Aplysia - CSHL P

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Analysis of Sequence-Dependent Interactions Between Transient Calcium and Transmitter Stimuli in Activating Adenylyl Cyclase in Aplysia: Possible Contribution to CS-US Sequence Requirement During Conditioning T h o m a s W . A b r a m s , 1 Y o r a m Y o v e l l , 2 C h i a d i U. O n y i k e , J o n a t h a n E. C o h e n ,

a n d H u g h E. J a r r a r d

1Departments of Pharmacology and Anesthesiology University of Maryland School of Medicine Baltimore, Maryland 21201-1559 2 Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons Department of Neuroscience New York State Psychiatric Institute New York, New York 10032

A b s t r a c t

An i m p o r t a n t recen t ins ight in a n u m b e r of neurob io log ica l sys tems is tha t dur ing learning, individual dual ly regula ted p ro te ins wi th associative p roper t i e s funct ion as crit ical sites o f s t imulus convergence . Dur ing cond i t ion ing in Aplysia, the Ca2+/calmodulin-sensi t ive adenylyl cyclase (AC) in m e c h a n o s e n s o r y n e u r o n s serves as a molecu la r site of in te rac t ion be tween Ca 2§ and se ro ton in [5 -hydroxyt ryp tamine (5-HT)]mtwo signals tha t r e p r e s e n t the CS and US in these cells. Condi t ion ing requires tha t the CS and US be pa i red wi th in a n a r r o w t ime w i n d o w and in the app rop r i a t e sequence. AC shows an ana logous sequence preference: It is m o r e effectively activated w h e n a pulse of Ca 2§ p recedes a pulse of 5-HT t h a n w h e n the 5-HT precedes Ca z§ One m e c h a n i s m tha t cont r ibu tes to this sequence p re fe r ence is tha t Ca2+/calmodul in b ind ing to AC accelerates the rate of AC act ivat ion by receptor-Gs. We have identif ied two addi t ional p rope r t i e s of AC act ivat ion tha t wou ld cause pa i r ing wi th Ca 2§

1Corresponding author.

preced ing 5-HT to be m o r e effective t h a n s imul taneous pa i r ing o r pa i r ing wi th the rec iproca l sequence: (1) Activation of Aplysia AC by a Ca 2§ pulse rose wi th a delay c o m p a r e d wi th act ivat ion by a 5-HT pulse. (2) A late pulse of Ca 2§ w h i c h a r r ived after 5-HT, acted, via ca lmodul in , to accelerate the decay of AC act ivat ion by receptor-G s. Together , these act ivat ion p roper t i e s of AC m a y cont r ibu te to the CS-US sequence r e q u i r e m e n t of classical condi t ion ing .

I n t r o d u c t i o n

Through experience, animals learn relation- ships between stimuli or events in their environ- ment or between these external events and their own behavior. A fundamental goal of the study of learning in simple neural systems is to identify gen- eral molecular mechanisms relevant to various types of learning in diverse species. A number of studies have suggested that during simple forms of associative learning, dually regulated proteins serve as the locus at which inputs from multiple stimuli or behaviors converge. According to this proposal, these proteins, such as the NMDA re- ceptor (Collingridge 1987; Madison et al. 1991; Davis et al. 1992; Tsien et al. 1996) and the Ca2+/

LEARNING & MEMORY 4:496-509 �9 1998 by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press ISSN1072-0502/98 $5.00

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calmodulin-sensitive adenylyl cyclase (AC) (Abrams and Kandel 1988), serve an associative role: When two stimuli are paired with the appropriate tem- poral relationship, the protein responds to the pair- ing by triggering a second-messenger cascade that initiates alterations of neuronal properties. The type I and type VIII forms of AC, which are stimu- lated by Ca z+ via calmodulin (CAM), are expressed at relatively high levels in regions of mammalian brain believed to be involved in learning (Xia et al. 1991; Cali et al. 1994). Moreover, genetic deletion of cae+/caM-sensitive AC in Drosopbila (Dudai and Zvi 1984; Livingstone et al. 1984; Livingstone 1985; Levin et al. 1992) or mice GVu et al. 1995) is associated with learning deficits.

Evidence that CaZ+/CaM-sensitive AC has an associative function comes from cellular studies of associative synaptic plasticity in Aplysia. During conditioning of the defensive gill and siphon with- drawal reflex of Aplysia, there is an associative en- hancement of the synaptic connections from the siphon sensory neurons, which mediate the input from the conditioned stimulus (CS), to interneu- rons and motoneurons that produce the with- drawal response. During this associative facilitation of the sensory neuron synapses, activity of the sen- sory neurons, which is triggered by the CS, is tem- porally paired with facilitatory transmitter, which is released by the uncondit ioned stimulus (US) (Hawkins et al. 1983; Walters and Byrne 1983; Abrams 1985). One important site of interaction between sensory neuron activity and facilitatory transmitter is the CaZ+/CaM-sensitive AC. When Ca z+ influx, which accompanies sensory neuron activity, is paired with facilitatory transmitter, there is a greater increase in cAMP levels than that produced by facilitatory transmitter alone (Ocorr et al. 1985). Elevations in cAMP within the sensory neurons initiate both short-term and long-term fa- cilitation of their synaptic connections (Brunelli et al. 1976; Braha et al. 1990; Dash et al. 1990; Gold- smith and Abrams 1991, 1992; Ghirardi et al. 1992; Hochner and Kandel 1992; Klein 1993). Other cAMP-independent processes, including Hebbian plasticity, may also contribute to associative en- hancement of transmitter release at these synapses (Murphy and Glanzman 1996, 1997); however, Abrams and Galun (T.W. Abrams and J.E. Galun, unpubl.) and Bao et al. (1998) have found that pre- synaptic cAMP-dependent phosphorylation plays a necessary role in associative synaptic facilitation.

Generally, in classical conditioning, an animal learns to associate the CS and US when the two

stimuli are temporally paired during training so that the CS predicts the occurrence of the US. Most forms of conditioning show a sequence require- ment in which the animal only learns the associa- tive relationship if the CS begins before the US (Hearst 1988; Rescorla 1988). Conditioning of the defensive withdrawal reflex in Aplysia exhibits a number of features typical of mammalian condi- tioning paradigms, including the CS-US sequence requirement (Hawkins et al. 1986; Colwill et al. 1988). Activity-dependent facilitation displays a parallel sensitivity to the sequence of paired cellu- lar events; optimal facilitation occurs when activity and Ca 2+ influx, triggered by the CS, precedes fa- cilitatory transmitter, which is released by the US (Clark et al. 1994).

