Antonio (Thesis) New

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Transcript of Antonio (Thesis) New



A ThesisPresented to

The Faculty of the Graduate SchoolUniversity of the Immaculate Conception

Davao City

In Partial FulfilmentOf the Requirements for the Degree ofMaster of Arts Major in Mathematics


March 2011CHAPTER 1



Mathematics is a basic skill needed that every person must

acquire to survive in this world. However, according to Abel,

Mathematics is not something that we normally associate with

sublime beauty. The way mathematics is taught, it is a subject

that many people would prefer to avoid because they find it

difficult .

Some pupils are not comfortable with mathematics and are

not confident about their mathematical ability and that any skills

that they have gained are irrelevant. Some pupils see

mathematics as something to be avoided and that the

mathematics program must be considered to have failed them

(Riedesel, et. Al, 1996) .

In international setting, based on 2007 Trends in

International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) and 2009

National Assessment of Education Progress (NAEP) showed major

deficiencies in students’ learning in mathematics. Students

showed a basic lack of understanding. Most could not solve even

straightforward problems.

Based on the TIMSS previous results (1995, 1999 and

2003), the Philippines is lagging behind its neighboring Asian

countries. In the 1995 TIMSS, the Philippines ranked 39th in Math

out of 42 participating countries. In 1999, the Philippines ranked

third to the last for math. In 2003 TIMSS, the Philippine ranked

41st in Math among the 42 participants. Very alarming since the

Philippines is second to the last when in terms of mathematical

ability. In 2007 TIMSS, the Philippines did not join because of its

low rate.

The quality elementary education in the Philippines has

deteriorated over the years as indicated by the low achievement

rates of students in 2007 especially in Math which is 64.81% only.

It is very low compared to the desired 75% cut-off score.

Meanwhile, the quality of secondary education is not far from that

of the elementary level as indicated by the poor performance of

4th year students in the National Achievement Test (NAT) in 2006

in all subjects particularly in math with Mean Percentage Scores

only of 44% .

In local scene, the quality education especially in Math in

Mindanao is in a dismal state requiring immediate attention from

educational leaders.

The report of Tony Rimando (2009) revealed that the

region’s performance in both elementary and secondary National

Achievement Tests (NATs) is not impressive. The Grade 6 pupils

scored lowest in Math, garnering only a mean percentage score

of 62.6 percent. The secondary level also registered a dismal

academic performance as it posted an unimpressive mps of 41.4

percent in Mathematics .

In the Grade School Department of the University of the

Immaculate Conception, through the results of the 2010 RVM

National Achievement Test, showed that the three levels – grades

four, five and six need to focus more on the instruction in

Mathematics since it has the lowest average percentage rate

compared to English and Science.

It is for this reason that the researcher conducted this study

to find out how to improve the Math proficiency of our


Statement of the Problem

The purpose of this study was to determine the influence

relationship of the academic performance Math on the RVM Math

Achievement Test Results of the grade five pupils of the

University of the Immaculate Conception the school year 2009-


More specifically, the study seeks answers to the following


1.)What is the level of the academic performance of Grades

Four , Five

And Six pupils in Math?

2.) What is the level of performance of the three

levels in RVM

Achievement Test in math?

3.) Is there a significant relationship between the academic

performance of

the pupils and RVM Achievement Test Results in math?

4.) Do academic performance of the three levels significantly

contribute on

the RVM Achievement Test results in math?

Null Hypotheses

Ho: There is no significant relationship between the academic

performance of the pupils and RVM Achievement Test Results in


Ho: Academic performance of the intermediate pupils do not

significantly contribute on the RVM Achievement Test results in


Theoretical and Conceptual Framework

This study is anchored on the theory of constructivism

advanced by Piaget and Vygotsky . According to them,

constructivism is a theory about knowledge and learning.

Constructivism is basically a theory – based on observation and

scientific study – about how people learn. It says that people

construct their own understanding and knowledge of the world,

through experiencing things and reflecting on those experiences.

When we encounter something new, we have to reconcile it with

our previous ideas and experience, maybe changing what we

believe, or maybe discarding the new information as irrelevant. In

any case, we are active creators of our own knowledge. To do

this, we must ask questions, explore and assess what we know. In

Mathematics, students need to construct their own understanding

of each mathematical concept, so that the primary role of

teaching is not to lecture, explain, or otherwise attempt to

transfer mathematical knowledge, but to create situations for

students that will foster them in making the necessary mental

constructions. Constructivism suggests that math knowledge

results from people forming models in response to the questions

and challenges that come from actively engaging math problems

and environments not from simply taking in information, nor as

merely the blossoming of an innate gift. The challenge in

teaching is to create experiences that engage the student and

support his or her own explanation, evaluation, communication

and application of the mathematical models needed to make

sense of the experiences.

