“To Love and To Serve” “Amar y...

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Transcript of “To Love and To Serve” “Amar y...


1879 N. Lake Avenue + Altadena, California 91001 Phone: 626.797.1167 Fax: 626.797.9245 website: www.saintelizabethchurch.org


Rev. Modesto Lewis Pérez,


Rev. Enrique De Los Rios


Dcn. José Gallegos, (Belén)

Dcn. Charles Mitchell, (Cynthia)

Dcn. Doug Cremer, (Phyllis)







Mrs. Carmen Wrigley



Ms. Patricia Almaraz



Javier Vargas


Maria Gutierrez

OCTOBER 18, 2015 18 DE OCTUBRE, 2015

Parish Center Hours

Horario del Centro Parroquial:

8:30am-9:00pm Mon.-Fri/lunes-viernes

10:00 - 2:30pm Saturday/Sábado

10:00am - 2:30pm Sunday/Domingo

The church is closed during the day,

our parish center chapel is open during office hours.

La iglesia está cerrada durante el dia, la capilla del

centro parroquial está abierta cuando el Centro Parro-

quial está abierto.

“To Love and To Serve”

“Amar y Servir”





MASS SCHEDULE/HORARIO DE MISAS: Weekdays: Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m.in the Chapel Saturday/Vigil 5:00 p.m. Sunday/Domingo:

English: 8:30 am., 10:15 a.m., 5:00 p.m.

Español: 7:00 a.m., 12:00 p.m. Holy Days to be announced / Dias Festivos se anunciarán


Rosary Monday thru Friday in the Chapel after the 8:30 Mass.

Divine Mercy on Fridays at 3:00pm in the Chapel

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Wednesdays 8-10pm RECONCILIATION (Confessions/Confesiones):

Saturdays: 3:00-5:00pm


Please call the Parish Center for a priest.

Por favor llame el Centro Parroquial para solicitar un sacerdote. BAPTISMS/BAUTISMOS: Registration forms are available at the Parish Center Baptisms in English: The third Sunday of the month at 2:00 p.m..

Please call the Parish Center at least six weeks in advance of de-sired Baptism to arrange for preparation classes for parents and godparents.

Para Formularios de inscripciones diríjase al Centro Parroquial Bautizos en Español: el segundo domingo del mes al las 2:00

p.m.. Por favor, llame al Centro Parroquial por lo menos un mes y medio antes de la fecha deseada.

MARRIAGE/MATRIMONIO: Call the Parish Center to coordinate wedding at least (6) months in

advance of proposed wedding date. Llame al Centro Parroquial por lo menos seis (6) meses antes de

la fecha del matrimonio. QUINCEAÑERA: All inquiries are to be made with the Quinciañera Coordinator at

least six (6) months in advance of proposed Quinciañera date. Contact: Josefina Gutierrez, 626-798-0368. Llame al coordinador seis (6) meses antes de la fecha de la Quin-

ceañera. Contacto: Josefina Gutiérrez, 626-798-0368 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION & FAITH FORMATION: Confirmation Program: Adrian Guardado .(626) 797-1167 x27 Sacramental Preparation: Margarita Galindo (626) 797-1167 x15 RCIA / RICA

English: Juanita Candido……………………..(626) 797-1167x17

Español: Diacono, Jose y Belén Gallegos……...(626) 794-8225 ADULT FAITH FORMATION Carolyn Harrington ………………………….…(626) 376-3003

PARISH SCHOOL/ESCUELA PARROQUIAL: School Office (626) 797-7727 Principal/Director: Richard Gruttadaurio

PASTORAL MINISTRIES/MINISTERIOS PASTORAL: Pastoral Council/Consejo Pastoral: Bereavement: Cynthia Mitchell……………….(626) 797-4165 Duelo: Maria Ester Uribe……………………...(626) 676-9508

Eucharist to the Sick: Kaye Miller……………(626) 797-1167 Eucaristía para los enfermos: Patricia Lozano…(626) 797-1167 OFFICE OF LITURGY

Lectors/Lectores: English: Joe Aguirre…………………………..(909) 693-1704 Español: Miriam Bueno………………………(626) 797-1167

Eucharistic Ministers/Ministros de la Eucaristía: English: Kara Ostrowski..karajimo@yahoo.com (415) 235-5349 Español: Priscila Martinez…………………….(626) 794-7476

Altar Servers/Monaguillos: English: Patricia Jaime (626) 768-8852………..pejaime4life@gmail.com

Español: Sr. Ivonne Perez(626) 319-3221 ivonneedithperez@hotmail.com

Children’s Liturgy/Liturgia para los Niños English: Phil Hoffman…………………………(626) 798-2647 Español: Jose Robles y Angelina Ortiz ………...

