ANOINTING OIL - Three Hearts Church

Post on 17-Mar-2022

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Transcript of ANOINTING OIL - Three Hearts Church

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I was talking to Pastor Erustus about anointing oil because of our unique situation

with being an online ministry.

Pastor about the anointing oil, yes if one has no spiritual leader or truth preaching church around, they can pray and anoint their homes, houses, other property etc. to break the yokes of the devil but this is to be done prayerfully through the leading of the Holy Ghost.

Isaiah 10:27 - And it shall come to pass in that day, that his burden shall be taken away from off thy shoulder, and his yoke from off thy neck, and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing.

The anointing here spoken of was because of the promise made to that earthly kingdom, Israel, whereby Christ’s Kingdom was prefigured. In this passage, God would see to it that they were released from captivity in Babylon because of His covenant with them. In the Old Testament kings, priests and prophets were anointed with oil, to mark them as set apart and consecrated to the Lord for His service.

Today, those who have accepted Jesus as their Savior and live obedient lives are anointed spiritually by God’s Holy Spirit. For us as Christians, God’s Holy Spirit is

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His anointing that lives inside of us and breaks the yoke of bondage that satan had on us.

1 John 2:20 - But ye have an unction (anointing) from the Holy One, and ye know all things (you all know the truth).

The anointing spoken of here is the Holy Spirit and He is the One Who teaches us and tells us the truth. He gives us revelation of God’s Word and helps us to live righteous lives.

Pastor continues: Praying and anointing items, property, the sick must always be done by those with a calling, especially the five-fold Ministries calling. (Mentioned in Eph.4:11) The devil and his demons always react back or counter attack so if one does not have a legal authority in the spiritual realm, they may be hit back or no positive results will be experienced. It should be done by mature, prayerful and called ministers not just anybody.

This next passage of scripture is where God is giving Moses instructions on how to anoint the tabernacle and the instruments and furniture used in service to God.

Exodus 40:9-11 - And thou shalt take the anointing oil, and anoint the tabernacle, and all that is therein, and shalt hallow it, and all the vessels thereof: and it shall be holy. And thou shalt anoint the altar of the burnt offering, and all his (its) vessels, and sanctify the altar: and it shall be an altar most holy. And thou shalt anoint the laver and his (its) foot, and sanctify it.

This is where we learn the concept of anointing our homes and property, things that we possess. As children of God’s we want the things we have to be under His protection and blessing. To be dedicated to Him as we are His children. This act is recognized in the spirit realm. Imagine a golden glow around your property and home and all that you possess because you anointed it and lifted it up to God. It puts the spirit realm on notice. Remember witches and luciferians astral project. They go freely in and out of homes that don’t serve God, that don’t have His anointing on them.

Pastor said: Remember families, individuals, homes or places etc. have altars. Each altar has a ruling spirit (god) and the altar always is served by a priest whether godly or ungodly. Alters finally are activated by sacrifices which are only administered by the ordained minister. So people must be careful with handling

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spiritual activities allowed only for the called & ordained ministers. There are boundaries we must keep in check.

Lastly, we have to know that God is not limited and He knows our circumstances or situations. That is why one must be very prayerful, filled and remain in His word always so that before we do anything, let it be God led, otherwise we will see no positive results or one may be attacked badly.

That's my mind Pastor. God bless you.


About anointing the sick, personally I think should be done by those with authority or calling. The devil respects and honors those in legal authority. Jesus said all believers can lay hands on the sick but not all can anoint others. In the Bible only those with a calling or in authority can anoint others. James 5:14 says if one is sick should call the elders of the church to pray and anoint the sick. Elders in the early church were leaders in the church, that is people in authority.

So if you are in a church, the Pastor or church leaders can anoint you and pray for you. Christians can lay hands on you and be in agreement with the prayer they offer up for your healing. This is the correct way to handle this in a corporate setting.

I attended a church where anyone was allowed to come up and lay hands on the person. Even the pastor of that church would allow people to come and lay hands on him and pray over him before service. Praying for God to anoint him and the message. That was wrong. As the Pastor, the only people that should be laying hands on him praying that kind of prayer are only those of equal calling or those in the 5-fold ministry calling. No one else. Not to mention the fact that anyone walking through the church doors were allowed to join in. Witches could easily join in that group. When you have people mixing in who are not saved and possibly even witches it is going to hinder the prayer, hinder the anointing.

Let’s talk about the oil itself. It represents the Holy Spirit. Think about the 10 virgins with oil in their lamps and the wise ones had extra oil in their vessels. That’s a picture of the Holy Spirit.

