Are You a puddle or an Ocean? - You a puddle or an Ocean? ... “Each choice we make...

Post on 30-Jun-2018

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Transcript of Are You a puddle or an Ocean? - You a puddle or an Ocean? ... “Each choice we make...

Presentation by Richard Rowe1

Are You a puddle or an Ocean?

Creating ripples in our lives…

Presentation by Richard Rowe2

When we are born…

The book of our lives is new and unwritten.

Young minds are like sponges:

0 – 8 Programming

8 – 12 Hero

12 – 20 Peer

The puddle…

• A small pool of water, usually a few inches in


• Limitations of influence on its surroundings.

• Puddle = minimal

Presentation by Richard Rowe3

The Ocean…

• A vast body of water that covers three quarters

(71%) of the earth's surface.

• Apparently limitless in quantity or volume.

• Ocean = limitless

Presentation by Richard Rowe4

Understanding Influence…

• Influence is the direct or indirect effect on

actions. We all have influence over those

around us.

• Learned response – how do we influence


Presentation by Richard Rowe5

What drives you as a leader?








Self Contained


What do our followers need? Directing




Which is more productive? Forceful or collaborative?

Research shows 83% of leaders are collaborative

Skills of effective leadership can be taught

Don’t betray your natural leadership style

Ripple effect…

Nothing happens by accident…

Newton’s third law – law of reciprocal actions…

Presentation by Richard Rowe10

Ripple effect cont…

Presentation by Richard Rowe11

“Each time a man stands up for an ideal or acts

to improve the lot of others or strikes out against

injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope,

and crossing each other from a million different

centers of energy and daring, those ripples build

a current that can sweep down the mightiest

walls of oppression and resistance.”

- Robert F. Kennedy

Ripple effect...

Presentation by Richard Rowe13

What ripple are we creating? Remember…

Cause and Effect…

We create the conditions in our lives and must

start to identify cause and effect…

Blaming others for what happens… Giving away

the power...

Ripples can be simple or complex – motion is a


Presentation by Richard Rowe14

Cause and Effect…

“Kind words can be short and easy to

speak, but their echoes are truly endless.”

- Mother Teresa

Presentation by Richard Rowe15

No such thing as luck…

We create names to explain what we don’t


There is no such thing as good luck or bad

luck – ripples are a direct result for success

or failure.

Presentation by Richard Rowe16

No such thing as luck…

“I trust that everything happens for a

reason, even when we’re not wise enough

to see it.”

- Oprah Winfrey

“I feel that luck is preparation meeting


- Oprah Winfrey

Presentation by Richard Rowe17

The Golden Rule – is it new?

We can see the idea of the Golden Rule in

our faiths.

Epictetus, Kant, Plato, Socrates, Seneca –

the great philosophers understood.

Presentation by Richard Rowe18

Golden Rule…

“Self-sacrifice is never entirely unselfish,

for the giver never fails to receive.”

- Dolores McGuire

It comes to four simple words: Do The Right

Thing -- DTRT

Presentation by Richard Rowe19

Golden Rule…

“You can have everything in life you want if

you will just help enough other people get

what they want.”

- Zig Ziglar

Presentation by Richard Rowe20

Oceans in the movies…

We can see examples from Hollywood –

– George Bailey in It’s a Wonderful Life

– Glenn Holland in Mr. Holland’s Opus

Presentation by Richard Rowe21

“Strange, isn’t it? Each man’s life touches

so many other lives. When he isn’t

around he leaves an awful hole, doesn’t


- Clarence in It’s a Wonderful Life

Presentation by Richard Rowe22

Oceans – past and present…

The ripple we create or influence we have

can be ether positive or negative.

Whose life is an ocean?

Think about Irena Sendler...

Presentation by Richard Rowe23

Oceans – past and present…

Because of Irena over 22,500 people are

here today. Talk about a ripple.

“The world can be better if there’s love,

tolerance and humility.”

- Irena Sendler

Presentation by Richard Rowe24

Responsibility – Who me?

What responsibility do we assume for our


Responsibility is a duty, obligation, or


Embrace the chance to influence someone

else’s life.

Presentation by Richard Rowe25


“Man must cease attributing his problems to his

environment, and learn again to exercise his

will – his personal responsibility.”

- Albert Einstein

“Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing

is not enough; we must do.”

- Johann Von Goethe

Presentation by Richard Rowe26


We choose to accept responsibility

(obligation) or not…

“No alibi will save you from accepting the


- Napoleon Hill

Presentation by Richard Rowe27

Make a Choice…

Choice – the mental process of thinking

involved with the process of judging the

merits of multiple options and selecting one

of them for action.

Presentation by Richard Rowe28

Make a Choice cont…

Only you can determine – puddle or ocean

“We choose our joys and sorrows long

before we experience them.”

- Kahlil Gibran

Presentation by Richard Rowe29

Make a Choice cont…

“It’s choice – not chance – that determines your


- Jean Nidetch

“There are two primary choices in life; to accept

conditions as they exist, or accept the

responsibility for changing them.”

- Denis Waitley

Presentation by Richard Rowe30

Make a Choice cont…

“Each choice we make causes a ripple effect in

our lives.

When things happen to us, it is the reaction we

choose that can create the difference

between the sorrows of our past and the joy

in our future.”

-Chelle Thompson

Presentation by Richard Rowe31

Final thought -

“We shall never know all the good that a

simple smile can do.”

- Mother Teresa

Presentation by Richard Rowe32