If the Ca2+/CaM-sensitive AC serves as a coin- cidence detector during classical conditioning, one would expect that activation of this enzyme might also show an analogous sequence requirement. Yovell and Abrams (1992) explored whether acti- vation of the Ca2+/CaM-sensitive AC is affected by the order in which paired stimuli arrive. They found that although this enzyme is activated by both Ca 2+ and facilitatory transmitter, the dual ac- tivation is not synergistic under normal steady-state assay conditions, where the two activating stimuli are present for the duration of the assay. However, perfused membrane experiments, in which the neural membranes are retained on a filter and ex- posed transiently to activating stimuli, revealed that AC shows the predicted sequence preference analogous to the sequence requirements of the conditioning and the associative synaptic plastic- ity: Ca 2+ preceding transmitter gave more power- ful activation than Ca 2+ following transmitter or than transmitter without Ca 2+ (Yovell and Abrams 1992). Mthough the mechanism of this sequence effect was not definitively identified, comparisons of the rising phase of the activation curve sug- gested that a prepulse of Ca 2+ may increase the rate of activation by transmitter. In Aplysia neural membranes, as in most other systems, neurotrans- mitter receptors stimulate AC via a guanine nucleo- tide-binding stimulatory G protein, G s (Vogel 1989; Abrams et al. 1991). Because we knew that Ca2+/ CaM binds to AC (Yeager et al. 1985; Eliot et al. 1989), we hypothesized that this binding might induce a conformational change in AC that accel- erates activation of AC by receptor-G s.

In the present study we have identified two additional characteristics of activation of Aplysia neural AC by Ca 2+ and 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT)

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Abrams et al.

that would contr ibute to the observed sequence preference. Compar ison of the t ime courses of AC activation by transient 5-HT and Ca 2+ stimuli re- vealed that activation by a C a 2+ pulse exhibi ts a small delay, such that interactions b e t w e e n the two stimulus pulses should be temporal ly coinci- dent if the Ca 2+ pulse begins first. Second, we ob- served that a t ransient C a 2+ stimulus that follows a 5-HT stimulus, as occurs wi th backward pairing, actually accelerates the decay of AC stimulation by transmitter; thus, a late pulse of C a 2+ has an inhibi- tory effect on overall AC activation.

Materials and Methods


Aplysia californica, weighing 100-200 grams, were obtained from Alacrity (Redondo Beach, CA) or Marinus, Inc. (Long Beach, CA). For each experi- ment , six animals were anesthet ized by inject ion of isotonic MgCl 2, and abdominal , cerebral, and pleu- ral-pedal ganglia were removed. The ganglia were t r immed to reduce non-neural tissue (i.e., sheath) and then homogen ized in a glass-glass homog- enizer in -0 .4 ml per CNS of homogeniza t ion buffer [50 mM K-HEPES at pH 7.6, 75 m i KC1, 3 m i EGTA, 1 m i dithiothreitol (DTT), and protease in- hibitors (1 mM benzamidine , 10 ~g /ml of leupep- tin, 10 tag/ml of aprotinin, and 25 I[IM p-nitrophe- nyl-p ' -guanidinobenzoate hydrochloride] . Any re- sidual p ieces of sheath were removed, and the material was rehomogen ized in a glass-Teflon ho- mogenizer. The homogena te was diluted to 5 ml wi th homogeniza t ion buffer and centr i fuged at 1000g for 2 min to remove any particulate material. All process ing of m e m b r a n e s was at 0-4~


Continuous assay of AC activity st imulated wi th transient exposures to 5-HT and Ca 2+ was done using the perfused m e m b r a n e method of Yovell et al. (1987), as modif ied by Yovell and Abrams (1992), in w h i c h neural membranes are retained on a low-density fibrous filter and per- fused wi th assay solution containing [cx-32P]ATP. Upstream from the filter, a valve wi th five input ports gated by computer-control led solenoids (General Valve no. 9-453-900, internal volume of 6 ILl) enabled swi tching of the incoming solution from among three assay solutions: (1) low C a 2+, (2 )

high Ca 2+, and (3) low Ca 2+ wi th 20 laM 5-HT. A fourth input port enabled wash ing wi th 6 ml of unlabeled low Ca 2+ assay solution immedia te ly be- fore the start of an assay to equil ibrate m e m b r a n e s and to remove any residual cytosol or free mem- branes. Assay solution was d rawn at 2.5 m l / m i n by a peristaltic p u m p downs t ream from the filter and collected in 6-sec fractions in tubes containing 100 lal of assay stop solution (Salomon 1979). Assay solutions conta ined 50 m i K-HEPES (pH 7.6), 75 mM KC1, 1 mM DTT, 10 pM [cx-32p]ATP ( -25 laCi/ ml), 50 Vti [3H]cAMP (5 x 104 c p m / m l , for normal- ization of co lumn recovery and fraction volume), 1 lai CaM, 10 taM GTP (unless otherwise noted), pro- tease inhibitors (descr ibed above), and one of two Ca2+/Mg2+/EGTA buffers. EGTA was 3.0 mM in bo th low and high Ca 2+ assay solutions; total Ca 2+ was 25 tam in the low Ca 2+ assay solution and 4.5 m i in the h igh Ca 2+ assay solution (i.e., the Ca 2+ pulse solution); and total Mg 2+ was 1.45 mM in the low C a 2+ solution and 1.0 mM in the h igh Ca 2+ solution. F r e e Mg 2+ was 1 mm in both solutions. Free Ca 2+ in the low C a 2+ solution was <1 h i . During a 6-sec "pulse ," the m a x i m u m solution change is -80%; thus, free C a 2§ t ransiently reached -600 p i ; during a 6-sec pulse of 5-HT, the peak 5-HT concentra t ion reached - 1 6 gUM (Fig. 1A). In some exper iments , 0.5 m i IBMX was inc luded in the assay solution. However, the phosphodiester- ase inhibi tor did not affect cAMP recovery; this may reflect ei ther effective protec t ion of synthe- sized cAMP by the 50 ~IM cAMP present in the assay solution or the low level of phosphodies terase re- maining in the membranes .