Be careful about what oil you use. We are living in times where nothing is pure. The luciferians have taken over everything. They market everything even supposed Christian products are made by luciferians. That way they can put their

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spells on it, curse it and work their magic over it. It will be their potions that Christians are applying to themselves. The witches hope that it will do just the opposite. Not bring healing but more harm and destruction and even the presence of demons. This is what they are hoping for.

They have been at full on war against us in all of this and we have not known it. Thank You Jesus for Your mercy and protection to us when we are in ignorance of these things.

On the left is anointing oil from Jerusalem. That is not the star of David. On the right you can see whose star that is. It is satan’s star.

Acts 7:43 - Yea, ye took up (carried) the tabernacle of Moloch, and the star of your god Remphan, figures (images) which ye made to worship them: and I will carry you away beyond Babylon (I will send you into exile as far away as Babylon).

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Surely this is for witches only. Surely Christians would at least recognize that it has a witchcraft star – a pentagram on it. It says all purpose blessing and anointing altar oil. The witches anoint for satanic power and satan’s blessing on their altars and in their magic.

Hebrews 1:9 - Thou hast loved righteousness, and hated iniquity; therefore God, even Thy God, hath anointed Thee with the oil of gladness above Thy fellows.

New Living Translation You love justice and hate evil. Therefore, O God, your God has anointed you, pouring out the oil of joy on you more than on anyone else.”

This is talking about God the Father placing a special anointing on Jesus Christ, even above His companions and one commentary said this seems to mean above other earthly kings.

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Oil of Gladness, anointing oil for prayer. This one has the sun symbol, and the dove. To the luciferians that is for baal or nimrod and ashtaroth. It seems cheapened down to market it as if you can just get what God did for Jesus in a bottle.

These all say “Oil of Joy.” Each one has a different scent: Rose of Sharon, Lily of the Valley, Pomegranate, Myrrh, Spikenard, Frankincense. So we can see that merchants have drawn that phrase into their marketing. The Chaldean word for heart is baal, the cross is for Tammus and the dove is a symbol for Asherah or Ashtaroth.

If you don’t have a true Christian pastor or spiritual leader near you, and you buy these oils, then do spiritual warfare over them. Be sure you are saved and living an obedient life, that you truly belong to Christ and are living right before God ask forgiveness of your sins.

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Then speak out that you bind all curses, spells, witchcraft, hexes, vexes, conjurings, voodoo, hoodoo, mean spirited prayers, hateful spoken words and demonic attachments – cast them out in Jesus’ name. Put the spirit realm on notice and say that you trample on serpents and scorpions in the name of Jesus Christ and nothing by any means shall harm you because you are in the hands of Jesus Christ. He has given you this power and authority in His name. You are a blood bought child of the Most High and Living God and have been redeemed from satan’s hand. Plead the blood of Jesus Christ over the oil and over yourself and all that you have and all that pertains to you.

You can also buy your oil at the grocery store. I get extra virgin, first cold pressed

olive oil (cold pressed is purer). I would buy a small bottle or have your own

container that you pour a little into because it will go bad and stink when it gets


Once you have your oil, it needs to be blessed. You do this yourself only if your pastor or spiritual leader is not close by. Be sure you are saved and living an obedient life, that you truly belong to Christ and are living right before God ask forgiveness of your sins.

Then by the leading of the Holy Spirit you lift the oil up to God and ask His blessing over it. If you are a christian man, then as the spiritual leader of the household, you are the one to seek God’s blessing over the anointing oil.

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Ask Him to bless it and sanctify it for your use. Once you do this, this oil is holy and not to be used as common oil, it is not to be used for cooking or any other purpose except those which pertain to God and Christianity.

To bless the oil to be used for anointing oil is to proclaim it to be so. Holding the

bottle you just ask God to bless and place His anointing on the oil by His Spirit and

that everything that you bless with this oil would be spiritually sanctified, blessed

and protected by God’s empowerment.

You might say something like this: Dear Heavenly Father, I thank You for Your

Word and for the knowledge of anointing oil through Your Word and by Your

Spirit. I thank You for my salvation through Jesus Christ and that by being saved

Your Spirit lives inside of me. I thank You for these gifts to me and I praise You

Father. You alone are God and You are worthy of all my praise. I bless Your Holy

Name. I realize that I do not stand in one of the 5-fold ministry offices but my

pastor or spiritual leader is not near me. I ask You to extend Your mercy to me as

I ask You to anoint and bless this oil by Your Spirit and I ask that all that I apply

this oil to would be sanctified, protected and blessed by Your empowerment.

