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“Order Page Secrets”

The Order Page

The Most Misunderstood Part of Any Website

By Kevin J. Rohan

Published by: K.J Marketing, LLC


© K.J. Marketing LLC January 2006 – all rights reserved.


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Published by: K.J Marketing, LLC


© K.J. Marketing LLC January 2006 – all rights reserved.

About The Author

Kevin Rohan – Internet Marketing Consultant & Trainer


Kevin Rohan is the founder and owner of K.J. Marketing LLC, an Internet Marketing company developed to teach the best Marketing strategies available today. He is also the creator of "Internet Boot Camp", a system designed to give you the best information on how to set up a successful Internet Marketing business from scratch.

Kevin is a self taught Internet entrepreneur, with over four years of experience in the industry. Kevin has been testing the effectiveness of Internet Marketing campaigns full time for two years, and has become a consultant to some of the most successful Internet Marketers. His education from the best-known names in Internet Marketing has provided an unparalleled understanding of how successful Internet Marketing campaigns work.

Kevin has been involved in think tanks, conference calls, and product development with several well-known Internet Marketers. The goal of these partnerships is to continuously provide the best information available.

Kevin Rohan is committed to developing high quality products that everyone can use. Kevin only recommends products that actually work, and develops his own products to give everyone a serious chance at reaching his success. If you are a serious Internet Marketer, learn from his experience. His success can be yours.

Why should you trust Kevin Rohan? Kevin has spent countless hours and tens of thousands of dollars studying the advantages and disadvantages of hundreds of different Internet Marketing systems. He has made the mistakes for you, and has built a reputation on honesty, integrity, and providing high quality information. Kevin has spent the time and money studying what really works, and now that information is available to you. His experience and knowledge of the Internet Marketing industry is an invaluable tool for your business, no matter how big or small. To find out more about Kevin Rohan, sign up now for his FREE "Internet Marketing Boot Camp" - Use his experience to your advantage…

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“Order Page Secrets”

The Order Page The Most Misunderstood Part of Any Website

By Kevin J. Rohan What is An Order Page? Recently there has been some talk about the order page and what you can do to increase sales on this one important yet mostly neglected factor. Most people... Most people simple ignore this vital piece of the marketing puzzle. Hey - I have been guilty myself. We over look or take for granted that we can send the potential customer directly to their credit card information before they change their mind.

Both Andersen Consulting and Forrester Research show shopping cart abandonment rates at 25%. Jupiter Communications reports shopping cart abandonment rates at 27%; eMarketer reports the rate at 32%.

It is has been shown many people abandon the sales process on the order page or shopping cart. The reasons are diverse and some unfounded. But with proper utilization of the order page you can not only prevent people from leaving, you can actually get the sale with this one misunderstood part of your website. The Sales Process Does Not Stop At The Sales Page It continues all the way until after the sale, but that is something we will talk about at another time as we don’t have enough room to even cover it here. So the question comes down to this, what should my order page look like and what information should I have on it.

First I am going to give you a checklist of what should be on an order page and then I am going to go into detail on each and every aspect. Here we go - The Checklist

1.) Similar page design to your sales page. 2.) Check box 3.) Yes 4.) Agreement 5.) Restate the benefits 6.) Restate the bonuses 7.) Secure server 8.) Testimonial with picture. 9.) Click to order or payment information 10.) Upsell information if available. 11.) If an Upsell check box or button for it. 12.) Audio

There you have it, 11 items crucial for any order page you create. Do all 12 and you will find a massive surge in your orders and an increase number of upsells. 1.) Similar page design You have to keep in mind, people on the Internet are still vary leery of putting their credit card on just any site. The need to be assured their personal and private information is being sent to the proper place. On your sales page you have shown them one environment and have taken the time to get them used to it. You have also spent considerable amount of time gaining their trust. Don’t Blow It All On Your Order page! Let’s imagine for second I am your customer. I come to your site, read your sales letter I start to feel like you know what you are talking about. I feel your information or product will help me and I decide to buy. I click on your order page.

