APEX GIS platform

Post on 05-Jul-2015

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APFUTURA GIS platform allows to manage fiber optics outside plant easily and efficiently at a very competitive price. Check complete set of features at http://apex.apfutura.net

Transcript of APEX GIS platform


apexnext generation outside plant managementg p g

http://apex apfutura nethttp://apex.apfutura.net

in commercial confidence

apfuturaIntroduction and motivation

• Outside plant management is key to have updated information of the outside plant and

i i i k optimize next generation access netwok deployments

• At present, existent outside plant management tools are non-specific for NGA, very costly and require complex IT systems

i t ff f l t id l t • apex aims to offer powerful outside plant management using the latest web technologies in a simplified and easy to operate way so technicians, both in field and at the NOC, can manage the outside plant in real time

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apfuturaapex at a glance

• Graphical outside plant management

P i t k l t i t• Passive network elements inventory

• Powerful search element engineg

• Logical connection map

• Northboud interface to integrate with OSS/BSS systems

• Access profiles and logs

F ll t i bl d t d bl• Fully customizable and extendable

• provision database, FTTH open access modulep , p

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apfuturaGraphical outside plant management

Element searchElement searchElement searchElement search

S l t blS l t bl

Control menuControl menu

Selectable elements

Selectable elements

apfuturaActive map

Click on a splice boxClick on a splice box

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apfuturaAdvanced features

• Routes between elements and provisioning suggestions

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apfuturaElements detail


Cable in/outCable in/out

Logical map to CO

Logical map to CO

apfuturaSearch engine

PowerfulPowerfulPowerful search engine

Powerful search engine

apfuturaService management

• Per port service managementoperator identifier, start and end point, …

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apfuturaTotally customizable workflow

• Menus and fields can be totally adapted to match the end user workflow

• Fields can be added on demand depending on the end user

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apfuturaNorthbound interface

• Web service

• Developed to integrate with OSS/BSS

• Write/Read access or read-only

• Fully customizable interface

Northbound interface

Northbound interface

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apfuturaProfiles and logs

• Profiles different roles with limited accessadministrator, operator, editor

• Complete log of events with filters

• List export for further processing

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apfuturaFully customizable

• The GUI is totally customizableLogos, colours, interface

• Extensions to enpower the platform

i i i• Provisioning customeridentification and tickets sentto installers withinterconnection information

• FTTH availability to incorporate splitters information, connections, …

• Certification uploading pictures with georeference data, the system certifies that the outside plant is installed as designed

• Open access availability to incorporate different operators to the network so they can manage it independently

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apfuturaThe technical side

• Web based interface

• Works with Firefox, Safari and Chrome.Safari and Chrome are the Certified browsers

• Different database configurations

• From stand alone to fully resilient

i• Carrier-class robustness

• Customizable Cartography• Customizable Cartography

• Gmaps, OSM, AutoCAD rasters, …

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apexnext generation outside plant managementg p g

http://apex apfutura nethttp://apex.apfutura.net

in commercial confidence