Ushers/Ujieres: English: Frank Montgomery…………………(626) 794-8060 Español: Cirila Castañeda….…………………(626) 791-2982

Sacristans/Sacristanes: English: Kathy Fennell ……………………….(610) 316-6045 Español: Norberto Martinez..…………………(626) 255-8938

ORGANIZATIONS/ORGANICACIONES: Apoyo para la Mujer/Womens Support Martha Ordaz……….(626) 806-6249 ordazmartha14@yahoo.com Encuentro Matrimonial Pedro y Reina Gonzalez………………………………(626) 765-6165 Environment/Arte y Ambiente: Julie Manning …………..(626) 791-7590jamgrfx@pacbell.net Knights of Columbus/Caballeros de Colón: Albino (Al) Naranjo …………………………....(626) 797-5979 Columbian Squires: David Sharkey………... (626) 791-2684/d.shark@sbcglobal.net Jr. High Religious Education Ivonne Perez stelizabethchurch.religioused@gmail.com (626) 319-3221 Ladies of Columbus/Damas de Colón: Claudia Gonzalez… (626) 297-4570/roseBlume4cg@yahoo.com Grupo de Oración/Maranatha: Mariano & Antonia Sanchez…………………… (626) 321-1045 Movimiento Familiar Cristiano: Marco & Fabiola Palma fabiolamfc3@yahoo.com (626) 329-7740 St. Vincent de Paul: Mary Lou Langedyke ……………………………(626) 797-1167 St. Vincent de Paul Hotline …………………(626) 797-0549 Legion of Mary: Nestor Simon & Sally Ormbrek 626-303-8549/nestor_simon@yahoo.com Mission Circle Mary Kreuz…………………………………....(626) 797-1167 Grupo Pescadores de Hombres. Armando Arreola Tel. …………………………...(626) 379-4996 Respect Life: Jeanmarie Phillips ……….(626) 488-0027/jphllps7977@aol.com Women’s Pregnancy Care Clinic, 445 N. Lake Ave., Pasadena, 91101. (626-440-9400) www.pregnancycareclinic.net Cub Scouts Pack 77: Scott Cozy ……………..(818) 653-5607/scottcozy@yahoo.com Filipino Association: Gay Obedicen .626-329-8776, Jennifer Casis-310-619-4014 jencasis@yahoo.com Black Catholics Association and KPC Ladies Auxiliary Rayne Stewart………………………………….(626) 797-1167



VIRTUS TRAINING On October 24, 2015 at 9:00 am, Virtus Training will be conducted in the Parish Hall. Please try to arrive 10 minutes early to fill out registration form. The training is three hours long and will end at noon. You must complete all three hours in order to gain your certification. Virtus training is required for all person having contact with minor children.


God’s work of salvation

is the focus of this week-

end’s readings. From the

prophetic event of Isaiah

to Jesus’ understanding of

the human condition in He-

brews, concluding with Je-

sus paying our ransom in

Mark, God is in control.

There may be failings and

misunderstandings along the way. We may move away

from God, but at our conversion, God leads us back. Like

James and John, we may let greed and power blur our

vision of what Jesus wants us to know about the King-

dom; but tirelessly we are taught and re-taught what life

in the Kingdom will be. Jesus has paid our ransom to en-

sure that we will share in the Kingdom.

It is not unusual to think of Jesus’ ransom as a pun-

ishment that he endured. However, it is more accurate,

and more like Jesus, for us to recognize ransom as God’s

gift to us.

Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.


La obra de Dios de la salvación es el enfoque de las

lecturas este fin de semana. Desde el acontecer proféti-

co de Isaías hasta la visión de Jesús sobre la condición

humana en Hebreos, y terminando con el rescate que

paga Jesús por nosotros en san Marcos, Dios está al man-

do. Puede que ocurran caídas e incomprensiones por el

camino. Puede que nos alejemos de Dios, pero Dios nos

trae de vuelta a su lado mediante la conversión. Al igual

que Santiago y Juan, a veces dejamos que la avaricia y el

poder empañen nuestra visión de lo que Jesús nos quiere

enseñar sobre el Reino; pero sin tregua nos enseña y nos

repite cómo ha de ser la vida en el Reino. Jesús ha pagado

por nuestro rescate para garantizar que compartamos el

Reino con él.

