Art lessons 3

Post on 11-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Art lessons 3

Friday, 13 July 12

Friday, 13 July 12

There is nothing special about having been trained at an art college, school or university.Basically it means that your head is crammed full of technical rules and government philosophies.

Friday, 13 July 12

Education systems are run by governments.Governments are influenced by corporations.They are not creative.They are not courageous.They are careful.

Friday, 13 July 12

An art education might teach you corporate history, corporate philosophy and corporate techniques, but it cannot teach you how to work from the heart.

Friday, 13 July 12

That is like trusting the government to teach you to love.The education system is designed to make you conform.It does not want rebels.

Friday, 13 July 12

The ego thinks it is a rebel, simply by being at college, but it’s behaviour is predictable.The ego lives in the brain and it’s scope is very narrow.

Friday, 13 July 12

Art that is from the head might be clever, different, outrageous or even ridiculous, but unfortunately it is very difficult to make a living from it.

Friday, 13 July 12

You might score good marks for it while studying.Your friends and family might praise you for it.But... will the public pay for it?Usually not!

Friday, 13 July 12

The general public is not as stupid as the system makes it to be.The general public will tell you that they don’t know anything about art, but they know what they like.

Friday, 13 July 12

This is not because they are ignorant, it is because they are honest.If your work does not appeal to the hearts of the public, who are you going to sell it to?

Friday, 13 July 12

You may sell one or two at an exhibition.If you are going to live from it, you need to sell one or two every week.Not easy if your art is clever but does not capture the heart.

Friday, 13 July 12

Art, like music needs to be shared.It is a gift from the heart of the artist to the heart of the receiver.It is no good if your art does not appeal to the public heart.

Friday, 13 July 12

It is useless to rely on a fancy gallery to sell your work to someone who has more money than common sense. (These people are very rare, I haven’t met one yet.)

Friday, 13 July 12

If your work is not selling, maybe it is not good enough.Or maybe, it is too much of a personal statement. Or is it too expensive? It is easy to over-value your own creations.

Friday, 13 July 12

Regardless of your excuse, if the public does not love it, you will be left with it.For art to have an appeal, it must offer some advantage to the client.

Friday, 13 July 12

Most people do not want art that is depressing or a reminder of difficult times. Art from the heart can inspire, calm, excite, bring back pleasant memories or simply be beautiful.

Friday, 13 July 12

To get these qualities in your art, regardless of your education, you need to work from your heart.Not your head, your heart!

Friday, 13 July 12

Your head is jumble of ego, education, emotional memories and inherited human garbage.It’s easy for it to be clever but difficult for it to be creative.Your heart is infinitely creative.

Friday, 13 July 12

It is the silent unexplored part of your being that you felt is there but can’t quite grasp.Your heart is that infinite something that makes you who you are.

Friday, 13 July 12

Your heart is a doorway to a very personal, private and exciting part of your being.It is an endless source of originality and inspiration.

Friday, 13 July 12

It is endlessly creative, impossibly original and amazingly unique... almost strange... but it is you, so much more of you and it is delicious... odd, yet so wonderful.

Friday, 13 July 12

Drop your thoughts and worries from your head to your heart and let it do the work for you!If you want to create unique, honest art, you need to work from your heart.

Friday, 13 July 12

Otherwise you will only produce clever work at best!Please do not believe me, I’m not art educated.Look into your own heart and see what you can see!

Friday, 13 July 12

If you want to know more about your infinite heart, go to

Friday, 13 July 12

You won’t find any dogma or religion or any rules on my sites.All you will find are sweet and gentle words that lead you to the place where you can open your own heart to your own unique form of creativity.

Friday, 13 July 12

Or to view all of the my heart videos go to

Friday, 13 July 12

Friday, 13 July 12