APRIL 2017 Saint Cecilia Catholic School News · Saint Cecilia Catholic School News Saint Cecilia...

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Transcript of APRIL 2017 Saint Cecilia Catholic School News · Saint Cecilia Catholic School News Saint Cecilia...

APRIL 2017

Dear Parents,

Happy Easter to you and your family!!

The Easter season gives us many opportunities to be hopeful and to spread this hope to those around us. It is a time when we gather with family, and with our parish community to profess who we are as Christians and Catholics. Jesus always moves among us; He is our contemporary. Christ is our hope!

Let us during this Easter season and throughout the remainder of this school year, continue to impart to our children the importance of being peacemakers and to truly love our neighbours by helping out in and around our community. Helping a classmate who may be struggling is such a powerful act. Befriending a classmate during recess who may be alone is a simple yet powerful gesture that captures the essence of who we are as Easter people. These simple acts promoted at home and at school assist in producing students who will become empathetic, caring, society enhancing adults.

Continue to have your children focus on academic, athletic and artistic goals which they would like to achieve by the end of the year. Through our combined efforts, our children can achieve anything they put their minds to-let’s provide the opportunities for them.

Please continue to remind your children about wearing proper uniform to school as this helps us to create a safer school climate by making it easier to identify our students. Discussion around the importance of RESPECT for one another in and around the school goes a long way in assisting us to help our students to continue to be strong ambassadors of our great school.

We also remind parents to check into the office before going anywhere inside the school. Equally important for parents who escort their children to school, please remain outside and allow the teachers to bring their students inside. This continues to build that trust between student and teacher which is so vital to ensuring a safe environment for our students.

We thank you for helping us to make St. Cecilia a great place to learn, play, pray and to strive for nothing short of Excellence.

Nick Biagini, Principal

Saint Cecilia Catholic 

School News

Saint Cecilia Catholic School 355 Annette Street Toronto, Ontario, M6P 1R3 Phone# (416) 393-5218 Fax # (416) 397-6045 Principal: Nick Biagini Vice-Principal: Heather Hickey Superintendent: John Wujek (416) 222-8282 x5371 Trustee: Barb Poplowski (416) 512-3410 Parish: St. Cecilia C.S. 161 Annette St. (416) 769-8163 CSPC Chairs: Marisa Cicero, Olga Geryluk CPIC (Parent Engagement-TCDSB) www.tcdsb.org/cpic OAPCE Toronto (Provincial Voice for Parents)

School Masses & Celebrations

April 20 – School Mass 10 AM – Theme: Justice

April 28 – First Reconciliation 6 PM – St. Cecilia Church

April 29 – First Communion Mass 2:00 PM

May 25 – School Mass 1:00 PM Theme: Compassion

June 22 – School Mass 10 AM Theme: Faithfulness

Student of the Month

Congratulations to the following students who were awarded student of the month certificates for displaying and embodying the virtue of Forgiveness.

Anthony Borges Jeremy Borys Diego Cadiac

Stefano Cuoco Bless Endoh Adele Goodwin

Everen Hasip Jozy Koh Ugwuke Caroline McSweeney

Eden Moeser Kyla Gallagher Yalem Sisay

Heyaba Bocre Ethan MeMehen Sophia Armesto

Antonio Lopez Teja Mangialardo Keaton Reeds

Stirling MacKinnon Pedro Marsiaj Stuart MacLean

Julie Midghall Russell Martin Sophie Jewell

Jacqueline Munoz Pereira

May’s Virtue: Compassion


Hi everyone,

It’s a busy time for CSPC as we look to allocate the money we fundraise via Term II pizza, Booster Juice and Pita Pit day sales. We are committed to spending the money we earn in the school year so that the families that participate benefit directly and have been busy canvassing the school, student and parent community to understand their needs. We will provide an update on what is agreed next month, and if you ever have any ideas of things that would augment our school community, come and speak to us! CSPC has some limits on what we can spend-so no extension, but there are lots of things that we can-and do-help with.

Thank you to Claire for spearheading the Communion Luncheon and to Crystal to helping to organizing Graduation...both events that we all look forward to and are in the process of being planned and benefit from CSPC funding.

Our next meeting is Tuesday April 4th at 7pm at the school, as always, babysitting is provided and this month we have a nurse from Toronto Public Health coming to speak to us about helping our children manage stress. Please join us.

Finally, April 23-29 is volunteer recognition week in Canada and we want to take a moment to recognize our amazing volunteers. Our parent volunteers are committed to every facet of school life; from planting bulbs, to running Committees, to slinging pizza, working behind the scenes on grant applications and paperwork and everything in between...we truly value your help and input. Thank you to our great teaching staff. Your efforts to run such a wide range of clubs, participate at CSPC, coach countless teams and sit in the dunk tank, make St Cecilia a truly enriching environment for our kids and we are grateful.