I notice... 1.) The page looks nothing like the sales page I was on. 2.) I don't even see your logo to let me know I am at the right place. 3.) I look at the URL where I am at and I notice I am on some site that looks like https://secure.somhostingcompany.com/~yourname/orderpage2.shtml 4.) I have a hard time even seeing what I am ordering on the page. 5.) I noticed I am being charged a shipping fee you never told me about. What happens? I say forget it. I got spooked. Too many things didn't make sense to me and now I don't trust you. Have you ever done that? Can you see why a customer would simply just leave? So the first thing we need to do is create a familiar environment for them. I personally use a header graphic on my pages. It is the same header graphic I had on my sales page. You can put your logo at the top of your order page. Include your name or company name on the order page as well. Use the same colors as you have use on your sales page. Try to make the order page a seamless process. 2.) Check Box This is going to seem absolutely ridiculous to some people. Add a "fake" check box to the order page. Think about filling out an offline order form. What is the first thing you do? You check the check box! Everyone is familiar with this process already. They have done it hundreds of times offline. Why not have them do it online?

It goes much deeper than that. You see, by making a person check the box, you get them involved in the order process. They have to do something, a small commitment or the first step in taking "ownership" of your product. Taking "ownership" is something many non-salespeople don't understand and I think it is very important for you to realize what I am referring to. In direct sales, you make the prospect feel as if they already own your product by doing subtle things like talking like they already own and telling them what they will do when they start using the product. Show them how to care for the product they will be buying. This is all done prior to them even paying for it or even saying they are going to buy it. The sales person is giving them a mental image of what it "WILL" be like when they do buy it. So the check box is the first step in "taking ownership" of your product. They wouldn't check it if they are not going to buy it. 3.) YES Ok, you have the checkbox now - put a big YES next to it. YES, I wish to purchase Kevin Rohan's new product... blah, blah and blah. The red is all capital letters and should be bold and most of all it larger than the rest of the text. There is no doubt about it, when they read it they know 100% they are buying your product and or service. 4.) Agreement Confirmation After the YES, you need to place the Agreement. This is confirming your potential customer is purchasing your product or service. A sample agreement is as follows...

YES, I understand by purchasing Kevin Rohan's New Product, I will have everything I need to know in order to increase my online sales 100 fold in as little as 6 months, if I follow his time-tested and proven marketing methods.

If you notice, the agreement immediately follow the YES.

It is a continuation of the same thought process. In the sample statement above, I have accomplished many different aspects.

• I got a confirmation from them that they are ordering.

• I got a confirmation they know what the product contains or is about

• I got a confirmation from them about what kind of results they can expect from using the information

• I got a confirmation as far as expectation of how long it takes to see results.

• I got a confirmation from them that they must use the system in order for it to work.

• I got a confirmation from that they it is "time-test" I got them to agree the information is not experimental.

5 short lines and I accomplished quite a few things. It really does come down to what kind of wording you use and how you phrase your ideas. You can state a lot of information in the agreement. I warn you against putting too much information here; you will only delay the order process if you do. You simply want to summarize what you have already stated on your sales page, in a short concise paragraph. 5.) Restate Your Benefits This is exactly what it sounds like. You simply restate your benefits that you described on your sales page. This acts as a reminder of the great things your product or service will do for you prospect. It may at first seem redundant, as they have just read what it will do a few minutes ago. It is simply reassurance. Here is an example.

YES, I understand by purchasing Kevin Rohan's New Product, I will have everything I need to know in order to increase my online sales 100 fold in as little as 6 months, if I follow his time-tested and proven marketing methods.

I understand I will learn how to…

• Increase my sales with simple steps I can take action on 5 minutes • Determine my websites “Value Per Customer” at a glance. • Create cash producing ad copy with simply psychology. • Make boatloads of cash with my follow up systems • Create High Converting Order Pages with an 11-step formula.

I am sure you get the basic idea at this point. You are reiterating the simple benefits back to your customer prior to purchase. Why does this work? This works simply because you are reassuring your customer; you are making them feel good about giving you their credit card or payment information. Think about it, there is a good chance your prospect has never heard about you before. So they are dealing with more or less a “total stranger”. They need to know they are at least getting the right product they need. You are just helping them along the way, giving them a gentle nudge on the order page itself. 6.) Restate Your Bonus Gifts I am not going into this much as it is based upon the same principles we just covered about restating your benefits. For the same reasons we just covered, you also need to restate the Free Bonus Gifts you are giving away when your customer purchases your products and or service. We will go into the Value and Reasoning about Free Bonus Gifts in my “Internet Boot Camp” which you should already be signed up for. If you are not already signed up for it go ahead and sign up for it now.