In each exper iment , 25% of the homogena te f rom six CNSs was injected onto a prewet , lO-mm- diam., borosilicate glass filter (Millipore #AP25); a separate filter was used for each of four 2-min as- says. Cytosol was immediate ly removed by high- pressure wash ing wi th 20 ml of ice-cold buffer be- fore connect ing the filter to the valve. All compari- sons, ei ther of Ca2§ pairing versus 5- HT-before-Ca 2§ pairing or of decay of AC stimulation wi th and wi thout a late C a 2+ pulse, were made wi th in preparations; in each prepara- tion, the two condit ions were both assayed in du- plicate in a counterba lanced A-B-B-A sequence. Be- cause the magni tude of st imulation by 5-HT and C a 2+ pulses varies among preparations, it was criti- cal to make all comparisons wi th in exper iments . AC stimulation by C a 2+ alone that is shown in Fig- ures 4 and 5 (below) was assayed wi th and wi thout GTP in the same preparations.

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Figure 1: Responses of AC in perfused Aplysia neural membranes to forward or backward pairing of Ca 2§ and 5-HT pulses. (A) Profiles of 5-HT and Ca 2+ pulses in perfused membrane experiments. Concentration of 5-HT in the neural membranes during and after a 6-sec 5-HT pulse (11) was calculated from measurements of the time course of solution change (which was determined with a radioactivity detector flow cell immediately downstream from the filter and 32p in the stimulus solution). Free Ca 2§ concentration during and after a 6-sec Ca 2§ pulse (O) calculated from measurements of the time course of solution change. The narrower Ca 2§ stimulus profile is a consequence of Ca 2§ chelation by the EGTA in the low Ca 2§ assay solution. Note that 12 sec after the termination of perfusion with 5-HT, free 5-HT at the membranes had dropped below 100 riM, a level that would not have produced measurable AC stimulation in these assays. (B) Temporal relationship of Ca 2§ and 5-HT stimuli when paired in forward and backward sequences. Profiles of Ca 2§ (dark stippled area) and 5-HT (light stippled area) are from A. With forward pairing, a 6-sec Ca 2+ pulse was given immediately before a 6-sec 5-HT pulse; with backward pairing, the 6-sec Ca 2§ pulse was given immediately following the 6-sec 5-HT pulse. Thus, in both sequences when the valve controlling one stimulus solution was switched off, the valve controlling the second stimulus solution was switched on. The overlapping temporal profiles of the two stimuli result from the fact that ligand concentration increased and decreased gradually within the filter chamber. (C) AC stimulation with paired Ca 2§ and 5-HT pulses in forward (Ca 2§ followed by 5-HT) and backward (5-HT followed by Ca 2§ sequences. Peak AC activity during response to paired Ca 2§ and 5-HT pulses is expressed as percent of basal AC activity. AC activity was determined by collecting perfusate during consecutive 6-sec intervals and determining 32P-labeled cAMP synthesized from [c~32P]ATP. The difference between peak stimulation with forward and backward pairing was highly consistent and significant within preparations (P < 0.001, two-tailed paired t-test; n = 6); moreover, the profiles of stimulation over time were significantly different F(9,45) = 17.2, P < 0.001). (Because both basal activity and AC stimulation vary substantially among prepara- tions, all comparisons are made within preparations. Each stimulus condition in this and subsequent figures was assayed in duplicate on each preparation.)


AND Ca 2+

Mthough the valve had an internal volume of <6 ~1 and p roduced a relatively square pulse of Ca z+ or 5-HT, the filter itself conta ined -100 ~al of solution; thus, wi th the f low rate used, the ligand concentra t ion increased and decreased gradually at the membranes . To de termine the rate of solution change, the ratio of two solutions during and after a pulse was measured wi th radioactivity detector f low cell immedia te ly downs t ream from the filter

c h a m b e r and 32p in one of the solutions. The 5-HT concentra t ion during and after a pulse of transmit- ter is directly proport ional to the ratio of assay solutions wi th and wi thout transmitter at the mem- branes (Fig. 1A). The free Ca z+ concentra t ion dur- ing and after a Ca z+ pulse (Fig. 1A) was calculated from the rate of solution change data and the con- centrat ions of EGTA, C a 2+ and Mg z+ in the high and low Ca z+ solutions, by using an iterative compute r program and publ i shed association constants for CaZ+-EGTA, Mg2+-EGTA, and H+-EGTA (Blinks et

al. 1 982).

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3S0- A Figure 2: Ca 2+ and 5-HT produce less than additive stimulation of AC. AC ac- ~ tivity was assayed in Aplysia neural [ 3oo- membranes under steady-state condi- -~ tions with a range of concentrations of ~,,. 250 5-HT, from 100 nM tO 100 IJM, in either .~, 10 nM or 1.5 I.IM free Ca 2+ with llAM F- 200

O CaM. (A) AC activity expressed as per- < cent of AC basal activity [(�9 with 5-HT; 0 1so (@) with 5-HT + Ca2+]. (B) Ca 2§ stimula- tion vs. 5-HT concentration. Ca 2+ stimu- 100

lation is expressed as either percent of basal AC activity as in A (11) or as per-

B 4O

z O 30

~ 2o I--



i i i i

0 0.1 1 10 100 [SHT] (~M)

Abrams et al.

i i i i i

0 0.1 1 10 100 [5HT] (IxM)

cent of AC activity in low Ca 2+ with the same concentration of 5-HT(A). Note, as 5-HT stimulation of AC increases, net Ca 2§ stimulation decreases. As suggested in Discussion, this reduction in Ca 2+ stimulation may actually represent a decrease in GTP stimulation caused by Ca2+/CaM.


Statistical analysis of peak AC stimulation or of total cAMP synthesis was done wi th within-prepa- ration compar isons and a paired t-test. Compari- sons of profiles of AC stimulation over time were done wi th a repea ted measures ANOVA wi th 2 wi th in-prepara t ion factors ( t rea tment and time) testing t rea tment x t ime interactions. Rate con- stants for decay of AC stimulation were est imated by fitting exponent ia l funct ions to the falling phase of data wi th Igor sof tware (Wavemetrics , Lake Os- wego, OR). All data are p resen ted as mean + S.E.M.