No es raro que pensemos sobre el rescate que pagó

Jesús en términos de un castigo que tuvo que sufrir. Sin

embargo, es más acertado y más como Jesús, reconocer

que el rescate es un regalo de Dios para nosotros.


To honor those who have passed,

we will be creating a special dis-

play in the church. We encourage

you to bring to the Parish Center

photographs of those deceased

you would like to be remembered.

Please bring your photographs by noon on Saturday,

October 31st. Thank you for your participation.

Art & Environment Committee BOX TOPS FOR EDUCATION Please save the Box Tops for Education Labels found on various grocery items. They are worth 10 cents each. Please drop them off in the school or parish office. Thank you.

Pray for a Cure for Cancer Mass & Anointing of the Sick

Saturday, Oct 24, 2015 @ 12:30 pm

Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels

555 W Temple St

Los Angeles, CA 90012

OCT 31-NOV 1, 2015 “TOOTSIE ROLL DRIVE 2015”

Your Knights of Columbus will be

collecting cash and check donations

after all weekend masses on October

31 & Nov 1 to support Persons with Intellectual Disabilities.

Your donations will go to the Special Olympics. Checks should

be made payable to the Columbian Foundation.

Your donations are tax deductible. See your Knights of

Columbus outside after Mass to donate.

REST IN PEACE, YOU ARE MISSED AND LOVED We commend to God’s great mercy the soul of our dearest PAT WEISS, She died Tuesday, October 13. Her Funeral arrangements are pending.

May her soul and the souls of all the faithful de-parted rest in peace. May Jesus, the Good Shepherd, comfort Jim and the Weiss Family.

Today is World Mission Sunday 2015

Please be generous to this cause

Envelope are in the pews.

DID YOU KNOW? Ask Your Kids Open-Ended Questions Communication is key for making sure you are up to date with your kids’ lives as they grow older and you can’t be with them every step of the way. One way to keep communication healthy is to ask your kids open-ended questions. Some kids don’t open up and spill every detail, so you have to consider how to phrase questions that draw them in and allow them to share their thoughts and experiences. When you do ask open-ended questions, make sure you are patient in waiting for the answers. For a copy of the complete VIRTUS® article email: jvienna@la-archdiocese.org. ¿SABÍA USTED? Hágale preguntas abiertas a los niños La comunicación es la clave para estar seguros de que usted está al día de lo que sucede en la vida de sus hijos – a medida que van creciendo y usted no puede estar con ellos en todo momento. Una de las claves para mantener los medios de comunicación abiertos con sus hijos es hacerles preguntas abiertas. Algunos niños no se abren fácilmente ni sueltan ningún detalle. Usted debe tener en cuenta, como hace la pregunta para que su hijo se acerque y comparta sus pensamientos y experiencias. Cuando usted hace preguntas abiertas, tenga en cuenta que debe ser paciente para esperar una respuesta. Para una copia del artículo de VIRTUS® envíe un correo electrónico: jvienna@la-archdiocese.org

BOOKMARK CONTEST Respect Life Month is October. Kids and teens are invited to enter the Knights of Columbus annual Respect Life Bookmark Contest. No need to be a

good artist. Winners will be the bookmarks that most clearly send a message of respect for all human life from conception through natural death. Entry forms are available in the par-ish center and on the patio after Mass. Prize is $50 gift cer-tificate to Vroman's bookstore. Entries due by October 25, 2015.

TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION The Irish are rightly tired of being the subject of jokes about guilt. In fact, it is from the Celtic church that the whole experience of reconciliation in our tradition was crea-tively rescued and revived. The Irish church was unique in its origins, not so much organized around dioceses, but around monasteries. Aspects of religious community life readily spilled over into ordinary gatherings of the faithful, including the way people looked at sin and applied remedies. Unlike the public nature of canonical penance, the Irish method was linked to a kind of mentoring process they called “soul friend-ing.” Just as young novice monks might find a mentor in the wisdom of a senior guide, so did a way of penance open up to ordinary folks. Monks were accustomed to frequent confes-sion of faults to the abbot or mentor, who would suggest pen-ances. In time, abbots with a certain flair for this began to share lists of sins and corresponding “tariffs” with others. Some of these books survive, and provide a hair‑raising view of long‑ago sins like cattle rustling, and a great deal of self‑-correction involving dips in icy streams and rolling about in thickets of thorns. After the penance was performed, the penitent returned to the confessor, and in a private act marked by the laying on of hands, or perhaps a kiss of the altar, the sinner was restored. Irish monks were committed travelers, and their meth-ods were widely copied. We might say that they saved a sac-rament, but at the expense of shifting attention to the sins of the individual and away from the actions of the reconciling community. —Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

St. Elizabeth Mission Circle



880 S. Arroyo Park Way, Pasadena,CA 91105.

Tel. 626– 449-5226.