At this point before you go any further and even if you aren’t going to anoint your

home, as a Christian you need to clean out your home and life from all ungodly

items. Get rid of ungodly movies, books, jewelry, clothing, objects, artwork,

posters, souvenirs, Disney toys and ungodly toys, superhero anything – that is

fallen angels and nephilim – get it out, pagan holiday decorations etc. Burn these

things if you can, destroy them and otherwise throw them in the trash. Don’t give

them to anyone else and don’t take them to goodwill or a resale shop. You don’t

want to taint anyone else’s life. As you do this, ask God for forgiveness for

spending your time and money on these things. For being in covenant with these

things and allowing satan into your life, your family’s life and into your home by

owning these things. Repent.

People that are wanting deliverance – this will be a HUGE deliverance in your life.

***If you are a baby Christian, I do not suggest you anoint your home. You need

time to grow in faith and in God’s Word. And even then, only do this if you feel

led by the Holy Spirit to do so.***

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If you feel sure of your walk with Christ and you have heeded this warning not to enter into anointing your home and possessions lightly then you might do the following:

Say: In Jesus’ name I command all evil spirits out of this home. I bind all spirits

that do not bow the knee to Jesus Christ and I command you out of this home.

You have no place in this home in Jesus’ name. I cover my home and all that is

within it in the blood of Jesus’ Christ.

Then lift up a prayer to God and ask His blessing on your home. Let the Holy Spirit

lead your prayer.

Then go room by room. Speak out in each room. Say: In Jesus’ name I command

all evil spirits out of this room. I plead the blood of Jesus Christ over this room

and all that is in it.

Take your oil and ANOINT EVERYTHING – doors, windows, closets, walls and floors

in the name of Jesus’ Christ. Just dip your finger in the oil and apply it as you say I

anoint this room in the name of Jesus’ Christ.

Speak out blessings or Scripture or whatever the Holy Spirit leads you to speak

over each room as you go. You can say something like this: Lord, in the name of

Jesus Christ I bless this door,(door jam, window sill, baseboard, floor, closet etc.)

May Your Holy Spirit flow through and fill this room with Your Spirit. In the name

of Jesus Christ, Father, bless, sanctify and purge this room of anything that is of a

wrong spirit. In the name of Jesus Christ I ask for Your peace and joy to inhabit

this room. Or whatever you feel led to speak out.

As you go through your home, continue to speak out blessings over your home:

Father fill this home with Your Holy Spirit.

May Your Holy Spirit flow through and fill this home up with Your Spirit.

May Your holy angels take a stance against darkness in this home and may they

make a hedge of protection around this home.

Every article in this home including the building material is Yours.

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Also bless and anoint the outside of the home, the property in the same way as

inside of the home. Go outside and anoint with oil and bless the main land marks

within the boundary lines of your property.

If you have a huge property then walk the parameters of the main yard that you

maintain around your home, but as you pray over that area you can speak out

and dedicate everything within the boundary lines of your property from corner

post to corner post unto the Lord. Some of the landmarks you can bless are:

fence post, tree, the garage, a boundary stake, telephone pole, garden shed, gate


You can speak out things like this to bless your property:

Father, in Jesus Christ’s name I ask that You would sanctify everything within the

parameters of my property in that everything is made holy and has Your

protection on it.

Father, I dedicate this property to You and I ask that Your Holy Spirit would

continually flow over and perpetually bless this property.

In the name of Jesus Christ I ask that Your holy angels would guard over this

property and purge it of every form of evil that tries to come onto this property.

Father I bless this tree (shed, garage, fence post etc) in the name of Jesus Christ.

I offer everything on this property up to You and put it all in Your hands.

I claim every blade of grass on this property, every tree, every building etc. for the

Kingdom of God.

Everything here is Yours to govern.

Or whatever you feel led to speak.


James 5:14 – Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and

let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord:

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Mark 6:13 – And they cast out many devils, and anointed with oil many that were

sick, and healed them.

This last verse was when Jesus sent His 12 disciples out and gave them power

over unclean spirits. Verse 12 says they were preaching repentance. Notice the

impact of their preaching and the power that Jesus had given them over the

unclean spirits – the people were being healed and set free.

Pastor left off with this: Any one holding one of the 5 fold offices can anoint, all carry the legal authority . God has authority in His church and order and discipline. These are things to be handled by His ministers but in certain situations He will extend mercy as long as we are led by the Holy Spirit in all that we do. Pastor said: One can also pray and anoint the sick only if God moves them to do so.