To bet ter s tudy the effect of CaZ+/CaM on 5- HT activation of AC by transient t ransmit ter stimuli, w e improved the f low characterist ics of the c h a m b e r that houses the filter wi th the neural m e m b r a n e s and reduced the d iameter of the filter; the 5-HT pulse n o w terminated more rapidly, with- out the long tail p resen t in previous exper iments (Fig. 1A) (Yovell and Abrams 1992). As in the pre- vious study (Yovell and Abrams 1992), activation of AC in per fused neural m e m b r a n e s was substan- tially greater w h e n a Ca 2+ pulse immediately pre- ceded the 5-HT pulse ( forward pairing) than w h e n Ca 2+ immediate ly fol lowed the t ransmit ter pulse

(backward pairing) (Fig. 1C) (peak stimulation above basal - 263 _ 32% vs. 129 _+ 3%, P < 0.001; these and all o the r data are expressed as mean + S.E.M.). Because of differences of several-

fold in both basal activity and amoun t of transmit- ter stimulation among groups of animals, all com- parisons are made wi th in exper iments (see Mate- rials and Methods). In the presen t exper iments , because the improved rate of solution change, the Ca 2+ pulse reached a substantially h igher peak level ( -600 p i ) than in previous exper iments (0.3- 10 UM) (Yovell and Abrams 1992). Thus, the se- quence preference of AC for Ca 2+ preced ing 5-HT

is relatively insensitive to the precise peak level of free Ca 2+ during a pulse.


Yovell and Abrams (1992) had repor ted a lack of synergism w h e n Ca2+/CaM and 5-HT are paired in steady-state assays in w h i c h both stimuli are pre- sent for the durat ion of the assay. In exper iments in wh ich a range of 5-HT concent ra t ions were tested wi th or wi thou t st imulatory Ca 2+, w e n o w observed that at maximally effective concentra- tions of 5-HT, the st imulatory effect of Ca2+/CaM actually disappeared. Thus, 30 ~lM 5-HT plus Ca 2+

p roduced no greater activation of Aplysia neural AC than 30 la~l 5-HT alone (Fig. 2A). Indeed, abso- lute stimulation by Ca 2+ decreased in a graded man- ner as the concent ra t ion of 5-HT increased (Fig. 2B). [Less-than-additive stimulation by 5-HT plus Ca 2+ was presen t in the earlier results of Yovell and

Abrams (1992) al though it was not cons idered to be a real effect because of limited data.] This lack

of e n h a n c e m e n t of 5-HT stimulation of AC was also observed w h e n transient Ca 2+ and 5-HT stimuli

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were given simultaneously or wi th substantial overlap; for example, in one series of exper iments , s imultaneous onset did not p roduce significantly different peak AC stimulation as compared wi th backward pairing [415 _ 28% vs. 392 -+ 29%, peak stimulation as pe rcen t of basal, n = 6 (L. Lee, un- publ.)].




One reason that s imultaneous transient Ca 2+ and 5-HT stimuli may not show effective synergism is that the response to a Ca 2+ pulse is actually de- layed. Figure 3 compares the t ime course of the responses to separate 6-sec Ca 2+ and 5-HT pulses.

Because there is no reliable st imulation by a C a 2+

pulse in the p resence of GTP, the Ca 2+ responses were measured in the absence of GTP. Under these conditions, the 5-HT stimulation rose earlier than the C a 2+ stimulation. Because the 6-sec fraction du- ration, over w h i c h cAMP synthesis is integrated, limits the tempora l resolution of these experi- ments , it is not possible to de termine precisely the delay b e t w e e n the peaks of the responses. How- ever, given that the interval in wh ich stimulation first appea red was two fractions earlier wi th 5-HT than wi th C a 2+ (Fig. 3) and given the difference b e t w e e n the rising phases of the stimuli in Figure 1A, there must be a temporal shift of at least 2.7 sec in the onset of the two responses. The peaks of the two responses appear to be shifted by -1 .9 sec (Fig. 3); this estimate, though, has substantial un- certainty because of the fraction size. In another series of exper iments , we studied the response to steps of C a 2+ and 5-HT. The onset of stimulation by

the 5-HT step occur red significantly earlier than the initial st imulation by the Ca 2+ step (P < 0.01,

n = 9, two-tailed t-test). A compar i son of the rising phase of the responses to these steps suggested that 50% activation wi th 5-HT occur red -1 .0 sec earlier than 50% activation by Ca 2+ (data not shown) . In summary, these results indicate that 5- HT stimulation rises faster than Ca2+/CaM stimula- tion of AC. Although little or n o C a 2+ stimulation is detectable in the p resence of GTP, we suggest that the relevant modula tory effect of Ca2+/CaM on the activation of AC by receptor-Gs (which ocurs in the p resence of GTP) is likely to occur wi th the same time course as the Ca2+/CaM stimulation (charac-

terized here in the absence of GTP) (see Discus- sion).

Figure 3: Time course of activation of Aplysia neural AC by a 6-sec pulse of either Ca 2§ or 5-HT. To allow comparison of the time courses of the responses, differ- ent vertical axes were used for the two stimuli; thus, stimulation with the Ca 2§ pulse (I-1) was much smaller than with the 5-HT pulse (A): 1.54 + 0.17-fold (n = 6) vs. 6.01 _+ 0.56-fold (n = 3). At its peak the Ca 2+ pulse (dark stippled area) reached 600 IJM, and the 5-HT pulse (light stippled area) reached 16 pM. To facilitate com- parison of the rising phase of the two responses, we have aligned the two sets of data so that the effective onsets of the two stimuli coincide in the graph (in contrast, in Fig. 1 A, it is evident that after the beginning of a pulse, Ca 2§ actually rises more slowly than 5-HT). (Because the magnitude of 5-HT and Ca 2§ stimulation varies among preparations, the level of peak activation should not be compared across experiments.)


