Arrays and Pointers Prepared by Manuel E. Bermúdez, Ph.D. Associate Professor University of Florida...

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Transcript of Arrays and Pointers Prepared by Manuel E. Bermúdez, Ph.D. Associate Professor University of Florida...

Arrays and Pointers

Prepared by

Manuel E. Bermúdez, Ph.D.Associate ProfessorUniversity of Florida

Programming Language PrinciplesLecture 23


• Most common composite data type.• Semantically, viewed as a mapping

from the index type to the element type.

• Some languages permit only integer as the index type; others allow any scalar.

Array Declaration Syntax

C: char upper[26] ; /* array of 26 chars, 0..25 */


character(26) upper


var upper: array[‘a’ .. ‘z’] of char;


upper: array (character range ‘a’ .. ‘z’) of character;

Arrays and functions in Ada

In either case, upper(‘a’) returns ‘A’.

Multi-Dimension Arrays

Ada: matrix: array (1..10, 1..10) of real;Modula-3: VAR matrix: ARRAY [1..10],[1..10] OF REAL; (same as) VAR matrix: ARRAY [1..10] OF ARRAY [1..10] OF REAL;and matrix[3,4] is the same as matrix[3][4].

Multi-Dimension Arrays (cont’d)

In Ada, matrix: array(1..10,1..10) of real;is NOT the same as matrix: array(1..10) of array (1..10) of


matrix(3)(4) not legal in first form;

matrix(3,4) not legal in second form.

Multi-Dimension Arrays (cont’d)

An array of arrays is a slice.

In C, double matrix[10][10].

However, C integrates arrays and pointers,so matrix[3] is not an array of 10 doubles.

It is (depending on context) either:A pointer to the third row of matrix, or

the value of matrix[3][0]

Slices in Fortran

Array Dimensions, Bounds and Allocation

Five cases:• Global lifetime, static shape:

static allocation (easy).• Local lifetime, static shape:

space allocated on a stack frame.• Local lifetime, shape bound at elaboration:

stack frame needs fixed-size part and variable-size part.

• Arbitrary lifetime, shape bound at elaboration: Java, programmer allocates space.

• Arbitrary lifetime, dynamic shape: array lives on the heap.

Array allocation in Ada (shape bound at elaboration time)

Conformant Arrays in Pascal

• Array shape determined at time of call.• Pascal doesn’t allow local dynamic-shaped


• Ada DOES allow local dynamic-shaped arrays (see textbook)

Other Forms of Dynamic Arrays

• C: Arrays passed by reference, so bounds are irrelevant ! (programmer’s problem)

• Java strings: String s = “short”; s = s + “ and sweet”; //


Resizing Arrays in Java

Create a new array of proper length and data type:

Integer[] a = new Integer[10]; Object[] newArray = new Object[newLength];

•Copy all elements from old array into new one:


Rename array: element = newArray; // old space reclaimed by garbage // collector.

Dynamic Arrays in Fortran 90

Arrays sized at run time, but can’t be changed once set.

Classic Array Memory Layouts

Memory Layout in C

Address calculation (static array bounds)

Virtual Location of Array

With static array bounds, we’ve “moved” the array in 3Ds.

Dope Vectors

• A “run-time” descriptor for the array.• Contains, for each dimension (except last

one, always statically known):• Lower bound• Size• Upper bound (if dynamic checks are

required)• Size of dope vector depends on # of

dimensions (i.e. static).• Typically placed next to the array pointer, in

the fixed-size portion of the stack frame.


• Usually an array of characters.• Many languages allow more flexibility with

strings than with other types of arrays.• Single-character string vs. single character:

• Pascal: no distinction.• C: *very* different

• String constants: 'abc', ”abc”.• Rules for embedding special characters:

• Pascal: double the character: ' ab''cd'• C: escape sequence: ”ab\”cd”.


• C, Pascal, Ada: string length bound no later than elaboration time (allocate in stack frame).

• Lisp, Icon, ML, Java: allow dynamically-bound strings, stored in the heap.

• Pascal supports lexicographically-ordered comparison of strings ('abc' < 'abd'). Ada supports it on all 1D discrete-valued arrays.

• C: no string assignment, elements copied individually (library functions).

Strings in C


Pascal supports sets of any discrete type:

var a,b,c: set of char; d,e: set of weekday;

a := b + c; (* union *)

a := b * c: (* intersection *)

a := b – c: (* difference *)

Set implementations

• Arrays, hash tables, trees.• Bit-vectors: each entry true (element in

the set), or false (element not in the set)• Efficient operations:

• Union is inclusive bit-wise OR.• Intersection is bit-wise AND.• Difference is NOT, followed by AND.

