Post on 28-Jul-2021

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O God, make us children of quietness, and heirs of peace. St. Clement of Alexandria


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This calendar has been compiled for the Diocesan Spirituality Group. Paratowyd y calendr hwn gan Grŵp Ysbrydolrwydd yr EsgobaethThe information contained in this booklet is to the best of the compilers’ knowledge correct as at the 1st March 2021Mae’r wybodaeth yn y llyfryn hwn, hyd a gŵyr y grynhowyr yn gywir ar y 1st Mawrth 2021

The Anglican Cycle of Prayer entries no longer include the names of diocesans.Prayers for inclusion in future editions of this booklet would be welcomed and should be sent to:Croesawir gweddïau i’w cynnwys mewn rhifynnau yn y dyfodol o’r llyfryn hwn a dylid eu hanfon at: Roy Saunders at Windways, 15, Trafalgar Terrace, Ystrad, Rhondda. CF41 7RG or to royint1@aol.com

The work and witness of the Church in the diocese, in vale and valley, in city and suburb, in town and village, is part of the unceasing worship offered by the wider Church of Almighty God.In our diocese, the mother church, Llandaff Cathedral remembers the parishes, clergy, committees, specialist ministries and the people each day at the Eucharist. The diocese is asked to pray for the work of the Cathedral in its servant role and especially on those days in which your parish is remembered at the Cathedral.

A PRAYER FOR THE DIOCESEFather, you gave us Jesus Christ your son to be both Lord and Saviour. By the power of your Spirit, renew your Church in this Diocese of

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Llandaff, and help us to bring the Good News of Salvation to all your people.

We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

GWEDDI DROS YR ESGOBAETHDad, a roddaist i ni Iesu Grist dy fab yn Arglwydd ac yn Iachawdwr.Trwy rym dy Ysbryd, adnewydda dy Eglwys yn Esgobaeth Llandaf, a chynorthwya ni i ddwyn Newyddion Da Iachawdwriaeth i’th holl bobl.

Gofynnwn hyn yn enw Iesu Grist ein Harglwydd. Amen.

Teach us, Lord,to serve you as you deserve,

to give and not to count the cost,to fight and not to heed the wounds,

to toil and not to seek for rest,to labour and not to ask for any reward,

save that of knowing that we do your will.St. Ignatius of Loyola (1491 – 1556)

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Loving Heavenly Father,you call us to grow your Kingdom.Help us to tell a joyful storyand to build your goodness in our world,through Jesus Christ our Lord.Amen.

 Nefol Dad Cariadus,gelwaist ni i dyfu dy Deyrnas.Cynorthwya ni i adrodd stori lawenac i adeiladu dy ddaioni yn ein byd,trwy Iesu Grist ein Harglwydd.Amen.

Telling a joyful storyBuilding the kingdom of God

Growing our capacity for good

Submitted by Bishop Barry Morgan in 2005

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Simone Weil, the 20th Century French spiritual writer, once wrote that prayer consisted of paying attention to God and to the needs of one’s neighbour. Any meaningful paying of attention, be it to a person, a landscape, a painting, a book or even a television programme requires time, concentration, and perseverance. We are not good at fostering these qualities. Our world is bombarded with all kinds of information, pictures and images so that our attention span on anything is brief. We are used to flitting through the pages of a newspaper or skimming the pages of a book or half watching a television programme whilst doing something else at the same time. (I speak as much of myself as of anyone else.)

What marks Christians out from non-Christian friends and neighbours however is the desire to attend to the presence of God. Other people may in some way believe in God; Christians attend to God. To do that requires our whole attention – our attention to God and our attention to God’s world. That is what we do when we pray.

Intercession is part of paying attention to God for it is, as the late Bishop Michael Ramsey wrote, “Not to make petitions or necessarily to utter words at all but to meet, to encounter, to be with someone on behalf of or in relation to others. To intercede is to be with God with people on our heart”. This leaflet of Intercessions invites us to do precisely that, to give attention to God through his world and to attend not to that world in general but to the particular needs of particular people, in particular places, in this particular diocese, this particular province and this particular worldwide Anglican Communion to which we belong. As we pray, we unite our desire for the well-being of others with God’s desire for their well-being. We are therefore asked to give time, space and effort to that activity. For that to take place we need to give it all the attention we can muster.

I am ……..

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I am the Water of life,the living fountain

that will refresh and renew you.

I am the Light of the World,that will give you the courage

to enter the darkness of the world,and to keep the faith in a changing world.

I am the Bread of life,the ground grain that rises as life-giving bread,

that will sustain you and help you to grow in faith,and deepen your communion

with the saints, living and departed.

I am the True Vine,that can unite you and nurture your desire

to be poured out in joyful service,like the crushed fruit poured into the chalice of my love.

I am the Way, the Truth and the Lifethe path, the means and end of all journeys.

I am the resurrection and the lifethat will bring you to your final destination,

to the one God and Father of us allTo Him be the glory for ever and ever. Amen


EASTERGod Almighty

We praise your holy name in this joyful Eastertide.

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We thank you, Lord, because through your death and resurrection we have won the victory and your redeeming grace and love.Loving Father God, fill us with new life so that we may love one another and do what you want us to do in sharing your love with those who do

not know you, in Jesus’ name we pray. Amen

Aipo Rongo Mothers’ Union, Papua New Guinea

Dduw Hollalluog molwn dy enw sanctaidd y Pasg llawen hwn.Diolchwn I ti, Arglwydd,

am ein bod ni, trwy dy farwolaeth a’th atgyfodiad wedi ennill y fuddugoliaeth a gwaredigaeth dy ras a’th gariad.

