Arith m etic Algebraic Geom etry · 2008. 11. 13. · SFB/TR 45 Pe riods , Moduli Space s , and...

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Transcript of Arith m etic Algebraic Geom etry · 2008. 11. 13. · SFB/TR 45 Pe riods , Moduli Space s , and...

SFB/TR 45Pe riods , Moduli Space s ,and Arith m e tic of Alge braic Varie tie s

Confe re nce on

Arith m e tic Alge braic Ge om e tryon th e occas ion of Mich ae l Rapoport's 60th birth day

Spe ak e rsP. Colm e zJ.-F. DatG. FaltingsL. Fargue sA. Ge ne s tie rT. H aine sM. H arrisU. H artlJ. H e inlothG. H e nniartM. K is in (*)R. Kottw itz

S. KudlaL. LafforgueG. Laum onE. MantovanB. C. NgôG. PappasM. Re ine k eE. Vie h m annJ.-L. W alds purge rT. Yos h idaTh . Z ink(*) to be confirm e d

Bonn • Oct. 6 - Oct. 10, 2008

Organiz ing com m itte eUlrich GörtzSas ch a OrlikTors te n W e dh ornSte fan Mülle r-Stachh ttp://aag-bonn08.s /