“Daily Lectionary Readings” Annual Parish Աստվածաշնչական ... · We treasure your...

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Transcript of “Daily Lectionary Readings” Annual Parish Աստվածաշնչական ... · We treasure your...

Badarak - 10:00am Sunday School – 10:30am

UPCOMING EVENTS Առաջիկա Միջոցառումներ

Sunday, February 12, 2017, at 1 pm - Annual Parish Assembly (Snow date Sunday, February 19, 2017) Saturday, April 22, 2017 Grand Opening Family Life and Cultural Center

Sunday, JANUARY 29, 2017 Rev. Fr. Vart Gyozalian - Pastor




“Daily Lectionary Readings”

Աստվածաշնչական Ընթերցումներ

Isaiah 62:1-11. 2 Timothy 2:15-19. John 6:39-47

Third Sunday after Nativity

Hokehankist Հոգեհանգիստ

For the souls of Richard Serabian (5 years), Charles & Beatrice Serabian requested by Robert Serabian, Mr. & Mrs. Edward

Mazmanian Jr., Mr. Aram Zemanian For the souls of Vartan & Oghaper Ellian, Angelo & Maria Vecchio & George Nigoghosian requested by Mr. and Mrs.

Robert Maksian and Family


Օրվա Աստուածաշնչական Ընթերցվածք 2 Timothy 2:15-17

15 Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved by

him, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly explaining the word of truth. 16 Avoid profane chatter, for it

will lead people into more and more impiety, 17 and their talk will spread like gangrene.


Այսօրվա Ավետարանը John 6:39-47

39 And this is the will of him who sent me, that I should lose nothing of all that he has given me, but raise it up on the last

day. 40 This is indeed the will of my Father, that all who see the Son and believe in him may have eternal life; and I will raise

them up on the last day.” 41 Then the Jews began to complain about him because he said,

“I am the bread that came down from heaven.” 42 They were saying, “Is not this Jesus, the son of Joseph, whose father and

mother we know? How can he now say, ‘I have come down from heaven’?” 43 Jesus answered them, “Do not complain among yourselves. 44 No one can come to me unless drawn by the

Father who sent me; and I will raise that person up on the last day. 45 It is written in the prophets, ‘And they shall all be taught by God.’ Everyone who has heard and learned from the Father comes to me. 46 Not that anyone has seen the Father except the

one who is from God; he has seen the Father. 47 Very truly, I tell you, whoever believes has eternal life.

Prayer List One of our most fundamental Christian responsibilities is to pray.

There is truly great power in prayer. During this Divine Liturgy and throughout this next week your prayers are requested:

For the spiritual growth of The Armenian Apostolic Church at Hye Pointe; For more young men to hear the Lord’s call to

service into the Holy Priesthood of the Armenian Church; For other young men and women also to hear God’s call to

serve His Church. For Unity of the Armenian Church and of all Churches. For the sick, homeless, hungry, the poor and

disabled; those in mourning, lonely or depressed; those experiencing emotional, physical or spiritual difficulties; For

those experiencing family, employment or financial difficulties; For the increase of love and understanding

among us all; For us all to gain a personal relationship with our Lord, Jesus Christ;

And especially for good health for: All our parishioners who are ill or in recovery

Prayer of the Week Now, look at your greatness, Lord most high, and then look at

my smallness. Accept this meager confession of my innumerable sins, you who see everything in its totality. And as you

overlooked the fall of the Rock, may you ignore my vacillation, a small grain of sand. And as you immediately pardoned him for his sins, when David said “I have sinned,” may you do the same with your long-suffering forbearance for the voice of my sighing

heart, which you grant to all generously and fairly, merciful creator of all. Like a good and judicious conqueror, who does not disdain me, the least of your captives, you did not destroy

me, but renewed me, who am sustained by your blood, compassionate Lord. For yours is salvation, from you is pardon,

and to you is befitting glory in all things forever. Amen.

Upcoming Hokehankist

Առաջիկա Հոկեհանգիստներ

Sunday, February 26, 2017 for the Soul of Michael (Manoog) Der Boghosian (1 year) requested by Mrs. Zarty Chilingirian, Arthur, Nicholas & Andrew Chilingirian, Linda & Al Pooler

ALTAR DONATIONS Նվիրատվություններ Սուրբ Խորանին

Altar flowers & candles in memory of Charles & Beatrice Serabian from Robert Serabian


Նվիրատվություններ Սուրբ Խորանին Parishioners requesting Altar Flowers and Candles for any

occasion or Sunday should approach a member of the Parish Council for an Altar Flower or Candle Donation form. Name of the donor will be listed in the weekly Bulletin and Newsletter. Requests for the Altar Donations can also be done by calling or

emailing the Church.