Thus, in this study, the independent variable is the

academic performance of the intermediate level in mathematics,

the dependent variable is the RVM math Achievement Test.

Figure 1 : The Conceptual Paradigm of the Study

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study is confined within the bounds of the levels of

academic performance in Math and their RVM Math Achievement

Test of the Grades Four, Five and Six pupils of the University of

the Immaculate Conception in the academic year 2009-2010.






The respondents of the study were further delimited using

the stratified proportional random sampling to 237 intermediate

pupils of the University of the Immaculate Conception enrolled in

the academic year 2009-2010. Furthermore, the study was

delimited in measuring the pupils’ performance according to the

coverage of the grade five Mathematics as prescribed by the

Religious of the Virgin Mary (RVM) Commission on Education and

with the minimum learning competencies set by the Department

of Education.

This study begins from December 2010-March 2011.

Significance of the Study

With an intent to ascertain the relationship between the

level of academic performance of the Grade Five pupils in Math

and the RVM

Math Achievement Test results, the researcher hopes that the

study will benefit the school, administrators, teachers, parents

and pupils.

School Administrators. The result of the study shall be of

benefit to the administrators because somehow through this

study they can specify necessary curricula, practices, skills,

attitudes, and policies that are appropriate in enhancing the

learning competencies of the learners and the quality instructions

of the teachers.

Teachers. The result of this study can help the teachers

level up their trainings, skills and knowledge to improve and

highlight quality education for Mathematics .

Parents . The findings of this study will serve as an eye

opener for the parents to dedicate their efforts in guiding,

monitoring and supporting their children’s learning and

achievement .

Pupils. The findings derived from the study will give them

insights on how to engage in classroom discourse and activities

and social interaction to improve their academic performance in

Mathematics .

Definition of Terms

The following terms were defined conceptually and

operationally for further understanding of the study.

Academic Performance- It refers to how students deal

with their studies and how they cope with or accomplish different

tasks given to them by their teachers. It is also the ability to

study and remember facts and being able to communicate

verbally or down on paper.

Achievement- Measure of the effects of a specific

program of program or instruction (Anastasi, 1997) . In this study,

achievement was measured by the RVM Math Achievement Test.

RVM National Achievement Test – It is the test

conducted annually by the Religious of the Virgin Mary sisters

(RVM). It is composed of three subject areas; Science, math and

English with 50 items in each test.

This measures the competencies of the Grades four, five

and six pupils of the RVM Schools nationwide.

MPS – It means Mean Percentage Score. This indicates the

ratio between the number of correctly answered items and the

total number of test questions or the percentage of correctly

answered items in a test.



This chapter is a presentation of the researcher’s related

literature and studies aided the researcher in organizing and

formulating the theoretical framework of this study. The salient

feature of the gathered information was realized through the

various readings in the library and internet surfing. Consequently,

the ideas and concepts acquired herein have helped posit the


The Meaning of Mathematics

What is Mathematics? Mathematics is commonly defined as

the study of patterns of structure, change and space; more

informally, one might say, it is the study of figures and numbers.

Mathematics is many things to many people. The more we

know what people believe mathematics is all about, the better we

will be able to communicate with them. More important, the

better we understand mathematics, the better we’ll be able to

help children learn.


It is important how the achievement was measured before

the conclusions can be drawn .

More often than that, standardized test scores are used to

determine how well students are doing in school.

In recent years, testing programs have increased (Kamii,

1990) . Raising scores and having a good appearance are the

goals of most schools because newspapers and other media rank

schools and district by test scores. Other facet of society also rely

on these test scores to determine the best schools.

Gardner (1993) agrees that academic achievement should

be measured .

Academic Performance

According to Michelle Bell, although, education is not the

only road to success in the working world, much efforts is made

to identify, evaluate, track and encourage the progress of

students in schools. Parents care about their child’s academic

performance because they believe good academic results will

provide more career choices and job security. Schools, though

invested in fostering good academic habits for the same reason,

are also influenced by concerns about the school’s reputation and

the possibility of monetary government institutions, which can

hinge on the overall academic performance of the school. State

and federal departments of education are charged with improving

schools, and so devise methods of measuring success in order to

create plans for improvement.

In the past, academic performance was often measured

more by ear than today. Teachers’ observations made up the

bulk of the assessment, and today’s summation, or numerical,

method of determining how well a student is performing is a fairly

recent invention. Grading systems came into existence and were

initially criticized due to high subjectivity. Different teachers

valued different aspects of learning more highly than others, and

although some standardization was attempted in order to make

the system more fair, the problem continued. Today, changes

have been made to incorporate differentiation for individual

students’ abilities, and exploration of alternate methods of

measuring performance is ongoing.