On the basis of several lines of evidence, Yov- ell and Abrams (1992) p roposed that a prepulse of Ca z+ may accelerate the rate of AC activation by a

pulse of 5-HT. However , direct determinat ion of the effect of Ca z+ on the rate of AC activation

proved difficult, primarily because the t ime course of activation was rapid compared wi th the tempo- ral resolution of the perfused m e m b r a n e assay (Yovell and Abrams 1992). If elevated Ca z+ in-

creases the rate of receptor-G s activation of AC, we hypothes ized that it might also accelerate the de- cay of AC activation w h e n the t ransmit ter pulse

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ends. Consistent wi th this possibility, the differ- ence b e t w e e n pairing wi th CaZ+-before-5-HT and pairing wi th 5-HT-before-Ca 2+ tended to be greater than the difference b e t w e e n pairing wi th Ca2+-be- fore-5-HT and a 5-HT pulse alone (YoveU and Abrams 1992). To independen t ly test the hypoth- esis that cae+ /caM binding inf luences the rate of receptor-G s interact ions wi th AC, we examined the effects of a late Ca 2+ pulse on the decay phase of AC stimulation by a 5-HT pulse. Because the decay phase of 5-HT activation is substantially s lower than the rising phase, it is possible to more accu- rately de te rmine changes in the decay of activa- tion.

To separate effects of Ca 2+ on peak AC activa- tion from effects on the decay of activation, the Ca 2+ pulse was del ivered after 5-HT available to the membranes had decreased be low the threshold concent ra t ion for st imulating AC (Figs. 1A, 2, and 4). The Ca 2+ exposure began - 4 sec after 5-HT

dropped be low 100 riM, w h i c h was <0.6% of the peak concentra t ion during the t ransmit ter pulse; 100 nM 5-HT is the minimal concentra t ion for de- tectable st imulation of AC in Aplysia neural mem- branes (Jarrard et al. 1993; Fig. 2) and one order of magni tude lower than the ECso for the AC-coupled 5-HT receptor (I.E. Cohen and T.W. Abrams, un- publ.). The decay of 5-HT stimulation could be measured more accurately than previously possible because the reduced volume of the valve and filter; we were n o w able to observe some persis tent AC activation after 5-HT elimination, w h i c h had not been detected by Yovell et al. (1987). In the ab- sence of a late Ca 2+ pulse, AC activation decayed to basal levels -1 min after free 5-HT was washed from the membranes . Consistent wi th the predic- tion that Ca 2+ would accelerate the decay of AC activation by receptor-Gs, we found that the decay of 5-HT stimulation was substantially faster w h e n a pulse of Ca 2+ was given after 5-HT washout (Fig.

Figure 4: Effect of a late Ca 2§ pulse on the decay of AC stimulation after 5-HT exposure. (A) A 6-sec 5-HT pulse was delivered either alone (I-l) or followed by a Ca 2+ pulse (11). The profiles below show timing of 5-HT (light stippled area) and Ca 2§ (dark stippled area) exposures. Perfusion with the high Ca 2§ assay solution began 12 sec after the 5-HT pulse was terminated; the Ca 2§ concentration rose into a stimulatory range -4 sec later. Ca 2§ alone (�9 is the response to the same Ca 2§ pulse (in the presence of GTP) without prior exposure to 5-HT (n = 6). AC activity during each 6-sec interval is expressed as percent of basal activity. Note that AC activity throughout the decaying phase of 5-HT stimulation was significantly decreased by the brief Ca 2§ pulse F(8,40) = 10.6, P < 0.001). Whereas Ca 2§ alone has a transient inhibitory effect, this reduction in activity lasted only during the Ca 2§ pulse and therefore cannot directly account for the sustained reduction in AC activity produced by the Ca 2§ pulse after a 5-HT exposure. 5-HT and Ca 2§ buffer concentrations were as in Fig. 1. [Error bars (S.E.M.) are frequently smaller than symbols.] (B) Total stimulation of cAMP synthesis after washout of 5-HT, with and without a late Ca 2§ pulse. To emphasize the overall effect of the late Ca 2§ pulse on cAMP synthesis during the decay phase of stimulation, the total stimulated synthesis of cAMP (minus basal synthesis) is plotted from the time of onset of the Ca 2§ pulse. Data from experiments in A.

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4A). In the first 6 sec after 5-HT was eliminated, AC stimulation decl ined 49.6 _+ 1.6% w h e n a late Ca 2+ pulse was given as compared wi th a decrease of 35.8-+ 1.8% wi thout a Ca 2+ pulse (the overall de- cay phase of the st imulation was significantly al- tered by the C a 2+ pulse; F(8,40) = 10.6, P < 0.001, n = 6; repeated measures ANOVA testing the t reatment x t ime interaction). In the two 6-sec fractions during w h i c h the Ca 2+ elevation oc- curred, the rate constant for decay of AC stimula- t ion increased significantly (from 0.098-+ 0.004/ sec wi th 5-HT alone to 0.170 _+ O.007/sec wi th a late C a 2+ pulse; P < 0.002, two-tailed paired t-test). This effect on the decay rate of AC activation was transient; by the first 6-sec fraction after free C a 2+

had declined, the decay rate was no longer in- creased. Although the accelerat ion of the decay rate occurs only during the Ca 2+ pulse, its conse- quences are longer lasting. The decrease in AC ac- tivity wi th a late Ca 2+ pulse compared wi th 5-HT alone remained significant unti l the activity had decayed to near basal levels, that is, >30 sec (Fig. 4A). Thus, Ca 2+ appears to accelerate the decay of AC activation by 5-HT, rather than produc ing tran- sient inhibit ion. In the absence of GTP, this same C a 2+ pulse was stimulatory, p roduc ing peak stimu- lation of 54 +_ 17% above basal (Fig. 3). In contrast, in the p resence of GTP, the Ca 2+ pulse alone pro- duced a transient decrease in AC activity (Fig. 4, Ca 2+ ALONE); this br ief effect cannot account quantitatively for the long-duration effect on the decaying phase of 5-HT stimulation, w h i c h is evi- dent wel l after C a 2+ disappears. (The reason for the swi tch in the direct ion of the transient Ca 2+ effect w h e n GTP is present is considered in Discussion.)