Sign Up FREE Today! 7.) Secure Server

As we have stated before, your potential customer is very leery about doing business with you in the first place. We have covered the reasoning behind this in the previous sections. Security on the Internet is a Major Concern. Everywhere you look, someone is hacking into somewhere or a virus is being sent to you from what appears to be your best friend. This havoc has caused many people to be overly paranoid about transmitting personal information over the Internet and rightfully so. If a person manages to get your credit card information, you can certainly stop the fraud, but it has just caused you major hassles and grief. I was a victim too. Here is what happened to me. I received a phone call from my bank telling me there has just been a $500 purchase at an online casino. This looked suspicious because it was an unusual purchase, so they called me to verify it was a valid transaction. I am sure glad they did, because I did not make the purchase. Hey, I love to gamble as much as the next guy, but I simply don’t do it on the Internet! I prefer Las Vegas or Atlantic City where I can get waited on hand and foot while I lose all my money. I don’t need to do it at home in front of my computer. The transaction was caught before any real damage was done, but I had to cancel the card and change any recurring billing information it was tied to. Now I purchase a lot of products which are billed on a monthly basis. I had to remember everything I am subscribed to and change my credit card information. This was a major issue, as I couldn’t possibly remember them all. But I did take care of everything over time. Your Customer Want to Be Assured Their Information is Safe I don’t think this is an unreasonable request. If my customer wants to feel warm and fuzzy in order to give me their money, I can do that. It doesn’t take much to secure your website. There are two kinds of Secure Website URLs here. 1.) There is a Secure site URL with your name in it.

This type of URL looks like this… https://www.yourdomain.com/orderpage.html The key aspect in this URL is the fact your name is present in the URL. This gives your customer more security in knowing this site is still connected to the site on which they were originally at. 2.) The other site is a shared certificate. This normally looks like: https//www.hostingcompany.com/~yourname/secure/orderpage.html Yes, this site is secure, but at first glance your customer doesn’t really know it is even connected to you. You have introduced a whole new element to the equation. No - they are wondering who the heck this hosting company is and what relation it has to you. You have in seconds complicated what should be a simple process and have instilled a bit of doubt in your customer’s mind. Whether this doubt is enough to stop them from continuing or not, I don’t know, but why take a chance? How do you get a properly secured site which is marketing friendly? Simply email your hosting company and tell them you want your own “Secure Server Certificate”. They will know what you are talking about and point you in the right direction of what you need to do. The process is quite simple and only takes a day or two. 8.) A Testimonial With a Picture Include a testimonial under the other elements we have talked about. Remember, you have not received payment for the product yet. Don’t assume your potential customer is already sold, they many not be quite yet. A simple testimonial from one of your best customers may be the straw that broke the camel’s back and push your customers over the edge. You might be thinking, isn’t a testimonial alone just as good?

No it is not! Alex Mandossian has been using this strategy for quite sometime. He has found a testimonial alone works well, but a testimonial with a picture works GREAT! Let’s look at the Psychology behind what we are doing… First we need to think like the potential customer. This is often hard to do for most people. Your customer has just read your website, they like what they have seen so far. You have several order links throughout the ad copy so it was very easy for them to click through to the order page. They finally click through one of your benefit-laden order links and your order page pops up in front of them. They scan through reading the highlights and are still very happy. They look at the URL and see they are on a secure site which pleases them and are now feeling all warm and fuzzy about making the purchase. At this point they are ready to buy, because they didn’t read the whole sales letter yet, because you were very convincing on your order link which they clicked through. As they read the order page, this picture of their most respected leader in their industry is there and they are drawn immediately to it. They read what this industry leader has to say and are now shocked at what high praise this legend is giving your product or service. They now think, “If it is good enough for this industry icon, then it is certainly good enough for them too.” So they order your product without even finishing your sales letter. How many of those types of people would you want on your website? I will take as many I can get! You have to understand, it wasn’t the person, it was the layout and the information feeding you gave to them that created the sale. What put them over the edge was this well known industry leader you placed on your website and testimonial he or she gave to you endorsing your product or service. You created the sale with proper use a testimonial in the right place. A Picture is worth a thousands words. I am sure you have heard this one many times. Well, it is true. Not only can the