The tracking of academic performance fulfills a number of

purposes. Areas of achievement and failure in a student’s

academic career need to be evaluated in order to foster

improvement and make full use of the learning process. Results

provide framework for talking about how students fare in school,

and a constant standard to which all students are held.

Performance results also allow students to be ranked and sorted

on a scale that is numerically obvious, minimizing complaints by

holding teachers and schools accountable for the components of

each and every grade.

Performance in school is evaluated in a number of ways. For

regular grading, students demonstrate their knowledge by taking

written and oral tests, performing presentations, turning in

homework and participating in class activities and discussions.

Teachers evaluate in the form of letter or number grades and

side notes, to describe how well a student has done. At the state

level, students are evaluated by their performance on

standardized tests geared toward specific level and based on a

set of achievements students in each age group are expected to

meet like that of the RVM Math Achievement Test.

Achievement Test

Achievement is a measure of what a person has learned

within or up to a given time (Yaremko et al. 1982). It is a measure

of the accomplished skills and indicates what a person can do at

the present (Atkinson 1995). Kimball (1989) explained the

differences between traditional and alternative views in the

achievement of students in Mathematics. He noted that the

greater number of courses taken by students and their more

extensive classroom experience with Mathematics outside the

classroom may give them an advantage. The advantage is in the

knowledge of Mathematics which gives them increased

confidence when taking standardized tests. Moreover,

extracurricular Mathematics activities may facilitate class

learning. Having more mathematics-related experiences may

increase students’ performance on standardized either directly or

indirectly. Greater experience with mathematics may provide

specific knowledge such as algorithms that can be used to solve

problems. Indirectly, greater experience may facilitate

performance through general familiarity with mathematical

thinking and increased confidence. Another explanation in the

achievement of mathematics is the autonomous approach in

learning that facilitates performance on standardized tests, which

require one to apply or generalize mathematics knowledge to a

new or familiar problem. On the other hand, there are other

students who take rote to learning approach to mathematics that

proves to be advantageous in the classroom exams. These

differing styles of learning facilitate performance on different

kinds of achievement measures. Another way of explaining the

performance of students is the novelty or familiarity of the

situations. There are students who are motivated to do well and

are confident when dealing with familiar situations, but become

less confident when dealing with novel materials. Thus, they do

better on mathematics examinations that cover relatively more

familiar topics, but they do less well on standardized test that are

more likely to contain novel topics. On the other hand, there are

students who are motivated to do well and are more confident

when dealing with novel or challenging situations but are less

motivated to perform well when faced with familiar situations.

Thus, they do well on standardized test, which offer more

challenges, but do less well on classroom exams. This

explanation rests on the assumption that standardized tests are

relatively more novel and unfamiliar than classroom

examinations. They are more novel in two ways: the standardized

test is a more novel situation because it occurs less often and

sometimes is administered by a stranger. Occasionally, the

standardized test is given outside the class time and in a strange

environment. On the other hand, the classroom examinations are

taken several times within a course with the same group of

people, are given by the same person, and occur in the same

physical environment. Second, the materials or problems on a

standardized test are more likely to be novel or unfamiliar to the

students taking the test. Standardized exams are not designed to

cover what has been learned in class. A ‘fair test’ in the

classroom emphasizes what have been taught. In this case, the

students may be given hints or information about how to prepare

for a traditional classroom exam.

Moreover, achievement testing is a big concern for

educators and parents today. Whether children attend public,

private or home schools, parents hope this test will give them big


Achievement tests are designed to allow to demonstrate the

academic proficiency of the children and they are also reliable

measure of the child’s and school performance.

On the other hand, the RVM Math Achievement Test is an

annual examination administered to all RVM schools throughout

the country to determine the achievement level, strengths and

weaknesses in Math.

The study of Alicante (2009) and Garao (2006) were related

to this study since they dealt on the deteriorating quality

education especially in mathematics.



This chapter presents the research methodology, the

respondents involved in the data, sampling procedure, the

researcher instruments, data gathering procedures and the

statistical treatment that were used.

Researcher Method

A descriptive correlation method of research with the use of

data on the academic performance in Math and the use of the

RVM National Achievement Test conducted by the Grades Four,

Five and Six was applied in this study. The goal is the acquisition

of the factual, accurate and systematic data that can be used in

averages, frequencies and similar statistical calculations. A

descriptive method of research is a fact-finding approach which

studies the nature and status of a group of persons, objects, a

class of events, conditions and others. It also describes records,

analyzes and interprets gathering data. In a correlation method, a

relationship between variables is determined (Aquino, 1974) .

Correlation is one of the most common and useful statistics.

It is a single number that describes the degree of relationship

between two variables. Good (1963) defines correlation as the

tendency for corresponding observations in two or more series to

very together from the averages of their respective series, that

is, to have similar positions.