Dad cariadus llawn ni â bywyd Newydd Fel y gallwn garu ein gilydd a gwneud yr hyn yr ti am I ni ei wneud

trwy rannu dy gariad â’r rhai nad ydynt yn dy adnabod di.Gofynnwn hyn enw Iesu. Amen

Undeb y Mamau Aipo Rongo, Papua Guinea Newydd


The day long promised-Day of Transformation,

From frightened disciples to powerful preachers,from the downhearted to the uplifted.

Day of action-The descent from God that lifts us back up to God.

After much waiting and reflectingthe sending out begins.

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Day of sharing-the new life cannot be contained

or restricted in any way.It is out of our control.

Day of freedom-the chains of the past fall off.

The darkness of Calvary fully lifts.All creation is changed within.

Day of proclamationThe silence of the tomb is brokenby a language too deep for words,

groaning within us.

This is the day of the Spirit-this is our day.

Let us rejoice and be glad in it.Let us welcome and live each day

as if it were our last,with hearts and minds set on fire

by God’s daily guest.CPS

The Gift of PeaceThe Gift of Peace

Lord, we thank you for the gift of peace,to quiet our minds,

to overflow in our hearts,to calm our bodies

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to ease our fears.Help us to still ourselves before you,

to relax in the peace of your presence,and to accept ourselves and others

as you accept us.

Open our hearts, Lord,to receive and to celebrate the gift of peace:

the peace that flows from you,the peace that the world cannot give nor take away from us;

the peace that drives away all tumult and fear,through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Rhodd TangnefeddArglwydd,

diolchwn i ti am rodd dy dangnefedd,i ddistewi’n meddyliau,

i orlifo’n calonnau,i lonyddu’n cyrff,i leddfu’n hofnau.

Cymorth ni i ymdawelu ger dy fron,i ymlacio yn hedd dy bresenoldeb,ac i’n derbyn ein hunain a’n gilydd

fel yr wyt ti yn ein derbyn ni.

Agorwn ein calonnau, Arglwydd,i dderbyn ac i ddathlu rhodd dy dangnefedd:

y tangnefedd sy’n deillio ohonot ti,na all y byd ei roi na’i gymryd oddi wrthym;y tangnefedd sy’n ymlid pob cynnwrf ac ofn,

trwy Iesu Grist ein Harglwydd. Amen.Elfed ap Nefydd Roberts (1936 – 2020)

Contributed by Rev’d. Dyfrig LloydPage 9 of 50

Sundays & Festivals

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Year BWeekdays Year 1

Suliau a GwyliauBlwyddyn B

Dyddiau’r Wythnos 1





Ministry Area Leader: Jon Durley. Lay Chair:

Kenfig Hill: Margam East Ministry Area(St. Theodore)Jonathan Durley (MAL) Grace Wylde (Reader)

The Diocese of Bath & Wells – The Church of England Page 11 of 50

(Canterbury Province)

Dydd Gwener y Groglith – Good Friday

I Galfaria trof fy wyneb –Ar Galfaria gwyn fy myd!

Y mae gras ac anfarwoldebYn diferu drosto’i gyd:

Pen Calfaria,Yno f’enaid gwna dy nyth.

Dringo’r mynydd ar fy ngliniauGeisiaf, heb ddiffygio byth:

Tremiaf trwy gawodydd dagrauAr y groes yn union syth:

Pen CalfariaDry fy nagrau’n ffrwd o hedd.

Evan Rees (Dyfed) 1850 – 1923

I to Calvary turn my visage,I on Calvary long to be!

Precious grace and life eternalFreely flow in steady stream:

Blessed Calvary,There my soul will make its nest.

I will try to climb the mountainOn my knees, without a flinch:

And I peer through clouds of tearsAt the cross ahead of us:

Blessed Calvary,Turn my tears to streams of peace.

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Evan Rees (Dyfed) Trans. Gwynn ap Gwilym

Contributed by Rev’d Dyfrig LloydAprFri2nd



Margam: Margam East Ministry Area(St. David {Margam}, St. Mary {Margam Abbey})

Edward Owen (V)

The Diocese of Bathurst – The Anglican Church of Australia (New South Wales Province)



HOLY SATURDAY EASTER EVE Newton Nottage, Porthcawl: Margam East Ministry Area(St. David {Nottage}, St. John the Baptist {Newton},

St. Mary {Trecco Bay}, All Saints {Porthcawl})

Canon Philip Masson (R) Geoff Lunn (C) Mark Broadway (C)

The Diocese of Bauchi – The Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion) (Jos Province)

Porvoo Diary:Church of Sweden: Diocese of Uppsala,

Archbishop Antje Jackelén, Bishop Karin Johannesson

Church in Wales: Diocese of Llandaff, Bishop June Osborne

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Y Pasg – Easter

Hollalluog Dduw, a roddaist obaith yn ein calonnau drwy i’th Fab orchfygu angau ar y groes, pâr i ninnau ei adnabod a’i garu. Dyro i ni weled mai trwy ei

ddilyn ef y deuwn ninnau i feddiannu ei nerth a’i gadernid, ac mai yng ngrym ei atgyfodiad ef y gallwn

ninnau orchfygu’r drwg; er mwyn ei enw. Amen.

Almighty God, who gave us hope in our hearts through the victory of your son over death, on the Cross, lead us

to know him and to love him. Let us see that it is by being his followers that we may possess his strength and vigour, and that it is through the power of his resurrection

that we also may conquer evil; for his name’s sake. Amen.