Starts at 2pm until closing

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Must Bring Flyer to be stapled to guest check.

These will be totaled and 20%

will be given to Mission Circle.


Let us throw ourselves into the ocean of God’s

goodness, where every failing will be cancelled and

anxiety turned into love. —St. Paul of the Cross



Armando Arreola

Mary Abujabar

Inez Ayala

Baby Sofi

Mateo & Elvia Begnoche

Jean Cain

Darla Calvet

Barbara Camp

Carlos Cisneros Sanchez

Clare Collins Marguardt

Jean Clark

Elliott Corbett

Matilda Constantinides

Fernando Cruz

Raquel De La Torre

Ferone Dolce

Frank Dupuy

Jo Dupuy

Roberta Glenn Evens

Elizabeth Fabela

Felipe Favela

Rosemary Feltis

Amada Fernandez

Jesus Flores

Ana Maria Fuentes

Bienvenido Gonzales

Vanesa Graffer

Jacob Grasser

J. Greer

Arthur B. Greene

Pamela Guarino

Curtis Garrett

Les Hays

Ilona Herendich

Arthur Hintz

Constance Hunter

Ramon Inclan

Frank Ituarte

Doris Johnson

Bruce Klemm

Kit Korner

Jamie Kuehnle

Eileen Leshney

Jane Lewis


Henry Lizarazu

Elizabeth H. Lopez

Lourdes Lopez

Roberto Lopez

Leatrice Mahoney

Lorraine Marsden

Bobbie Mattasits

Liria Martinez

Lorenzo Martinez

Elizabeth McKenna

Jesse Mitchell

Susane Molina

Carmela Monreal

George Moran

Richard Morales

Susan Morales

William Montgomery

Cheryl Newton

Jim Nora

Josefa Obedicen

Thang Ou

Eleanor Papciak

Anthony Papciak

Donna Pasarella

Michael Pasarella

Lois Passarella

Stephanie Pelentay

Margaret Parry

Frederick M. Phillips

Rosario Pimentel

Kathleen Ramsey

Karen Reyes

Ruben Reyes

Car;ps Ricciardi

Vivian Richardson

Reggie Robinson

Robert Robinson

Shannon Robinson

Gwendalyn Rocque

Robert Rocque

Cheryl Sabal

Helen Salandra

Marcela Sanders

James Siebles

Mary Helen Siordia

John Slator

Rudy Sotomayor

Patrick Toomey

Vivian Torres

Jean Troy

John Tully

Anthony Vecchio

Mario Villagran

Shenny Villagran

Cindy Villoa

Carissa Weber

Janice Winsatt

Peggy Wright

STEWARDSHIP Thank you for your generosity and continued support

of the Offertory Collections.

Your St. Elizabeth parish family appreciates your financial support of the many programs and

ministries we provide.

2015 2014 Variance

Sunday Collection $ 8,905.00 $ 12,357.50 ($ 3,452.50)

Mail/drop off Envelopes $ 411.00 $ 1,018.50 ( $ 607.50)

Online Giving $ 380.00 $ 525.00 ($ 145.00)

Total $ 9,696.00 $ 13,901.00 ($ 4,205 .00

Offertory for Sunday, October 11, 2015

Pray 40 Days for Life

23 September until 1 November 2015

Please join in a peaceful international prayer vigil to pro-

tect families from the dangers of abor-

tion. In our community it takes place in

front of Planned Parenthood Pasadena,

1045 North Lake Avenue, beginning

Wednesday, 23 September, until Sun-

day 1 November 2015, from 6:00 am

until 6:00 pm. If you cannot come to

the site, please pray wherever you are. For more informa-

tion call Jeanmarie Phillips (626) 488-0027 and visit


Please join the Right to Life League of

Southern California at its annual fundraising

gala on Thursday, October 22, 2015 at 5:30 p.m. at

the Cathedral Conference Center. This year's keynote

speaker will be Shawn Carney, Founder of 40 days for


The Right to Life League supports several pro-life

causes such as support of pregnancy help centers

which assist women in prenatal care, post-birth sup-

plies for their baby, and education. The League also

supports Project Rachel which provides post-abortion

counseling, and Options United which supports adop-

tion services, and other such causes. In addition, the

League supports One Life L.A., Bishop Jose Gomez's

march for life which is held in January on the anniver-

sary of Roe v. Wade.

