Post on 15-Aug-2015

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ARTE UNICO - a project designed to gather in one place the evolution of jewelry creations by talented designers to create something that is more than just jewelry.To create masterpieces that can compete in their depth and palette with the timeless images of the arts. Jewelry that reflects a woman completely, expressing her state of mind and mood.The creators of such jewelry carry their own thoughts, ideas, images, their own unique story. A story of beauty and elegance. Without a doubt, it can be said that with ArteUnico we have created a vision, a philosophy, a new trend in jewelry.We believe that jewelery is not just a thing - it’s part of you, a part of your soul. Jewelry represents the knowledge, wisdom, and insights of ancient civilizations. Every amulet, ring or necklace is filled with their individual impression. In modern times, of course, we perceive jewelry in a different manner than those of ancient days. This perception of old, that jewelry is something sacred, something spiritual, something that is alive, is a perception that is we as a generation have lost.With ArteUnico we are bringing back this feeling of high esteem for one’s jewelry. We believe that jewelry is sacred and that through physical decoration we can both identify and express our personality. Through ArteUnico we create an opportunity for women to do more than adorn themselves, but to choose an image, to write their own story, and to touch art through jewelry.

AnteVivo- Beauty, presented by nature.

Tell me why, in times past, emerged the immortal creations of Michelangelo and Rodin, and yet today we can only stand stagnant in awe of such greatness? The worlds geniuses themselves explain this phenomenon quite simply- by the crude cutting off of all that is unnecessary and releasing from captivity a beautiful marble statue. Nature, they said, was the true creator. The sculptor, so captivated by it, could only follow by its laws.

The creation of the collection, Antevivo, is taken from the Latin word “vivo” meaning alive, so aptly describing how the line has derived its own life from nature. Each design bases its passion on the experiences and inspirations proposed by nature, which creates a collection of jewelry that is truly one of a kind. Incorporating life itself into her designs, the series AnteVivo by SB and Exclusive allow you to see the extraordinary in the ordinary, the simple and mysterious beauty in that which is commonplace. The amazing, mystical world of nature embodied in stone and precious metals has the power to attract and draw, to fascinate and delight each of its observers.

Full of mysteries and the secrets of the world, artistry masters have refracted their own creative vision from life and nature to form the basis of the prodigious jewelry collection, AnteVivo.



Natural stones – an amazing gift from Mother Nature to her generations. With their appearance are born a countless number of legends, as everlasting as the generations themselves that are continuously reborn for all eternity. Turquoise reflects the appearance of our ancestors’ rare mineral placers, sky-blue in appearance, giving us a subtle reminder of the rainbow as it extends from one horizon to another. The solar stone amber was attributed to a divine origin, as it is considered to emulate the petrified tears of a goddess, mirroring her deepest emotions that bring forth beauty in its darkest hour. The ancient Chinese saw the dazzling jade stone as the personification of the carp fish, splashing in the waters of the heavenly palace. Impossible to be forgotten is the dark green malachite that is believed to link the earthly world with higher powers.

Of course, all of this is just the tales of bewitching legends. Yet, the true nature of the formation of each of these precious stones remains fundamentally poetic and astonishing. Brought forth from the Earth’s interior, these awe-inspiring discoveries of petrified fluid had their beginning in the simple land we find beneath our feet. Mother Nature caressed her little treasures with the comforting kisses of sunshine, the invigoration of gentle winds, and the final polishing of pure water- ultimately giving birth to something truly precious. Due to their earthly origin, these precious minerals acquire an exquisite and rather charming beauty, opulent with rich color and an exceptional, enchanting power.



The Mystery collection is comprised of 4 precious stones, each representing a different season, giving you have a rare opportunity to wear your favorite piece according to the particular season. The designers’ concepts of the relation between stone and season can be clearly seen. The sky blue turquoise reminds us of the frigid air on a cold winter day. The deep green malachite, in its elegant patterns, calls to mind the beauty and intricacies of spring. The sunny amber displays the warmth and comfort of a summer night. The intense honey-green jade reflects a generous autumn in all her glory.

Black and white, day and night, purity and passion… The Milky Way and the endless universe… Eternal confrontation of light and shadow which gives birth to a masterpiece…

Some time ago the universe gave us a great composer who told us a timeless love story incarnating it in delicate and elegant music and light. This music outlived its creator and it lives among us

and continues inspiring masters to create new pieces of art.Sincere Odette and perfidious Odile, love and passion are now embodied in the exquisite lines of metal and noble shine of precious stones. Every line is aligned with the melody of a wonderful ballet which was the very inspiration of creating this collection. Once again we dip into the magic of classical music, experiencing unforgettable emotions and resigning ourselves without reserve to the feeling of the moment. Music helps us to reveal the facets of ourselves that were concealed priorly. It opens our mind and our passion for great and empyrean love that was only to be found hidden deeply inside oneself. It does not matter where this music is embodied - in the score or in a stone, or what it is played with - a violin or a stone. What is really important is that it vibrates

in our hearts making them miss a beat with the purity and simplicity of joy itself.

Swan Lake




Air – A mystical element, the symbol of movement, without which there is no life. Gaining its strength and vigor from air itself is the energy of the four winds, that which makes positive changes in our destiny. Wind – A collection of energy powered by its invisible force, air. It generously fills the sails of hope for something better to come and strengthens our faith in the miracle of today. It was wind alone who aids the yacht with its red sails to reach his destination. Safely and quietly docking itself in the secluded, tranquil backwater of love.

The sunny south wind sirocco introduces us to the intoxicating aromas of exotic coastal plants. The refreshing salty breeze lifts up from the sea. The updraft carries us away, providing us, at last, the wings of our dreams. We drift away to the most illusive kaleidoscope of whirling winds, where glowing colored petals dance to the beat of our hearts. In the lulls, they form patterns of embellishment like that of the most intricate ornament, displaying marvelous beauty. Finally reaching its destiny, it evolves, achieving its form as the exclusive jewelry collection, Sirocco. This series of stylish necklaces and ties for women give a sense of celebration, fulfillment and satisfaction that we all crave. A promise of life filled with happiness, surrounding us with the magical aura of natures’ most gentle force.



The Renaissance replaced the dark ages in history, bringing with it the liberation of soul and body, freeing them at last from their artificially imposed shackles. It is no wonder why this influential time is called the Renaissance, the very activity and spirit which liberates and brings to light the revival of art, literature, and learning. The microorganism of a new life, of light replacing the darkness as though with a bright holiday which has no end – that indeed is the essence of the Renaissance.

The development of any jewel takes place in a similar manner - from the obscurity of darkness to the illumination of light. The bowels of the pearl shell a magical transformation. A transformation that takes place when a single grain of sand evolves into a quintessential beauty, astonishing its observers with its perfection. We can imagine that is why pearls have become a fixture in each piece of this jewelry line, a precious symbol of an era.

The Renaissance Collection incorporates in every piece the luxurious stone that astonishes its viewer by surpassing the nature of restriction. Its subtle luster reflects the reminiscent glow of the moon. After all, pearls are also called the moonstone. With staggering variety, the approximately one hundred shades of its color palette allow you to experience truly unique works of art. Each piece of the stunning jewelry from this collection has its own special aura. They possess an allure, an irrefutable attraction that draws you. Without a doubt, ancient beliefs agree with that which is proven today. The pearl is the very epitome of purity and perfection; its magical properties, everlasting.


+13478010005Adress:8875 Hidden River Parkway, Suite 300, Tampa, Florida, 33637E-mail:

For further information about ARTE UNICO, feel free to contact our head office.