Contributed by Rev’d Dyfrig LloydAprSun4th


EASTER DAY Pyle & Kenfig: Margam East Ministry Area(St. James {Pyle}, St. Mary Magdalene {Kenfig})

Dr. Duncan Walker (V) Pray for the peace of Jerusalem



Monday in Easter Week

DEANERY OF NEATH: Area Dean: Chris Coles

______________________________Neath Centre for Mission: Captain Andy Settle CAPioneer Evangelist: Ms.

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Hannah Seal.

The Diocese of Belize – The Church in the Province of the West Indies



Tuesday in Easter Week


Area Ministry Leader: Andrew Meredith. Lay Chair: Moira Randall

The Diocese of Bendigo – The Anglican Church of Australia (Victoria Province)

May the Light of lights cometo my dark heart from thy place;may the Spirit’s wisdom cometo my heart’s tablet from my Saviour.Be the peace of the Spirit mine this night,be the peace of the Son mine this night,the peace of all peace be mine this night,each morning and evening of my life.

Celtic prayer.AprWed7th


Wednesday in Easter Week Brynach (5th), Abbot

(No provision for this celebration can be made in this week) .

University & Further Education ChaplainsCardiff Metropolitan Chaplaincy. Rev'd. David Sheen, Cardiff University Chaplaincy.

The Diocese of Benin – The Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion) (Bendel Province)


Thursday in Easter Week Griffith Jones (1761), Priest & Teacher

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(No provision for this celebration can be made in this week).

Cilybebyll: Neath Vale Ministry Area(St. John the Baptist, St. John the Evangelist)Jayne Shaw (R)

The Diocese of Bentiu – The Province of the Episcopal Church of South Sudan

(Upper Nile Province)



Friday in Easter Week

Saints, Martyrs& Missionaries of South America orDeitrich Bonhoeffer (1945), Pastor, Teacher & Martyr

(No provision for this celebration can be made in this week).

Cadoxton-juxta-Neath & Tonna: Neath Vale Ministry Area(St. Cadwg {Cadoxton}, St. Anne {Tonna})

Andrew Meredith (MAL)

The Diocese of Bermuda – Extra Provincial to the Archbishop of Canterbury



Saturday in Easter Week

Dyffryn: Neath Vale Ministry Area(St. Matthew)

Stephen Bodycombe (V)

Bryncoch (CW) Primary School:Mrs Kath Phillips, Headteacher, the staff & pupils.

The Diocese of Bethlehem – The Episcopal Church (III (3) Page 16 of 50

Province) Porvoo Diary:Church of England: Diocese of Derby, Bishop Libby Lane, Bishop designate Malcolm Macnaughton

Church of Ireland: Diocese of Clogher, Vacant

Evangelical Lutheran Church in Denmark: Diocese of Aalborg, Bishop Henning Toft Bro




Thanksgiving for Holy Baptism {can be celebrated at any time during Eastertide}.

George Augustus Selwyn (1878), Bishop & Missionary.(No provision for this celebration can be made in this week).

Vale of Neath Neath Vale Ministry Area(Glynneath {Church Hall}, St. Cadoc {Aberpergwm},

St. David {Resolven}, St. Mary {Blaengwrach}) Andrew Davies (V) Emma Street (C)

The Church of the Province of the Indian Ocean




Ministry Area Leader: Canon Lynda Newman. Lay Chair: Mark Ritzmann.

The Diocese of Bhopal – The (united) Church of North India

Apr Skewen: Greater Neath Ministry Area Page 17 of 50



(St. John the Baptist, Ty Santes Fair)

Chris Coles (V) Susan Page (Reader)

The Diocese of Bida – The Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion) (Lokoja Province)

AprWed14th (W)

The Staff of the CinW at Callaghan Square Simon Lloyd the Provincial Secretary.

The Diocese of Biharamulo – The Anglican Church of Tanzania



Padarn (6th Century), Bishop

Llansawel, Briton Ferry : Greater Neath Ministry Area

Sandra Birdsall (V)

The Diocese of Birmingham – The Church of England (Canterbury Province)



Rectorial Benefice of Neath: Greater Neath Ministry Area (St. Illtyd {Llantwit}, St. Thomas, St. David, St. Catherine,

Ss. Peter &Paul, St. Teilo)

Canon Lynda Newman (MAL) Rhun ap Robert (V)

Stuart Ghezzi (C)

(Readers)Ken Reynolds Sue AndrewsSheila Lawrence Mary Jenkins

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Alderman Davies (CW) Primary School:Mrs. Colette Matchett, Headteacher, the staff & pupils

The Diocese of Blackburn – The Church of England (York Province)



RHONDDA DEANERY Area Dean: Canon Ruth Moverley

The Diocese of Bo – The Church of the Province of West Africa (West Africa Province

Porvoo Diary:Church of England: Diocese of Blackburn, Bishop Julian Henderson, Bishop Jill Duff, Bishop Philip North

Scottish Episcopal Church: Diocese of Brechin, Bishop Andrew Swift

The Lutheran Church in Great Britain: Bishop Tor Berger Jørgensen





Ministry Area Leader: Philip Leyshon. Lay Chair: Nicola Free.

The Church of Ireland



Dinas & Penygraig: Rhondda Ministry Area(St. Barnabas {Penygraig}

Jeffrey Thomas (V) Terry Page 19 of 50

Cox (AP)

The Diocese of Boga – Province de L’Eglise Anglicane Du Congo



Beuno (c 640), Abbot

Tonypandy w Clydach Vale & Williamstown: Rhondda Ministry Area

(St. Andrew, {Tonypandy}, St. Thomas {Clydach Vale}St. Illtyd {Williamstown})

Terry Cox (V) Jeffrey Thomas (AP)

Barbara Thomas (Reader)

The Diocese of Bolivia – The Anglican Church of South America



Anselm (1109), Bishop & Doctor

The Staff of the Diocesan Office.James Laing the Diocesan Secretary.