Yovell and Abrams (1992) had found that the difference b e t w e e n forward versus backward pair- ing could be reduced or e l iminated by omitt ing exogenous CaM. [It is often not possible to entirely el iminate CaM-mediated effects by omit t ing exog- enous CaM because neural membranes contain ap- preciable endogenous CaM that is difficult to re- move comple te ly (Eliot et al. 1989).] In two experi- ments, w e examined the effect of C a 2+ o n the decay phase of 5-HT st imulation in the absence of exogenous CaM. Although the late Ca 2+ pulse still accelerated the decay of 5-HT stimulation, the de- cay rate during the C a 2+ pulse (mean rate con- stant = 0.118 _+ 0.O14/sec) was significantly less than in the presence of exogenous CaM (P < 0.05, two-tailed t-test), suggesting that the accelerat ion in decay rate is media ted via CaM.

Although compared wi th the peak of 5-HT

stimulation, this effect of a br ief Ca 2+ pulse on AC activity during the pro longed decaying phase of st imulation appears modes t (Fig. 4A), it could well be physiologically significant. In Figure 4B, we compare the integral of total st imulated cAMP syn- thesis over the 54-sec per iod in the decaying phase from the t ime the Ca 2+ exposure occurs; the brief Ca 2+ pulse resulted in a 1.96-fold reduct ion in total st imulated cAMP synthesis during this late phase of

the response.


If the accelerat ion by Ca 2+ of the decay of AC activation is due to modulat ion of receptor-G s in- teractions wi th AC, there should not be a C a 2+-

d e p e n d e n t increase in the rate of decay of activa- t ion of AC wi th compounds such as forskolin (Seamon and Daly 1986) that stimulate AC directly, rather than via G s. To test this predict ion, we sub- stituted for 5-HT a pulse of the water-soluble for- skolin analog deacetyl-N-methyl-piperazino-butyryl forskolin (dampb-Forsk) . A C a 2+ pulse del ivered after dampb-Forsk washout did not accelerate the decay of AC activation but instead p roduced syn- ergistic st imulation of AC, compared wi th a C a 2+

pulse alone (in the absence of GTP) (Fig. 5). These assays wi th dampb-Forsk were conduc ted in the absence of GTP to allow direct compar ison wi th the st imulation that can be measured by a C a 2+

pulse in the absence of GTP. We also conduc ted similar exper iments wi th a dampb-Forsk pulse in the p resence of GTP. Although the st imulation (as a percen t of basal activity) by dampb-Forsk was substantially less than in the absence of GTP, the st imulation profiles were qualitatively the same: A peak of Ca 2+ st imulation sat super imposed on the falling phase of dampb-Forsk stimulation, and the two stimuli activated AC synergistically (data not shown).

D i s c u s s i o n

In a n u m b e r of exper imenta l systems, associa- tive interactions b e t w e e n stimuli wi th in the CNS have been found to occur at the level of dually regulated molecules (Bourne and Nicoll 1993). In Aplysia sensory neurons, the dually regulated Ca2+/CaM-sensitive AC provides one site of asso- ciative convergence b e t w e e n Ca 2+ influx and facili-

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Abrams et al.

Figure 5: Effect of a late Ca 2+ pulse on the decay of AC stimulation after dampb-Forsk exposure. (A) A 6-sec pulse of 100 ~IM dampb-Forsk was delivered either alone (D) or followed by a Ca 2§ pulse (11) (n = 4). Per- fusion with the high Ca 2§ assay solution began 18 sec after the dampb-Forsk pulse was terminated. Ca 2+ alone (�9 is the response to this same Ca 2§ pulse, in assays without GTP, plotted on the same scale axes (data are from Fig. 3) (n = 6). To enable comparison, the Ca 2§ alone graph is shifted vertically so that basal activity (100%) aligns with the dampb-Forsk alone response at the time of the Ca 2+ pulse (indicated by w and the broken line). Note that the late Ca 2§ pulse during the decaying phase of the forskolin response did not accelerate the decay but rather activated AC synergistically. (It is diffi- cult to compare stimulation across experiments; how- ever, the Ca 2§ stimulation during the forskolin response was 162% of basal, calculated by subtracting the activity at the same time point in the forskolin response without Ca 2§ which is more than twofold greater than has been seen with Ca 2§ pulses alone.) A longer delay was used between the dampb-Forsk and Ca 2§ pulses than with the 5-HT pulse (Fig. 4) because the forskolin response de- cays more slowly than the 5-HT response. Data for dampb-Forsk and dampb-Forsk plus late Ca 2§ are from experiments on four preparations; data for Ca 2§ alone without GTP were obtained in the same six preparations in which responses to Ca 2§ pulses alone with GTP were studied (shown in Fig. 4). No GTP was present in the dampb-Forsk experiment assay solutions. [Error bars (S.E.M.) may be smaller than symbols.]

ta tory transmitter . During condit ioning of the de- fensive wi thdrawal response, these two cellular stimuli are t r iggered by the CS and US, respec- tively. Consistent wi th the proposal that conver-

gence at this molecular site plays an impor tant role in initiating neural plasticity during conditioning,

Aplysia neural AC shows a sequence preference analogous to the CS-US sequence requ i rement of conditioning: Ca 2+ preceding t ransmit ter p roduces more powerfu l activation than Ca 2+ following

t ransmit ter (Fig. 1; Yovell and Abrams 1992). The difference b e t w e e n forward and back-

ward pairing of Ca 2+ and 5-HT has n o w been ob- served wi th the peak Ca 2+ concent ra t ion during the pulse ranging f rom <1 ~ti to 600 ~aM (Fig. 1; Yovell and Abrams 1992). Thus, the sequence pref- e rence of AC occurs over a wide range of peak Ca 2+ levels, though the forward versus backward difference was somewha t greater wi th larger Ca 2+ pulses. This sensitivity to Ca 2+ is in part a reflection of the Ca 2+ affinity of CaM, in the micromolar

range (Maune et al. 1992); however , because CaM concentra t ions are relatively high, bo th in these assays and in the cell, only a small pe rcen tage of CaM needs to bind Ca z+ for AC to be modula ted

(J.E. Galun, C.U. Onyike, and T.W. Abrams, in prep.; Tang et al. 1991). In neurons, Ca 2+ levels at regions of influx can very briefly approach 1 m i during an action potential (Adler et al. 1991; Rob- erts et al. 1991; Llinas et al. 1992; Heidelberger et al. 1994); in contrast, shortly after a series of action potentials, Ca 2+ levels remain elevated in the range

of hundreds of nM (e.g., Blumenfeld et al. 1990). Our data suggest that fo rward pairing wou ld pro- duce more effective AC activation than backward pairing over a broad range of increases in free Ca 2+

levels benea th the m e m b r a n e of neurons, bo th dur- ing and shortly after a train of action potentials.