potential customer read the testimonial but they can get a mental picture of this person telling them how great the product or service is and their experience in use it. 9.) Click To Order Or Payment Info So we have created 8 items to list or do on our Order Page so far. The next item is what is naturally expected which is How to order. On this step you will need to simply show your customer how to order. Depending on your shopping cart or order mechanism, you simply either create a button to take the customer to the order page or you show them the necessary information to accept their payment. 10.) Utilizing Upsells To Sell More Product? Stop Leaving Money on The Table, It’s YOURS to take! Before we get started on the subject of an upsell, we must first define an upsell so you will know exactly what I am talking about in this chapter.

Upsell: Anytime you ask the customer to purchase an additional product prior to them finalizing their order.


Customer comes to my site and decides to order my product “A”. They click on the order link, they are taken to a page which not only tells them about the product “A” they are ordering, but gives them a special offer for product “B”. If they should order product “B”, I just increased the dollars generated from this one sale. If product “A” was $97.00 and product “B” was $47.00 the total purchase price was increased by $47.00 for a total of $137.00. This would not have happened unless I offered the customer an upsell.

When is an “upsell” utilized? An upsell is used when a person has decided to order your product or service and has now clicked on your order link and brought to your order page.

At this point, we attempt to increase the Total Dollar Volume the customer is going to spend with us. They have already made a decision for one product, can we get two out of them. The Psychology Behind the Upsell Technique: This person has already committed himself or herself to order your product. It is not an option of "if" they will purchase. The question now becomes, "How much" will they spend? At this point, you have already gained the prospect’s trust through your sales letter, enough so that they are ready to spend their hard earned money with you. Now simply go for a bigger sale. By utilizing this one technique, you have the possibility to increase your income quite dramatically. Let’s Look At the Math: If your goal is to sell $10,000 worth of products, it is much easier to get there with a $147 product than a $97 product. Hypothetical Example to Earn $10,000 $10,000 / $97 = 103 sales $10,000 / $147 = 68 sales That is 35 LESS sales you have to make in order to achieve your goal of $10,000.

Note: This is assuming you had only a $50.00 upsell on your order page.

Special Note On Product Pricing

This is a perfect time to fill you in on a secret of product pricing. Unless you are capable of moving thousands of $19.95 priced products, this is not the proper price point for you. Now, I do have a friend you may probably know, Jimmy D. Brown of 123 webmarketing. Jimmy’s products are mostly in the $19.95 to $29.95 range, and he earns a substantial income month in and month out with these price points. YOU are not JIMMY!

Jimmy has built his business for many years and building a reputation and a customer base from which he can release a product and sell thousands of that product in a short period of time. You, on the other hand, are not going to sell thousands of your product out the gate. I don’t want to disappoint you, but let’s be realistic. If you have no following, no credibility, and no customer list, do you think you are going to sell thousands of your product the first month? Chances are no. Hey - don’t let me bring you down, here is the solution. A higher priced product. I firmly believe you shouldn’t sell your product for less than $97. Most people are scared to offer a product for this much, especially if it is an information product. Separate yourself from the crowd. People buy based on perceived value. Think about it, if one product costs, $19.95 and the second product costs $97.00, which product would you think is better? Do you see my point? I personally sell the majority of my products in the $97.00 range, which I believe to be still classified as an “impulse item” online. At $97.00 you would think I would be happy, and then Yanik Silver screwed up my whole frame of thinking. Look at how Yanik Silver Screwed Me Up! Many of you are probably already familiar with Yanik Silver and his many products like, Instant Sales Letters, or Web Copy Secrets or Instant Internet Profits. Yanik is a great marketer. I am on his mailing list just like many of you are. One day, I received an email from him, telling me he has recently revised his Instant Internet Profits course. Sounds normal and certainly I love upgrades. I then checked out his new sales letter and order form.