Guidance Corner – Mr. F. Amato 

Anxiety and Stress 

Some psychologists believe that today’s children are faced with more stress than the children of previous generations, and have fewer social supports available. Stress is a normal part of life and essential to a young student’s learning and development. But too much stress for too long can be harmful or “toxic.” 

A child who is suffering from anxiety may display the following signs: complaining about a sore stomach; being aggressive or lashing out at other children; seeming confused or easily distracted; performing poorly or progressively worse in their school work; other behaviours that do not necessarily reflect the student’s true nature or abilities, such as withdrawing and not participating in classroom activities.

Ask your child if they have ever experienced any of the following: headaches; felt like there’s a brick in their stomach, as if they’ve done something wrong or something bad is going to happen; butterfly feelings in their stomach if they’re excited; felt tense, fidgety and like they need to use the toilet a lot; felt nervous and worried for a long time; felt pressured, hassled, and hurried; felt irritable and moody; had allergic reactions, such as a rash or asthma; had trouble sleeping; felt sad or depressed; felt like they’re turning red or feel flushed often. One of the critical ingredients that makes stress tolerable rather than toxic is the presence of supportive adults that help children learn to cope with and recover from difficult experiences. A guidance counsellor is just one support that your child has access to. Excerpts from the Stress Lessons Toolkit from the Psychology Foundation of Canada: http://www.psychologyfoundation.org 

Reminders for Parents & Upcoming Dates

EQAO – Spring Dates

The arrival of spring means it is time to think about EQAO! The provincial testing of students in grades 3 and 6 will begin in May. Please note that all students in the English stream (grades 3 & 6) will write both the math and language components of the test. The students in the grade 6 French Immersion stream will also write both the math and language component. The students in grade 3 French Immersion will write only the math component of the test.

Please note the test dates for our school:

Tuesday, May 23 – Language Component/Day 1

Thursday, May 25 – Language Component/Day 2

Friday, May 26 – Language Component/Day 3

Tuesday, May 30 – Language Component/Day 4

Wednesday, May 31 – Math Component/Day 1

Thursday, June 1 – Math component/Day 2

The results of these tests will be returned to St. Cecilia in September 2017. If you have any questions please contact your child’s teacher.

CAT 4 Testing

The school will also be administering the CAT 4 test to all students in grades 2, 5 and 7 during the month of May. Exact dates have not been determined and parents will be informed as soon as the schedule is finalized .The Canadian Achievement Test assesses grade level knowledge and skills. The results are used by schools to inform best practice and to set learning goals for our students.

From Attridge Transportation – We have received word fromthe bus company that some of our students are misbehaving on the busses. This is a reminder to all students and parents that taking the bus is a privilege and disruptive behavior is a safety issue for the bus drivers. If inappropriate behavior persists, the bus company has the right to end service for that student. Thank you for your support in keeping everyone safe while they travel to and from school.

First Communion Lunch – There will be a luncheon for all students receiving the sacrament of first communion on Monday, June 5. The luncheon will take place at lunch time (11:15) in the school gym. While the sacrament is typically completed in grade 2, there may be other students in different grades receiving the sacrament this year. Please notify the school if your child is having first communion this year and is not in the grade 2 cohort.

April 26 – 28 – Grade 7 students travel to Claremont for Outdoor Education Experience (2 nights)

April 25 – 28 – Grade 8 students travel to Ottawa (3 nights)

May 11 – “The Phantom Tollbooth” 7PM at Bishop Marrocco/Thomas Merton

May 12 – “The Phantom Tollbooth” – performance at 7PM

May 13 – “The Phantom Tollbooth” – matinee at 2PM

Due to a conflict in scheduling we have decided to run with 3 performances of the play. Interested in helping out?? We have lots of committees and available jobs. Please contact Ms. Hickey or Ms. Faion-Kralik if you are interested.

Dental Screening – We have completed our Dental screening at St. Cecilia. 640 students were screened and only 5.46% of the students had cavities. Way to go St. Cecilia! Keep up the great brushing!!

Monthly Update from the Board

April 2017

TCDSB Budget Consultation All parents, students, staff and Catholic school supporters are invited and encouraged to participate in the budget consultation process. Your input can be provided during a virtual town hall to be held in April, through an online survey which will be posted on the board’s website in April, or through a delegation at an upcoming board or committee meeting. Details will be available here: www.tcdsb.org

Lenten Projects: ShareLife Week April 2-8, 2017 Learn more about how ShareLife works wonders in our community, and how you can help through the annual fundraising campaign. ShareLife Civvies Day April 7, 2017—All students and staff are encouraged to donate a toonie to support ShareLife https://www.tcdsb.org/news/othernews/2017/pages/sharelife-civvies-day-2017.aspx Hope for Haiti—consider donating just one item of non-perishable food, school supplies or toiletries and make a difference in a community that has been devastated by natural disasters in recent years. Donation boxes located at the Catholic Education Centre. Many schools are also participating in the collection. Catholic Education Week April 30-May 5, 2017 “Walking Forward Together” May 1—Awards Night May 2—Student Mass and Peace Walk May 3—Parent Mass and Information Evening May 5—Parish Family Day Staff Arts Canada 150 Concert www.tcdsb.org for details