• Won’t work for large base types:• A set of 32-bit integers ~ 500MBs.• A set of 64-bit integers ~ 241 MBs

• Usually limited to 128, or 512.

Pointers and Recursive Types

• Most recursive types are records.• Reference model languages (Lisp, ML,

Clu, Java): every field is a reference.• A record of type f contains a reference

to another record of type f.• Value model languages (C, Pascal, Ada):

need a pointer (a variable whose value is a reference).

• Don’t confuse pointer with address: an address may be segmented.

Storage Reclamation

• Explicit (C,C++, Pascal, Modula-2): programmer must reclaim unused heap space.• Can be done efficiently.• Easy to get wrong; if so, can lead to

memory leaks.• Implicit (Lisp, ML, Modula-3, Ada, Java):

heap space reclaimed automatically.• Not so efficient (but getting better)• Simplifies programmer’s task a LOT.

Reference Model (ML)

node (‘R’,node(‘X’,empty,empty), node(‘Y’,node(‘Z’,empty,empty),


Reference Model (Lisp)


Value Model

• Pascal: type chr_tree_ptr = ^chr_tree; chr_tree = record left, right:chr_tree_ptr; val: char end;• C: struct chr_tree { struct chr_tree *left, *right; char val; }• In C, struct names are not quite type names. Shorthand:

typedef struct chr_tree chr_tree_type

Memory Allocation

• Pascal: new(my_ptr);

• Ada: my_ptr:=new chr_tree;

• C: my_ptr=(struct chr_tree *) malloc(sizeof (struct chr_tree));

• C++, Java: my_ptr = new chr_tree(args);

Pointer References

Pascal: my_ptr^.val := ‘X’;C: (*my_ptr).val = ‘X’; my_ptr->val = ‘X’;Ada: T: chr_tree; P: char_tree_ptr; T.val := ‘X’; P.val := ‘X’; good for record or pointer to one. T := P.all; if need to reference the record.

Pointers and Arrays in C

int n;int *a;int b[10];

All are valid:a = b;

n = a[3];n = *(a+3);n = b[3];n = *(b+3);

Pointers and Arrays in C (cont’d)

Interoperable, but not the same:

int *a[n] allocates n pointersint[n][m] allocates a full 2D array.

In fact, assuming int a[n];*(a+i)*(i+a)a[i]i[a]

are all equivalent !

Pointers and Arrays in C (cont’d)

• In C, arrays are passed by reference: the array name is a pointer.

• It’s customary to pass the array name, and its dimensions:

double det (double *M, int rows, int cols)

{ int i,j; ...

val = *(M+i*cols+j); /* M[i][j] */



Technique for catching dangling references


• Advantages:• Catch dangling references.• Prevent memory leaks.• Helpful in heap compaction.

• Disadvantages:• Cheap on the heap, expensive on

the stack (procedure entry/return).• Tombstones themselves can dangle.

Locks and Keys

Locks and Keys

• Advantage:• No need to keep tombstones around.

• Disadvantages:• Only work for heap objects.• Significant overhead.• Increase the cost of copying a pointer.• Increase the cost of every access.

Reference Counts

• Set count to 1 upon object creation• Upon assignment.,

• Decrement count of object on left.• Increment count of object on right.

• Upon subroutine entry, increment counts for local pointers.

• Upon subroutine return, decrement counts for local pointers.

• Need type descriptors for this: objects can be deeply structured.


Reference Counts Fail on Circular Structures

Garbage Collection

• System determines which memory is not in use and return the memory to the pool of free storage.

• Done in two or three steps:• Mark nodes that are in use.• Compact free space (optional).• Move free nodes to storage pool.


• Unmark all nodes (set all mark bits to false).• Start at each program variable that contains a

reference, follow all pointers, mark nodes that are reached.

c a e d b



Move all marked nodes (i.e., nodes inuse) to one end of memory, updatingall pointers as necessary.

c b e d b


a e d Free Memory

Lists in Lisp and ML

Equality Testing and Assignment

• Equality comparison is easy for scalars• For complex or abstract data types, say,

strings s and t, s = t could mean • s and t are aliases• s and t occupy the same storage• s and t contain the same sequence of

characters• s and t print the same

Deep and Shallow Comparisons

• Shallow Comparison:• Both expressions refer to the same

object.• Deep Comparison:

• Expressions refer to objects that are “equal” in content somehow.

• Most PLs use shallow comparisons, and shallow assignments.

Arrays and Pointers

Prepared by

Manuel E. Bermúdez, Ph.D.Associate ProfessorUniversity of Florida

Programming Language PrinciplesLecture 23