Diocesan Vision Lead – Mrs Sarah Rickett

Finance: Diocesan Accountant – Jan Boyce

Finance Assistant – Gareth Allen-James

The Parsonage Board: Diocesan Parsonage Board Inspector – Tim Sanger Parsonage Board Administrator – Deborah Board

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Admininstration: Administration Officer for Mission and Ministry – Briony Davies Administrative Assistant – Bernie Bettison

The Diocese of Bondo – The Anglican Church of Kenya



Pen Rhondda Fawr: Rhondda Ministry Area(St. George {Cwmparc}, St. Matthew {Treorchy})

Philip Leyshon (MAL)

The Diocese of Bolivia – The Anglican Church of South America

The Diocese of Bor – The Province of the Episcopal Church of South Sudan

(Jonglei Province)



George (304), Martyr & Patron Saint of England

Porth Newydd: Rhondda Ministry AreaSt. John the Evangelist {Cymmer})

Jeffrey Thomas (V) Terry Cox (AP)

The Diocese of Botswana – The Church of the Province of Central Africa


Pontrhondda: Rhondda Ministry Area(St. Stephen {Ystrad, Rhondda}, St. Cynon {Llwynypia},

All Saints {Trealaw})Peter Gale (V)

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(W) The Diocese of Brandon – The Anglican Church of Canada (Rupert’s Land Province)

Porvoo Diary:Church of Sweden: Diocese of Gothenburg,

Bishop Susanne Rappmann

Scottish Episcopal Church : Diocese of Glasgow and Galloway, Bishop Kevin Pearson




Rhondda Fach Uchaf: Rhondda Ministry Area

(Holy Trinity {Tylorstown}, St. David {Ferndale})

David Jones (V)

The Nippon Sei Ko Kai

MARK, EVANGELISTAlmighty God,you have enlightened your holy Churchthrough the inspired teaching of Mark, your evangelist.Grant that we may be so grounded in the truth of your Gospel that we may not like children be carried away with every blast of false teaching;Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen



MARK, EVANGELIST (25th) Tonyrefail w Gilfach Goch: Rhondda Ministry Area(St. Alban {Tonyrefail}, St. David {Tonyrefail},

St. Barnabas {Gilfach Goch})

Canon Ruth Moverley (V)

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Henryk Haye (Reader) Steve Vargus (Reader)

The Diocese of Brasília – Igreja Episcopal Anglicana do Brasil (3 Province)



Benefice of Ystradyfodwg: Rhondda Ministry AreaIncorporating the Parish Church of St. John the Baptist {Ton Pentre}

and the Parish Church of St. Peter (Pentre})

Haydn England-Simon SSC (V)

The Diocese of Brazzaville – Province de L’Eglise Anglicane Du Congo



The Diocesan Registrar Mrs. Harriet Morgan.

The Diocese of Brechin – The Scottish Episcopal Church



Catherine of Siena (1380), Writer


Area Dean: Canon Martyn DaviesReader in the Deanery: Penny Snowden

The Diocese of Brisbane – The Anglican Church of Australia (Queensland Province)


EAST VALE MINISTRY AREAMinistry Area Leader: Martyn Davies.

Lay Chair: Lindsay Gray

The Diocese of Bristol – The Church of England (Canterbury Province

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East Vale: East Vale Ministry Area

(St. Cadoc {Pendoylan}, St. Donat {Welsh St. Donat},St. Peter {Peterston-Super-Ely}, St. Bride {St. Brides-Sper-Ely},St. Nicholas {St. Nicholas}, St. George {St. George-Super-Ely}

St. Cadoc {Llancarfan}, St. Illtyd {Llantrithyd})

Canon Martyn Davies (MAL) David Morris (V) Michael John (V. P/T) designate Angela Cooper (C)

Pendoylan (CW) Primary School:Mrs. Paula Vaughan, Headteacher, the staff and pupils

Peterston (CW) Primary School:Owen Turner. Headteacher, the staff and pupils.

St. Nicholas (CW) Primary School:Rachel Evans, Headteacher, the staff and pupils.

The Diocese of British Columbia – The Anglican Church of Canada (BC and Yukon Province)

Porvoo DiaryChurch of England: Diocese of Southwark, Bishop Christopher Chessun, Bishop Richard Cheetham, Bishop Jonathan Clark, Bishop Karowei

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Church of Norway: Diocese of Björgvin, Bishop Halvor Nordhaug



THE FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER Athanasius (373), Bishop & Doctor.

(No provision for this celebration can be made in this week).

COWBRIDGE MINISTRY AREAMinistry Area Leader: Stephen Adams

Lay Chair: Andrea Harries.

The Episcopal Church in Jerusalem & The Middle East



Henry Vaughan (1695), Poet

Cowbridge Ministry Area:(Holy Cross {Cowbridge}, St. Brynach {Llanfrynach},

St. Canna {Llangan}St. Dochdwy {Llandough}, St. Hillary {St. Hillary},

St. John the Baptist {Llanblethian}, St. John the Evangelist {Penllyn},

St. Mary {St. Mary Hill}, St. Mary the Virgin {St. Mary}, St. Michael {Flemingston},

St. Owain {Ystradowen}, St. Senwr {Llansannor}).