For more information about the Gala and how you

can support the Right to Life League, please visit our

website at www.rtllsc.org. You may also contact No-

hemi Ferguson, Board Member at




We invite you to participate by Praying the

Rosary for Life after the 8:30am Mass, Monday

through Friday in the Parish Chapel.


Monday, October 19 All day Grotto - Ground Renovation All day Courtyard - Ground Renovation 8:30am Chapel - Mass 9:00am Lourdes Room - Alanon 5:30pm Lourdes Room; Legion of Mary 6:30pm Lourdes Rm.- Kitchen - Bible Study - JOB 7:00pm Patio Rm. - Spanish Choir 7:00pm Parish Hall & School Classrooms - Religious Education Tuesday, October 20 All day Grotto - Ground Renovation All day Courtyard - Ground Renovation 8:30am Chapel - Mass 6:00pm Chapel - Cenáculo de Oración 7:00pm Large Mtng. Rm - Pescadores 7:00pm Lourdes Rm - Estudio de Biblia 7:00pm Terrace Rm. - RCIA - Sacrament Preparation 7:00pm 2nd Grade; Junta de Comedores Compulsivos 7:30pm Patio Room; St. Vincent de Paul Meeting

Wednesday, October 21 All day Grotto - Ground Renovation All day Courtyard - Ground Renovation All day Base Camp 8:30am Chapel Mass 9:00am Patio Rm. - Alanon 9:30am Lourdes Rm - Bible Study 6:00pm Capilla - La Hora Santa 6:30pm Parish Hall - Cub Scouts Pack 77 7:00pm Lourdes Rm. - C. Leaders School 7:00pm Hope in Youth. - 7:00am Choir 7:00pm Patio Room; 10:15 Choir Rehearsal 7:00pm Chapel - Servicio/Misa 8:00pm Chapel - Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament 8:00pm Terrace Rm. - RICA Thursday, October 22 All day Grotto - Ground Renovation All day Courtyard - Ground Renovation All day Base Camp 8:30am Chapel - Mass 6:30pm Parish Hall & 1st, 2nd Grd & 203, 204 Rms.; Maranatha 7:00pm Large Mtng. Rm. - MFC - Reunion Preparación 7:00pm Patio Rm; 5pm Choir Rehearsal 7:00pm Church - Wdng Rehearsal

Friday, October 23 All day Grotto - Ground Renovation All day Courtyard - Ground Renovation 8:00am Church - Cleaning 8:30am Chapel - Mass 10:00am Patio Rm. - Alanon 3:00pm Chapel, Divine Mercy and Benediction 5:00pm Church - Healing Mass 6:00pm Patio Rm - Sp. Choir 7:00pm Large Meeting Room; Duelo/Spanish Grief Ministry 7:00pm Parish Hall & School Classrooms - Religious Education 7:30pm Patio Rm. - Apoyo a la Mujer/Women's Support

Saturday, October 24 All day Grotto - Ground Renovation All day Courtyard - Ground Renovation 8:00am Parish Hall - Virtus Training 9:00am Church - Fmly Guerrero 10:00am Church - Qñra - Wendy Palma 12:00pm Church - Qñra - Lili Ramirez 2:00pm Church - 50th Wed. Anniversary 3:00pm Church, Confessions/Confesiones

Sunday, October 25 All day Grotto - Ground Renovation 9:30am Lourdes Rm. - Flue Shots 10:00am Lourdes, Terrace Rm & Large Mtng. - Youth Group 10:00am 10:15 Patio - Children's Liturgy 1:00pm Library - Maggie Moran 3:00pm Parish Hall & School Rooms - Confirmation Classes


Sunday: Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time;

World Mission Sunday

Monday: Ss. John de Brébeuf, Isaac Jogues,

and Companions

Tuesday: St. Paul of the Cross

Thursday: St. John Paul II

Friday: St. John of Capistrano

Saturday: St. Anthony Mary Claret; Blessed Virgin Mary


Community Outreach RNs from Hunt-ington Hospital will offer free seasonal influenza vaccinations to the church mem-bers of St. Elizabeth Catholic Church and Westminster Presbyterian Church and the general public.