Celebrating the Parish and School Relationship A special Parish Family Day Celebration will be held at the Catholic Education Centre on Friday, May 5th, 2017 to showcase student work focusing on the many ways that our parishes and our parish priests contribute to our schools and communities. Submissions of videos, songs, artwork, stories and poems from students and schools will be accepted through until Friday, April 7th. Email to parish.project@tcdsb.org or find additional information online: https://www.tcdsb.org/Board/NurturingOurCatholicCommunity/YearoftheParish/Pages/Parish-Family-Day-Celebration.aspx

Schools are Also Encouraged to Plan Celebrations All TCDSB schools are encouraged to consider a local Parish Family Day Celebration as a culminating event for our Year of the Parish. These Celebrations could take place either on Friday May 5th, or during the weekend of May 6-7, 2017.

Canada150 TCDSB is celebrating the 150th anniversary of Canada and Ontario, and our own place in the history of our nation with a variety of special events. Check out our website for all the details: https://www.tcdsb.org/affiliates/Canada150/Pages/default.aspx

Holy Week Begins April 9th with Palm Sunday Good Friday April 14th Easter Monday April 17th

Other Events to Note:

Music Festival Elementary Festival continues until April 13th Secondary Festival runs April 18th to 28th

National Volunteer Appreciation Week April 23-29, 2017 TCDSB thanks the many volunteers who support students and school activities, and to the many students, staff and families who volunteer their time to helping out in their communities and around the world.

Administrative Assistants’ Day April 26, 2017 Also known as Administrative Professionals’ Day

Toronto Community Clean Up Days April 21-23, 2017 Earth Day April 22, 2017 Autism Awareness

April 3, 2017 TCDSB Celebrates Autism Awareness Day April 5, 2017 Autism Awareness Evening, 6:30 p.m. at the Catholic Education Centre

April Mental Health Newsletter Focuses on self-regulation https://www.tcdsb.org/ProgramsServices/SpecialEducation/mhs/newsletters/April%20MH%20newsletter%202017%20-.pdf


Many of our classes have been enjoying the Scientists in the Schools program. Some of the workshops our students have participated in include “Force of Course” and “Don’t Take It For Granite”. Special thanks to all the parent volunteers who got involved with the classes to lend a helping hand and a huge shout out to our CSPC who sponsored this worthwhile program for our students. As you can see, a good time was had by all!!

April 2017Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


2 3 4 CSPC 7PM 5 6 7  Civvies Day PIZZA LUNCH


9 10 11 12 13 Graduation Pictures Grade 8 

14 15

16 17 18 19 20 School Mass 10 AM



23 24 25 Grade 8’s to Ottawa

26 Grade 7’s to Claremont

27 28 PITA LUNCH Grade 7’s and 8’s return

29 First Communion Mass 2PM at St.CeciliaChurch


Thursdays: Waste Free LunchFriday Afternoons: Lights out St. Cecilia

Presider Schedule St. Cecilia's Church

Weekday: 9:05 a.m. Saturday: 7:00 p.m.

Sunday: 9:00 & 11:00 a.m.

MONTH of April 2017 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


2 ShareLife #1 Baptisms



5 *6:00 p.m Fr. Joseph interviews with Confirmandi *7:00 p.m.: Lenten Retreat

6 *7:00 p.m.: Lenten Retreat

7 Adoration


9 PALM SUNDAY Adoration


11 *Confessions 7:30-8:30 p.m.

12 Arch day of *Confessions: 9:30-10:00 a.m. 7:30-8:30 p.m. *Altar server rehearsal: 8:00 p.m. No Confirmation class

13 Holy Thursday No morning Mass (6:30 p.m.) Adoration/ Confession after 9:00 p.m. Viet. Mass

14 Good Friday *Confessions: 10:00-11:00 a.m. Divine Mercy Novena 2:45 pm. (3:00 PM) Fr. Joseph to do Stations of the Cross

15 No morning Mass *BlessingoftheFood:12p.m.*DivineMercyNovena12:15pm*Confessions:12:30‐1:00p.m.*Altarserverrehearsal:1p.m. Easter Vigil: (9:30 p,m.)

16 Easter Sunday Divine Mercy Novena: 8:45 a.m.




20 Confirmation Rehearsal & Confessions: 7:45 p.m.

21 Confirmation Mass: 7:00 p.m. Group photo with Father Joseph: 6:30 p.m.

22 St. Rita's & Parish children's First Reconciliation & Rehearsal. 2p.m.

23 St. Rita's & Parish children's First Communion 11 a.m.




27 St. Cecilia's School Mass: 10:00 a.m. Theme: Justice

28 St. Cecilia's School children's' First Reconciliation & Rehearsal: 6p.m.

29 St. Cecilia's School children's' First Communion Mass: 2 p.m.

30 FR. Ed Pizza Sunday