Stephen Adams (MAL) Victoria Ashley (V) Ian Yemm (C) Jude Peters (C)

Llansannor & Llanharry (CW) Primary School:Mrs. Sue Prosser, Headteacher, the staff and pupils

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The Diocese of Central Buganda – The Church of the Province of Uganda



Colwinston, Llandow & Llysworney: Cowbridge Ministry Area

(Holy Trinity {Llandow}, St. Michael & All Angels {Colwinston}, St. Tydfil {Llysworney})

Alan Kettle (V)

St. David (CW) Primary School:Mrs Ceri Hoffrock, headteacher, the staff and pupils.

The Diocese of West Buganda –

The Church of the Province of Uganda



Asaph (6th Century), Bishop

Diocesan Board for Education. Andrew Rickett (Diocesan

Director of Statutory Education)Deborah Griffiths (Education Support Officer)Rebecca Morteo (School Support Officer)

The Diocese of Buhiga – The Anglican Church of Burundi





Ministry Area Leader: Canon Edwin ConsellLay Chair: Alun Jenkins.

The Diocese of Bujumbura – The Anglican Church of Burundi

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Glamorgan Heritage Coast Ministry Area: (Holy Trinity {Marcross}, St. Catwg {Llanmaes}, St. Donat {St.

Donats}. St. Giles {Gileston}, St. Michael & All Angels {Llanmihangel},

St. Tathan {St. Athan}, All Saints {Southerndown}, St. Bridget {St. Brides Major},St. Michael’s Priory Church


Canon Edwin Counsell (MAL) Craig Vaughan (V)

Rhian Prime (V)(Readers)

Keith Brown Sue Moll Bill Henderson Hazel Norfolk

St. Brides Major (CW) Primary School:Mr. Duncan Mottram, Headteacher, the staff & Pupils

Wick & Marcross (CW) Primary School:Mrs. Ceri Thomas, the Headteacher, the staff & pupils.

The Diocese of Bukavu – Province de L’Eglise Anglicane Du Congo



Julian of Norwich (c1417), Spiritual Writer


ARCHDEACON: Ven. Peggy Jackson

The Diocese of Bukedi – The Church of the Province of Uganda Porvoo Diary:Church of England: Diocese of Gloucester, Bishop Rachel Treweek, Bishop Robert Springett

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Church of Sweden: Diocese of Västerås, Bishop Mikael Mogren

Christian Aid Week begin




(No provision for this celebration can be made in this week).


St. Teilo (CW) High School:Ian Loynd the Head-teacher, the staff & students

The Anglican Church of Kenya




Ministry Area Leader: Canon Sarah Jones. Lay Chair: Paul Booth

The Diocese of Bunbury – The Anglican Church of Australia (Western Australia Province)

MayTues 11th


Rogation Day

Cardiff, Dewi Sant: Cardiff Central Churches Ministry Area

Dyfrig Lloyd (V)

The Diocese of Bungoma – The Anglican Church of Kenya

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Rogation Day

Department for Youth. Matthew Gibbon (Ch) Chaplain (to be appointed).

The Diocese of Bunyoro-Kitara – The Church of the Province of Uganda

Y Dyrchafael - The Ascension

Arglwydd Iesu, wrth i ni ddathlu dy ddychweliad i ogoniant y nefoedd, cofiwn mewn diolchgarwch i ti gymryd ein dyndod ni arnat, a’th fod yn awr wedi ei ddwyn gyda thi i’r bywyd tragwyddol, gyda chreithiau dy ddioddefaint yn dal arno.

Arglwydd bendigaid, cynorthwya ni i fyw yn llawnder y bywyd newydd sy’n eiddo i ni fel plant i Dduw, er mwyn i ni yn y diwedd, rannu yng ngogoniant ac addoliad y nefoedd.

Gofynnwn hyn er mwyn du enw sanctaidd. Amen.

Lord Jesus, as we celebrate your ascension to the glory of heaven, we remember with thanksgiving that you took our humanity upon yourself, and that now you have taken it with the scares of your suffering to eternity. Blessed Lord, help us to live in the fullness of new life that is ours as children of God, so that we, in the end, may share in the glory and praise of heaven.

This we ask through your holy name. Amen. Page 29 of 50

Contributed by Rev’d Dyfrig Lloyd




City Church of St. John the Baptist: Cardiff Central Churches Ministry Area

Canon Sarah Jones (MAL) Lorna Hanney (C)

The Diocese of Busan – The Anglican Church of Korea




Gabalfa & Tremorfa: Cardiff Central Churches Ministry AreaMarcus Nelson (V)

ReadersDavid Page John Hopkins Dr. Michael GlennPauline Page Dr. Peter Edbury Roderick Hillier

Ms. Sonal Davda

The Diocese of Busoga – The Church of the Province of Uganda



Edmwnd Prys (1624), Priest, Poet & Translator orJohn Davies (1644), Priest & Translator

Conventional District of Urban Crofters: Cardiff Central Churches Ministry Area

Will Souter (PinC)

The Diocese of Central Busoga – The Church of the Province of Uganda

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Porvoo Diary:Church of England: Diocese of Guildford, Bishop Andrew Watson, Bishop Jo Wells

Evangelical Lutheran Church in Denmark: Diocese of Viborg, Bishop Henrik Stubkjær



THE SEVENTH SUNDAY OF EASTER Sunday after Ascension Day

Ministry and Calling Sunday

Conventional District of St.Teilo: Cardiff Central Churches Ministry Area

Ryan Forey (PinC) Mark Simpson (AP)

The Anglican Church of Korea

May Mon17th



Ministry Area Leader: Phelim O’Hare. Lay Chair: Helen Taylor.

