Native American life.

Enabling Objectives: - TSWBAT:

- Take notes on Meso-American and Amerindian tribal life and regional boundaries.

- Identify key regional powers on a map. These include the Maya, the Iroquois, the Algonqin, the Aztec, and the Incas.

Motivation: Tribal Fire Scene from Apocalypto with questions. Input 1: The New World opening and questions Remotivation: Maps of the regions. Students use Google Earth to find the places. Input 2: Notes on Native Americans. Closing: Three Native American Values.

Order of Events: 1.Recollect Quoting Demonstration Paper 2.Briefly Verbally Introduce Native American Literature Unit. a.Mention that they have two packets online that they can start looking at over the weekend.

3.Play Tribal Fire scene in Apocalypto. Have them answer questions posted on eBackpack.

4.Have the students answer the questions posted on eBackpack. As they do, prep the next film clip.

5.Take three volunteers to share their answers. Discuss them briefly.

6.Show the opening scene from the film The New World. a.Have the students answer the following question on eBackpack: After watching this scene, write at least two things that you think Native Americans in Virginia saw as important.

7.Show the students maps showing the home of the Aztecs, Incas, Mayas, Iroquois, and Algonquins. a.If it appears there is extra time, have the students go onto Google Earth and try to find the modern-day countries or states that these groups lived in.

8.Unveil the notes below on Native American life and literature. a.If time runs short, post this to eBackpack but make sure each point has been discussed first.

9.Closing Activity. a.Have the students, from memory, try to list at least three native American values.

eBackpack Apocalypto Questions

These questions are for class period 5 on October 3, 2013. Do not attempt to answer these before class time. You will be told when to do so.

Tribal Fire Scene Questions: After watching the short film clip, what five words first come to mind about Native American Society? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

eBackpack The New World Question

These questions are for class period 5 on October 3, 2013. Do not attempt to answer these before class time. You will be told when to do so.

After watching this scene, write at least two things that you think Native Americans in Virginia saw as important. 1. 2.

eBackpack Closing Activity

From your memory, write down at least three things the Native Americans (from any tribe) considered important. 1. 2. 3.

Native American Notes

I. Important Native American Tribes: A. The Incas

1.Lived in South American (mostly in Chile, Argentina, Peru, and Bolivia) 2.Built incredible roads. 3.Conquered by the Spanish in 1532.

B.The Mayas 1.Lived in Central America (mostly in Guatemala, Belize, and Southern Mexico) 2.Build huge temples. 3.Had very advanced mathematics. 4.Some human sacrifice. 5.Declined suddenly and mysteriously around the year 900. 6.Eventually conquered by the Spanish during the 1500’s.

C.The Aztecs 1.Lived in central Mexico. 2.Capital City was Tenochtitlan (modern day Mexico City) 3.Very big army. Very warlike. 4.Practiced human sacrifice on a terrifying level. 5.Conquered by Hernan Cortez and a few other Spanish soldiers in 1520.

D.The Iroquois 1.Lived in modern day New York State. 2.They had an advanced form of government with several tribes working together. 3.Relatively peaceful. 4.Land eventually incorporated into what became the United States.

E.The Algonquins 1.Lived in modern-day Virginia. 2.Ruled by the famous Chief Powhatan, father of Pocahontas. 3.First Native Americans to deal with the English. 4.Sometimes they fought the English. Sometimes, they had peace. 5.Eventually pushed west as the English settled in Eastern Virginia.

II. Native American Values A. Nature was treated as a god. B. Animals all had spirits. C. Animals were very important to Native Americans.

III. Tribal Life: A. Tribal life varied considerably from tribe to tribe.

i. The Inca, Aztecs, and Mayas had large cities with a strong government. ii.The Algonquins had several small tribes ruled by one chief who

controlled other chiefs. iii.The Iroquois had a “confederation” or a group of tribes bound together

by one head government.