Yovell and Abrams (1992) observed that for- ward pairing increased the initial activation of AC by t ransmit ter compared wi th both 5-HT alone and backward pairing. They p roposed that CaM bind- ing to AC might accelerate the rate of AC activation by receptor-G s, wh ich wou ld have the conse- quence of increasing the peak AC stimulation achieved w h e n t ransmit ter is p resen t only briefly. We fur ther hypothes ized that CaM binding might increase the rates of transition in both directions b e t w e e n the activated and deact ivated forms of the Gs-AC complex. Thus, ff Ca2+/CaM w e r e bound to

AC w h e n a 5-HT exposure terminated, the rate of

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decay of activated AC might be accelerated. We tested this predic t ion and observed that a C a 2+

pulse arriving after 5-HT washout p roduced a de- crease in AC activity during the per iod in w h i c h activation persisted (Fig. 4).

It is important to dist inguish w h e t h e r this de- crease in AC activity represents an acceleration of the decay of 5-HT stimulation or s imply Ca 2+ inhi- bi t ion of AC. Ca 2+ has a biphasic effect on CaM- sensitive AC; in termediate levels of Ca 2+ stimulate AC activity, via CaM, and high levels of Ca 2+ di- rectly inhibi t AC, i ndependen t of CaM (Brostrom et al. 1977; Yovell et al. 1992; Wu et al. 1993). Several observations suggest that the difference in the de- cay phase because of a late Ca 2+ pulse does not result f rom direct inhibi t ion of AC: (1) W h e n the same Ca 2+ pulse was del ivered in the absence of GTP and transmitter, st imulation was observed, rather than inhibi t ion (Fig. 3); thus, the C a 2+ pulse used must not have been large enough to produce net inhibi t ion of AC. (2) W h e n a late C a 2+ pulse was given fol lowing a pulse of dampb-Forsk (which, unlike transmitter, directly activates AC, independen t ly of G 0, C a 2+ stimulation interacted synergistically wi th the decaying phase of the dampb-Forsk response, wi th no evidence of inhi- bition. (3) Typically, w h e n CaM is absent and a Ca 2+ pulse produces direct AC inhibit ion, the ef- fect is transient, occurr ing in only one or two 6-sec fractions (I.E. Galun, C.U. Onyike, and T.W. Abrams, in prep.). In contrast, the late Ca 2+ pulse reduced AC activity for as long as the 5-HT stimu- lation persisted. Thus, this C a 2+ effect appears to decrease the residual 5-HT stimulation after the t ransmit ter has been removed from the mem- branes and is no longer available to reactivate the enzyme. In summary, these results suggest that a late increase in Ca 2+ after the d isappearance of 5- HT accelerates the loss of the residual AC activa- tion.

If the C a 2+ pulse does not have a direct inhibi- tory effect on AC, w h y in the presence of GTP did this same pulse result in a transient decrease in AC activity (Fig. 4, Ca 2+ ALONE)? In Aplysia neural membranes , exposure to GTP alone, in the ab- sence of transmitter, c o m m o n l y produces a three- to fourfold increase in AC activity, p resumably by l imited activation of Gs. The transient inhibi t ion of GTP-activated AC by the Ca 2+ pulse may be related to the less-than-additive AC stimulation by Ca 2+ plus 5-HT that we observed under steady-state con- ditions (Fig. 2). We propose that in these steady- state assays, rather than transmit ter and G s block-

ing Ca 2§ stimulation, Ca2+/CaM may be producing

a modes t decrease in the effective activation of AC by G S. Consistent wi th this interpretation, w h e n Aplysia AC has been preact ivated wi th 5-HT wi th the GTP analog GTP~/S, w h i c h eliminates GTP hy- drolysis and Gs dissociation from AC, there is no decrease in the activation by Ca2+/CaM (Abrams et al. 1991). In the case of the Ca 2+ pulse in the pres- ence of GTP, CaZ+/CaM may also be acting to de- crease AC stimulation by Gs; because GTP is pre- sent continuously, after the Ca 2§ pulse has ended Gs-GTP is able to reactivate AC, restoring the origi- nal level of activated AC (Fig. 4, C a 2+ ALONE).

A possible m e c h a n i s m for this p roposed Ca2§ CaM-induced decrease in AC activation by G~ emerges from the hypothesis that CaM alters the rates of transit ion of the Gs-AC complex be tween the activated and deactivated states. Mthough the evidence suggests that Ca2+/CaM binding increases the rates in both directions, there may be a slightly greater increase in the rate of deactivation. Thus, in the case of both steady-state assays wi th 5-HT and GTP, and perfused m e m b r a n e assays wi th GTP pre- sent continuously, Ca2+/CaM may shift the equilib- r ium slightly, decreasing the fraction of AC mol- ecules in the activated state. Under steady-state condit ions wi th all stimuli constant, such effects of Ca2+/CaM on the net activation of AC are fairly modest. On the other hand, if the amount of acti- vated G s is increasing or decreasing (i.e., w h e n transmitter arrives or disappears), a C a 2+ pulse ap- pears to have a relatively dramatic effect on the rate at w h i c h AC activity changes.



Mthough the effects of the late Ca 2+ pulse on total AC stimulation may appear modes t (Fig. 4), they could wel l be physiologically significant. W h e n activity in Aplysia sensory neurons is paired wi th facilitatory input, backward pairing produces significant facilitation of synaptic t ransmission from these cells, al though forward pairing is -75% more effective (Clark et al. 1994). Thus, the differ- ences in AC activation b e t w e e n forward and back- ward pairing (Fig. 1; Yovell and Abrams 1992) may be sufficient to account for the sequence depen- dence of synaptic facilitation. The accelerated de- cay of AC activation wi th backward pairing (Fig. 4) could contr ibute substantially to a difference in to-

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tal cAMP synthesis and, therefore, to the difference in synaptic facilitation b e t w e e n forward and back- ward pairing.