The Diocese of Butare – Eglise Anglicane du Rwanda



Cardiff St. German w St. Saviour: South Cardiff Ministry Area Phelim O’Hare (MAL) Michael Cook (Reader)

Tredegarville (CW) Primary School:Emma Long, Headteacher, the staff & pupils

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The Diocese of Butere – The Anglican Church of Kenya

MayWed19th (W)

Dunstan (988), Bishop

The Governing Body and those who represent this diocese.

The Diocese of Buye – The Anglican Church of Burundi



Cardiff, St. Mary: South Cardiff Ministry Area

Dean Atkins (V)

St. Mary the Virgin (CW) Primary School:Nichola Pritchard, Headteacher, the staff & pupils

The Diocese of Byumba – Eglise Anglicane du Rwanda



Benefice of Grangetown St. Paul w Cardiff St. Dyfrig & St. Samson

Edward Owen (V designate) South Cardiff Ministry Area

The Diocese of Calabar – The Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion)

(Niger Delta Province) MaySat22nd


ROATH & CATHAYS MINISTRY AREAMinistry Area Leader: Canon Stewart Lisk.

Lay Chair: Mike Payne

The Diocese of Calcutta – The (united) Church of North India

Porvoo Diary:Church of England: Diocese of Exeter, Bishop Robert Atwell, Bishop Nicholas McKinnel, Bishop

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Jackie Searle

Church of Norway: Diocese of Nord-Hålogaland, Bishop Olav Øygard

Y Pentecost - The Pentecost

Tyred, Ysbryd yr addewid,O’r uchelder pur i lawr,

Yn dy ddoniau cadwedigol,Er aileni tyrfa fawr,

Rhwyga’r nef yn awr a disgynAr bob oedran heb wahân,

Llanw’r byd a’r eglwys hefydAg effeithiau’r dwyfol dân.

Gweithia’n rymus ar eneidiau,Galw filoedd fyrdd i’th dŷ,

Gwawried bellach ar y ddaearHyfryd ddyddiau Jiwbili,

Chwythed y deheuwynt nefolNes adfywio pawb i gyd,

Nes bod rhinwedd a sancteiddrwyddYn teyrnas dros y byd.

Daniel Silvan Evans (1818-1903)

Come, O Spirit of the promise,Down to earth from Heaven above,With thy wondrous saving graces,

Give the multitude rebirth,

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Tear the heavens apart and swoop downOn all ages, young and old,

Fill the world and fill the Church tooWith the flame of fire divine.

Work with strength upon our spirits,Gather myriads to thy house,

O’er the earth let break the dawn of Golden days of Jubilee,

Let the heavenly wind low gentlyUntil everyone’s revived,

So that holiness and virtueReign henceforth o’er all the world.

Trans. Gwynn ap GwilymContributed by Rev’d Dyfrig Lloyd




Cathays: Roath & Cathays Ministry Area (St, Andrews, St. Michael & All Angels)

Caroline Downs (V)Readers

Liz Haigh, Matthew Dixon, Peter Swinbank,

Edwina Jones

The Anglican Church of Melanesia


Charles Wesley (1788) & John Wesley (1791), Priests and Missionaries

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ROATH Roath & Cathays Ministry Area

Canon Stewart Lisk (MAL) Ruth Coombs (C)

Geoffrey Smith (Reader)

The Diocese of Caledonia – The Anglican Church of Canada (BC and Yukon Province)



Bede (735), Doctor

Roath, St. Martin: Roath & Cathays Ministry Area

Irving Hamer (V)

The Diocese of Calgary – The Anglican Church of Canada (Rupert’s Land Province)



Augustine of Canterbury (605), Bishop

Department for Children. Mrs. Christine Webb (Ch) Raye Saunders (Sec). Canon Elaine Jenkyns, (Lead Children’s Officer) Canon Lynda Newman

The Diocese of California – The Episcopal Church (VIII (8) Province)


NORTH CARDIFF MINISTRY AREAMinistry Area Leader: Lay Chair: The Diocese of Northern California – The Episcopal Church (VIII (8) Province)

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Melangell (6th century), Abbess

Christ Church, Roath Park: North Cardiff Ministry Area Canon Dr. Trystan Hughes (V)Readers: Dominic De Saulles Ms Sonal Davda

The Diocese of Cameroon – The Church of the Province of West Africa (West Africa Province)



Lisvane: North Cardiff Ministry Area

James Griffiths (V) Duncan Shadwell (Reader)

The Diocese of El Camino Real – The Episcopal Church (VIII (8) Province)

Porvoo Diary:

Church of England: Diocese of Hereford, Bishop Richard Jackson

The Lusitanian Church (Portugal): Bishop José Jorge Pina Cabral

The Latvian Evangelical Lutheran Church Abroad: Archbishop Lauma Zušēvica



Llanishen: North Cardiff

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Ministry Area

Canon Christopher Smith (V)

La Iglesia Anglicana de Mexico



The Visit of the Virgin Mary to Elizabeth

DEANERY OF LLANDAFF Area Dean: Canon Jan Van de Lely

Bishop of Llandaff (CW) High School:Marc Belli, Headteacher, the staff and pupils

The Diocese of Canberra & Goulburn – The Anglican Church of Australia

(New South Wales Province)




World Environment Day and World Refugee Day

Justine (c165), Apologist & Martyr


Ministry Area Leader: Frances Wilson Lay Chair:

The Diocese of Canterbury – The Church of England (Canterbury Province)



Blandina & her Companions (177), Martyrs

Community Development Officer. Jonathan Durley The Diocese of Cape Coast –

The Church of the Province of West Africa (Ghana Province)

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Jun Thur3rd


James Hannington (1885), Bishop, Missionary & Martyr;Martyrs of Uganda (1886), and Janani Luwum (1977), Bishop & Martyr.