Research Locale

This study was conducted at the University of the

Immaculate Conception Grade School Department Bajada, Davao

City. Davao City where the school is situated is young romantic

city in the Philippines. It is one of the most beautiful cities in Asia.

It is cosmopolitan and metro lifestyle. The area of Davao City is

2,443.61 square kilometres. It is divided into 3 congressional

districts, which are further divided into 11 administrative districts

containing a total of 184 barangays.

Davao City is approximately 588 miles (946km) statute

miles southeast of Manila, 971 kilometers (524 nmi) by the sea.

Davao City is typhoon-free due to its location. The city

enjoys a weather that balmy all year round.

Moreover, it is very accessible and is the gateway to the

Brunei-Indonesia-Malaysia-Philippines East Asia Growth Area or


The University of the Immaculate Conception formerly

known as Immaculate Conception College is the first catholic

school in the island of Mindanao founded in 1905 by the

Congregation of the Religious of the Virgin Mary sisters (RVM). It

has three campuses; the main, the annex and Bajada where the

grade school and high school are held.

The study is conducted at the Grade School Department of

the UIC which is located in J.P Laurel Bajada Davao City. It is

situated in a seven hectare lot, four kilometres away from the

city proper. Since it is away from the city, its place is very

conducive for learning because it is also free from the pollution

and noise of the roads more than that it is also very well-

ventilated and it has rooms full of attractive decoration. At

present, the Grade School Department has a total population of

1,289 from Kindergarten to Grade Six. There are 41 teachers, 4

coordinators and a principal.

Respondents of the Study

There were 196 Grade Five pupils in the University of the

Immaculate Conception involved in this study who served as

respondents. A universal sampling technique was used since

there were only five sections of the Grade Five. These pupils

represented the whole population of the Grade Five classes.

Sources of data

The data used in this study was obtained from the following:

1) Final Rating in Mathematics 5

The average rating in Mathematics for the four grading

periods of the academic year 2009-2010 that the pupils received

was taken as a measure of their academic achievement in



100-95 Excellent

94-90 Very High Level

89-85 High Level

84-80 Average Level

79-75 Low Level

74-70 Very Poor Level

2) RVM Math Achievement Test Result

The RVM Achievement Test was used to evaluate the

performance of the pupils’ respondents in math. The test is

conducted annually by the Religious of the Virgin Mary. It is

composed of three subject areas namely: Math, Science and

English with 50 items in each test. The RVM Achievement Test

was subjected to expert consultation that measures the

competencies in grade four, five and six pupils of the RVM

schools nationwide.

Research Procedure

The researcher followed the given steps.

1. Seeking permission from the principal to conduct the study.

2. Obtaining the results of the RVM Math Achievement Test

administered to the Grade five pupils from the Guidance Office.

3. Securing the final rating in Mathematics of the Grade Five

pupils from

the Registrar’s Office.

4. Tabulating, analyzing and interpreting the data

Statistical Treatment

The following descriptive statistics such as mean and

standard deviation were used to interpret the data. The Person-r

was used to test the relationship between the academic

performance in Mathematics and the result in the RVM Math

Achievement Test.

1. Mean – is a central value of a group of observation of

individuals. It is

obtain by dividing the sum of all the scores with the total


2. Person r – correlation tells the magnitude and direction of the

association between variables and the varied on an

interval or

ration scale.

All the interpretations were based on = 0.05 level of

significance using the two-tailed test.



In this chapter, the data gathered are presented, analyzed

and interpreted. The discussion in this chapter follows the

sequence below.

a. Level of Pupils’ Academic Performance in Mathematics by


b. Profile of Pupils’ Performance Based on the Scaled Ability

Score in RVM Math Achievement Test by class

c. The Relationship of the Academic Performance and the

result in the RVM Math Achievement Test

d. The relationship of the Academic Performance and the RVM

Math Achievement Test Result when the pupils are grouped

according to their IQ Level

e. The Relationship of the Academic Performance and the

Result in the RVM Math Achievement Test when pupils are

grouped according to their sex.

A. Level of Pupils’ Achievement in Mathematics

Table 1 that follows, shows the performance of the Grade

Five pupils in Mathematics by class.

Table 1

Level of Pupils’ Academic Performance in Mathematics By Class


Mother of Christ

Mother of Divine Grace

Mother of Good


Mother of Mercy

Mother of Perpetual


Over all Mean Average Level

Table 1 shows that among the five sections


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87.50 87.75 86.50 85.25 78.0082.00 80.25 82.50 83.00 86.0084.50 75.75 88.2584.00 80.00 80.7589.50


Mother of Christ

Mother of Divine Grace

Mother of Mercy

Mother of Good


Mother of Perpetual

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