He just made me rethink my whole online marketing strategy! Why? Well, you have to know a little background. Yanik was selling the Instant Internet Profits course, which is awesome by the way, for $125. When I looked at the newly revised sales letter and order form, he raised the price to $247 and made it an offline delivered product. Hmmmm…. My mind started to wonder what his strategy was. Ok, he created a physical product, added tapes and many bonuses and increased the price to reflect this much added value he just added. He is now making $122 more for every customer he acquires from this one product. Wait a minute! I am selling my products for $97.00 and he is selling his product for $247. For every one sale he makes, I have to sell 2.5 products in order to make the same amount of money. I knew at that point I needed a higher priced product. Can you see the value of pricing? Ok, I got off track. Let’s get back to the upsell. Methods To Create an Upsell Offer. There are two methods I have seen used... Some people use the upsell on the order page itself. Simply, when a person has made the commitment to order the product on the same page, there is an offer for an additional product or an upgrade to a more advanced version of the product. This can you can have or more items to upsell. Method Number Two: On second page of order process

This method is used by the customer first filling out their information and then clicking the submit button. The order is not immediately processed, but you now have their information and they are 100% COMMITTED. A new page comes up stating because they are ordering today, (a javascript can put in the current date) they are eligible for a ONE-TIME offer. You now state your offer and secondly, you give them two order buttons this time, one for the upsell offer and one for the standard offer.

Upsell Worksheet Name two products you have or own, which compliment each other. 1. 2. What is the total normal retail price of the two products above combined? ______________ What percentage of the SECOND product, are you willing to discount? ________________ What is the total amount of the two products minus the discount? ____________________ Now that we have that information, fill in the Upsell template below with the names and dollar amounts from above.

-------------------------------------- UPSELL TEMPLATE START -----------------------------------

Because You are Ordering Today, You Are Eligible For A... One-Time-Only Discounted Upgrade!

Since you are ordering today, you have the opportunity to INSTANTLY UPGRADE your <NAME OF PRODUCT ONE> purchase to include my amazing new <NAME OF PRODUCT TWO> with a savings of <INSERT PERCENTAGE> OFF of it's normal retail price.

This is a one-time offer only and will not be repeated EVER!

Not only will you be able to<WHAT PRODUCT ONE DOES OR TEACHES>, you will also be able to <WHAT PRODUCT TWO DOES OR TEACHES> with my amazing <NAME OF PRODUCT TWO>!

View details Here: <URL OF PRODUCT TWO>

When you accept this upgrade offer below will receive...



Both Amazing Products for ONLY <TOTAL DISCOUNTED PRICE>

Take advantage of this one time offer by simply clicking on the button below. You will be able to download both amazing products in just a few minutes.

I go into depth in another chapter about upsells and the reasoning and logic behind them. I even give you screen shots of what a proper upsell should look like. On this particular step, you would just insert your upsell information here. 11.) Upsell Button As I stated in step 10, refer to the upsell section of the course to learn more about upsells and what they can do for you. 12.) Audio on Order Page This has by far been the most significant factor in increasing the effectiveness of an order page. Here’s what we did. We added audio to an order page on audiogenerator and we simply told them what to do. Essentially we said… Fill out the order form and start using us today basically.

What we found out was literally amazing. We increased our conversion on our order page by over 450%. That’s 450% more profits just by adding an audio message to the order page. So my advice to you is to simply do it. It works and it has worked every single page I have used it on. To put audio on your order page go here! Conclusion

People are always asking me “how do you figure this stuff out?” And the answer is I test and track everything. I am going to say that again but just a little bit louder.

I Test And Track Everything! The one thing that I hope you take away from this report is that if you want to make serious money on the Internet, you have to test and track everything. What I want you to do next time you order something online is pay very close attention the steps that you have to go through to order the product. Then think to yourself “Why did I buy that product?” and study their system. Once you see what they are doing differently or you figure out the thing that made you buy that product use it! Take that step and test it with your own product or service. Track the results to see if it works or not for you. Testing and tracking is easiest way to raise your conversion on your:

• Sales letter • Name and email capture page • Order page • Newsletter • And anything else you use in your sales process

To Check Out The Tracking System That I Personally Use Click Here… That’s it - now you have all 12 elements to get maximum conversion from the order page process and reduce abandonment to a minimum. The key to making this work for you is implementation. It’s not enough to know about these strategies and techniques. You have to actually apply them yourself to your sites and your businesses in order to benefit from it.

To your success,

Kevin J. Rohan Kevin J. Rohan P.S. If you would like to get more great tips and tricks like this check out my “Internet Boot Camp”

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