(No provision for this celebration can be made in this week

Thanksgiving for the Holy Communion (Corpus Christi)

Lord Jesus, Saviour of the world,you have given us this wonderful Sacrament to be the memorial of your Passion and Resurrection. May we celebrate it with devotion and joy, and know within ourselves the power of your redeeming love, Lord Christ or God for ever. Amen


The Diocese of Cape Town – The Anglican Church of Southern Africa



Rectorial Benefice of Canton: West Cardiff Ministry Area

St. Catharine, (Pontcanna), St. John (Canton), St. Luke (Victoria Park)

Frances Wilson (MAL) Emma Rees-Kenny (V) Dr. John Rhys Jenkins (AP), Benedict Yates (C)

The Diocese of North Eastern Caribbean & Aruba – The Church in the Province of the West Indies

JunBoniface (754), Bishop, Missionary & Martyr.

Caerau w Ely: West Cardiff Page 38 of 50



Ministry AreaSt David [Ely], St. Timothy [Caerau]

Jesse Smith (V) Christopher Lee (C).

The Diocese of Carlisle – The Church of England (York Province) Porvoo DiaryEvangelical Lutheran Church of Iceland: Bishop Agnes Sigurdardottir, Bishop Kristjan Björnsson, Bishop Solveig Lara Gudmundsdottir

The Spanish Reformed Episcopal Church: Bishop Carlos Lopez Lozano




Fairwater: [St. Peter] West Cardiff Ministry Area To be appointed (V)

The Church of the Province of Myanmar (Burma)



Glan Ely: West Cardiff Ministry AreaChurch of the Resurrection Canon Jan Gould (V) David Jones (C)

The Diocese of East Carolina – The Episcopal Church (IV (4) Province)


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JunTues 8th


Ministry Area Leader: The Dean Lay Chair:

The Diocese of North Carolina – The Episcopal Church (IV (4) Province)



Columba (597), Abbot

The Church Army and Neath Centre for Mission. Captain Andy Settle Pioneer Evangelist. Hannah Seal

The Diocese of South Carolina – The Episcopal Church (IV (4) Province)



Ephrem the Syrian (373, Deacon, Hymn Writer and Teacher.

Llandaff: Llandaff Cathedral Ministry AreaThe Cathedral Church of Ss. Peter & Paul w

Ss. Dyfrig, Teilo & Euddogwy

Very Rev’d. Gerwyn Capon (Dean & MAL)Canon Dr. Jan Van de Lely (Canon Chancellor)Canon Mark Preece (Canon Precentor)

City of Llandaff (CW) Primary SchoolAnnette James, the Headteacher, the staff & pupils.

The Diocese of Upper South Carolina – The Episcopal Church (IV (4) Province)





Ministry Area Leader: Vicki Burrows.Page 40 of 50

Lay Chair: John Kiff The Diocese of Western North Carolina –

The Episcopal Church (IV (4) Province)



Pentyrch & Capel Llanilltern: North West Cardiff Ministry AreaSt. Catwg {Pentyrch}, St. David {Groes Faen},

St. Ellteyrn (Capel Llantilltern} Michael John (V) (Associate Priest of St. Fagan’s,

Tongwynlais & Radyr)Gareth Rayner-Williams (AP)

The Diocese of Cashel Ferns & Ossory – The Church of Ireland (Dublin Province) Porvoo DiaryScottish Episcopal Church: Diocese of Argyll and the Isles, Vacancy

Church of Ireland: Diocese of Connor, Bishop George Davison

Evangelical Lutheran Church in Denmark: Diocese of Lolland-Falster, Bishop Marianne Gaarden




Radyr: North West Cardiff Ministry AreaChrist Church {Radyr}, St. John the Baptist {Danescourt}

Vicki Burrows (MAL) (Associate Priest of St. Fagan’s, Tongwynlais & Pentyrch)

Gareth Rayner-Williams (AP) Belinda Huxtable-Goy (C)

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The Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion)



Basil the Great (397), Bishop & Doctor

St. Fagans & Michaelston-super-Ely: North West Cardiff Ministry Area

Vicki Burrows (MAL) (Associate Priest Tongwynlais & Pentyrch)

Gareth Rayner-Williams (AP) Colin Finney (Reader)

St. Fagan’s (CW) Primary SchoolMrs Ceri Hawkins, the Headteacher, staff and pupils

The Diocese of Chandigarh – The (united) Church of North India



Tongwynlais: North West Cardiff Ministry Area (St. Mary & St. James {Taffs Well}, St. Michael {Pantmawr})

Zoe King (V) (Associate Priest Radyr, St. Fagan’s & Pentyrch) Gareth Rayner-Williams (AP)

The Diocese of Chelmsford – The Church of England (Canterbury Province) )



Richard (1253), Bishop

Department for Communication Matt Batten – Director of Communications & Engagement:

The Diocese of Chester – The Church of England (York Province)


AREAPage 42 of 50

Thur 17th (G)

Ministry Area Leader: John Davis. Lay Chair: Andrew Robert Edgar

The Diocese of Chhattisgarh – The (united) Church of North India



Rectorial Benefice of Whitchurch: Whitchurch Ministry Area(St. Mary {Whitchurch}, St. Thomas {Birchgrove}

All Saints {Llandaff North}, All Saints {Rhiwbina}) John Davis. (MAL) Peter Mortimer (V) Andrew Highway (AP) Nick Gill (C).

