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Transcript of aphajaÆ - jgsk.or.krjgsk.or.kr/xml/11011/11011.pdf · Þ 800 m v% E eT ½ Ñ , 1800 ¥a Õ+% 1õ...

  • 53 3, p. 377-386, (2017 6)

    J. Geol. Soc. Korea, v. 53, no. 3, p. 377-386, (June 2017)

    DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.14770/jgsk.2017.53.3.377

    ISSN 0435-4036 (Print)ISSN 2288-7377 (Online)

    Corresponding author: +82-42-868-3944, E-mail: jhchoi@kigam.re.kr



    1 2

    . , () . () . 1900 . 500 , , 1900 . 1500 (1530) 800 m , 1800 (1751) (1872) . 1500 1800 , . .

    : , , , ,

    Wook-Hyun Nahm and Junghae Choi, 2017, Late Holocene sea level changes inferred from the traditional salt (Jayeom) production of the Gomso Bay, Korea. Journal of the Geological Society of Korea. v. 53,

    no. 3, p. 377-386

    ABSTRACT: The traditional salt of Korea is the boiled salt obtained by boiling the sea water. In the Gomso bay around Buan and Gochang areas, people made a salt field on tidal flat sediments to obtain dense salt water. At this time, the location of the salt field would be on the most upper part of the tidal flat where the sea water comes in only at the time of spring tides. Based on the records of ancient documents, the locations of the salt field in the area of Gumdang village of the Gomso bay have been changed during the historical period. In the early 1900s, the salt fields were in front of Gumdang village. Several tide embankments around the Gomso Bay including Byokgolje (Gimje), Nullje (Joengeup), and Hwangdeungje (Iksan) were believed to be build in around AD 300-500. Based on this, the salt field sites would have been similar in about AD 500. In around AD 1500, "Sinjeung Donggukyeojiseungram" (, 1530) reported the locations of the salt field were moved about 800 m toward the sea. However, the records from "Taekliji" (, 1751) and "County map" (, 1872) suggest that the salt field were moved back on the recent positions. The salt field positions of the 1500s and the 1800s differ and imply that the sea level positions have been changed. Such sea level changes inferred from the historical records closely coincides with regional and global sea level variations.

    Key words: Gomso Bay, salt production, Jayeom, holocene, sea level change

    (Wook-Hyun Nahm, Geologic Environment Division, Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources, Daejeon 34132, Republic of Korea; Junghae Choi, Climate Change Mitigation and Sustainability Division, Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources, Daejeon 34132, Republic of Korea)


  • 378


    Shepard and Suess (1956)




    , (isostasy)

    , , ,


    (Vink et al.,


    (Dangendorf et al., 2015).




    , , ,








    , , ,



    and Yoon, 2013).



    , .






    2. ( )


    , ,


    (Kim, Y.D.,

    2008). , (), (),

    , ,




    82-3 .

    (, ).

    , 2


    , 5-6

    . 3 ( 4 20 )



  • () 379

    Fig. 1. 3-D map showing the geomorphology of the study area (around the Gomso Bay).




    ( 1).


    7-9 km, 20 km

    . ,

    , , , ,

    (Yoo, 2009).

    . (1861)

    ( )


    , 1920


    study area

  • 380

    Fig. 2. Ancient maps showing the geography of the study area, (a) Daedongyeo-jido, 1861, (b) Gwangyeo-do, 1800?, (c) Chosun Paldo-jido, 1700?, (d) Daedong Bangyeo-jeondo, 1861.

    () , (1451)

    () () (

    ) . (),

    () , ()

    1920-1930 (Kim,

    H.J., 2008). , (1800)

    (), (1700) (1861) () ,

    () ( 2).

    , ,

    . .

    (509 m),

    (459 m), (400 m), (491 m) ,

    (444 m), (444 m), (433

    m) .


    . , , ,


    29.3 km . (),

    , (


  • () 381

    15.7 km (Hong, 2008).