It is appeal ing that a single molecular mecha- nism, a change in the rates of activation and deac- tivation of Gs-stimulated AC, could both enhance AC stimulation wi th forward pair ing and reduce st imulation wi th backward pairing; both of these effects would together contr ibute to a sequence preference w h e r e forward pairing is substantially more effective than backward. One expecta t ion would be that behavioral training wi th backward pairing would be less effective in causing enhance- ment of subsequent responses to a CS than com- pletely unpa i red presenta t ions of the US and CS. Indeed, studies of vertebrate condi t ioning para- digms have shown that backward presentat ion of a CS, w h i c h at o ther t imes is p resented before the US, interferes wi th the animal 's learning to recog- nize this CS as a predic tor of the US (Kaplan 1984; Ewing et al. 1985). In the condi t ioning of the de- fensive wi thdrawal reflex of Aplysia, there is also a small ( though not statistically significant) reduc- t ion in the response to a backward paired CS com- pared wi th an unpa i red CS (Hawkins et al. 1986).


In most forms of classical condit ioning, simul- taneous st imulus onset is substantially less effective than forward, CS-US pairing. For example, in con- di t ioning of the rabbit eye-blink reflex, wi th simul- taneous presenta t ions of a tone and an air puff, the animal does not learn to bl ink to the tone (Smith et al. 1969). Similarly, s imultaneous CS and US onset is relatively ineffective in the condi t ioning of the defensive wi thdrawal reflex of Aplysia. How might the dually regulated Ca/+/CaM-sensitive AC dis- cr iminate against s imultaneous st imulus onset? We identif ied a proper ty of AC activation that would cause activation to be more effective if Ca 2+ arrived before 5-HT: Activation by Ca2+/CaM has a delayed onset (Fig. 3). This delayed activation could ac- count for opt imal activation wi th forward, Ca 2+. before-transmitter, pair ing if Ca2+/CaM effects on AC activation by G s fol low the same t ime course as the Ca2+/CaM activation of the enzyme. We have made the assumpt ion that these two effects of Ca2+/CaM, AC st imulation and modulat ion of re- ceptor-Gs interact ions wi th AC, depend on the

same molecular interaction. We believe that this is a reasonable assumption; in the case of the mam- malian type I AC, w h i c h has been c loned and ana- lyzed in some detail, a single CaM binding site has

been identif ied (Wu et al. 1993). The relatively crude temporal resolution of the

perfused m e m b r a n e assay, because of the 6-sec- fraction duration, limits our ability to de termine precisely h o w m u c h the Ca 2+ response is delayed compared wi th the 5-HT response. With Ca 2+ and 5-HT pulses, we est imated that peaks of the two responses were shifted by -1 .9 sec; our estimate of the shift in the rising phases of the responses to steps of Ca 2+ and 5-HT was - 1 sec. However, as we emphasized, given the l imited temporal resolution, these are only estimates of the magni tude of the shift in the two responses. In classical condi t ioning of the defensive wi thdrawal reflex, st imulus pair- ing is most effective w h e n the onset of the CS precedes the onset of the US by -0 .5 sec. The tem- poral shift observed here in the response of AC to a C a 2+ pulse is undoubted ly severalfold longer. There is, however , also a substantial difference in the durat ion of the Ca 2+ stimulus used in these b iochemica l assays, - 6 sec, and the Ca 2+ signals in sensory neurons of the CS pa thway during a br ief burst of spikes. In behavioral exper iments , the weak s iphon touch CS probably elicited only a very br ief burst of a few spikes in sensory neurons (II- l ich and Waiters, 1997); in electrophysiological studies of associative synaptic facilitation these sensory neurons were activated artificially for only 0.5 sec or less (Hawkins et al. 1983; Waiters and Byrne, 1983; Clark et al. 1994). Thus, the Ca 2+ sig- nal in the sensory neurons during the CS is prob- ably m u c h briefer than the Ca 2+ stimulus used in these assays. This difference in durat ion could un- derlie a difference in the opt imal delay b e t w e e n the Ca 2+ signal and 5-HT stimulus. It is unfortunate that wi th the present assay system, given the lim- ited level of enzyme activity in Aplysia neural membranes , we can not increase the f low rate to p roduce briefer solution changes that would more closely approximate the t iming of the Ca 2+ and 5-HT signals that the sensory neurons exper ience . Perhaps, this will be possible wi th another assay system in the future.

Mthough the Ca2+/CaM-sensitive AC is present in mammal i an brain whe re it could play a role in condit ioning, there are likely to be mult iple mo- lecular mechan i sms in the CNS for the formation of associations. In addit ion to the NMDA receptor and the Ca2+/CaM-sensitive AC, other molecules in-

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volved in second-messenger cascades may funct ion as convergence sites, gating associative plastic changes (Shibuki and Okada, 1991; Zhuo et al. 1993). Interestingly, other forms of AC may be able to be activated in an associative m a n n e r by sub- units of mult iple G proteins (Tang and Gilman, 1991; Federman et al. 1992). The part icular mecha- n ism discussed here in w h i c h a Ca 2+ prepulse en- hances the rate of activation of AC is probably only impor tant wi th br ief USs. With pro longed USs, ac- tivation of AC would reach a steady-state level even wi thout pairing. However, even wi th a pro longed US, Ca 2+ modulat ion of the Gs-AC c o m p l e x might still reduce the efficacy of backward pairing be- cause the decay phase of AC activation would be accelerated.

Acknowledgments The experimental results cited were obtained with

support from National Institutes of Health grants (NS 25788 and MH 55880) to T.W.A. We thank Steve Fluharty, David Manning, and Eric Kandel for critically reading and commenting on an earlier version of this manuscript. Lawrence Lee provided valuable technical help with the assays. We are grateful to Steve Beuaupre for advising us on the statistical analysis.

The publication costs of this article were defrayed in part by payment of page charges. This article must therefore be hereby marked "advertisement" in accordance with 18 USC section 1734 solely to indicate this fact.

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Received December 17, 1997; accepted in revised form February 27, 1998.

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  T W Abrams, Y Yovell, C U Onyike, et al.   during conditioning.Aplysia: possible contribution to CS--US sequence requirementcalcium and transmitter stimuli in activating adenylyl cyclase in Analysis of sequence-dependent interactions between transient



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