Location: St Elizabeth – Lourdes Room in Parish Center Date: October 25, 2015. 9:30 am to 12:00 noon

Eligibility Criteria All adults over 18 years old and children age 9 -17 with

parent/guardian present for consent No allergy to hen’s eggs or previous influenza vaccine No medical history of Guillain-Barre syndrome No serious illness or fever at the time of vaccination Please call the Huntington Hospital Flu Shot Hotline 397-3333 for additional community Free Flu Clinic locations. Visit our website at huntingtonhospital.com and under Quick Links, click on Free Flu Shots

Divulgación comunitaria Clínica de gripe gratis

RNs Divulgación comunitaria del Hospital Huntington ofrecerá vacunas de gripe estacional gratis al público.

Ubicación: St. Elizabeth Parish – Lourdes room Fecha: 25 de Octubre de las 9:30 am – 12:00 pm Criterios de elegibilidad Todos los adultos mayores de 18 años y niños de edad 9 -

17 con el padre o tutor presente para consentimiento Ninguna alergia a los huevos de gallina o anterior vacuna

contra la influenza No hay antecedentes de síndrome de Guillain-Barré Ninguna enfermedad grave o la fiebre en el momento de

la vacunación Por favor llame a la línea de tiro de Huntington Hospital gripe 397-3333 para ubicaciones de gripe clínica adicional de la comunidad. Visite nuestro sitio web en huntingtonhospi-tal.com y bajo vínculos rápidos, haga clic en vacunas contra la gripe gratis.


MON/LUN 10/19/15 Rom 4:20-25; Lk 1:69-75; Lk 12:13-21

TUE/MAR 10/20/15 Rom 5:12, 15b, 17-19, 20b-21; Ps 40:7-10, 17;

Lk 12:35-38

WED/MIE 10/21/15 Rom 6:12-18; Ps 124:1b-8; Lk 12:39-48

THU/JUE 10/22/15 Rom 6:19-23; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 12:49-53

FRI/VIE 10/23/15 Rom 7:18-25a; Ps 119:66, 68, 76-77, 93-94; Lk


SAT/SAB 10/17/15 5:00 PM Int. of Esther Galvez, B. Day

SUN/DOM 10/18/15 7:00 AM

8:30 AM

10:15 AM

12:00 PM

5:00 PM

All Souls in Purgatory Int. of Charles Campos, B. Day Bonaficio Grego, + Ruben Dorado, + Elvia Rodriguez, +

MON/LUN 10/19/15 8:30 AM Vincent N. Hufana, +

TUE/MAR 10/20/15 8:30 AM Ursula Campos, +

WED/MIE 10/21/15 8:30 AM All Souls in Purgatory

THU/JUE 10/22/15 8:30 AM Pat, Weiss, +

FRI/VIE 10/23/15 8:30 AM —-


TRADICIONES DE NUESTRA FE Santiago y Juan, además de ser hermanos, eran tipos muy atrevidos. Se acercaron a Jesús para pedirle puestos de poder y autoridad en el Reino que estaba estableciendo. Al darse cuenta, los demás discípulos se molestaron con ellos, probablemente porque deseaban los mismos puestos. La ten-tación y el deseo de poder es algo muy común a todos los se-res humanos. Todos deseamos el primer puesto y la estima de los demás. No obstante, Jesús nos recuerda que no es fácil tener responsabilidad. La autoridad es un cáliz difícil de be-ber ya que muchas veces contiene una bebida amarga y el peso o decisión de ser fieles al Evangelio, aún a costa de la propia vida. Por tal motivo, la persona que quiera estar cerca de Jesús tendrá que aprender a ser como Cristo, quien no vino a impo-ner su autoridad buscando ser servido, sino que vino a servir. Él, siendo Dios, no se aferró a su condición divina, sino que se hizo uno de tantos, cuidando a su madre por muchos años, juntándose con pecadores, lavando los pies a sus discípulos y dando la vida por todas las personas. Estar al lado de Jesús no es cuestión de poder, sino de amor y servicio, hasta dar la vida. Él nos puso el ejemplo. —Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.


Held at St. Therese Church, 1100 East Alhambra Road,

Alhambra, on Saturday, October 24, at 10:00 a.m. All are