Dr. Geoffrey Foot (Reader)

The Diocese of Chicago – The Episcopal Church (V (5) Province)




Area Dean: Canon Steven Kirk The Diocese of Chichester –

The Church of England (Canterbury Province)

Porvoo Diary:Church of England: Diocese in Europe, Bishop Robert Innes, Bishop David Hamid

Church of Sweden: Diocese of Visby, Bishop Thomas Petersson

Evangelical Lutheran Church in Denmark:

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Diocese of Copenhagen, Bishop Peter Skov-Jakobsen



THE THIRD SUNDAY AFTER TRINITYAlban (250), Julius and Aaron (304-5), Martyrs.

(No provision for this celebration can be made in this week).

YSTRAD MYNACH MINISTRY AREAMinistry Area Leader: Steven Kirk.

Area Chair: Edward Williams-Price

The Church of North India (United) )



Pontlottyn w Fochriw, Bargoed & Deri w Brithdir Ystrad Mynach Ministry Area

Ss. Mary & Andrew {Fochriw}, St. Tyfaelog {Pontlottyn} Robert Lindsay (V) John Fenton (Reader)

The Diocese of Chotanagpur – The (united) Church of North India



Gelligaer Ystrad Mynach Ministry AreaSt. Catwg, St. Margaret

Gary Powell (V) Carolyn Corbyn (Reader) The Diocese of Christ the King –

The Anglican Church of Southern Africa

JunEmber Day

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Retired Clergy Society. Rev’d Bernard Jones (Chaplain)

Mrs Tyann Leonard (WODS liaison)

The Diocese of Christchurch – The Anglican Church in Aotearoa,New Zealand and Polynesia (Pakeha Tikanga)

The Nativity of John the Baptist

Almighty God, your servant John the Baptist was born to fulfil your purpose and sent to prepare the way of your Son our Saviour; may we repent in accordance with his preaching, and, following his example, be constant in speaking the truth, bold in rebuking vice, and patient in suffering for the truth’s sake; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen




The Nativity of John the Baptist

Treharris, Trelewis, Bedlinog & Llanfabon Ystrad Mynach Ministry Area

St. Matthias {Treharris}, St. John the Baptist {Nelson, St. Mabon {Llanfabon}}

Gareth Coombes (V) Dr. Fiona Parsons (Reader)

The Diocese of Chubu – The Nippon Sei Ko Kai

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Ember Day

Ystrad Mynach & Llanbradach Ystrad Mynach Ministry AreaHoly Trinity

Canon Steven Kirk (MAL)

The Diocese of Clogher – The Church of Ireland (Armagh Province)



Ember Day

MERTHYR TYDFIL MINISTRY AREAMinistry Area Leader: Mark Prevett.

Lay Chair: Matt Jones

The Diocese on the Coast – The Church of Nigeria(Anglican Communion) (Ondo Province)

Porvoo Diary

Church of England: Diocese of Lincoln, Bishop Christopher Lowson, Bishop David Court,

Bishop Nicholas Chamberlain

Church of Sweden: Diocese of Härnösand, Bishop Eva Nordung Byström

Evangelical Lutheran Church in Finland: Diocese of Lappo, Bishop Simo Peura



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Dowlais & Penydarren Merthyr Tydfil Ministry Area All Saints, Christ Church {Pant}

Caroline Owen (V)

The Church of Pakistan (United)



Irenaeus (c200), Bishop

Merthyr Tydfil, Christ Church Merthyr Tydfil Ministry AreaChrist Church, St. Luke

Marc-Ashton Walford (V)Readers

Clive Lewis James Payne Prof Jonathan Richards The Diocese of Cochin – The (united) Church of South India


Tues 29th



Merthyr Tydfil, St. David and Abercanaid Merthyr Tydfil Ministry Area

St. David {Merthyr Tydfil}, St. Tydfil {Merthyr Tydfil}, St. Tydfil’s Well {The Quar}, Ss. Peter & Paul (Abercanaid}

Mark Prevett (MAL) Ken Lewis (Reader)

The Diocese of Coimbatore – The (united) Church of South India


The Martyrdom of Paul, Apostle

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(R/G)Retreat Houses, their Wardens & Staff. The Diocese of Colombia –

The Episcopal Church (IX (9) Province)


Because pf the Covid-19 Pandemic services are curtailed. For up-to-date details please see the Cathedral Web-site.

http://www.llandaffcathedral.org.uk Page 48 of 50


If you are interested in exploring what the Spirituality Group can offer you or your parish community please email the Diocesan Spirituality Group Adviser the Revd. Edward Owen.

Email: vicar@parishofmargam.org.ukor the secretary, Rev’d. Moira Spence Email: tybara@btinternet.com 01656 881960Facebook: www.facebook.com/llandaffspiritualitygroup.

LLANGASTY RETREAT HOUSE is a Christian centre, and a place for individuals and groups to develop their spirituality by means of retreats, conferences and study groups.

A place of Christian Worship and Prayer, set in surroundings of peace, beauty and tranquility, with wildlife in abundance that never fails to catch the retreatants attention. Llangasty Retreat House has been used as a place of retreat by Church groups, The Mothers Union and study groups to name but a few, for over 50 years.

Llangasty Retreat House is used by Christian organizations such as, Creative Arts Retreat Movement with their Painting and Prayer retreats and the Fellowship of Contemplative Prayer. Llangasty Retreat House is also an ideal place for the individual to get away from the stresses and strains of modern day life, the views from the lounge window entice you to sit, relax and marvel at God's creation.

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Llangasty Retreat House, Llangasty, Brecon, Powys, LD3 7PX Tel: 01874 658250 email: enquiries@llangasty.com www.llangasty.com Charity Number 1060743

Prayer Intentions April to June 2021: Roy Saunders.

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