Աղօթքի Խնդրանք Heartfely get well prayers for all who are ill from – Mike & Sona Naroian Get well prayers for all who are ill from – Bea Ohanian Prayers & get well wishes for all who are ill from – Eva Naroian Special prayers & get well wishes for all who are ill from – M/M John Mosto, Paul & Linda Doherty Special prayers & get well wishes for Richard Naroian, Rose Q. Azarian & for all those who are ill from – M/M Jerry Gostanian

Name Day

Անվանակոչության օր

Grigoris, Kirakos, Vahan, Gregory

Donations for Hokehankist Հոգեհանգիստյան Նվիրատվություններ

For the Soul of Jeannine Thomassian Tomaselli from – Annette DerMinassian, Emmanuel Baghdayan, Louis &

Suzanne Heliotis, Michael & Catherine Ramalho, Nicholas & Ashley, Michael & Ann Marie Stelman and Emily

For the Soul of Archbishop Mesrob Krikorian from – Larry & Alice Pahigian, Sylvia Tavitian, Mike & Sona

Naroian & Family, Bea Ohanian, Lu Sirmaian, Charles & Carol Bazarian, M/M John Mosto, M/M Mel Menasian,

Paul & Linda Doherty, Katherine Meranian

For the Soul of Mary Sarkisian (3 years) from - Mike & Cheryl Raymond and David & Susan Sarkisian, Gale &

Paul Cifra, Mike & Sona Naroian & Family, Larry & Alice Pahigian, Sylvia Tavitian, Bea Ohanian, Melanee Naroian,

John & Stephanie Naroian, Eva Naroian, M/M Richard Avedisian, M/M Brad Jones, Lu Sirmaian, Charles & Carol Bazarian, M/M John Mosto, M/M Mel Menasian, Robert Serabian, Paul & Linda Doherty, M/M Jerry Gostanian,

M/M Gary Townsend, Annette DerMinassian, Emmanuel Baghdayan, Katherine Meranian

Dear Parishioners,

We treasure your enthusiasm and curiosity regarding the new construction at The Armenian Apostolic Church at Hye Pointe. However, this is an active construction jobsite requiring health and safety compliance. We kindly request that you refrain from visiting the site during normal working hours (Monday - Friday 7am - 6pm). During this construction phase the property is controlled by and the responsibility of Channel Building Company, since they are liable for any damages or injuries until the project is completed in late January 2017. If you would like to take a tour of the building, please contact Myles Couyoumjian at 978-852-2959 cell or myles.couyoumjian@franke.com. He will be happy to meet you at the site and escort you onto the property. We appreciate your patience, cooperation, and understanding over these next five months. please watch the weekly bulletins and website for upcoming scheduled fellowship gatherings at the site"


The Armenian Apostolic Church at Hye Pointe has developed an option for those who wish to make a donation to their church in the

form of stocks, bonds, mutual funds or other securities. The church has established a brokerage account and for those

individuals who wish to make such a donation. The church will benefit by the donation, and you as the donor will receive a tax deduction for your donation. It is a win – win for both

your church and yourself. Please contact a Parish Council for more details if you are interested.

Church Office: 978-372-9227

St. Vahan of Goghten

Vahan of Goghten was the son of Prince Khosrov, the Governor of the

province of Goghten. In childhood, together with many other Armenian princes, he was captivated by the Arabs and was taken to

Damask, where is circumcised and renamed Vahab. Vahan was a very clever and skilled young man. Receiving proper education he undertook various responsibilities in the royal court.

Despite the fact that he was brought up and educated in Arabic environment, Vahan knew about his ancestors. He hadn’t forgotten that he had been Christian and came from a noble family. In 719 AD

The Armenian Pontiff Hovhannes of Odzoun paid a visit to the Governor of Damask, and upon his request the Governor allowed the captives to return to their homeland. Taking the opportunity Vahan

also expressed wish to visit his homeland and was allowed on condition of returning. Reaching Armenia, Vahan became aware of the Governor’s death and took a decision to remain in his homeland. He married the daughter of the Prince Babken, the Governor of Syounik province, and lived there. However, the New Governor of Damask

began the searches for Vahan. The latter concealing himself, wandered in his homeland, in Georgia, visited many churches and monasteries

and finally stopped in the town Routsap, in Syria. Rejecting the governor’s suggestion to change his faith, he was martyred in 737 AD.

On the day of the saint’s commemoration a special church hymn is sung, the author of which is his sister Khosrovidoukht.

Dinner to Benefit The Armenian Apostolic Church at Hye Pointe

On Saturday, January 21, the Roman Catholic Sacred

Hearts Parish in Bradford, MA, hosted a dinner to help raise funds for the construction project underway at the

nearby Hye Pointe Armenian Church. The dinner was held at the Sacred Hearts School auditorium as part of the Week

of Prayer for Christian Unity. “It was a wonderful evening of both churches coming

together in fellowship, joy, and love,” said the Rev. Fr. Vart Gyozalian, pastor of Hye Pointe Church, which currently

holds services at the Sacred Hearts chapel. This is the second fundraiser organized by Sacred Hearts Parish for the Hye Pointe Church. During the Christmas

season, the Catholic parish sold ornaments to benefit their neighbor congregation.

Weekly Wisdom

Are you seeking God's presence or His presents? You can learn a lot about what you want simply by examining

what you are praying for. King David said, One thing I ask of the Lord ... (Psalm 27:4). He had just one thing that was important to him -- just one thing! Are you begging God for many things, or are you asking Him for just that one thing: ... that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the

LORD and to seek him in his temple" (Psalm 27:4)? In that psalm, David was praying that he would dwell in God's presence and seek Him. Notice that his prayer had nothing to

do with getting more worldly things from God. So, instead of begging God to give you more worldly things, pray that you would dwell in the house of the Lord, knowing

that when you seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, ... all these things will be given to you as well (Matthew 6:33).

When you seek God, He promises to take care of all the things you need! Start seeking God's presence, and He will give you

His presents.