    . (tidal constituents)

    (semidiurnal tides), 4.3 m

    ( 6.0 m, 3.5 m)

    (macrotidal) .

    . ''

    , 20 m




    (Lee, 2010).

    , 2006 12

    4.9 km2

    , 2008

    1 10.4


    . 2010 2

    4.9 km2 10.4 km2

    30.2 km2 45.5


    () 1%

    . , 2014

    2487 km2 2.5%

    . 118.2 km2

    , 4.8% .

    (1) ,


    , (2) , (3)

    , (4) , ,



    list) .



    . , , ,

    , , , , , , , ,



    . (, 1751)

    , , ()


    (1756-?) 22

    23(1799) () ()

    ' ()

    ' .

    1920 .

    , ,

    . 1875

    , 1920 1950



    (), (), ()


    , 1958



    . (,

    , 1808)


    (), , , ,

    , , , , , ,

    (Yu, 2001).

    3.2 ( )


    . (, ,

    , 1472) ()

    . (, )

    , (,




  • 382








    150 m), 1 (1952,

    530 m), (1955,

    786 m),

    (1956, 354 m),

    (1961, 594 m),

    (1972, 240 m),

    (1975, 1,940 m),

    2 (1975, 1,300 m),

    (1999, 975 ) .



    (1945), (1945),


    (1987) (Kim,

    Y.J., 2004).

    , 1900


    (Hong, 2008).


    , .

    . 18-19


    , , , , ,

    (Hong, 1994).

    21 27(1751),

    , ,

    . (, 1926)

    () () (

    ) ' '

    () (),

    () ... ,


    (, ) .

    27 24

    (577), ()





    3 .



    , 1500

    () () .

    (Lee, 2011).



    , ()

    . 1907

    1( 3)

    , 1910 10



    . ,

    , , ,


    . , ,

    . 1944 2,835

    ( 850) .



  • () 383



    , ,

    . , 1979


    ) , (Yu,










    , :

    , , :

    , , :


    (Kim, 2002).

    , ,



    (Kim, E.H., 2004). 10%





    () (Park, 2008).




    , 7-8



    (, ) .


    () .

    400-500 m


    (Kim, 2009).

    4. ( )


    (), (


    . 11 27






    (Park et al., 2003; Kim, H.K., 2008).

    , ,




    (KIGAM, 2014,

    2016). 3 m

    , 3 m



    27 24(577) (



    , ,

    . ,


    (, , ,

  • 384

    , , 1530)

    . 2



    ) ...


    2( 800 m)

    . 1960

    . , 1500 1900


    . ,



    2 ,

    . , (1872)


    . , (

    ) 21(4.37 m),

    ( )

    16(3.33 m) . ,

    4 1902 1

    20.795 cm.


    . 1981

    (highest high water,

    HHW) 3.69 m .






    . , 1500


    800 m

    . 1800



    , (, 1751)






    . ,

    (1756-?) 1799 ' (

    ) ' ,




    Kim et al. (1999)


    . (Crassostrea gigas)

    41481 (14C-age BP)

    , 151982 (Calendric Age,

    A.D.) , -1.970.5

    m . (Dosinia japonica)

    22981 (14C-age BP)

    , 1709154 (Calendric Age,

    A.D.) , -0.770.5

    m . 1500

    -2 m ,

    . , 1500

    , -2 m

    800 m


    2013 9, (Inter-

    governmental Panel on Climate Change) 5

    Church et al. (2013) 2000

    25 cm

    . Barlow et al. (2014)

    40 cm , Kopp

    et al. (2016)

  • () 385

    8 cm .

    -2 m


    . Kim et al. (1999)

    , ,



    , , ,

    - .






    . 500

    , 1500

    , 1800



    . ,



    . ,



    . ,






    : - ,

    - R&D (

    : )






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    Received : May 23, 2017Revised : June 21, 2017Accepted : June 27, 2017

    () ABSTRACT1. 2. ( )3. 4. ( )5. REFERENCES